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Scripture:Psalm 112

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Psalm 112

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 91 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Happy is he that fears the Lord Lyrics: Happy is he that fears the Lord, And follows his commands; Who lends the poor without reward, Or gives with lib'ral hands. As pity dwells within his breast To all the sons of need; So God shall answer his request With blessings on his seed. No evil tidings shall surprise His well-established mind; His soul to God his refuge flies, And leaves his fears behind. In times of general distress Some beams of light shall shine, To show the world his righteousness, And give him peace divine. His works of piety and love Remain before the Lord; Honor on earth and joys above Shall be his sure reward. Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; Good Works; Poor charity to them; Charity to the poor; Liberality rewarded; Preservation in public dangers

Psalm 112

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: That man is blest who stands in awe Lyrics: That man is blest who stands in awe Of God, and loves his sacred law: His seed on earth shall be renowned; His house the seat of wealth shall be, An inexhausted treasury, And with successive honors crowned. His lib'ral favors he extends, To some he gives, to others lends; A gen'rous pity fills his mind: Yet what his charity impairs, He saves by prudence in affairs And thus he's just to all mankind. His hands, while they his alms bestowed, His glory's future harvest sowed; The sweet remembrance of the just, Like a green root, revives and bears A train of blessings for his heirs, When dying nature sleeps in dust. Beset with threat'ning dangers round, Unmoved shall he maintain his ground; His conscience holds his courage up: The soul that's filled with virtue's light, Shines brightest in affliction's night, And sees in darkness beams of hope. [Ill tidings never can surprise His heart that fixed on God relies, Though waves and tempests roar around: Safe on the rock he sits, and sees The shipwreck of his enemies, And all their hope and glory drowned. The wicked shall his triumph see, And gnash their teeth in agony, To find their expectations crossed; They and their envy, pride, and spite, Sink down to everlasting night, And all their names in darkness lost.] Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; Good Works; Poor charity to them; Charity to the poor; Liberality rewarded; Preservation in public dangers

Psalm 112

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Thrice happy man who fears the Lord Lyrics: Thrice happy man who fears the Lord, Loves his commands, and trusts his word; Honor and peace his days attend, And blessings to his seed descend. Compassion dwells upon his mind, To works of mercy still inclined; He lends the poor some present aid, Or gives them, not to be repaid. When times grow dark, and tidings spread That fill his neighbors round with dread, His heart is armed against the fear, For God with all his power is there. His soul, well fixed upon the Lord, Draws heav'nly courage from his word; Amidst the darkness light shall rise, To cheer his heart and bless his eyes. He hath dispersed his alms abroad; His works are still before his God; His name on earth shall long remain, While envious sinners fret in vain. Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; Good Works; Poor charity to them; Charity to the poor; Liberality rewarded; Preservation in public dangers
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How Blest Are Those Who Fear the LORD

Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1 How blest are those who fear the LORD and greatly love God's holy will. Their children share their great reward, and blessings all their days shall fill. 2 Abounding wealth shall bless their home, their righteousness fore'er endure. To them shall light arise in gloom, for they are merciful and pure. 3 The people who befriend the weak in justice shall their cause maintain. True peace shall their whole life attend, and long their memory shall remain. 4 By evil tidings not dismayed, the righteous trust in God alone. Their heart is steadfast, unafraid, for they shall see their foes o'erthrown. 5 Dispersing gifts among the poor, the righteous for their needs provide. Their righteousness shall thus endure; their strength in honor shall abide. 6 The wicked will be brought to shame, while righteous ones will see the LORD. Unrighteous hopes will not see gain, for sin will find its due reward. Topics: Trust in God; Offering; Trust in God; Wisdom Used With Tune: MELCOMBE Text Sources: Psalter 1887; rev. Psalter Hymnal, 1987

