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O God of mercy, God of might

Author: G. Thring Meter: Appears in 105 hymnals Topics: The Church Year Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O God of mercy, God of might, In love and pity infinite, Teach us, as ever in Thy sight, To live our life to Thee. 2 And Thou who cam'st on earth to die, That fallen man might live thereby, O hear us, for to Thee we cry; In hope, O Lord, to Thee. 3 Teach us the lesson Thou hast taught, To feel for those Thy blood hath bought, That every word, and deed, and thought, May work a work for Thee. 4 For all are brethren, far and wide, Since Thou, O Lord, for all hast died; Then teach us, whatsoe'er betide, To love them all in Thee. 5 In sickness, sorrow, want or care, Whate'er it be, 'tis ours to share; May we, when help is needed, there Give help as unto Thee. 6 And may Thy Holy Spirit move All those who live, to live in love, Till Thou shalt greet in heaven above All those who live to Thee. Used With Tune: [O God of mercy, God of might]
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Jesus, Thy boundless Love to me

Author: Paul Gerhardt; John Wesley Meter: Appears in 348 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Thy boundless Love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; Unite my thankful heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there. Thine wholly, Thine alone I am; Be Thou alone my constant flame. 2 O Love, how cheering is Thy ray! All pain before Thy presence flies: Care, anguish, sorrow, melt away, Where'er Thy healing beams arise: O Jesus, nothing may I see, Nothing desire or seek but Thee! 3 Unwearied, may I this pursue, Dauntless to the high prize aspire; Hourly within my soul renew This holy flame, this heavenly fire; And day and night be all my care To guard this sacred treasure there! Used With Tune: O DASZ ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTE
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Chief of sinners tho' I be

Author: William McComb Appears in 90 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Chief of sinners tho' I be, Jesus shed His blood for me; Died that I might live on high, Lived that I might never die. As the branch is to the vine, I am His and He is mine. 2 O the hight of Jesus' love! Higher than the heavens above, Deeper than the depths of sea, Lasting to eternity; Love that found me, wondrous thought! Found me when I sought Him not. 3 Jesus only can impart Balm to heal the smitten heart, Peace that flows from sin forgiven; Joy that lifts the soul to heaven; Faith and hope to walk with God In the way that Enoch trod. 4 Chief of sinners though I be, Christ is all in all to me; All my wants to Him are known, All my sorrows are His own. Safe with Him from earthly strife He sustains the hidden life. 5 O my Savior! help afford, By Thy Spirit and Thy Word! When my wayward heart would stray, Keep me in the narrow way; Grace in time of need supply While I live and when I die. Used With Tune: DIX (Treuer Heiland, wir sind hier)
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When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay

Author: Thomas Gibbons Meter: Appears in 156 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay, What were His works from day to day But miracles of power and grace, Which spread salvation through our race? 2 Teach us, O Lord! to keep in view Thy pattern, and Thy steps pursue. Let alms bestowed, let kindness done Be witnessed by each rolling sun. Used With Tune: MELCOMBE
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Jesus, still lead on

Author: Jane Borthwick; Nicholas Louis, Count Zinzendorf Meter: 5.5.8 Appears in 290 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus, still lead on, Till our Rest be won! And although the way be cheerless, We will follow, calm and fearless. Guide us by Thy hand To our Fatherland! 2 If the way be drear, If the foe be near, Let not faithless fears o'ertake us, Let not faith and hope forsake us; For through many a foe To our home we go! 3 When we seek relief From a long-felt grief; When temptations come alluring, Make us patient and enduring: Show us that bright shore Where we weep no more! 4 Jesus, still lead on, Till our Rest be won; Heavenly Leader, still direct us, Still support, console, protect us, Till we safely stand In our Fatherland. Used With Tune: SEELENBRÄUTIGAM
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Who givest all

