The New Harmonia Sacra: a compilation of genuine church music comprising a great variety of metres, harmonized for four voices (Eighteenth Edition)

Author: Joseph Funk
Publisher: Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, Pa., 1915
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
108aHosanna to the Prince of lightPRIMROSEPage Scan
108bAll hail the pow'r of Jesus' nameMILES LANEPage Scan
109aJesus, thou art the sinner's FriendBANGORPage Scan
109bThere is a fountain fill'd with bloodSOLONPage Scan
110Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound!FUNERAL THOUGHTPage Scan
111aO, in the morn of life, when youthYOUTHFUL GLORYPage Scan
111bHow are thy servants bless'd O LordDIVINE PROTECTIONPage Scan
112aIn mercy, Lord, remember meEVANPage Scan
112bO! for a closer walk with GodELIZABETHTOWNPage Scan
113Let every mortal ear attendTISBURYPage Scan
114aAlas! and did my Savior bleedLIBERTY HALLPage Scan
114bThis is the day the Lord hath madeNINETY-FIFTHPage Scan
115Amazing grace, how sweet the soundGREENVILLEPage Scan
116O joyful sound of gospel gracePLEYEL'S SECONDPage Scan
117aFrom thee, my God, my joys shall riseWILTSHIREPage Scan
117bCome children, learn to fear the LordROCHESTERPage Scan
118My dearest, lovely, native landMISSIONARY'S ADIEUPage Scan
119aThese glorious minds, how bright they shine!MOUNT PLEASANTPage Scan
119bOh thou whose tender mercy hearsMARTYRSPage Scan
120Ye glitt'ring toys of earth, adieuFARNHAMPage Scan
121aEternal source of joys divineST. NICHOLASPage Scan
121bTeach me the measure of my daysSUFFIELDPage Scan
122aFather, I long, I faint to seeFIDUCIAPage Scan
122bYe humble souls that seek the LordCARR'S LANEPage Scan
123My God, my portion and my loveST. ANN'SPage Scan
124aLord, I approach thy mercy seatBURFORDPage Scan
124bEarly my God, without delayBEDFORDPage Scan
125aMy God, my life, my loveSHIRLANDPage Scan
125bGo to thy rest, my child!BURBERPage Scan
126aMy God, permit my tongueWATCHMANPage Scan
126bO bless the Lord, my soul!BOYLESTONPage Scan
127aBless'd are the sons of peaceGERARPage Scan
127bLord, what a feeble pieceLITTLE MARLBOROUGHPage Scan
128aShall wisdom cry aloudST. THOMASPage Scan
128bI lift my soul to GodAYLESBURYPage Scan
129aMy sorrows like a floodBLOOMFIELDPage Scan
129bLet every creature joinCHESTERPage Scan
130aWhile my Redeemer's nearGORTONPage Scan
130bWelcome sweet day of restLISBONPage Scan
131aCome, we that love the LordNEW HOPEPage Scan
131bIs this the kind returnIDUMEAPage Scan
132aHow heavy is the nightREVIVING LIGHTPage Scan
132bDestruction's dangerous roadSTRAIT GATEPage Scan
133aMy soul, with joy attendALBIONPage Scan
133bTo God, the only wiseHUMBLE PRAISESPage Scan
134aBehold the lofty skySUBLIMITYPage Scan
134bFar as thy name is knownNEWTONPage Scan
135My Savior and my KingNINETY-THIRDPage Scan
136aWell the Redeemer's goneBALTIMOREPage Scan
136bWhat cheering words are these!WRENTHAMPage Scan
137When gloomy doubts and fearsBADEAPage Scan
138aGreat is the Lord our godASYLUMPage Scan
138bHark, how the watchmen cry!GLORIOUS WARPage Scan
139Give to the wind thy fearsHANTSPage Scan
140aBlest be the tie that bindsOLMUTZPage Scan
140bHow beauteous are their feetWORDS OF PEACEPage Scan
141My soul, repeat his praiseTENDER MERCYPage Scan
142aOh where shall rest be foundHEAVELY RESTPage Scan
142bDear Savior, we are thineLABANPage Scan
143aYe messengers of ChristMISSIONARY HERALDPage Scan
143bBlest Comforter divine!ORANGEPage Scan
144aLet sinners take their courseFLORIDAPage Scan
144b"My times are in thy hand"SUBMISSIONPage Scan
145aSee how the rising sunRISING SUNPage Scan
145bHow gentle God's command!LATHROPPage Scan
146a"The Lord is ris'n indeed!"GOLDEN HILLPage Scan
146bLo, what a pleasing sightUNITYPage Scan
147aSinners take the friendly warningMELODYPage Scan
147bHail, my ever blessed JesusCHARLESTONPage Scan
148aSavior, I do feel thy meritADVOCATEPage Scan
148bSweet the moments, rich in blessingDIVINE COMPASSIONPage Scan
149Hark! what mean those holy voicesBETHLEHEMPage Scan
150aJesus, full of all compassionPENITENCEPage Scan
150bJesus, I my cross have takenDISCIPLEPage Scan
151Come, thou Fount of every blessingNEW MOUNMOUTHPage Scan
152aWhither goest thou, pilgrim strangerFEMALE PIGLRIMPage Scan
152bHail! thou once despised Jesus!OLNEYPage Scan
153My beloved, wilt thou own meRECONCILEMENTPage Scan
154aPraise to thee, thou great Creator!SAXONYPage Scan
154bLight of those whose dreary dwellingZELLPage Scan
155Holy Father, thou hast taught meAUTUMNPage Scan
156aDark and thorny is the desertCONQUESTPage Scan
156bMighty God, while angels bless theeRIPLEYPage Scan
157I my Ebenezer raiseEBENEZERPage Scan
158aPeople of the living GodENNIUSPage Scan
158bWho is this that comes from farBOZRAHPage Scan
159Holy Jesus, lovely LambCOOKHAMPage Scan
160aDepth of mercy, can there beALETTAPage Scan
160b'Tis a point I long to knowEXAMINATIONPage Scan
161aRock of ages cleft for meROCK OF AGESPage Scan
161bTell me, Savior, from above, dearest object of my loveSOVEREIGN GRACEPage Scan
162aHasten, Lord, the glorious timeELTHAMPage Scan
162bMary to the Savior's tombMARTYNPage Scan
163Hark my soul, it is the LordDIVINE INQUIRYPage Scan
164aTo thy pastures fair and largePLEYEL'S HYMNPage Scan
164bWould you win a soul to God?HENDONPage Scan
165aSinners! turn; why will ye die?VIOLAPage Scan
165bSinner! art thou still secure!ALARMING VOICEPage Scan
166aAngels, roll the rock awayRESURRECTIONPage Scan
166bAwaked by Sinai's awful soundGANGESPage Scan

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