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Martin Luther

1483 - 1546 Hymnal Number: 201 Author of "Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, Und steuer" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Luther, Martin, born at Eisleben, Nov. 10, 1483; entered the University of Erfurt, 1501 (B.A. 1502, M.A.. 1503); became an Augustinian monk, 1505; ordained priest, 1507; appointed Professor at the University of Wittenberg, 1508, and in 1512 D.D.; published his 95 Theses, 1517; and burnt the Papal Bull which had condemned them, 1520; attended the Diet of Worms, 1521; translated the Bible into German, 1521-34; and died at Eisleben, Feb. 18, 1546. The details of his life and of his work as a reformer are accessible to English readers in a great variety of forms. Luther had a huge influence on German hymnody. i. Hymn Books. 1. Ellich cristlich lider Lobgesang un Psalm. Wittenberg, 1524. [Hamburg Library.] This contains 8 German hymns, of which 4 are by Luther. 2. Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbuchlein. Erfurt, 1524 [Goslar Library], with 25 German hymns, of which 18 are by Luther. 3. Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn. Wittenberg, 1524 [Munich Library], with 32 German hymns, of which 24 are by Luther. 4. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1529. No copy of this book is now known, but there was one in 1788 in the possession of G. E. Waldau, pastor at Nürnberg, and from his description it is evident that the first part of the Rostock Gesang-Buch, 1531, is a reprint of it. The Rostock Gesang-Buch, 1531, was reprinted by C. M. Wiechmann-Kadow at Schwerin in 1858. The 1529 evidently contained 50 German hymns, of which 29 (including the Litany) were by Luther. 5. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Erfurt. A. Rauscher, 1531 [Helmstädt, now Wolfenbüttel Library], a reprint of No. 4. 6. Geistliche Lieder. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1535 [Munich Library. Titlepage lost], with 52 German hymns, of which 29 are by Luther. 7. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Leipzig. V. Schumann, 1539 [Wernigerode Library], with 68 German hymns, of which 29 are by Luther. 8. Geistliche Lieder. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1543 [Hamburg Library], with 61 German hymns, of which 35 are by Luther. 9. Geystliche Lieder. Leipzig. V. Babst, 1545 [Gottingen Library]. This contains Luther's finally revised text, but adds no new hymns by himself. In pt. i. are 61 German hymns, in pt. ii. 40, of which 35 in all are by Luther. For these books Luther wrote three prefaces, first published respectively in Nos. 3, 4, 9. A fourth is found in his Christliche Geseng, Lateinisch und Deudsch, zum Begrebnis, Wittenberg, J. Klug, 1542. These four prefaces are reprinted in Wackernagel’s Bibliographie, 1855, pp. 543-583, and in the various editions of Luther's Hymns. Among modern editions of Luther's Geistliche Lieder may be mentioned the following:— Carl von Winterfeld, 1840; Dr. C. E. P. Wackernagel, 1848; Q. C. H. Stip, 1854; Wilhelm Schircks, 1854; Dr. Danneil, 1883; Dr. Karl Gerok, 1883; Dr. A. F. W. Fischer, 1883; A. Frommel, 1883; Karl Goedeke, 1883, &c. In The Hymns of Martin Luther. Set to their original melodies. With an English version. New York, 1883, ed. by Dr. Leonard Woolsey Bacon and Nathan H. Allen, there are the four prefaces, and English versions of all Luther's hymns, principally taken more or less altered, from the versions by A. T. Russell, R. Massie and Miss Winkworth [repub. in London, 1884]. Complete translations of Luther's hymns have been published by Dr. John Anderson, 1846 (2nd ed. 1847), Dr. John Hunt, 1853, Richard Massie, 1854, and Dr. G. Macdonald in the Sunday Magazine, 1867, and his Exotics, 1876. The other versions are given in detail in the notes on the individual hymns. ii. Classified List of Luther's Hymns. Of Luther's hymns no classification can be quite perfect, e.g. No. 3 (see below) takes hardly anything from the Latin, and No. 18 hardly anything from the Psalm. No. 29 is partly based on earlier hymns (see p. 225, i.). No. 30 is partly based on St. Mark i. 9-11, and xvi., 15, 16 (see p. 226, ii.). No. 35 is partly based on St. Luke ii. 10-16. The following arrangement, however, will answer all practical purposes. A. Translations from the Latin. i. From Latin Hymns: 1. Christum wir sollen loben schon. A solis ortus cardine 2. Der du bist drei in Einigkeit. O Lux beata Trinitas. 3. Jesus Christus unser Heiland, Der von. Jesus Christus nostra salus 4. Komm Gott Schopfer, heiliger Geist. Veni Creator Spiritus, Mentes. 5. Nun komm der Beidenheiland. Veni Redemptor gentium 6. Was flirchst du Feind Herodes sehr. A solis ortus cardine ii. From Latin Antiphons, &c.: 7. Herr Gott dich loben wir. Te Deum laudamus. 8. Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich. Dapacem, Domine 9. Wir glauben all an einen Gott. iii. Partly from the Latin, the translated stanzas being adopted from Pre-Reformation Versions: 10. Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott. 11. Mitten wir im Leben sind. Media vita in morte sumus. B. Hymns revised and enlarged from Pre-Reformation popular hymns. 12. Gelobet seist du Jesus Christ. 13. Gott der Vater wohn uns bei. 14. Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet. 15. Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist. C. Psalm versions. 16. Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein. 17. Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir. 18. Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott. 19. Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl. 20. Es wollt uns Gott genädig sein. 21. War Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit. 22. Wohl dem, der in Gotten Furcht steht. D. Paraphrases of other portions of Holy Scripture. 23. Diess sind die heilgen zehn Gebot. 24. Jesaia dem Propheten das geschah. 25. Mensch willt du leben seliglich. 26. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin. 27. Sie ist mir lieb die werthe Magd. 28. Vater unser im Himmelreich. E. Hymns mainly Original. 29. Christ lag in Todesbanden. 30. Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam. 31. Ein neues Lied wir heben an. 32. Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort. 33. Jesus Christus unser Heiland, Der den, 34. Nun freut euch lieben Christengemein. 35. Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her. 36. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schaar. In addition to these — 37. Fur alien Freuden auf Erden. 38. Kyrie eleison. In the Blätter fur Hymnologie, 1883, Dr. Daniel arranges Luther's hymns according to what he thinks their adaptation to modern German common use as follows:— i. Hymns which ought to be included in every good Evangelical hymn-book: Nos. 7-18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38. ii. Hymns the reception of which into a hymn-book might be contested: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33. iii. Hymns not suited for a hymn-book: Nos. 1, 5, 6, 27, 31, 37. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Nikolaus Herman

1500 - 1561 Person Name: Nicolaus Hermann Hymnal Number: 67 Author of "Erscheinen ist der herrlich Tag" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Herman, Nicolaus, is always associated with Joachimsthal in Bohemia, just over the mountains from Saxony. The town was not of importance till the mines began to be extensively worked about 1516. Whether Herman was a native of this place is not known, but he was apparently there in 1518, and was certainly in office there in 1524. For many years he held the post of Master in the Latin School, and Cantor or Organist and Choirmaster in the church. Towards the end of his life he suffered greatly from gout, and had to resign even his post as Cantor a number of years before his death. He died at Joachimsthal, May 3, 1561. (Koch, i. 390-398; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 186-188, &c.) He was a great friend and helper of J. Mathesius (q.v.) (who in 1532 became rector of the school, but in 1541 diaconus and in 1545 pastor of the church), and it was said that whenever Mathesius preached a specially good sermon Herman straightway embodied its leading ideas in a hymn. His hymns, however, were not primarily written for use in church, but were intended for the boys and girls in the schools, to supplant profane songs in the mouths of the young men and women, or for the daily life of the “housefathers and housemothers" in Joachimsthal, at home, and in their work in the mines. He is a poet of the people, homely, earnest, and picturesque in style; by his naiveté reminding us of Hans Sachs. He was an ardent lover of music and a very good organist. The chorales which he published with his hymns are apparently all of his own composition, and are among the best of the Reformation period. Many of Herman's hymns soon passed into Church use in Germany, and a number are found in almost all books in present use. About 190 in all, they appeared principally in:— (1) Die Sontags Evangelia uber des gantze Jar, in Gesenge verfasset, für die Kinder und christlichen Haussvetter, &c, Wittenberg, 1560 (dedication by Herman dated Trinity Sunday, 1559), with 101 hymns and 17 melodies. The best are those interspersed specially meant for children and not directly founded on the Gospel for the day. (2) Die Historien von der Sindfludt, Joseph, Mose, Helia, Elisa und der Susanna, sampt etlichen Historien aus den Evangelisten, &c., Wittenberg, 1562 (preface by Herman dated St. Bartholomew's Day, 1560), with 73 hymns and 20 melodies. In this case also the general hymns are the best. A selection of 60 (really 61) of his hymns, with a memoir by K. F. Ledderhose, was published at Halle, 1855. One of Herman's hymns is noted under “Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist." The others which have passed into English are:— i. Bescher uns, Herr, das täglioh Brod. Grace before Meat. 1562, as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 1228, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines; in Ledderhose, p. 70; and in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1133. Translated as:— 1. Thou art our Father and our God. This, by P. H. Molther, a translation of stanza vi., as No. 180 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1849, No. 220, st. v.). 2. As children we are owned by Thee, a translation of stanza vi., as st. iii. of No. 191 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1849, No. 220, stanza iii.). ii. Die helle Sonn leucht jetzt herfür. Morning. 1560, as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 1184, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, in Ledderhose, p. 87; and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 450. Translated as:— The morning beam revives our eyes, a good and full translation by. A. T. Russell, as No. 71 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book 1848. iii. Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag. Easter. 1560, as above, in 14 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled, "A new Spiritual Song of the Joyful Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ; for the maidens of the girls' school in Joachimsthal”; and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 1175; in Ledderhose p. 23, and Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 134. It has reminiscences of the "Erstanden ist der heil'ge Christ". Translated as:— The day hath dawn'd—-the day of days, a good translation by A. T. Russell of stanzas i., ii., xiii., xiv., as No. 113 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Another tr. is, "At length appears the glorious day," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 28. iv. Hinunter ist der Sonnen Schein. Evening. 1560, as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 1184, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines; in Ledderhose, p. 88; and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen1851, No. 523. Some of the phrases may have been suggested by the "Christe qui lux es et dies" (q. v.). Translated as:— 1. Sunk is the sun's last beam of light, a full and good translation by Miss Cox in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841, p. 57. Included in Alford's Psalms & Hymns, 1844, and Tear of Praise, 1867; in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1875; in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, and others. It is also given considerably altered and beginning, "Sunk is the Sun! the daylight gone," in W. J. Blew's Church Hymn and Tune Book, 1851-55. 2. The happy sunshine all is gone, in full, by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 225; repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are: (1) "Did I perhaps Thee somewhat grieve," a translation of stanza iii. in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789, No. 756. In the 1801 and later eds. (1886, No. 1181, st. iii.), it begins, "Where'er I Thee this day did grieve." (2) "The sun’s fair sheen is past and gone," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 68. (3) "The sun hath run his daily race," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 14. v. Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich. Christmas. Written c. 1554, but first published 1560 as above, as the first of "Three Spiritual Christmas Songs of the new-born child Jesus, for the children in Joachimsthal." Thence in Wackernagel iii. p. 1169, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines; in Ledderhose, p. 1; and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 47. It is one of the most popular German Christmas hymns. The melody set to it in 1560 is also by Herman; in 1554 to his "Kommt her ihr liebsten Schwesterlein" [in the Hymnal Companioncalled "St. George's (old)"]. Translated as :— 1. Let all together praise our God, a good translation of stanzas i., iii., vi., viii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 52 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Repeated in Kennedy, 1863, adding a translation of st. ii., and beginning, "Let all creation praise our God." 2. Praise ye the Lord, ye Christians I yea, in full, by E. Cronenwett, as No. 31 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. Other translations are: (1) "A wondrous change He with us makes," a tr. of stanza viii., ix. as No. 438 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, repeated 1789-1826. (2) "Come, brethren, lets the song arise," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 26. (3) "Praise God, now Christians, all alike," by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 9. (4) "Praise God, upon His throne on high," in the Sunday Magazine, 1874, p. 384, signed "P. J." The hymn “Shepherds rejoice, lift up your eyes," given by J. C. Jacobi in his Psalmodia Germanica, 1722, p. 8, to Herman's melody (which was first published 1554) is, as stated in his Preface, taken from Bk. i. of Isaac Watts's Horse Lyricae vi. So wahr ich leb, spricht Gott der Herr. Absolution. 1560, as above, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "A hymn on the power of the keys and the virtue of holy absolution; for the children in Joachimsthal." Thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 1183; in Ledderhose, p. 47; and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 429. It probably suggested the better known hymn, "So wahr ich lebe," q. v., by Johann Heermann. Translated as:— Yea, as I live, Jehovah saith, I do not wish the sinner's death, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, as No. 245, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Michael Weisse

