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Tune Identifier:"^wachet_auf_nicolai$"

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Wachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme

Author: Ph. Nicolai Appears in 126 hymnals Used With Tune: [Wachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme]

Wake, awake, for night is flying

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Philipp Nicolai Appears in 217 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Advent Used With Tune: WACHET AUF, RUFT UNS DIE STIMME
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Praise the Lord through every nation

Author: Rhijnvis Feith, 1753-1824; James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Meter: Irregular Appears in 18 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Praise the Lord through every nation; his holy arm hath wrought salvation; exalt him on his Father's throne. Praise your King, ye Christian legions, who now prepares in heavenly regions unfailing mansions for his own: with voice and minstrelsy extol his majesty: Alleluia! His praise shall sound all nature round, and hymns on every tongue abound. 2 Jesus, Lord, our Captain glorious, o'er sin, and death, and hell victorious, wisdom and might to thee belong: we confess, proclaim, adore thee; we bow the knee, we fall before thee; thy love henceforth shall be our song. The cross meanwhile we bear, the crown ere-long to wear: Alleluia! Thy reign extend world without end; let praise from all to thee ascend. Topics: Jesus Christ our Lord Used With Tune: WACHET AUF
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Sleepers, Wake!

Author: Philipp Nicolai; Carl P. Daw, Jr. Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: "Sleepers, wake!" a voice astounds us Lyrics: 1 "Sleepers, wake!" A voice astounds us; the shout of rampart-guards surrounds us: "Awake, Jerusalem, arise!" Midnight's peace their cry has broken, their urgent summons clearly spoken: "The time has come, O maidens wise! Rise up, and give us light; the Bridegroom is in sight. Alleluia! Your lamps prepare and hasten there, that you the wedding feast may share." 2 Zion hears the nightwatch singing; her heart with joyful hope is springing, she wakes and hurries through the night. Forth he comes, the Bridegroom glorious in strength of grace, in truth victorious: her star is risen, her light grows bright. Now come, most worthy Lord, God's Son, Incarnate Word, Alleluia! We follow all into the hall to join the wedding estival. 3 Lamb of God, the heavens adore you; let saints and angels sing before you, as harps and cymbals swell the sound. Twelve great pearls, the city's portals: through them we stream to join th'immortals as we with joy your throne surround. No eye has known the sight, no ear heard such delight: Alleluia! Therefore we sing to greet our King; forever let our praises ring. Used With Tune: WACHET AUF Text Sources: Wachet Auf

Wake, O Wake, and Sleep No Longer

Author: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608; Christopher Idle, b. 1938 Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Wake, O wake, and sleep no longer, For he who calls you is no stranger; Awake, God's own Jerusalem! Hear, the midnight bells are chiming The signal for his royal coming: Let voice to voice announce his name! We feel his footsteps near, The Bridegroom at the door-- Alleluia! The lamps will shine With light divine As Christ the savior comes to reign. 2 Zion hears the sound of singing; Our hearts are thrilled with sudden longing; She stirs, and wakes, and stands prepared. Christ, her friend, and lord, and lover, Her star and sun and strong redeemer-- At last his mighty voice is heart. The Son of God has come To make with us his home: Sing Hosanna! The fight is won, The feast begun; We fix our eyes on Christ alone. 3 Glory, glory, sing the angels, While music sounds from strings and cymbals; All humankind, with songs arise! Twelve the gates into the city, Each one a pearl of shining beauty; The streets of gold ring out with praise. All creatures round the throne Adore the holy One With rejoicing: Amen be sung By ev'ry tongue To crown their welcome to the King. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Advent; Parables; Second Coming Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13 Used With Tune: WACHET AUF

Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee

Author: Philip Nicolai, 1556-1608; Paul England, d. 1932 Appears in 18 hymnals First Line: Now let every tongue adore thee! Used With Tune: SLEEPERS. WAKE
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Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling

Author: P. Nicolai, 1556-1608; F. C. B. Appears in 11 hymnals Used With Tune: WACHET AUF!

