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Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D with refrain Appears in 1,336 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!” Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies: Universal nature say, "Christ the Lord is born today!' Refrain: Hark! the herald angels sing: “Glory to the newborn King!” 2 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, Hail the incarnate Deity! Pleased as Man with us to dwell, Jesus, our Immanuel. Hail, the heavenly Prince of Peace, Hail, the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. [Refrain] 3 Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth; Born to give them second birth. Come, Desire of nations, come, Fix in us Thy humble home; O to all Thyself impart, Formed in each believing heart! [Refrain] Amen. Topics: Church Year Christmas; Christmas Day; The Day of the Annunciation; Christ Incarnation; Names and Office of Christ Desire of Nations; Names and Office of Christ Immanuel; Names and Office of Christ Light; Names and Office of Christ Prince of Peace; Names and Office of Christ Physician; Names and Office of Christ Sun; Consecration; Incarnation of Christ; Mystical union; Regeneration Used With Tune: MENDELSSOHN
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Hasten, Lord, the Glorious Time

Author: Harriet Auber Meter: Appears in 299 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hasten, Lord, the glorious time, When beneath Messiah's sway Ev'ry nation, ev'ry clime, Shall the gospel call obey. 2 Mightiest kings His pow'r shall own, Heathen tribes His Name adore; Satan and his host, o'erthrown, Bound in chains, shall hurt no more. 3 Then shall wars and tumults cease, Then be banished grief and pain; Righteousness and joy and peace, Undisturbed shall ever reign. 4 Bless we, then, our gracious Lord; Ever praise His glorious Name; All His mighty acts record, All His wondrous love proclaim. Amen. Topics: Missions Foreign; A Missionary Service Scripture: Psalm 46:9-10 Used With Tune: WEBER (SEYMOUR)
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Hail to the Brightness of Zion's Glad Morning!

Author: Thomas Hastings Meter: Appears in 462 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning! Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain! Hushed be the accents of sorrow and mourning; Zion in triumph begins her glad reign. 2 Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning, Long by the prophets of Israel foretold! Hail to the millions from bondage returning! Gentiles and Jews the blest vision behold. 3 Lo, in the desert rich flowers are springing, Streams ever copious are gliding along; Loud from the mountain-tops echoes are ringing, Wastes rise in verdure, and mingle in song. 4 Hark, from all lands, from the isles of the ocean, Praise to Jehovah ascending on high; Fallen the engines of war and commotion, Shouts of salvation are rending the sky. Amen. Topics: Missions Foreign and Home; A Missionary Service; Home Missions; Missions Foreign; Missions To the Jews; Zion, the Church Scripture: Isaiah 60:1-9 Used With Tune: WESLEY
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Come, Ye Disconsolate, Where'er Ye Languish

Author: Thomas Moore; Thomas Hastings Meter: Appears in 1,059 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish; Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that Heav'n cannot heal. 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure! Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying, "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure." 3 Here see the Bread of Life; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above; Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure. Amen. Topics: Way of Salvation Sanctification; Fourth Sunday after Easter; Names and Office of Christ Bread; Comfort; Comforter; Lord's Supper Lord's Supper Used With Tune: CONSOLATION
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What Cheering Words are These!

Author: John Kent Meter: Appears in 146 hymnals Lyrics: 1 What cheering words are these! Their sweetness who can tell? In time and to eternal days, "’Tis with the righteous well." 2 In every state secure, Kept by Jehovah’s eye, ’Tis well with them while life endure, And well when called to die. 3 ’Tis well when joys arise; ’Tis well when sorrows flow; ’Tis well when darkness veils the skies, And strong temptations blow. 4 ’Tis well when on the mount They feast on dying Love: And ’tis as well in God’s account, When they the furnace prove. 5 'Tis well when Jesus calls, "From earth and sin arise, Join with the hosts of ransomed souls, Made to salvation wise." Amen. Topics: Way of Salvation Sanctification; Trinity, Eighteenth Sunday Used With Tune: HOLBORN
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From All Thy Saints in Warfare