1480 - 1534 Hymnal Number: 460 Author of "Gelobt sei Gott im hoechsten Thron, Sammt seinem einigeborenen Sohn" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Michael Weiss was born at Neisse, in Silesia. He was a pastor among the Bohemian Brethren, and a contemporary with Luther. His hymns have received commendation. He died in 1540. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============ Weisse, Michael (Weiss, Wiss, Wegs, Weys, Weyss), was born circa 1480, in Neisse, Silesia, took priest's orders, and was for some time a monk at Breslau. When the early writings of Luther came into his hands, Weisse, with two other monks, abandoned the convent, and sought refuge in the Bohemian Brethren's House at Leutomischl in Bohemia. He became German preacher (and apparently founder of the German communities) to the Bohemian Brethren at Landskron in Bohemia, and Fulnck in Moravia, and died at Landskron in 1534 (Koch, ii. 115-120; Wackernagel's D. Kirchenlied, i. p. 727; Fontes rerum Austricarum, Scriptores, vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 227, Vienna, 18G3, &c). Weisse was admitted as a priest among the Brethren at the Synod of Brandeis, in 1531, and in 1532 was appointed a member of their Select Council, but he had previously performed important missions for the Brethren. He was, e.g., sent by Bishop Lucas, in 1522, along with J. Roh or Horn, to explain the views of the Bohemian Brethren to Luther; and again, in 1524, when they were appointed more especially to report on the practices and holiness of life of the followers of the German Reformers. He was also entrusted with the editing of the first German hymn-book of the Bohemian Brethren, which appeared as Ein New Gesengbuchlen at Jungen Bunzel (Jung Bunzlau) in Bohemia in 1531. This contained 155 hymns, all apparently either translations or else originals by himself. The proportion of translations is not very clear. In the preface to the 1531, Weisse addressing the German Communities at Fulnek and Landskron says, "I have also, according to my power, put forth all my ability, your old hymn-book as well as the Bohemian hymn-book (Cantional) being before me, and have brought the same sense, in accordance with Holy Scripture, into German rhyme." Luther called Weisse "a good poet, with somewhat erroneous views on the Sacrament" (i.e. Holy Communion); and, after the Sacramental hymns had been revised by Roh (1544), included 12 of his hymns in V. Babst's Gesang-Buch, 1545. Many of his hymns possess considerable merit. The style is flowing and musical, the religious tone is earnest and manly, but yet tender and truly devout, and the best of them are distinguished by a certain charming simplicity of thought and expression. At least 119 passed into the German Lutheran hymnbooks of the 16th and 17th centuries, and many are still in use. The following hymns by Weisse have also passed into English:— i. Christus ist erstanden. Von des Todes Banden. Easter. First published 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 273, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is suggested by the older hymn, "Christ ist erstanden". In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 129. The translation in common use is:— Christ the Lord is risen again! This is a full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 37, and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 58. It has been included in many recent English and American hymnals. Other translations are:— (1) "Christ (and 'tis no wonder"). This is No. 260 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Christ our Lord is risen," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 322. ii. Es geht daher des Tages Schein. Morning. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 318, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 455. The translations in common use are:— 1. The Light of Day again we see. In full, by H. J. Buckoll in his Hymns from German, 1842, p. 14. His translations of stanzas iii., iv., vi., vii., beginning “Great God, eternal Lord of Heaven," were included in the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1843. 2. Once more the daylight shines abroad. This is a full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 69, and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 18. Repeated in Thring's Collection, 1880-82. iii. Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron. Easter. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 265, in 20 stanzas of 3 lines, with Alleluia. The translations in common use are: — 1. Praise God upon His heavenly throne. This is a free translation of stanzas 1, 4, 10, 19, 20, by A. T. Russell, as No. 112, in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. Glory to God upon His throne. By Mrs. H. R. Spaeth, in the Southern Lutheran Service and Hymns for Sunday Schools , Philadelphia, 1883. iv. Gott sah zu seiner Zeit. Christmas. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 244, in 10 stanzas of 9 lines. The translation in common use is:— When the due Time had taken place. By C. Kinchen, omitting stanza v., as No. 169 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1742 (1849, No. 20). In the ed. of 1886, No. 954 consists of stanza x., beginning “Ah come, Lord Jesus, hear our prayer." v. Lob sei dem allmächtigen Gott. Advent. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 230, in 14 stanzas of 4 lines. Included in V. Babst's Gesang-Buch, 1545, and recently as No. 12 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen , 1851. In the larger edition of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1886, it is marked as a translation from a Bohemian hymn, beginning "Cirkev Kristova Boha chval." The translations are:— 1. Praise be to that Almighty God. By J. Gambold, omitting stanza xi.-xiii., as No, 246, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In the 1789 and later eds. (1886, No. 31), it begins “To God we render thanks and praise." 2. O come, th' Almighty's praise declare. By A. T. Russell, of stanzas i.-iii., v., as No. 26 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. vi. O Herre Jesu Christ, der du erschienen bistanza. For Children. On Christ's Example in His early years on earth . 1531 as above, and in Wackernagel, iii. p. 326, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines. The first three stanzas are translated as “Christ Jesus, Lord most dear," in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, pt. i., No. 278. The form in common use is that in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz , 1837, No. 2951, which begins "Nun hilf uns, o Herr Jesu Christ," and is in 3 stanzas of 4 lines, entirely recast. This is translated as:— Lord Jesus Christ, we come to Thee . In full from Knapp, by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England , 1863, No. 179. Hymns not in English common use:— vii. Den Vater dort oben. Grace after Meat. 1531, and thence in Wackernagel, iii., p. 321, in 5 stanzas of 7 lines. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1136. Translated as, "Father, Lord of mercy," by J. V. Jacobi, 1122, p. 117. In his edition, 1732, p. 183, slightly altered, and thence in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, pt. i., No. 290. viii. Die Sonne wird mit ihrem Schein. Evening. 1531, and thence in Wackernagel, iii., p. 323, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 517. Translated as, "Soon from our wishful eyes awhile," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842. ix. Komm, heiliger Geist, wahrer Gott. Whitsuntide . 1531, and in Wackernagel , iii., p. 282, in 9 stanzas of 5 lines From the Bohemian as noted at p. 157, and partly suggested by the "Veni Sancte Spiritus reple " (q.v.). The translations are: (1) “Come, Holy Ghost, Lord God indeed." This is No. 285 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Thou great Teacher, Who instructest." This is a translation of stanza vii., as No. 234 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1849, No. 267). x. Lob und Ehr mit stettem Dankopfer. The Creation: Septuagesima . 1531, and in Wackernagel, iii., p. 287, in 5 stanzas of 16 lines. Translated as, “Praise, glory, thanks, be ever paid," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 137. xi. 0 Jesu Christ, der Heiden Licht. Epiphany. 1531, and in Wackernagel , iii. p. 248, in 2 stanzas of 14 lines. Translated as, "0 Jesus Christ, the Gentiles' Light." This is No. 253 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In the Brüder Gesang-Buch, 1778, No. 1467, stanza ii. was rewritten. This form begins, "Erscheine alien Auserwahlten," and is in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. Translated as, "Lord, to Thy chosen ones appear," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 139. xii. Singet lieben Leut. Redemption by Christ. 1531, and in Wackernagel, iii. p. 243, in 16 stanzas of 4 lines. Translated as, "Sing, be glad, ye happy sheep." This is a translation of stanza xiv., by C. G. Clemens, as No. 299 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the 1801 and later editions (1849, No. 403) it begins, "O rejoice, Christ's happy sheep." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Aurelius Clemens Prudentius

348 - 410 Hymnal Number: 411 Author of "Hoert auf mit trauren und klagen ob dem tod soll" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Marcus Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, "The Christian Pindar" was born in northern Spain, a magistrate whose religious convictions came late in life. His subsequent sacred poems were literary and personal, not, like those of St. Ambrose, designed for singing. Selections from them soon entered the Mozarabic rite, however, and have since remained exquisite treasures of the Western churches. His Cathemerinon liber, Peristephanon, and Psychomachia were among the most widely read books of the Middle Ages. A concordance to his works was published by the Medieval Academy of America in 1932. There is a considerable literature on his works. --The Hymnal 1940 Companion ============= Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens , with the occasional prefix of Marcus (cf. Migne, vol. lix. p. 593, and Dressel, p. ii. n), is the name of the most prominent and most prolific author of sacred Latin poetry in its earliest days. Of the writer himself we know nothing, or next to nothing, beyond what he has himself told us in a short introduction in verse to his works. From that source we learn that he was a Spaniard, of good family evidently, and that he was born A.D. 348 somewhere in the north of Spain, either at Saragossa, Tarragona, or Calahorra, but at which is left uncertain, by his applying the same expression to all, which if applied only to one would have fixed his place of birth. After receiving a good education befitting his social status he applied himself for some years to practising as a pleader in the local courts of law, until he received promotion to a judgeship in two cities successively:— "Bis legum moderanrine Frenos nobilium reximus urbium Jus civile bonis reddidimus, terruimus reos;" and afterwards to a post of still higher authority: "Tandem militiae gradu Evectum pietas principis extulit." Archbishop Trench considers this last to have been "a high military appointment at court," and such the poet's own words would seem to describe; but it may well be doubted whether a civilian and a lawyer would be eligible for such employment; in which case we may adopt the solution of the difficulty offered in the Prolegomena to our author's works (Migne, vol. lix. p. 601):— "Evectus indeest ad superiorem rnilitia? gradum, nimirum militia? civil is, palatinae, aut praesidialis, non bellicae, castrensis, aut cohortalis; nam ii qui officiis jure consultorum praesidum, rectorum et similium funguntur, vulgo in cod. Theod. militare et ad superiores militias ascendere dicuntur." It was after this lengthened experience at a comparatively early age of positions of trust and power that Prudentius, conscience-smitten on account of the follies and worldliness that had marked his youth and earlier manhood, determined to throw up all his secular employments, and devote the remainder of his life to advancing the interests of Christ's Church by the power of his pen rather than that of his purse and personal position. Accordingly we find that he retired in his 57th year into poverty and private life, and began that remarkable succession of sacred poems upon which his fame now entirely rests. We have no reason however to regard him as another St. Augustine, rescued from the "wretchedness of most unclean living" by this flight from the temptations and engrossing cares of official life into the calm seclusion of a wholly devotional leisure. He had probably rather learnt from sad experience the emptiness and vanity for an immortal soul of the surroundings of even the high places of this world. As he himself expresses it:— "Numquid talia proderunt Carnis post obitum vel bona, vel mala, Cum jam, quicquid id est, quod fueram, mors aboleverit?" and sought, at the cost of all that the world holds dear, those good things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Beyond the fact of his retirement from the world in this way, and the fruits which it produced in the shape of his voluminous contributions to sacred poetry, we have no further information about our author. To judge from the amount he wrote, his life must have been extended many years after he began his new career, but how long his life was or where he died we are not told. Probably he died circa 413. His works are:— (1) Liber Cathemerinon. "Christian Day, as we may call it" W. S. Lilly, "Chapters in European History," vol. i. p. 208). (2) Liber Peristephanon. "Martyrs' Garlands" (id.). (3) Apotheosis. A work on the Divine Nature, or the Deification of Human Nature in Christ. (4) Hamartigenia. A treatise on the Origin of Sin, directed against the Marcionites. (5) Psychomachia or "The Spiritual Combat"-—an allegorical work. (6) Libri contra Symmachum. A controversial work against the restoration in the Senate House at Rome of the altar of Victory which Gratian had removed. Symmachus had petitioned Valentinian II. for its restoration in 384, but the influence of St. Ambrose had prevailed against him at that time. In 392 the altar was restored, but removed again by Theodosius in 394. After the death of the latter the attempt to restore it was renewed by Arcadius and Honorius, and it was at that time that Prudentius wrote his first book. The second (for there are two) was written in 405. Fague considers that the first may date in 395. (7) The Dittochseon = the double food or double Testament, is a wordy collection of 49 sets of four verses each, on Old and New Testament scenes. Of these different works the most important are the first two, and it is from them that the Liturgical hymns enumerated below have been chiefly compiled. The general character of Prudentius's writings it is not easy fairly to estimate, and to judge by the wholesale laudation he obtains from some of his critics, and the equally unsparing censure of others, his judges have so found it. In venturing upon any opinion upon such a subject, the reader must bear in mind the peculiar position in which the period at which he was writing found the poet. The poetry of classical Rome in all its exact beauty of form had long passed its meridian, and was being replaced by a style which was yet in its infancy, but which burst forth into new life and beauty in the hands of the Mediaeval hymnologists. Prudentius wrote before rhyming Latin verse was thought of, but after attention had ceased to be given to quantities. Under such circumstances it were vain to look for very finished work from him, and such certainly we do not find. But amidst a good deal of what one must confess is tasteless verbiage or clumsy rhetorical ornament-—however varied the metres he employs, numbering some 17—-there are also passages to be found, not unfrequently, of dramatic vigour and noble expression, which may well hold their own with the more musical utterances of a later date. He writes as a man intensely in earnest, and we may gather much from his writings concerning the points of conduct which were deemed the most important in Christian living at a time when a great portion of mankind were still the victims or slaves of a morality which, heathen at the best, was lowered and corrupted the more as the universality of its influence was more and more successfully challenged by the spread of the Gospel of Christ. If, there¬fore, we can scarcely go as far in our author's praise as Barth—-much given to lavish commendation—-who describes him as "Poeta eximius eruditissimus et sanctissimus scriptor; nemo divinius de rebus Christianis unquam scripsit"; or as Bentley—-not given to praise--who calls him the "Horace and Virgil of the Christians," we shall be as loath, considering under what circumstances he wrote, to carp at his style as not being formed on the best ancient models but as confessedly impure; feeling with Archbishop Trench that it is his merit that "whether consciously or unconsciously, he acted on the principle that the new life claimed new forms in which to manifest itself; that he did not shrink from helping forward that great transformation of the Latin language, which it needed to undergo, now that it should be the vehicle of truths which, were all together novel to it." (Sacred Latin Poetry, 1874, p. 121.) The reader will find so exhaustive an account of the various writings of Prudentius in the account given of him and them in Smith and Wace's Dictionary of Christian Biography, and Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, that it is only necessary in this work to refer very briefly to them as above. The poems have been constantly reprinted and re-edited, till the editor who produced the best edition we have of them, Albert Dressel (Leipsic, 1860), is able to say that his is the sixty-third. The use made of Prudentius's poems in the ancient Breviaries and Hymnaries was very extensive. In the form of centos stanzas and lines wore compiled and used as hymns; and it is mainly from these centos, and not from the original poems, that the translations into English were made. Daniel, i., Nos. 103-115, gives 13 genuine hymns as having been in use for "Morning," "Christmas," "Epiphany," "Lent," "Easter," "Transfiguration," "Burial," &c, in the older Breviaries. ….Many more which were used in like manner have been translated into English. When to these are added the hymns and those which have not been translated into English, we realise the position and power of Prudentius in the hymnody of the Church. [Rev. Digby S. Wrangham, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============== Prudentius, A. C, p. 915, ii. Two somewhat full versions of Prudentius are: (1) The Cathemerinon and other Poems of Aurelius Prudentius Clemens in English Verse, Lond., Rivington, 1845; and (2) Translations from Prudentius. By Francis St. John Thackeray, M.A.. F.S.A. Lond., Bell & Sons, 1890. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Martin Rinkart