How blest the man that fears the Lord

Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Used With Tune: EDEN Text Sources: United Presbyterian Book of Psalms, U.S.A., 1871, alt.
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Author: John Bowring Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:6 First Line: Earth's transitory things decay Lyrics: 1 Earth's transitory things decay; Its pomps, its pleasures pass away; But the sweet memory of the good Survives in the vicissitude. 2 As, 'mid the ever-rolling sea, The eternal isles established be, 'Gainst which the surges of the main Fret, dash, and break themselves in vain;-- 3 As in the heavens, the urns divine Of golden light for ever shine; Tho' clouds may darken, storms may rage, They still shine on from age to age;-- 4 So, through the ocean tide of years, The memory of the just appears; So, through the tempest and the gloom, The good man's virtues light the tomb. Topics: Christians Privileges; Comfort; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table Used With Tune: WARRINGTON

Psalm 112: Praise ye the Lord. The man is bless'd

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Praise ye the Lord. The man is bless'd Lyrics: 1Praise ye the Lord. The man is bless’d that fears the Lord aright, He who in his commandements doth greatly take delight. 2His seed and offspring powerful shall be the earth upon: Of upright men blessed shall be the generation. 3Riches and wealth shall ever be within his house in store; And his unspotted righteousness endures for evermore. 4Unto the upright light doth rise, though he in darkness be: Compassionate, and merciful, and righteous, is he. 5A good man doth his favour shew, and doth to others lend: He with discretion his affairs will guide unto the end. 6Surely there is not any thing that ever shall him move: The righteous man’s memorial shall everlasting prove. 7When he shall evil tidings hear, he shall not be afraid: His heart is fix’d, his confidence upon the Lord is stay’d. 8His heart is firmly stablished, afraid he shall not be, Until upon his enemies he his desire shall see. 9He hath dispers’d, giv’n to the poor; his righteousness shall be To ages all; with honour shall his horn be raised high. 10The wicked shall it see, and fret, his teeth gnash, melt away: What wicked men do most desire shall utterly decay.
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How happy is he born or taught

Author: Henry Wotton Meter: Appears in 111 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: An independent and happy Life; Safety and happiness of obediene and a good conscience

Happy the children of the Lord

Appears in 16 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: Excellence and power of God's word Text Sources: Spirit of the Psalms

El justo brilla en las tiniebls (The just man is a light in darkness)

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time A; 5º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario A Used With Tune: [El justo brilla en las tinieblas]
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When Morning Gilds the Skies

Author: Edward Caswall Meter: 6.6.6 D Appears in 702 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4 Lyrics: 1 When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries: may Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer to Jesus I repair: may Jesus Christ be praised! 2 Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find: may Jesus Christ be praised! Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this: may Jesus Christ be praised! 3 Let earth's wide circle round in joyful notes resound: may Jesus Christ be praised! Let air and sea and sky from depth to height reply: may Jesus Christ be praised! 4 Be this, while life is mine, my canticle divine: may Jesus Christ be praised! Be this the eternal song through all the ages long: may Jesus Christ be praised! Topics: Celebrating Time; Comfort; Morning; Praise; Evening Used With Tune: LAUDES DOMINI Text Sources: German hymn, c. 1800

Praise ye the Lord

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: Psalms Used With Tune: [Praise ye the Lord]

Psalm 112

Author: S T Kimbrough, Jr. Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Light rises in darkness Topics: Psalter Used With Tune: [Light rises in darkness]

Salmo 112

Author: Juan de los Santos Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: ¡Cuán bienaventurado es Used With Tune: BREMEN

Psalm 112

Author: Hal H. Hopson, b. 1933 Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Happy are they who delight Lyrics: Refrain: Happy are they who delight, who delight in the law of God. Topics: Service Used With Tune: [Happy are they who delight]

Psalm 112: A Light Rises in the Darkness

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4-9 First Line: They are lights in the darkness for the upright Refrain First Line: A light rises in the darkness Topics: Rites of the Church Marriage; Ordinary Time Fifth Sunday Used With Tune: [A light rises in the darkness] (Guimont)
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Sing Hallelujah, O how blessed

