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Text Identifier:"^beautiful_zion_built_above_gill$"

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Wayne Hooper

1920 - 2007 Person Name: Wayne Hooper (1920-2007) Arranger of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal Born: July 4, 1920, Little Rock, Arkansas. Died: February 28, 2007, at his home in Thousand Oaks, California. Hooper sang baritone with the King’s Quartet group for 18 years, and arranged and composed music for the group for 33 years. He taught music at the Portland (Oregon) Academy and Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska; served as musical director of the Voice of Prophecy broadcast; directed development and marketing for Hosanna House; did arranging and orchestration for Chapel Records; was musical co-editor of the 1985 Seventh-day Adventist hymnal; and co-authored the Companion to the SDA Hymnal. Andrews and La Sierra Universities awarded honorary doctor of music degrees to him.

Lucius Hart

Person Name: L. Hart Arranger of "BEAUTIFUL CITY" in The New Sabbath School Hosanna Late 19th Century

J. M. Hunt

1855 - 1919 Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in Songs of Zion As of 1885, Hunt lived in Lampasas, Texas. His works include: Harvest Bells, with William Penn Harvest Bells No. 2, with William Penn (Cincinnati, Ohio: The John Church Company, 1885) The Gospel Alarm, with Sanford Miller Brown (St. Louis, Missouri: Central Baptist, 1886) The Missionary Triumph, with Sanford Miller Brown (Cincinnati, Ohio: The John Church Company, 1889) Songs of Zion, with Sanford Miller Brown (Kansas City, Missouri: Word and Way Publishing Company, 1898)

W. Floyd Taylor

Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in Sacred Selections for the Church


Person Name: Anon. Author of "Beautiful Zion, Built Above" in The Christian Sunday School Hymnal In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

William B. Bradbury

1816 - 1868 Person Name: Wm. B. Bradbury Composer of "[Beautiful Zion built above]" in Hymns of Praise with Tunes William Bachelder Bradbury USA 1816-1868. Born at York, ME, he was raised on his father's farm, with rainy days spent in a shoe-shop, the custom in those days. He loved music and spent spare hours practicing any music he could find. In 1830 the family moved to Boston, where he first saw and heard an organ and piano, and other instruments. He became an organist at 15. He attended Dr. Lowell Mason's singing classes, and later sang in the Bowdoin Street church choir. Dr. Mason became a good friend. He made $100/yr playing the organ, and was still in Dr. Mason's choir. Dr. Mason gave him a chance to teach singing in Machias, ME, which he accepted. He returned to Boston the following year to marry Adra Esther Fessenden in 1838, then relocated to Saint John, New Brunswick. Where his efforts were not much appreciated, so he returned to Boston. He was offered charge of music and organ at the First Baptist Church of Brooklyn. That led to similar work at the Baptist Tabernacle, New York City, where he also started a singing class. That started singing schools in various parts of the city, and eventually resulted in music festivals, held at the Broadway Tabernacle, a prominent city event. He conducted a 1000 children choir there, which resulted in music being taught as regular study in public schools of the city. He began writing music and publishing it. In 1847 he went with his wife to Europe to study with some of the music masters in London and also Germany. He attended Mendelssohn funeral while there. He went to Switzerland before returning to the states, and upon returning, commenced teaching, conducting conventions, composing, and editing music books. In 1851, with his brother, Edward, he began manufacturring Bradbury pianos, which became popular. Also, he had a small office in one of his warehouses in New York and often went there to spend time in private devotions. As a professor, he edited 59 books of sacred and secular music, much of which he wrote. He attended the Presbyterian church in Bloomfield, NJ, for many years later in life. He contracted tuberculosis the last two years of his life. John Perry

