Christian Gregor

Short Name: Christian Gregor
Full Name: Gregor, Christian, 1723-1801
Birth Year: 1723
Death Year: 1801

Gregor, Christian, son of Georg Gregor, a peasant living in the Silesian village of Dirsdorf, near Peilau, was born at Dirsdorf, Jan. 1, 1723. In 1742 he went to Herrnhut, where he was at first employed in tuition. He became leader of the music in the [Moravian] Brethren's congregation at Herrnhaag, in 1748, and in 1749 at Zeist; but in 1753 he returned to Herrnhut as cashier of the Brethren's Board of Direction. He was, in 1756, ordained diaconus, in 1767 presbyter, and in 1789 bishop of the Brethren's Church. On Nov. 6,1801, he attended a meeting, held at Herrnhut, of the Board of Direction of which he had been a member from 1764. Just as he entered his house at Berthelsdorf, near Herrnhut, he was struck with paralysis, and died that same day. (Koch, vi. 436; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, ix. 630.)

He was a man greatly beloved and respected, simple of heart, loving, earnest and hardworking; and was entrusted with many important missions and visitations. His hymns are characterised by childlike fervour of devotion to his crucified Lord. A number appeared in Des kleinen Brüder-Gesangbuchs dritter Theil, Barby, 1767; but they were mostly contributed to the Gesang-buch zum Gebrauch der evangelischen Brüder Gemeinen, Barby, 1778, of which he was the principal editor. He was also an excellent organist, and edited, in 1784, a collection of accompanying tunes for the hymnbook of 1778, contributing thereto various melodies by himself. A little volume entitled Historische Nachrteht vom Brüder-Gesangbuche des Jahres 1778, und von dessen Lieder-Verfassern, Gnadau, 1835 (2nd ed., 1851), occasionally referred to in these pages, is based on materials collected by Gregor.

His hymns in English common use are:—
i. Bis dereinst mein Stündlein schlägt. [Love to Christ.] 1778, No. 640, in 5 st. of 4 1. Translated as:—
Till permitted hence to go, of st. i., ii., iv., as No. 563 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 1228). In 1826 an original st.anza by T. Bird was added, beginning, " Till the day when I shall tread." Repeated thus in 1886, No. 1228, and in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841, No. 484.
ii. Die Gottes Cherubim. [The Angels.] Appeared as No. 1877 in Appendix xii. c, 1746, to the Herrnhut Gesang-Buch of 1735, thus :—

"Die Gottes Cherubim
Erheben ihre Stimm,
(Funkelnd von Blitz und Strahl,)
Ihr Lied ist, wenn ichs sagen darf,
Dazu spielt mehr als eine Harf:
Ehre dem Seitenmaal!"

