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Author of "Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid" in The Cyber Hymnal In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Joseph Haydn

1732 - 1809 Person Name: F. J. Haydn, 1732-1809 Arranger of "CREATION" in Methodist Hymn and Tune Book Franz Joseph Haydn (b. Rohrau, Austria, 1732; d. Vienna, Austria, 1809) Haydn's life was relatively uneventful, but his artistic legacy was truly astounding. He began his musical career as a choirboy in St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, spent some years in that city making a precarious living as a music teacher and composer, and then served as music director for the Esterhazy family from 1761 to 1790. Haydn became a most productive and widely respected composer of symphonies, chamber music, and piano sonatas. In his retirement years he took two extended tours to England, which resulted in his "London" symphonies and (because of G. F. Handel's influence) in oratorios. Haydn's church music includes six great Masses and a few original hymn tunes. Hymnal editors have also arranged hymn tunes from various themes in Haydn's music. Bert Polman

John Stainer

1840 - 1901 Composer of "BEATI" in The Hymnal

William Henry Monk

1823 - 1889 Person Name: William Henry Monk, 1823-1889 Composer of "ST. MATTHIAS" in The Book of Praise William H. Monk (b. Brompton, London, England, 1823; d. London, 1889) is best known for his music editing of Hymns Ancient and Modern (1861, 1868; 1875, and 1889 editions). He also adapted music from plainsong and added accompaniments for Introits for Use Throughout the Year, a book issued with that famous hymnal. Beginning in his teenage years, Monk held a number of musical positions. He became choirmaster at King's College in London in 1847 and was organist and choirmaster at St. Matthias, Stoke Newington, from 1852 to 1889, where he was influenced by the Oxford Movement. At St. Matthias, Monk also began daily choral services with the choir leading the congregation in music chosen according to the church year, including psalms chanted to plainsong. He composed over fifty hymn tunes and edited The Scottish Hymnal (1872 edition) and Wordsworth's Hymns for the Holy Year (1862) as well as the periodical Parish Choir (1840-1851). Bert Polman

Joseph Barnby

1838 - 1896 Person Name: Sir Joseph Barnby Composer of "TRISTITIA" in Isles of Shoals Hymn Book and Candle Light Service Joseph Barnby (b. York, England, 1838; d. London, England, 1896) An accomplished and popular choral director in England, Barby showed his musical genius early: he was an organist and choirmaster at the age of twelve. He became organist at St. Andrews, Wells Street, London, where he developed an outstanding choral program (at times nicknamed "the Sunday Opera"). Barnby introduced annual performances of J. S. Bach's St. John Passion in St. Anne's, Soho, and directed the first performance in an English church of the St. Matthew Passion. He was also active in regional music festivals, conducted the Royal Choral Society, and composed and edited music (mainly for Novello and Company). In 1892 he was knighted by Queen Victoria. His compositions include many anthems and service music for the Anglican liturgy, as well as 246 hymn tunes (published posthumously in 1897). He edited four hymnals, including The Hymnary (1872) and The Congregational Sunday School Hymnal (1891), and coedited The Cathedral Psalter (1873). Bert Polman

John Warrington Hatton

1710 - 1793 Person Name: John Hatton Composer of "DUKE STREET" in Services for Congregational Worship. The New Hymn and Tune Book John Warrington Hatton (b. Warrington, England, c. 1710; d, St. Helen's, Lancaster, England, 1793) was christened in Warrington, Lancashire, England. He supposedly lived on Duke Street in Lancashire, from where his famous tune name comes. Very little is known about Hatton, but he was most likely a Presbyterian, and the story goes that he was killed in a stagecoach accident. Bert Polman

Henri F. Hemy

1818 - 1888 Composer of "ST. CATHERINE" in The Abingdon Hymnal Henri F. Hemy, born in the United Kingdom. Hemy spent time at sea as a young man, emigrating to Australia in 1850 with his family. Unable to make a decent living in Melbourne, he returned to Newcastle England. He was organist at St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church in Newcastle, later teaching professor of music at Tynemouth and at St. Cuthbert's College in Durham. He was pianist to Lord Ravensworth, Music Director of Ushaw College, and his orchestra played at fashionable venues in the region. He sang baritone as well. He composed waltzes, polkas, quadrilles, and galops. 3 music works: Easy Hymn Tunes for Catholic Schools; Royal Modern Tutor for Pianoforte; Crown of Jesus. He was active in local politics and published a manifesto in the daily newspaper. He lost a ward election. He also painted artwork. He set most of Longfellow's works to music. John Perry