1586 - 1649 Hymnal Number: 320 Author of "Nun danket Alle Gott mit Herzen" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Rinkart, Martin, son of Georg Rinkart or Rinckart, cooper at Eilenburg on the Mulde, Saxony, was born at Eilenburg, April 23, 1586.* After passing through the Latin school at Eilenburg, he became, in Nov., 1601, a foundation scholar and chorister of the St. Thomas's School at Leipzig. This scholarship also allowed him to proceed to the University of Leipzig, where he matriculated for the summer session of 1602, as a student of Theology; and after the completion of his course he remained for some time in Leipzig (he did not take his M.A. till 1616). In March 1610 he offered himself as a candidate for the post of diaconus at Eilenburg, and was presented by the Town Council, but the Superintendent refused to sanction this arrangement, nominally on the ground that Rinkart was a better musician than theologian, but really because he was unwilling to have a colleague who was a native of Eilenburg, and who appeared to have a will of his own. Rinkart, not wishing to contest the matter, applied for a vacant mastership in the gymnasium at Eisleben, and entered on his duties there in the beginning of June, 1610, as sixth master, and also cantor of the St. Nicholas Church. After holding this appointment for a few months, he became diaconus of St. Anne's Church, in the Neustadt of Eisleben, and began his work there May 28, 1611; and then became pastor at Erdeborn and Lyttichendorf (Lütjendorf), near Eisleben, entering on his duties there on Dec. 5, 1613. Finally he was invited by the Town Council of Eilenburg to become archidiaconus there, and in Nov. 1617 came into residence at Eilenburg. He died at Eilenburg, Dec. 8, 1649. A memorial tablet to his memory, affixed to the house where he lived, was unveiled at Eilenburg on Easter Monday, April 26, 1886. (Martin Rinkart’s Geistliche Lieder, ed., with a biographical introduction, and an extensive bibliography, by Heinrich Rembe and Johannes Linke, D.D., Gotha, F. A. Perthes, 1886; K. Goedeke's Grundris, vol. iii., 1887, pp. 169, 211, &c.) The greater part of Rinkart's professional life was passed amid the horrors of the Thirty Years War. Eilenburg being a walled town became a refuge for fugitives from all around, and being so overcrowded, not unnaturally suffered from pestilence and famine. During the great pestilence of 1637 the Superintendent went away for change of air, and could not be persuaded to return; and on Aug. 7 Rinkart had to officiate at the funerals of two of the town clergy and two who had had to leave their livings in the country. Rinkart thus for some time was the only clergyman in the place, and often read the service over some 40 to 50 persons a day, and in all over about 4,480. At last the refugees had to be buried in trenches without service, and during the whole epidemic some 8,000 persons died, including Rinkart's first wife, who died May 8, 1637. The next year he had an epidemic of marriages to encounter, and himself fell a victim on June 24. Immediately thereafter came a most severe famine, during which Rinkart's resources were strained to the uttermost to help his people. Twice also he saved Eilenburg from the Swedes, once in the beginning of 1637, and again in 1639 (see p. 319, i.). Unfortunately the services he rendered to the place seemed to have made those in authority the more ungrateful, and in his latter years he was much harassed by them in financial and other matters, and by the time that the long-looked-for peace came (Oct. 24, 1648) he was a worn-out and prematurely aged man. Rinkart was a voluminous writer and a good musician, but a considerable number of his books seem to have perished, and others survive only in single copies. He early began to write poetry, and was crowned as a poet apparently in 1614. Among other things he wrote a cycle of seven so-called "Comedies," or rather dramas, on the Reformation Period, suggested by the centenary of the Reformation in 1617. Three of these were printed respectively in 1613, 1618, and 1625, and two of them were acted in public. Rinkart's hymns appeared principally in the following works:— (1) Jesu Hertz-Büchlein. This was completed in 1630, and first published at Leipzig in 1636. No copy is now known. The second edition, published at Leipzig, 1663, is in the Royal Library at Hannover. (2) Der Meissnische Thränen Saat, Leipzig, 1637. In the Royal Library at Berlin. (3) xlv. Epithalami Salomoneo—Sulamitici cantica canticorum . . . Leibliche Geistliche und Uimmlische Braut Messe, Leipzig, 1642. In Wolfenbüttel Library. (4) Catechismus-wolthaten, und Catechismus-Lieder, Leipzig, 1645. In the Berlin Library. Dr. Linke, 1886, as above, gives a list of the first lines of all the hymns in the works of Rinkart which have come under his notice, and prints a selection from them, including 66 in all. The best of them are characterised by a true patriotism, a childlike devotion to God, and a firm confidence in God's mercy, and His promised help and grace. A few passed into the German hymn-books. Those which have been translated into English are:— 1. Alleluja, Lob, Preis und Ehr. This hymn… seems to be based on two hymns, beginning with the same first line, and both found in Rinkart's Braut Messe, 1642. Dr. Linke does not print the full text. (See Blätter für Hymnologie, 1886, p. 91.) ii. Nun danket alle Gott. Thanksgiving. The oldest text now accessible is in J. Crüger's Praxis, 1648, No. 183, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines; also in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, No. 187. It is also in Rinkart's Jesu Hertz-Büchlein, 1663, where the text slightly varies, and is entitled "Grace" ("Tisch-Gebetlein," i.e. a short prayer at table). There does not seem any good reason for supposing that it did not appear in the first ed., 1636, of the Hertz-Büchlein, and in any case it has no connection with the Peace of Westphalia. (A good specimen of the way in which stories of hymns are manufactured is in the Sunday at Home, Aug., 1888, p. 539, where a full and particular account is given of its legendary origin in Nov. 1648.) It is founded on Ecclesiasticus 1. 22-24; and st. i., ii. are indeed little more than a paraphrase of these verses, st. iii. being a version of the Gloria Patri. The fact that the regimental chaplains, when holding the special service of thanksgiving for the conclusion of the peace, were commanded to preach from this passage, may have suggested the theory that Rinkart's hymn was written for the same occasion. It gradually came into general use, successfully survived the period of Rationalism, and is now to be found in every German hymnbook, e.g. in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1022. It may be called the German Te Deum, and as such is used at all national festivals or special occasions of thanksgiving. It was recently used at the festal celebration of the completion of Cologne Cathedral, on Aug. 14, 1880, at the laying of the foundation stone of the new Reichstags building in Berlin, by the Emperor William, June 9, 1884, &c. The fine melody (set to the hymn in Hymns Ancient & Modern and most recent English collections) appears in the Praxis, 1648 (Crüger's Kirchenmelodien, 1649, No. 94), and in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, is marked with Crüger's initials. It has been described as adapted from a melody by Lucas Marenzo (choirmaster at Rome, who died 1598), or as adapted from a motet by Rinkart; but to prove either statement, very little evidence is forthcoming. The translations of the hymn into English are:— 1. Let all men praise the Lord. This is a tr. of st. i., iii., by Alfred Novello, as part of his version of the word-book to Mendelssohn's Lobgesang, or Hymn of Praise, 1843, p. 89. This form has passed into a number of hymnals, including the New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859; Dale's English Hymn Book 1874, and others. In the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, a tr. of st. ii. is added, of which 11. 1—4 are from Miss Winkworth's translation. 2. Now praise the Lord on high. In full as No. 53 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848. This appears to be the version which Kübler, in his Historical Notes to the Lyra Germanica, 1865, p. 247, says was made by Baron C. K. J. von Bunsen, for the opening of the German Hospital at Dalston, on Oct. 15, 1845. 3. Now let us all to God. In full, by A. T. Russell, as No. 201, in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 4. 0 let us praise the Lord, From hearts by true love guided. This is No. 240 in the Winchester Church Hymn Book, 1857, and seems to be intended as a paraphrase of the German. 5. Now thank we all our God. A full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Serv. 1858, p. 145, repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 11, and her Christian Singers, 1869, p. 181. It has been included in many recent English and American hymnals, e. g. Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861; People's Hymnal, 1867; Congregational Hymnal, 1887, &c, and in America in the Episcopal Hymnal, 1871; Presbyterian Hymnal, 1874, and many others, generally in full and unaltered. 6. Now all give thanks to God. In full as No. 264 in the Anglican Hymn Book, 1868 (1871, No. 307), marked as a versification by R. C. Singleton. Repeated in J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876. 7. Now all men thank ye God. In full by T. E. Brown, as No. 37 in the Clifton College Hymn Book, 1872. Other translations are:— (l) "Now let us praise the Lord." In full by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 85 (1732, p. 144), repeated, altered, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754 to 1886. (2) "Now all, to God give thanks." By Dr. H. Mills, in the Evangelical Review, Gettysburg, 1851, p. 293, and his Horae Germanica, 1856, p. 14. (3) "Lift heart, and hands, and voice." By Miss Cox, 1864, p. 239. (4) “Now all give thanks to God." By J. D. Burns, 1869, p. 252. (5) “All hearts and tongues and hands." By N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 212. iii. So fahr ich hin mit Freuden. For the Dying. In his Meissnische Thränen-Saat, 1637, No. 24, p. 19, in 5 st.anzas of 8 lines, entitled "Even the same, and her soul-rejoicing Farewell Hymn. On May 8." St. i. is, "So fahr ich hin mit Frewden Aus diesem Jammerthal, Aus Angst, Gefahr und Leiden In Himmels-Frewden Saal, Da wir und alle Frommen Durch Gottes Wundermacht Zusaminen wiederkominen: In des zu guter Nacht." The title refers to the preceding hymn, which is in 19 stanzas, the initials of the stanzas forming the acrostic Christina Rinckardi. Dr. Linke abridges it and misprints the title, which is:— "Die Teutsche Jobs-Schwester (Christina M. Rinckart's Hertzgetrewe Ehe- und Creutz-genossin) und ihr Tagliches und behägliches Trost Lied. Aus ihrem längst erwählten und am 10. [not 30] Tage des Trosthühlen Meyen dieses 1637. Jahres zum letzten Ehrengedächtniss abgehandelten Leich-Text: des 77. Psalms." From this it is clear that both hymns are in memory of his wife, that she died on May 8, 1637, and that her funeral sermon was preached by her husband on May 10, 1637. The form translation into English is the greatly altered, or rather practically new text. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] * His own statement was that he “was born Anno 1586, Jubilate Sunday, on St. George's day, which was the 23rd of April, between 6 and 7 a.m." In 1586 however Jubilate S. (3rd Sunday after Easter) fell on April 24, while St. George's day is April 23. The entry in the Registers at Eilenburg says that he was baptised "Monday after Jubilate, the 25th of April," which is quite correct. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jan Hus

