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Tune Identifier:"^nun_lob_mein_seel_concentusnovi$"

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Min Sjæl, min Sjæl, lov Herren

Author: Joh. Gramann; Landstad Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Min Sjæl, min Sjæl, lov Herren, Og alt, hvad i mig er, hans Navn! Min Sjæl, min Sjæl, lov Herren, Glem ingen Ting af alt hans Gavn! Han, som din Synd udsletter Og læger dine Saar; Han, som dit Liv opretter, Naar du til Døden gaar; Han, som ny Kraft dig sender, Gjør Alderdommen ung; Han, som dig bær paa Hænder, Naar Tiden falder tung! 2 Sit Ord han lod os kjende, Og hans Velgjerninger vi veed. Barmhjertig uden Ende Og rig paa evig Miskundhed Han lader Vreden fare For dem, som gjøre Bod, Vil ingen Salve spare For Sorg og saaret Mod. Med Naaden sin og Trøsten Har han vor Angest stilt, Som Vesten er fra Østen Langt Synden fra os skilt. 3 Som sig en kjærlig Fader Miskunder over sine Smaa, Saa gjør vor Gud, og lader Op Naaden ny hver Morgen gaa. Han veed, vi ere ringe, Kun Støv og Aske vist, Ret som et Græs i Enge, En Urt, sin Blomst har mist. Naar Veiret hart paafalder, Da findes det ei meer, Saa gaar det med vor Alder, Vort Engelight er nær. 4 Men Guds Miskund alene Den bliver fast i Evighed Hos dem, ham trolig tjene, Hans kjære Børn og Menighed. Fra Himlens høie Sæde Han holder hellig Vagt. I Engle, som med Glæde Er Vidner til hans Magt. I Sterke, I, som fare At føre ud hans Bud, Og Jordens hele Skare Stat op og lover Gud! Topics: Til Slutning; Closing Used With Tune: [Min Sjæl, min Sjæl, lov Herren]
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My Soul, Now Praise Your Maker

Author: Catherine Winkworth, 1820-1878; Johann Graumann, 1487-1541 Appears in 29 hymnals First Line: My soul, now praise your maker! Lyrics: 1 My soul, now praise your maker! Let all within me bless his name Who makes you full partaker Of mercies more than you dare claim. Forget him not whose meekness Still bears with all your sin, Who heals your ev'ry weakness, Renews your life within; Whose grace and care are endless And saved you through the past; Who leaves no suff'rer friendless, But rights the wronged at last. 2 He offers all his treasure Of justice, truth, and righteousness, His love beyond all measure, His yearning pity o'er distress, Nor treats us as we merit, But sets his anger by. The poor and contrite spirit Finds his compassion nigh; And high as heav'n above us, As break from close of day, So far, since he has loved us, He puts our sins away. 3 For as a loving mother Has pity on her children here, God in his arms will gather All those who him like children fear. He knows how frail our powers, Who but from dust are made. We flourish as the flowers, And even so we fade; The wind but o'er them passes, And all their bloom is o'er. We wither like the grasses; Our place knows us no more. 4 His grace remains forever, And children's children yet shall prove That God forsakes them never Who in true fear shall seek his love. In heav'n is fixed his dwelling, His rule is over all; You hosts with might excelling, With praise before him fall. Praise him forever reigning, All here who hear his Word - Our life and all sustaining. My soul, oh, praise the Lord! Topics: Community in Christ; Justification; Praise, Adoration Used With Tune: NUN LOB MEIN SEEL
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Now praise, my soul, the Saviour

Author: Johann Graumann Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [Now praise, my soul, the Saviour]
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O Jesu! Lord most merciful

Author: J. Hamilton Meter: D Appears in 17 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Jesu! Lord most merciful, Low at Thy cross I lie; O sinner's friend, most pitiful, Hear my bewailing cry. I come to Thee with mourning, I come to Thee in woe; With contrite heart returning, And tears that overflow. 2 O gracious Intercessor! O Priest within the veil! Plead, for a lost transgressor, The blood that cannot fail. I spread my sins before Thee, I tell them one by one; Oh, for Thy name's great glory, Forgive all I have done. 3 Oh, by Thy cross and passion, Thy tears and agony, And crown of cruel fashion, And death on Calvary; By all that untold suffering Endured by Thee alone; O Priest! O spotless Offering! Plead, for Thou didst atone! 4 And in this heart now broken, Re-enter Thou and reign; And say, by that dear token, I am absolved again; And build me up, and guide me, And guard me day by day; And in Thy presence hide me, And keep my soul alway. Amen. Topics: General; Holy Week; Lent; Parochial Missions; Penitence Used With Tune: TABOR
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Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren

Appears in 74 hymnals Used With Tune: [Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren]
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Strike Up, O Harp and Psaltery!