Joseph Barnby

1838 - 1896 Person Name: J. Barnby Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above!]" in The Spirit of Praise Joseph Barnby (b. York, England, 1838; d. London, England, 1896) An accomplished and popular choral director in England, Barby showed his musical genius early: he was an organist and choirmaster at the age of twelve. He became organist at St. Andrews, Wells Street, London, where he developed an outstanding choral program (at times nicknamed "the Sunday Opera"). Barnby introduced annual performances of J. S. Bach's St. John Passion in St. Anne's, Soho, and directed the first performance in an English church of the St. Matthew Passion. He was also active in regional music festivals, conducted the Royal Choral Society, and composed and edited music (mainly for Novello and Company). In 1892 he was knighted by Queen Victoria. His compositions include many anthems and service music for the Anglican liturgy, as well as 246 hymn tunes (published posthumously in 1897). He edited four hymnals, including The Hymnary (1872) and The Congregational Sunday School Hymnal (1891), and coedited The Cathedral Psalter (1873). Bert Polman

J. H. Tenney

1840 - 1918 Composer of "[Beautiful Zion built above]" in The Finest of the Wheat No. 2 John Harrison Tenney, 1840-1918 Born: No­vem­ber 22, 1840, Row­ley, Mass­a­chu­setts. Born just af­ter the pre­si­den­tial cam­paign of "Tip­pe­ca­noe and Ty­ler, too," Ten­ney was named af­ter Amer­i­can pre­si­dent Will­iam Hen­ry Har­ri­son. A dea­con in the Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Line­brook, Mass­a­chu­setts, he ed­it­ed or was as­so­ci­ate ed­it­or of over 30 books, and con­trib­ut­ed to hun­dreds more. His works in­clude: Amer­i­can Male Choir Temperance Jew­els, with Eli­sha Hoff­man (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son & Com­pa­ny, 1879) Bells of Vic­to­ry, with Eli­sha Hoff­man (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Oliv­er Dit­son & Com­pa­ny, 1888) Gems of Gos­pel Song Golden Sun­beams Sharon’s Dewy Rose Songs of Faith Shining Light Songs of Joy Sparkling and Bright Spiritual Songs, Nos. 1 and 2 Sweet Fields of Eden The Bea­con Light The Sing­ing School Ban­ner The An­them Of­fer­ing The Amer­i­can An­them Book The Crown of Praise Sources-- Hall, pp. 219-22 Music-- Asilomar Bogotá Beyond the Swell­ing Flood Cancún Come to Je­sus Ever Will I Pray Hallowed Hour of Pray­er Jesus Is Pass­ing This Way Jubilate! My An­chor Is Hold­ing Nothing Be­tween Onward Christ­ian Sol­diers Sabbath Bell San Fran­cis­co We’ll Ne­ver Say Good­bye Where Will You Spend Eter­ni­ty?

George Gill

1820 - 1880 Person Name: Rev. George Gill Author of "Beautiful Zion, Built Above" in The Praise Book Gill, George, son of William Gill, was born at Tiverton, Devonshire, Jan. 23, 1820, and was for some time a missionary in the South Sea Islands. His hymn, "Beautiful Zion, built above " (Heaven), was "written" the author says, "on the island of Mangaia, South Seas, April, 1850." It was printed in the Juvenile Missionary Magazine in 1852. His re-written form of Phoebe Cary’s “One Sweetly Solemn Thought” beginning “this sweetly solemn thought” is dated 1861 and also appeared in the Juvenile Missionary Magazine, Gill left the South Sea in 1860, and in 1861 became pastor of Wesgate Congregational Chapel, Burnley. He died Aug. 19, 1880. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Theodore E. Perkins

