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Scripture:Revelation 22:5

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Shall We Gather at the River

Author: Robert Lowry, b. 1826-1899 Meter: with refrain Appears in 754 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:1-5 Refrain First Line: Yes, we'll gather at the river Lyrics: 1 Shall we gather at the river, where bright angel feet have trod, with its crystal tide forever flowing by the throne of God? Refrain: Yes, we'll gather at the river, the beautiful, the beautiful river; gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God. 2 On the margin of the river, washing up its silver spray, we will walk and worship ever, all the happy golden day. (Refrain) 3 Ere we reach the shining river, lay we ev'ry burden down; grace our spirits will deliver, and provide a robe and crown. (Refrain) 4 Soon we'll reach the shining river, soon our pilgrimage will cease; soon our happy hearts will quiver with the melody of peace. (Refrain) Topics: All Saints Day; Christian Hope; Heaven, Eternal Life; Lesser Festivals Used With Tune: HANSON PLACE

O Holy City, Seen of John

Author: Walter Russell Bowie Meter: Appears in 89 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 Lyrics: 1 O holy city, seen of John, Where Christ, the Lamb, does reign, Within whose foursquare walls shall come No night, nor need, nor pain, And where the tears are wiped from eyes That shall not weep again. 2 O shame to us who rest content While lust and greed for gain In street and shop and tenement Wring gold from human pain, And bitter lips in blind despair Cry “Christ has died in vain!” 3 Give us, O God, the strength to build The city that hath stood Too long a dream, whose laws are love, Whose ways are servanthood, And where the sun that shines becomes God’s grace for human good. 4 Already in the mind of God That city rises fair. Lo, how its splendor challenges The souls that greatly dare, And bids us seize the whole of life And build its glory there. Used With Tune: MORNING SONG

As with Gladness Men of Old

Author: William C. Dix Meter: Appears in 641 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:5 Lyrics: 1 As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold, as with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright; so, most gracious Lord, may we evermore your splendor see. 2 As with joyful steps they sped to that lowly infant bed, there to bend the knee before Christ, whom heaven and earth adore; so may we with willing feet ever seek your mercy seat. 3 As they offered gifts most rare at that cradle plain and bare, so may we with holy joy, pure and free from sin's alloy, all our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to you, our heavenly King. 4 Holy Jesus, every day keep us in the narrow way, and when mortal things are past, bring our ransomed lives at last where they need no star to guide, where no clouds your glory hide. 5 In that glorious city bright none shall need created light; you its light, its joy, its crown, you its sun which goes not down; there forever may we sing alleluias to our King! Topics: Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Songs for Children Hymns; Christmas; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Eternal Life; Light; New Creation; Offering Used With Tune: DIX

On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand

Author: Samuel Stennett Meter: with refrain Appears in 1,347 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:5 Refrain First Line: I am bound for the promised land Lyrics: 1 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, and cast a wishful eye to Canaan's fair and happy land, where my possessions lie. [Refrain:] I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land; O who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. 2 O'er all those wide extended plains shines one eternal day; there God the Son forever reigns, and scatters night away. (Refrain) 3 No chilling winds or poisonous breath can reach that healthful shore; sickness and sorrow, pain and death, are felt and feared no more. (Refrain) 4 When I shall reach that happy place, I'll be forever blest, for I shall see my Father's face and in his bosom rest. (Refrain) Topics: The Christian Life Death and Eternal Life; Eternal Life; Pilgrimage Used With Tune: PROMISED LAND

For the Healing of the Nations

Author: Fred Kaan Meter: Appears in 58 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:1-5 Lyrics: 1 For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord; for a just and equal sharing of the things that earth affords; To a life of love in action help us rise and pledge our word, help us rise and pledge our word. 2 Lead us forward into freedom; from despair your world release, that, redeemed from war and hatred, all may come and go in peace. Show us how through care and goodness fear will die and hope increase, fear will die and hope increase. 3 All that kills abundant living, let it from the earth be banned; pride of status, race, or schooling, dogmas that obscure your plan. In our common quest for justice may we hallow life's brief span, may we hallow life's brief span. 4 You, Creator God, have written your great name on humankind; for our growing in your likeness bring the life of Christ to mind, that by our response and service earth its destiny may find, earth its destiny may find. Topics: Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Social Holiness; Justice; Peace, World; Social Concerns Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA
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Jerusalem the golden

Author: Bernard of Cluny (12th century); John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Meter: Appears in 914 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 21, 22 Lyrics: 1 Jerusalem the golden, with milk and honey blessed, beneath your contemplation sink heart and voice oppressed: I know not, oh, I know not what joys await us there, what radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare. 2 They stand, those halls of Zion all jubilant with song, and radiant with the angels and all the martyr throng; the Prince is ever in them, the daylight is serene, the pastures of the blessèd are decked in glorious sheen. 3 There is the throne of David; and there, from care released, the shout of those who triumph, the song of those who feast; and they who, with their Leader, have conquered in the fight, for ever and for ever are clad in robes of white. 4 O sweet and blessèd country, the home of God's elect! O sweet and blessèd country that eager hearts expect! Jesus in mercy bring us to that dear land above, where you, with God the Father and Spirit, reign in love. Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Communion of Saints; Funerals general; Heaven Used With Tune: EWING


Author: P. Castro Appears in 20 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 First Line: Meditad en que hay un hogar Refrain First Line: Más allá, más allá Used With Tune: [Meditad en que hay un hogar]

Allí No Habrá Tribulación

Author: E. Rodriguez Appears in 17 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:1-6 First Line: En la mansión do Cristo está Used With Tune: [En la mansión do Cristo está]