Author: C. Wordsworth Meter: Appears in 335 hymnals Topics: The Church Year Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity First Line: O Lord of heaven and earth and sea Lyrics: 1 O Lord of heaven and earth and sea, To Thee all praise and glory be; How shall we show our love to Thee, Who givest all? 2 The golden sunshine, vernal air, Sweet flowers and fruit, Thy love declare; Where harvests ripen, Thou art there, Who givest all. 3 For peaceful homes, and healthful days, For all the blessings earth displays, We owe Thee thankfulness and praise, Who givest all. 4 Thou didst not spare Thine only Son, But gav'st Him for a world undone, And freely with that blessed One Thou givest all. 5 Thou giv'st the Spirit's holy dower, Spirit of life, and love, and power, And dost His sevenfold graces shower Upon us all. 6 For souls redeemed, for sins forgiven, For means of grace and hopes of heaven, What can to Thee, O Lord, be given, Who givest all? 7 We lose what on ourselves we spend, We have, as treasure without end Whatever, Lord, to Thee we lend, Who givest all. 8 Whatever Lord, we lend to Thee, Repaid a thousand fold will be; Then gladly will we give to Thee Who givest all,-- 9 To Thee, from whom we all derive, Our life, our gifts, our power to give; O may we ever with Thee live, Who givest all! Used With Tune: [O Lord of heaven and earth and sea]
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We give Thee but Thine own

Author: William Walsham How Meter: Appears in 489 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 We give Thee but Thine own, Whate'er the gift may be: All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee. 2 May we Thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, And gladly, as Thou blessest us, To Thee our first fruits give. 3 O hearts are bruised and dead, And homes are bare and cold, And lambs, for whom the Shepherd bled, Are straying from the fold! 4 To comfort and to bless, To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless Is angels' work below. 5 The captive to release, The lost to God to bring, To teach the way of life and peace,-- It is a Christ-like thing. 6 And we believe Thy Word, Though dim our faith may be; Whate'er we do for Thine, O Lord, We do it unto Thee. Used With Tune: POTSDAM
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Just as I am, without one plea

Author: Charlotte Elliott Meter: Appears in 2,136 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy Blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose Blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! 5 Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because Thy promise I believe; O Lamb of God, I come, I come! 6 Just as I am; Thy Love unknown Has broken every barrier down; Now to be thine, year, Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! Used With Tune: [Just as I am without one plea]
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My God, I love Thee; not because

Author: Francis Xavier, d. 1552; Edward Caswall Appears in 208 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 My God, I love Thee; not because I hope for heaven thereby; Nor because they, who love Thee not, Must burn eternally. 2 Thou, O my Jesus! Thou didst me Upon the Cross embrace; For me didst bear the nails and spear, And manifold disgrace; 3 And griefs and torments numberless, And sweat of agony; E'en death itself--and all for one Who was Thine enemy. 4 Then why, O blessed Jesus Christ! Should I not love Thee well? Not for the sake of winning heaven, Nor of escaping hell; 5 Not with the hope of gaining aught; Not seeking a reward; But, as Thyself hast lovéd me, O ever loving Lord! 6 E'en so I love Thee, and will love, And in Thy praise will sing; Solely because Thou art my God, And my eternal King. Used With Tune: CHESHIRE
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Father of mercies, in Thy Word

Author: Anna Steele Appears in 757 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Father of mercies, in Thy Word What endless glory shines! For ever be Thy Name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 3 O may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight; And still new beauties may I see And still increasing light! 4 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord! Be Thou for ever near; Teach me to love Thy sacred Word, And view my Savior there. Used With Tune: CHIMES
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Blessed Jesus, at Thy word

Author: Tobias Clausnitzer; Miss Winkworth Meter: 7.8.8 Appears in 146 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Blessed Jesus, at Thy word We are gathered all to hear Thee; Let our hearts and souls be stirred Now to seek and love and fear Thee; By Thy teachings sweet and holy, Drawn from earth to love Thee solely. 2 All our knowledge, sense, and sight Lie in deepest darkness shrouded, Till Thy Spirit breaks our night With your beams of truth unclouded. Thou alone to God canst win us, Thou must work all good within us. 3 Glorious Lord, Thyself impart! Light of light, from God proceeding, Open Thou our ears and heart, Help us by Thy Spirit's pleading, Hear the cry Thy people raises, Hear, and bless our prayers and praises. Used With Tune: LIEBSTER JESU, WIE SIND HIER
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Love divine, all love excelling

Author: C. Wesley Appears in 1,869 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down! Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart! 2 Breathe, O breathe Thy loving spirit Into every troubled breast! Let us all in Thee inherit, Let us find Thy promised rest. Take away the love of sinning, Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. 3 Come, Almighty, to deliver, Let us all Thy life receive; Graciously return, and never, Never more Thy temples leave! Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy precious love. 4 Finish then Thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see Thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee! Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Used With Tune: RIPLEY
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The law of God is good and wise