Author: Johan Olof Wallin Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Strike up, O harp and psaltery! O Word of might, two-edged sword, Arise and smite the nations, That they may know and fear the Lord! O gospel voice from heaven, Awake the hearts of men, That unto them be given To turn to God again. All ye who dwell in Zion, Hark to your Shepherd Lord, Who leads you to green pastures, And feeds you with His living Word! 2 Adorn thyself to meet Him, O Shulamite, O bride of Christ! Go gladly forth to greet Him, When of His coming now apprised! He for thy sin was given, And thou art sanctified. Behold, the Son of heaven Hath claimed thee for His bride! Give Him thy heart forever, Whose love shall never cease; Let no affliction sever The bonds of unity and peace! 3 O Lord, Thy Zion, thronging Thy holy temple, e'er shall raise, With hearts and tongues in rapture, To Thee their solemn prayer and praise! O let Thy Word in clearness A day-star o'er us shine, That we may feel Thy nearness, And bring forth fruit divine. Like sands from out the ocean, So let Thy people be, To voice our heart's devotion, And praise Thee through eternity. Amen. Topics: Worship Opening of Service; Reformation; Word of God; Word of God Sword; Zion, the Church Scripture: Psalm 57:8 Used With Tune: UPP, PSALTARE OCH HARPA!
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O Living Bread from Heaven

Author: J. Rist, 1607-67; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 34 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Living Bread from heaven, How richly hast Thou fed Thy guest! The gifts Thou now hast given Have filled my heart with joy and rest. O wondrous food of blessing, O cup that heals our woes! My heart this gift professing, In thankful songs o'erflows; For while the faith within me Was quickened by this food, My soul hath gazed upon Thee, My highest, only Good! 2 My God, Thou here hast led me Within Thy temple's holiest place And there Thyself hast fed me With all the treasures of Thy grace; O boundless is Thy kindness, And righteous is Thy pow'r, While I in sinful blindness Am erring hour by hour; And yet Thou com'st not spurning A sinner, Lord, like me! Thy grace and love returning, What gift have I for Thee? 3 A heart that hath repented, And mourns for sin with bitter sighs-- Thou, Lord, art well-contented With this my only sacrifice. I know that in my weakness Thou wilt despise me not, But grant me in Thy meekness The favour I have sought; Yes, Thou wilt hear with favor The song that now I raise, For meet and right 'tis ever That I should sing Thy praise. 4 Grant what I have partaken May through Thy grace so work in me That sin be all forsaken And I may cleave alone to Thee And all my soul be heedful How she Thy love may know; For this alone is needful Thy love should in me glow. Then let no beauty ever, No joy, allure my heart, But what is Thine, my Saviour, What Thou dost here impart. 5 O well for me that, strengthened With heav'nly food and comfort here, Howe'er my course be lengthened, I now may serve Thee free from fear! Away, then, earthly pleasure! All earthly gifts are vain; I seek a heav'nly treasure, My home I long to gain, My God, where I shall praise Thee, Where none my peace destroy, And where my soul shall raise Thee Glad songs in endless With pure joy. Used With Tune: NUN LOB, MEIN SEEL
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One is our God and Father!

Author: B. S. Ingemann Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 One is our God and Father! The flock and all its shepherds cry; One Spirit us doth gather, One is our Lord, who reigns on high; One well of life doth lave us, One hope our souls inspires, One faith, our stay, doth save us, One love us ever fires, One peace our spirits blesses, One fight for our reward, One end of all distresses, One life in Christ our Lord. 2 One in the Spirit's union, We onward march, a pilgrim throng, And sing in sweet communion The ransomed Zion's victor-song; Through night and tribulation, Through death our way we wend, With hope and expectation To see our journey's end-- The cross, the grave, death's prison, We leave behind, and rise To meet our Savior risen, And enter Paradise. Topics: The Church Year Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity; Communion of Saints; Pilgrimage Used With Tune: [One is our God and Father]

I Know My Faith Is Founded

Author: Erdmann Neumeister Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1. I know my faith is founded On Jesus Christ, my God and Lord; And this my faith confessing, Unmoved I stand upon His Word. Man’s reason cannot fathom The truth of God profound; Who trusts her subtle wisdom Relies on shifting ground. God’s Word is all sufficient, It makes divinely sure, And trusting in its wisdom, My faith shall rest secure. 2. Increase my faith, dear Savior, For Satan seeks by night and day To rob me of this treasure And take my hope of bliss away. But, Lord, with Thee beside me, I shall be undismayed; And led by Thy good Spirit, I shall be unafraid. Abide with me, O Savior, A firmer faith bestow; Then I shall bid defiance To every evil foe. 3. In faith, Lord, let me serve Thee; Though persecution, grief and pain Should seek to overwhelm me, Let me a steadfast trust retain; And then at my departure Take Thou me home to Thee And let me there inherit All Thou hast promised me. In life and death, Lord, keep me Until Thy Heav’n I gain. Where I by Thy great mercy The end of faith attain. Used With Tune: NUN LOB Text Sources: composite translation
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To Thee all praise ascendeth

