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Scripture:1 Kings 18

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See How Great a Flame Aspires

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 109 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:44-45 Lyrics: 1 See how great a flame aspires, kindled by a spark of grace. Jesus’ love the nations fires, sets the kingdoms on a blaze. To bring fire on earth he came, kindled in some hearts it is; O that all might catch the flame, all partake the glorious bliss! 2 When he first the work begun, small and feeble was his day; now the Word doth swiftly run, now it wins its widening way; more and more it spreads and grows, ever mighty to prevail; sin’s strongholds it now o’erthrows, shakes the trembling gates of hell. 3 Saints of God, your Savior praise, who the door hath opened wide; he hath given the word of grace, Jesus’ word is glorified; Jesus mighty to redeem, who alone the work hath wrought; worthy is the work of him, him who spake a world from naught. 4 Saw ye not the cloud arise, little as a human hand? Now it spreads along the skies, hangs o’er all the thirsty land. Lo! the promise of a shower drops already from above; but the Lord will shortly pour all the spirit of his love. Topics: The Nature of the Church Born of the Spirit; The Nature of the Church Born of the Spirit; Biblical Narrative; Christian Year Pentecost; Jesus Christ Love of Used With Tune: ARFON (MAJOR)
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Happy day, happy day

Author: Philip Doddridge Meter: Appears in 1,711 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 First Line: O happy day that fixed my choice Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Gospel - Accepted Used With Tune: HAPPY DAY
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Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

Author: Frances Elizabeth Cox; Johann Jacob Schütz Meter: Appears in 195 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:39 Lyrics: 1 Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation, the God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation. With healing balm my soul is filled, and every faithless murmur stilled: to God all praise and glory! 2 What God’s almighty power has made God's gracious mercy keepeth; by morning glow or evening shade God's watchful eye ne'er sleepeth. Within the kingdom of God's might, lo! all is just and all is right: to God all praise and glory! 3 The Lord is never far away, but, through all grief distressing, an ever-present help and stay, our peace and joy and blessing, as with a mother's tender hand God gently leads the chosen band: to God all praise and glory! 4 Thus all my toilsome way along I sing aloud thy praises, that all may hear the grateful song my voice unwearied raises. Be joyful in the Lord, my heart; both soul and body, take your part: to God all praise and glory! Topics: Compassion; Grief; Healing; Joy; Justice; Providence; Sovereignty of God; Thanksgiving Used With Tune: MIT FREUDEN ZART
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"Why not to-night!"

Author: Mrs. Elizabeth Reed Appears in 523 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 First Line: Oh, do not let the Word depart Lyrics: 1 Oh, do not let the word depart, And close thine eyes against the light; Poor sinner, harden not thy heart: Thou wouldst be saved; why not to-night? 2 To-morrow's sun may never rise To bless thy long-deluded sight; This is the time; oh, then be wise! Thou wouldst be saved; why not to-night? 3 Our God in pity lingers still; And wilt thou thus his love requite? Renounce at length thy stubborn will; Thou wouldst be saved; why not to-night? 4 Our blessed Lord refuses none Who would to him their souls unite; Then be the work of grace begun: Thou wouldst be saved; why not to-night? Topics: Access to God; Delay Used With Tune: ASHWELL
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For the fire of divine love

Meter: Appears in 177 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:38 First Line: O thou who camest from above Topics: Means of Grace Prayer and Intercession
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Saw ye not the cloud arise

Appears in 50 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:44 Topics: The Church Progress and Missions; Kingdom of Christ Progress of
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Was hinket ihr, betrogne seelen

Author: L. F. Lehr, 1709-1744 Appears in 33 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 Topics: Christliche Sinn und Wandel Heiligung überhaupt
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How Firm a Foundation

Author: John Rippon, 1751-1836 Meter: Appears in 2,152 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 17, 18:1 First Line: How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord Topics: Pilgrimage; Scripture; Trust Used With Tune: FOUNDATION Text Sources: Called "K" in A Selection of Hymns,, 1787
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Lead on, O King Eternal

