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Tune Identifier:"^st_anne_croft$"

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Our God, Our Help in Ages Past

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 1,247 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Our God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home: 2 Under the shadow of your throne your saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is your arm alone, and our defense is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, from everlasting you are God, to endless years the same. 4 A thousand ages in your sight are like an evening gone; short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun. 5 The busy tribes of flesh and blood, with all their lives and cares, are carried downward by your flood, and lost in foll'wing years. 6 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the op'ning day. 7 Our God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come: O be our guard while troubles last, and our eternal home. Topics: Funerals; Reformation Day; God His Eternity; God Defender; Life Brevity of; Opening and Closing of the Year; Preservation of Christians; Tribulation and Suffering Prayer in Scripture: Psalm 90 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE (Croft)
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O Where Are Kings and Empires Now

Author: Arthur Cleveland Coxe Meter: Appears in 302 hymnals First Line: O where are the kings and empires now Lyrics: 1 O where are kings and empires now Of old that went and came? But, Lord, Thy Church is praying yet, A thousand years the same. 2 We mark her goodly battlements, And her foundations strong; We hear within the solemn voice Of her unending song. 3 For not like kingdoms of the world Thy holy Church, O God; Though earthquake shocks are threatening her, And tempests are abroad, 4 Unshaken as eternal hills, Immovable she stands, A mountain that shall fill the earth, A house not made by hands. Amen. Topics: Church, The; Church, The Church Triumphant Scripture: Psalm 48:12-13 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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A mind at "perfect peace" with God

Author: Anon. Appears in 33 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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I know that my Redeemer lives

Author: C. Wesley Appears in 380 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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Nuestra Esperanza Y Protección

Author: Isaac Watts; F. J. Pagura Appears in 11 hymnals Used With Tune: [Nuestra esperanza y protección]
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Jesus, Redeemer of mankind

Author: Charles Wesley Appears in 66 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S

God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Author: William Cowper, 1731-1800 Meter: Appears in 1,132 hymnals Topics: Assurance; Epiphany; God, the Creator; Trust Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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Lamp of Our Feet Whereby We Trace

Author: Bernard Barton Meter: Appears in 279 hymnals First Line: Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace Lyrics: 1 Lamp of our feet whereby we trace Our path when wont to stray; Stream from the fount of heav'nly grace, Brook by the trav'ler's way: 2 Bread of our souls whereon we feed; True manna from on high; Our guide and chart wherein we read Of realms beyond the sky; 3 Pillar of fire, thro' watches dark, Or radiant cloud by day: When waves would break our tossing bark, Our anchor and our stay: 4 Word of the ever-living God, Will of His glorious Son; Without thee, how could earth be trod Or heaven itself be won? 5 Lord, grant us all aright to learn The wisdom it imparts And to its heavenly teaching turn With simple, childlike hearts. Amen. Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Scripture: Psalm 119:105 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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Spirit of power and might, behold

Author: James Montgomery (1771-1854) Appears in 86 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN
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In stature grows the Heavenly Child

Author: Rev. John Chandler (1806-1876) Appears in 24 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN
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On earth as it is in heaven

Meter: Appears in 62 hymnals First Line: Jesus the Life, the Truth, the Way Topics: Means of Grace Prayer and Intercession Scripture: Isaiah 66:2 Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S

Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 299 hymnals First Line: Begin, my tongue some heav'nly theme Lyrics: 1 Begin, my tongue, some heav'nly theme And speak some boundless thing; The mighty works or mightier Name Of our eternal King. 2 Tell of His wondrous faithfulness And sound His pow'r abroad; Sing the sweet promise of His grace, The love and truth of God. 3 His very word of grace is strong As that which built the skies; The voice that rolls the stars along Speaks all the promises. 4 O might I hear Thy heav'nly tongue But whisper, "Thou art mine!" Those gentle words shall raise my song To notes almost divine. Topics: Exalt the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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I've found the "Pearl of greatest price"

Author: J. Mason Appears in 153 hymnals Used With Tune: S. ANNE

Unless the Lord Constructs the House

Author: Mollie Knight Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Unless the Lord constructs the house, the builders work in vain; the Lord alone designs and builds foundations that remain. 2 Unless the Lord is keeping watch, the city cannot stand; the sentry guards the gates in vain without God's mighty hand. 3 In vain you labor night and day, by constant care oppressed; the Lord supplies your loved ones' needs and grants them sleep and rest. 4 The Lord designed the family, providing earthly love; our children are God's heritage - a gift from heaven above. 5 Like weapons in a warrior's hand are those who bear our name; with them we face a hostile world assured and free from shame. Topics: Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Disciples/Calling; God Obedience to; God's Word; God's Armor; God's Gifts; God's law; God's Protection; God's Providence; God's Strength; Jesus Christ Mind of; Jesus Christ Parables of; Labor; Life Stages Family; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; People of God / Church Family of God; Suffering; Ten Commandments 5th Commandment (honor your fahter and mother); Unity and Fellowship; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12 Scripture: Psalm 127 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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O God, what time thou didst go forth

