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J. L. K. Allendorf

1693 - 1773 Person Name: Johann Ludwig Konrad Allendorf Hymnal Number: d222 Author of "Wo ist ein solcher Gott, wie Du" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Allendorf, Johann Ludwig Konrad, b. Feb. 9, 1693, at Josbach, near Marburg, Hesse, where his father was pastor. He entered the University of Giessen in 1711, but in 1713 passed on to Halle to study under Francke, and then, in 1717, became tutor in the family of Count Henkel of Odersberg. In 1723 he became tutor to the family of Count Erdmann v. Promnitz at Sorau, and in 1724 was appointed Lutheran Court preacher at Cothen, when one of the Count's daughters was married to the Prince of Anhalt-Cothen. After the death of his first wife the Prince married her younger sister, but the latter, dying in 1750, the need for a Lutheran Court preacher ceased, he being of the Reformed Confession. Allendorf was then summoned by Count Christian Ernst v. Stolberg to Wernigerode, where a sister of his former patronesses was the wife of the Count's eldest son. There he was assistant in two churches till 1755, when he was appointed pastor of the Liebfrau Church, and a member of the Consistory. In 1760 he became pastor of St. Ulrich's Church in Halle, and successfully laboured there till, on June 3,1773, "As a Simeon of eighty years he received his peaceful summons home to rest in the arms of Jesus" (Koch, iv. 441-446; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie., i. 349, &c). His hymns, which are "hymns of love to Christ, the Lamb of God, and the Bridegroom of the believing soul," appeared principally in the Einige gantz neue auserlesene Lieder, Halle, N.D. (c. 1733), and the Einige gantz neue Lieder zum Lobe des Dreijeinigen Gottes und zur gewunschteh reichen Erbauung vieler Menschen. The latter, known as the Cothnische Lieder, contains hymns of the Pietists of the younger Halle School, such as Lehr, Allendorf, Woltersdorf, Kunth, &c.; and to its first ed., 1736, Allendorf contributed 45 hymns, while the 4th edition, 1744, contains in its second pt. 46, and the 5th ed., 1768, in its third pt. 41 additional hymns by him-—in all 132. Four of his hymns have been translated, viz.:— 1. Das Brunnlein quillt,das Lebenswasser fiiesset. [Holy Communion] Founded on Ps. lxv. first published in 1733, p. 14, and included, in 1736, as above, in 9 stanzas of 8 lines, as a "Brunnenlied." Repeated as No. 1570 in the Berlin G. L. S. ed. 1863. The only translation in common use is:— The Fountain flows!—its waters—all are needing, omitting st. iv., vi., ix., by H. Mills in his Horac Germanicae, 1845 (ed. 1856, p. 43). The tr. of st. i.-iii., viii., altered to " The Fountain flows! waters of life bestowing," were included, as No. 819, in the Lutheran General Synod's Colletion 1850. 2. Die Seele ruht in Jesu Armen. [Eternal Life.] Founded on an anonymous hymn in 5 stanzas beginning, "Ich ruhe nun in Gottes Armen," included as No. 655, in pt. ii., 1714, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch; but not in the Einhundert . . . Lieder, Dresden, 1694 [Leipzig Town Library]. According to Lauxmann in Koch, viii. 689, Allendorf's hymn was first printed separately. In pt. ii. of the 4th ed., 1744, of the Cothnische Lieder, as above, p. 264, in 13 st. of 101. entitled, "Of a soul blessed there with the beatific vision," Rev. xxii. 4. Written in the spirit of Canticles, it is included in full in the Neue Sammlung, Wernigerode, 1752, No. 92, but is generally abridged, Knapp, in his Evangelischer LiederSchatz., 1850, No. 3059.(ed. 1865, No. 3123) altering it and omitting stanzas vi., ix., x. Lauxmann relates that Diaconus Schlipalius, of the Holy Cross Church in Dresden, told his wife on Jan. 1,1764, while he was yet in perfect health, that he would die during the year. He comforted her apprehensions with stanzas vi.-xi. of this hymn, which consoled himself shortly before his death on April 6 of that year. The only translation in common use is:- Now rests her soul in Jesus' arms. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., viii., xii., xiii., in the 1st Ser., 1855, of Miss Winkworth's Lyra Germanica, p. 250 (later eds. p. 252). Thence, omitting st. xii., as No. 362 in E. H. Bickersteth's Psalms & Hymns, 1858. Another translation is, "In Jesus' arms her soul doth rest," by Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 42. 3. Jesus ist kommen, Grand ewiger Freude.[Advent] First pub. in 1736 as above (ed. 1738, p. 102), in 23 st. of 6 1., as a hymn of triumph on the Coming of the Saviour to our world, St. John iii. 31. In the Speier Gesang-Buch, 1859, 11 st. are selected, and in the Wurttemberg Gesang-Buch., 1842, 6 st. are given as No. 84. The only translation is, "Jesus is come, O joy heaven-lighted,” by Miss Warner, in her Hymns of the Church Militant, 1858 (ed. 1861, p. 433). 4. Unter Lilien jener Freuden. [Longing for Heaven.] A beautiful hymn on the Joys of Heaven, more suited for private than for Church use. It appeared as, "In den Auen jener Freuden," in the Sammlung Geist-und licblicher Lieder, Herrnhut, 1731, No. 1004, in 8 stanzas of 6 1ines. When repeated in 1733, p. 67, and in 1736, in the Cothnische Lieder, as above, Ps. lxxxiv. 3, was given as a motto, and the first line as Unter Lilien. Included in this form as No. 721 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder ed. 1863. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 687-689, relates that it was repeated on her death-bed by the first wife of Jung-Stilling, and that it was a favourite hymn of Wilhelm Hofacker, a well-known Wurttemberg clergyman. The only translation is, "Glorious are the fields of heaven," by Mrs. Bevan, 1859, p. 131. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

P. H. Brown

