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Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

Author: Johann J. Schütz; Frances Cox Meter: Appears in 195 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation, the God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation. My soul with comfort rich he fills, and every grief he gently stills: to God all praise and glory! 2 What God’s almighty power has made, in mercy he is keeping; by morning glow or evening shade his eye is never sleeping. And where he rules in kingly might, there all is just and all is right: to God all praise and glory! 3 We sought the Lord in our distress; O God, in mercy hear us. Our Savior saw our helplessness and came with peace to cheer us. For this we thank and praise the Lord, who is by one and all adored: to God all praise and glory! 4 Let all who name Christ’s holy name give God the praise and glory. Let all who know his power proclaim aloud the wondrous story. Cast every idol from its throne; the Lord is God, and he alone: to God all praise and glory! Topics: God Savior; God Sustainer; God Comforter; God Justice; God Power; God Savior; God Sustainer; Music and Singing; Praise of God Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:3 Used With Tune: MIT FREUDEN ZART

God of Grace and God of Glory

Author: Harry E. Fosdick, 1878-1969 Meter: Appears in 155 hymnals Lyrics: 1 God of grace and God of glory, On your people pour your pow'r; Crown your ancient church’s story; Bring its bud to glorious flow'r. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage For the facing of this hour, For the facing of this hour. 2 Lo! the hosts of evil round us Scorn the Christ, assail his ways! From the fears that long have bound us Free our hearts to faith and praise. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage For the living of these days, For the living of these days. 3 Cure your children’s warring madness; Bend our pride to your control; Shame our wanton, selfish gladness, Rich in things and poor in soul. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage Lest we miss your kingdom’s goal, Lest we miss your kingdom’s goal. 4 Save us from weak resignation To the evils we deplore; Let the gift of your salvation Be our glory evermore. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, Serving you whom we adore, Serving you whom we adore. Topics: Service; Society Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA

Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee

Author: Martin Luther; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals First Line: Out of the depths I cry to Thee, Lord God! O hear my prayer! (Winkworth) Topics: liturgical Confession Songs
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If God were not upon our side

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 If God were not upon our side When round us foes are raging, Were not Himself our help and guide When bitter war they're waging, Were He not Israel's mighty shield, To whom their utmost craft must yield, We surely must have perished. 2 But now no human wit or might His chosen people frighteth, God sitteth in the highest height, And He their counsels blighteth; When craftiest snares and nets they lay, god goes to work another way, And makes a path before us. 3 Against our souls they rage and mock, Exciting great commotion: As billows meet with angry shock Out on the stormy ocean, So they our lives with fury seek; But God hath pity on the weak, And Him they have forgotten. 4 They call us heretics, and aye Their Christian name are flaunting; They seek to spill our blood, while they Their fear of God are vaunting. Ah, God! that precious name of Thine O'er many a wicked deed must shine, But Thou wilt once avenge it. 5 They open wide their ravenous jaws, And threaten to devour us, But thanks to God, who rules our cause, They shall not overpower us; Their snares He yet will bring to naught, And overthrow what they have taught; God is too mighty for them. 6 How richly He consoleth those Whom no one else befriendeth! The door of grace doth never close; Sense cannot comprehend it, How this may be, and deems all lost, When through this very cross a host Of champions God is raising. 7 Our foes, O God, are in Thy hand, Thou knowest their endeavor; But only give us strength to stand, And let us waver never, Though reason strives with faith, and still It fears to wholly trust Thy will, And sees not Thy salvation. 8 But heaven and earth, O Lord, are Thine, For Thou alone hast made them; Thy light let on Thy people shine, And in their sorrows aid them; Kindle our hearts to love and faith That shall be steadfast e'en to death, Howe'er the world may murmur! Topics: Reformation
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The mighty Lord, lo, now descends

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Funeral
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The Lord my faithful shepherd is