Pope Gregory I

540 - 604 Person Name: Gregory the Great, 504-604 Attributed to of "Creator Spirit, by Whose aid" in Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church Gregory I., St., Pope. Surnamed The Great. Was born at Rome about A.D. 540. His family was distinguished not only for its rank and social consideration, but for its piety and good works. His father, Gordianus, said to have been the grandson of Pope Felix II. or III., was a man of senatorial rank and great wealth; whilst his mother, Silvia, and her sisters-in-law, Tarsilla and Aemiliana, attained the distinction of canonization. Gregory made the best use of his advantages in circumstances and surroundings, so far as his education went. "A saint among saints," he was considered second to none in Rome in grammar, rhetoric, and logic. In early life, before his father's death, he became a member of the Senate; and soon after he was thirty and accordingly, when his father died, he devoted the whole of the large fortune that he inherited to religious uses. He founded no less than six monasteries in Sicily, as well as one on the site of his own house at Rome, to which latter he retired himself in the capacity of a Benedictine monk, in 575. In 577 the then Pope, Benedict I, made him one of the seven Cardinal Deacons who presided over the seven principal divisions of Rome. The following year Benedict's successor, Pelagius II, sent him on an embassy of congratulation to the new emperor Tiberius, at Constantinople. After six years' residence at Constantinople he returned to Rome. It was during this residence at Rome, before he was called upon to succeed Pelagius in the Papal chair, that his interest was excited in the evangelization of Britain by seeing some beautiful children, natives of that country, exposed for sale in the slave-market there ("non Angli, sed Angeli"). He volunteered to head a mission to convert the British, and, having obtained the Pope's sanction for the enterprise, had got three days' journey on his way to Britain when he was peremptorily recalled by Pelagius, at the earnest demand of the Roman people. In 590 he became Pope himself, and, as is well known, carried out his benevolent purpose towards Britain by the mission of St. Augustine, 596. His Papacy, upon which he entered with genuine reluctance, and only after he had taken every step in his power to be relieved from the office, lasted until 604, when he died at the early age of fifty-five. His Pontificate was distinguished by his zeal, ability, and address in the administration of his temporal and spiritual kingdom alike, and his missionaries found their way into all parts of the known world. In Lombardy he destroyed Arianism; in Africa he greatly weakened the Donatists; in Spain he converted the monarch, Reccared: while he made his influence felt even in the remote region of Ireland, where, till his day, the native Church had not acknowledged any allegiance to the See of Rome. He advised rather than dictated to other bishops, and strongly opposed the assumption of the title of "Universal Patriarch" by John the Faster of Constantinople, on the ground that the title had been declined by the Pope himself at the Council of Chalcedon, and declared his pride in being called the “Servant of God's Servants." He exhibited entire toleration for Jews and heretics, and his disapproval of slavery by manumitting all his own slaves. The one grave blot upon his otherwise upright and virtuous character was his gross flattery in congratulating Phocas on his accession to the throne as emperor in 601, a position the latter had secured with the assistance of the imperial army in which he was a centurion, by the murder of his predecessor Mauricius (whose six sons had been slaughtered before their father's eyes), and that of the empress Constantina and her three daughters. Gregory's great learning won for him the distinction of being ranked as one of the four Latin doctors, and exhibited itself in many works of value, the most important of which are his Moralium Libri xxxv., and his two books of homilies on Ezekiel and the Gospels. His influence was also great as a preacher and many of his sermons are still extant, and form indeed no inconsiderable portion of his works that have come down to us. But he is most famous, perhaps, for the services he rendered to the liturgy and music of the Church, whereby he gained for himself the title of Magister Caeremoniarum. His Sacramentary, in which he gave its definite form to the Sacrifice of the Mass, and his Antiphonary, a collection which he made of chants old and new, as well as a school called Orplianotrophium, which he established at Rome for the cultivation of church singing, prove his interest in such subjects, and his success in his efforts to render the public worship of his day worthy of Him to Whom it was addressed. The Gregorian Tones, or chants, with which we are still familiar after a lapse of twelve centuries, we owe to his anxiety to supersede the more melodious and flowing style of church music which is popularly attributed to St. Ambrose, by the severer and more solemn monotone which is their characteristic. The contributions of St. Gregory to our stores of Latin hymns are not numerous, nor are the few generally attributed to him quite certainly proved to be his. But few as they are, and by whomsoever written, they are most of them still used in the services of the Church. In character they are well wedded to the grave and solemn music which St. Gregory himself is supposed to have written for them. The Benedictine editors credit St. Gregory with 8 hymns, viz. (1) “Primo dierum omnium;" (2) "Nocte surgentes vigilemus;" (3) "Ecce jam noctis tenuatur tunbra;" (4) “Clarum decus jejunii;" (5) "Audi benigne conditor;" (6) "Magno salutis gaudio;" (7) “Rex Christe factor omnium;" (8) "Lucis Creator Optime." Daniel in his vol. i. assigns him three others. (9) “Ecce tempus idoneum;" (10) "Summi largitor praemii;" (11) "Noctis tempus jam praeterit." For translations of these hymns see under their respective first lines. (For an elaborate account of St. Gregory, see Smith and Wace's Dictionary of Christian Biography.) [Rev. Digby S. Wrangham, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== Gregory I., St., Pope, p. 469, i. We have been unable to discover any grounds which justified the Benedictine editors and Daniel in printing certain hymns (see p. 470, i.) as by St. Gregory. Modern scholars agree in denying him a place among hymnwriters; e.g., Mr. F. H. Dudden, in his Gregory the Great (London, 1905, vol. i.,p. 276), says "The Gregorian authorship of these compositions [the hymns printed by the Benedictine editors] however cannot be maintained... Gregory contributed ... nothing at all to the sacred music and poetry of the Roman Church." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Rabanus Maurus