Herr, du wollest uns bereiten

Author: Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock; Albert Knapp Appears in 39 hymnals Topics: Lieder zum Gottesdienst Abendmahl Used With Tune: [Herr, du wollest uns bereiten]
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Tack, o Gud, att du mig tagit

Author: N. Forsander Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Tack, o Gud, att du mig tagit Till barn och mi från synden tvagit I dopets bad och Jesu namn! Himlaarf mig då blef gifvet, I lifvets bok mitt namn blef skrifvet Och jesus slöt mig i sin famn. Som pilgrim styrkes jag Af denna högtidsdag. Käre Jesus, I salig stund, På dopets grund, Du mig upptog i ditt förbund. 2 Jesus Krist, från synder mina Och dom och död och evig pina Du löst mig med ditt dyra blod. Dig för denna dyra gåfva I tro jag tjäna vill och lofva, Därtill mig gif din Ande god. Mig Jesus sökt och fann, Och han mitt hjärta vann. Högtidsstunder Han nu beskär Och har mig kär, Ty han har köpt mig som jag är. 3 Världen är så full af strider, Af synden i mitt kött jag lider; Men Jesus du är mitt försvar. Tröst och kraft du ger i ordet Och möter mig vid nådebordet; För syndaren du offrat har Dig själf,Guds dyra lamm, Jag går till högtid fram. Frid och hälsa I dina sår Af nåd jag får, Om fast i tro och bönjag står. 4 Evig högtidsdag det blifver, Den Gud af idel nåd mig gifver, Då jag ingår i paradis Helt förlöst från synd och smärta. Jag sjunga skall med saligt hjärta Vid gyllne harpor Lammets pris I himlens bröllopssal, Bland kuara helgons tal: "Hosiana! I härlig skrud Är jag din brud; Du är minHerre och min Gud!" Topics: Det Himmelska Hemmet; The Heavenly Home; Helgelse Och Bevarande; Holiness Used With Tune: WACHET AUF, RUFT UNS DIE STIMME
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Jesus, Lord most great and glorious

Author: Count N. L. von Zinzendorf, 1700-1760; Bishop John Gambold, 1711-1771 Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: Following Christ; Gratitude and love to Christ; Worship Used With Tune: SLEEPERS, WAKE (HERRNHUT)
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Holy Majesty, Before Thee

Author: Samuel Johan Hedborn; Rev. August W. Kjellstrand Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Holy Majesty, before Thee We bow to worship and adore Thee; With grateful hearts to Thee we sing. Earth and heaven tell the story Of Thine eternal might and glory, And all Thy works their incense bring. Lo, hosts of Cherubim And countless Seraphim Sing, Hosanna, Holy is God, almighty God, All-merciful and all-wise God! 2 God of light, exalted, holy! Thy tender care protects the lowly, Nor leaves Thy children to their fate. Gracious art Thou, God our Father, Thy chosen people Thou dost gather Within Thine arms compassionate. Thou gavest us Thy Son, Thro' whom Thy grace is won, And Thy Spirit Dwelleth within to cleanse from sin Whom thine own Son hath died to win. 3 Choirs of faithful voices name Thee, And all Thy chosen seed proclaim Thee, Most holy, holy, holy Lord. Hear Thy ransomed children praying That we may do Thy will, ne'er straying Away from Thee, nor from Thy Word. Vouchsafe to us Thy love, Thy wisdom from above; Grant us, Father, That in its light we walk aright In holiness as in Thy sight. 4 Bless and keep, O Lord, Thy creatures, Reveal to us Thy gracious features, O turn to us Thy face with peace. Here our songs we humbly tender Till glorified our tongues shall render To Thee our praise without surcease, Where hosts of Cherubim And countless Seraphim Sing, Hosanna, Holy is God, almighty God, All-merciful and all-wise God! Amen. Topics: Worship Prayer and Praise; Advent, Second Sunday; Epiphany, Second Sunday; Trinity Sunday; A Day of Thanksgiving or a Harvest Festival; Thanksgiving Used With Tune: WACHET AUF
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By the holy hills surrounded

Author: C.J.P. Spitta Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 By the holy hills surrounded, On her firm base securely rounded, Stands fast the city of the Lord; None shall rend her, walls asunder; On her men look with fear and wonder; And mark who here keeps watch and ward. He slumbers not, nor sleeps, Who His loved Israel keeps, Hallelunah! Happy the race Who through God's grace Shall have in her their dwelling place! 2 Zion's gates Jehovah loveth, And with especial grace approveth; He maketh fast her bolts and bars; Those who dwell in her He blesses, And comforts them in their distresses Who cast on Him their griefs and cares. How wonderful the grace With which He doth embrace All His people! City of God, How sweet the abode On which such blessings are bestowed! 3 Taught in thee is a salvation Unknown to every other nation; There great and holy things are heard; In the midst of thee abiding, Enlightening, comforting, and guiding, Thou hast the Spirit and the word; There breathing peace around Is heard the joyful sound, Grace and mercy! How sweet that is Which here speaks peace, There crowns with everlasting bliss. 4 Mother thou of every nation Which here hath sought and found salvation, O Zion, yet on earth shalt be: Hark, what shouts the air are rending? What cries to heaven's gates ascending! All our fresh springs shall be in thee. From thee the waters burst, To slake our burning thirst, Hallelujah! From sin and death God's own word saith That He alone delivereth. Topics: The Church Foundation and Nature; The Church Foundation and Nature; Church of Christ; Kingdom of Christ Used With Tune: [By the holy hills surrounded]
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Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You

