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Christ, The Life Of All The Living

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Ernst Christoph Homburg Meter: Appears in 67 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Christ, the Life of all the living, Christ, the Death of death our foe, Who, Thyself for me once giving To the darkest depths of woe, Madest reconciliation And didst save me from damnation: Praise and glory ever be, Blessed Jesus, unto Thee. 2 Thou, O Christ, hast taken on Thee Bonds and stripes, a cruel rod; Pain and scorn were heaped upon Thee, 0 Thou sinless Son of God! Thus didst Thou my soul deliver From the bonds of sin forever. Praise and glory ever be, Blessed Jesus, unto Thee. 3 Heartless scoffers did surround Thee, Treating Thee with cruel scorn, E'en with piercing thorns they crowned Thee; All disgrace Thou, Lord, hast borne, That as Thine Thou mightest own me And with heav'nly glory crown me. Praise and glory ever be, Blessed Jesus, unto Thee. 4 Thou hast suffered men to bruise Thee, That from pain I might be free; Falsely did Thy foes accuse Thee-- Thence I gain security; Comfortless once Thou didst languish, Me to comfort in my anguish. Praise and glory ever be, Blessed Jesus, unto Thee. Topics: The Church Year Passion Used With Tune: GOTHA
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Come, pure hearts, in joyful measure

Author: Robert Campbell, 1814-1868 Meter: Appears in 54 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Come, pure hearts, in joyful measure sing of those who spread the treasure in the holy Gospels shrined; blessed tidings of salvation, peace on earth their proclamation, love from God to lost mankind. 2. See the rivers four that gladden, with their streams, the better Eden planted by our Lord most dear; Christ the fountain, these the waters; drink, O Zion's sons and daughters, drink, and find salvation here. 3. O that we, thy truth confessing, and thy holy word possessing, Jesus may thy love adore; unto thee our voices raising, thee with all thy ransomed praising, ever and for evermore. Topics: Holy Days and Various Occasions Evangelists Used With Tune: ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN Text Sources: Latin, 12th Cent.; Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861 (tr. after Robert Campbell)

See the Lord of glory dying

Author: J. Hart Meter: Appears in 66 hymnals

At the Cross Her Station Keeping

Author: Edward Caswall; Jacopone, da Todi Meter: Appears in 134 hymnals First Line: At the cross her station keeping Stood a mournful mother weeping Text Sources: Latin, 12th cent.; Tr.: Hymnal 1982
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By the cross of Jesus standing

Author: Horatius Bonar, 1808-1889 Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 By the cross of Jesus standing, Love our straitened souls expanding, Taste we now the peace and grace! Health from yonder tree is flowing, Heav'nly light is on it glowing, From the blessed Suff'rer's face. 2 Here is pardon's pledge and token, Guilt's strong chain for ever broken, Righteous peace securely made; Brightens now the brow once shaded, Freshens now the face once faded, Peace with God now makes us glad. 3 All the love of God is yonder, Love above all thought and wonder, Perfect love that casts out fear! Strength, like dew, is here distilling, Glorious life our souls is filling, Life eternal, only here! 4 Here the living water welleth; Here the Rock, now smitten, telleth Of salvation freely giv'n: This the fount of love and pity, This the pathway to the city, This the very gate of heav'n. Amen. Topics: Christ, The Lord Jesus; Christ Atoning work of; Christ Death of; Christ Rock; Christ The Way, Truth, and Life; Imputation, of Righteousness; Love For Christ or God; Peace Scripture: Colossians 1:20 Used With Tune: STABAT MATER
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Zion, to thy Savior singing