1831 - 1912 Person Name: Theo. E. Perkins Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in Songs Tried and Proved Theodore E. Perkins was born at Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson, N.Y., July 21, 1831. His father was a Baptist clergyman. The family of ten brothers and sisters sang and played various instruments, forming among themselves both choir and orchestra. His musical education began at the early age of three years. During his father's pastorate at Hamilton, N. Y., the choir rehearsals were often held at the parsonage, and the leader used to place the three-year-old on a small stool, on the table around which the choir was assembled, giving him a chance to both see and hear. Later on he played the violincello in church, standing on a stool in order to finger the instrument. The home gatherings — especially on Thanksgiving Day, are the recollections among the happiest of his childhood. His father became pastor of the Berean Baptist Church in New York City, in 1839, giving him the opportunity of studying the pianoforte, of which he became a proficient player. His fine alto voice soon gave him notoriety. At the age of nineteen while filling a position as clerk in New York, all his spare time was given to the study of voice and piano. In 1851 he went to Hamilton, N. Y., taught music in Madison University (now Colgate), and in the Female Seminary. In 1854 he went to Port Jervis, N. Y., where he taught singing school, and April 30, 1855, married Mary Frances Caskey, who was for years his soprano soloist in many musical Festivals and Conventions. Soon after marriage he removed to Salem, N. J., where his lifework as singing school teacher really began, including Bridgeton and prominent towns in southern New Jersey. During the summer of 1856 he and his wife were pupils of the Normal Academy of Music at North Reading, Mass., conducted by Drs. Lowell Mason and Geo. F. Root. During 1856-1858 he was given the position of assistant teacher and manager. His association with these two great men gave an inspiration to all his future work. In 1859 he was co-principal with Wm. B. Bradbury at the Normal Academy of Music, Geneseo, N. Y. He remained at Geneseo until 1863. Professor Perkins also held very successful schools in North Pelham Province of Ontario, Canada, and in 1864-1868 was principal in schools at Tunkhannock and Meadville, Pa. In 1860, The Olive Branch, his first book of church music, was published by F. J. Huntington, New York City, the sales reaching 100,000. Next was Oriental, which sold over 30,000. The Union, Glees and Anthems, and Sabbath Anthems followed ; then The Sacred Lute, which sold over 300,000. His Sunday-school books commenced with The Evergreen, followed by the Shining Star and New Shining Star. Then came Psalm King, which was the last of the books published by Mr. Huntington. Hallowed Songs was published by Philip Phillips; The Sunday School Banner was published by Wm. B. Bradbury. The Royal Standard was published in Toronto, Canada. The Golden Promise, Sabbath Carols, The Mount Zion Collection were published under his own supervision. His Free Sunday School Songs several times numbered over 500,000 a month. Coronation Songs with Rev. Dr. Deems as hymn editor was published by A. S. Barnes Co., who also published Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, in which Dr. C. S. Robinson was hymn editor, who with Professor Perkins edited Calvary Songs, published by the American S. S. Union. Gospel Tent Songs was evangelical. The Safe-Guard Singer was his temperance book. Mr. Perkins was musical director in the following churches in Brooklyn: The Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. Cuyler; Strong Place Baptist Church, Rev. E. E. L. Taylor, D. D.; Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Rev. H. G. Weston, D. D., L. L. D.; Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. Rice, followed by Dr. John Hall; The Memorial Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. C. S. Robinson, who was his close friend; The Church of the Holy Trinity, Rev. Dr. Tyng, Jr. ; Trinity Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. J. B. Simmons, and Washington Square M. E. Church. In Philadelphia: The Fifth Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Chase; The Eleventh Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Colman; The Tabernacle M. E. Church, Rev. George Gaul, D. D. He was leader and singer in Evangelistic Services, at the Rink, The Old Madison Square Garden and Cooper Union, all of New York City. The music of the first great meeting of the world's Evangelical Alliance, held for ten days in New York City, was under his direction, as was the first National Sunday School convention, held in Newark, N. J. He was also conductor at the Golden Anniversary of the Female Guardian Society, leading a chorus of forty-two hundred children. In the opening chorus, Great is the Lord, by Dr. Calcott, the word "Great" was given with so much decision and power that the clergymen on the platform sprang to their feet and remained standing until the chorus was finished. He taught voice culture in Princeton and Lafayette Universities, The Union Theological Seminary, New York City; Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa., and organized the music department of Temple University, Philadelphia, continuing in charge four years. He had charge of the children's choir of Howard Mission, New York City, for twenty-five years, and thinks that some of the happiest and most restful of the working hours were spent in teaching the poor children of the fourth and sixth wards to sing the Gospel. Mr. Sankey said to Mr. Perkins that " Jesus of Nazareth was my banner song for eight years." Jesus is Mine has been sung at the Christian's death-bed, the grave, and once as the convict was going to the scaffold. His Christmas Carol Sweetly Carol had a very large sale in this country, and was republished in England, France, Italy, and Germany. For a period of forty years he has made the study of the voice special work. The most thorough investigations of the voice and its possibilities were made with the assistance of the late John Howard, extending over a period of twenty-five years, during which he has had the care of over two thousand voices. He published a work entitled, Physiological Yoice Culture, edited by his son, the late T. Edward Perkins, M. D., physician and throat specialist of Philadelphia. Mr. Perkins also completed a method of voice culture based on the principles of John Howard's Physiology of Artistic Singing." During these years of work he has found time to edit thirty-four books of church, Sunday-school, day-school, and glee music, the larger portion having been previously mentioned. Also songs and ballads in sheet form, and a cantata entitled, The Excursion, libretto by Fanny Crosby, with whom there has existed an unbroken friendship for over forty years. -Biography of Gospel Song and hymn Writers