Author: Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 The Law of God is good and wise And sets His will before our eyes, Shows us the way of righteousness, And dooms to death when we transgress. 2 Its light of holiness imparts The knowledge of our sinful hearts That we may see our lost estate And seek deliv'rance ere too late. 3 To those who help in Christ have found And would in works of love abound, It shows what deeds are His delight And should be done as good and right. 4 When men the offered help disdain And dead in sin and woe remain; Its terror in their ear resounds And keeps their wickedness in bounds. 5 The law is good; but since the fall Its holiness condemns us all: It dooms us for our sin to die, And has no power to justify. 6 To Jesus we for refuge flee, Who from the curse has set us free, And humbly worship at His throne, Saved by His grace through faith alone. Used With Tune: RETREAT
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O Morning Star! how fair and bright

Author: Miss Winkworth; Philip Nicolai Appears in 64 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O Morning Star! how fair and bright Thou beamest forth in truth and light! O Sov'reign meek and lowly, Thou Root of Jesse, David's Son, My Lord and Bridegroom, thou hast won My heart to serve Thee solely! Holy art Thou, Fair and glorious, All victorious, Rich in blessing, Rule and might o'er all possessing. 2 Thou Heavenly Brightness! Light Divine! O deep within my heart now shine, And make Thee there an altar! Fill me with joy and strength to be Thy member, ever joined to Thee In love that cannot falter; Toward Thee longing Doth possess me, Turn and bless me, For Thy gladness Eye and heart here pine in sadness. 3 But if Thou look on me in love, There straightway falls from God above A ray of purest pleasure; Thy Word and Spirit, Flesh and Blood, Refresh my soul with heavenly food, Thou art my hidden treasure; Let Thy grace, Lord, Warm and cheer O draw near me; Thou hast taught us Thee to seek since Thou hast sought us! 4 Here will I rest, and hold it fast, The Lord I love is First and Last, The End as the Beginning! Here I can calmly die, for Thou Wilt raise me where Thou dwellest now, Amen! Amen! Come, Lord Jesus, Soon release us, With deep yearning, Lord, we look for Thy returning. Used With Tune: WIE SCHÖN LEUCHT' UNS DER MORGENSTERN
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O draw me, Saviour, after Thee!

Author: Paul Gerhardt; John Wesley Appears in 42 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O draw me, Saviour, after Thee! So shall I run and never tire. With gracious words still comfort me; Be Thou my Hope, my sole Desire. Free me from every weight; nor fear Nor sin can come, if Thou art here. 2 From all eternity, with Love Unchangeable Thou hast me viewed. Ere knew this beating heart to move, Thy tender mercies me pursued. Ever with me may they abide, And close me in on every side. 3 Still let Thy Love point out my way; How wondrous things Thy Love hath wrought! Still lead me, lest I go astray; Direct my work, inspire my thought; And if I fall, soon may I hear Thy voice, and know that Love is near. 4 In suffering be Thy love my peace; In weakness be Thy love my power; And when the storms of life shall cease, Jesus, in that important hour, In death as life be Thou my Guide, And save me, who for me hast died! Used With Tune: MACHS MIT MIR GOTT NACH DEINER GÜT
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Skal Kjærlighed sin Prøve staa

