Psalms of Grace

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
94aO LORD, O Judge of all the earthBOURBONText
94bGod, the LORD, from whom is vengeanceBEACH SPRING
95aCome now let us joyf'ly; sing unto the LORDAPPALACHIAN FALL
95bCome, let us worship and bow down[Come, let us worship and bow down]
96aO sing a new song to the LORDCORONATION
96bSing unto the LORD a new songHYFRYDOL
97aHe reigns! the LORD, the Savior reigns
97bThe LORD, the God of glory reignsText
97cThe LORD reigns, let the earth be glad!YE BANKS AND BRAES
97dGod reigns: let earth rejoice!GENEVAN 97
97eSing to the LORD a new made songText
98aSing a new song to the LORDText
98bSing afresh in all creationIN BABILONE
98cTo our Almighty Maker God (Joy to the world! the LORD is come!)Text
98dSing to Yahweh, sing a new songODE TO JOY
98eSing a new song unto the LORDText
99aGod is King forever; let the nations trembleText
99bThe God Jehovah reigns! (Exalt the LORD our God)TextPage Scan
99cThe LORD God reigns in majestyELLACOMBETextPage Scan
99dJehovah reigns enthroned in stateTextPage Scan
99eLet the nations trembleARNSBERG
99fJehovah reigns supremeText
100aYe nations 'round the earth, rejoice
100bAll earth, with joy, to the LORD, come with loud vicesLOBE DEN HERREN
100cAll people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
101aI will sing of love and justiceREGENT SQUARE
101bMercy and judgement are my songPROSPECTText
102aHear me, O God, nor hide Your faceText
102bLORD, hear my prayer, and let my cryNEW PSALM 102Text
102cIt comes, the awful hourText
102dLet this be written for the sakeTEANN A NALL
103aWith all my soul, I'll bless Your Name forever[With all my soul, I'll bless Your Name forever]
103bCome, O my soul, bless the LORD your Maker[Come, O my soul, bless the LORD your Maker]
103cMy God is slow to anger when I go astray[My God is slow to anger when I go astray]
104aPraise the LORD, my soul, O praise Him!HOLY MANNA
104bEv'ry mouth that cries for food[Ev'ry mouth that cries for food]
105aO thank the LORD; on His Name callCANAAN
105bGive thanks to the LORD God and call on His nameSTOWEY
106aO render thanks to God aboveRENDER THANKSText
107aWe were wand'ring in the desert with our souls so starved and weak[We were wand'ring in the desert with our souls so starved and weak]
107bFrom age to age exalt His Name
108aO LORD God my heart is steadfastHOLY MANNA
108bO God, my heart is fully bentText
108cMy heart its God would singText
108dMy heart is steadfast, O God[My heart is steadfast, O God]
108eMy heart is fixed, O GodText
109aStranger and a pilgrim here belowText
109bGod of my mercy and my praiseText
109cO my God, whose Name I worshipCASTLEHYTHE
109dO God, Whom I delight to praiseTextPage Scan
110aThe LORD declares unto my LordELLACOMBE
110bThe LORD said to my LordST. THOMAS
111aO give the LORD wholehearted praiseGERMANYTextPage Scan
111bI thank the LORD with all my heartLANDÅS
112aHow bless'd are those who fear the LORDMELCOMBE
112bPraise God! The man is bless'd who fears the LORDTOULON
112cPraise ye the LORD. The man is blessed
113aPraise the LORD His servants praise Him!ODE TO JOY
113bThe LORD is over the nations[The LORD is over the nations]
113cPraise God, ye servants of the LORDText
114aWhen Israel fled from Egypt landANDRE
114bGod brought out His people with a strong and mighty hand[God brought out His people with a strong and mighty hand]
114cWhen Israel out of Egypt wentText
115aNot unto us, O LORD of heav'nGAIRNEY BRIDGETextPage Scan
115bNot to us be glory givenHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
116aI love the LORD, for He has heard my voiceEVENTIDE
117aAll ye nations, praise the LORD
117bFrom all that dwell below the skiesEVERY LANDText
117cSing a song of praise to God enthroned on high[Sing a song of praise to God enthroned on high]
118aThee, Jehovah, will I blessText
118bThe stone the builders once refusedAVON
118cO praise the LORD! His grace is sureTextPage Scan
119:1-8aHow bless'd the perfect in the way
119:1-8bHow bless'd are those whose way is pureCREATOR GOD
119:1-8cBlessed are all whose path is blameless[Blessed are all whose path is blameless]
119:9-16aBy what means shall a young man learnText
119:9-16bHow can the way of youth be purePOYNTONPage Scan
119:9-16cHow can I keep my way pure?[How can I keep my way pure]
119:17-24aSmile on Thy servant, bounteous LORD!Text
119:17-24bDo good to me and I will liveWAREHAM
119:25-32aMy soul is laid low in the dust
119:25-32bMy soul clings to the dust: reviveOLIVE'S BROW
119:33-40aTeach me, O LORD, the perfect wayText
119:33-40bTeach me, O LORD, Your way of truthBISHOPTextPage Scan
119:41-48aLet thy sweet mercies also comeText
119:41-48bO let Your lovingkindnessesCITY OF OUR GOD
119:49-56aThy Word remember, O my God!Text
119:49-56bRemember what You said to me Your servantPERFECT LOVE
119:57-64aYou are my portion, LORD
119:57-64bYou, LORD, are the portion that I long forBOWERSBURN
119:65-72aThou, LORD, have dealt well with Thy servantText
119:65-72bAccording to Your Word, O LORDMAITLAND
119:73-80aThy hands have made and fashion'd meText
119:73-80bYour hands created and established meEVENTIDE
119:81-88aMy soul does for salvation longText
119:81-88bMy soul for Thy salvation faintsMANOAHTextPage Scan
119:89-96aForever settled in the heavensText
119:89-96bForever Your Word is established in heavenKREMSER
119:97-104aHow dear, O LORD, Thy law I deemText
119:97-104bO how I love Your holy law, O LORD!TOULON

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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