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Showing 1 - 50 of 31,055Results Per Page: 102050

Th' Abyss of Many a Former Sin

Author: Joseph of the Studium; John M. Neale Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Th’abyss of many a former sin Encloses me and bars me in; Like billows my transgressions roll: Be Thou the pilot of my soul, And to salvation’s harbor bring Thou Savior and Thou glorious King. 2. My Father’s heritage abused, Wasted by lust, by sin misused; To shame and want and misery brought, The slave to many a fruitless thought, I cry to Thee, who lovest men, O pity and receive again! 3. In hunger now, no more possessed, Of that my portion bright and blest, The exile and the alien see, Who yet would fain return to Thee, And save me, Lord, who seek to raise To Thy dear love the hymn of praise! 4. With that blest thief my prayer I make, Remember for Thy mercy’s sake! With that poor publican I cry, Be merciful, O God most high! With that lost prodigal I fain Back to my home would turn again! 5. Mourn, mourn, my soul, with earnest care, And raise to Christ the contrite prayer; O Thou, who freely wast made poor, My sorrows and my sins to cure, Me, poor of all good works, embrace, Enriching with Thy boundless grace! Used With Tune: VATER UNSER Text Sources: Translation in Hymns of the Eastern Church

Th' Almighty Reigns Exalted High

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 83 hymnals First Line: Th’ Almighty reigns exalted high Lyrics: 1 Th’ Almighty reigns exalted high O’er all the earth, o’er all the sky; Though clouds and darkness veil His feet, His dwelling is the mercy seat. 2 O ye that love His holy name, Hate every work of sin and shame: He guards the souls of all His friends, And from the snares of hell defends. 3 Immortal light and joys unknown Are for the saints in darkness sown; Those glorious seeds shall spring and rise, And the bright harvest bless our eyes. 4 Rejoice, ye righteous, and record The sacred honors of the Lord: None but the soul that feels His grace Can triumph in His holiness. Used With Tune: CONFIDENCE Text Sources: The Psalms of David, 1719
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Th' Almighty spake, and Gabriel sped

Author: Mr. George Richards Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: Th'Almighty spake, and Gabriel sped, Upborne on wings of light, Jehovah's glory round him spread, And chang'd to day, the night. Swift down to earth th'archangel flew, From God's eternal throne; His shining robe of rainbow hue, The star, moon, sun, outshone. Ten thousand thousand left the sky, To catch salvation's sound; One note of peace was heard on high, Glad tidings roll'd around. Shout, shout for joy; rejoice, O earth, All hail, All hail, this glorious morn, Remoice! rejoice in Jesus' birth, To day are nations born. "From Zion's hill to worlds above Reecho back the strain, And Golden harps, attun'd to love, Thus swept Ephrathah's plain. "He comes! He comes! The Saviour God. Good will, peace peace, joy for men. Glad tidings shout to all abroad, amen, amen, amen, amen. Used With Tune: CHRISTMAS

Th' Apostles' hearts were full of pain

Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Ancient Office Hymn Feasts of Apostles in Eastertide Used With Tune: [Th' Apostles' hearts were full of pain]
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Th' eternal gates lift up their heads

Author: C. F. Alexander Appears in 131 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Th'eternal gates lift up their heads, The doors are opened wide; The King of glory is gone up Unto His Father's side. 2 Thou art gone up before us, Lord, Thou hast prepared a place, That we may be where now Thou art, And look upon Thy face. 3 And ever on Thine earthly path A gleam of glory lies; A light still breaks behind the clouds That veil Thee from our eyes. 4 Lift up our thoughts, lift up our songs, And let Thy grace be given, That while we linger yet below, Our hearts may be in heaven. 5 That where Thou art at God's right hand, Our hope, our love may be: Dwell in us now, that we may dwell Forevermore with Thee. Topics: Ascension
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Th' eternal Sov'reign from on high