1369 - 1415 Hymnal Number: 64 Author of "Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, Der den Tod" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch [John Huss] Jan Hus was born in Bohemia (part of the region, along with Moravia, we now call the Czech Republic), ca. 1370. He studied philosophy and theology at Prague University. Though only regarded as an average student, he received an undergraduate degree in 1396 and a Masters in 1398. In 1402 he was ordained as a priest in the Catholic Church and became rector and priest at Bethlehem Chapel. Hus lived in a time of great political and religious upheaval and to fully understand the man and his circumstances, some background is necessary. Domestic political turmoil was emerging in Bohemia and in the early 1400s the Catholic Church was enmeshed in the Great Schism in which three rival popes vied for control of the church. The schism led to the formation of the Council of Constance (1414-1418). This Council would prove pivotal to the fate of Jan Hus. It could be said that the story of Hus actually began in Oxford, England. Although Hus never studied there, Oxford was the home of Hus' greatest human influence, Jon Wyclif. Wyclif died in 1384 but several Bohemians were students at Oxford in the late 1300s and, upon their return to Bohemia, they brought many of Wyclif's writings with them. These were soon translated into Czech. Hus himself translated some of Wyclif's work at the turn of the century. Needless to say, the Catholic Church despised Wyclif. In 1415, the aforementioned Council of Constance condemned Wyclif, ordered his writings to be burned, and directed his bones to be exhumed and cast out of the consecrated ground where he was buried. In 1428, under papal command, his remains were dug up, burned, and the ashes were thrown in a nearby stream! As the Wyclif movement waned in England, it found traction in Bohemia through the preaching of Hus. He became the chief exponent and defender of Wyclif at Prague University where he also was appointed dean of the faculty of Philosophy in 1402. Drawing large crowds, he became an extremely popular preacher among the common people and the aristocracy. Hus sought to reach the general populace with the word of God by preaching in Czech as well as Latin. Though not his intent, his Czech preaching stimulated an increasingly fervent nationalism. Hus' themes were staunchly anti-clergy. His reputation for unblemished purity stood in sharp contrast with the corruption and worldliness of the existing religious clergy, especially in Bohemia. He denounced evil and immorality in the church. He once wrote, "The church shines in its walls, but starves in its poor saints; it clothes its stones with gold, but leaves its children naked." He held that Christ, not Peter, was the foundation of the church, and he taught, like Wyclif, that popes were not inerrant but some had been heretics! One might describe Hus as Wyclif in action. In his premier work, De ecclesia, Hus followed Wyclif on several matters. He taught that the Roman pope and cardinals were not the church. He held that, "Not every priest is a saint, but every saint is a priest." E.H. Gillett summarized Hus' views on church organization: "In the early church there were but two grades of office, deacon and presbyter; all beside are of later and human invention. But God can bring back his church to the old pattern." In following Wyclif, Hus consistently elevated the Bible over church tradition and viewed it as the only binding principle in life. Even Wyclif's teachings were only accepted when Hus found them in agreement with scripture. These were dangerous ideas to hold in the early 15th century, especially in the cultural, religious, and political atmosphere of central Europe. In 1408, Wyclif's Czech translations came under scrutiny from the Catholic hierarchy. In 1409, the archbishop of Prague became openly antagonistic toward both Wyclif and Hus. By 1410, Pope Alexander V issued a papal bull ordering the surrender and burning of all of Wyclif's writings. Hus refused to relinquish his copies and the archbishop excommunicated him. Hus defied this order and continued preaching in Bethlehem Chapel. Despite receiving support from the nobility, pressure was mounting. Yet, Hus would not be deterred. In a letter to the Pope, Hus stated that he was bound to speak the truth and that he was ready to suffer a dreadful death, rather than declare something contrary to the will of Christ. That same year he antagonized the pope when he publicly denounced the selling of indulgencies in order to finance a crusade against the king of Naples. By 1412 Hus' preaching had alienated him from the archbishop, the university, and the clergy. At the advice of the king Hus withdrew from Prague. His popularity grew as he continued preaching in the fields, forests, and marketplaces of southern Bohemia. About this time he wrote that for one, "to cease from preaching, in obedience to the mandate of the pope or archbishop, would be to disobey God and imperil his own salvation." Czech sentiment remained with him, but Hus' writings and reputation began to draw negative attention across Europe. In 1414, the Council of Constance began. Sigismund (king of the Romans and heir to the throne of Bohemia) convinced Hus to appear before the Council and guaranteed his safe conduct to Constance and back. Hus could have remained in Bohemia under the protection of many loyal princes, but he was hoping his arguments would be heard and was willing to be convinced if proven wrong. It was his goal to confirm his beliefs with the truth. He once wrote, if anyone can "instruct me by the sacred Scriptures or by good reasoning I am willing to follow him. From the outset of my studies, I have made it a rule to joyfully and humbly recede from a former opinion when in any matter I perceive a more rational opinion." Hus would not get this opportunity at Constance. Almost immediately upon his arrival — despite the guarantee of safety — Hus was sent to prison on November 25, 1414. He was interrogated, abused, and fell ill. During his lengthy imprisonment, he was deprived of all books including the Bible. He was tried on several counts related to his embrace of Wyclif's writings. The Council repeatedly aligned Hus with the already regarded, though dead, heretic Wyclif. Among the final charges levied against him was that he defended Wyclif as a good Christian, salvation did not depend on the pope, and only God himself could excommunicate someone from the church. Several attempts were made to get Hus to recant. He refused them all. His final sentence came on July 6, 1415. At the sentencing, he was placed on a high stool in the middle of the church and sentenced to death. The chronicler of the events noted that they placed a hood over his head, with pictures of the devil and the word "heresiarch" (a leader of heretics), then committed his soul to the devil. Hus responded, "And I commit myself to the most gracious Lord Jesus." In a letter written the night before his sentencing, Hus prayed that if his death would contribute anything to God's glory, then he might be able to meet it without fear. Hands bound behind his back, Hus was chained to the stake. Wood and hay were piled up to his chin. Rosin was sprinkled on it. He was given one last chance to recant and be set free. Bravely, he refused and said, "I shall die with joy today in the faith of the gospel which I have preached." As they lit the flames around him he sang out twice, "Christ thou Son of the Living God, have mercy upon me." He died singing and praying. It is no wonder that historians refer to Wyclif and Hus as "pre-reformers." Luther was not directly influenced by Hus, and was unaware of his work when he began his own reform movement. But, as he learned of Hus he grew to admire him. Luther condemned the burning of Hus and wrote of him, "If such a man is to be regarded as a heretic, then no person under the sun can be looked upon as a true Christian." In the Prague library, there is a hymn to Hus' memory, dating from 1572, with three medallions pictured. On the first medallion is a picture of Wyclif striking sparks against a stone. The second shows Hus kindling fire from the sparks. And the third depicts Luther holding aloft a flaming torch. (excerpts)

Nicolaus Decius

1485 - 1541 Person Name: Nikolaus Decius Hymnal Number: 51 Author of "O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Decius, Nicolaus (Nicolaus a Curia or von Hofe, otherwise Hovesch, seems to have been a native of Hof, in Upper Franconia, Bavaria, and to have been originally called Tech. He became a monk, and was in 1519 Probst of the cloister at Steterburg, near Wolfenbüttel. Becoming favourable to the opinions of Luther, he left Steterburg in July, 1522, and went to Brunswick, where he was appointed a master in the St. Katherine and Egidien School. In 1523 he was invited by the burgesses of Stettin to labour there as an Evangelical preacher along with Paulus von Rhode. He became preacher at the Church of St. Nicholas; was probably instituted by the Town Council in 1526, when von Rhode was instituted to St. Jacob's; and at the visitation in 1535 was recognized as pastor of St. Nicholas'. He died suddenly at Stettin, March 21, 1541, with some suspicion of being poisoned by his enemies of the Roman Catholic faction (Koch, i. 419-421, 471, 472; ii. 483; Allg. Deutsche Biography, iii. 791-793).He seems to have been a popular preacher and a good musician. Three hymns are ascribed to him. These are versions of the “Sanctus," the "Gloria in excelsis," and the "Agnus Dei." The second and third are noted under these Latin first lines. He is also said to have composed or adapted the melodies set to them.      [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Nicolaus Selneccer

1530 - 1592 Person Name: Nicolaus Selnecker Hymnal Number: 363 Author of "Herr Gott nun sei gepreiset, wir sag'n Dir Lob und dank" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Selnecker, Nicolaus, D.D., son of Georg Selnecker (Selneccer, Schellenecker, who was protonotarius to the Nürnberg magistracy, but lived at Hersbruck near Nürnberg) was born at Hersbruck Dec. 5, 1532. In 1536 he was removed to Nürnberg, and became during his school time, when only twelve years old, organist at the chapel in the Kaiserburg there. He went to the university of Wittenberg in 1550 (where he became a favourite pupil of Melanchthon), graduated M.A. on July 31, 1554, and subsequently lectured as a privat-docent, sometimes to 200 students. In the end of 1557 he was appointed second court preacher at Dresden, and tutor to the heir apparent Prince Alexander, having also to supervise the education of the choirboys of the royal chapel. He was ordained at Wittenberg Jan. 6, 1558. The principal theologians at the Saxon court at that time were inclined to follow Melanchthon's lead and to approximate to Calvin's teachings regarding Consubstantiation. When therefore Selnecker thought it his duty openly to declare his adhesion to strict Lutheranism, he found his position almost untenable. When Martin Hoffmann of the Neustadt church in Dresden preached against the Elector August's passion for game preserving, Selnecker took Hoffmann's part. His enemies took advantage of this, and managed so that after Hoffmann had been expelled from Dresden, in August, 1564, Selnecker was requested to seek work elsewhere. He preached his farewell sermon at Dresden on March 15, 1565, and on the 26th he entered on his new office of Professor of Theology at Jena. After the siege of Gotha, Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony recalled Wigand and other professors of Theology who had been expelled from Jena, in 1561, as adherents of Flaeius; and Selnecker, not being so extreme a Lutheran as they, had to leave Jena. Thereupon the Elector August again received him into favour, appointed him professor of Theology at Leipzig, and also pastor of St. Thomas's church and Superintendent of Leipzig. He entered on his duties at Leipzig in August 1568, and for some time worked quietly and successfully. In July 1570 the Elector acceded to the request of Duke Julius of Brunswick for Selnecker's services, and gave Selnecker leave of absence to go to Wolfenbüttel as court preacher and general superintendent. Here he succeeded in inducing the clergy to receive the so-called Saxon Confession, and persevered in zealous visitations of churches, schools, &c. After 1572 he resided at Gandersheim, took an interest in the Gymnasium there, &c. In 1573 he also visited, and drew up a book of Church Order and Discipline for the district of Oldenburg-Jever. But in Brunswick, what with Martin Chemnitz the Superintendent of Brunswick, who was a High Lutheran, the Duke who wished for peace, and the other General Superintendent at Wolfenbüttel, Selnecker found it a difficult matter to work comfortably, and was himself accused of Crypto-Calvinism. He therefore gladly accepted the Elector August's recall to Leipzig, and began to lecture there again in Feb. 1574. In 1576 he was once more appointed pastor of St. Thomas's Church, and Superintendent. At Leipzig the sacramental controversy broke out afresh, and Selnecker became deeply involved therein, lie was then engaged in drawing up the Formula of Concord (meant to unite the Lutherans, but to exclude the Romanists on one hand, and the Calvinists on the other), which was finally revised on May 29, and published on July 22, 1577. The Formula of Concord was so far a success that it was very largely subscribed, but at the same time its authors, and specially Selnecker, were subjected to the most violent abuse both from the High Lutherans and from the Galvinists, so much so that he called 1579 his "year of patience and silence." For a few years immediately thereafter his life was a more peaceful one, and he found time to devote to poetry and music. At this time he assisted greatly in the building up of the famous Motett Choir of St. Thomas's Church, which J. S. Bach afterwards conducted. But on the death of the Elector August in 1586 the real direction of affairs passed into the hands of Dr. Nicolaus Crell, Chancellor to the Elector Christian I., and under his rule the Lutheran clergy were gradually displaced by Melanchthonians and Crypto-Calvinists. When the new court preacher Salmuth began to issue a German Bible with notes in which he clearly taught Calvinism and impugned the Formula of Concord, Selnecker published a pamphlet in opposition, and was in consequence deprived of his offices on May 17, 1589. For a time he stayed on in his own house in Leipzig, and used his pen in controversy. But after haying received, on Oct. 22, notice to cease writing, he thought it prudent to leave Leipzig, He found many sympathisers, and after a short time spent in Halle and then in Magdeburg, he accepted the appointment of Superintendent at Hildesheim. Here he had many anxious and weighty matters to settle, and was finally called on, in 1591, to arbitrate in matters of dispute at Augsburg. Returning from Augsburg in stormy December weather, and being worn out and seriously ill, he reached Hildesheim half dead, and was confined to his room till April. Meantime the Elector Christian I. had suddenly died, and his widow, after deposing the Chancellor Crell, proceeded to recall those whom Crell had banished. Selnecker, spite of his weakness, welcomed the idea of returning to Leipzig, left Hildesheim on May 9, and reached Leipzig on May 19; but only to die. He died at Leipzig, May 24, 1592. Seluecker, as we have seen, was a prominent figure in the ecclesiastical history of Germany in the latter half of the sixteenth century, and a good illustration of the extremes to which theological controversies were then carried. He was the author of some 175 theological and controversial works, in German and Latin, perhaps the most important being his Institutio Religionis Christianae, Frankfurt, 1572-73. He also ranks, with Helmbold and Ringwaldt, among the most important hymnwriters of the period. Amid the manifold changes and chances of his life he found inspiration and consolation in the study of and recourse to the Psalter, and in his love of music. In Latin verse he published a Scriptural play on the Fall of our First Parents, entitled Theophiania, &c, Wittenberg, 1560 [Brit. Mus.], and a version of the Psalms as Paraphrasis Psalterii, Heinrichstadt, 1573…His German hymns partake for the most part of the objective churchly character of the hymns of the Reformation period, and indeed contain many reminiscences of them. Of the rest, many only too faithfully mirror the misfortunes and changes and conflicts of his life, and are full of personal matter and careless in style. Still there remain not a few worthy of note, in which a genuine piety, a deep and fervent love to the Saviour, and a zeal for the best interests of His Church on earth, are expressed in clear, flowing and musical style. The hymns by Selnecker which have passed into English are:— i. Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ. Peace and Orthodoxy. It has sometimes been said of this hymn that st. i., ii. are by Selnecker, and that the rest are a later addition. The opposite however is the case. The full form appeared in theGeistliche Psalmen, &c, Nürnberg, 1611, p. 597, in 9 stanzas, viz.:— 1. Ach bleib bey uns, Herr Jesu Christ. 2. In diser schweren betrübten Zeit. 3. Herr Jesu, hilff, dein Kirch erhalt. 4. Erhalt unns nun bey deinem Wort. 5. Ach Gott es geht gar libel zu. 6. Den stoltzen Geistern wehre doch. 7. Die Sach und Ehr, Herr Jesu Christ. 8. Dein Wort ist unsers Hertzens Trutz. 9. Gib dass wir leben in deim Wort. The text of 1611 is in H. Thiele's ed. of Selnecker's Geistliche Lieder, 1855, p. 31, and in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 408. The translations in common use from this text:— 1. Lord Jesus with Thy children stay. This is a tr. of st. 1, 2, 8, 6, 9, 3 by J. Swertner in the Moravian Hymn Book 1789, No. 6 (1886, No. 6). 2. Ah Jesu Christ, with us abide. This is a good tr. of st. 1-5, 9, by Dr. Kennedy as No. 41 in his Hymnologia Christiana 1863, repeated in Holy Song, 1869. 3. Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide, For round us fall, &c. By Miss Winkworth, of st. 1, 2, in her Chorale Book for England. 4. Forsake us not, 0 Lord be near. Other trs. are-—(1) Abide with us, O Jesu dear," as No. 336, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide, 'Tis now." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 69. (3) "With us, Lord Jesus Christ, abide." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 61. ii. Christus der wahre Gottes Sohn. Holy Baptism. Translated as:— Now Christ, the very Son of God. iii. Hilf, Herr, mein Gott, in dieser Noth. Cross and Consolatio. In hisChristliche Psalmen, 1587, in 15 lines entitled "Anno 1565. God knows why." It was probably written during his last months at Dresden. It has indeed been said to have been written to comfort Martin Hoffmann, diaconus of the Holy Cross Church at Dresden, on his expulsion after preaching about the Elector August's passion for hunting and game preserving; but the hymn is dated 1565, and Hoffmann left Dresden in August, 1564. The form translated into English is:— Hilf, Helffer, hilf in Angst und Noth. The translations are:— 1. My Helper, aid: Thy mercy show. By A. T. Russell, in full, as No. 223 in his Psalms and Hymns. 1851. 2. Help, Saviour! help, in fear and need By E. Cronenwett, in full, as No. 410 in the OhioLutheran Hymnal 1880. 3. Help, Jesus, help! in woe, in need. By Miss Manington in her Footprints of the Holy Dead, &c, 1863, p. 8. iv. Lass mich dein sein und bleiben. Close of Service. This is a beautiful stanza of 8 lines which is very frequently used in Germany at the close of Divine service. It was written as his daily prayer . The translations are:— 1. Let me be Thine for ever, My gracious. This is a tr. of st. i.-iii. by Dr. M. Loy as No. 230 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. 2. Make me Thine own and keep me Thine. By Miss Winkworth in her Christian Singers of Germany, 1869, p. 152. v. 0 Herre Gott, in meiner Noth. For the Dying. Founded on Ps. cxvi. 9. Translated as:—- 0 Lord my God, I cry to Thee. This is a good and full tr. by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica 2nd Ser. 1858, p. 212, and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 192. vi. Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Dass du gen Himmel gefahren bist. Ascension. The translation in common use is:— We thank Thee, Jesus! dearest Friend, that Thou didst. Other trs. are—- (1) “Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee now." This is No. 334, in pt. i., of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "To Thee, our Lord, all praise be given." vii. Wir danken dir, o treuer Gott. Absolution. Translated as:— O Faithful God, thanks be to Thee. By C. H. L. Schnette, in full, as No. 246 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ernst Christoph Homburg