Author: Horatio Nelson Meter: D Appears in 116 hymnals Lyrics: 1 From all Thy saints in warfare, For all Thy saints at rest, To Thee, O blessed Jesus, All praises be addressed; Thou, Lord, didst win the battle, That they might conqu'rors be; Their crowns of living glory Are lit with rays from Thee. 2 Praise for the first of martyrs, Who saw Thee ready stand To aid in midst of torments, To plead at God's right hand. Share we with him, if summoned By death our Lord to own, On earth the faithful witness, In heav'n the martyr crown. 3 Apostles, prophets, martyrs, And all the sacred throng, Who wear the spotless raiment, Who raise the ceaseless song, For these, passed on before us, Saviour, we Thee adore, And, walking in their footsteps, Would serve Thee more and more. 4 Then praise we God the Father, And praise we God the Son, And God the Holy Spirit, Eternal Three in One; Till all the ransomed number Fall down before the throne, And honor, power, and glory Ascribe to God alone. Amen. Topics: Church Year St. Stephen's day; St. Stephen's Day; All Saint' Day; Doxologies Scripture: Acts 7:55-60 Used With Tune: EWING
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Joy to the World, the Lord is Come!

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 1,869 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n, and heav'n and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sin and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Where'er the curse is found, Where'er the curse is found, Where'er, where'er the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love And wonders, wonders of His love. Amen. Topics: Church Year Christmas; Christmas Day Scripture: Isaiah 55:12-13 Used With Tune: ANTIOCH
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That Day of Wrath, That Dreadful Day

Author: Sir Walter Scott Meter: Appears in 347 hymnals Lyrics: 1 That day of wrath, that dreadful day, When heav'n and earth shall pass away, What pow'r shall be the sinner's stay? How shall he meet that dreadful day? 2 When, shriveling like a parchèd scroll, The flaming heavens together roll; When louder yet, and yet more dread, Swells the high trump that wakes the dead: 3 Lord, on that day, that wrathful day, When man to judgment wakes from clay, Be Thou the trembling sinner's stay, Though heaven and earth shall pass away. Amen. Topics: Last Things Resurrection and Judgment Used With Tune: ST. CROSS Text Sources: Thomas of Celano, 13th Century.
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I'm But a Stranger Here

Author: Thomas Rawson Taylor Meter: Appears in 627 hymnals Lyrics: 1 I'm but a stranger here, Heav'n is my home; Earth is a desert drear; Heav'n is my home: Danger and sorrow stand Round me on ev'ry hand; Heav'n is my fatherland, Heav'n is my home. 2 What though the tempest rage? Heav'n is my home; Short is my pilgrimage, Heav'n is my home. And time's wild wintry blast Soon shall be overpast; I shall reach home at last; Heav'n is my home. 3 There at my Saviour's side, Heaven is my home; I shall be glorified, Heaven is my home: There are the good and blest, Those I love most and best, Grant me with them to rest; Heaven is my home. 4 Grant me to murmur not, Heaven is my home; Whate'er my earthly lot, Heaven is my home. Grant me at last to stand, Jesus, at Thy right hand, There in my fatherland: Heaven is my home! Amen. Topics: Hope and Aspiration; Trinity, First Sunday Scripture: Hebrews 11:13 Used With Tune: ST. EDMUND
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I Need Thee, Precious Jesus

Author: Frederick Whitfield; Rev. Ernst Adrian Zetterstrand Meter: D Appears in 304 hymnals Lyrics: 1 I need Thee, precious Jesus, For I am full of sin; My soul is dark and guilty, My heart is dead within. I need the cleansing fountain, Where I can always flee, The blood of Christ most precious, The sinner’s perfect plea. 2 I need Thee, blesséd Jesus, For I am very poor; A stranger and a pilgrim, I have no earthly store; I need the love of Jesus To cheer me on my way, To guide my doubting footsteps, To be my strength and stay. 3 I need Thee, blesséd Jesus, I need a friend like Thee, A friend to soothe and pity, A friend to care for me: I need the heart of Jesus To feel each anxious care, To tell my every trouble, And all my sorrows share. 4 I need Thee, blesséd Jesus, I need Thee day by day, To fill me with Thy fullness, To lead me on my way; I need Thy Holy Spirit To teach me what I am, To show me more of Jesus, To point me to the Lamb. Amen. Topics: Way of Salvation Sanctification; Trinity, Fourteenth Sunday; Christ Longing for Used With Tune: O BONA PATRIA
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Come, Thou Almighty King