1783 - 1861 Person Name: Phoebe H. Brown Hymnal Number: d89 Author of "I love to steal awhile away" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Brown, Phoebe, née Hinsdale. A member of the Congregational body, born at Canaan, Columbia County, New York, May 1, 1783, she was left an orphan when two years old. At nine she fell into the hands of a relative who kept a county gaol. These, says her son, "were years of intense and cruel suffering. The tale of her early life which she has left her children is a narrative of such deprivations, cruel treatment, and toil, as it breaks my heart to read." Escaping from this bondage at 18, she was sought by kind people, and sent for three months to a common school at Claverack, N.Y., where she learned to write, and made profession of faith in Christ. In 1805 she was married to Timothy H. Brown, a painter, and subsequently lived at East Windsor and Ellington, Connecticut, Monison, Mass., and at Marshall, Henry County, Illinois. She died at the last-named place, Oct 10, 1861. Most of her hymns were written at Monison, Mass. Through a life of poverty and trial she was "a most devoted mother, wife, and Christian." Her son, the Rev. S. R. Brown, D.D. became the first American Missionary to Japan, and two of her grandchildren are now in the same mission. In addition to her hymns, two or more volumes of prose by her have been published. Her Autobiography and Poems were being prepared for publication, when the editor died, and they are yet to appear. Despite all her disadvantages, Mrs. Brown's talents and work are superior to those of any other early female hymnist of America. It is hoped that her manuscript may some day be competently examined, and selected portions from them be published. Four of her hymns appeared in Nettleton's Village Hymns, 1824, with the signature "B." 1. As once the Saviour took His seat. Penitence. 2. Go, messenger of love, and bear. Missions. 3. I love to steal awhile away. Retirement. 4. Welcome, ye hopeful heirs of heaven. Young Converts. Of these No. 2 is a Missionary hymn, written in 1817, but first published in the Village Hymns, 1824; No. 3 was written in 1818, and few hymns have a more pathetic history. It is this:— Mrs. Brown was living at Ellington with "four little children, in a small unfinished house, a sick sister in the only finished room, and not a place above or below where I could retire for devotion." Not far off stood the finest house in the neighbourhood, with a large garden. To-wards this the poor woman used to bend her steps at dusk, loving, as she writes, “to smell the fragrance of fruits and flowers, though I could not see them," and commune with Nature and God. This she did, never dreaming that she was intruding, her habits watched, or her motives misconstrued, till one day the lady of the mansion turned rudely upon her with "Mrs. Brown, why do you come up at evening so near our house, and then go back without coming in? If you want anything, why don't you come in and ask for it?" Mrs. B. adds, "There was something in her manner more than her words, that grieved me. I went home, and that evening was left alone. After my children were all in bed, except my baby, I sat down in the kitchen with my child in my arms, when the grief of my heart burst forth in a flood of tears. I took pen and paper, and gave vent to my oppressed heart." The Poem then written is headed "An Apology for my Twilight Rambles, addressed to a Lady, Aug. 1818.” The original has nine stanzas, the second beginning “I love to steal awhile away.” Years after, when Nettleton was seeking original matter for his Village Hymns (1824), this piece was abridged and altered into the present familiar form, either by Mrs. Brown herself, her pastor (Mr. Hyde), or Nettleton. Its popularity was great from the first. In 1853 it was included in the Leeds Hymn Book, and thus became known to English collections. It is found in Lyra Sacra Americana, p. 29. In 1819 Mrs. Brown wrote two hymns which were strangely overlooked by Nettleton, and did not appear till 1831 in Hastings's Spiritual Songs. These are:— 5. How sweet the melting lay. Morning. 6. 0 Lord, Thy work revive. For a Revival. Both are found in Lyra Sacra Americana, pp. 28-30. No. 6 was altered by the author for Nason's Congregational Hymn Book, 1857. This, according to Nason, is her authorized text. It is widely used in America, and is also found in a few English collections, including Reed's Hymn Book and the New Congregational Hymn Book, and sometimes is attributed in error to Hastings. 7. Great God, we would to Thee make known. This appeared in the Mother's Hymn Book, 1834. 8. We come, 0 Lord, before Thy throne. For Sailors. 9. Grant the abundance of the sea. For Sailors. Two hymns for sailors, which appeared in Linsley and Davis's Select Hymns, 1836. 10. Assembled at [round] Thine altar, Lord. Holy Communion. This also appeared in the Select Hymns, 1836, and was altered for Nason's Congregational Hymn Book, 1857. It is a good hymn, and deserves wider adoption. 11. Jesus, this mid-day hour. Noon. "Written by special request for the Fulton Street [Noon] Prayer Meeting," about 1857. In addition to the foregoing there are four hymns by her in Parish Hymns (Phila.), 1843, to which they were contributed; and there may be many others in various collections which are uncredited. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Saint Francis Xavier

