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Faith of Our Fathers

Author: Frederick W. Faber Meter: Appears in 842 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness First Line: Faith of our fathers, living still Refrain First Line: Faith of our fathers, holy faith Lyrics: 1. Faith of our fathers, living still, in spite of dungeon, fire, and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy whene'er we hear that glorious word! Refrain: Faith of our fathers, holy faith! We will be true to thee till death. 2. Faith of our fathers, we will strive to win all nations unto thee; and through the truth that comes from God, we all shall then be truly free. [Refrain)] 3. Faith of our fathers, we will love both friend and foe in all our strife; and preach thee, too, as love knows how by kindly words and virtuous life. [Refrain] Used With Tune: ST. CATHERINE

Here I Am, Lord

Author: Dan Schutte, b. 1947 Appears in 63 hymnals Topics: Testimony, Witness and Evangelism First Line: I the Lord of sea and sky Refrain First Line: Here I am Lord Scripture: Isaiah 6:8 Used With Tune: [I, the Lord of sea and sky]
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Ye Servants of God

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 669 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness First Line: Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim Lyrics: 1. Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim, and publish abroad his wonderful name; the name all-victorious of Jesus extol, his kingdom is glorious and rules over all. 2. God ruleth on high, almighty to save, and still he is nigh, his presence we have; the great congregation his triumph shall sing, ascribing salvation to Jesus, our King. 3. "Salvation to God, who sits on the throne!" Let all cry aloud and honor the Son; the praises of Jesus the angels proclaim, fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb. 4. Then let us adore and give him his right, all glory and power, all wisdom and might; all honor and blessing with angels above, and thanks never ceasing and infinite love. Scripture: Revelation 7:9-12 Used With Tune: HANOVER
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Take My Life, and Let It Be

Author: Frances R. Havergal Meter: D Appears in 1,214 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness Lyrics: 1. Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of thy love. Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for thee. 2. Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from thee. Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect, and use every power as thou shalt choose. 3. Take my will, and make it thine; it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is thine own; it shall be thy royal throne. Take my love, my Lord, I pour at thy feet its treasure-store. Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for thee. Scripture: Romans 12:1 Used With Tune: MESSIAH
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O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1,747 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness Lyrics: 1. O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of his grace! 2. My gracious Master and my God, assist me to proclaim, to spread through all the earth abroad the honors of thy name. 3. Jesus! the name that charms our fears, that bids our sorrows cease; 'tis music in the sinner's ears, 'tis life, and health, and peace. 4. He breaks the power of canceled sin, he sets the prisoner free; his blood can make the foulest clean; his blood availed for me. 5. He speaks, and listening to his voice, new life the dead receive; the mournful, broken hearts rejoice, the humble poor believe. 6. Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb, your loosened tongues employ; ye blind, behold your Savior come, and leap, ye lame, for joy. 7. In Christ, your head, you then shall know, shall feel your sins forgiven; anticipate your heaven below, and own that love is heaven. Used With Tune: AZMON

Filled with the Spirit's Power

Author: John R. Peacey Meter: Appears in 33 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness First Line: Filled with the Spirit's power, with one accord Lyrics: 1 Filled with the Spirit's power, with one accord the infant church confessed its risen Lord. O Holy Spirit, in the church today no less your power of fellowship display. 2 Now with the mind of Christ set us on fire, that unity may be our great desire. Give joy and peace; give faith to hear your call, and readiness in each to work for all. 3 Widen our love, good Spirit, to embrace in your strong care all those of every race. Like wind and fire with life among us move, till we are known as Christ's, and Christians prove. Scripture: Acts 2 Used With Tune: SHELDONIAN

A Charge to Keep I Have

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 1,359 hymnals Topics: Testimony, Witness, Evangelism Lyrics: 1 A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. 2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill; O may it all my pow'rs engage To do my Master's will! 3 Arm me with watchful care As in Thy sight to live, And now Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give! 4 Help me to watch and pray, And still on Thee rely, O let me not my trust betray, But press to realms on high. Scripture: Philippians 3:14 Used With Tune: BOYLSTON
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O How I Love Jesus

Author: Frederick Whitfield Meter: D Appears in 574 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness First Line: There is a name I love to hear Lyrics: 1. There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; it sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth. Refrain: O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, because he first loved me! 2. It tells me of a Savior's love, who died to set me free; it tells me of his precious blood, the sinner's perfect plea. [Refrain] 3. It tells of one whose loving heart can feel my deepest woe; who in each sorrow bears a part that none can bear below. [Refrain] Used With Tune: O HOW I LOVE JESUS
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Jesus Shall Reign

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 1,805 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness First Line: Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Lyrics: 1. Jesus shall reign where'er the sun does its successive journeys run; his kingdom spread from shore to shore, till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2. To Jesus endless prayer be made, and endless praises crown his head; his name like sweet perfume shall rise with every morning sacrifice. 3. People and realms of every tongue dwell on his love with sweetest song; and infant voices shall proclaim their early blessings on his name. 4. Blessings abound where'er he reigns; all prisoners leap and loose their chains; the weary find eternal rest, and all who suffer want are blest. 5. Let every creature rise and bring honors peculiar to our King; angels descend with songs again, and earth repeat the loud amen! Scripture: Psalm 72 Used With Tune: DUKE STREET
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O Spirit of the Living God

Author: Henry H. Tweedy Meter: D Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: Testimony and Witness Lyrics: 1 O Spirit of the living God, thou light and fire divine, descend upon thy church once more, and make it truly thine. Fill it with love and joy and power, with righteousness and peace; till Christ shall dwell in human hearts, and sin and sorrow cease. 2 Blow, wind of God! With wisdom blow until our minds are free from mists of error, clouds of doubt, which blind our eyes to thee. Burn, winged fire! Inspire our lips with flaming love and zeal, to preach to all thy great good news, God's glorious commonweal. 3 Teach us to utter living words of truth which all may hear, the language all may understand when love speaks loud and clear; till every age and race and clime shall blend their creeds in one, and earth shall form one family by whom thy will is done. 4 So shall we know the power of Christ who came this world to save; so shall we rise with him to life which soars beyond the grave; and earth shall win true holiness, which makes thy children whole; till, perfected by thee, we reach creation's glorious goal! Scripture: Acts 2 Used With Tune: FOREST GREEN


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