T. J. Cook

1826 - 1876 Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in The Praise Book 19th Century We have lit­tle da­ta on Cook, ex­cept that he was a teach­er. He ev­i­dent­ly lived in the New York Ci­ty area in the 1860s. His works in­clude: The Ol­ive Branch, with The­o­dore Per­kins (New York: F. J. Hunt­ing­ton, 1860) The Ev­er­green, with The­o­dore Per­kins (New York: F. J. Hunt­ing­ton, 1862) Music: BEAUTIFUL ZION JESUS, GUIDE OUR WAY LITTLE CHILDREN, COME TO JESUS WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR THEE?

F. A. Blackmer

1855 - 1930 Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in Gospel in Song Blackmer, Francis Augustus. (Ware, Massachusetts, February 17, 1855--October 8, 1930, Somerville, Massachusetts). Advent Christian musician. His parents, Augustus and Jane Blackmer, were among those caught up in the excitement of the Millerite Movement. One son, Fred, became an Advent Christian minister. Francis, with a talent recognized at an early age, consecrated his own life to Christian service as a musician. He was immersed in baptism at the Adventist campmeeting in Springfield, Massachusetts, by Elder Miles Grant. His early years were spend in central Massachusetts, his schooling at Wilbraham Academy. He was largely self-taught in harmony and musical composition. He wrote the words and music to his first gospel song, "Out on the fathomless sea," at the age of sixteen. Altogether he wrote over 300 gospel songs about the Second Coming, witnessing and working for the Lord, and praises to God's Holy Name. A few of these have circulated widely outside his own denomination. His final text, "I shall see him, And be like him," came when he was so weak that his friend, Clarence M. Seamans, had to supply the music. He used the pseudonym, A. Francis, with some of his early songs. Blackmer's first anthology was The Gospel Awakening, (1888). Subsequent gospel songbooks with which he was associated were: Singing by the Way (1895), Carols of Hope (1906), The Golden Sheaf, No. 2 (1916), and Songs of Coming Glory (1926). Most of his adult life was spent in Somerville, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston, where he had a prosperous piano business. In the 1890s, his "Francis A. Blackmer Pianos" were made for him by the Washington Hall Piano Company of Boston. Later, his "Good as Gold Pianos" were manufactured by the Christman Piano Company of New York City and shipped directly to his customers throughout New England. In Somerville, Blackmer served as choirmaster and song-leader in the Advent Christian Church for many years. He was also an elder of the church until his death. From 1914 until his death, he was songleader at the mid-summer Alton Bay Campmeeting on Lake Winnepesaukee, New Hapshire. There his High Rock Hill was both a salesroom and a summer cottage over the years. He was a member of the board of directors of the campmeeting association for several years. Very popular were his singing sessions on the campground square between suppertim and evening services, and a final sing into the small hours of the night following the final service of the campmeeting. --Leonard Ellinwood, DNAH Archives