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1 Sing HALLELUJAH! O how bless'd, the man who doth JEHOVAH fear; who also takes a great delight In keeping his commands with care. 2 His seed shall multiply on earth, Be great and prosper mightily: the righteous race of righteous men Shall blessed be abundantly. 3 Riches and wealth shall fill his house; His righteousness no end shall find; 4 Light in his darkness shall arise; He's just, compassionate and kind. 5 A good man lends, and favour shews, And his affairs with judgment guides: 6 Surely he never shall be mov'd; For ever dear his name abides. 7 Ill tydings shall not him dismay; His heart fix'd, on the LORD relies; 8 His heart so firm, he never fears While he looks on his enemies. 9 He kindnesses disperses round, And gives the poor a meet supply; His righteousness shall ever last; His horn in honor rise on high. 10 The wicked this shall see and grieve, And gnash their teeth and melt away; While all their ill desires and aims, Shall fail and utterly decay.

Alleluia! Laud and Blessing

Author: Michael Morgan Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: Acrostic Psalms; Covenant; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Emmaus Road; God Obedience to; God's Sustaining Power; God's Wisdom; God's Wonders; God's Word; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Goodness; God's Holiness; God's House; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Majesty; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promises; God's Providence; God's Way; Grace; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Good Shepherd; Jesus Christ Teacher; Mercy; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Rejoicing; Remembering; Temple; Truth; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Witness; Year B, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 4th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 14-20; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6 Used With Tune: ALL SAINTS (WEISSE FLAGGEN)
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Beatus vir

Author: W. K. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: The man is blest that God doth feare Lyrics: 1 The man is blest that God doth feare, And that his law doth love indeed: 2 His seed on earth God will upreare, And blesse such as from him proceed, 3 His house with good he will fulfill, His righteousnesse endure shall still. 4 Unto the righteous doth arise On trouble joy, in darknesse light: Compassion is in his eyes, And mercy alwaies in his sight: 5 Yea, pitie moveth him to lend He doth with judgment things expend. 6 And surely such shall never faile For in remembrance had is he: 7 Nor tidings ill can make him quaile, Who in the Lord sure hope doth see/ 8 His heart is firm, his feare is past, for he shall see his foes down cast. 9 He did well for the poore provide, His righteousnesse shall still remaine: And his estate with praise abide, Though that the wicked man disdaine. 10 Yea gnash his teeth thereat shall he And so consume his state to see.

Praise God!

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Praise God! The man is bless'd who fears the LORD Used With Tune: TOULON Text Sources: Sing Psalms, 2003
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My Faith Looks Up to Thee

Author: Ray Palmer Meter: Appears in 2,218 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4 Lyrics: 1 My faith looks up to thee, thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior divine! Now hear me while I pray; take all my guilt away; O let me from this day be wholly thine! 2 May thy rich grace impart strength to my fainting heart, my zeal inspire; as thou hast died for me, O may my love to thee pure, warm, and changeless be, a living fire! 3 While life's dark maze I tread and griefs around me spread, be thou my guide; bid darkness turn to day; wipe sorrow's tears away; nor let me ever stray from thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dream, when death's cold, sullen stream shall o'er me roll; blest Savior, then, in love, fear and distrust remove; O bear me safe above, a ransomed soul! Topics: Faith; Forgiveness; Funeral; Grace; Guidance; Living and Dying in Christ Used With Tune: OLIVET

Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom

Author: John Henry Newman, 1801-90 Meter: Appears in 1,234 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1 Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom; lead thou me on. The night is dark, and I am far from home; lead thou me on. Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene - one step enough for me. 2 I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou shouldst lead me on. I loved to choose and see my path; but now lead thou me on. I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears pride ruled my will: remember not past years. 3 So long thy power hath blest me, sure it still will lead me on, o'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till the night is gone; and with the morn those angel faces smile, which I have loved long since, and lost awhile. Topics: Consolation; Doubt; Evening; Justice; Light; Night; Personal Petition; Pilgrimage; Providence; Saints Days and Holy Days Any Saint; Saints Days and Holy Days Conversion of St Paul; Temptation; Trust in God Used With Tune: SANDON
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Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise

Author: John Ellerton, 1826-1893 Meter: Appears in 853 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4 Lyrics: 1 Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise with one accord our parting hymn of praise; we stand to bless thee ere our worship cease; then, lowly kneeling, wait thy word of peace. 2 Grant us thy peace upon our homeward way; with thee began, with thee shall end, the day: guard thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, that in this house have called upon thy name. 3 Grant us thy peace, Lord, through the coming night; turn thou for us its darkness into light; from harm and danger keep thy children free, for dark and light are both alike to thee. 4 Grant us thy peace throughout our earthly life, our balm in sorrow, and our stay in strife; then, when thy voice shall bid our conflict cease, call us, O Lord, to thine eternal peace. Topics: Evening Used With Tune: ELLERS
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Holy Spirit, Light Divine

Author: Andrew Reed Appears in 783 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4 Lyrics: 1 Holy Spirit, Light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine; Chase the shades of night away, Turn my darkness into day. 2 Holy Spirit, Power divine Cleanse this guilty heart of mine; Long hath sin without control Held dominion o'er my soul. 3 Holy Spirit, Joy divine, Cheer this saddened heart of mine; Bid my many woes depart, Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. 4 Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of mine; Cast down every idol throne, Reign supreme, and reign alone. Amen. Used With Tune: [Holy Spirit, Light divine]
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Death of the Righteous

Author: Mrs. Anna L. Barbauld Appears in 467 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:6 First Line: How blest the righteous when he dies Lyrics: 1 How blest the righteous when he dies,-- When sinks a weary soul to rest! How mildly beam the closing eyes! How gently heaves the expiring breast! 2 So fades a summer-cloud away; So sinks the gale when storms are o'er So gently shuts the eye of day; So dies a wave along the shore. 3 A holy quiet reigns around,-- A calm which life nor death destroys; And naught disturbs that peace profound, Which his unfettered soul enjoys. 4 Life's labor done, as sinks the clay, Light from its load the spirit flies; While heaven and earth combine to say,--- "How blest the righteous when he dies!" Topics: Death Used With Tune: ZEPHYR
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His Way with Thee

Author: C. S. N. Appears in 233 hymnals Scripture: Psalms 1-150 First Line: Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good Refrain First Line: His power can make you what you ought to be Used With Tune: [Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good]
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O thou who dry'st the mourner's tear

Meter: Appears in 210 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4 Topics: Times and Seasons Affliction
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Brotherly Love

Author: Joseph Humphreys Appears in 207 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:6 First Line: Blessed are the sons of God Lyrics: 1 Blessed are the sons of God, They are bought with Christ's own blood; They are ransomed from the grave; Life eternal they shall have: With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. 2 They are justified by grace, They enjoy the Saviour's peace; All their sins are washed away; They shall stand in God's great day: With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. 3 They are lights upon the earth, Children of a heavenly birth-- One with God, with Jesus one: Glory is in them begun: With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. Topics: Adoption; Blessedness; Book of Life; Christ Ransom; Christians Fellowship; Christians Graces; Church Dear to Saints; Church Ordinances of; Church Unity of; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table Used With Tune: ROSEFIELD
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Author: P. P. B. Appears in 102 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:6 First Line: Fading away like the stars of the morning Refrain First Line: Ever remembered, for ever remembered Lyrics: 1 Fading away like the stars of the morning Losing their light in the glorious sun. So let me steal away, gently and lovingly, Only remembered by what I have done, Only remembered by what I have done. Chorus: Ever remembered, for ever remembered, Ever remembered while the years are rolling on; Ever remembered, for ever remembered, Only remembered by what I have done. 2 So let my name and my place be forgotten, Only my life race be patiently run; So let me pass away, peacefully, silently, Only remembered by what I have done, Only remembered by what I have done. [Chorus] 3 So, in the harvest, if others may gather Sheaves from the fields that in spring I have sown; Who plowed or sowed matters not to the reaper-- I'm only remembered by what I have done. [Chorus] 4 Fading away like the stars of the morning, So let my name be unhonored, unknown; Here, or up yonder, I must be remembered-- Only remembered by what I have done. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Fading away like the stars of the morning] Text Sources: Subject from H. Bonar.