1506 - 1552 Person Name: Francis Xavier Hymnal Number: d108 Author of "Jesus, I love thee, not because" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen St. Francis Xavier, the great missionary saint of the Roman Catholic Church, was the son of Don John Giasso and Donna Maria d'Azpilqueta y Xavier; he was born at the castle Xavier, near Pampeluna, Spain, on April 7, 1506, and is known to history by his mother's name. At the age of eighteen he entered the University of Paris, where in due course he graduated, and then devoted himself to teaching. It was here that he became acquainted with Ignatius Loyola the founder of the Jesuits, who was then planning the colossal work which he afterwards accomplished. Xavier became one of the first nine of Loyola's converts, and the most enthusiastic of the little band. The date of the formation of the Order of the Jesuits is given as Aug. 15, 1534, and the place as Montmartre near Paris. We find Xavier at Venice with Loyola in 1537, where the visitation of a hospital for incurables was assigned to him. Here in the discharge of his duties he gave early evidence of his enthusiasm and self-devotion. He subsequently visited Rome, where with Loyola and others of the Order he was brought, through the influence of the Rector of the University of Paris, who was then at Rome, to the notice of John III. of Portugal, who desired some of them for mission work in India. Circumstances led to the selection of Xavier for the work. He left Rome in March 1540, and set sail on April 7, 1541, for Goa, the chief city of the Portuguese possessions, where he arrived on May 6, 1542. From that time to the day of his death at Sancian, near Canton, on Dec. 22, 1552, he devoted himself to his work in a most heroic and devoted manner, visiting Travancore, Ceylon, Malacca, Japan, and other heathen lands with Cross in hand, and a burning zeal in his heart. Xavier's life has been written by many hands. The roll of deeds which he is said to have done, and the miracles he is said to have wrought, even to the raising of the dead, is long, but many of the alleged facts are open to the gravest doubt, and others are beyond belief. The hymns which are associated with Xavier's name are, "O Deus ego amo Te, Nam prior Tu amasti me," and "O Deus ego amo Te, Nee amo Te ut salves me.” That the first was written by him is most improbable, the evidence in his favour being absolutely nil. The second may possibly be his (see as above), it breathes his abnegation of self in every word, his spirit in every line. See Murray's Magazine for Oct. 1890, for an interesting account of Goa and its Cathedral, where Xavier lies buried. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Johann Andreas Cramer

1723 - 1788 Hymnal Number: d35 Author of "Dein Wort, o Hoechster, ist vollkommen" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Cramer, Johann Andreas, born Jan. 27, 1723, at Jönstadt or Johann-Georgen-Stadt, in the Saxon Harz, where his father was pastor. After studying at the University of Leipzig, where he graduated M.A. in 1745, he was in 1748 appointed preacher at Crellwitz, near Lützen, and in 1750 Court Preacher and member of the Consistory at Quedlinburg. Four years later he became German Court Preacher to King Frederick V. of Denmark, at Copenhagen. There he obtained great fame as a preacher and teacher; and was appointed in 1765 Professor of Theology in the University. But after the accession of Charles VII., in 1766, the free-thinking party in the State gradually gained the ascendancy, and procured his removal; whereupon he was appointed, in 1771, Superintendent in Lubeck. When the orthodox party regained power in 1774, he was recalled to Denmark, as Vice-Chancellor, and First Professor of Theology in the University of Kiel, and in 1784 Chancellor. He died at Kiel on the night of June 11-12, 1788 (Koch, vi. 334-344; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, iv. 550-551; Bode, pp. 54-55—the last dating his birth, Jan. 29). Cramer was rather a writer of religious lyrics than of hymns, though at least 80 of his compositions passed Into the hymn-books of his times. Those that have been translated into English are all included either in the Allgemeines Gesang- Buch, Altona, 1780, which he edited for use in Schleswig-Holstein, or in his Sämmtliche Gedichtet Leipzig, 1782-3. They are:— i. Die ihr des Lebens edle Zeit. The duty of the Scholar. 1780, as above, No. 820, in 12 stanzas, repeated 1782, vol. ii. p. 319. Translated as, "O ye, who from your earliest youth," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 321. ii. Erheb, erheb, 0 meine Seele. Ps. civ. In his Poetische Uebersetzung der Psalmen, Leipzig, 1763, pt. iii., p. 65, in 16 stanzas. Included, 1780, as above, No. 124. The form translated is that in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch 1791, No. 36 (1842, No. 59), beginning with stanza ii. “Herr, dir ist niemand zu vergleichen." Tr. as, "Lord, none to Thee may be compared," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Jan. 1866, p. 200, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 373. iii. Erwachet, Harf’ und Psalter. Morning. Founded on Ps. cviii. First published in Zollikofer's Gesang-Buch, Leipzig, 1766, No. 71, in 6 stanzas. Repeated, 1780, as above, No. 2, and as No. 41 of the hymns appended to his Evangelische Nachahmungen der Psalmen Davids, Kopenhagen, 1769, p. 272. Translated by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 59, as:—"Wake, harp and psaltery sounding." iv. Schuf mich Gott für Augenblicke. Immortality of the Soul. 1780, as above, No. 136, in 12 St., repeated, 1782, vol. i. p. 181. Tr. (beginning with st. vi., "Geist! das ist mein hoher Name"), by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, as:—"Man were better nam'd a spirit." v. Sterbend für das Heilder Sunder. Ascension. In the Bayreuth Gesang-Buch, 1779, No. 173, in 4 stanzas. Included, 1780, as above, No. 319, and 1782, vol. ii. p. 33. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, as:—"Dying a guilty world to save." vi. Unerforschlich sei mir immer. God's Wisdom. First published in his Andachten in Betrachtungen, Gebeten und Liedern, &c, vol. ii., pt. ii., Schleswig and Leipzig, 1768, and thence in Rambach, v. 54. Included in 1769 (see No. iii.), p. 250, and 1780 as above, No. 78. Translated (1) in Sacred Poems by S. R. Maxwell, 1857, p. 126, as:— “Though inscrutable may ever"; (2) by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 94, as:—" Inscrutable to me although." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Paul Flemming