776 - 856 Author of "Creator Spirit! By Whose Aid" in Hymns of Pentecost Rabanus Maurus (c. 776-856) or Hrabanus Magnentius Maurus, was born of noble parents at Mainz, and educated at Fulda and Tours under Alcuin, who is reputed to have given him the surname, Maurus, after the saint of that name. In 803, he became director of the school at the Benedictine Abbey at Fulda. He was ordained priest in 814, spending the following years in a pilgrimage to Palestine. In 822, he became Abbott at Fulda, retiring in 842. In 847, he became archbishop of Mainz. He died at Winkel on the Rhine, February 4, 856. This distinguished Carolingian poet-theologian wrote extensive biblical commentaries, the Encyclopaedic De Universo, De Institutione Clericorum, and other works which circulated widely during the Middle Ages. Some of his poems, with English translations, are in Helen Waddell's Mediaeval Latin Lyrics. He is the author of: O Come, Creator Spirit, come Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest Creator Spirit, by whose aid --The Hymnal 1940 Companion, New York: The Church Pension Fund (1949) =========================== Hrabanus (Rabanus) Maurus, son of one Ruthard, was born probably at Mainz, about 776. At an early age he was sent to the Monastery of Fulda to receive a religious education. In 801 he was ordained Deacon, and the following year he went to the monastic school of St. Martin at Tours to study under Alcuin, a celebrated teacher of that time, who gave to Hrabanus the name of Maurus to which Hrabanus added Magnentius. On his return to Fulda in 804 he became the head of the school connected with the Monastery. Towards him Ratgar the abbot showed great unkindness, which arose mainly from the fact that Ratgar demanded the students to build additions to the monastery, whilst Hrabanus required them at the same time for study. Hrabanus had to retire for a season, but Ratgar's deposition by Ludwig the Pious, in 817, opened up the way for his return, and the reopening of the school In the meantime, in 814, he had been raised to the Priesthood. Egil, who succeeded Ratgar as abbot, died in 822, and Hrabanus was appointed in his stead. This post he held for some time, until driven forth by some of the community. In 847, on the death of Archbishop Otgar, Ludwig the younger, with whom Hrabanus had sided in his demand for German independence as against the imperialism of his elder brother Lothar, rewarded him with the Archbishopric of Mainz, then the metropolitan see of Germany. He held this appointment to his death on Feb. 4, 856. He was buried first in St. Alban's, Mainz, and then, during the early days of the Reformation, in St. Maurice, Halle, possibly because of the opposition he is known to have made to the doctrine of Transubstantiation. With German historians Hrabanus is regarded as the father of the modern system of education in that country. His prose works were somewhat numerous, but the hymns with which his name is associated are few. We have the "Christe sanctorum decus Angelorum”; “Tibi Christe, splendor Patris”; and the "Veni Creator Spiritus”; but recent research convinces us that the ascription in each case is very doubtful; and none are received as by Hrabanus in Professor Dümmler's edition of the Carmina of Hrabanus in the Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, vol. ii. 1884. Dümmler omits them even from the "hymns of uncertain origin." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix I (1907) =======================

John Bacchus Dykes

1823 - 1876 Person Name: John B. Dykes Composer of "MELITA" in Psalter Hymnal (Gray) As a young child John Bacchus Dykes (b. Kingston-upon-Hull' England, 1823; d. Ticehurst, Sussex, England, 1876) took violin and piano lessons. At the age of ten he became the organist of St. John's in Hull, where his grandfather was vicar. After receiving a classics degree from St. Catherine College, Cambridge, England, he was ordained in the Church of England in 1847. In 1849 he became the precentor and choir director at Durham Cathedral, where he introduced reforms in the choir by insisting on consistent attendance, increasing rehearsals, and initiating music festivals. He served the parish of St. Oswald in Durham from 1862 until the year of his death. To the chagrin of his bishop, Dykes favored the high church practices associated with the Oxford Movement (choir robes, incense, and the like). A number of his three hundred hymn tunes are still respected as durable examples of Victorian hymnody. Most of his tunes were first published in Chope's Congregational Hymn and Tune Book (1857) and in early editions of the famous British hymnal, Hymns Ancient and Modern. Bert Polman

