Josiah Conder

Josiah Conder
From Cyberhymnal
Short Name: Josiah Conder
Full Name: Conder, Josiah, 1789-1855
Birth Year: 1789
Death Year: 1855

Josiah Conder was born in London, in 1789. He became a publisher, and in 1814 became proprietor of "The Eclectic Review." Subsequently to 1824, he composed a series of descriptive works, called the "Modern Traveller," which appeared in thirty volumes. He also published several volumes of poems and hymns. He was the author of the first "Congregational Hymn Book" (1836). He died in 1855.
--Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872.


Conder, Josiah, fourth son of Thomas Conder, engraver and bookseller, and grandson of the Rev. John Conder, D.D., first Theological Tutor of Homerton College, was born in Falcon Street (City); London, Sept. 17, 1789, and died Dec. 27, 1855. As author, editor and publisher he was widely known. For some years he was the proprietor and editor of the Eclectic Review, and also editor of the Patriot newspaper. His prose works were numerous, and include:—
The Modern Traveller, 1830; Italy, 1831; Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Geography, 1834; Life of Bunyan, 1835; Protestant Nonconformity, 1818-19; The Law of the Sabbath, 1830; Epistle to the Hebrews (a translation), 1834; Literary History of the New Testament, 1845, Harmony of History with Prophecy, 1849, and others.
His poetical works are:—
(1) The Withered Oak,1805; this appeared in the Athenceum. (2) The Reverie, 1811. (3) Star in the East, 1824. (4) Sacred Poems, Domestic Poems, and Miscellaneous Poems, 1824. (5) The Choir and the Oratory; or, Praise and Prayer, 1837. Preface dated Nov. 8, 1836. (6) Hymns of Praise, Prayer, and Devout Meditation, 1856. This last work was in the press at the time of his death, and was revised and published by his son, the Rev. E. R. Conder, M.A. He also contributed many pieces to the magazines and to the Associated Minstrels, 1810, under the signature of " C." In 1838, selections from The Choir and Oratory were published with music by Edgar Sanderson, as Harmonia Sacra. A second volume was added in 1839. To Dr. Collyer’s (q.v.) Hymns, &c, he contributed 3 pieces signed "C"; and to Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843, 8 hymns.

As a hymn-book editor he was also well known. In 1836 he edited The Congregational Hymn Book: a Supplement to Dr. Watts’s Psalms and Hymns (2nd ed. 1844). To this collection he contributed fifty-six of his own hymns, some of which had previously appeared in The Star in the East, &c. He also published in 1851 a revised edition of Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, and in the game year a special paper on Dr. Watte as The Poet of the Sanctuary, which was read before the Congregational Union at Southampton. The value of his work as Editor of the Congregational Hymn Book is seen in the fact that eight out of every ten of the hymns in that collection are still in use either in Great Britain or America.

As a hymn writer Conder ranks with some of the best of the first half of the present century. His finest hymns are marked by much elevation of thought expressed in language combining both force and beauty. They generally excel in unity, and in some the gradual unfolding of the leading idea is masterly. The outcome of a deeply spiritual mind, they deal chiefly with the enduring elements of religion. Their variety in metre, in style, and in treatment saves them from the monotonous mannerism which mars the work of many hymn writers. Their theology, though decidedly Evangelical, is yet of a broad and liberal kind. Doubtless Conder's intercourse with many phases of theological thought as Editor of the Eclectic Review did much to produce this catholicity, which was strikingly shewn by his embodying many of the collects of the Book of Common Prayer, rendered into verse, in his Choir and Oratory. Of his versions of the Psalms the most popular are "How honoured, how dear" (84th), and "O be joyful in the Lord" (100th). His hymns in most extensive use are," Bread of heaven, on Thee I feed; " “Beyond, beyond that boundless sea;" "The Lord is King, lift up thy voice" (this last is one of his best); "Day by day the manna fell;" "How shall I follow him I serve;" "Heavenly Father, to whose eye" (all good specimens of his subdued and pathetic style); and "O shew me not my Saviour dying." This last is full of lyric feeling, and expresses the too often forgotten fact that the Church has a living though once crucified Lord. The popularity of Conder's hymns may be gathered from the fact that at the present time more of them are in common use in Great Britain and America than those of any other writer of the Congregational body, Watts and Doddridge alone excepted. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder]