Author: A. C. Arrebo Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord my faithful shepherd is, And me He safely guideth, I shall not want, for I am His Who all things good provideth: I follow Him, I hear His voice, In Him my Lord I do rejoice: Blest am I in His keeping! 2 A tender shepherd leads his sheep, Where pastures green are growing, And there His flock doth guard and keep, Beside still waters flowing, Thus Christ, my shepherd, leadeth me, My soul and body feedeth He, And for their wants provideth. 3 And if I ever go astray, My wayward soul He turneth, To save the lost, to guide the way, For this He ever yearneth; He leadeth me, my soul to bless In His own path of righteousness For His name's sake and glory. 4 Why should I ever fear, O Lord, Whilst Thee I have beside me? Thou by Thy Spirit and Thy word Dost comfort and dost guide me; In death's dark vale I'll fear no ill, For Thou, O Lord, art with me still, Thy rod and staff shall stay me. 5 Thou art my host; for me, Thy guest, A table Thou providest. Though foes be near, I am at rest, Thou still with me abidest. With oil anointest Thou my head; On me Thy blessing rich is shed, My cup with bliss o'erfloweth. 6 Thy goodness and Thy mercy, Lord, Shall follow me, attending The days Thou dost to me afford, Until they reach their ending: Thereafter shall I in Thy love Dwell in Thy house in heaven above Forever and forever. Topics: The Church Year Second Sunday after Easter; The Church Year Second Sunday after Easter; Jesus Christ Our Shepherd; Providence Used With Tune: [The Lord my faithful shepherd is]

Rejoice, Angelic Choirs, Rejoice

Author: St. Augustine; Joel Lundeen Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Text Sources: Rejoice, heavenly powers (Esxultet, Latin, 7th cent.?
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Had God not come, may Israel say

Author: M. Luther Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Had God not come, may Israel say, Had God not come to aid us, Our enemies on that sad day Would surely have dismayed us; A remnant now, and handful small, Held in contempt and scorn by all, Who cruelly would oppress us. 2 Their furious wrath, did God permit, Would quickly have consumed us, And in the deep and yawning pit With life and limb entombed us; Like men o'er whom dark waters roll, The streams had gone e'en o'er our soul, And mightily o'erwhelmed us. 3 Thanks be to God, who from the pit Snatched us, when it was gaping: Our souls, like birds that break the net, To the blue sky escaping; The snare is broken--we are free! The Lord our Helper praiséd be, The God of earth and heaven. Topics: Various Occasions Thanksgiving Day; Various Occassions Reformation Day Used With Tune: [Had God not come, may Israel say]

We Come to Our Eternal God

Author: Thomas H. Gill, 1819-1906, alt. Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal
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When My Last Hour Is Close at Hand

Author: N. Herman, c. 1480-1561; Unknown; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When my last hour is close at hand, Lord Jesus Christ, attend me; Beside me then, O Savior, stand To comfort and defend me. Into Thy hands I will commend My soul at this my earthly end, And Thou wilt keep it safely. 2 My sins, dear Lord, disturb me sore, My conscience cannot slumber; But though as sands upon the shore My sins may be in number, I will not quail, but think of Thee; Thy death, Thy sorrow, borne for me, Thy suff'rings, shall uphold me. 3 I am a branch in Thee, the Vine, And hence the comfort borrow That Thou wilt surely keep me Thine Through fear and pain and sorrow; And when I die, I die to Thee, Thy precious death hath won for me The life that never endeth. 4 Since Thou the pow'r of death didst rend, In death Thou wilt not leave me; Since Thou didst into heaven ascend, No fear of death shall grieve me. For where Thou art, there shall I be That I may ever live with Thee; That is my hope when dying. 5 My spirit I commend to Thee And gladly hence betake me; Peaceful and calm my sleep shall be, No human voice can wake me. But Christ is with me through the strife, And He will bear me into life And open heav'n before me. Topics: Death and Burial; Trinity 16 Used With Tune: WENN MEIN STÜNDLEIN
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Out of the depths I cry to Thee