Thomas Attwood

1765 - 1838 Composer of "ATTWOOD" in Hymns and Psalms Thomas Attwood, born 1767; organist and composer; wrote many operas and other works; died March 24, 1838. A Dictionary of Musical Information by John W. Moore, Boston: Oliver, Ditson & Company, 1876

Zerubbabel Wyvill

1763 - 1837 Composer of "EATON" in The Scottish Hymnal

Henry Lawes

1596 - 1662 Person Name: Henry Lawes, 1596-1662 Composer (melody) of "[Creator Spirit, by whose aid]" in Hymnal of Christian Unity Born: January 5, 1596, Dinton, Wiltshire, England. Died: October 21, 1662, London, England. Buried: In the cloisters of Westminster Abbey, London, England. Lawes, tutor to the daughters of the Earl of Bridgewater, is best known as a composer. He became a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1626, and a member of the "King’s Musick" in 1631. He wrote over 400 vocal pieces, as well as anthems and instrumental compositions. His works include: Choice Psalmes Put into Musick for Three Voices, 1648 Ayres and Dialogues (London: 1653) Sources: Frost, p. 680 Hughes, pp. 467-68 Nutter, p. 460 Stulken, p. 292

Samuel Sebastian Wesley

1810 - 1876 Person Name: S. S. Wesley, 1810-76 Composer of "COLCHESTER" in The Cambridge Hymnal Samuel Sebastian Wesley (b. London, England, 1810; d. Gloucester, England, 1876) was an English organist and composer. The grandson of Charles Wesley, he was born in London, and sang in the choir of the Chapel Royal as a boy. He learned composition and organ from his father, Samuel, completed a doctorate in music at Oxford, and composed for piano, organ, and choir. He was organist at Hereford Cathedral (1832-1835), Exeter Cathedral (1835-1842), Leeds Parish Church (1842­-1849), Winchester Cathedral (1849-1865), and Gloucester Cathedral (1865-1876). Wesley strove to improve the standards of church music and the status of church musicians; his observations and plans for reform were published as A Few Words on Cathedral Music and the Music System of the Church (1849). He was the musical editor of Charles Kemble's A Selection of Psalms and Hymns (1864) and of the Wellburn Appendix of Original Hymns and Tunes (1875) but is best known as the compiler of The European Psalmist (1872), in which some 130 of the 733 hymn tunes were written by him. Bert Polman

Henry J. Gauntlett

1805 - 1876 Person Name: H. J. Gauntlett, Mus. Doc. Composer of "DURA" in The Sunday School Hymnary Henry J. Gauntlett (b. Wellington, Shropshire, July 9, 1805; d. London, England, February 21, 1876) When he was nine years old, Henry John Gauntlett (b. Wellington, Shropshire, England, 1805; d. Kensington, London, England, 1876) became organist at his father's church in Olney, Buckinghamshire. At his father's insistence he studied law, practicing it until 1844, after which he chose to devote the rest of his life to music. He was an organist in various churches in the London area and became an important figure in the history of British pipe organs. A designer of organs for William Hill's company, Gauntlett extend­ed the organ pedal range and in 1851 took out a patent on electric action for organs. Felix Mendelssohn chose him to play the organ part at the first performance of Elijah in Birmingham, England, in 1846. Gauntlett is said to have composed some ten thousand hymn tunes, most of which have been forgotten. Also a supporter of the use of plainchant in the church, Gauntlett published the Gregorian Hymnal of Matins and Evensong (1844). Bert Polman

Thomas Tallis

1505 - 1585 Composer of "VENI CREATOR" in Hymnal for Colleges and Schools Thomas Tallis (b. Leicestershire [?], England, c. 1505; d. Greenwich, Kent, England 1585) was one of the few Tudor musicians who served during the reigns of Henry VIII: Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth I and managed to remain in the good favor of both Catholic and Protestant monarchs. He was court organist and composer from 1543 until his death, composing music for Roman Catholic masses and Anglican liturgies (depending on the monarch). With William Byrd, Tallis also enjoyed a long-term monopoly on music printing. Prior to his court connections Tallis had served at Waltham Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral. He composed mostly church music, including Latin motets, English anthems, settings of the liturgy, magnificats, and two sets of lamentations. His most extensive contrapuntal work was the choral composition, "Spem in alium," a work in forty parts for eight five-voice choirs. He also provided nine modal psalm tunes for Matthew Parker's Psalter (c. 1561). Bert Polman

