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Topics:christian+year eastertide

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The Day of Resurrection

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-66; John of Damascus, c. 696-c. 754 Meter: D Appears in 518 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide First Line: The day of resurrection! Lyrics: 1 The day of resurrection, Earth, tell it out abroad, The Passover of gladness, The Passover of God. From death to life eternal, From this world to the sky, Our Christ has brought us over With hymns of victory. 2 Our hearts be pure from evil That we may see aright The Lord in rays eternal Of resurrection light And, listening to his accents, May hear, so calm and plain, His own "All hail!" and, hearing, May raise the victor strain. 3 Now let the heavens be joyful, Let earth its song begin, Let all the world keep triumph And all that is therein. Let all things, seen and unseen, Their notes of gladness blend; For Christ the Lord has risen-- Our Joy that has no end. 4 Then praise we God the Father, And praise we Christ his Son, All praise to God the Spirit, Eternal Three in One, Till all the ransomed number Fall down before the throne, And honor, power, and glory Ascribe to God alone. Amen. Used With Tune: HERZLICH TUT MICH ERFREUEN
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Holy, Holy Holy

Author: Reginald Heber Meter: Irregular Appears in 1,657 hymnals Topics: Christian Year-Eastertide First Line: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Lyrics: 1 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee; holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity! 2 Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore Thee, casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. 3 Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee, though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee, perfect in power, in love, and purity. 4 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea; holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity! Scripture: Revelation 4:8-11 Used With Tune: NICAEA

Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing

Author: Cyril Argentine Alington, 1872-1955 Appears in 72 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide First Line: Good Christian men, rejoice and sing! Used With Tune: GELOBT SEI GOTT

O Sons and Daughters of the King

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-66 Meter: 8.8.8 with alleluia Appears in 192 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 1 O sons and daughters of the King, Whom heavenly hosts in glory sing, Today the grave has lost its sting. Alleluia! 2 That Easter morn, at break of day, The faithful women went their way To seek the tomb where Jesus lay. Alleluia! 3 An angel clad in white they see, Who sat and spoke unto the three, "Your Lord is gone to Galilee." Alleluia! 4 That night the apostles met in fear; Amidst them came their Lord most dear And said, "Peace be unto you here." Alleluia! 5 When Thomas afterwards had heard That Jesus had fulfilled his word, He doubted if it were the Lord. Alleluia! 6 "Thomas, behold my side," said he, "My hands, my feet, my body see, And doubt not, but believe in me." Alleluia! 7 No longer Thomas then denied; He saw the hands, the feet, the side; "You are my Lord and God," he cried. Alleluia! 8 Blessed are they that have not seen And yet whose faith has constant been; In life eternal they shall reign. Alleluia! 9 On this most holy day of days, To God your hearts and voices raise In laud and jubilee and praise. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Used With Tune: O FILII ET FILIAE Text Sources: 16th-century Latin carol
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Come, ye faithful, raise the strain

Author: St John of Damascus, c. 750; J. M. Neale, 1818-66 Meter: Appears in 380 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Come, ye faithful, raise the strain Of triumphant gladness; God hath brought His Israel Into joy from sadness; Loosed from Pharoah's bitter yoke Jacob's sons and daughters; Led them with unmoistened foot Through the Red Sea waters. 2 'Tis the spring of souls to-day: Christ hath burst His prison, And from three days' sleep in death As a sun hath risen; All the winter of our sins, Long and dark, is flying From his light, to whom we give Laud and praise undying. 3 Now the queen of seasons, bright With the day of splendour, With the royal feast of feasts, Comes its joy to render; Comes to glad Jerusalem, Who with true affection Welcomes in unwearied strains Jesu's Resurrection. 4 Neither might the gates of death, Nor the tomb's dark portal, Nor the watchers, nor the seal, Hold thee as a mortal; But today amidst thine own Thou didst stand, bestowing That thy peace which evermore Passeth human knowing. Used With Tune: AVE VIRGO VIRGINUM Text Sources: Greek
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Christ the Lord is risen again!