In 1778 it is included as No. 1600, beginning, "Die Gottes Seraphim," and expanded to three stanzas; i. of the Angels; ii. of the Redeemed; iii. of the Church on Earth. Here the song, "Ehre dem Seitenmaal," is given to the Church on Earth, and a paraphrase of Is. vi. 3, to the Angels. The only translation in common use is :—
The Seraphim of God, in full from the 1778, by J. Miller and F. W. Foster, as No. 792 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 1220), repeated in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841, No. 424. Another translation is The Cherubims of God," from the original form, as No. 93 in pt. iii. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1748.
iii. Heiliger, heiliger, heiliger, Herr Zebaoth. [Public Worship.] The introductory hymn in 1778, in 4 st. of 81, as on "The Word of God." The only translation is:—
Holy Lord, Holy lord, Holy and Almighty Lord, by F. W. Foster, C. G. Clemens, and J. Swertner, as No. 1 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 1). Included from the text of 1801, as No. 217 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864.
iv. Nach tausendfachen Plagen. [Passiontide.] 1778, No. 128, in 8 1. It is translated as :—
Behold, my soul, Thy Saviour, by P. H. Molther, as No. 352 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. See No. vi.
v. 0 angenehme Augenblicke. [Eternal Life.] Written in 1766. In 1778, No. 1749, in 2 st. of 8 1. The translations are :—
1. What heavenly joy and consolation, by P. H, Molther, of st. i., as No. 886 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 1314, st. iii.). Included as st. iii. of No. 403 in the Irish Church Hymnal, 1873.
2. 0 what joy, 0 what joy awaiteth me. No. 988 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801. In the 1886 edition it is marked as a translation of No. v. as above. It bears more resemblance, however, to "O wie wallt mein Herz," which is No. 268 in the 1806 Appendix to the Brüder Gesang-Buchof 1778.
vi. 0 süsse Seelenweide. [Passiontide.] 1778, No. 167, in 11 st. of 8 1. St. i., ii. are ascribed to Gregor; iii., iv., xi. to Johann Prätorius ; and v.-x. to C. B. von Zinzendorf (taken from Nos. 40 and 41 of the collected edition of his hymns, 1754). The translation is:—
How is my soul delighted, a translation of st. i., ii., iv., v., vii., x. by F. W. Foster, and J. Miller, as No. 360 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the 1801 and later editions (1886, No. 407), Molther's translation of No. iv. was prefixed as st. i., new trranslations of st. viii., x. given, and the rest altered. In the Book of Common Praise, ed. 1872, No. 86, is st. i., ii., 11. 5-8, and iii., by Gregor; and iv., 11. 5-8, by Prätorius, beginning, "Behold, my soul, thy Saviour."
vii. 0 Tage wahrer Seligkeit. [Joy of Forgiveness.] 1778, No. 398, in 6 st. of 8 1., included in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S. , ed. 1863. Translated as:—
O days of solid happiness in full as No. 340 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 386). Two centos from the text of 1849 are in common use :—
1. "What days of solid happiness," st. i.-iv., as No. 433 in the edition of 1857 of Mercer's The Church Psalter & Hymnbook.
2. "Whene'er we contemplate the grace," st. iv.-vi. as No. 396 in the Irish Church Hymnal, 1873.
viii. Wenn schlägt die angenehme Stunde. [Ascension.] Written for Aug. 17, 1765, and included as No. 113 in 1767, as above, in 8 1. Translated as :—
When, O when shall I have the favour, by P. H. Molther, c. 1774, included as No. 839 in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789, repeated as st. ii. of No, 403, in the Irish Church Hymnal, 1873. In the 1886 ed. of the Moravian Hymnbook, No. 1314, it begins, "O when shall I have that great favour."
ix. Wie wifd mir einst dooh sein. [Eternal Life.] 1778, No. 1743, in 10 st. of 6 1. In the Historische Nachricht thereto, st. i.-iii. are marked as by Gregor, and st. iv.-x. as by N. L. von Zinzendorf. St. iv.-x. are recast from a hymn beginning, "Die Bäume blühen ab," writ¬ten in the autumn of 1721, and included as No. 1245 in the 3rd edition, 1731, of his Sammlung geistund lieblicher Lieder, in 46 st. of 4 1., the stanza of the original used being in order 39, 42, 34, 18, 22, 29, 45. The only translation in common use is:—
What shall I feel, when I, in full from the 1778, by J. A. Latrobe, as No. 885 in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789 (1886, No. 1301). Two centos are in use:-
1. "How shall the joy be told"; st. i.-iv., vi., viii. altered in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841, No. 498.
2. "I hear the enraptured song"; st. 2, 6, 9, 10, as No. 582 in the App. of 1873 to Mercer's The ChurchPsalter & Hymnbook.