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Th' eternal Sov'reign from on high Cast on the sons of men his eye, To see, if any understood, And fear'd, and lov'd their Maker, God. 2 But all were so degen'rate grown, None the true God had fully known; Both Jew and Gentile long had been By lust enslav'd, and dead in sin. 3 Both gone from wisdom's path astray, Pursu'd the errors of their way, With dismal superstition blind; And causeless terrors fill'd their mind. 4 Who, gracious God! to sinners' eyes could bid the wish'd salvation rise? Thy Son did light and truth display, And turn their darkness into day. 5 No flesh shall boast of righteousness, But guilty shall themselves confess; And, when they heart thy pard'ning voice, In thy salvation shall rejoice.
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th' Eternal speaks all Heav'n attends

Author: Anon. Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: th' Eternal speaks all Heav'n attends who that unhappy race defends while Justice aims the Blow see Nature tremble at their fate Death with his Iron scepter waits Hell opes her Adamantine Gates and triumphs at their woe Hell opes her Adamantine Gates and triumphs at their woe see Nature tremble at their fate Death with his Iron scepter waits Hell opes her Adamantine Gates and triumphs at their woe Hell opes her Adamantine Gates ad triumphs at their woe Used With Tune: REDEMPTION
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Th' unchangeable Jehovah saith

Author: Kneeland Appears in 5 hymnals
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Th' unutterable Word Thou art

Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Th' unutterable Word Thou art, O Christ, to Sons of Men; Jehovah spake Thee from his Heart, And Worlds existed then. 2 He spake Thee then a Law to all The glorious Hierarchy, And firm decreed their dreadful Fall, Who would not worship thee. 3 By thee he rules the Worlds above, And all the Worlds below; By thee he doth his Grace and Love, His Wrath and Justice, shew. 4 Thou, the exalted Throne of Grace, The Father's peaceful Seat, Where we with Joy behold his Face, And worship at his Feet. 5 In thee now sav'd, no more we fear The Curse of Adam's Fall; In thee with Boldness we draw near To God, the Judge of All. Scripture: Proverbs 8:23
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Th' uplifted eye and bended knee

Appears in 68 hymnals Text Sources: Reformed Liturgy
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ثابت على مواعيد يسوع

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 - ثابتٌ على مواعيدِ يسوعْ لاسمِه أُنشدُ ما بين الجُموعْ لا أُزَعزعُ وليس مَن يروعْ ثابتٌ على وُعودِ اللهْ 2 - ثابتْ ... ثابتْ ثابتٌ على وعودِ ربي الإلهْ ثابتْ ... ثابتْ إني ثابتٌ على وعودِ اللهْ 3 - ثابتٌ على مواعيدَ تدومْ عندما زوابعُ الشكِّ تحومْ حولَ نفسي لا أخافُ بل أقومْ ثابتاً على وعودِ اللهْ 4 - ثابتٌ على وعودِه السنينْ طائعٌ نداءَ روحِه الأمينْ فهْو راحتي سلامي كلَّ حينْ ثابتٌ على وعودِ اللهْ 5 - ثابتٌ على مواعيدِ الكتابْ عالـمٌ بأنها عينُ الصوابْ لست أخشى من شكوكٍ وارتيابْ ثابتٌ على وعودِ اللهْ Used With Tune: [ثابت على مواعيد يسوع]

ثابت قلبي

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: ثابت قلبي، ثابت قلبي Refrain First Line: للرب سلم طريقك واتكل Lyrics: 1) ثابت قلبي، ثابت قلبي أرنم لك يا ربي ثابت قلبي لأنك حقا يا الله ملك المجدِ القرار للرب سلِّم طريقكَ واتكلْ عليه (وهو يُجري) للرب سلم طريقك واتكل عليه (وهو يُجري) 2) يهتم بي عوني مُنقذي إلهيَ لا يُبطيءُ لذلك أنتظرُ وأصبرُ له وحدَهُ Used With Tune: [ثابت قلبي، ثابت قلبي]

Thak You, Dear God, for Summer

Author: Elizabeth Cushing Taylor Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thank You, dear God, for summer Used With Tune: [Thank You, dear God, for summer]
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Author: Joseph Brownlee Brown Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: I stand upon the summit of my years

Than Many Sparrows

Author: Eliza E. Hewitt Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Ye are of more value Than many sparrows are Refrain First Line: Trust Him, trust Him, whose mercies shine afar