Author: Brorson Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday Lyrics: 1 Skal Kjærlighed sin Prøve staa Da maa den til din Fiende naa, At du er mild, naar han er vred, Det er en kristen Kjærlighed. 2 Den Lærdom er saa besk og sur Som Døden selv for vor Natur, Det synes alt for tungt og svart For Adams flintehaarde Art. 3 Dog gjelder her slet intet Nei, Saa sandt du vil den rette Vei; At elske dem, som elske dig, Det kan en Hedning magelig. 4 Men Jesus taler rene Ord, At Had i Hjertet er et Mord, Undskyldning gjelder ikke her, Din Fiende skal du have kjær. 5 Vil nogen side da: Jeg kan Ei elske ret min Avindsmand, Han vidner, at han ei forstaar, Hvad Jesu Kjærlighed formaar. 6 Men siger du: Jeg gjerne vil, Men finder ingen Kraft dertil, Da løb til Jesu Vunder hen, Saa tændes Kjærlighed igjen. 7 Lad Hjertet komme ind i Bod, Og smelte hen i Jesu Blod, Da bliver Kristi milde Sind I Sjælen deilig prentet ind. 8 Naar vi med aandsoplyst Forstand Vor Jesu Hjerte skue kan, Hvor han for sine Fiender bad, Da de kun stod og lo derad; 9 Naar vi betænke, hvor han gik, Vor Sjæle-Hyrde, før han fik Os ud af Dødens Fare rykt, Hvor tidt og længe han har søgt; 10 Naar vi bese i Hjertets Grund De mange svare Syndens Pund, Som Gud saa gjerne os forlod For Jesu Pine, Død og Blod; 11 Naar Aanden gjør os dette klart, Da tændes udi Sjælen snart Den stærke Kjærlighedens Brand, At man sin Fiende elske kan. 12 Saa luestærk er Kjærlighed, Den slaar al Verdens Ilske ned, Og drager Sjælen ind til Gud, Da lære vi der femte Bud. 13 O lad mig hjertens-inderlig, Min søde Jesus, elske dig, Og komme dig i Troen nær, Saa faar jeg nok min Fiende kjær.
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Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower

Author: John Scheffler; John Wesley Meter: Appears in 165 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower, Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown; Thee will I love with all my power, In all my works, and Thee alone: Thee will I love, till the pure fire Fill my whole soul with chaste desire. 2 I thank Thee, uncreated Sun, That Thy bright beams on me have shined; I thank Thee, who hast overthrown My foes, and healed my wounded mind; I thank Thee, whose enlivening voice Bids my freed heart in Thee rejoice. 3 Uphold me in the doubtful race, Nor suffer me again to stray; Strengthen my feet, with steady pace Still to press forward in Thy way; That all my powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite. 4 Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown; Thee will I love, my Lord, my God! Thee will I love, beneath Thy frown Or smile, Thy sceptre or Thy rod. What though my flesh and heart decay? Thee shall I love in endless day. Used With Tune: ICH WILL DICH LIEBEN
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Hvor lystelig og yndig

Author: Joh. Petersen; Brorson Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday Lyrics: 1 Hvor lystelig og yndig Er deres Fødders Lyd, Som i Guds Ærind syndig Udraabe Fred og Fryd For dem, som er i Vaade Og føle Syndens Byld, At Gud dem byder Naade For Jesu Pines Skyld! 2 Den Lov, som Gud har givet, Er vel et helligt Bud, Men giver ingen Livet, Gjenføder ei til Gud. Naar vi den Gift fornemmer Af Kjødets onde Lyst, Og Satan Hjertet klemmer Veed Loven ingen Trøst. 3 Den vil, at Sjælen efter Guds Vilje fuldt skal gaa, Dog dertil ingen Kræfter Hos Loven er at faa; Den siger, vi skal høre Den Gud, som os har skabt, Men Evne det at gjøre, Har Sjælen ganske tabt. 4 Den Syndere kan vække Med sine Tordenslag, Samvittigheden skrække Med Dommens store Dag, Hvordan Guds Vrede brænder, Naar den er overtraad; Men naar man dette kjender, Veed Loven ingen Raad. 5 Saa tager da, I Arme, Det Ord i Hjertet ind, At Gud vil sig forbarme Med mer end Faders Sind, Og gjøre eder rene I Jesu dyre Blod, Og Livets Kraft forlene I eders Hjerte-Rod! 6 Gud, som os skulde straffe, Har selv udi sin Søn Os Redning villet skaffe, Da Syndens beske Løn Blev lagt paa Jesu Hjerte, Da han for Verdens Flok Led Dødens haarde Smerte, Det var Betaling nok. 7 Nu er vor Gud forsonet Og al vor Skyld forladt, Vor Jesus han er kronet Og Gud ved Siden sat, Og Satan han maa høre Den Sag med Skjæmsel paa, Hvad vil han os nu gjøre? Ham kan han ikke naa. 8 I Kristus fri vi blive Fra Lovens Torden-Sky, Gud vil i Hjertet give Sit eget Sind paany; Hans Aand vil Hjertet sætte I Kjærlighedens Brand, Og al vor Vandring rette Til Himlens Frydeland. 9 Den Naade vil jeg prise Til Døden inderlig, I Gjerning vil jeg vise, Hvad Gud har gjort mod mig; Jeg vil ham evig tjene, Og den Retfærdighed, Han vilde mig forlene, Er al den Pryd, jeg veed.