Author: Thomas Aquinas Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Zion, to thy Savior singing, To thy prince and shepherd bringing Sweetest hymns of love and praise, Thou wilt never reach the measure Of His worth, by all the treasure Of thy most ecstatic lays. 2 Of all wonders that can thrill thee, And with adoration fill thee, What than this can greater be, That Himself to thee He giveth? He that eateth ever liveth, For the Bread of life is He. 3 Fill thy lips to overflowing With sweet praise, His mercy showing Who this heavenly table spread: On this day so glad and holy, To each longing spirit lowly Giveth He the living bread. 4 Here the King hath spread His table, Whereon eyes of faith are able Christ our Passover to trace: Shadows of the law are going, Light and life and truth inflowing, Night to day is giving place. 5 Lo, this blessed food descending Heavenly love is hither sending. Hungry lips on earth to feed: So the paschal lamb was given, So the manna came from heaven, Isaac was His type indeed. 6 O good Shepherd, bread life-giving, Us, Thy grace and life receiving, Feed and shelter evermore; Thou on earth our weakness guiding, We in heaven with Thee abiding With all saints will Thee adore. Topics: The Church Year Holy Thursday; The Church Year Holy Thursday Used With Tune: [Zion, to thy Savior singing]
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Jesus Christ As King Is Reigning

Author: H. Brueckner; Phil. Fr. Hiller Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesus Christ as King is reigning, God His mighty rule ordaining: All things at His feet shall lie. Let each tongue as Lord confess Him And in homage praise and bless Him; For His throne is built on high. 2 With the Father honors sharing, Cherubim His fame declaring, He is seated on His throne, Ruling over earth and heaven; For to Him are all things given By the Father as His own. 3 Christians here on earth, adore Him; Saints in heaven, come before Him, Shout, ye hosts that carry palms; Ye who glist'ning crowns are wearing, Ye who harps of gold are bearing, Praise ye Him with tuneful psalms. 4 And I, too, a sinner lowly, Will exalt the Lord most holy, Saying, as I prostrate lie: Jesus Christ as King is reigning, God His mighty rule ordaining: Glory to the Lord on high. Topics: Savior; Processionals and Recessionals General Used With Tune: HILDESHEIM
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The Lord Be Praised! I'm Homeward Bound

Author: J. Lassen Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord be praised! I'm homeward bound, To where my Father's house is found, Beyond death's gloomy portal, Where God's own Son, my Savior blest, Receives me as His welcomed guest Among the saints immortal. 2 The Lord be praised! I'm homeward bound, Where sin and death, the grave's sad mound, Forever are forgotten; Where living fountains ever flow, And trees their fruit each month shall grow For those of God begotten. 3 The Lord be praised! I'm homeward bound, Where I shall join the host renowned Before His throne assembling, And there with all in love shall dwell In glory, which no tongue can tell, Relieved of fear and trembling. 4 The Lord be praised! I'm homeward bound, Where all the saints with beauty crowned Sing to His praise and glory; Where I my problems understand, As they were solved by God's own hand, And tell the blessed story. 5 So, then, with hope we onward press Through sorrow, trouble, and distress, In confidence and wonder, Until by angels borne on high, With sweet relief and happy sigh, Our eyes we open yonder. Topics: Comfort and Hope