John Wesley

1703 - 1791 Adapter of "Creator Spirit! By Whose Aid" in Hymns of Faith and Life John Wesley, the son of Samuel, and brother of Charles Wesley, was born at Epworth, June 17, 1703. He was educated at the Charterhouse, London, and at Christ Church, Oxford. He became a Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, and graduated M.A. in 1726. At Oxford, he was one of the small band consisting of George Whitefield, Hames Hervey, Charles Wesley, and a few others, who were even then known for their piety; they were deridingly called "Methodists." After his ordination he went, in 1735, on a mission to Georgia. The mission was not successful, and he returned to England in 1738. From that time, his life was one of great labour, preaching the Gospel, and publishing his commentaries and other theological works. He died in London, in 1791, in his eighty-eighth year. His prose works are very numerous, but he did not write many useful hymns. It is to him, however, and not to his brother Charles, that we are indebted for the translations from the German. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ====================== John Wesley, M.A., was born at Epworth Rectory in 1703, and, like the rest of the family, received his early education from his mother. He narrowly escaped perishing in the fire which destroyed the rectory house in 1709, and his deliverance made a life-long impression upon him. In 1714 he was nominated on the foundation of Charterhouse by his father's patron, the Duke of Buckingham, and remained at that school until 1720, when he went up, with a scholarship, from Charterhouse to Christ Church, Oxford. Having taken his degree, he received Holy Orders from the Bishop of Oxford (Dr. Potter) in 1725. In 1726 he was elected Fellow of Lincoln College, and remained at Oxford until 1727, when he returned into Lincolnshire to assist his father as curate at Epworth and Wroot. In 1729 he was summoned back to Oxford by his firm friend, Dr. Morley, Rector of Lincoln, to assist in the College tuition. There he found already established the little band of "Oxford Methodists" who immediately placed themselves under his direction. In 1735 he went, as a Missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, to Georgia, where a new colony had been founded under the governorship of General Oglethorpe. On his voyage out he was deeply impressed with the piety and Christian courage of some German fellow travellers, Moravians. During his short ministry in Georgia he met with many discouragements, and returned home saddened and dissatisfied both with himself and his work; but in London he again fell in with the Moravians, especially with Peter Bohler; and one memorable night (May 24, 1738) he went to a meeting in Aldersgate Street, where some one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. There, "About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me, that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death." From that moment his future course was sealed; and for more than half a century he laboured, through evil report and good report, to spread what he believed to be the everlasting Gospel, travelling more miles, preaching more sermons, publishing more books of a practical sort, and making more converts than any man of his day, or perhaps of any day, and dying at last, March 2, 1791, in harness, at the patriarchal age of 88. The popular conception of the division of labour between the two brothers in the Revival, is that John was the preacher, and Charles the hymnwriter. But this is not strictly accurate. On the one hand Charles was also a great preacher, second only to his brother and George Whitefield in the effects which he produced. On the other hand, John by no means relegated to Charles the exclusive task of supplying the people with their hymns. John Wesley was not the sort of man to depute any part of his work entirely to another: and this part was, in his opinion, one of vital importance. With that wonderful instinct for gauging the popular mind, which was one element in his success, he saw at once that hymns might be utilized, not only for raising the devotion, but also for instructing, and establishing the faith of his disciples. He intended the hymns to be not merely a constituent part of public worship, but also a kind of creed in verse. They were to be "a body of experimental and practical divinity." "In what other publication," he asks in his Preface to the Wesleyan Hymn Book, 1780 (Preface, Oct. 20,1779), "have you so distinct and full an account of Scriptural Christianity; such a declaration of the heights and depths of religion, speculative and practical; so strong cautions against the most plausible errors, particularly those now most prevalent; and so clear directions for making your calling and election sure; for perfecting holiness in the fear of God?" The part which he actually took in writing the hymns, it is not easy to ascertain; but it is certain that more than thirty translations from the German, French and Spanish (chiefly from the German) were exclusively his; and there are some original hymns, admittedly his composition, which are not unworthy to stand by the side of his brother's. His translations from the German especially have had a wide circulation. Although somewhat free as translations they embody the fire and energy of the originals. It has been the common practice, however for a hundred years or more to ascribe all translations from the German to John Wesley, as he only of the two brothers knew that language; and to assign to Charles Wesley all the original hymns except such as are traceable to John Wesley through his Journals and other works. The list of 482 original hymns by John and Charles Wesley listed in this Dictionary of Hymnology have formed an important part of Methodist hymnody and show the enormous influence of the Wesleys on the English hymnody of the nineteenth century. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Henry Carey

1687 - 1743 Composer of "CAREY'S SURREY" in The Cyber Hymnal Henry Carey, b. 1685 (?); d. London, 1743 Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