Author: J. Rist Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To Thee all praise ascendeth, Almighty ever-blessed God; The anthem never endeth Around Thy throne, O holy Lord! E'en here, in tribulation, When we are sorely tried, Thou art our consolation, The refuge where we hide. Day unto day Thy glory, Thy goodness doth confess, And we take up the story Of all Thy faithfulness. 2 Our hearts o'erflow with gladness, For we have learned Thy power and grace We may not sink in sadness, We stand, in Christ, before Thy face. Thy name be ever praiséd, Thou doest wonders great; Our voice may well be raiséd, Thy mercies to relate. Oh! be it all our pleasure Whilst pilgrim-days endure, To find in Thee our treasure, To rest in Thee secure. 3 Thy name, O Lord, abideth, Thou shalt be honored on the earth, Thy hand our all provideth, Thou caredst for us ere our birth. O Lord! what shall we render For all the debt we owe, For all Thy care so tender, Thy love too vast to know! The theme of Thy salvation Shall be our one employ We bless Thee for creation, And for eternal joy! Topics: The Church Year Trinity Sunday; The Church Year Trinity Sunday; God Almighty; Praise and Prayer Used With Tune: [To Thee all praise ascendeth]

The heavens declare thy glory

Author: T. R. B. Appears in 58 hymnals Used With Tune: GRAFENBERG
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Thank God it hath resounded

Author: Cath. Winkworth; Paul Gerhardt Appears in 3 hymnals Used With Tune: NUN LOB' MEIN SEEL DEN HERREN

Do Not Be Silent, LORD God

Author: Calvin Seerveld Meter: Irregular Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Enemies & Persecution; Laments; Temptation & Trial; Enemies & Persecution; Laments; Poverty; Temptation & Trial Scripture: Psalm 109 Used With Tune: NUN LOB, MEIN SEEL

Bien sé en quien yo creo

Author: Leopoldo Gros, 1925- Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: NUN LOB, MEIN SEEL

O ! Arglwydd, galw eto

Meter: 7.6 D Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: GRAFENBERG

Fy Nuw, fy Nhad, fy Iesu

Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: GRAFENBERG

Chwal, duszo moja, Pana

Author: ks. Johann Gramann; Tadeusz Sikora Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Chwała, dziękczynienie i modlitwa Used With Tune: WEISS MIR EIN BLÜMLEIN BLAUE Text Sources: St. 4: Królewiek 1549
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My Soul! exalt the Lord thy God

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: I. My Soul! exalt the Lord thy God, And all that's in me bless his Name, Make known his wondrous Works abroad, And oh, my Heart, retain the same; He pardons all thy Trespasses; Thy Frailties he repairs; Preserves thy Life from great distress, With mercy crowns thy Years; He satisfies thy Mouth with Good; Renews thine Age with Strength; The Lord hath Judgments for the proud, And saves th' Oppres'd at Length. II. He has reveal'd his wondrous Ways; By MOSES was his Justice known; He sent the World his Truth and Grace, By th' Incarnation of his Son. His Anger doth abate betimes; And when his Rod is felt, His Strokes are fewer than our Crimes, And lighter than our Guilt; His Grace shall be for ever blest With those that love his Name; Far as the East is from the West, He casts our Sin and Shame. III. As Fathers, mov'd with Tenderness, Correct their growing Children's Faults; So chastens God, yet loves no less Those who revere him in their Thoughts; He knows our short and feeble Breath; He knows we are but dust; His rising Wrath is big with Death; He summons, die we must: Our transient Days pass quick away; They're like the tender flower, One blasting Gale, one scorching Ray Destroys it in an Hour. IV. But thy Compassions, Lord, endure, Now and to all Eternity; And All shall find thy Promise sure, That keep thy Statutes faithfully. The Lord, our great and glorious King, Has fix'd his Throne on high' Ye Angels, to his Glory sing, And Men beneath the Sky. Join Hearts, and Lips with one Accord, And praise his holy Name, My Soul, according to his Word, Do thou repeat the same. V. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Be Glory, Might and Majesty; He is the God, of whom we boast; On whose kind Promise we rely; Let our united Zeal be shewn His glorious Fame to raise; For he's the God, whose Name alone Deserves our endless Praise. Thus we with humble Confidence Sum up our best Desire, And saying AMEN, in this Sense, Our Faith shall ne'er expire. Topics: Praise of God Used With Tune: [My Soul, exalt the Lord thy God]

Upp, psaltare och harpa

Author: J. O. Wallin Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Upp, psaltare och harpa! Upp, kraftens ord, du Andens svärd tveeggade och skarpa, ur dvalan väck en syndig värld! Och, nådens milda lära, de väckta hjärtan bjud att känna älska, ära barmhärtighetens Gud, som huld i Sions gårdar med Anden och sitt ord alltsom en herde vårdar sin dyra, återlösta hjord. 2 Dig skall ditt Sion sjunga och bära fram för dig, o Gud, med hjärta och med tunga sin lovpsalm och sitt böneljud. Ditt ord i våra bygder må rikeligen bo och bära frukt i dygder, gudaktighet och ro. Som havens sand otaligt ditt folk föröke sig och heligt och lycksaligt i evighet lovsjunge dig. Used With Tune: [Upp, psaltare och harpa]
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Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren

Appears in 7 hymnals Used With Tune: [Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren]


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