Author: M. Luther Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Out of the depths I cry to Thee, Lord, God, O hear my wailing! Thy gracious ear incline to me, And make my prayer availing. On my misdeeds in mercy look, O deign to blot them from Thy book, Or who can stand before Thee? 2 Thy sovereign grace and boundless love, Make Thee, O Lord, forgiving; My purest thoughts and deeds but prove Sin in my heart is living: None guiltless in Thy sight appear; All who approach Thy throne must fear, And humbly trust Thy mercy. 3 Thou canst be merciful while just,-- This is my hope's foundation; On Thy redeeming grace I trust, Grant me, then, thy salvation. Shielded by Thee, I stand secure; Thy word is firm, thy promise sure, And I rely upon Thee. 4 Like those who watch the midnight's hour To hail the dawning morrow, I wait for Thee, I trust Thy power, Unmoved by doubt or sorrow. So let Thy Israel hope in Thee, And he shall find Thy mercy free, And Thy redemption plenteous. 5 Where'er the greatest sins abound, By grace they are exceeded; Thy helping hand is always found With aid where aid is needed; Thy hand, the only hand to save, Will rescue Israel from the grave, And pardon his transgression. Topics: The Church Year Second Sunday in Lent; The Church Year Second Sunday in Lent; Confession of Sin; Repentance Used With Tune: [Out of the depths I cry to Thee]

O sinner, lift the eye of faith

Author: Rev. J. M. Neale Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Lent; Septuagesima Fourth Word Used With Tune: ALLEIN GOTT (ATOLLE PAULUM) Text Sources: Latin (c. 17th cent.)
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The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto

Author: A. Juliane, 1637-1706; A. Crull, 1846-1923 Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord hath helped me hitherto By His surpassing favor; His mercies ev'ry morn were new, His kindness did not waver. God hitherto hath been my Guide, Hath pleasures hitherto supplied, And hitherto hath helped me. 2 I praise and thank Thee, Lord, my God, For Thine abundant blessing Which heretofore Thou hast bestowed And I am still possessing. Inscribe this on my memory: The Lord hath done great things for me And graciously hath helped me. 3 Help me henceforth, O God of grace, Help me on each occasion, Help me in each and ev'ry place, Help me through Jesus' Passion; Help me in life and death, O God, Help me through Jesus' dying blood; Help me as Thou hast helped me. Used With Tune: ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH
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Ye Baptized People, One And All

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Ye baptized people, one and all, Who know your God in heaven, Ye have received an holy call, To you Christ's name is given. Forget ye not, but ponder well, The precious gifts no tongue can tell, The blessing of baptism. 2. This washing cleanseth us from sin And lends a sacred beauty, It makes us white and pure within, Incites to love and duty, From Satan's prison sets us free, Enables us the sons to be And heirs of God, our Father. 3. Our sinful nature is renewed, The curse of God is lifted; With choicest blessings well endued, And with the Spirit gifted, We unto sin are pledged to die And by the pow'r of God on high The gates of hell can conquer. 4. Here we with Jesus Christ are clad. His righteousness receiving, Which covers what in us is bad, Our innocence achieving; His holy blood, for sinners spilt, Releases us from sin and guilt, And we with God find favor. 5. O Christians, bear this well in mind And thank the Lord sincerely For all the gifts that here you find And that you prize so dearly, When nothing else can soothe the soul, These gifts lend comfort till the goal Of life on earth appeareth. Topics: The Means of Grace The Sarraments-Holy Baptism Used With Tune: SALVATION Text Sources: Tr. from the German

Ry Rainay ao an-danitra o (Our Father in heaven)

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH

We come unto our fathers' God

Author: Thomas Hornblower Gill, 1819-1906 Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Topics: The Church The Communion of Saints; Occasional Hymns Anniversaries and Farewells Used With Tune: LUTHER'S HYMN

From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee

Author: Martin Luther; Richard Massie Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals First Line: From depths of woe I raise to Thee the voice of lamentation Text Sources: Translation composite

All Who Believe and Are Baptized

Author: George Taylor Rygh; Thomas Kingo Meter: Appears in 34 hymnals

From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee

Author: Martin Luther; F. Samuel Janzow Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: From depths of woe I cry to you, O Lord, my voice is trying


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