Hymns not in English common use:—
x. Ach mein Heir Jesu! dein Nahesein. Communion with Christ. 1767, as above, No. 432, in 10 st. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S.,, ed. 1863, No. 925. Justly characterised by Dr. Schaff in his Christ in Song, 1869, p. 496, as "One of the sweetest hymns from the holy of holies of the believer's personal communion with his Saviour, and very characteristic of Moravian piety in its best form." The trsanslations are (1) "What peace divine, what perfect happiness," by P. H. Molther, as No. 278 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1849, No. 362). In the 1886 ed. of the Moravian Hymn Book, No. 359, it begins with the translation of st. v., "Gracious Redeemer, grant to us while here." (2) "Jesus, our Lord, when Thou art near," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 122). (3) "Ah dearest Lord! to feel that Thou art near," by Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 168. (4) "Ah, Jesus, Lord, Thou art near to me," in the British Herald, Dec, 1866, p. 372, and as No. 304 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. (5) "Jesus, my Lord, Thy nearness does impart," by E. Reynolds for Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1869, p. 496.
xi. Hallelujah! der Heiland lebt. Easter. 1778, No. 203, in 17 st. (st. xiv. being by Matthaus Stach, and first published as st. ii. of No. 109, in 1767). Translated as "Sing Hallelujah, Christ doth live," as No. 131 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 142), repeated in Bishop Ryle's Collection, 1860, No. 131. Beginning with the translation of st. ix., “The God of Peace, to guilty man," 6 st. were included as No. 90 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]
-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by Christian Gregor (120)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Ach Christnacht und sein LeidenGregor, g. 1723 † 1801 (Author)German2
Ach deine unschätzbare große GüteChristian Gregor (Author)German1
Ach, mein Herr Jesu, Dein NaheseinChristian Gregor (Author)German22
Ach, mein Herr Jesus, wenn ich Dich nicht hätteC. Gregor (Author)German26
Ah dearest Lord! to feel that Thou art nearChristian Gregor (Author)English2
Ah! si ton sang, si ta mort, si ta vieChristian Gregor (Author)French1
All the bliss which we possess Is derived from Jesus' crossChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author (st. 2))English4
Aller Gläub'gen SammelplatzCh. Gregor (Author (v. 2))German3
Amen, ja, Hallelujah!Christian Gregor (Author)German1
At God's right hand in countless numbersChr. Gregor (Author (sts. 2, 3))1
Be our comfort which ne'er failethChristian Gregor (Author)4
Behold, my soul, thy SaviorChristian Gregor (Author)2
Bethany, O peaceful habitationChristian Gregor (Author)3
Christ will gather in His own, To the place where He is goneChristian Gregor (Author)English5
Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit, Das ist mein Schmuck und EhrenkleidChristian Gregor (Author (vs. 2, 3))German2
Countless hosts before God's throneRev. Christian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)3
Die Gottesseraphim Erheben ihr StimmChristian Gregor (Author)German1
Die heilgen Seraphim erheben ihre StimmChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author (v. 2))German1
Die wir uns allhier beisammen findenChristian Gregor (Author)German1
Ein's bitt' ich vom HerrnCh. Gregor (Author)German2
Es de Dios la Santa BibliaChristian Gregor (Author)Spanish3
Flock of Christ, in fellowshipChristian Gregor (Author)2
Gdybym Cię nie mial Jezu mój kochanybp Christian Gregor (Author)Polish2
Glory to the Father, Who in Christ JesusChristian Gregor (Author)4
God will the widows ne'er forsakeChristian Gregor (Author)2
Gott, unserm Gott, welcher im menschlichen OrdenGregor, g. 1723 † 1801 (Author)German2
Gott, wie dein Name, so ist dein RuhmChristian Gregor (Author)German2
Grace and peace from God, our blessed SaviorChristian Gregor (Author (stanza 1))3
ഹാ എന്റെ നാ-ഥ യേശു നീ-യല്ലാതേ (Hā enṟe nā-tha yēśu nī-yallātē)Christian Gregor (Author)Malayalam2
Hallelujah, der Heiland lebt, nun ist auf Erden FriedeChristian Gregor (Author)German3
Heer Jezus Christus, als ik U ontbeerdeChristian Gregor (Author)Dutch1
Heiliger, heiliger, heiliger Herr ZebaothChristian Gregor (Author)German4
Here in the Name of Christ our LordChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Arranger)English3
Herr, dein Wort, die edle GabeChristian Gregor (Author (st. 2))German2
Herz und Herz vereint zusammenChristian Gregor (Arranger)German3
Holy Lord, Holy Lord, By Thy body given to deathChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)2
Holy Lord, Holy Lord, Holy and Almighty LordChristian Gregor (Author)English8
Holy Lord, Holy Lord, Thanks and praise be ever ThineChristian Gregor (Author)English8
Hosanna, Blessed is He that comesChristian Gregor (Author)English2
I smite upon my guilty breastChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)4
Ich werd' mich über mein SeligseinChristian Gregor (Author)German3
Im Namen des Herrn Jesu ChristGregor (Author)German2
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord The church's head by us adoredChristian Gregor (Author)English3
In this sepulchral EdenRev. Christian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)6
Jesus, bless us sensiblyChristian Gregor (Author)3
Jesus, lead the way Through our life's long dayChristian Gregor (Recaster)English1