God, Who Touchest Earth with Beauty

Author: Mary S. Edgar Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4 Topics: Aspiration; God Nature, in; Nature; Purity of Life; God the Father in Nature Used With Tune: BULLINGER
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Thou Gracious Power

Author: Oliver W. Holmes Meter: Appears in 67 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:1-3 First Line: Thou gracious Power, whose mercy lends Lyrics: 1 Thou gracious Power, whose mercy lends The light of home, the smile of friends, Our households in Thy care enfold As Thou didst keep Thy folk of old. 2 Wilt Thou not hear us while we raise, In sweet accord of solemn praise, The voices that have mingled long In joyous flow of mirth and song? 3 For all the blessings life has brought, For all its sorrowing hours have taught, For all we mourn, for all we keep, The hands we clasp, the loved that sleep. 4 We thank Thee, Father! let Thy grace Our loving circle still embrace, Thy mercy shed its heavenly store, Thy peace be with us evermore. Amen. Used With Tune: BROOKFIELD
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Trusting Jesus

Author: Mrs. mary Jane Walker Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:7 First Line: Jesus, I will trust thee Refrain First Line: In thy love confiding Topics: Faith Assurance of; Trust In Christ Used With Tune: HERMAS

Gather Us In

Author: Marty Haugen (1950-) Meter: Irregular Appears in 38 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Here in this place new light is streaming Topics: Call and Vocation; Church; Eucharist Used With Tune: GATHER US IN
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Good King Wenceslas

Author: John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Meter: D Appears in 37 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Good King Wenceslas looked out Lyrics: 1 Good King Wenceslas looked out on the feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even. Brightly shone the moon that night, though the frost was cruel, when a poor man came in sight, gathering winter fuel. 2 “Hither, page, and stand by me, if thou knowest it, telling: yonder peasant, who is he? Where and what his dwelling?” “Sire, he lives a good league hence, underneath the mountain, right against the forest fence, by St. Agnes’ fountain.” 3 “Bring me flesh and bring me wine, bring me pinelogs hither; thou and I will see him dine, when we bear them thither.” Page and monarch, forth they went, forth they went together, through the rude wind’s wild lament, and the bitter weather. 4 “Sire, the night is darker now, and the wind blows stronger; fails my heart, I know not how; I can go no longer.” “Mark my footsteps, my good page, tread thou in them boldly. Thou shalt find the winter’s rage freeze your blood less coldly.” 5 In his master’s steps he trod, where the snow lay dinted; heat was in the very sod which the saint had printed. Therefore, Christians all, be sure, wealth or rank possessing, ye who now will bless the poor, shall yourselves find blessing. Topics: Christmas; Stephen; Epiphany Used With Tune: TEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUM

What Does the Lord Require

Author: Albert Frederick Bayly (1901-1984) Meter: Appears in 30 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: Ash Wednesday; Discipleship; Justice; Lent (season); Stewardship Used With Tune: SHARPTHORNE

I Shall Not Be Moved

Author: Edward H. Boatner Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:6 First Line: Glory hallelujah, I shall not be moved Topics: Christians Commitment Used With Tune: [Glory hallelujah, I shall not be moved]

Golden Breaks the Dawn

Author: Frank W. Price; Tzu-chen Chao Meter: D Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4-9 Topics: Celebrating Time; Christian Life; Evening; Mercy; Morning; Providence Used With Tune: LE P'ING