1609 - 1640 Hymnal Number: d100 Author of "In allen meinen Taten" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Flemming, Paul , son of Abraham Flemming or Fleming, then schoolmaster at Hartenstein, near Zwickau, Saxony (afterwards pastor of Wechselburg, near Mittweida), was born at Hartenstein, Oct. 5 or 12, 1609. He entered the St. Thomas School, Leipzig, in 1623, and matriculated at the University of Leipzig at Michaelmas, 1626, At the University he devoted himself to the study of medicine and of poetry, being laureated as a poet in 1631, and graduating M.A. in 1632. In order to find refuge from the troubles of the Thirty Years' War he went to Holstein in 1633. In the same year he joined an embassy which Duke Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein was about to send to his brother-in-law, the Russian Czar, as gentleman in waiting and "taster." In this expedition he was engaged from Oct. 22, 1633, to April 6, 1635. He then took part in the embassy sent by the Duke to the Shah of Persia, with the object of opening up the way for trade and Christianity into Central Asia. They set sail from Travemünde, near Lübeck, Oct. 27, 1635, and returned to Gottorf, Aug. 1, 1639. The expedition proved fruitless, and the many dangers and great hardships encountered broke Flemming's health. To qualify himself for medical practice in Hamburg he went to the University of Leyden, where he graduated M.D. in 1640; but shortly after his return to Hamburg he died there, March 25 (April 2), 1640 (Koch, iii. 73-82; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, vii. 115-117). Flemming was of an energetic temperament, with an ardent patriotism, and a deep love for the Evangelical Cause. He was a gifted poet, of true and deep feeling, who could write charming descriptions of the beauties of nature, and sweet and tender love songs. His secular poems, however, as a whole have the faults of the Silesian school of Martin Opitz; and it is by his hymns, and especially by his classical "In allen meinen Thaten," that his name lives. His poems were first collected by the father of his betrothed as D. P. Fleming's Teutsche Poemata, and appeared in 1642 in two editions nearly alike, one at Naumburg and Jena, the other at Lübeck. The most complete edition is that by J. M. Lappenberg, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1865-66. Of his 41 religious poems (12 hymns, 9 odes, 20 sonnets) three have passed into English. i. In alien meinen Thaten . Trust in God. This beautiful hymn was written in November, 1633, just before he started with the embassy to Moscow (see above); and may often have cheered his own sinking spirit then and in the more trying adventures of the second embassy. It first appeared in his Teutsche Poemata , 1642 (Lübeck edition, p. 287; Lappenberg's edition, i. p. 236), as No. 4 in Book i. of the Odes, in 15 stanza of 6 1. It was included in the Stralsund Gesang-Buch, 1665, Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch , 1704, and almost all recent collections. Sometimes, as in the Unverfalschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 646, it is given in full, but more frequently the special stanzas appropriate for travellers (vi.-ix., xiii., xiv.) are omitted. It is characterised in Koch, viii. 379, as a "pilgrim song suited for the Christian journey which we must all in faith make through joy and sorrow to our Eternal Home." Lauxmann adds that it has often been used appropriately at weddings, was the favourite hymn of Friedrich Wilhelm III. of Prussia, and was sung at the service in the Cathedral of Berlin, July 19, 1870, on the open¬ing of the North German Diet immediately before the Franco-Prussian War. Translated as:— I leave to His good pleasure , a translation of st. i., ii., iv, by A. T. Russell, as No. 232 in his Psalms & Hymns , 1851. Other translations are : (l) “In all my plans, Thou Highest," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 167. (2) “Where'er I go, whate'er my task," by Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 108, repeated in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea , 1868, p. 9. (3) "In every deed and word," in Madame de Pontes's Poets & Poetry of Germany, 1858, vol. i. p. 416. His hymns not in English common use are:— ii. Ist's mőglich, dass der Haas auch kann geliebet sein. The Love of God. In the Lübeck edition, 1642, p. 555 (Lappenberg's edition, i. p. 450), as No. 16 in Book i. of the Sonnets . Translated as, "Can it then be that hate should e'er be loved," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 175. iii. Lass dich nur Nights nicht tauren. Cross and Consolation. Probably written in Persia during the second embassy. In the Lübeck edition, 1642, p. 283 (Lappenberg's edition, i. p. 244), as No. 1 in Book i. of the Odes, in 3 st. of 6 l. The translations are: (1) "Only let nothing grieve thee," by Madame de Ponies, 1858, v. i. p. 415. (2) "Let nothing make thee sad or fretful," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 175. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ludämiliä Elisabeth Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt

1640 - 1672 Person Name: Ludaemilie Elisabeth Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt Hymnal Number: d43 Author of "Erhalt uns, Herr der Herrlichkeit" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Ludämilia Elisabeth, second daughter of Count Ludwig Gunther I. of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, was born April 7, 1640, at the castle of Heidecksburg, near Rudolstadt, and was educated there along with her cousin Emilie Juliane (q.v.). In 1665 she went with her mother to the dowager castle of Friedensburg near Leutenberg; but after her mother's death, in 1670, she returned to Rudolstadt, where, on Dec. 20, 1671, she was formally betrothed to Count Christian Wilhelm of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. At this time measles was raging in the district, and her eldest sister, Sophie Juliane, was seized, and died Feb. 14, 1672. By attending on her, Ludämilia and the youngest sister, Christiane Magdalene, caught the infection, and both died at Rudolstadt on March 12,1672. (Koch, iv. 50-56; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xix. 365-367, &c.) She received a careful and pious training, was a good Latin scholar, and well read in divinity and other branches of learning. Her hymns show her to have been of a deeply pious nature, and of intense love to Jesus. They were composed rather for her own edification than for use in public worship. Ten of them were included in the Budolstadt Gesang-Buch, 1682. They, were collected, to the number of 206, and edited by her cousin Emilie (probably assisted by A. Fritsch) as Die Stimme der Freundin, das ist: Geistliche Lieder welche, aus brünstiger und biss ans Ende beharrter Jesus Liebe verfertiget und gebraucht, &c. Rudolstadt, 1687. This was reprinted, with an introduction by W. Thilo, at Stuttgart, 1856. Three of those hymns have been translated viz.:— i. Jesus, Jesus, nichts als Jesus. [Love to Christ] 1687, No. 104, p. 312, in 5 st. of 6 1., entitled “Resignation to the Will of God." The initials of the stanzas form the word Jesus, and each stanza ends, "Herr, wie du willt." It seems to have appeared in the 2nd edition of A. Fritsch's Jesus Lieder (not in the first edition of 1668. No copy of the 2nd edition is now known), and in the 3rd edition, Jena, 1675, is No. 43, Rambach, iii. 188, gives it from the Vermehrtes Gesang-Büchlein, Halberstadt, 1673. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The translation in common use is :__ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus only. In full, by A. Crull, as No. 282 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are :—(1) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish and," in the Supplement to German Psal., ed. 1765, p. 11. (2) "Jesus, 'tis my aim divine," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 107. (3) “ 'Tis Jesus that's my sole desire," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 92. (4) "Jesus, Jesus, naught but Jesus, Can my," by R. Massie, in the British Herald, July, 1865, p. 103, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 393. (5) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish be," in Cantica Sanctorum, 1880, No. 97. ii. Jesu Blut komm über mich. [Holy Communion.] A Passiontide Hymn on the Blood of Jesus. 1687, p. 45, No. 14, in 8 st. In the Blätter für Hymnologie, 1886, p. 180, it is cited as in the 2nd ed., 1679, of A. Fritsch's Himmels-Lust (1st ed., 1670, does not contain it); and as there marked "S. J. G. Z. S. V. H.," the initials of the elder sister, Sophie Juliane. Translated as:-—"Jesus' Blood come over me," as No. 448, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. iii. Sorge, Vater! sorge du. [Morning.] 1687, No. 168, in 7 st., entitled "On Resignation to the Care of God," and founded on 1 Peter v. 7. Previously in the Rudolstadt Gesang-Buch,1682, p. 692. Translated as:—"Care, O Father, care for me," in the Monthly Packet, xiv., 1872, p. 211. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Justus Jonas

1493 - 1555 Hymnal Number: d42 Author of "Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, Und steuer" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Jonas, Justus (Jobst, Jost, Jodocus), son of Jonas Koch, burgomaster of Nordhausen, in Thuringia, was born at Nordhausen, June 5, 1493. He studied at Erfurt (M.A. 1510), and Wittenberg (LL.B.); returning to Erfurt in 1517, where, in 1518, he was appointed Canon of the St. Severus Church, Professor, and, in 1519, Rector of the University. In the festal ode on his rectorate (by his friend Eoban Hesse) he was called the Just Jonas, and henceforth he adopted Jonas as his surname, and it is as Jonas that he is known. In 1521 he was appointed Probst of the Schlosskirche (All Saints) at Wittenberg, D.D., and Professor of Church Law in the University. Here he worked for twenty years as a true and devoted friend and helper of Luther and Melanchthon, and was then, from 1541 to 1546, superintendent and chief pastor at Halle. After Luther's death he passed through various troubled experiences, but became in 1553 superintendent and chief pastor at Eisfeld on the Werra, where he died Oct. 9, 1555. He added two stanzas to Luther's "Erhalt uns Heir, bei deinem Wort" (q.v.). The only original hymn by him which has passed into English is:— Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält. Ps. cxxiv. First published in Eyn Enchiridion, Erfurt, 1524, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 42, in 8 stanzas. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 254. Translated as, "If God were not upon our side," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 117. [Rev. James Means, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Jonas, Justus, p. 605, ii. At lines 8-12 it is stated that he adopted the name of Jonas in 1519. In the Wittenberg Matriculation Album his name appears in 1511 as “Jodocus Jonas of Nordhausen." He was thus known as Jonas as early as 1511. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Salomo Franck