Than the sea, his grace is vaster

Author: Thoro Harris Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: One there is divinely gracious

Than Thee, Heav'nly Father

Author: Florence Martin Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: For our home and daily food Used With Tune: [For our home and daily food]

Than to be the king of a vast domain

Author: Rhea F. Miller, 1894-1966 Meter: with refrain Appears in 31 hymnals First Line: I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold Topics: General Hymns Repentance and Forgiveness Used With Tune: I'D RATHER HAVE JESUS
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Author: William Cullen Bryant Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: To him who in love of nature holds

Thành-tâm tôn Vua Thánh, đầy hiền-hách oai-phong

Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [Thành-tâm tôn Vua Thánh, đầy hiền-hách oai-phong]
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Thank and Praise Him

Author: E. R. Latta Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thank and praise Him for His goodness Refrain First Line: Thank and praise Him! thank and praise Him! Used With Tune: [Thank and praise Him for His goodness]

Thank and praise Jehovah's name

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 111 hymnals Lyrics: Thank and praise Jehovah's name For his mercies firm and sure, From eternity the same, To eternity endure. Let the ransom'd thus rejoice, Gather'd out of every land; As the people of his choice, Pluck'd from the destroyer's hand. 46 In the wilderness astray, Hither, thither, while they roam, Hungry, fainting by the way, Far from refuge, shelter, home; Then unto the Lord they cry; He inclines a gracious ear, Sends deliverance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear. To a pleasant land He brings, Where the vine and olive grow, Where from flowery hills the springs Through luxuriant valleys flow. O that men would praise the Lord, For His goodness to their race; For the wonders of His word, And the riches of His grace! They that mourn in dungeon-gloom, Bound in iron and despair, Sentenced to a heavier doom Than the pangs they suffer there;-- Foes and rebels once to God, They disdain'd His high control; Now they feel His fiery rod, Striking terrors through their soul. Wrung with agony, they fall To the dust, and, gazing round, Call for help;--in vain they call; Help, nor hope, nor friend are found. 47 Then unto the Lord they cry; He inclines a gracious ear, Sends deliverance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear. He restores their forfeit breath, Breaks in twain the gates of brass; From the bands and grasp of death, Forth to liberty they pass. O that men would praise the Lord, For his goodness to their race, For the wonders of His word, And the riches of His grace! Sinners, for transgression, see Sharp disease their youth consume, And their beauty, like a tree, Withering on an early tomb. Food is loathsome to their taste, And the eye revolts from light; All their joys to ruin haste, As the sunset into night. Then unto the Lord they cry; He inclines a gracious ear, Sends deliverance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear. He with health renews their frame, Lengthens out their number'd days, Let them glorify His name With the sacrifice of praise. 48 O that men would praise the Lord, For his goodness to their race, For the wonders of His word, And the riches of His grace! They that toil upon the deep, And, in vessels light and frail, O'er the mighty waters sweep, With the billow and the gale,-- Mark what wonders God performs, When He speaks, and, unconfined, Rush to battle all His storms, In the chariots of the wind. Up to heaven their bark is whirl'd On the mountain of the wave, Down as suddenly 'tis hurl'd To th' abysses of the grave. To and fro they reel and roll, As intoxicate with wine; Terrors paralyze their soul, Helm they quit, and hope resign. Then unto the Lord they cry; He inclines a gracious ear, Sends deliverance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear. Calm and smooth the surges flow, And where deadly lightning ran, God's own reconciling bow Metes the ocean with a span. 49 O that men would praise the Lord, For His goodness to their race, For the wonders of His word, And the riches of His grace! Topics: Deliverance from perils at sea; Deliverance from malignant disease; Deliverance from captivity; Deliverance in the wilderness; Deliverance of God's people Scripture: Psalm 7

Thank God

Author: Amos R. Wells Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thank God for love that sent His Son to die Refrain First Line: Thank God for full salvation, freely ours Used With Tune: [Thank God for love that sent His Son to die]
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Thank God

Author: L. H. Edmunds Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thank God for the fountain, so precious, so free Refrain First Line: Hallelujah, blessed be his name Used With Tune: [Thank God for the fountain, so precious, so free]

