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Depth of mercy! can there be

Meter: Irregular Appears in 812 hymnals Matching Instances: 690 Lyrics: 1 Depth of mercy! can there be Mercy still reserv'd for me? Can my God his wrath forbear? Me, the chief of sinners, spare? 2 I have long withstood his grace: Long provok'd him to his face; Would not hearken to his calls; Griev'd him by a thousand falls. 3 Kindled His relentings are, Me he now delights to spare, Cries, "How shall I give thee up?" Lets the lifted thunder drop. 4 There for me the Saviour stands, Shows his wounds and spreads his hands: God is love! I know, I feel! Jesus weeps, but loves me still! 5 Jesus answer from above: Is not all thy nature love? Wilt thou not the wrong forget? Suffer me to kiss thy feet? 6 Now incline me to repent! Let me now my fall lament! Now my foul revolt deplore! Weep, believe, and sin no more. Topics: Christian experience Backslider returning; Is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth his promise fail for evermore? Scripture: Psalm 77:8
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Dear Lord and Father of mankind

Author: John Greenleaf Whittier Meter: Appears in 509 hymnals Matching Instances: 496 Topics: Lent; Christ Life and Ministry; Lent III Evening Prayer Opening; Peace Spiritual; Penitence; Personal Religion Inner peace; St. Matthias Evening Prayer General; Trinity VII Morning Prayer General Used With Tune: HERMANN
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Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord

Appears in 695 hymnals Matching Instances: 442 First Line: I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Used With Tune: DRAW ME NEARER
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Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, Help

Author: Joseph Hart Appears in 399 hymnals Matching Instances: 391
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Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep

Author: Rev. Benj. Beddome Appears in 423 hymnals Matching Instances: 372 Used With Tune: [Did Christ o'er sinners weep]
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Delay Not

Appears in 361 hymnals Matching Instances: 349 First Line: Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw near Refrain First Line: Come to Him now! oh! come to Him now Lyrics: 1 Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw near. The waters of life are now flowing for thee; No price is demanded, the Savior is here; Redemption is purchased, salvation is free. Chorus: Come to Him now! oh! come to Him now. Jesus is waiting and calling to thee! No price is demanded, the Savior is here, Redemption is purchased, Salvation is free. 2 Delay not, delay not, why longer abuse The love and compassion of Jesus, thy God? A fountain is open, how canst thou refuse To wash and be cleans’d in His pardoning blood? [Chorus] 3 Delay not, delay not, O sinner, to come, For mercy still lingers and calls thee today; Her voice is not heard in the vale of the tomb; Her message, unheeded, will soon pass away. [Chorus] 4 Delay not, delay not, the Spirit of grace, Long griev’d and resisted, may take His sad flight, And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, To sink in the gloom of eternity’s night. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw near]
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Day of judgment,—day of wonders

Meter: Irregular Appears in 341 hymnals Matching Instances: 331 Lyrics: 1 Day of judgment,--day of wonders. Hark the trumpet's awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders, Shakes the vast creation round! How the summons Will the sinner's heart confound! 2 See the Judge our nature wearing, Cloth'd in majesty divine! You who long for his appearing Then shall say, 'This God is mine!' Gracious Saviour! Own me in that day for thine! 3 At his call the dead awaken, Rise to life from earth and sea: All the pow'rs of nature shaken By his looks prepare to flee: Careless sinner! What will then become of thee? 4 Horrors, past imagination, Will surprise your trembling heart, When you hear your condemnation, 'Hence, accursed wretch depart! Thou with Satan And his angels hastthy part!' 5 But to those who have confessed, Lov'd and serv'd the Lord below, He will say, 'Come near ye blessed, See the kingdom I bestow: You for ever Shall my love and glory know.' 6 Under sorrows and reproaches, May this thought your courage raise! Swiftly God's great day approaches, Sighs shall then be chang'd to praise! May we triumph, When the world is in a blaze! Topics: Judgment; The Day of Judgment
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Do not I love Thee, O my Lord?

Author: Rev. P. Doddridge, D.D. Appears in 321 hymnals Matching Instances: 305 Used With Tune: PILOT KNOB
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Dear Refuge of my weary Soul

Appears in 361 hymnals Matching Instances: 304 Lyrics: 1 Dear Refuge of my weary soul, On thee when Sorrows rise; On thee, when Waves of Trouble roll, My fainting Hope relies. 2 While Hope revives, tho' press'd with Fears, And I can say, "My God," Beneath thy Feet I spread my Cares, And pour my Woes abroad. 3 To thee I tell each rising Grief, For thou alone canst heal; Thy Word can bring a sweet Relief, For ev'ry Pain I feel. 4 But oh! when gloomy Doubts prevail I fear to call thee mine; The Springs of comfort seem to fail And all my Hopes decline. 5 Yet gracious God, where shall I flee? Thou art my only Trust; And still my Soul wou'd cleave to thee, Tho' prostrate in the Dust. 6 Hast thou not bid me seek thy Face? And shall I seek in vain? And can the Ear of Sov'reign Grace Be deaf when I complain? 7 No, still the Ear of Sov'reign Grace Attends the mourner's Prayer; O may I ever find Access, To Breathe my Sorrows there. 8 Thy Mercy-Seat is open still; Here let my Soul retreat, With humble Hope attend thy Will, And wait beneath thy Feet. Topics: Resignation to Providence
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Appears in 1,247 hymnals Matching Instances: 262 First Line: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Used With Tune: [Praise God, from whom all blessings flow]
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Day Is Dying in the West