O Father! send Thy Spirit down

Author: Paul Gerhardt; J. Kelly Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: O Father! send Thy Spirit down, Whom we are bidden by Thy Son To seek, from Thy high heaven; We ask as He taught us to pray, And let us ne’er unheard away From ’fore Thy throne be driven. No mortal man upon the earth Is of this gift so noble worth, No merit we’ve to gain it; Here only grace availeth aught, That Jesus Christ for us hath bought, His tears and death obtain it. O Father! much it grieves Thy mind Us in such woful plight to find, As Adam’s fall hath brought us; The evil spirit’s pow’r, this fall Hath brought on him, and on us all, But Christ to save hath sought us. To our salvation, Lord, we cleave, That we are Thine in Christ believe, From Him nought shall us sever; And through His death and precious blood, Our mansions fair, and highest good, We look for, doubting never. This is a work of grace indeed, The Holy Spirit’s strength we need, Our pow’r is unavailing; Our faith and our sincerity Would soon, O Lord! in ashes lie, Were not Thy help unfailing. Of faith Thy Spirit keeps the light, Though all the world against us fight, And storm with every weapon. Although the prince of this world too, May take the field to lay us low, No ill through him can happen. The Spirit’s is the winning side, And where He helps, the battle’s tide Assuredly abateth. What’s Satan’s might and majesty? It falleth when His standard high The Spirit elevateth. The chains of hell He rends in twain, Consoles and frees the heart again From everything that grieveth; And when misfortunes o’er us low’r He shields us better in their hour, Than ever heart conceiveth. The bitter cross He maketh sweet, In gloom His light our eyes doth greet, Care of His sheep He taketh, Holds over us the shield, and when Night falls upon His flock, He then To rest in peace us maketh. The Spirit God gives from above Directeth all who truly love In ways of safety ever; He guides our goings every day, From paths of bliss to turn away Our feet permits us never. He maketh fit, and furnishes With needed gifts for service those Who here God’s house are rearing, Adorns their minds and mouths and hearts, And light to them for us imparts, What’s dark to us thus clearing. Our hearts He opens secretly When they His word so faithfully As precious seed are sowing; He giveth pow’r to it, where’er It takes root, tending it with care, And waters it when growing. He teacheth us the fear of God, Loves purity, makes His abode The soul that sin refuseth; Who contrite are, virtue revere, Repent, and turn to Him in fear And love, He ever chooseth. He’s true, and true doth aye abide, In death’s dark hour He’s at our side, When all from us recedeth; He sootheth our last agony, Up to the halls of bliss on high In joy and trust He leadeth. Oh! happy are the souls and bless’d, Who while on earth permit this Guest To make in them His dwelling; Who now receive Him joyfully, He’ll take up to God’s house on high, Their souls with rapture filling. Now, Father, who all good dost give, Our pray’r hear, may we all receive From Thee this priceless blessing; Thy Spirit give, that here He may Rule us, and there in endless day Our souls be aye refreshing. Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs, 1867

Oh, Blessed Home Where Man and Wife

Author: Magnus B. Landstad, 1802-80; Ole T. Arneson, 1853-1917 Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Oh, blessed home where man and wife Together lead a godly life, By deeds their faith confessing! There many happy days are spent, There Jesus gladly will consent To tarry with his blessing. 2 If they have given him their heart, The place of honor set apart For him each night and morrow, Then he the storms of life will calm, Will bring for every wound a balm, And change to joy their sorrow. 3 And if their home be dark and drear, The cruse be empty, hunger near, All hope within them dying, Let them despair not in distress; See, Christ is there the bread to bless, The fragments multiplying. 4 O Lord, we come before your face; In ev'ry home bestow your grace On children, father, mother. Relieve their wants, their burdens ease, Let them together dwell in peace And love to one another. Topics: The Christian Home Used With Tune: KOMMT HER ZU MIR

Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing

Author: Howard Charles Adie Gaunt, b. 1902 Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Holy Eucharist Used With Tune: ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN
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Thou Little Flock, Be Not Afraid

Author: M. Loy; Joh. Mich. Altenburg Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou little flock, be not afraid, Tho' foes against thee stand arrayed, All ready to destroy thee; Although thy ruin they prepare And fill thee oft with anxious care, They shall not long annoy thee. 2 Thy cause is God's; this comfort thee; May His, not thine, the vengeance be; Let Him perform His pleasure; The needful help thou shalt obtain; Thee and His Word He will sustain Thro' Christ, His own dear Treasure. 3 As God is God, and true His Word, Fierce Satan and his hellish herd, The world and all their powers Shall reap but shame beneath His rod: God is with us, and we with God: The vict'ry must be ours. Topics: The Means of Grace The Christian Church Used With Tune: LITTLE FLOCK
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Be not dismayed, thou little flock