Author: Ernest W. Shurtleff, 1862-1917 Meter: D Appears in 401 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 Lyrics: 1 Lead on, O King eternal, The day of march has come; Henceforth in fields of conquest Thy tents shall be our home. Through days of preparation Thy grace has made us strong, And now, O King eternal, We lift our battle song. 2 Lead on, O King eternal, Till sin's fierce war shall cease, And holiness shall whisper The sweet amen of peace. For not with swords loud clashing, Nor roll of stirring drums, With deeds of love and mercy, The heavenly kingdom comes. 3 Lead on, O King eternal, We follow, not with fears, For gladness breaks like morning Where'er Thy face appears. Thy cross is lifted o'er us; We journey in its light; The crown awaits the conquest; Lead on, O God of might. Amen. Topics: Jesus Christ Ascension; Ascension; Jesus King; Processionals; Recessionals Used With Tune: LANCASHIRE
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Author: Thomas Hastings Appears in 361 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 First Line: Delay not, delay not; O sinner, draw near Lyrics: 1 Delay not, delay not; O sinner, draw near, The waters of life are now flowing for thee; No price is demanded; the Saviour is here; Redemption is purchased, salvation is free. 2 Delay not, delay not, the Spirit of grace, Long grieved and resisted, may take his sad flight, And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, To sin in the gloom of eternity's night. 3 Delay not, delay not; the hour is at hand; The earth shall dissolve, and the heavens shall fade, The dead, small and great, in the judgment shall stand, What helper, then, sinner, shall lend thee his aid? Topics: Access to God; Advent of Christ To Judgment; Christ Judge; Delay Used With Tune: EXPOSTULATION

Revive Thy Work, O Lord

Author: Albert Midlane (1825-1909) Meter: Appears in 215 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 17, 18:1 Lyrics: 1 Revive thy work, O Lord, thy mighty arm make bare; speak with the voice that wakes the dead, and make thy people hear. 2 Revive thy work, O Lord, disturb this sleep of death; quicken the smouldering embers now by thine almighty breath. 3 Revive thy work, O Lord, create soul-thirst for thee; and hungering for the bread of life O may our spirits be. 4 Revive thy work, O Lord, exalt thy precious Name; and, by the Holy Ghost sent down, our love for thee inflame. 5 Revive thy work, O Lord, and give refreshing showers. The glory shall be all thine own; the blessing, Lord, be ours. Topics: Call and Vocation; Evangelism; Renewal Used With Tune: CARLISLE
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Philippians 5:7-19

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 211 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 First Line: No more, my God! I boast no more Lyrics: 1 No more, my God! I boast no more, Of all the duties I have done; I quit the hopes I held before, To trust the merits of thy Son. 2 Now for the love I bear his name, What was my gain, I count but loss; My former pride I call my shame, And nail my glory to his cross. 3 Yes,--and I must, and will esteem All things but loss for Jesus' sake; Oh, may my soul be found in him, And of his righteousness partake. 4 The best obedience of my hands Dares not appear before thy throne; But faith can answer thy demands, By pleading what my Lord has done. Topics: Atonement Accepted; Christ Substitute Used With Tune: WARNER
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Once to Every Man and Nation

Author: James Russell Lowell, 1819-1891 Meter: D Appears in 198 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 Lyrics: 1 Once to ev'ry man and nation Comes the moment to decide, In the strife of truth and falsehood, For the good or evil side; Some great cause, God's new messiah, Off'ring each the bloom or blight, And the choice goes by forever 'Twixt that darkness and that light. 2 By the light of burning martyrs, Jesus' bleeding feet I track, Toiling up new Calv'ries ever With the cross that turns not back; New occasions teach new duties, Time makes ancient good uncouth; They must upward still and onward, Who would keep abreast of truth. 3 Though the cause of evil prosper, Yet the truth alone is strong, Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne. Yet that scaffold sways the future, And, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow Keeping watch above His own. Topics: Courage; Justice; Memorial Occasions; Nation; Truth; Service Used With Tune: EBENEZER

My God! I know, I feel thee mine

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 118 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:38 Topics: The Gift and Work of the Holy Spirit Used With Tune: WARWICK
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Lord, at Thy mercy seat