Psalm cxii

Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Laudate Pueri Dominum Lyrics: Laudate Pueri Dominum: Laudote Nomen Domini. Sit nomen Domin benedicutm, hoc nunc et usque in saeculum. A solis ortu usque ad occasum, laudabile nomen Domini. Excelsus super omnes Gentus Dominus etsuper caelos gloria ejus. Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster qui in altis habitat et humilia respicit in caelo et in terra1 Suscitans a terra inope et de stercore erigens pauperem: Ut collocet eum cum Principibus populi sui. Qui habitare facit sterilem indomo, mastrem filiorum laetantem. Gloria Patrie, et Filio et spirtui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Topics: Vespers for Sunday Used With Tune: [Laudate Pueri Dominum]
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Blest is that man, who stands in awe

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: The Christian life Memory of the good precious; The Memory and Prospects of the good, blessed

清早起來看 Qing zao qi lai kan (Golden Breaks the Dawn)

Author: Tzu-chen Chao; Frank W. Price Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 112:4-8 First Line: 清早起來看 (Golden breaks the dawn) Topics: Creation Beauty of; Faith Journey; Morning; Praise; Praying; Protection Used With Tune: LE P’ING
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Bless'd is he, who fears the LORD

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1 Bless'd is he, who fears the LORD, And does his Laws obye, Great his Seed shall be on Earth, His Race shall not decay. Crown'd with Wealth his House shall be, To Mercy still inclin'd; Though in Trouble, he shall shine, The Blessing of Mankind. 2 Ort he lendeth to the Poor, His Words are always just; And his Glory shall survive, Though he should sleep in Dust. Him ill Tidings shall not move, Whose Heart on GOD relies; But in Safety see the Fall Of all his Enemies. 3 To the Needy he bestows, And doth their Wants supply; Thus his Righteousness shall last, His Horn be rais'd on high. This the Wicked shall behold, And gnash their Teeth in Pain; Whilst their Hopes but fruitless prove, And all their Wishes vain. Topics: Description of Blessings promised to the Pious and Charitable; Description of Confidence of Believers at all Times; Description of Happiness of Man; Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked Used With Tune: [Bless'd is he, who fears the Lord]
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Come, let us praise the Lord

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1. Come, let us praise the Lord: He's bless'd the Lord that fears; Whose Heart the greatest Love, To his Commandments bears. 2. His Seed renown'd, On Earth, shall be; His Progeny With Blessings crown'd. 3. His House with Wealth shall flow; His Justice never fails. 4. The Light shall on him shine, When Darkness most prevails. His gentle Mind The Poor's Grief feels, He justly deals With all Mankind. 5. A good Man Favour shows. And lends, nor hopes for Gain; His Business wisely guides; 6. He shall unmov'd remain The just Man's Name, With Fragrance, shall, Thro' Ages all, Still live in Fame. 7. No evil Tidings shall, His Mind, with Fear, surprize, His Heart is firmly fix'd, And on the Lord relies; 8. With sweet Repose, Fearless, to see The high Decree, Seize on his Foes. 9. He wide dispers'd his Alms, And gave the Poor Supplies; His Righteousness shall last, His Horn, in Glory, rise. I0. Sinners shall see, Grieve, gnash, and pine, But their Design Shall blasted be.
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Praise ye the Lord, blest is the man

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1 Praise ye the Lord, blest is the man That doth Jehovah fear: That doth in his commandments pure His spirit greatly chear. 2 They also mighty upon earth Shall be that are his seed; The race shall blessed be that doth From th'upright one proceed. 3 And there shall be within his house Both wealth and much rich store: His righteousness moreover doth Endure for evermore. 4 In midst of darkness there doth light To upright ones arise; He gracious is and pitiful And righteous is likewise. 5 A good man lends and favour shows And ready is to lend: And with discretion his affairs He carries on an end 6 Unmoved be for evermore Assuredly shall he: In everlasting memory The righteous man shall be. 7 Of evil tidings he shall be Not anxiously afraid: But putting in the Lord his trust His heart is firmly staid, 8 His heart is sure established, Fear shall not him surprize: Until he sees what he desires Upon his enemies. 9 He to the poor dispers'd and gave, His justice lasts for aye; With honour also shall his horn On high exalted stay. 10 The wicked shall both see and grieve, Gnash with his teeth shall he, And melt away, and their desire Shall fail that wicked be.
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That Man is bless''d, who fears the Lord