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Author: William Williams, 1717-1791; Peter William, 1723-1796 Meter: with repeat Appears in 1,833 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 Topics: Bread; Eucharist; Exodus; Funeral; Guidance; Healing; Trust Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA

Jerusalem, My Happy Home

Author: F. B. P., 16th C. Meter: Appears in 843 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 Topics: Funeral; Courage; Eternal Life; Heaven; Homecoming; Hope; Joy; Music; Saints; Song; Trust Used With Tune: LAND OF REST

Christ Is Risen

Author: Brian Wren, b. 1936 Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 First Line: Christ is risen! Shout hosanna! Lyrics: 1 Christ is risen! Shout hosanna! Celebrate this day of days! Christ is risen! Hush in wonder; all creation is amazed. In the desert all-surrounding, see, a spreading tree has grown. Healing leaves of grace abounding bring a taste of love unknown. 2 Christ is risen! Raise your spirits from the caverns of despair. Walk with gladness in the morning. See what love can do and dare. Drink the wine of resurrection, not a servant, but a friend. Jesus is our strong companion. Joy and peace shall never end. 3 Christ is risen! Earth and heaven nevermore shall be the same. Break the bread of new creation where the world is still in pain. Tell its grim, demonic chorus: “Christ is risen! Get you gone!” God the First and Last is with us. Sing hosanna everyone! Topics: Easter and Ascension Used With Tune: W ZLOBIE LEZY

La Patria Del Alma

Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 First Line: Cantaré, cantaré del hermoso país Used With Tune: [Cantaré, cantaré del hermoso país]

We believe, Maranatha

Author: Dieter Trautwein; Marc Chambron Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:5 Topics: Affirmation of Faith; Glaubensbekenntnis; Affirmation de la foi; Afirmaciǿn de fe; Daily Prayer; Stundengebet; Prière quotidienne; Oración diaria; Response; Antwortgesang; Réponse; Responsorio Used With Tune: [We believe, Maranatha]

Jerusalem, My Happy Home

Author: Joseph Bromehead, 1747-1826 Meter: Appears in 622 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 Lyrics: 1 Jerusalem, my happy home, When shall I with you be? When shall my sorrows have an end? Your joys when shall I see? 2 Your saints are crowned with glory great; They see God face to face; They triumph still, they still rejoice: In that most holy place. 3 There David stands with harp in hand As master of the choir: Ten thousand time that we were blest That might this music hear. 4 Our Lady sings Magnificat With tune surpassing sweet; And all the virgins join the song While sitting at her feet. 5 There Magdalene has left her tears, And cheerfully does sing With blessed saints, whose harmony In ev'ry street does ring. 6 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, God grant that I may see Your endless joy, and of the same Partaker ever be! Used With Tune: LAND OF REST
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The God of Abraham Praise

Author: Thomas Olivers Meter: D Appears in 454 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:4-5 Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above, Ancient of everlasting days, and God of love. Jehovah, great I AM, by earth and heaven confessed: we bow and bless the sacred name forever blest. 2 He by himself has sworn, we on his oath depend, we shall, on eagles' wings upborne, to heaven ascend; we shall behold his face, we shall his power adore, and sing the wonders of his grace forevermore. 3 The God who reigns on high the great archangels sing, and “Holy, holy, holy!” cry, “Almighty King! Who was and is the same, and evermore shall be: eternal Father, great I AM, we worship thee.” 4 The whole triumphant host give thanks to God on high; “Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!” they ever cry. Hail, Abraham’s God, and mine! With heaven our songs we raise; all might and majesty are thine, and endless praise. Topics: God the Father Majesty and Power; Biblical Persons; God Eternal; God Holiness; Grace Of God; Adoration of God; Biblical Persons Abraham; God Eternal; God Holiness; God King; Grace of God; Heritage; Love God’s Love for Us Used With Tune: LEONI Text Sources: Paraphrase of Hebrew Yigdal
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Christ is made the sure foundation

Author: J. M. Neale Meter: Appears in 289 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:5 Topics: Special Occasions Church-Building and Dedication Used With Tune: ORIEL

Hay un Mundo Feliz Más Allá

Author: Sanford F. Bennett; H. G. Jackson Appears in 16 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:5 Refrain First Line: En el mundo feliz Used With Tune: SWEET BY AND BY

There in God's Garden

Author: Király Imre von Pécselyi, c. 1590-c. 1641; Erik R. Routley, 1917-1982 Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 First Line: There in God's garden stands the Tree of Wisdom Topics: Lent Used With Tune: SHADES MOUNTAIN

Healing river of the Spirit

Author: Ruth C. Duck (b. 1947) Meter: D Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22:1-5 Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - National Life; Healing; Peace; Remembrance Sunday Used With Tune: JOEL
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Come to the Waters

Author: James Montgomery Boice Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 22 First Line: Come to the waters, whoever is thirsty Lyrics: 1 Come to the waters, whoever is thirsty; drink from the Fountain that never runs dry. Jesus, the Living One, offers you mercy, life more abundant in boundless supply. 2 Come to the River that flows through the city, forth from the throne of the Father and Son. Jesus the Savior says, "Come and drink deeply." Drink from the pure, inexhaustible One. 3 Come to the Fountain without any money; buy what is given without any cost. Jesus, the gracious One, welcomes the weary; Jesus, the selfless One, died for the lost. 4 Come to the Well of unmerited favor; stretch out your hand; fill your cup to the brim. Jesus is such a compassionate Savior. Draw from the grace that flows freely from Him. 5 Come to the Savior, the God of salvation. God has provided an end to sin's strife. Why will you suffer the Law's condemnation? Take the free gift of the water of life. Topics: Repentance and Faith Used With Tune: WATER OF LIFE


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