In addition to the hymns named above and others which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following, including two already named (4,16), are also in common use:—
i. From Dr. Collyer's Hymns, &c, 1812.
1. When in the hours of lonely woe. Lent.
ii. From The Star in the East, &c, 1824.
2. Be merciful, O God of grace. Ps. lxvii.
3. For ever will I bless the Lord. Ps. xxxiv.
4. How honoured, how dear. Ps. lxxxiv.
5. Now with angels round the throne. Doxology.
6. O Thou God, Who hearest prayer. Lent. Dated Sept. 1820. Usually abbreviated.
iii. From The Congregational Hymn Book, 1836.
7. Blessed be God, He is not strict. Longsuffering of God.
8. Followers of Christ of every name. Communion of Saints.
9. Grant me, heavenly Lord, to feel. Zeal in Missions desired.
10. Grant, 0 Saviour, to our prayers. Collect 5th S. after Trinity.
11. Head of the Church, our risen Lord. Church Meetings.
12. Holy, holy, holy Lord, in the highest heaven, &c. Praise to the Father.
13. Jehovah's praise sublime. Praise.
14. Leave us not comfortless. Holy Communion.
15. Lord, for Thv Name's sake! such the plea. In National Danger.
16. O be joyful in the Lord. Ps. c.
17. 0 breathe upon this languid frame. Baptism of Holy Spirit desired.
18. 0 give thanks to Him Who made. Thanksgiving for Daily Mercies.
19. 0 God, Protector of the lowly. New Year.
20. 0 God, to whom the happy dead. Burial.
21. 0 God, Who didst an equal mate. Holy Matrimony.
22. 0 God, Who didst Thy will unfold. Holy Scriptures.
23. 0 God, Who dost Thy sovereign might. Prayer Meetings.
24. 0 how shall feeble flesh and blood. Salvation through Christ.
25. 0 how should those be clean who bear. Purity desired for God's Ministers.
26. 0 say not, think not in thy heart. Pressing Onward.
27. 0 Thou divine High Priest. Holy Communion.
28. 0 Thou Who givest all their food. Harvest.
29. 0 Thou Whose covenant is sure. Holy Baptism.
30. Praise on Thee, in Zion-gates. Sunday.
31. Praise the God of all creation. Doxology
32. See the ransomed millions stand. Praise to Christ.
33. The heavens declare His glory. Ps. xix.
34. Thou art the Everlasting Word. Praise to Christ.
35. Thy hands have made and fashioned me. Thanks for Daily Mercies.
36. To all Thy faithful people, Lord. For Pardon.
37. To His own world He came. Ascension.
38. To our God loud praises give. Ps. cxxxvi.
39. Upon a world of guilt and night. Purification of B.V.M.
40. Welcome, welcome, sinner, hear. Invitation to Christ.
41. Wheresoever two or three. Continued Presence of Christ desired.
iv. From The Choir and the Oratory, 1837.
42. Baptised into our Saviour's death. Holy Baptism.
43. In the day of my [thy] distress. Ps. xx.
44. 0 comfort to the dreary. Christ the Comforter.
v. From Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843.
45. I am Thy workmanship, 0 Lord. God the Maker and Guardian.
46. 0 Lord, hadst Thou been here! But when. The Resurrection of Lazarus.
47. 'Tis not that I did choose Thee. Chosen of God. This is altered in the Church Praise Book, N. Y., 1882, to “Lord, 'tis not that I did choose Thee," thereby changing the metre from 7.6 to 8.5.
vi. From Hymns of Praise, Prayer, &c, 1856.
48. Comrades of the heavenly calling. The Christian race.
When to these 48 hymns those annotated under their respective first lines are added, Conder’s hymns in common use number about 60 in all.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Conder, Josiah, p. 256, i. Other hymns are:—
1. O love beyond the reach of thought. The love of God.
2. O Thou, our Head, enthroned on high. Missions.
3. Son of David, throned in light. Divine Enlightenment desired.
4. Thou Lamb of God for sinners slain. Christ the Head of the Church. From "Substantial Truth, 0 Christ, Thou art."
These hymns are all from his Hymns of Praise, &c, 1856.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