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Meter: Appears in 104 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:37 Topics: The Christian Life Holiness and Aspiration Used With Tune: PILGRIM SONG
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Thou God that answerest by fire

Meter: Appears in 26 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18 Topics: Seeking for full Redemption
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Decide Tonight

Author: W. A. S. Appears in 26 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 First Line: Some go away from the house tonight Refrain First Line: Going away from Christ tonight Lyrics: 1 Some go away from the house tonight, Purified from sin; Others reject the precious light, And go away unclean; Lovingly still the Savior stands, Pleading with thy heart; Patiently knocks with his bleeding hands, Unwilling to depart. Chorus: Going away from Christ tonight, Away from his loving care; Going away from blessed light, To darkness and despair. 2 Some will go out from the house of pray’r, Harden’d by delay, Yielding to Satan’s luring snare, Will hopeless turn away; Nevermore shall the Spirit plead At the bolted door; Now is the hour of thy soul’s great need, ‘Tis now or nevermore. [Chorus] 3 Some will go out from the house tonight, Full of trust in God, Happy in heart, made pure and white, By Jesus’ precious blood; Go not away, poor wand’rer, stay Till thou too art free! Walking with Christ life’s happy way, Most blessed shalt thou be. [Chorus] 4 Waiting a moment more for thee, Jesus still entreats; Soon will the knocking ended be, That now thy closed hearts beats; Stay, sinner, stay at Mercy’s door, Seek the open gate; Sinner, decide lest hope be o’er, And thou shouldst be too late. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Some go away from the house tonight]
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Oh, what are You Going to Do?

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Appears in 16 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 First Line: O what are you going to do, brother Refrain First Line: Is your heart in the Saviour's keeping Used With Tune: [O what are you going to do, brother]
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The Gospel Railroad

Author: M. E. Whitten Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:21 First Line: Heard you not that railroad whistle? Refrain First Line: All aboard the Gospel railroad Used With Tune: [Heard you not that railroad whistle?]
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He Comes to Us As One Unknown

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926-); Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 17, 18:1 Lyrics: 1 He comes to us as one unknown, a breath unseen, unheard; as though within a heart of stone, or shriveled seed in darkness sown, a pulse of being stirred. 2 He comes when souls in silence lie and thoughts of day depart, half-seen upon the inward eye, a falling star across the sky of night within the heart. 3 He comes to us in sound of seas, the ocean's fume and foam; yet small and still upon the breeze, a wind that stirs the tops of trees, a voice to call us home. 4 He comes in love as once he came by flesh and blood and birth; to bear within our mortal frame a life, a death, a saving name for every child of earth. 5 He comes in truth when faith is grown; believed, obeyed, adored: the Christ in all the Scriptures shown, as yet unseen, but not unknown, our Saviour and our Lord. Topics: Call and Vocation; Advent; Easter (third Sunday); Salvation/Redemption Used With Tune: LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN Text Sources: The Quest of the Historical Jesus, 1910

A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar

Author: Brian Wren (1936-) Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 17, 18:1 Lyrics: 1 A prophet-woman broke a jar, by Love's divine appointing. With rare perfume she filled the room, presiding and anointing. A prophet-woman broke a jar, the sneers of scorn defying. With rare perfume she filled the room, preparing Christ for dying. 2 A faithful woman left a tomb by Love's divine commission. She saw, she heard, she preached the word, arising from submission. A faithful woman left a tomb, with resurrection gospel. She saw, she heard, she preached the word, apostle to apostles. 3 Though woman-wisdom, woman-truth, for centuries were hidden, unsung, unwritten, and unheard, derided and forbidden, the Spirit's breath, the Spirit's fire, on free and slave descending, can tumble our dividing walls, our shame and sadness mending. 4 The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, by Love's divine ordaining, the friends we need, to serve and lead, their powers and gifts unchaining. The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, from women, men and children, the friends we need, to serve and lead. Rejoice, and make them welcome! Topics: Call and Vocation; Mary Magdalene; Sunday of the Passion; Wisdom Used With Tune: MEGERRAN

Be Still and Know (Bell)

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:30-39 First Line: Be still and know that I am God Topics: Submission; Elements of Worship Offering Our Prayers Used With Tune: BE STILL AND KNOW BELL
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Lord, Hear the Voice of My Complaint