Jesus, still lead onChristian Gregor (Alterer)English5
Jesus' life of grief and sorrowsChristian Gregor (Author)3
Jesus, my Lord, thy nearness does impartChristian Gregor (Author)5
Kujua Yesu u karibuChristian Gregor (Author)Swahili2
Lamb of God, thy precious bloodChristian Gregor (Author)2
Lamm! gib uns das nothwend'ge StückChristian Gregor (Author)German1
Lass, o Jesu! mir auf Erden meinen Ruf und GnadenwahlChristian Gregor (Author)German3
Lass uns weiden in den FreudenGregor, g. 1723 † 1801 (Author)German2
Lord, for thy coming us prepareChristian Gregor (Author)3
Lord, if Thy life, if Thy blood, if Thy dyingChristian Gregor (Author)English1
Lord, thy blessing send usChristian Gregor (Author)2
Make my calling and electionChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author (stanza 1))6
Man of sorrows and acquaintedChristian Gregor (Author)2
More than shepherd's faithfulnessChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)5
My happy lot is hereChristian Gregor (Author)3
My portion is the LordChristian Gregor (Author)5
None but Christ, my SaviorChristian Gregor (Author)4
Now, Lord, who in this vale of tearsChristian Gregor (Author)5
O Anblick, der mir's Herze bricht!Christian Gregor (Author)German2
O angenehme Augenblicke drin sich die süße Hoffnung regtChristian Gregor (Author)German6
O Angst und Leid! O Traurigkeit!Christian Gregor (Author)German1
O days of perfect happinessChristian Gregor (Author)5
O Eternal word, Jesus Christ, our LordChristian Gregor (Author)English3
O, form us all while we remainBishop Christian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)1
O Gnade sei mir täglich neuChristian Gregor (Author)German1
O Handlung voller Majestät!Chr. Gregor (Author)German2
O how excellent and fairChristain Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)English3
O Jesu! unsre FreudeChristian Gregor (Author)German2
O might the sorr'wing face of JesusChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)English2
O my Lord Jesus, if I did not have YouChristian Gregor (Author)English2
O my Lord Jesus, when thou art nearChr. Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)2
O süße Seelenweide, in Jesu PassionChristian Gregor (Author (v. 1))German1
O Tage wahrer SeligkeitChristian Gregor (Author)German3
O that we with gladness of spirit foreverChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)5
O Thou whose goodness words can never expressChr. Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)English4
O thou whose human life for usBishop Christian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)1
O verehrungswürdige MinuteC. Gregor, g. 1723 † 1801 (Author)German2
O what an act of majestyChristian Gregor (Author)3
O what joy, O what joyChristian Gregor (Author)5
O what praise in highest strainChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)4
O there's a sight that rends my heartChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)4
Our Redeemer rose victoriousChristian Gregor (Author)3
Schaff' in mir, Gott, ein Herz, das reine heißtChristian Gregor (Author)German2
Seid heut aufs neu dem Herrn geweihtChristian Gregor (Author)German3
Sing Hallelujah, Christ doth liveChristian Gregor (Author)English9
Sing with awe in strains harmoniousChristian Gregor (Author)4
Slow falls the night with darkly shadows roundChristian Gregor (Author)1
Słowa Twego dar szlachetnybp Christian Gregor (Adapter (st. 2))Polish2
Thanks and praise, Jesus, unto thee are dueChristian Gregor (Author)4
Thanks and praise, thanks and praise, Jesus, unto Thee are dueChristian Gregor (Author)2
Thanks and praise, thanks and praise, Thanks and praise be ever ThineChristian Gregor (Author)2
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, And the love of GodBishop Christian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)English1
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God, so highly prizedChristian Gregor (Author)English1
The Lord bless and keep thee in His favorBishop Christian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)English6
The seraphim of God Exalt their voices loudChristian Gregor (Author)4
Though by nature I'm defiledChristian Gregor (Author)3
Till permitted hence to goChristian Gregor (Author)4
'Tis finished now, Redemption's finished nowChristian Gregor (Author)5
'Tis the most blest and needful partChristian Gregor (Author)4
To God our Immanuel, made flesh as we areChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)English6
Truly that eventful dayChristian Gregor (Author)3
Unto thee, most faithful SaviorChristian Gregor (Author)4
What happiness, What joy and happinessChristian Gregor (Author)3
What peace divine, what perfect happinessChristian Gregor (Author)2
What shall I feel, when IChristian Gregor (Author)2
What splendid rays of truth and graceChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)4
When, O when shall I have the favorChristian Gregor (Author)2
Whenever we contemplate the graceChristian Gregor (Author)English2
Where, O Lord Jesus, could I find salvationChristian Gregor (Author)1
Wie, wird mir einst doch seinChristian Gregor (Author)German1
Wiederholt's mit süßen TönenChristian Gregor (Author)German3
With heart and hand you now we ownChristian Gregor (Author)3
With thy presence, Lord, our head and SaviorChristian Gregor, 1723-1801 (Author)English8
Wohl dem, der in der Freud' am HerrnChristian Gregor (Author)German2

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