The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
501Blessed Jesus, meek and lowlyAUTUMNTextPage Scan
502Vain are all terrestrial pleasuresAUTUMNTextPage Scan
503Come, thou Fount of every blessingNETTLETONTextPage Scan
504Let me go where saints are goingLET ME GOTextPage Scan
505We speak of the realms of the blestCONTRASTTextPage Scan
506How tedious and tasteless the hoursCONTRASTTextPage Scan
507Out on an ocean all boundless we rideHOMEWARD BOUNDTextPage Scan
508Christian, thy warfare will shortly be o'erHOMEWARD BOUNDTextPage Scan
509O brother, be faithful! soon Jesus will comeBROTHER, BE FAITHFULTextPage Scan
510Come, let us anew our journey pursueCOME, LET US ANEWTextPage Scan
511I love thee, I love thee, I love thee, my LordI LOVE THEETextPage Scan
512My rest is in heaven, my rest is not hereREST IN HEAVENTextPage Scan
513'Mid scenes of affliction, with sorrow oppressedHOMETextPage Scan
514From every stormy wind that blowsRETREATTextPage Scan
515What various hindrances we meetRETREATTextPage Scan
516Prayer is appointed to conveyRETREATTextPage Scan
517When softly falls the twilight hourBRADBURYTextPage Scan
518Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayerSWEET HOUR OF PRAYERTextPage Scan
519I love to steal awhile awayBROWNTextPage Scan
520There is an eye that never sleepsBROWNTextPage Scan
521Our Father, God, who art in heavenBROWNTextPage Scan
522I love the Lord: he heard my criesBROWNTextPage Scan
523Far from the world, O Lord, I fleePATMOSTextPage Scan
524Prayer is the breath of God in manPATMOSTextPage Scan
525Prayer is the soul's sincere desirePATMOSTextPage Scan
526Talk with us, Lord, thyself revealPATMOSTextPage Scan
527Our heavenly Father callsOLNEYTextPage Scan
528Behold the throne of grace!OLNEYTextPage Scan
529Jesus, who knows full wellOLNEYTextPage Scan
530Sweetly the holy hymn OLNEYTextPage Scan
531Come, my soul, thy suit prepareSEYMOURTextPage Scan
532Lord! I cannot let thee go SEYMOURTextPage Scan
533They who seek the throne of graceSEYMOURTextPage Scan
534Sweet the moments, rich in blessingPALMERTextPage Scan
535What a Friend we have in JesusCONVERSETextPage Scan
536My God, is any hour so sweetCARRUTHTextPage Scan
537Come, let us pray! 'tis sweet to feelSUPPLICATIONTune InfoTextPage Scan
538Thus far the Lord hath led me onHEBRONTextPage Scan
539God of the morning, at thy voiceHEBRONTextPage Scan
540My opening eyes with rapture seeHEBRONTextPage Scan
541O Christ, with each returning mornHEBRONTextPage Scan
542Sun of my soul, O Saviour dear!HURSLEYTextPage Scan
543Glory to thee, my God, this night HURSLEYTextPage Scan
544How sweet the light of Sabbath eve!HURSLEYTextPage Scan
545My God, how endless is thy love!HURSLEYTextPage Scan
546Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear MEARTextPage Scan
547Lord of my life, O may thy praiseMEARTextPage Scan
548Once more, my soul, the rising day MEARTextPage Scan
549How can we see the children, LordMEARTextPage Scan
550Giver and Guardian of our sleepWARWICKTextPage Scan
551The sun rolls down the distant westWARWICKTextPage Scan
552Happy the home when God is thereWARWICKTextPage Scan
553Remark, my soul, the narrow boundsWARWICKTextPage Scan
554The day is past and goneVESPERTextPage Scan
555See how the morning sunVESPERTextPage Scan
556The swift declining dayVESPERTextPage Scan
557We lift our hearts to theeVESPERTextPage Scan
558Our days are as the grassBOYSTONTextPage Scan
559Another day is goneBOYSTONTextPage Scan
560The day, O Lord, is spentBOYSTONTextPage Scan
561The light of Sabbath eve BOYLSTONTextPage Scan
562The Saviour kindly calls BOYSTONTextPage Scan
563Softly now the light of dayMERCYTextPage Scan
564Softly fades the twilight rayMERCYTextPage Scan
565Now the shades of night are goneMERCYTextPage Scan
566Saviour, breathe an evening blessingMERCYTextPage Scan
567While, with ceaseless course, the sunBENEVENTOTextPage Scan
568Abide with me! Fast falls the eventideEVENTIDETextPage Scan
569We all, O Lord, have gone astrayBACATextPage Scan
570O turn, great Ruler of the skies!BACATextPage Scan
571How long, O Lord, shall I complainBACATextPage Scan
572My God, permit me not to be BACATextPage Scan
573Return, my roving heart, returnWELTONTextPage Scan
574O thou who hearest when sinners cryWELTONTextPage Scan
575Jesus demands this heart of mineWELTONTextPage Scan
576When, gracious Lord, when shall it beWELTONTextPage Scan
577Lord! when we bend before thy throneBEMERTONTextPage Scan
578Jesus, thine all-victorious loveBEMERTONTextPage Scan
579My head is low, my heart is sadBEMERTONTextPage Scan
580How oft this wretched, sinful heartBEMERTONTextPage Scan
581O, for a closer walk with God!MANOAHTextPage Scan
582Come, let us to the Lord our God MANOAHTextPage Scan
583Sweet was the time when first I feltMANOAHTextPage Scan
584Gracious Redeemer, shake MORNINGTONTextPage Scan
585O thou whose mercy hearsMORNINGTONTextPage Scan
586O Jesus, full of grace MORNINGTONTextPage Scan
587Hark! my soul, it is the LordLOVEST THOU ME?TextPage Scan
588God of mercy, God of graceLOVEST THOU ME?TextPage Scan
589'Tis a point I long to knowLOVEST THOU ME?TextPage Scan
590Saviour, Prince, enthroned abovePENITENCETextPage Scan
591Jesus, Friend of sinners hearPENITENCETextPage Scan
592Behold the Christian warrior stand CRASSELIUSTextPage Scan
593Stand up, my soul! shake off thy fearsCRASSELIUSTextPage Scan
594Awake, my soul! lift up thine eyesCRASSELIUSTextPage Scan
595O army of the living GodCRASSELIUSTextPage Scan
596What poor, despised companyNEWELLTextPage Scan
597My heavenly home is bright and fair I'M GOING HOMETextPage Scan
598Awake, my soul! stretch every nerveARLINGTONTextPage Scan
599Am I a soldier of the crossARLINGTONTextPage Scan
600O, it is hard to work for GodARLINGTONTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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