Author: Michael Weisse, c. 1480-1534; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Appears in 258 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is risen again! Christ hath broken every chain! Hark, the angels shout for joy, Singing evermore on high, Alleluya! 2 He who gave for us his life, Who for us endured the strife, Is our Paschal Lamb to-day! We too sing for joy, and say Alleluya! 3 He who bore all pain and loss Comfortless upon the Cross, Lives in glory now on high, Pleads for us, and hears our cry. Alleluya! 4 He whose path no records tell, Who descended into hell; Who the strong man armed hath bound, And in highest heaven is crowned. Alleluya! 5 Now he bids us tell abroad How the lost may be restored, How the penitent forgiven, How we too may enter heaven. Alleluya! 6 Thou, our Paschal Lamb indeed, Christ, to-day thy people feed; Take our sins and guilt away, That we all may sing for ay, Alleluya! Used With Tune: ORIENTIS PARTIBUS Text Sources: German
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Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluya!

Appears in 493 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluya! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluya! Who did once, upon the Cross, Alleluya! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluya! 2 Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluya! Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluya! Who endured the Cross and grave, Alleluya! Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluya! 3 But the pains that he endured Alleluya! Our salvation have procured; Alleluya! Now above the sky he’s King, Alleluya! Where the angels ever sing. Alleluya! Used With Tune: EASTER HYMN Text Sources: Lyra Davidica 1708

Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son

Author: Edmond Budry, 1854-1932; Richard Hoyle, 1875-1939 Meter: with refrain Appears in 112 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son, Endless is the victory thou o’er death hast won; Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away, Kept the folded grave-clothes where thy body lay. Refrain: Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son, Endless is the vict'ry thou o’er death hast won. 2 Lo, Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb; Lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom; Let the Church with gladness hymns of triumph sing, For her Lord now liveth, death hath lost its sting: [Refrain] 3 No more we doubt thee, glorious Prince of Life; Life is nought without thee: aid us in our strife, Make us more than conquerors through thy deathless love; Bring us safe through Jordan to thy home above: [Refrain] Used With Tune: MACCABAEUS
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The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done

Author: Francis Pott, 1832-1909; Anonymous Appears in 500 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Refrain First Line: Alleluia! Alleluia! Lyrics: 1 The strife is o'er, the battle done; Now is the Victor's triumph won; Now be the song of praise begun: Alleluia! Alleluia! 2 Death's mightiest powers have done their worst, And Jesus has his foes dispersed; Let shouts of praise and joy outburst: Alleluia! Alleluia! 3 On the third morn he rose again Glorious in majesty to reign; O let us swell the joyful strain: Alleluia! Alleluia! 4 He closed the yawning gates of hell; The bars from heaven's high portals fell; Let hymns of praise his triumph tell: Alleluia! Alleluia! 5 Lord, by the stripes that wounded thee From death's dread sting thy servants free That we may live and sing to thee: Alleluia! Alleluia! 6 In this our Easter joy we raise To Triune God our song of praise, Who shows to us his saving ways: Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen. Used With Tune: ERSTANDEN IST DER HEILIG CHRIST
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At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing

Author: Robert Campbell, 1814-68 Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 At the Lamb's high feast we sing Praise to our victorious King, Who has washed us in the tide Flowing from his pierced side. Alleluia! 2 Praise we him, whose love divine Gives his sacred blood for wine, Gives his body for the feast, Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest. Alleluia! 3 Mighty Victim from the sky, Hell's fierce powers beneath thee lie; Thou hast conquered in the fight, Thou hast brought us life and light. Alleluia! 4 Now no more can death appall, Now no more the grave enthrall; Thou hast opened Paradise, And in thee thy saints shall rise. Alleluia! 5 Easter triumph, Easter joy, Sin alone can this destroy; From sin's power do thou set free Souls newborn, O Lord in thee. Alleluia! 6 Hymns of glory, songs of praise, Father, unto thee we raise: Risen Lord, all praise to thee With the Spirit ever be. Alleluia! Amen. Used With Tune: SONNE DER GERECHTIGKEIT Text Sources: 17th-century Office hymn


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