Author: Johann Michael Altenberg; Anonymous; Elizabeth Rundle Charles; Luther D. Reed Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Be not dismayed, thou little flock, Although the foe's fierce battle shock, Loud on all sides, assail thee. Though o'er thy fall they laugh secure, Their triumph cannot long endure: Let not thy courage fail thee. 2 Thy cause is God's--go at His call, And to His hand commit thine all; Fear thou no ill impending: His Gideon shall arise for thee, God's Word and people manfully, In God's own time, defending. 3 Our hope is sure in Jesus' might; Against themselves the godless fight, Themselves, not us, distressing; Shame and contempt their lot shall be; God is with us, with Him are we: To us belongs His blessing. 4 Amen, Lord Jesus, hear our cry; Stir up Thy power, come from on high, Defend Thy congregation; So shall Thy Church, through endless days, Give thanks to Thee and chant Thy praise In joy and adoration. Amen. Used With Tune: KOMMT HER ZU MIR, SPRICHT GOTTES SOHN

To Thee, O Jesus, Thanks Are Due

Author: P. C. Paulsen; V. Hjort Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals

O Jesus Dear! O Savior Mild!

Author: P. C. Kirkegaard; P. C. Paulsen Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O Jesus dear, O Savior mild

Holy Ghost, Who Intercedist

Author: N. F. S. Grundtvig; J. C. Aaberg Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Holy Ghost, our Interceder
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Near the Cross Was Mary Weeping

Author: Jacobus de Benedictis Meter: Appears in 57 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Near the cross was Mary weeping, There her mournful station keeping, Gazing on her dying Son: There in speechless anguish groaning, Yearning, trembling, sighing, moaning, Thro' her soul the sword had gone. 2 When no eye its pity gave us, When there was no arm to save us, He His love and power displayed: By His stripes He wrought our healing, By His death our life revealing, He for us the ransom paid. 3 Jesus, may Thy love constrain us, That from sin we may refrain us, In Thy griefs may deeply grieve; Thee our best affections giving, To Thy glory ever living, May we in Thy glory live. Amen. Topics: Church Year Holy Week; Good Friday; Christ Work of; Names and Office of Christ Substitute; Sin Conquered and conquering sin; Sin Forgiveness of Scripture: John 19:25 Used With Tune: CIVITAS DEI

I Do Not Come Because My Soul

Author: Frank B. St. John Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Lyrics: 1. I do not come because my soul Is free from sin and pure and whole And worthy of Thy grace; I do not speak to Thee because I’ve ever justly kept Thy laws And dare to meet Thy face. 2. I know that sin and guilt combine To reign o’er every thought of mine And turn from good to ill; I know that, when I try to be Upright and just and true to Thee, I am a sinner still. 3. I know that often when I strive To keep a spark of love alive For Thee, the powers within Leap up in unsubmissive might And oft benumb my sense of right And pull me back to sin. 4. I know that, though in doing good I spend my life, I never could Atone for all I’ve done; But though my sins are black as night, I dare to come before Thy sight Because I trust Thy Son. 5. In Him alone my trust I place, Come boldly to Thy throne of grace, And there commune with Thee. Salvation sure, O Lord, is mine, And, all unworthy, I am Thine, For Jesus died for me. Used With Tune: KOMMT HER ZU MIR
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Savior, when we call, O hear us

Author: T. Kelly Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Savior, when we call, O hear us; In the trying hour be near us, Lest the foe should prove too strong: To thy mercy we betake us; Never leave us, nor forsake us; Power and grace to Thee belong. 2 Other help than Thine we have not; Other help than Thine we crave not; 'Tis enough if we have this: This from every ill secures us; Every blessing this ensures us; More than life Thy favor is. 3 Keep us on Thy strength relying, In Thy name the foe defying; Till Thy coming bring us peace. O how sweet the thought, and cheering, In the day of Thine appearing Trouble shall for ever cease. Topics: The Church Year First Sunday in Lent; The Church Year First Sunday in Lent; Afflcition; Trials and Conflicts Used With Tune: [Savior, when we call, O hear us]


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