Author: Mary A. Lathbury Appears in 561 hymnals Matching Instances: 258 Refrain First Line: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts! Topics: Worship and Praise Used With Tune: [Day is dying in the west]
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Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness

Appears in 254 hymnals Matching Instances: 234 Lyrics: 1 Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness; Awake! for thy foes shall oppress thee no more; Bright o'er thy hills dawns the day-star of gladness, Rise! for the night of thy sorrow is o'er. 2 Strong were thy foes; but the arm that subdued them, And scatter'd their legions, was mightier far; They fled like the chaff from the scourge that pursued them, Vain were their steeds, and their chariots of war. 3 Daughter of Zion, the Power that hath saved thee Extoll'd with the harp and the timbrel should be; Shout! for the foe is destroy'd that enslaved thee, Th'oppressor is vanquish'd, and Zion is free! Topics: Church final triumph of; Gospel Spread of; Millennium; Missions
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Daughter of Zion! from the dust

Author: J. Montgomery Appears in 193 hymnals Matching Instances: 186 Used With Tune: WOODLAND
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Dear Jesus, ever at my side

Author: The Rev. Frederick William Faber, D. D. (1814-1863) Appears in 200 hymnals Matching Instances: 184 Used With Tune: AUDIENTES
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Dear Saviour we Are Thine

Author: P. Doddridge, D.D. Appears in 193 hymnals Matching Instances: 173 Used With Tune: GOLDEN HILL
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Dread Sov'reign, let my evening song

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 190 hymnals Matching Instances: 164 Lyrics: 1 Dread Sov'reign, let my evening song Like holy incense rise; Assist the off'rings of my tongue To reach the lofty skies. 2 Through all the dangers of the day, Thy hand was still my guard, And still to drive my wants away Thy mercy stood prepar'd. 3 Perpetual blessings from above, Encompass me around; But O, how few returns of love Hath my Creator found! 4 What have I done for him who dy'd To save my wretched soul? How are my follies multiply'd, Fast as my minutes roll. 5 Lord, with this guilty heart of mine, To thy dear cross I flee, And to thy grace my soul resign To be renew'd by thee. Topics: Evening hymns
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Day By Day

Author: Josiah Conder Appears in 160 hymnals Matching Instances: 157 First Line: Day by day the manna fell Lyrics: 1. Day by day the manna fell; O to learn this lesson well! Still by constant mercy fed, Give me, Lord, our daily bread. 2. "Day by day," the promise reads Daily strength for daily needs; Cast foreboding fears away, Take the manna of today. 3. Lord, our times are in thy hand; All our sanguine hopes have plann'd To thy wisdom we resign, And would mold our wills to thine. 4. Thou our daily task shalt give; Day by day to thee we live; So shall added years fulfil Not our own, our Father's will. Topics: God God Provides; God God Provides; God God Provides; God God Provides; God God Provides; God God Provides; God God Provides; God God Provides; God God Provides Used With Tune: SEYMOUR
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Dearest of all the names above, My Jesus and my God

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Appears in 163 hymnals Matching Instances: 155
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Does Jesus Care?

Author: Rev. Frank E. Graeff Appears in 158 hymnals Matching Instances: 154 First Line: Does Jesus care when my heart is pain'd Refrain First Line: O yes, He cares, I know He cares Lyrics: 1 Does Jesus care when my heart is pain'd Too deeply for mirth or song; As the burdens press, And the cares distress, And the way grows weary and long? Chorus: O yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are weary, The long nights dreary, I know my Saviour cares. 2 Does Jesus care when my way is dark With a nameless dread and fear? As the daylight fades Into deep night shades, Does He care enough to be near? [Chorus] 3 Does Jesus care when I've tried and fail'd To resist some temptation strong? When in my deep grief I find no relief, Tho' my tears flow all the night long? [Chorus] 4 Does Jesus care when I've said "good-bye" To the dearest on earth to me, And my sad heart aches 'Till it nearly breaks Is this aught to Him? does He see? [Chorus] Topics: Christ Christ's Best Friend; Christ Christ's Best Friend; Christ Christ's Best Friend; Christ Christ's Best Friend; Christ Christ's Best Friend; Christ Christ's Best Friend; Special Selections Solos Used With Tune: [Does Jesus care when my heart is pain'd]

Deus Misereatur

Appears in 337 hymnals Matching Instances: 152 First Line: God be merciful unto us and bless us Used With Tune: [God be merciful to us and bless us]


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