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: Hallelujah 1. That Man is bless'd, who fears the Lord, And in his Law takes great delight. 2. His Seed, on Earth, shail mighty be; Bless'd shall the Race be of th'Upright. 3. His House, with Plenty, shall abound; His Justice no Decays shall find. 4. His Light, in Darkness, shall arise; He's just, compassionate, and kind. 5. A good Man Favour shows, and lends; And his Affairs, with Prudence, guides. 6. Surely, he never shall be mov'd; Forever sweet his Name abides. 7. Fearless, he evil Tidings hears; His Heart is fix'd, on God relies. 8. Secur'd from Fear, he waits to see, Just Vengeance, on his Enemies. 9. His lib'ral Hand dispers'd his Alms, And gave the Poor a meet Supply; His Justice ever shall be prais'd, His Horn, in Glory, rais'd on high. 10. The Wicked this shall see, and grieve, Gnash with his Teeth, and melt away; While their Unjust:, and base Designs, Blasted, shall utterly decay.
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Who fears the Lord blest man

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1 Who fears the Lord blefs'd man is he, Who much doth in his laws delight. 2 His seed on earth shall mighty be, Blest shall the race be of th' upright. 3 Wealth in his house, much riches too, His justice lasts for aye likewise. 4 Unto the upright man also There doth in darkness light arise. He gracious is and righteous: And full is of compassion. 5 A good man lends and favour shews His works guides with discretion. 6 He sure shall not be mov'd for aye: Aye shall the just be in record. 7 Ill tidings shall not him dismay; His heart's fixt trusting on the Lord. 8 His heart's confirm'd, he shall not fear, Till on his foes his will he see. 9 He hath dispers'd; gives to the poor: His righteousness for aye shall be: His horn with honour high shall rise. 10 The lewd shall grieve, and melt away, And gnash his teeth, when this he spies, The wicked's wish shall quite decay.
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Psalm 112

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: The just shall trust in God alone Used With Tune: [The just shall trust in God alone]
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Thrice blest the man, that great Jehovah fears

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Lyrics: 1 Thrice blest the man, that great Jehovah fears, Observes his law, and his dread will reveres! 2 In honour long his progeny shall live; And 'mong the nations great respect receive: 3 His life he spends in peace, in wealth, in pow'r, His name will last, when he himself's no more: 4 While sore distresses wicked men confound, Our God will beam his light the just around; For, ever gracious, ever good, he frees, The pious soul from woe, and gives her ease. 5 The good man's bountiful, and constant gives, And injur'd innocence with joy relieves; And, with discretion while his life he guides, His wealth he with the indigent divides. 6 "No storms of fate his steady soul can move," His soul, that scorns the earth, and soars above: Ne'er dark oblivion can involve his name, Nor time itself obliterate his fame. 7 No dismal tidings can his heart surprize; Firm is his heart, and on his God relies; 8 Firm as a rock, he dares his threat'ning foes, For heav'n himself his sure support he knows. 9 The wealth that he with chearfulness bestow'd, The kind compassion to the poor he shew'd, His merit and his glory high will raise, And propagate his name to after-days. 10 This views the wicked with indignant eye; Rank spite and envy all his peace destroy; He chases, he frets, he pines, the live-long day, And with unbated malice wastes away.
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Blest alone is he

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: Sunset

Happy are those who do what the Lord commands

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 Topics: Psalm Responses/Rites Marriage Used With Tune: [Happy are those who do what the Lord commands]

A light rises in the darkness for the upright

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 112 First Line: Happy are those who fear the Lord Topics: Christian Living; Discipleship; Eucharistic Celebration (Mass) Responsorial Psalms; Light Used With Tune: [A light rises in the darkness for the upright]


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