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 7 O God, what time thou didst go forth before thy people’s face; and when through the great wilderness thy glorious marching was; 8 then at God’s presence shook the earth, then drops from heaven fell; this Sinai shook before the Lord, the God of Israel. 9 O God, thou to thine heritage didst send a plenteous rain, whereby thou, when it weary was, didst it refresh again. 10 Thy congregation then did make their habitation there: of thine own goodness for the poor, O God, thou didst prepare. 11 The Lord himself did give the word, the word abroad did spread; great was the company of them the same who published. 12 Kings of great armies foiled were, and forced to flee away; and women, who remained at home, distributed the prey. 13 Though ye have lain among the pots, like doves ye shall appear, whose wings with silver, and with gold whose feathers covered are. 14 When there the Almighty scattered kings, like Salmon’s snow ‘twas white. 15 A hill of God is Bashan's hill, a towering hill for height. 16 Why do ye frown, ye mountains high, upon the hill of God? Here God desires to dwell, the Lord for aye will make abode. Scripture: Psalm 68:7-16 Used With Tune: ST ANNE
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Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place

Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place in generations all. 2 Before thou ever hadst brought forth the mountains great or small; ere ever thou hadst formed the earth, and all the world abroad; thou even from everlasting art to everlasting God. 3 Thou, Lord, unto destruction dost man that is mortal turn; and unto them thou sayest, Again, ye sons of men, return. 4 Because a thousand years appear no more before thy sight than yesterday when it is past, or than a watch by night. 5 As with an overflowing flood thou carriest them away: they like a sleep are, like the grass that grows at morn are they. 6 At morn it flourishes and grows, cut down at even doth fade. 7 For by thine anger we’re consumed, thy wrath makes us afraid. 8 Our sins thou and iniquities dost in thy presence place, and sett’st our secret faults before the brightness of thy face. 9 For in thine anger all our days do pass on to an end; and as a tale that hath been told, so we our years do spend. 10 Threescore and ten years do sum up our days and years, we see; or if, by reason of more strength, in some fourscore they be; yet doth the strength of such old men but grief and labour prove; for it is soon cut off, and we fly hence, and soon remove. 11 Who knows thine anger's power, and keeps thy fear before his eyes? 12 To count our days so teach thou us that our hearts may be wise. Scripture: Psalm 90:1-12 Used With Tune: ST ANNE
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God's law is perfect, and converts

Meter: Appears in 40 hymnals Lyrics: 7 God’s law is perfect, and converts the soul in sin that lies: God’s testimony is most sure, and makes the simple wise. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, and do rejoice the heart: the Lord’s command is pure, and doth light to the eyes impart. 9 Unspotted is the fear of God, and doth endure for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10 They more than gold, yea, much fine gold, to be desired are: than honey, honey from the comb that droppeth, sweeter far. 11 Moreover, they thy servant warn how he his life should frame: a great reward provided is for them that keep the same. 12 Who can his errors understand? from secret faults me cleanse: 13 thy servant keep thou also back from all presumptuous sins; and do not suffer them to have dominion over me: I shall be righteous then, and clear from great transgression be. 14 The words which from my mouth proceed, the thoughts sent from my heart, accept, O Lord, for thou my strength and my Redeemer art. Scripture: Psalm 19:7-14 Used With Tune: ST ANNE

Lord, Grant Us Grace to Know the Time

Author: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., 1923-2007 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Christian Life; Ordinary Time, Sixteenth Sunday C Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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O Lord, do thou bow down thine ear

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord, do thou bow down thine ear, and hear me graciously; because I sore afflicted am, and am in poverty. 2 Because I’m holy, let my soul by thee preserved be: O thou, my God, thy servant save, that puts his trust in thee. 3 Since unto thee all day I cry, be merciful to me. 4 Rejoice thy servant’s soul; for, Lord, I lift my soul to thee. 5 For thou art very gracious, Lord, and ready to forgive; and rich in mercy, all that call upon thee to relieve. 6 Hear, Lord, my prayer; unto the voice of my request attend: 7 in troublous times I’ll call on thee, for thou wilt answer send. 8 Lord, there is none among the gods that may compare with thee; and to the works which thou hast done, no works can likened be. 9 All nations whom thou mad’st shall come and worship reverently before thy face; and they, O Lord, thy name shall glorify. 10 Because thou art exceeding great, and works by thee are done which are to be admired; and thou art God thyself alone. 11 Teach me thy way, and in thy truth, O Lord, then walk will I; unite my heart, that I thy name may fear continually. 12 O Lord my God, with all my heart to thee I will give praise; and I the glory will ascribe unto thy name always: 13 Because thy mercy toward me in greatness doth excel, and thou delivered hast my soul out from the lowest hell. 14 O God, the proud against me rise, and violent have met, who for my soul have sought; and thee before them have not set. 15 But thou, Lord, art a gracious God and most compassionate; long-suffering, and slow to wrath, in truth and mercy great. 16 O turn to me thy countenance, and mercy on me have; thy servant strengthen, and the son of thine own handmaid save. 17 Show me a sign for good, that they which do me hate may see, and be ashamed: because thou, Lord, didst help and comfort me. Scripture: Psalm 86 Used With Tune: ST ANNE
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Now May the Spirit's Holy Fire

