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Showing 251 - 276 of 276
Person NameTopicsLectionary Weeks
Jacques Bridaine Repentance and Confession of Sin
William U. ButcherAspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Grace; Assurance Desired; Christians Believers; Christians Saved by Grace; Faith Act of; Gospel Fullness of; Hope in God; Pardon; Penitence; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Pardon; Repentance; Salvation From Sin and Troubled; Salvation God's Gift; Sin Confessed; Sin Salvation from; Waiting on God
Sara Menéndez de HallArrepentimiento; Repentance; Avivamiento y Confesión; Revival and Confession; Confesión y Perdón; Confession and Forgiveness; Influencia Cristiana; Christian Influence; Perdón; Forgiveness
W. WeissChrist Lamb; Christ Receives Sinners; Confession of Sin; Conflict; Discipline; Doubt and Fear; Faith; Faith Clings to Promises; Faith Weak; Fitness for Grace; Justification; Repentance; Salvation by Grace
John Marckant Repentance and Confession of Sin
Ulrich ZwingliRepentance and Confession
Cleo Hanthorne MoonConfession; Forgiveness; Freedom; Growth; Health and Healing; Love; Neighbors; Repentance; Sin
Albert Lehenbauer Repentance and Confession
A. J. AbbeyChristian Activity; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Assurance Desired; Christ Confessing; Christians Debt of; Christians Duties of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Faith Walking by; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Gospel Preaching of; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Restoring; Heart Broken and Contrite; Heart Claimed of God; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Holiness Of Christians; Humility; Mercy of God Prayer for; Offerings; Pardon Sought; Penitence; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer For the Church; Prayer Intercession in; Repentance; Revival; Spritual Sacrifices; Sin Confession of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving For God's Mercies; Worship Acts of; Worship Sincerity in; Zion Kept by God
Sōgo MatsumotoThe Christian Life Love and Repentance; The Christian Life Confession, Mercy, Forgiveness; People of Faith Biblical Figures; Useful Musical Types Solos
Kazu NakasekoThe Christian Life Love and Repentance; The Christian Life Confession, Mercy, Forgiveness; People of Faith Biblical Figures; Useful Musical Types Solos
Shinji UmedaThe Christian Life Love and Repentance; Jesus Christ Life and Presence; The Christian Life Confession, Mercy, Forgiveness; The Christian Life Faith and Trust; People of Faith Biblical Figures
Janet W. MayAño Cristiano Cuaresma; Christian Year Lent; Arrepentimiento; Repentance; Confesión; Confession; Jesucristo Vida y Ministerio; Jesus Christ Life and Ministry
William B. Boomer Repentance and Confession
Robert H. WilsonAspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Assurance Desired; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; God Loving and Merciful; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Holiness; Holy Spirit; Humility; Joy Prayer for; Man Sinful; Mercy of God Prayer for the; Pardon; Penitence; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Regeneration; Repentance; Revival; Sin Confessed; Sin Conviction of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Salvation from; Sin Washed away; Worship Sincerity required in
Alexander B. MortonAspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Character Depraved from Birth; Character New Birth Essential go Good; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Faith Act of; God Loving and Merciful; Heart Broken and Contrite; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure, and Upright; Holiness; Humility; Mercy of God Prayer for the; Pardon; Penitence; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Regeneration; Repentance; Revival; Sin Confessed; Sin Conviction of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Salvation from; Sin Washed away; Truth; Worship Sincerity required in
P. A. Pérez de Castro The Christian Life Repentance and Confession
Mary A. Bachelor Repentance and Confession
M. Carrie Haywood Repentance and Confession
William H. YoungAspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Grace; Assurance Desired; Christians Believers; Christians Saved by Grace; Faith Act of; Gospel Fullness of; Hope in God; Pardon; Penitence; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Pardon; Repentance; Resignation; Salvation From Sin and Troubled; Salvation God's Gift; Self-Control; Sin Confessed; Sin Salvation from; Waiting on God
H. de la Haye Blackith Repentance and Confession of Sin
Carl Maults-ByService Music Psalms and Canticles; Confession (of sin); Forgiveness; Mercy of God; Providence of God; God Refuge; Repentance; Service Music Psalms and Canticles
David Thomas Repentance and Confession of Sin
John Beck HammerThe Life in Christ Repentance and Confession of Sin
John D. Roberts The Christian Life Repentance and Confession
David Schmidt The Christian Life Repentance and Confession


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