Er Gud for mig, saa træde

Author: P. Gerhardt; Brorson Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass Lyrics: 1 Er Gud for mig, saa træde Mig hvad der vil imod, Jeg kan i Bønnens Glæde Det felde under Fod; Vil Gud mig gjerne høre, Har Faderen mig kjær, Hvad kan mig Satan gjøre Med al sin Helvedhær? 2 Det kan jeg trøstlig sige, Det tror jeg fast og veed, At Gud i Himmerige Er ikke mere vred; Hans Kjærlighed mig følger, Hvor jeg gaar ud og ind, Og dæmper alle Bølger, Som bruse mod mit Sind. 3 Den Grund, hvorpaa jeg bygger, Er Kristus og hans Død, I Jesu Pines Skygger Er Sjælens Hvile sød; Der har jeg fundet Livet, Selv er jeg intet værd, Hvad Jesus mig har givet, Gjør mig for Gud saa kjær. 4 Min Jesus er min Ære, Han gjør mig fagr og sin, Men vilde han ei være Den milde Frelser min, Da turde jeg og kunde For Himlen ei bestaa, Jeg sank med Et til Grunde I Vredens dybe Aa. 5 Han, han har reent udslettet Alt, hvad mig var imod; Men Syndeskyld aftvættet Med sit uskyldig' Blod; Til ham i Troen kommen, Et freidigt Mod jeg faar, Og frygter ei for Dommen, Som over Synden gaar. 6 Hans Aand er i mit Hjerte, Og styrer selv mit Sind, For driver al min Smerte, Og bringer Lys derind, Befester der sit Rige Og Naadens sterke Pagt, At jeg kan Abba skrige Af ganske Sjæle-Magt. 7 Naar Frygt og Fare pukke I Sorgens mørke Stand, Da virker Aanden Sukke, Som ei udsiges kan, Som Munden ei kan finde, Og ingen Sans forstaa, Kan Gud dog overvinde, Som ser sin Lyst derpaa. 8 Hans Aand til Sjælen taler Saa mangt et Trøstens Ord, Hvorledes Gud husvaler Og hjælper, den, som tror; Hvor sødt er Himmerige Gud Sine har bered, Hvor godt det er at stige Nu snart derind i Fred. 9 Der er for Guds Udvalte Den Rigdom, som bestaar, Lad mig kun dø og falde, Min Himmel ei forgaar; Skal jeg med Taarer væde Min Vei i Verdens Land, Min Jesu Lys og Glæde Det alt forsøde kan. 10 Lad hele Verden briste, Min Jesus er ved Magt, Hvo vil hans Haand opvriste Og bryde Himlens Pagt? Ei Hunger, Sværd og Lue, Ei Pine, Ve og Værk Fra Jesu mig skal true, Det Baand er alt for sterkt. 11 Ei Englekraft og Evne, Ei Fyrstendømmes Magt, Ei hvad man veed at nævne Af Skjændsel og Foragt, Ei Stort og ei det Ringe, Ei Skade eller Gavn, Ei nogen Ting skal tvinge Mig ud af Jesu Favn. 12 Mit Hjerte lystig springer I Salighedens Trin, Og Frydesangen klinger Ved Naadens blide Skin; Den Sol, som Sjælen fryder, Min Jesus, straaler frem, Og al min Sang den tyder, At Himlen er mit Hjem.
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Father, though I have sinned with Thee

Author: C. Wesley Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Father, though I have sinned with Thee An Advocate I have: Jesus the Just shall plead for me, The sinner Christ shall save. 2 Pardon and peace in Him I find; But not for me alone: The Lamb was slain: for all mankind His Blood did once atone. 3 My soul is on Thy promise cast, And lo! I claim my part: The universal pardon's past; O seal it on my heart! 4 Thou canst not now Thy grace deny; Thou canst not but forgive: Lord, if thy justice asks me why-- In Jesus I believe. Used With Tune: DEPTFORD


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