Author: J. Agricola, 1494-1566 ; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:30-39 Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the voice of my complaint, To Thee I now commend me, Let not my heart and hope grow faint, But deign Thy grace to send me. True faith from Thee, my God, I seek, The faith that loves Thee solely, Keeps me lowly, And prompt to aid the weak, And mark each word that Thou dost speak. 2 Yet more from Thee I dare to claim, Whose goodness is unbounded; Oh let me ne'er be put to shame, My hope be ne'er confounded; But e'en in death still find Thee true, And in that hour, else lonely, Trust Thee only, Not aught that I can do, For such false trust I sore should rue. 3 Oh grant that from my very heart My foes be all forgiven, Forgive my sins and heal their smart, And grant new life from heaven. Thy Word, that blessed food, bestow, Which best the soul canst nourish; Make it flourish Through all the storms of woe That else my faith might overthrow. 4 Then be the world my foe or friend, Keep me to her a stranger, Thy steadfast soldier to the end, Through pleasure and through danger. From Thee alone comes such high grace, No works of ours obtain it, Or can gain it; Our pride hath here no place, 'Tis Thy free promise we embrace. 5 Help me, for I am weak; I fight, Yet scarce can battle longer. I cling but to Thy grace and might, 'Tis Thou must make me stronger. When sore temptations are my lot, And tempests round me lower, Break their power; So, through deliv'rance wrought, I know that Thou forsak'st me not! Topics: Persistent Faith; Lent 2 Used With Tune: ICH RUF ZU DIR

On Carmel

Author: Mary Irene McLean Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:42 First Line: Go with Elijah to Carmel, brother Refrain First Line: Pray on and never grow weary Used With Tune: [On Carmel]

As Now The Sun Shines Down At Noon

Author: Charles P. Price, b. 1930; Carl P. Daw, b. 1944 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 18:16-46 Topics: Discipleship; Grace; Life, Christian; Light; Noonday; Pilgrimage Used With Tune: JESUS DULCIS MEMORIA

The Land Is Dry

Author: Christopher M. Idle Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: 1 Kings 18 First Line: [The Land Is Dry] Text Sources: Light Upon the River (Hope Publishing Company,, 1998)


Author: Bert Polman Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: 1 Kings 18 First Line: Elijah planned to interfere Topics: Singing God's Story People of the Bible; African Used With Tune: ASITHI AMEN

Altar on Mt. Moriah

Author: Sung Moon Park; T. Tom Lee; Esther Rice Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: 1 Kings 18:20-38 First Line: Once when a live off'ring was laid Topics: The Christian Life Stewardship; God Gifts of God; Jesus Christ Victory of Christ; The Christian Life Affirmation and Truth; The Christian Life Discipleship, Service, and Mission; The Christian Life Salvation Used With Tune: MORIAHT-SAHN Text Sources: Korean

Elijah Bent and Touched the Earth

Author: Daniel Charles Damon Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41-46 Lyrics: 1 Elijah bent and touched the earth, his face between his knees. He prayed to see a little cloud, to feel a cooling breeze. "I hear the sound of rushing rain, the fragrance fills the air. Go up now, look out toward the sea." The boy saw nothing there. 2 "Why is Elijah sending me? These seven times I go. But wait! a cloud is forming there, so small, so soft, so low, no larger than a person's hand, and rising from the sea. As I looked out in my despair, a cloud appeared to me." 3 "Go tell the wicked king to ride his chariot back to town." The sky turns black, the wind comes up, the saving rain pours down. Our lives and lands, both parched and dry, are rich again with rain. This land will blossom like a rose, and joy may rise again. Topics: Creation; Faith; Prayer; Scripture-Based Used With Tune: RAIN SONG

El Dios de Elías

Author: W. J. Henry; Dennis Kropf Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: 1 Kings 17, 18 First Line: En tierra de Israel Elías fiel a Dios sirvió Used With Tune: [En tierra de Israel Elías fiel a Dios sirvió]

Elijah Spoke for God

Author: Charlotte E. Couchman Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: 1 Kings 17-19 First Line: Elijah was a man who spoke for God

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