1605 - 1681 Hymnal Number: 59 Author of "Jesu, meines Lebens Leben" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Ernst C. Homburg (b. Mihla, near Eisenach, Germany, 1605; d. Naumberg, Germany, 1681) wrote most of his hymns for his own devotions. He described this eight-stanza text as a "hymn of thanksgiving to his Redeemer and Savior for his bitter sufferings." In early life, Homburg was a writer of love and drinking songs. After a difficult time of family illness he experienced a religious conversion, and his poetry took a more serious turn. A lawyer by profession, he wrote hymns to express and strengthen his own faith rather than for public use. Some 150 of his hymn texts were published in his Geistliche Lieder. Bert Polman ====================== Homburg, Ernst Christoph, was born in 1605, at Mihla, near Eisenach. He practised at Nauraburg, in Saxony, as Clerk of the Assizes and Counsellor. In 1648 ho was admitted a member of the Fruitbearing Society, and afterwards became a member of the Elbe Swan Order founded by Rist in 1660. He died at Naumburg, Juno 2, 1681. (Koch, iii. 388, 392; Allegemeine Deutsche Biographie, xiii. 43, 44.) By his contemporaries Homburg was regarded as a poet of the first rank. His earlier poems, 1638-1653, were secular, including many love and drinking songs. Domestic troubles arising from the illnesses of himself and of his wife, and other afflictions, led him to seek the Lord, and the deliverances he experienced from pestilence and from violence led him to place all his confidence on God. The collected edition of his hymns appeared in two parts at Jena and Naumburg, 1659, pt. i. as his Geistlicher Lieder, Erster Theil, with 100 hymns [engraved title, Naumburg, 1658]; and pt. ii. as the Ander Theil with 50 hymns. In the preface he speaks of them as his "Sunday labours," and says, "I was specially induced and compelled" to their composition" by the anxious and sore domestic afflictions by which God.....has for some time laid me aside." They are distinguished for simplicity, firm faith, and liveliness, but often lack poetic vigour and are too sombre. Two of his hymns have passed into English, viz.:— i. Ach wundergrosser Sieges-Held. Ascension. 1659, pt. i. p. 400, in 6 stanzas of 11 lines, entitled, "On the Ascension of Jesus Christ." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 327. The translations are: (l) “O wondrous Conqueror and Great," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Oct. 1865, p. 153, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 445. (2) "O glorious Saviour, conquering King," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 272. ii. Jesu meines Lebens Leben. Passiontide. 1659, pt. i. p. 318, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled, "Hymn of Thanksgiving to his Redeemer and Saviour for His bitter Sufferings." This is his most popular hymn, and has passed into many recent collections, including the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as:— 1. Jesu! life! the life of heaven. Translation of stanzas i., ii., vi.-viii., by A. T. Russell, for his Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 88. 2. Of my life the Life, 0 Jesus. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vii., viii., contributed by R. Massie to the 1857 edition of Mercer's The Church Psalter & Hymnbook, No. 404 (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 185), repeated in the Methodist New Connexion Hymn Book, 1863. 3. Christ the life of all the living. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vii., viii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 49. Repeated in full in Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880; and abridged in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book., 1868, the Hymnary , 1872, and others. 4. Thou eternal life bestowest. Translations of stanzas i.-iii., viii., by Miss Borthwick, contributed to Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, No. 73, and repeated in Hymns from the Land of Luther, ed. 1884, p. 257. Other translations are: (1) "Jesu, Source of my Salvation," by J. C. Jacobi, 1732, p. 29, repeated in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754 (1886, No. 97). (2) "Jesus! Source of life eternal," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Aug. 1865, p. 120, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 389. (3) "Jesus, of my life the living," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 198. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Tobias Clausnitzer

1619 - 1684 Hymnal Number: 3 Author of "Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, dich und dein Wort" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Clausnitzer, Tobias, born at Thum, near Annaberg, in Saxony, probably on Feb. 5,1619. After studying at various Universities, and finally at Leipzig (where he graduated M.A. in 1643), he was appointed, in 1644, chaplain to a Swedish regiment. In that capacity he preached the thanksgiving sermon in St. Thomas's Church, Leipzig, on "Reminiscere" Sunday, 1645 (ii. Sunday in Lent) on the accession of Christina as Queen of Sweden; as also the thanksgiving sermon at the field service held by command of General Wrangel, at Weiden, in the Upper Palatine, on January 1, 1649, after the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia. In 1649 he was appointed first pastor at Weiden, and remained there (being also appointed later a member of the Consistory, and inspector of the district,) till his death, on May 7, 1684 (Koch, iii. 354, 355; Allg. Deutsche Biographie, iv. 297; Bode, p. 53; manuscript from Pastor Klinkhardt, Thum). Three hymns by him are known as follows:— i. Jesu dein betrübtes Leiden. [Passiontide.] First published in his Passions-Blume, Nürnberg, 1662, a volume containing 12 sermons on the Passion of our Lord. The hymn appears at p. 17, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines entitled, "Clausnitzer's Passion-Hymn which may be sung with each Meditation." This form is No. 496 in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746. This hymn has passed into English through a recast, probably by Gensch von Breitenau, beginning, “Herr Jesu, deine Angst und Pein," in 6 stanzas of 7 lines. First published in the Vollständiges Gesang-Buch, Plöen, 1675, No. 41, repeated as No. 101 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851. The only translation in common use is:— Lord Jesu! may Thy grief and pain, a good translation of stanzas i., iii., vi., by A. T. Russell, as No. 84 in his Psalms and Hymns, 1851. ii. Liebster Jesu wir sind bier, Dion und Dein Wort anzuhören. [Public Worship .] First published in the Altdorffisches Gesang-Buchlein, 1663, No. 20, in 3 stanzas of 6 lines, as a Sunday Hymn for use before Sermon. It appeared with Clausnitzer's name in the Nürnberg Gesang-Buch, 1676, No. 891, and has since come into universal use. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1062. Translated as:— 1. Gracious Jesu! in Thy name, a good and full translated by A. T. Russell, as No. 82 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848. Included as No. 454 in the ed.,1857, of Mercer's Church Psalm & Hymn Book. (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 56, considerably altered with stanza i. line 4, iii. lines 1-4, from Miss Winkworth, and a doxology added). 2. Gracious Jesu! we are here, a recast of his 1848 translation, made by A. T. Russell for his Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 19. 8. Saviour, in Thy house of prayer, a good and full translation as No. 13 in J. F. Thrupp's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, repeated in Maurice's Collection, 1861, No. 634. In Kennedy , 1863, No. 1251, altered and beginning, "Saviour, to Thy house of prayer." 4. Blessed Jesus, at Thy word, a full and good translation by Miss Wink worth in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Series, 1858, p. 68, repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 12. Included in the English Presbyterian Psalms & Hymns,1867, and others; and in America in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868; Evangelical Hymnal, N. Y., 1880, and others. 5. Dear Lord, to hear Thee and Thy word, a good translation by Mrs.L. C. Smith; included as No. 50 in Dr. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873. Translations not in common use:— (1) “Dearest Jesu! we are here, Thee to hear," by J. C. Jacobi (1720, p. 32; 1722, p. 43; 1732, p. 72, alt.). In the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789, No. 12 (1849, No. 3), recast by C. J. Latrobe. (2) "Dearest Jesu, we are here, for to hear," as No. 432 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (3) "Here in Thy presence we appear," by J. Swertner, as No. 10 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 9). (4) "Blessed Jesus, we are here," by Miss Manington, 1863, p, 145. (5) "Precious Jesus! here are we," in the British Herald, Nov. 1866, p. 360, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 419. (6) "Dear Redeemer, we are here," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 204. iii. Wir glauben all an einen Gott, Yater, Sohn und heilgen Geist. [Trinity Sunday.] First appeared in the Culmbach-Bayreuth Gesang-Buch, 1668, p. 132, with the initials "C.A.D." With (Clausnitzer's name it was included as No. 572 in the Nürnberg Gesang-Buch, 1676, in 3 st. of 6 1. In the Bavarian Gesang-Buch, 1854. Translated as:— 1. We all believe in One true God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in full by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 75, and thence as No. 118 in the American Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, 1878, and the Evangelical Association Hymn Book, 1882, No. 64. 2. One true God we all confess, by E. Cronenwett, as No. 209 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Sigmund von Birken

1626 - 1681 Person Name: Sigismund von Birken Hymnal Number: 499 Author of "Jesu, frommer Menschenheerden" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Birken, Sigismund von, son of Daniel Betulius or Birken, pastor at Wildstein, near Eger, in Bohemia, was born at Wildstein, May 5, 1626. In 1629 his father, along with other Evangelical pastors, was forced to flee from Bohemia, and went to Nürnberg. After passing through the Egidien-Gymnasium at Nürnberg Sigismund entered the University of Jena, in 1643, and there studied both Law and Theology, the latter at his father's dying request. Before completing his course in either he returned to Nürnberg, in 1645, and on account of his poetical gifts was there admitted a member of the Pegnitz Shepherd and Flower Order. At the close of 1645 he was appointed tutor at Wolfenbiittel to the Princes of Brunswick-Luneburg, but after a year (during which he was crowned as a poet), he resigned this post. After a tour, during which he was admitted by Philipp v. Zesen as a member of the German Society (or Patriotic Union), he returned to Nürnberg in 1648, and employed himself as a private tutor. In 1654 he was ennobled on account of his poetic gifts by the Emperor Ferdinand III., was admitted in 1658 as a member of the Fruitbearing Society, and on the death of Harsdörffer, in 1662; became Chief Shepherd of the Pegnitz Order, to which from that time he imparted a distinctly religious cast. He died at Nürnberg, June 12, 1681. (Koch, iii. 478-485; Allgemeine Deutsche Biog., ii. 660; Bode, pp. 44-46; the first dating his death, July, and the last dating his birth, April 25). In his 52 hymns he was not able to shake off the artificial influences of the time, and not many of them have retained a place in German common use. Three have been translated into English:— i. Auf, auf, mein Herz und du mein ganzer Sinn, Wirf alles heut. [Sunday.] First published (not in 1661, but) in Saubert's Gesang-Buch, Nürnberg, 1076, No. 329, in 10 stanzas. Translated as:— (1) "Arouse thee up! my Heart, my Thought, my Mind," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 10. (2) "Awake! awake!—to holy thought aspire," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856. ii. Jesu, deine Passion. [ Passiontide.] His finest hymn, first published in Saubert's Gesang-Buch, Nürnberg, 1676, No. 83, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, and included as No. 240 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder ed., 1863. It did not appear in 1653. Translated as:— Jesu! be Thy suffering love. A good translation of stanzas i.-iv., by A. T. Russell, as No. 87 in his Psalms and Hymns, 1851. Another translation is:— "Jesus, on Thy dying love," by W. Reid, in the British Herald, March, 1865, p. 46, repeated in his Praise Book, 1872, No. 435. iii. Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen. [Passiontide .] First published in J. M. Dilherr's Heilige Karwochen, Nürnberg, 1653, p. 412, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. Included as No. 250 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The only translation in common use is:— Let us hence, on high ascending . Good and full, by A. T. Russell, as No. 184 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. His translations of stanzas iii., iv., were adopted and altered to "Let us now with Christ be dying," as No. 635 in Kennedy, 1863. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Jakob Schütz