1659 - 1725 Person Name: Salomon Franck Hymnal Number: d188 Author of "So ruhest du, o meine Ruh" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Franck, Salomo, son of Jakob Franck, financial secretary at Weimar, was born at Weimar, March 6, 1659. Little is known of his early history. He probably studied at Jena, and seems thereafter to have held some appointment at Zwickau. In 1689 he became secretary of the Schwarzburg ducal administration at Arnstadt; and in 1697 of the Saxon administration and of the consistory at Jena. He was then, in 1702, appointed secretary of the consistory, librarian, and curator of the ducal collection of coins and medals at Weimar. He died at Weimar July 11, 1725 (Koch, v. 420-426; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, vii. 213-214; Schauer's introduction, &c.) He was a member of the Fruitbearing Society, and the author of a considerable number of secular poems, which are almost all "occasional" pieces and now forgotten. A diligent worker and a man of true piety, he had severe family afflictions to bear, and an undercurrent of meditation on death is present in many of his hymns. As a hymnwriter he is distinguished for ease and correctness of style; for adaptation to popular understanding and to congregational singing; for his love of adding refrains to his hymns; and for his happiness in word-painting and in setting forth contrasts. Of his hymns (about 330 in all) which still continue in use in Germany, the most important appeared in his (1) Geistliche Poesie, Weimar, 1685, and in his (2) Geist und Weltliche Poesien, vol. i., Jena, 1711; vol. ii., Jena, 1716. A selection of 46 of his Geistliche Lieder with a biographical and critical intro¬duction by Dr. J. K. Schauer appeared at Halle, 1855. Eight of his hymns have passed into English, as follows:— i. Hymns in English common use: - i. Ach Gott verlass mich nicht. Supplication. A beautiful hymn of supplication for God's help founded on Ps. xxxviii. 22. It is No. 1 in the Appendix to the Anderer Theil des Naumburgischen Gesang Buchs, Naumburg, 1714, p. 106, in 5 st. of 8 1., marked "Salomon Francke" (ed. 1717, p. 487, marked "Gottgelassen Unverlassen, Salomon Francke.") The editor of this collection, J. M. Sehamelius, who was one of the best hymnologists of the time, evidently thus believed that it was by Franck, but it has not yet been found in any work published by Franck himself. Each stanza begins and ends with "Ach Gott verlass mich nicht." It is included in Schauer's introduction, and in many recent hymnals, as in the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1829, the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, Hannover Gesang-Buch , 1883, &c. The translations in common use are:— 1. Forsake me not, my God . A full and good but rather free translation in the Family Treasury (Edinburgh: Nelson), 1859, pt. ii. p.168, and thence, in Boardman's Selection, Philadelphia, U.S., 1861, and in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. 2. 0 God, forsake me not! Thine hand, by M. W. Stryker, in his Hymns and Verses, 1883, p. 32, and repeated in his Christian Chorals, 1885. ii. Ich weiss es wird mein Ende kommen. For the Dying. 1711, as above, p. 91, in 7 st. of 6 l., entitled "The author's daily dying thoughts” Included by Schauer, 1855, p. 79; in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, &c. The translations in common use are :— 1. I know my end must surely come. A translation of stanza i., vii., in 2 st. of 6-8's, by Miss Winkworth, in the second series of her Lyra Germanica, 1858, p. 203. Thence in the Psalms & Hymns, Bedford, 1859, and in America in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book , 1868. 2. I know the doom that must befall me. This is the above translation, rewritten by Miss Winkworth to the original metre, and given in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 185. To this translation of stanzas iii., iv., vi., were added, and the others altered and beginning, "I know full well death must befall me," included in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. iii. So ruhest du, o meine Run. Easter Eve. 1685, as above, p. 29, in 7 st. of 4 1., entitled "On the burial of Jesus." It is a beautiful hymn on the entombment of Christ, founded on Rist's "0 Traurigkeit" (q. v.). Included in Schauer, 1855, p. 44, and in many German collections, as the Unv. L. S., 1851, No. 118. Frequently it appears in altered forms. Thus J. A. Schlegel, 1766, p. 86, altered it to "So schlummerst du in stiller Ruh," and the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1780, No. 102, further alters it to "Zur Grabesruh entschliefest du." The translations in common use, all from the original, are:— 1. Thou who hast blest my soul with rest, a good translation, omitting st. ii., v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 103 in his Psalms & Hymns 1851. 2. Thou restest in the tomb beneath, a good translation, omitting stanza ii., v., as No. 83 in J. F. Thrupp's Psalms & Hymns, 1853. 3. Rest of the weary Thou! a somewhat expanded version, omitting stanza iii. by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 1st series, 1855, p. 85, repeated in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. 4. So rest, my Rest! a very good translation, omitting stanza iii., by R. Massie, as No. 93 in the edition, 1857, of Mercer's Chorale Psalms & Hymn Book (Ox. edition, 1864, No. 184). This has been included in Chope's Hymnal, 1862; Kennedy, 1863; the Hymnary, 1872; Thring's Collection, 1880-82, &c; and in America in the Evangelical Hymnal, N. Y., 1880, and Laudes Domini, 1884. The form in Allon's Supplemental Hymns, No. 324, is a recast partly taken from Miss Winkworth's translation of "Nun gingst auch du" (see Strauss, V. F.). Other translations are : (1) "Now to the tomb Thyself art come," from Schlegel, by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 316). (2) "So dost Thou rest," in the British Herald, Dec., 1866, p. 376, repeated as No. 421 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. (3) "So thou art resting, O my Rest," in the British Herald, April, 1869, p. 52. ii. Hymns not in English common use: iv. Ach was ist dooh unsre Zeit. For the Dying. 