Thank God

Author: G. T. S. Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thank God for the beautiful sunshine Refrain First Line: I thank Him for saving lost sinners Used With Tune: [Thank God for the beautiful sunshine]
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Thank God and Take Courage

Author: Priscilla J. Owens Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Thank God, and take courage Used With Tune: [Thank God, and take courage]

Thank God For Bethlehem

Author: Richard W. Adams Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Astonishing grace: A race so defiled Lyrics: 1 Astonishing grace: A race so defiled, So buried in sin, can be reconciled! For God all is possible, no cause too high; See Wisdom and Love to His creatures draw nigh. 2 The Spirit of God contends with our will, Our obstinate pride, yet Love sought us still; He stooped down from Heaven, assumed flesh and bone, Laid hold of our nature, and joined to His own. 3 Immanuel came down, the world to redeem, Our God in the flesh, the Savior supreme; Our sins to forgive and our souls wash in blood, So man may again be united to God! 4 O glorious hope, to see face to face; Sing Bethlehem’s praise, hosannas to grace! Such love beyond measure, what mercy so mild, O wonder of wonders, that God was a child! Used With Tune: LYONS
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Thank God! for he has freed me

Author: Eben E. Rexford Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: I was in utter bondage

Thank God for It All

Author: Terry Pillow Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: When shall come love's bright tomorrow Refrain First Line: O I thank God for life He gave me

Thank God for Jesus who rescued me

Author: William A. McKinney Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Jesus Christ, my Lord, went to Calvary

Thank God for joy

Author: C. W. Bronson Appears in 1 hymnal
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Thank God for Little Children

Author: Julia H. Johnston Appears in 3 hymnals Refrain First Line: We welcome, welcome gladly Topics: Children Used With Tune: [Thank God for little children]

Thank God for our country

Author: Mary B. C. L. Slade Appears in 1 hymnal

Thank God for the Bible

Author: Irene Durfee Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thank God for the book he has given
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Thank God for the Bible

Author: Miriam E. Arnold Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Thank God for the Bible, the book that we love Refrain First Line: "Thank God for the Bible," we joyfully sing Used With Tune: [Thank God for the Bible, the book that we love]
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Thank God for the Bible

Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Thank God for the Bible whose clear shining ray Used With Tune: [Thank God for the Bible whose clear shining ray] Text Sources: Christian Secretary
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Thank God for the Bible

Author: James M. Gray Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O how can we thank Thee, our God, for the Bible Used With Tune: [O how can we thank Thee, our God, for the Bible]
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Thank God for the Bible! 'tis there that we find

Appears in 34 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thank God for the Bible! 'tis there that we find The story of Christ and his love,-- How he came down to earth from his beautiful home, In the mansions of glory above; Thanks to him we will bring, Praise to him we will sing, For he came down to earth from his beautiful home, In the mansions of glory above; For he came down to earth from his beautiful home, In the mansions of glory above. 2 While he lived on this earth, to the sick and the blind And to mourners his blessings were given; And he said, Let the little ones come unto me, For of such is the kingdom of heaven. Jesus calls us to come: He's prepared us a home; For he said, Let the little ones come unto me, For of such is the kingdom of heaven; For he said, Let the little ones come unto me, For of such is the kingdom of heaven. 3 In the Bible we read of a beautiful land, Where sorrow and pain never come; For Jesus is there with a heavenly band, And 'tis there he's prepared us a home. Jesus calls: shall we stay? No, we'll gladly obey, For Jesus is there with a heavenly hand. And 'tis there he's prepared us a home; For Jesus is there with a heavenly hand, And 'tis there he's prepared us a home. 4 Thank God for the Bible! Its truths o'er the earth We'll scatter with bountiful hand; But we never can tell what a Bible is worth, Till we go to that beautiful land; There our thanks we will bring, There with angels we'll sing, And its worth we can tell when with Jesus we dwell, In heaven,--that beautiful land. And its worth we can tell when with Jesus we dwell, In heaven, that beautiful land. Used With Tune: THANK GOD FOR THE BIBLE


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