J. B. Vaughan

1862 - 1918 Person Name: John B. Vaughan Composer of "[Beautiful Zion built above]" in Harvest Bells Nos. 1, 2 and 3 John B. Vaughan (sometimes misspelled Vaughn), 1862-1918 Born: June 16, 1862, El­bert Coun­ty, Georg­ia. Died: July 18, 1918, Athens, Georg­ia. Buried: Oco­nee Hill Cem­e­te­ry, Athens, Georgia. Vaughan was a Gos­pel song writ­er and mu­sic pub­lish­er. At one time he taught at the South­ern De­vel­op­ment Nor­mal mu­sic school in Wa­co, Tex­as. Lyrics-- Beautiful Home Some­where There’ll Be Room Enough ’Twill Be Glo­ry By and By We Shall See the King -- --

Thomas J. Potter

1828 - 1873 Person Name: Potter Author of "Beautiful Zion, built above!" in The Spirit of Praise Potter, Thomas Joseph, was born at Scarborough in 1827, and joined the Roman Catholic Church in 1847, and subsequently took Holy Orders. For many years he filled the Chair of Pulpit Eloquence and English Literature in the Foreign Missionary College of All Hallows, Dublin. He published The Spoken Word; or, The Art of Extemporary Preaching; Sacred Eloquence, or, The Theory and Practice of Preaching; and The Pastor and his People; together with several tales. He translated the Vesper hymns in the Catholic Psalmist; contributed to the Holy Family Hymns, 1860; and published Legends, Lyrics, and Hymns, 1862. His most widely-known hymn is "Brightly gleams our banner" (q.v.). Several of his hymns and translations are in use in Roman Catholic hymnbooks for Missions and Schools. He died at Dublin in 1873. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Potter, T. J., p. 901, ii., was b. June 9, 1828 (not in 1827), ordained 1857, and died Aug. 31, 1873. The hymn:— O! yet, once more, in Britain's isle [For the Conversion of England], in the Arundel Hymns, 1902, is stanzas 30, 31, 34, 35, 36 of a piece inhis Legends, Lyrics and Hymns, 1862. It is entitled "The Definition of the Immaculate Conception: or England and Rome," and marked as “Written several years ago .. to be spoken at the Feast of Languages, which is annually celebrated in the Propaganda College at Rome, on the Festival of the Epiphany, . . . now published for the first time." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

W. Warren Bentley

Person Name: Warren W. Bentley Composer of "[Beautiful Zion built above]" in Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School

Henry A. Lewis

Person Name: H. A. Lewis Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in The Gospel in Song

R. A. Glenn

Composer of "[Beautiful Zion built above]" in The Evangelists' Songs of Praise No. 2 Late 19th Century Glenn’s works include: New Melodies of Praise, with Aldine Kieffer (Singers Glen, Virginia: Ruebush, Kieffer & Company, 1877) The Song Victor for the Sunday School and Public School Use (Cincinnati, Ohio: F. W. Helmick, 1878) Purest Pearls, with G. Holmes & A. D. Kennedy (Cleveland, Ohio: J. H. Leslie, 1881) Joy and Praise for Sunday Schools, with Daniel Crist (Cincinnati, Ohio: H. L. Benham & Company, 1886)

A. D. Fillmore

1823 - 1869 Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in The Little Minstrel Fillmore, Augustus Damon. (Gallia County, Ohio, September 7, 1823--June 10, 1870, Cincinnati, Ohio). Minister, Christian Church. Co-editor (with Silas White Leonard, 1814-1870) or Christian Psalmist (1847), which "probably had a more general circulation than any other of his publications." Author of "Come, come, come to the Saviour" and composer of several hymn tunes. --George Brandon, DNAH Archives

G. W. Linton

Composer of "BEAUTIFUL ZION" in Kind Words

Joseph G. Fones

1828 - 1906 Person Name: Joseph G. Fones, 1828–1906 Composer of "BARROW" in Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Benjamin F. Nysewander

Person Name: Benj. F. Nysewander Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in Songs of the Sun Bright Clime

James Sayles

Composer of "[Beautiful Zion, built above]" in Gates of Praise


Author of "There'll Be No More Sorrow There" in Songs of the Sun Bright Clime

Theo. C. Perkins

Author of "Beautiful City" in Sacred Songking, a New Song Book for Revivals

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