1685, as above, p. 64, in 6 st., and Schauer, p. 31, each stanza ending "Mensch, bedenke doch, das Ende." Translated as "Oh! what is human life below," by Miss Cox in Lyra Messianica, 1864, p. 47, repeated in her Hymns from the German, 1864, p. 135, in the original metre, beginning, “What is human life below." Also translated by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 52; and by E. Massie, 1867, p. 3. v. Gott, du Licht, das ewig bleibet. Morning. 1716, as above, p. 160, in 5 st., entitled "Morning Devotion," and in Schauer, p. 4. Translated by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 12; and by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 120. vi. Heil'ger Tisch! Den Jesus decket. Holy Communion. 1711, as above, p. 69, in 6 st., entitled “Another Communion Meditation." In Schauer, p. 67. Translated as, "This holy feast, by Jesus spread," by Miss Cox, in Lyra Eucharistica, 1863, p. 173. vii. Ich weiss, es kann mir nichts geschehen. God's Guidance. 1711, as above, p. 221, in 5 st. (1 l. 5, 6 of each st. being a refrain), entitled “On the words of Psalm lxxiii. 23, 24." In Schauer, p. 21. Translated by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 22. viii. Mein Gott, wie bist du so verborgen. Providence, 1711, as above, p. 76, in 6 st. (1 l. 5, 6 of each st. being a refrain), entitled "The wonderfully blessed leadings of God. In Schauer, p. 16. Translated by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 7. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock

1724 - 1803 Hymnal Number: d16 Author of "Auferstehn, ja auferstehn wirst du" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, the eldest of the 17 children of Gottlob Heinrich Klopstock (then advocate and commissionsrath at Quedlinburg, and after 1735 amtmann at Friedeburg, on the Saale, near Halle), was born at Quedlinburg, July 2, 1724. From 1739 to 1745 he attended the famous school at Schulpforte, near Naumburg (where he conceived the first idea of his Messias); then he entered the University of Jena, in the autumn of 1745, as a student of theology, and the University of Leipzig at Easter, 1746. At Leipzig he made acquaintance with J. A. Cramer (q.v.); and became one of the contributors to the Bremer Beiträge, in which the first three books of his Messias appeared. In 1748 he became tutor in the house of a merchant named Weiss at Langensalza; and in 1750 accepted an invitation to visit Zurich (the literary capital of Switzerland), where his Messias had been received with great enthusiasm. He was then, in the spring of 1751, invited by the Danish prime minister, Count von Bernstorff, to take up his residence at the Court of King Frederick V., at Copenhagen, in order to be able to finish his Messias free from the cares of a profession; and was, in 1763, appointed Legationsrath. After the Count ceased, in the end of 1770, to be prime minister, Klopstock retired to Hamburg, in 1771, on a pension. The rest of his life was passed mainly at Hamburg, except about a year spent at Carlsruhe, at the Court of the Margave Carl Friedrich of Baden, who appointed him Hofrath. He d. at Hamburg, March 14, 1803, and was buried with civic honours on the 22nd, under a lime-tree in the churchyard at Ottensen (Koch, vi. 322; Allg. Deuteche Biog., xvi, 291, &c). Klopstock ranks among the classic poets of Germany. In his Oden (collected at Hamburg, 1771; enlarged, Leipzig, 1798; finally enlarged, Leipzig, 1804) he is seen at his best; his earlier compositions of this class being the finest modern examples for perfection of form, lyric grace, majesty, and purity of rhythm. His most famous work is his Messias, which on its first appearance created an enthusiasm such as had not been awakened by any German work for centuries. It was suggested by Milton's Paradise Lost, but Milton's calm majesty, firmness of touch, and unity of action were all foreign to Klopstock's nature—his genius was lyric rather than epic. With all its defects of style and construction, it is still a noble work, and could only have been written by a true poet and a sincere Christian; though to us its interest perhaps consists as much in its historical importance and results as in its intrinsic merits. (Books 1-3 written in prose at Jena, and then in hexameter verse at Leipzig, and first pub. in the Neue Beyträge, Bremen, 1748. Books 1-3 revised, and 4, 5 added at Halle, 1751; 6-10 added in the Copenhagen ed., 1755; 11-15, Copenhagen, 1768; 16-20, Halle, 1773. Finally revised ed. in 4 vols., Leipzig, 1800.) In his hymns Klopstock is not seen at his best. He seems to have had little apprecia¬tion of the requirements which the writer of hymns for use in public worship has to meet. His hymns are emotional and subjective, little suited to congregational tunes, and not sufficiently simple in style. In his first collection (1) Geistliche Lieder, Copenhagen, 1758, he included a number of indifferent recasts of earlier German hymns; his second collection (2) Geistliche Lieder, Copenhagen, 1769, consists entirely of original compositions. The only one of his hymns which is still much used in Germany is "Auferstehn, ja auferstehn, wirst du" (q.v.). The others which have passed into English common use are:— i. Deine heilige Geburt. Supplication. In his Geistliche Lieder, 1758, p. 44, in 141, repeated in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, No. 468. Translated as "Saviour! by Thy holy birth," by Dr. W. L. Alexander, in 2 stanzas of 8 lines. It was written about 1830, but 1st published in the 2nd ed., 1858, of his Selection of Hymns, No. 339, entitled "Christ's aid invoked." ii. Herr, du wollst sie vollbereiten. Holy Communion. In his Geistliche Lieder, 1758, p. 135, arranged for antiphonal singing by choir and congregation. The form translated into English is "Herr, du wollst uns vorbereiten," being the first two stanzas for choir altered as No. 246 in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, in 2 stanzas of 12 lines. Translated as "Grant us, Lord! due preparation," by L. Heyl, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another tr. is, "O God, do Thou Thy folk prepare," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 64. iii. Nicht nur streiten, überwinden. Christian Warfare. 