Josiah Conder (17 September 1789 – 27 December 1855), was an abolitionist, author and hymn-writer. A correspondent of Robert Southey and well-connected to Romantic authors of his day, he was editor of the British literary magazine The Eclectic Review, the Nonconformist and abolitionist newspaper The Patriot, the author of romantic verses, poetry, and many popular hymns that survive to this day. His most ambitious non-fiction work was the thirty-volume worldwide geographical tome The Modern Traveller; and his best-selling compilation book The Congregational Hymn Book. Conder was a prominent London Congregationalist, an abolitionist, and took an active part in seeking to repeal British anti-Jewish laws.

Texts by Josiah Conder (103)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
All His servants, join to singJosiah Conder (Author)English9
All who bear the Savior's nameJosiah Condor (Author)English3
And shall I shun the sacred fightJosiah Conder (Author)1
As much have I of worldly goodJosiah Conder (Author)13
Be merciful, O God of graceJosiah Conder (Author)English7
Beyond, beyond that boundless sea, Above that dome of skyConder (Author)English63
Blessed are they whose hearts are pureJosiah Conder (Author)English1
Blessed be for evermoreJosiah Conder (Author)3
Bread of heaven, on Thee we feedJosiah Conder (Author)English251
Cada dia tinham pãoJosiah Conder (Author)Portuguese2
Child of the dust, I heard thee mournJosiah Conder (Author)2
Churches of Christ, by God's right handJosiah Conder (Author)3
Come, let us pray; 'tis sweet to feelJosiah Conder (Author)English20
Comrades of the heavenly callingJosiah Conder (Author)1
Daughter of Zion, from the dustJosiah Conder (Author)English1
Day by day the manna fellJosiah Conder (1789-1855) (Author)English134
Depth of mercy! can there be, Mercy still reserved for me (Wesley)Josiah Conder (Author)English2
Far from my thoughts, vain world departJosiah Conder (Author)2
Father, now Thy sinful childJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)2
Father, to thy sinful childJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)4
God is in the loneliest spotJosiah Conder (Author)3
God is our refuge ever nearJosiah Conder (Author)10
Grant me, heavenly Lord, to feelJosiah Conder (Author)1
Grant, O Saviour, to our prayersJosiah Conder (Author)English2
Great King of saints, enthroned on highJ. Conder (Author)English1
Hallelujah! Raise, O raise To our God the song of praiseJosiah Conder (Author)English29
Hasten, Lord, the promised hourJosiah Conder (Author)English9
He reigns, ye saints, exalt your strainsJosiah Conder (Author)1
Head of the church, our risen LordJosiah Conder (Author)English4
Heavenly Father to whose eyeJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)English31
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, In the highest heavens adoredJ. Conder (Author)English2
How honored, how dear is that sacred abodeJ. Conder (Author)English5
How Shall I Follow Him I Serve?Josiah Conder (Author)English77
I am thy workmanship, O LordConder (Author)2
In your mercy, Lord, you called meJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)English3
Isten hozott, bárki légyJosiah Conder (Author)Hungarian2
Jehovah's praise sublimeConder (Author)5
Jesus, blessed MediatorJ. Conder (Author)English21
Jesus, in whom but Thee aboveJosiah Conder (Author)English9
Jesus my Shepherd is And he my soul will keepJosiah Conder (Author)2
Leave us not comfortlessJosiah Conder (Author)English5
Lord, for thy name's sake, such the pleaJosiah Conder (Author)1
Lord, forgive me, day by day, Debts I cannot hope to payJosiah Conder (Author)3
Lord, my times are in Thy hand. All my fondest hopes have plannedJosiah Conder (Author)English16
Lord, should my path through sufferingJosiah Conder (Author)2