1640 - 1690 Person Name: Johann Jacob Schuetz Hymnal Number: 562 Author of "Sei Lob und Ehr' dem hoechsten Gut" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Schütz, Johann Jakob, was born Sept. 7, 1640, at Frankfurt am Main. After studying at Tübingen (where he became a licentiate in civil and canon law), he began to practise as an advocate in Frankfurt, and in later years with the title of Rath. He seems to have been a man of considerable legal learning as well as of deep piety. He was an intimate friend of P. J. Spener; and it was, in great measure, at his suggestion, that Spener began his famous Collegia Pietatis. After Spener left Frankfurt, in 1686, Schütz came under the influence of J. W. Petersen; and carrying out Petersen's prin¬ciples to their logical conclusion, he became a Separatist, and ceased to attend the Lutheran services or to communicate. He died at Frankfurt, May 22, 1690 (Koch, iv. 220; Blätter fur Hymnologie, Feb. 1883). Schütz is known as an author by two tractates; one being his Christliche Lebensregeln, Frankfurt, 1677; the other, that which contains his hymns, Christliches Gedenckbüchlein, zu Beforderung eines anfangenden neuen Lebens, &c, Frankfurt am Main, 1675 [Library of the Predigerministerium at Frankfurt]. This work includes 5 hymns, in a separate section, which is headed, “Hierauf folgen etliche Gesänge." These hymns are:— i. Die Wollust dieser Welt. ii. Was inich auf dieser Welt betrübt. iii. So komm, geliebte Todes-Stund. iv. Scheuet ihr, ihr matten Glieder. v. Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut. Of these No. v. is undoubtedly by Schütz, and the other four exhibit much the same style of thought as, and frequent parallels to, the prose portions of the work. None of these have been traced earlier than 1675; and until this has been done, it is pretty safe to ascribe them all to Schütz. Three of these hymns have passed into English, viz.:— i. Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut. Praise and Thanksgiving. First published in 1675, as above, No. v. It is founded on Deut. xxxii. 3; entitled, "Hymn of Thanksgiving ;" and is in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, and the refrain, "Gebt unserm Gott die Ehre”. Koch, iv. 220, speaks of this hymn as "outweighing many hundred others; and a classical hymn, which, from its first appearance, attracted unusual attention." And Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 334-339, relates how delighted J. J. Moser was, when, on entering church the first Sunday after his captivity at Hohentwiel, he heard this hymn, and how heartily he joined in it; how it comforted the dying G. C. Rieger, of Stuttgart, on Tuesday, in Easter Week, 1743, and many other incidents. Translations in common use:— 1. All Glory to the Sov'reign Good. This is a full and good translation by J. OJacobi, in his Psalter Germanica, 2nd ed., 1732, p. 151, where it is entitled, "The Malabarian Hymn." 2. All glory be to God most high. A good translation by A. T. Russell, of st. i., iv., viii., for the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848, No. 59. 3. All praise and thanks to God most high. This is a good tr., omitting st. ix., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 146. 4. Sing praise to God Who reigns above. A good tr., omitting st. ix., contributed by Miss Cox to Lyra Eucharistica, 1864, p. 33, and included in her Hymns from the German, 1864, p. 235. 5. To God a joyful anthem raise. A good tr. of st. i., ii., iv., v., viii., by J. M. Sloan, as No. 314, in J. H. Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865. The following are also translated into English:— ii. So komm, geliebte Todes-Stund. For the Dying. First published in 1675, as above, No. iii., in 11 st. of 8 1., entitled, "The thoughts on Death of a Royal Princess, after the usual interpretation of Job xix. 25." This Princess was Sophie Elisabethe. daughter of Duke Philipp Ludwig, of Holstein-Sonderburg (b. at Homburg vor der Hohe, May 4, 1653; married, in 1676. to Duke Moritz, of Sachse-Zeitz; d. at Schleusingen, Aug. 19, 1684), who had been a regular attender at Spener's conferences at Frankfurt, and thus associated with Schütz. This hymn has often been ascribed to her; and she had already chosen Job xix. 25, as the text of her funeral sermon. But it is more probable that both hymns were written by Schütz for her use, or in her honour. The trs. are :—(1) "Come, happy hour of death, and close." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 56. (2) "O come, delightful hour of death." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 106. iii. Was mich auf dieser Welt betriibt. Earthly Vanities. This hymn, on Renunciation of the World, first appeared in 1675, as above, No. ii., in 4 st. of 10 1., and entitled "From the World to God." It has sometimes been erroneously ascribed to Michael Franck. It is tr. as "The woes that weigh my body down." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 32. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christian Knorr von Rosenroth

1636 - 1689 Person Name: Christian Knorr Rosenroth Hymnal Number: 555 Author of "Hoechster formirer der loeblichsten dinge" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Knorr, Christian, Baron von Rosenroth, son of Abraham Knorr yon Rosenroth, pastor at Altrauden in Silesia, was born at Altrauden, July 15, 1636. After studying at the Universities of Leipzig (where he graduated M.A. 1659, along with J. B. Carpzov, the famous Orientalist) and Wittenberg, he made an extended tour through France, England, and Holland. At Amsterdam he became acquainted with an Armenian prince, with the chief Rabbi, Meier Stern, from Frankfurt-am-Main, with Dr. John Lightfoot, Dr. Henry More, and others, and as the result of intercourse with them, devoted himself to the study of the Oriental languages, of chemistry, and of the cabalistic sciences. For his learning in these departments he was taken into the service of the like-minded Palsgrave Christian August of Sulzbach, who in 1668 appointed him Geheimrath and prime minister (Kanzlei-director). He was created Baron von Rosenroth by the Emperor Leopold I. in 1677, and died at Sulzbach (near Amberg, Bavaria), May 8, 1689, it is said at the hour he had himself predicted. (Wetzel, ii. 43, and A. H., ii. 444; Hömer's Nachrichten von Liederdichtern, Schwabach, 1775, p. 142, &c.) Knorr edited various Rabbinical writings, published various cabalistic works (e.g. his Kabbala denudata, 2 vols., Sulzbach, 1677), and was one of the seekers after the philosopher's stone. His hymns appeared as Neuer Helicon mit seiner Neun Musen, das ist: Geistliche Sitten-Lieder, &c. Nurnberg, 1684 [Hamburg Library], a work containing 70 hymns mostly flowing in expression and metre. Of these 12 are poetic versions from Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae, 8 are from Latin hymns, and 8 are recasts of older German hymns. Sixteen of his hymns were included by Freylinghausen in his Gesang-Buch, 1704 and 1714. Koch speaks of them not unjustly as "truly pious and spiritual," as "of genuine poetical elevation and glowing desire after inner union with Christ," and as the fruits of a "noble and chastely earnest mysticism." Two of Knorr's hymns have passed into English. One is a translation of "Ad coenam Agni" (p. 12 ii.). The other is Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit. Morning. This fine hymn appeared, 1684, as above, p. 159, in 7 st. of 6 1., entitled " Morning Prayer," and is included in the Berlin G. L. 8., ed. 1863, No. 1121. It is based on a hymn by M. Opitz, but is more happily expressed, and has attained much greater popularity. Fischer, ii. 94, speaks of it as "one of the freshest, most original, and spirited of Morning Hymns, as if born from the dew of the sunrise." In all the translations in common use, st. ii., v. are omitted. Translated as:— 1. Light of heaven's eternal day! A good translation by A. T. Russell, as No. 68 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848, repeated in his own Psalms & Hymns, 1851, and the Cheltenham College Hymn Book, 1866. 2. Dayspring of Eternity! Dawn on us this morning-tide. A good translation by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 219. In full in the Hymnal for St. John's, Aberdeen, 1870, and E. Courtauld's Psalms, Hymns & Anthems, 1860; and abridged in Hymns of the Spirit Boston, U. S., 1864, Dr. Martineau's Hymns, 1873, and others. 3. Jesus, Sun of Righteousness. A good but rather free translation by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd Ser., 1855, p. 23 (1884, p. 88), included in the Hymnal Companion, 1876; Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878; Church Praise, 1883, &c.; and in America in the Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858; Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, and others. In E. T. Prust's Supplemental Hymn Book, 1869, Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and others, 1 l. 5, 6 of each st. are omitted. In Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874, and others, it is rewritten to 6 lines of 7's. 4. Come, Thou bright And morning star. A good translation contributed by R. Massie to the 1857 ed. of Mercer's The Church Psalter & Hymnbook., No. 502 (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 1), and in his own Lyra Domestica, 18&4, p. 136. Repeated in R. Minton Taylor's Hymnal, 1872, No. 42; Marlborough College Hymn Book, 1869 ; Rugby School Hymn Book, 1876, and others. 5. Sun of heaven's eternal day. A good translation contributed by Dr. John Ker to the United Presbyterian Juvenile Mission Magazine, 1858, p. 73; repeated in the Ibrox Hymnal 1871. 6. Dayspring of Eternity, Light of uncreated tight. By Dr. B. H. Kennedy, as No. 824 in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863. 7. Dayspring of Eternity! Hide no more thy radiant dawning. A good translation by Miss Winkworth (based on her 1855 version), as No. 159 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Repeated in R. Minton Taylor's Hymnal, 1872, No. 43, and the Book of Church Praise, 1865 (Bosworth). 8. Dayspring of Eternity, Brightness of the Father's glory. A good but free translation by J. H. Hopkins, first published in Dr. Walter's Chorals & Hymns, 1866, and then in his own Carols, Hymns & Songs, 1882, p. 145. Included in the Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874. 9. Dayspring of Eternity, Brightness of the Light divine. In Brown-Borthwick's Select Hymns, 1871, and Church Hymns, 1871, compiled mainly from the translations by Miss Winkworth an« Miss Borthwick, but partly from Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Russell. Thence in J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876, and the Psalmist, 1878. 10. Dayspring of eternal day. A good translation by Edward Thring, contributed to the Uppingham and Sherborne School Hymn Book, 1874, No. 5. Other trs. are: (1) "Day-dawn of Eternity," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 35. (2) "Daystar from Eternity," in J. Sheppard's Foreign Sacred Lyre, 1857, p. 84. (3) and Reid's Praise Book, 1812, No. 404. [Rev. J. Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Knorr, Christian, Baron von Rosenroth, p. 620, i. E. Thring's translation of "Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit" (p. 630, i. 10), is altered in the Sherborne School Hymn Book, 1888, to "Day spring of Eternity, Light from depths of light unending." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Bartholomaüs Ringwaldt