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1,799 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou almighty King; Help us Thy Name to sing, Help us to praise! Father all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of days. 2 Jesus, our Lord, descend; From all our foes defend, Nor let us fall; Let Thine almighty aid Our sure defense be made, Our souls on Thee be stayed; Lord, hear our call! 3 Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword, Our prayer attend: Come, and Thy people bless, And give Thy Word success; Spirit of holiness, On us descend. 4 Come, holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour: Thou who almighty art Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power! 5 To the great One in Three Eternal praises be, Hence, evermore! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. Amen. Topics: Church Year Trinity; Trinity Sunday; Doxologies; Names and Office of Christ Word; Comforter; God the Father; Holy Spirit; Triune God; Worship Used With Tune: ITALIAN HYMN
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Away in a Manger, No Crib for His Bed

Meter: Appears in 550 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Away in a manger, no crib for His bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head; The stars in the sky looked down where He lay,-- The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay. 2 The cattle are lowing, the poor Baby wakes, But little Lord Jesus no crying He makes; I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. Amen. Topics: Children's Hymns; Christmas Day Used With Tune: AWAY IN A MANGER Text Sources: Unknown
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A Few More Years Shall Roll

Author: Horatius Bonar Meter: D Appears in 382 hymnals Lyrics: 1 A few more years shall roll, A few more seasons come, And we shall be with those that rest, Asleep within the tomb: Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away! 2 A few more storms shall beat On this wild, rocky shore, And we shall be where tempests cease, And surges swell no more. A few more struggles here, A few more partings o'er, A few more toils, a few more tears, And we shall weep no more. 3 'Tis but a little while And He shall come again, Who died that we might live, who lives That we with Him may reign: Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that glad day; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away! Amen. Topics: Last Things: Death and Burial Used With Tune: CHALVEY
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Jesus, Name of Wondrous Love

Author: William Walsham How Meter: Appears in 166 hymnals First Line: Jesus, Name of wondrous love! Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Name of wondrous love! Name all other names above! Unto which must ev'ry knee Bow in deep humility! 2 Jesus, Name of priceless worth To the fallen sons of earth, For the promise that it gave: "Jesus shall His people save." 3 Jesus! Name of mercy mild, Given to the holy Child, When the cup of human woe First He tasted here below! 4 Jesus, only name that's given Under all the mighty heaven Whereby man, to sin enslaved, Burst his fetters, and is saved. 5 Jesus! Name of wondrous love! Human Name of Him above! Pleading only this, we flee, Helpless, 0 our God, to Thee. Amen. Topics: Church Year New Year; New Year's Day; Palm Sunday; Name of Jesus; Name of Jesus and Christ Scripture: Acts 4:12 Used With Tune: WANSTED
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For All the Saints Who from Their Labors Rest

Author: William Walsham How Meter: Appears in 571 hymnals Lyrics: 1 For all the saints who from their labors rest, Who Thee by faith before the world confessed, Thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! 2 Thou wast their Rock, their Fortress, and their Might; Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight; Thou, in the darkness drear, their one true Light. Alleluia! Alleluia! 3 O may Thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old, And win with them the victor’s crown of gold. Alleluia! Alleluia! 4 O blest communion, fellowship divine! We feebly struggle, they in glory shine; Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine. Alleluia! Alleluia! 5 And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, Steals on the ear the distant triumph-song, And hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia! Alleluia! 6 The golden evening brightens in the west; Soon, soon to faithful warriors comes their rest; Sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! 7 But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day: The saints triumphant rise in bright array; The King of Glory passes on His way. Alleluia! Alleluia! 8 From earth’s wide bounds, from ocean’s farthest coast, Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host, Singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen. Topics: Last Things Heaven; All Saint' Day; Christian Soldiers; Spiritual Warfare Used With Tune: SARUM
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Fierce Was the Billow Wild

Author: Anatolius (Greek; date unknown) Meter: Appears in 125 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Fierce was the billow wild, Dark was the night; Oars labored heavily, Foam glimmered white; Trembled the mariners, Peril was drawing nigh; Then said the God of God, "Peace! It is I." 2 Ridge of the mountain-wave, Lower thy crest! Wail of the tempest fierce, Be thou at rest! Sorrow must never be, Darkness must ever fly, Where saith the Light of Light, "Peace! It is I." 3 Jesus, Deliverer, Come Thou to me; Soothe Thou my voyaging Over life's sea: Thou, when the storm of death Roars, fiercely sweeping by, Whisper, O Truth of Truth, "Peace! It is I." Amen. Topics: Church Year Epiphany; Epiphany, Fourth Sunday; Death Prayer for help in; Hymns for use at Sea Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27 Used With Tune: ST. EDMUND
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Alas, My God! My Sins Are Great