Many centuries have fledJosiah Conder (Author)English36
May the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father's boundless loveJosiah Conder (Author (stanzas 3-4))English1
Napról napra! így volt jó!Josiah Conder (Author)Hungarian2
Now may He Who from the deadJosiah Conder (Author)English1
Now, with angels round the throneJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)English11
O be joyful in the Lord, Every land beneath the sunJosiah Conder (Author)English1
O bread to the pilgrims givenJosiah Conder (Author)English2
O breathe upon this languid frameJosiah Conder (Author)2
O comfort to the drearyJosiah Conder (Author)English4
O give thanks to Him who madeConder (Author)English28
O God! beyond that boundless seaConder (Author)English1
O God, in whom the happy deadJosiah Conder (Author)English9
O God, Protector of the lowlyJosiah Conder (Author)5
O God, who didst Thy will unfoldJosiah Conder (Author)English4
O holy, holy, holy Lord! Thou God of hosts, by all adored!Conder (Author)English15
O how shall feeble flesh and bloodJosiah Conder (Author)1
O how should those be clean who bearJosiah Conder (Author)1
O Light and Power, O Life and LoveJosiah Conder (Author)3
O Lord, hadst Thou been here! but whenConder (Author)English4
O Lord, our glorious Head! in theeJosiah Conder (Author)English2
O Lord, thy covenant is sureJosiah Conder (Author)6
O, love beyond the reach of thoughtJosiah Conder (Author)6
O say not, think [dream] not in thy heartJosiah Conder (Author)1
O, show me not my Savior dyingJosiah Conder (Author)English10
O that in unfettered unionJosiah Conder (Author)2
O the hour when this materialJosiah Conder (Author)English14
O thou God who hearest prayerJosiah Conder (Author)English30
O thou who givest all their foodJosiah Conder (Author)8
O thou whose covenant is sureJosiah Conder (Author)1
Praise on thee, in Zion's gatesJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)English11
Praise the God of all creation, Praise the Father's boundless loveJosiah Conder (Author)English37
Praise the name of God most highJosiah Conder (Author)English6
قد مضى دهر لفادJosiah Conder (Author)Arabic1
Rest, my soul, the work is doneJosiah Conder (Author)English7
See the ransomed millions standJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)English32
Shepherd of Thine Israel lead usJosiah Conder (Author)English16
Substantial truth, O Christ, thou artConder (Author)2
The heavens declare His glory, their Maker's skill the skiesConder (Author)English25
The Lord is King, child of the dustJosiah Conder (Author)English6
The Lord is King, lift up thy voiceJosiah Conder (Author)English217
The Lord, my Shepherd is, And He my soul will keepJosiah Conder (Author)English8
Thou art the everlasting WordJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)English11
Thou from whom all being sprangJosiah Conder (Author)English2
Thou Lamb of God for sinners slainJosiah Conder (Author)English7
Through life's vapors dimly seeingJosiah Conder (Author)3
Through life's wapors dimly seeingJosiah Conder (Author)2
'Tis not that I did choose TheeJosiah Conder, 1789-1855 (Author)English67
To all thy faithful people, LordConder (Author)4
To his own world he cameJosiah Conder (Author)1
To our God loud praises giveJosiah Conder (Author)1
Upon a world of guilt and nightJosiah Conder (Author)2
Welcome, welcome, sinner, hearJosiah Conder (Author)English3
When anxious thoughts the [my] bosom fillJosiah Conder (Author)3
When I can trust my all with GodJosiah Conder (Author)English60
When in the hour [hours] of lonely woeJosiah Conder (Author)12
Wheresoever two or threeJ. Conder (Author)English3
我當如何愛我的主?(Wǒ dāng rúhé ài wǒ de zhǔ?)Josiah Conder (Author)Chinese2
Ye fair green hills of GalileeJosiah Conder (Author)English2

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