1532 - 1599 Person Name: Bartholomaeus Ringwald Hymnal Number: 416 Author of "Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Bartholomew Ringwaldt was born at Frankfort-on-the-Oder, in 1530, and was a Lutheran pastor at Langfield, in Prussia, where he died, 1598. His hymns resemble Luther's in their simplicity and power. Several of them were written to comfort himself and others in the sufferings they endured from famine, pestilence, fire and floods. In 1581, he published "Hymns for the Sundays and Festivals of the whole Year." --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============================ Ringwaldt, Bartholomäus (Ringwalt, Ringwald), was born Nov. 28, 1532, at Frankfurt a. Oder. He was ordained in 1557, and was pastor of two parishes before he settled in 1566 as pastor of Langfeld (or Langenfeld), near Sonnenburg, Brandenburg. He was still there in 1597, but seems to have died there in 1599, or at least not later than 1600. (Koch, ii. 182; Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. ii. 1886, p. 512; Blätter fur Hymnologie, 1885. Ringwaldt exercised a considerable influence on his contemporaries as a poet of the people, as well as by his hymns properly so called. He was a true German patriot, a staunch Lutheran, and a man who was quite ready to face the consequences of his plain speaking. His style is as a rule clear and good, though his rhymes are often enough halting; and he possessed considerable powers of observation and description. After 1577 he published various didactic poems, the most important being, (1) Newezeittung: So Hanns Fromman mit sich auss der Hellen unnd dem Himel bracht, Amberg, 1582, and the later editions enlarged and rewritten as Christliche Warnung des Trewen Eckarts, &c, Frankfurt a. Oder, 1588. In various forms and abridgments it passed through at least 34 editions up to 1700. This work is a mirror of the times and of the morals of the people. (2) Die Lauter Warheit, darinnen angezeiget, wie sich ein Weltlicher und Geistlicher Kriegsman in seinen Beruff vorhalten soil, &c, Erfurt, 1586. Of this again at least 18 eds. appeared up to 1700. In it he gives lively pictures of the life of the various ranks and orders of his time, and shows the temptations and failings of each, not by any means sparing his own class, i.e. the Lutheran clergy. As a hymnwriter Ringwaldt was also of considerable importance. He was one of the most prolific hymn-writers of the 16th century. Wackernagel, iv. pp. 906-1065, gives 208 pieces under his name, about 165 of which may be called hymns. A selection of 59 as his Geistliche Lieder, with a memoir by H. Wendebourg, was published at Halle in 1858. A number appeared in the various eds. of his Trewer Echart and Lauter Warheit as above. The rest appeared principally in his (1) Der 91. Psalm neben Siben andern schönen Liedern, &c, Frankfurt,a. Oder, 1577. (2) Evangelia, Auffalle Sontag unnd Fest, Durchs gantze Jahr, &c, Frankfurt a. Oder, N.D. The earliest edition now known is undated, but Wackernagel, i., p. 523, gives it as of 1582. It is marked as a 2nd edition, and has a preface dated Nov. 28, 1581. It contains hymns founded on the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals, &c. (3) Handbüchlin: geistliche Lieder und Gebetlein, Auff der Reiss, &c, Frankfurt a. Oder, 1586 (preface, Feb. 21, 1582). A good many of his hymns passed into German collections of the 16th and 17th centuries, and a number are still in German common use. Those of Ringwaldt's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Es ist gewisslich an derZeit. Second Advent. The anonymous original of this hymn is one of Zwey schöne Lieder, printed separately circa 1565, and thence in Wackernagel, iv. p. 344. W. von Maltzahn, in his Bücherschatz, 1875, No. 616, p. 93, cites it as in an undated Nürnberg broadsheet, circa 1556. Wackernagel also gives along with the original the revised form in Ringwaldt's Handbüchlin, 1586. Both forms are also in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 746, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines. It is based on the "Dies Irae," but can hardly be called a version of it. The original has a picturesqueness and force which are greatly lost in Ringwaldt's revision. It was much used in Germany during the Thirty Years' War, when in these distressful times men often thought the Last Day was at hand. The translations are all, except No. 2, from Ringwaldt's text. They are:— 1. 'Tis sure that awful time will come. In full, by J. C. Jacobi, in his Psalter Germanica, 1722, p. 95 (1732, p. 202). Repeated, altered and abridged, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754 to 1886. It is also found in two centos. (1) The waking trumpets all shall hear (st. ii.), in Montgomery's Christian Psalmist, 1825. (2) When all with awe shall stand around (st. v.), from the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801, in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. 2. Most surely at th' appointed time. By A. T. Russell, as No. 38 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851, repeated in the College Hymnal, N. Y., 1876. It is marked a translation from the "Dies Irae," but is really a good translation of st. i., ii., v. of the German of 1565, 3. Behold that awful day draws nigh. A translation of st. i., ii.. v., by W. Sugden, as No. 129 in the Methodist Scholars' Hymn Book, 1870. 4. The day is surely drawing near. In full by P. A. Peter as No. 457 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. 5. Surely at the appointed time. By H. L. Hastings, made in 1878, and included as No. 722 in his Songs of Pilgrimage, 1886. It condenses iii., iv. as iii. 6. Tho time draws near with quickening pace. By Miss Fry, in her Hymns of the Reformation, 1845, p. 56. A hymn which has been frequently but erroneously called a translation from Ringwaldt's text, is noted as “Great God, what do I see and hear" (p. 454, i.). Hymns not in English common use:-- ii. Allein auf Gott setzt dein Vertraun. The Christian Life. In many of the older Gorman hymnbooks this is ascribed to Ringwaldt, but it is not found in any of his works now extant. Wackernagel, v. p. 327, gives it as anonymous from the Greifswald Gesang-Buch, 1597, where it is entitled "The golden A. B. C. wherein is very in¬geniously comprised what a man needs to know in order to lead an honourable and godly life." It is in 24 stanzas of 4 lines, each stanza beginning with successive letters of the alphabet. Also in Porst's Gesang-Buch, ed. 1855, No. 784. Bäumker, ii. p. 276, cites it as in the manuscript collection of a nun called Catherine Tirs, written in 1588, in the nunnery of Niesing, Münster. There it is in Low German, and begins "Allene up godt hope und truwe." Bäumker thinks Ringwaldt may possibly be the person who made the High German version. Translated as (1) "Alone in God put thou thy trust." By J. C. Jacobi, 1725, p. 29 (1732, p. 110). iii. Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, Hält mich in seiner Hute. Ps. xxiii. Wackernagel, iv. p. 944, prints it from Ringwaldt's Evangelia, N.D., 1582 as above, in 7 st. of 7 1. The first four-lines of st. i. are taken from the older version, "Der Herre ist mein treuer Hirt." In the Minden Kavensberg Gesang-Buch, 1854, No. 512. Translated as (i.) "The Lord He is my Shepherd kind." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 20. iv. Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut, Du Brunnquell der Genaden. Lent. One of the finest of German penitential hymns. Wackernagel, iv. p. 1028, gives it, in 8 st. of 7 1., from Ringwaldt's Christliche Warnung, 1588, where it is entitled "A fine hymn [of supplication] for the forgiveness of sins." In Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 1574. The translations are (1) “Lord Saviour Christ, my sovereign good." In the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 39. Rewritten as (2) "Lord Jesus Christ, my sov'reign good," as No. 226 in the Moravian Hymn Book , 1789. In the edition of 1886, No. 278, it begins "Jesus, thou source of every good." (3) "O Christ, thou chiefest good, thou spring." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 76. (4) "Lord Jesus Christ, thou highest good." By F. W. Young, in the Family Treasury, 1877, p. 653. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Adam Drese

1620 - 1701 Hymnal Number: 523 Author of "Seelenbr'utigam, Jesu, Gotteslamm" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Drese, Adam, was born in Dec. 1620, in Thuringia, probably at Weimar. He was at first musician at the court of Duke Wilhelm, of Sachse-Weimar; and after being sent by the Duke for further training under Marco Sacchi at Warsaw, was appointed his Kapellmeister in 1655. On the Duke's death in 1662, his son, Duke/Bernhard, took Drese with him to Jena, appointed him his secretary, and, in 1672, Town Mayor. After Duke Bernhard's death, in 1678, Drese remained in Jena till 1683, when he was appointed Kapellmeister at Arnstadt to Prince Anton Günther, of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. He died at Arnstadt, Feb. 15, 1701 (Koch, iv. 270-274; Allg. Deutsche Biog., v. 397; Wetzel, i. 1934, and A. H. , vol. i., pt. iv., pp. 28-30). In 1680, the reading of Spener's writings and of Luther on the Romans led to a change in his religious views, and henceforth under good and evil report he held prayer meetings in his house, which became a meeting-place for the Pietists of the district. "His hymns," says Wetzel, "of which he himself composed not only the melodies, but also, as I have certain information, the text also, were Bung at the meetings of pious persons in his house, before they came into print." One has been translated into English, viz.:— Seelenbräutigam, Jesus, Gottes Lamm, appeared in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 147, in 15 stanzas of 6 1., repeated (with the well-known melody by himself added, which in the Irish Church Hymnal is called "Thuringia"), in the Darmstadt Gesang-Buch, 1698, p. 134, as No. 197 in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and recently as No. 119 in the Berlin G. L.S. , ed. 1863. In Wagner's Gesang-Buch, Leipzig, 1697, vol. iii. p. 420, it begins, "Jesu, Gottes Lamm." The translation in common use is:— Bridegroom, Thou art mine, a translation of stanzas 1, 2, 4, 8, 13-15, by Dr. M. Loy, as No. 283 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is, "God and man indeed," of stanza iii. as stanza i. of No. 463 in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1189 (1886, No. 224). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Heinrich Held

1620 - 1659 Hymnal Number: 195 Author of "Jesu, meiner Seelen Licht" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Held, Heinrich, was son of Valentin Held of Guhrau, Silesia. He studied at the Universities of Königsberg (c. 1637-40), Frankfurt a. Oder (1643), and Leyden. He was also in residence at Rostock in 1647. He became a licentiate of law, and settled as a lawyer in his native place, where he died about 1659, or at least before Michaelmas, 1661 (Koch, iii. 55-56; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie., xi. 680; Bode, p. 87, &c). One of the best Silesian hymnwriters, he was taught in the school of affliction, having many trials to suffer in those times of war. His only extant poetical work is his Deutscher Gedichte Vortrab, Frankfurt a. Oder, 1643. Only one hymn from that volume came into German use. Much more important are his other hymns, which are known to us through Crüger's Praxis, and other hymnbooks of the period. Mützell, 1858, includes Nos. 254-272 under his name. Two of his hymns have been translated into English:— i. Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt. Advent. Mützell, 1858, No. 263, quotes this in 9 st. of 4 1. from a defective ed. of Crüger's Praxis, c. 1659. In the ed. of 1661 it is No. 85, marked Henr. Helt. Since then it has appeared in almost all German hymnbooks (as in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 132), and takes rank as one of the finest Advent Hymns. Translated as :— 1. All the World exalt the Lord, omitting st. vi. in Select Hymns from German Psalter, Tranquebar, 1754, p. 4, and the Supplement to German Psalter, ed. 1765, p. 1. In 1789, the translations of st. i., ii., iv., vii., ix. (altered) were included as No. 34 in the Moravian Hymn Book In the ed. of 1801 it was altered to "All the world give praises due" (ed. 1886, No. 44), and this text has been repeated in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, and Willing's Book of Common Praise, 1872. 2. Be our God with thanks adored. A translation of st. i.-iv. by A. T. Russell in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 3. Let the earth now praise the Lord. A good translation, omitting st. vii., by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Repeated in full in Schaff's Christ in Song, 1869, and, abridged, in the American Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book, 1868, and Baptist Service of Song, 1871. ii. Komm, o Komm, du Geist des Lebens. Whitsuntide. A fine hymn of Invocation to the Holy Spirit. Mützell, 1858, No. 267, quotes it in 9 st. of 6 1. from a defective edition of Crüger's Praxis published at Stettin c. 1664. In J. Niedling's Geistliche Wasserquelle, Frankfurt a. Oder, 1667, it is at p. 372 marked "H. Held" (not in Niedling's ed. 1663). In Luppius's Andächtig singender Christen Mund, 1692, p. 71, it is entitled "Devout Prayer and Hymn to God the Holy Ghost." Repeated in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and many subsequent hymnbooks, as in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 363. It is sometimes erroneously ascribed to Joachim Neander. The translations in common use are:— 1. Holy Spirit, once again. A full and good translation by Miss Winkworth in the 2nd Ser., 1858, of her Lyra Germanica, p. 53. Included in full in the Cantate Domino, Boston, U.S.A., 1859. In Miss Wink worth's Chorale Book for England, 1863, st. ii., vi., vii. are omitted. This form of the text is repeated in W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873, Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, &c. In the Hymnal for St. John's, Aberdeen, 1865, it begins "Holy Spirit, in us reign." 2. Come, oh come, Thou quickening Spirit, True, &c. A translation of st. i., ii., iv., vii., ix. in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, No. 98, signed E. T. L. 3. Come, 0 come, Thou quickening Spirit, Thou for ever. A good tr., omitting st. iv.-vi. in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, and marked as tr. by "Charles William Schaeffer, 1866." [Lutheran Pastor at Germantown.] 4. Come, 0 come, Thou quickening Spirit, God from all eternity, omitting st. iii., by E. Cronenwett, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is, "Come, Thou Spirit ever living," by R. Massie in the British Herald, Dec, 1865, p. 179. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================= Held, Heinrich , p. 507, ii. The account given in the Fischer-Tumpel Deutsche evangelische Kirchenlied des siebzehnten Jahrhun-derts , vol. i., 1904, p. 360, states that Held was born July 21, 1620, at Guhrau, in Silesia, settled as advocate at Fraustadt in Posen, became in 1657 town clerk at Altdamm, near Stettin, and died Aug. 16, 1659, at Stettin. This, if correct, explains why so many of his hymns are first traceable in Pomeranian books, and explains why his posthumous work on Prosody should have been prepared for publication in 1661 by a Stargard bookseller. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Paul Eber