1st pub. in the G. B. für St. Petri Kopenhagen, 1760, No, 639; repeated in his Geistliche Lieder, 1769, p. 23, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "The Victory of the Faithful." In the Berlin Geistliche Leidersegen, ed. 1863. Translated as “Labour ever, late and early," a full but rather free tr. by Dr. Kennedy, in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863. iv, Zeige dich uns ohne Hülle. Sunday. In his Geistliche Lieder, 1769, p. 88, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled “Preparation for Divine Service." Included in the Berlin Geistliche Leidersegen, ed. 1863. It is the only hymn by Klopstock much used in English. Translated as "Lord, remove the veil away," a good and full tr. by Miss Borthwick,in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 3rd Ser., 1858, p. 47 (1884, p. 168). Included in full in Kennedy, 1863; Eng. Presbyterian Psalms & Hymns, 1867; Temple Hymn Book, 1867; Dale's English Hymn Book, 1875, and others. It is abridged in W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873, Laudes Domini, N. Y., 1884, and others. Hymns not in English common use:-- v. Ach wie hat mein Herz gerungen. Strength in Weakness. 1769, p. 101, in 10 stanzas, Translated as “Ah me, what woes this heart have wrung," by J. Sheppard, in his Foreign Sacred Lyre , 1857, p. 68. vi. Du wollst erhoren Gott, ihr Flehn. For the Dying . 1758, p. 73, in 11 stanzas. The form translation is the recast (probably by J. S. Diterich), as No. 120, in the Berlin Gesang-Buch 1765, beginning "Dein sind wir Gott! in Ewigkeit." Translated as "We're Thine, O God, for evermore," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 241). vii. Selig sind des Himmels Erben. For the Dying; or, At Funerals. 1758, p. 15, in 4 pts., arranged for choir and congregation, in all 10 stanzas. Founded on Rev. xiv. 13. Sung at the funeral of J. C. Lavater, January 4, 1801. Translated as "Blessed are the heirs of heaven," by G. Moultrie, in his Hymns & Lyrics, 1867, p. 337. viii. Starke, die zu dieser Zeit. For the Dying , 1758, p. 1, in 3 stanzas. Translated as "Strengthen, Lord, the weary soul," by G. Moultrie, in his Hymns & Lyrics , 1867, p. 355, marked as an "orison for the departing spirit." ix. Um Erden wandeln Monde. The Lord's Prayer. In his Oden, vol. ii., Leipzig, 1798, p. 119, marked as written in 1789, and entitled "Psalm." It is an ode of 58 lines, embodying and amplifying the Lord's Prayer. Sung at his own funeral. Translated as, (1) "Moons round their planets roll," by J. Sheppard, 1857, p. 46. (2) "Round their planets roll the moons," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 332. x. Wenn ich einst von jenem Schlummer. Morning. 1769, p. 57, in 3 stanzas. In the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 562. The translations are, (1) "When I rise again to life," by W. Nind, in his Odes of Klopstock, 1848, p. 307. (2) "When I wake from out that slumber," in A. Baskerville's Poetry of Germany, 1854, p. 39, repeated in the Schaff-Gilman Library of Religious Poetry, ed. 1883, p. 282. (3) "Father, let no day to come" (the text used begins with stanza ii. altered to "Gieb dass keiner meiner Tage"), by J. Sheppard, 1857, p. 88. (4) "Since I one day from yonder sleeping," by Miss Warner, 1869, p. 40. xi. Zitternd freu ich mich. The Vision of God. First published in the Nordische Aufselier ed. by J. A. Cramer, vol. ii. (Kopenhagen, 1760). In his Oden, Hamburg, 1771, p. 25, in 90 lines, and marked as written in 1759. Translated as, (1) "With trembling I rejoice," by W. Nind, 1848, p. 130. (2) "I joy, but tremblingly," by J. Sheppard, 1857, p. 24. (3) "Trembling I rejoice," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 329. Besides the above a considerable number of Klopstock's Oden are translated by J. Sheppard in his Foreign Sacred Lyre, 1857. A full selection from the Oden appeared as Odes of Klopstock from 1747 to 1780. Translated from the German by William Nind , London, W. Pickering, 1848. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mrs. T. J. Carney

1823 - 1908 Person Name: Julia A. Carney Hymnal Number: d129 Author of "Little drops of water, little grains of sand" in Gesangbuch fuer Deutsche Sonntagsschulen Carney, Julia Abigail (Fletcher). (Lancaster, Massachusetts, April 6, 1823--November 1, 1908, Galesburg, Illinois). Universalist. Married Rev. T.J. Carney, a Universalist minister. Author of many prose articles and poems, generally published in Universalist periodicals. In later life she lived in Galesburg, Illinois. Three of her hymns were included in Church Harmonies, New and Old, 1895: 1. Father, we pray for those who dwell 2. Our heaven is everywhere 3. Think gently of the erring --Henry Wilder Foote, DNAH Archives ======================= Carney, Julia A., née Fletcher, was born in 1823. She was a teacher for some time in one of the Boston Primary Schools, U.S.A., which was held in the vestry of Hollis Street Church, in that city. This Church was demolished in 1846. It was for use in these Primary Schools that her "Little drops of water" (q.v.) was written in 1845. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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