Dmitri Stepanovich Bortnianski

1751 - 1825 Person Name: Dimitri Bortnianski, 1751-1825 Composer of "ST. PETERSBURG" in Common Praise (1998) Dimitri Stepanovitch Bortniansky (1751-1825) Ukraine 1751-1825 Born in Glukhov, Ukraine, he joined the imperial choir at age 8 and studied with Galuppi, who later took the lad with him to Italy, where he studied for 10 years, becoming a composer, harpsichordist, and conductor. While in Italy he composed several operas and other instrumental music, composing more operas and music later in Russia. In 1779 he returned to Russia, where he was appointed Director to the Imperial Chapel Choir, the first as a native citizen. In 1796 he was appointed music director. With such a great instrument at his disposal, he produced many compositions, 100+ religious works, sacred concertos, cantatas, and hymns. He influenced Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovshy, the latter editing Bortniansky's sacred work, amassing 10 volumnes. He died in St. Petersburg. He was so popular in Russia that a bronze statue was erected in his honor in the Novgorod Kremlin. He composed in different musical styles, including choral works in French, Italian, Latin, German, and Church Slavonic. John Perry

James G. Walton

1821 - 1905 Person Name: J. G. Walton Adaptor of "[Creator Spirit! By whose aid]" in Hymns of Pentecost Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 19, 1821, Clith­er­oe, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land. Died: Sep­tem­ber 1, 1905, Brad­ford, New York. Little is known of Wal­ton’s life. His works in­clude: Plain Song Mu­sic for the Ho­ly Com­mun­ion Of­fice, 1874 (ed­it­or) Music: ST. CATHERINE

Johann Hermann Schein

1586 - 1630 Person Name: Johann Hermann Schein, 1586-1630 Composer of "EISENACH (WISMAR)" in Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church Schein, Johann Hermann, son of Hieronymus Schein, pastor at Griinhain, near Annaberg, in Saxony, was born at Grünhain, Jan. 20,1586. He matriculated at the University of Leipzig in 1607, and studied there for four years. Thereafter he acted for some time as a private tutor, including two years with a family at Weissenfels. On May 21, 1615, he was appointed Capellmeister, at the court of Duke Johann Ernst, of Sachse-Weimar; and in 1616 he became cantor of I3t. Thomas's Church, and music director at Leipzig, in succession to Seth Calvisius (d. Nov. 24, 1615). This post he held till his death, at Leipzig, Nov. 19, 1630. Schein was one of the most distinguished musicians of his time, both as an original composer, and as a harmoniser of the works of others. As a hymnwriter he was not so prolific, or so noteworthy. Most of his hymns were written on the deaths of his children or friends, e.g. on seven of his children, and on his first wife. They appeared mostly in broadsheet form, and were included, along with his original melodies, in his Cantional oder Gesang-Buch Augspurgischer Confession, Leipzig, 1627; 2nd ed., 1645. [Both in Wernigerode Library.] Those of Schein's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt. For the Dying. First published, as a broadsheet, at Leipzig, 1628, as a Trost-Liedlein á 5 (i.e. for 5 voices), &c. [Berlin Library.] The words, the melody, and the five-part setting, are all by Schein. It was written for, and first used at, the funeral, on Dec. 15, 1628, of Margarita, wife of Caspar Werner, a builder and town councillor at Leipzig, and a churchwarden of St. Thomas's. It is in 6 stanzas of 6 lines; the initial letters of 11. 1, 3, in st. i.-iv., forming the name Margarita; and the W of st. v. 1. 1 standing for Werner. In Schein's Cantional, 1645, No. 303 (marked as Trost-Liedlein, Joh. Herm. Scheins, á 5), and later hymn-books, as e.g. the Unverfäschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 830, st. vi. was omitted. It is Schein's finest production, and one of the best German hymns for the sick and dying. Translated as:— Deal with me, God, in mercy now. This is a good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 191, set to Schein's melody of 1628. ii. Mein Gott und Herr, ach sei nicht fern. For the Dying. First published, with his name, in his Cantional, 1627, No. 262, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines. The initial letters of the stanzas give the name Margarita, probably one of the daughters who predeceased him. It is included, in 5 st., in the 164-8, and later eds., of Crüger's Praxis. The translation in common use is:— My Lord and God, go not away. A good tr. of st. i., ii., iv., v., vii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 254, in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Dryden