1511 - 1569 Hymnal Number: 98 Author of "Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir und sollen billig danken dir" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Eber, Paul, son of Johannes Eber, master tailor at Kitzingen, Bavaria, was born at Kitzingen, Nov. 8, 1511. He was sent in 1523 to the Gymnasium at Ansbach, but being forced by illness to return home, was on his way thrown from horseback and dragged more than a mile, remaining as a consequence deformed ever after. In 1525 he entered the St. Lorentz school at Nürnberg, under Joachim Camerarius, and in 1532 went to the University of Wittenberg, where he graduated 1536, and thereafter became tutor in the Philosophical Faculty. He was appointed Professor of Latin in 1544, then in 1557 Professor of Hebrew and Castle preacher, and in 1558 Town preacher and General Superintendent of the Electorate, receiving in 1559 the degree D.D. from the University. He died at Wittenberg, Dec. 10, 1569 (Koch, i. 271-278; Allgemeines Deutsche Biog., v. 529). At Wittenberg he was a close friend of Melanchthon, was privy to all his plans, and conducted the greater part of his correspondence. After Melanchthon's death in 1560, he became leader of his party, and had to engage in various controversies with the Crypto-Calvinists, &c.; the seeds of his fatal illness being sown on his return journey from the fruitless conference held at Altenburg with the theologians of Jena, which lasted from Oct. 20, 1568, to March 9, 1569. Eber was, next to Luther, the best poet of the Wittenberg school. His hymns, some of them written for his own children to sing to Luther's melodies, are distinguished for their child-like spirit and beautiful simplicity. Seventeen hymns have been attributed to him, four of which are certainly his, and probably two others. Of these six, five have been translated into English, one of which is noted under "Dicimus grates," and the others are:— i. Herr Jesu Christ, wahr Mensch und Gott. For the Dying. The first hymnbook in which this simple and beautiful hymn has been found is the Low German Enchiridion, published at Hamburg, 1565, where it is in 8 stanzas of 6 lines., entitled "A prayer to Christ for a happy departure from this troublous life," and marked as "D. Paulus Eberus Filiolis suis faciebat MDLVII. Wackernagel, iv. p. 4, gives this and a second form in High German from the Psalmen, Geystliche Lieder und Gesänge, Strassburg, 1569. In his Bibliographie, 1855, p. 233, Wackernagel describes an undated broadsheet, which he would date 1550, and at p. 279 says it forms the first of Neun Schöne Geistliche Lieder, Nürnberg N.D., c. 1556. G. Döring, in his Choralkunde, Danzig, 1865, p. 434, says it appeared as "Panie Jezu ty's czlowiek i Bog" in the Polish Cantional, edited by Pastor Seklucyan, and published at Königsberg, 1559. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii, 591-594, adds that it comforted Eber himself while he lay a-dying, Dec. 10, 1569; was repeated by Hugo Grotius a few minutes before his death, Aug. 28, 1645; and was a favourite hymn of Prince Wolfgang of Anhalt (d. 1566), Christian I., Elector of Saxony (d. 1591), of the Margrave Georg Friedrieh of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (d. 1603), &c. Included as No. 820 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, Who borest. Good and full, by Miss Winkworth in the first Ser. of her Lyra Germanica, 1855, p. 239. Of this stanzas i.-iv. appear in the Psalms & Hymns., Bedford, 1859; i., ii., viii. in the Harrow School Hymn Book, 1866 ; and i.-iii., v., viii. in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book,1868. A cento from stanza ii., line 3-6, iii., 11. 1-4, vii., 1line 3-6, beginning, "When from my sight all fades away," is No. 1181 in the American Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858. 2. Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, Thou Who. A translation by E. Cronenwett, in nine stanzas of L.M., based on stanzas i., ii., iv.-viii., as No. 434, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. Other translations are, (1) "0 God, support me, death is near," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 103. (2) "Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, who hast”, by E. Massie, 1867, p. 10. ii. Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen sein. In Trouble. Founded on a hymn by Joachim Camerarius, his former master at Nürnberg [b. at Bamberg, April 12, 1500, d. as Professor of Greek and Latin at Leipzig, April 17, 1574], which in Wackernagel, i. p. 324, runs thus:— "In tenebris nostrae et densa caligine mentis, Cum nihil est toto pectore consilii, Turbati erigimus, Deus, ad Te lumina cordis Nostra, tuamque fides solius erat opem. Tu rege consiliis actus, Pater optime, nostros, Nostrum opus ut laudi serviat omne Tuae." These lines comforted Melanchthon in 1546; and Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 161-165, thinks probably Eber also. He relates that on Ascension Day, 1547, after the battle of Mühlberg, the Wittenbergers having received a message from the captive Elector to deliver their city to the Emperor Charles V. assembled for prayer in church; and quotes a portion of the prayer by Bugenhagen which greatly resembles Eber's hymn. But that the hymn was written then we have no proof, and the earliest source quoted by Wackernagel, iv. p. 6, is the Naw Betbüchlein, Dresden 1566, in 7 stanza of 4 line., though in his Bibliographie, 1855, p. 312, he describes a broadsheet printed at Nürnberg, N.D., c. 1560. In M. Moller's Meditationes sanctorum Patrum, Görlitz, 1584, it is entitled "A beautiful prayer of the venerable Dr. Paul Eber, which he composed on the beautiful words of King Jehoshaphat, 2 Chron. xx. 12." Included as No. 583 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. A "Cry from the depths," though not in despair but in trustful confidence in God, it is one of the finest and most widely used hymns of the Reformation period. Lauxmann relates how the singing of this hymn and the prayers of Martin Rinkart (q.v.), Archidiaconus of Eulenburg near Leipzig, prevailed to move the heart of the Swedish Lieutenant-Colonel, who on Feb. 21, 1635, had demanded from the inhabitants a ransom of £4500, but eventually accepted 2000 florins; says that in commemoration of a similar deliverance from the Swedish army in 1642 the hymn was long sung at the end of the Sunday afternoon service at Pegau, near Leipzig, and adds other incidents regarding its use. The only translation in common use is :— When in the hour of utmost need. A full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth in the 2nd Ser. of her Lyra Germanica, 1858, p. 180, and thence as No. 141 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Included in full in the American Presbyterian Hymnal 1874, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. In full, though slightly altered, as No. 233, in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861, but omitted in the revised edition, 1875. In the Hymnary, 1871, Psalmist, 1878, J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876, Thring's Collection, 1882, and the Evangelical Hymna, N. Y., 1880, st. v. is omitted. Other translations are, (1) "When we are under great distress," by J. C. Jacobi, 1720, p. 19 (1722, p. 119; 1732, p. 184, altered, and thence as No. 140 in p. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754). (2) "When neither help nor counsel's nigh," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 89. (3) "When all our way is hedged around," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870. His hymns not in English common use are:— iii. Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen. [New Year.] Written on the name Helena, borne both by his wife and his daughter, the initial letters of each stanza composing it. Wackernagel, iv. p. 6, quotes it from Eichorn's Geistliche Lieder, Frankfurt a. Oder, c. 1580, in 6 st. of 8 l., entitled, "A Thanksgiving and Prayer for the New Year, in remembrance of God's goodness, for the Children." Older but less correct forms are noted by Mützell, p. 486, as in the Copenhagen GesangBuch,1511, and the Stettin, 1576. Included as No. 68 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. It is translation as, "Ye Christians in this nation," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 11 (1732, p. 10, altered and beginning, "Come, let us all, with Fervour.") iv. In Christi Wunden schlaf ich ein. [For the Dying.] Appears in Jeremias Weber's Gesang-Buch, Leipzig, 1638, p. 797, marked as "Another" (the hymn immediately preceding is ascribed to Eber), in 3 st. of 4 1. In the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1863, No. 1468, the text is slightly varied, and arranged in 2 st. of 6 1. It was first ascribed to Eber in the Nürnberg Gesang-Buch, 1676. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 595-601, says of it, "That the hymn is much older than the date of its appearance [i.e. than 1638] seems obvious; that it breathes the childlike spirit of Eber is certain. More than this we cannot say." St. i., 11. 3-6, "Ja Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit," has been adopted by many pious Germans, young and old, as a prayer in life and death, and Lauxmann relates many interesting incidents regarding its use by A. G. Spangenberg, by Wilhelm Hey, and others. These four lines were adopted by N. L. von Zinzendorf, as the first stanza of his well-known hymn, "Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit" (q. v.). It is translation as, "I fall asleep in Jesus' arms," by Miss Winkworth, i860, p. 121. [Rev .James Mearns] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Matthias Greiter

1495 - 1550 Person Name: Mattheus Greiter Hymnal Number: 170 Author of "Es sind doch selig alle" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Greitter, Matthäus, was a monk and chorister of Strassburg Cathedral, but in 1524 espoused the cause of the Reformation. In 1528 he was appointed assistant pastor of St. Martin's Church, and afterwards at St. Stephen's. When the Interim [Agricola] was forced on Strassburg, he was the only one of the Lutheran pastors that sought to further it, a course which he afterwards deeply regretted. His death is dated by Wetzel, i. 349, as Dec. 20, 1550; by the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, ix. 636, as Nov. 20, 1550; while Koch, ii. 104, says he died of the pestilence in 1552. Greitter was a distinguished musician, and with his friend Dachstein (q.v.) edited the Strassburg Kirchen ampt, 1524-5. Four psalm tunes by Greitter, and one by Dachstein were inserted by Calvin in his first Hymnbook published at Strassburg, 1539. All these were transferred to the first edition of the French-Genevan Psalter in 1542, and two of them, both by Greitter (the tunes to psalms 36 and 91), were retained in the final edition of 1562. Of his seven Psalm versions 4 have been translated into English :— i. Ach Gott, wie lang vergissest mein. Ps. xiii. 1524. Wackernagel, iii. p. 89, in 4 st. Translated as, "O Lord, how lang forever wil thow foirget," in the Gude and Godly Ballates, ed. 1568, folio 46 (1868, p. 78). ii. Da Israel aus Egypten zog. Ps. cxiv. In Die Zwen Psalmen: In exitu Israel, &c, Strassburg, 1527, thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 93, in 2 stanzas. Translated as, "Quhen, fra Egypt departit Israeli," In the Gude & Godly Ballates, ed. 1568, folio 56 (1868, p. 95). iii. Nicht uns, nicht uns, o ewiger Herr. Ps. cxv, 1527, as ii., and Wackernagel, iii. p. 93, in 4 st. Translated as, “Not unto us, not unto us, O Lord," in the G. & G. Ballates, ed. 1568, folio 56 (1868, p. 95). iv. 0 Herre Gott, begnade mich. Ps. li. 1525. Wackernagel, iii. p. 90, in 5 st. Translated as, "O Lorde God, have mercy on me," by Bishop Coverdale, 1539 (Remains, 1846, p. 574). [Rev.James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Lazarus Spengler

1479 - 1534 Person Name: L. Spengler Hymnal Number: 187 Author of "Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Spengler, Lazarus, was the 9th of the 21 children of Georg Spengler and Agnes his wife, and was born March 13,1479, at Nürnberg, where his father was clerk of the Imperial court of Justice (Landgerichtschreiber). He entered the University of Leipzig in 1494; but on the death of his father on Dec. 27, 1496, he returned to Nürnberg, obtained a position in the town clerk's office, in 1507 became himself town clerk (Raths Syndikus), and in 1516 also Rathsherr. When Luther was passing through Nürnberg, in 1518, on his way to Augsburg, Spengler made his acquaintance. He warmly espoused the Reformation doctrines, published in 1519 his Schutzre in Luther's favour, and himself became one of the leaders in the Reformation work at Nürnberg. He was one of those condemned by name in the Bull of Excommunication launched by Pope Leo the Tenth, on June 15, 1520, against Luther and his friends. Dr. Eck sent the Bull to the Town Council of Nürnberg, and urged them to proceed against Spengler, but they ignored it, and then sent him as one of their representatives to the Diet of Worms, in April 1521. In 1525 Spengler went to Wittenberg to consult with Luther and Melanchthon as to turning the Benedictine Aegidienstift (Schottenkloster) into an Evangelical Gymnasium, and this was opened as such by Melanchthon on May 23, 1526. Spengler was also the prime mover to the Visitation of 1528, and upheld strict Lutheranism in the negotiations at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530. He died at Nürnberg, Sept. 7, 1534 (Koch, i, 308 ; Will's Nürnbergisches Gelehrten-Lexikon, iii., p. 731; Herzog's Real-Encyklopädie, xiv., 516). Spengler was a trusty friend and valued counsellor of Luther and the principal Reformers of Germany. He also interested himself in the improvement of the church services, and in 1532 was able to have an authorised Liturgy (Kirchenordnung) printed. He wrote a considerable quantity of verse, sacred and secular ; but only two hymns are ascribed to him. The one is an indifferent version of Ps. cxxvii., beginning "Vergebens ist all Müh und Kost." The other is:— Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt. Fall and Redemption. First published in the Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn, Wittenberg, 1524, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 48, in 9 stanzas of 10 lines…During the Reformation period it attained a wide popularity as a didactic and confessional hymn of the Evangelical faith. It is one of the most characteristic hymns of the time, conceived in the spirit of deep and earnest piety, eminently Scriptural, and setting forth the Reformation teachings in concise and antithetical form, but is however too much like a system of theology in rhyme. The translations are:—- 1. "By Adam's fall was so forlorne." By Bishop Coverdale, 1539, reprinted in his Remains, 1846, p. 556. 2. "When Adam fell our total Frame." By J. C. Jacobi in his Psalmodia Germanica, pt. ii., 1725, p. 17. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


400 - 499 Person Name: Coelius Sedulius Hymnal Number: 44 Author of "Was fuerchtest du, Feind Herodes, sehr" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Sedulius, Coelius. The known facts concerning this poet, as contained in his two letters to Macedonius, are, that in early life, he devoted himself to heathen literature; that comparatively late in life he was converted to Christianity; and that amongst his friends were Gallieanus and Perpetua. The place of his birth is generally believed to have been Rome; and the date when he flourished 450. For this date the evidence is, that he referred to the Commentaries of Jerome, who died 420; is praised by Cassiodorus, who d. 575, and by Gelasius, who was pope from 492 to 496. His works were collected, after his death, by Asterius, who was consul in 494. They are (1) Carmen Paschale, a poem which treats of the whole Gospel story; (2) Opus Paschale, a prose rendering of the former; (3) Elegia, a poem, of 110 lines, on the same subject as the Carmen; (4) Veteris et Novi Testamenti Collatio; and (5) the hymn, "A solis ortus cardine". Areval(1794) quotes 16 manuscripts of Sedulius's work, ranging in date from the 7th to the 16th century. The best edition of his Opera is that by Dr. J. Huemer, pulished. at Vienna in 1885. Areval's text is printed in Migne's Patrology: Series Latina vol. xix. This Sedulius must not be confounded with the Irish, or with the Scottish Sedulius, as is sometimes done. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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