Author: Martin Rutelius; Miss Catherine Winkworth Appears in 21 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Alas, my God! my sins are great, My conscience doth upbraid me; And now I find that at my strait No man hath pow'r to aid me. 2 And fled I hence in my despair, In some lone spot to hide me, My griefs would still be with me there, And peace still be denied me. 3 Lord, Thee I seek; I merit naught, Yet pity and restore me; Be not Thy wrath, just God, my lot: Thy Son hath suffered for me. 4 If pain and woe must follow sin, Then be my path still rougher; Here spare me not; if heaven I win, On earth I gladly suffer. 5 But curb my heart, forgive my guilt, Make Thou my patience firmer, For they must miss the good Thou wilt, Who at Thy chastenings murmur. 6 Then deal with me as pleaseth Thee, Thy grace will help me bear it, If but at last I see Thy rest And with my Saviour share it. 7 The Father, Son, upon one throne, And Holy Ghost together, Receive my prayer, and let me share Thy grace and truth forever. Amen. Topics: Way of Salvation Repentance; Trinity, Nineteenth Sunday; Chastening Used With Tune: ACH GOTT UND HERR
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O Lord, Give Heed unto Our Plea

Author: Jesper Swedberg Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord, give heed unto our plea, O Spirit, grant Thy graces, That we who put our trust in Thee May rightly sing Thy praises. Thy Word, O Christ, unto us give, That grace and pow’r we may receive To follow Thee, our Master. 2 Touch Thou the shepherd’s lips, O Lord, That in this blessèd hour He may proclaim Thy sacred Word With unction and with power. What Thou wouldst have Thy servant say, Put Thou into his heart, we pray, With grace and strength to say it. 3 Let heart and ear be opened wide Unto Thy Word and pleading; Our minds, O Holy Spirit, guide By Thine own light and leading. The law of Christ we would fulfill, And walk according to His will, His Word our rule of living. Amen. Topics: Worship Opening of Service; The Lord's Day; Church Prayer for; Prayer of the Holy Spirit; Hearing the Word of God Used With Tune: AF HIMLENS HÄR DEN HÖGSTES MAKT
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Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us

Author: James Edmeston Meter: Appears in 358 hymnals First Line: Lead us, heav'nly Father, lead us Lyrics: 1 Lead us, heav'nly Father, lead us O'er the world's tempestuous sea; Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, For we have no help but Thee; Yet possessing Ev'ry blessing, If our God our Father be. 2 Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us; All our weakness Thou dost know; Thou didst tread this earth before us; Thou didst feel its keenest woe; Lone and dreary, Faint and weary, Through the desert Thou didst go. 3 Spirit of our God, descending, Fill our hearts with heavenly joy, Love, all other love transcending, Pleasure that can never cloy; Thus provided, Pardoned, guided, Nothing can our peace destroy. Amen. Topics: Worship Opening of Service; Names and Office of Christ Savior; God the Father; Prayer of the Holy Spirit Used With Tune: GUIDE ME
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Lord! Thou Source of All Perfection

Author: Balthazar Muenter Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord! Thou source of all perfection, Fountain of eternal love, Fill the famished soul that thirsteth For the waters from above. From all evil passions purge me, In the path of justice urge me, Teach my heart to love but Thee, Thou whoever lovest me. 2 Lord, in Thee I have my being, All I am to Thee I owe, Ev'ry heav'nward aspiration, Ev'ry thought from Thee doth flow; Of Thy goodness and Thy power Blessings daily on us shower; Fount of heav'nly Love Thou art, Spring Thou up within my heart. 3 Blessed stream of our atonement From the cross of Christ that flowed, Fellowship with Him in glory, Hope of all eternal good, On my path His light and leading, And His grace, all grace exceeding,-- All the blessings from above Prompt me to return Thy love. 4 Grant, O God, the power to love Thee Here in truth and holiness, Till my love be full and perfect In the realms of heavenly bliss, When, translated into glory, With Thy countenance shining o'er me, I shall drink with saints above From the well-spring of Thy love. Amen. Topics: Church Year Trinity Season; Sixth Sunday after Easter; Trinty, Second Sunday; Trinity, Eighteenth Sunday; Atonement; Prayer for Love Scripture: Matthew 22:34-46 Used With Tune: TVIFLAN UR MIN SJÄL FÖRSVINNE


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