1631 - 1700 Person Name: John Dryden, 1631-1700 Paraphraser of "Creator Spirit, By Whose Aid" in Journeysongs (2nd ed.) Dryden, John. The name of this great English poet has recently assumed a new importance to the students of hymns, from a claim made on his behalf in regard to a considerable body of translations from the Latin published after his death (1701), in a Primer of 1706. The discussion of this point will preclude us from giving more than an outline of his life. i. Biography.—John Dryden was the son of Erasmus, the third son of Sir Erasmus Dryden, and was born at Aid winkle, All Saints, Northants, Aug. 9, 1631. He was educated under Dr. Busby at Westminster, and entered Trip. College, Cambridge, in 1650. He took his B.A. in 1654, and resided nearly 7 years, though without a fellowship. He was of Puritan blood on both his father's and mother's side, and his training found expression in his first great poem, Heroic Stanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell, 1658. In 1660, however, he turned, like the bulk of England, Royalist, and in his Astraea Redux, and in A Panegyric on the Coronation (1661), celebrated the Restoration. In 1663 he married Lady Elizabeth Howard. The marriage was apparently not a happy one; and there seems to be plain proof of Dryden's unfaithfulness. In 1670 he was made Poet Laureate and Historiographer Royal, and he retained these posts until the accession of William (1688). He had joined the Roman Church in 1685, and remained steadfast to it at the fall of James II. This change is of special significance, as will appear below, in regard to his translations from the Latin. It greatly straitened his means, and compelled him to great literary exertion in his closing years. He died May 18, 1701, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. The poems of Dryden show high excellence in fields widely different from another. He was for years the leader of the English stage, as a writer of tragedy, comedy, and tragi-comedy. The specialities of his plays were a large substitution of the heroic couplet for blank verse, in imitation of Corneille, plots full of exaggerated passion, intrigue, and rant, and a catchword dialogue. These features were caricatured by Buckingham and others in the Rehearsal (acted 1671). The gross immorality of his dramas has long made them unreadable; but his influence on poetry has been enduring. No metre so long dominated style as his heroic couplet, which, though inferior to Pope's in polish and precision, excels it in resonance, freedom and audacity, "The long resounding march and energy divine." He was the first to make poetry a lucid vehicle for political and religious discussion, in the Religio Laid (1682), and The Hind and Panther (1687). The finest satires in English are Absalom and Acnitophel (Part i., 1681; Part ii., 1682, to which he contributed only a portion, the rest being by Nahura Tate), The Medal, and Mac Flecknoe (1682). He gave a new energy and fulness of meaning to the work of translation through his classical reproductions, of which his Virgil is the finest specimen (published in 1697). Alexander's Feast remains one of the most brilliant English odes. His prefaces and dedications had a large influence on our prose style, and are the first material efforts in the province of poetical criticism. The salient points of his genius are a transcendent literary force continually exerting itself in fresh forms; and that narrowing of the work of poetry to matters of political, social, human interest, which ruled supreme in Pope and his followers. (See Dryden by Mr. G. Saintsbury, Men of Letters Series.) ii. Hymn Translations. — Until recently, Dryden's known contributions to hymnody consisted of only three pieces. The best known of these is the translation of “Veni Creator," published in vol. iii. of his Miscellanies, in 1693. Sir Walter Scott, in his Life of Dryden, 1808, published a translation of the "Te Deum " ("Thee Sovereign God our grateful accents praise"), and a translation of "Ut queant laxis," the hymn at Evensong for St. John the Baptist's Day (Scott calls it "St. John's Eve") ("O sylvan Prophet "). Mr. W. T. Brooke has pointed out one or two facts that slightly shake Scott's attribution of these two pieces to Dryden. He has discovered the translation of the "Te Deum” in Dodd's Christian's Magazine, 1760, contributed by J. Duncombe, and attributed to Pope. And Scott's account of the two pieces is confused. He received them from a Mrs. Jackson, who told him that they were mentioned in Butler's “Tour through Italy," and that after Butler's death they passed into the hands of the celebrated Dr. Alban, and so came to hers. They are not however mentioned in the published edition of Butler's Tour; and "Butler" and "Dr. Alban" are the same person—-Dr. Alban Butler, author of The Lives of the Saints. Alban Butler's Tour was edited and published by Charles Butler, his nephew, who also wrote a Life of Alban Butler. The confusion cannot now be unravelled: but is not enough to discredit Scott's decision, which may have rested on the handwriting. The translation of the "Te Deum" is not like Pope, and has a Drydenesque Alexandrine in it, and other marks of Dryden's manner. One great Roman Catholic poet was perhaps confused with the other. These three pieces, however, with slight variation of text, have been discovered independently by Mr. Orby Shipley and Mr. W. T. Brooke, in The Primer, or Office of the B. V. Mary, in English, 1706; and the discovery has led them to a strong conviction that the bulk of the 120 translations of Latin hymns in this book are also Dryden's. It is shown under Primers, that there are remarkable evidences of unity of hand in these translations. Is this hand Dryden's? The case for Dryden is a constructive one, and may be thus summarised:— The translation in Scott, "0 sylvan Prophet," is in a metre unknown to previous editions of the Primer; and there are altogether 11 translations generally representing Latin Sapphics, in the book in this metre. Five of these translations have a further internal link in having the same