Author: Wilhelm Erasmus Arends, 1677-1721; John M. Sloan, 1835-after 1890 Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Rise! To arms! With prayer employ you, O Christians, lest the foe destroy you; For Satan has designed your fall. Wield God’s word, the weapon glorious; Against all foes be thus victorious, For God protects you from them all. Fear not the hordes of hell, Here is Emmanuel. Hail the Savior! The strong foes yield To Christ, our shield, And we, the victors, hold the field. 2 Cast afar this world’s vain pleasure And boldly strive for heav'nly treasure. Be steadfast in the Savior’s might. Trust the Lord, who stands beside you, For Jesus from all harm will hide you. By faith you conquer in the fight. Take courage, weary soul! Look forward to the goal! Joy awaits you. The race well run, Your long war won, Your crown shines splendid as the sun. 3 Wisely fight, for time is fleeting; The hours of grace are fast retreating; Short, short is this our earthly way. When the Lord the dead will waken And sinners all by fear are shaken, The saints with joy will greet that day. Praise God, our triumph’s sure. We need not long endure Scorn and trial. Our Savior King His own will bring To that great glory which we sing. Topics: The Church Militant Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18 Used With Tune: WACHET AUF
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O Majestät, wir fallen nieder

Author: G. Tersteegen Appears in 18 hymnals Used With Tune: [O Majestät, wir fallen nieder]
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Christ, Of Holiness The Fountain

Author: H. Brueckner; Bartholomaeus Crasselius Meter: Irregular Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Christ, of holiness the Fountain! Lyrics: 1 Christ, of holiness the Fountain! As crystal waters from the mountain, So doth Thy cleansing grace descend. All the cherubim in glory, And seraphim of sacred story, Compared to Thee no brightness lend. Thou my example be And mold me after Thee, Blessed Savior! O Jesus true, help me to do Thy holy will each day anew. 2 Christ, submissive, unrebelling, And in Thy Father's will e'er dwelling, Obeying Him thro'out Thy life,-- Even so, in fullest measure, Would I perform Thy will and pleasure And overcome all inner strife. May I submissive be, That, modeled after Thee, O my Savior, God's will I do each day anew, While I my duty's path pursue. 3 Christ, all gentleness possessing, And patient e'er in woes distressing, No vengeance wreaking on the foe, Thou wast meek, tho' zealous ever, And all Thy zeal impelled Thee never Beyond the rightful bounds to go. My Savior, help Thou me A gentle soul to be. Blessed Jesus, My heart imbue with meekness true. Yet ev'ry day my zeal renew. 4 Christ, O Son of God most holy, Thou didst become a servant lowly, No honors seeking of Thine own. In humility transcending, To lowly service gladly bending, No haughty mien of Thine is known. Lord Jesus, help Thou me To pattern after Thee, Who art lowly, Let me each day pursue Thy way, And make me humble, Lord, I pray. 5 Make me then, O dearest Savior, Thine image in my whole behavior, That I Thy holiness may share. Let Thy Spirit, Lord, pervade me And by His inner promptings aid me The noble fruits of faith to bear. Lord Jesus, draw Thou me E'er nearer unto Thee; O my Savior, With all things best may I be blest, And where Thou art find perfect rest. Topics: The Means of Grace The Redeemer Used With Tune: AWAKE, ARISE
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Sieh' uns, Deine Gäste, nahen

Author: Carl Bernh. Garve Appears in 7 hymnals Used With Tune: [Sieh' uns, Deine Gäste, nahen]
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Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Dein König kommt, o Zion! Used With Tune: [Dein König kommt, o Zion!]
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Heiligster Jesu, heil'gungsquelle

Author: Jodocus v. Lodenstein Appears in 61 hymnals Used With Tune: [Heiligster Jesu, heil'gungsquelle]

Sleepers, Wake

Author: Jay Macpherson; Philip Nicolai, 1556 - 1608 Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Sleepers, wake!' the watch are calling Used With Tune: WACHET AUF

Halleluja! Jauchzt ihr Chöre

Author: Gottfried Benedikt Funk, 1734-1814 Appears in 15 hymnals Used With Tune: [Halleluja! Jauchzt ihr Chöre]


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