gloria, three in having another common gloria. The presumption is irresistible that they are all by the author of "0 sylvan Prophet." Again, the translation of the "Te Deum " (also in Scott) is one of 8 pieces in Dryden's great metre, which is also new to the Primers' heroic couplets. Though not linked by common glorias, the tone of all these is Drydenesque, especially the translation of "Sacris Solemniis," which has these characteristic lines, "They eat the Lamb with legal rites and gave Their mother synagogue a decent grave," and closes with an Alexandrine. The translation "Creator Spirit, by Whose aid" is followed by two others in the same metre, which have a variation (in a single word) of its gloria. The three known hymns of Dryden are thus heads of groups presumptively of the same parentage. Proceeding further in the book, the large group of 8-syllable hymns exhibits 35, which are curiously marked as by a single band through their glorias (see Primers). They have several Drydenesque phrases (e.g. "noon of night,” “gleamy white," a technical use of "yielding," “liquid," "equal"), turns of expression and cadences, and a significant link with the translation of the "Te Deum" in the term “vocal blood" (cf. "vocal tears" in 2 other translations) found in the translation of "Deus tuorum militum." This technical method of inquiry when applied still further to other groups linked by a single gloria certainly points in the same direction; Drydenisms, links with groups already named, an occasional appearance of layman freedom of expression, and in one case (“Audit tyrannus" tr.), an echo of the heroic plays, emerge. The least characteristic group is that containing translations of "Ave maris stella" and "Jesu dulcis memoria," in C.M.; and the latter translation ("Jesu, the only thought of Thee"), beautiful as it is, is in the main only the translation from the Primer of 1685 recast in C.M. But the adoption of C.M.—-a new metre in these Primers—-would be natural in one previously long familiar with the metrical Psalms; the translation of “Ave maris stella" has the recurrent use of "equal," which is a mannerism of Dryden: and the word "way " in the translation of "Jesu dulcis memoria" is used similarly in that of "Immense coeli conditor." The result of a minute investigation, purposely conducted on somewhat mechanical lines, is a presumption almost amounting to proof, that the bulk of these 120 translations are not only by the same hand, but by the hand of Dryden. A measure of doubt must however attach to the least characteristic pieces, from the following considerations:— (1) The translations of "Stabat Mater " and "Dies Irae" are reprinted from the Primer of 1687. This fact is of course not decisive against their parentage by Dryden, as it may be argued, that the Primer of 1687 also contains Dryden translations. But (2) the translation of the "Dies Irae "seems to be, notwithstanding some Drydenesque phrases, by Lord Roscommon. It is found in a text considerably varied from that of 1706 in Tate's Miscellanea Sacra 1696 and 1698); and is there attributed to Lord Roscommon. It appears also, but in a text identical with that of 1706, in Tonson's Poems by The Earl of Roscommon, 1717, which professes to give only the "truly genuine" poems of the Earl. If this translation is not Dryden's, others also may not be his. And (3) the Primer of B. V. M. in which these translations are found did not appear till five years after Dryden's death; and may have been edited by some one else. Mr. W. T. Brooke has drawn attention to variations in the text of Scott from that of the Primer; which may be accounted for by editorial revision; and the editor may have had blanks to fill in which Dryden had left. It would be most natural to suppose that the Primer would be edited by a priest; but the fact that it is difficult to say whether the text in Scott or in the Primer is the more characteristic of Dryden either points to the existence of two authentic texts of the poet, or a revision by someone thoroughly intimate with Dryden's manner, e.g. (as Mr. Brooke acutely conjectures), Charles Dryden, who may have taken his father's manuscripts with him to Rome. The argument in favour of Dryden is presented with great force and skill by Mr. Orby Shipley in the Dublin Review, October, 1884, and in the preface to his Annus Sanctus. In corroboration of the evidence given above, Mr. Shipley has collected some Roman Catholic traditions, which ascribe to Dryden "a considerable number" of Latin translations “Jesu dulcis memoria" and "Dies Irae" are said to have been translated as penances. These traditions are however very indefinite; in some cases they do not date earlier than the present century; and in some (see Preface to Annus Sanctus) they are mistaken. He seeks a further corroboration of the theory from the appearance of several of these translations in editions of The Manual of Prayers, 1750, and The Garden of the Soul, 1737. But it is shown under Primers that these books afford no real evidence on this subject. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Starling Goodwin

1711 - 1744 Composer of "NEW JERSEY" in The Oxford Hymn Book

Emperor Charlemagne

742 - 814 Person Name: Charlemagne Author (Attr. to) of "Creator Spirit! by whose aid" in Worship Song

George Gardner

1853 - 1925 Person Name: G. Gardner Harmonizer of "ALSATIAN" in The Book of Common Praise

Randall Keith DeBruyn

b. 1947 Person Name: Randall DeBruyn, b. 1947 Arranger of "LASST UNS ERFREUEN" in Journeysongs (3rd ed.)

Gregory the Great

Author of "Creator Spirit, by whose aid" in Isles of Shoals Hymn Book and Candle Light Service See Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604

Elizabeth Poston

1905 - 1987 Person Name: E. P. Descant of "COLCHESTER" in The Cambridge Hymnal Elizabeth Poston (24 October 1905 – 18 March 1987) was an English composer, pianist, and writer. See more in: Wikipedia

Pope Innocent III

1160 - 1216 Person Name: Pope Innocent III? (d. 1216) Author of "Creator Spirit, by whose aid" in The Oxford Hymn Book

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