Author: Toplady Appears in 22 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Now may the Spirit’s holy fire, Descending from above, His waiting family inspire With joy and peace and love. 2 Great Comforter! our souls confess; Without thy presence here, Our songs of praise are vain address, We utter heartless prayer. 3 Wake, heavenly wind! arise and come, Blow on the drooping field; Our spices, then, shall breathe perfume, And fragrant incense yield. 4 Touch with a living coal the lip That shall proclaim thy word; And bid the whole assembly keep Attention to the Lord. Used With Tune: ST. ANN

In Christ, Our Liberty

Author: Lester Bork Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: We bind ourselves in freedom's chains Scripture: Galatians 5:1 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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O thou who in that last sad night

Author: Rev. John Anketell, 1835-1905; Count N. L. von Zinzendorf, 1700-1760 Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: ST. ANNE (LEEDS TUNE)
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¡Oh nuestro Padre, eterno Dios!

Author: Desconocido Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 ¡Oh nuestro Padre, eterno Dios! Que guías al mortal, El año nuevo nuestra voz Te quiere consagrar. 2 El cielo, el orbe, el hombre están Diciendo tu poder; La vida, el tiempo pasarán Según tu buen placer. 3 Demuéstranos la vanidad Del mundo vil y ruin. Grandezas, bienes, potestad, Perecerán al fin. 4 Venimos hoy a prometer Servirte con fervor, Con nuevo corazón y un ser Celoso de tu amor. 5 Mas vano es nuestro esfuerzo, Dios, Si falta tu sostén; Alienta el alma con tu voz Y danos todo bien. 6 ¡Tus ángeles envíanos! ¡Corona con tu bien La vida nuestra! ¡Guíanos Al celestial Edén! Amén. Topics: Ocasiones Especiales Principio y Fin del Añor; Special Occasion Beginning and End of the Year Used With Tune: SAINT ANNE

O God, the Help of All Thy Saints

Author: Edward Osler Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1. O God, the help of all Thy saints, Our hope in time of ill: We trust Thee, though Thy face be hid, And seek Thy presence still. 2. Why should the men of pride and sin Thy truth and power defy; And boast, as if their evil way Were hidden from Thine eye? 3. Lord, Thou hast seen; arise and save. To Thee our cause we bring; Reign Thou in righteousness and power, For Thou alone art King. 4. All our desires to Thee are known; Thy help is ever near; O first prepare our hearts to pray, And then accept our prayer! Used With Tune: ST. ANNE Text Sources: Psalms and Hymns Adapted to the Services of the Church of England, 1836
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The Lord did say unto my lord

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 110 Used With Tune: ST. ANN

Creator God, Creating Still

Author: Jane Parker Huber Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: New Creation; Nurture; Pentecost Trinity Sunday; Year C Trinity Sunday Scripture: Romans 5:1-5 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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Thou, Whose Unmeasured Temple Stands

Author: William Cullen Bryant Appears in 240 hymnals Topics: Sanctuary; Temperance Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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We sing to Thee, Thou Son of God

Author: John Cennick Appears in 11 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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From many ways and wide apart

Author: F. L. Hosmer Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions School or College Reunion Used With Tune: ST. ANNE

The Mercies Of My God And King

Author: Henry F. Lyte Meter: Appears in 35 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The mercies of my God and King My tongue shall still pursue: O happy they who, while they sing Those mercies, share them too! 2 As bright and lasting as the sun, As lofty as the sky, From age to age Thy truth shall run, And chance and change defy. 3 The covenant of the King of kings Shall stand for ever sure; And ’neath the shadow of Thy wings Thy saints repose secure. 4 Thine is the earth, and Thine the skies, Created at Thy will: The waves at Thy command arise, At Thy command are still. 5 In earth below, in Heav’n above, Who, who is Lord like Thee? O spread the Gospel of Thy love Till all Thy glories see. Used With Tune: ST. ANNE Text Sources: The Spirit of the Psalms, 1834
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God of eternal truth and grace

Appears in 41 hymnals Topics: Patience and Submission; Praise Used With Tune: ST. ANN
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Behold the sure Foundation-stone

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 196 hymnals Topics: The Church Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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God is our refuge, tried and true

Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: General Hymns Used With Tune: ST. ANN

Eterno Dios, mi Creador

Author: Walton J. Brown (1913-2001); Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Dios el Padre Majestad y poder de Dios; God the Father Majesty and Power of God Scripture: Psalm 90:1-6 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE

O God, creator, in whose hand

Author: Harry Webb Farrington, 1880-1931 Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Aviation; God Creator; The Nations; Travelers; Special Subjects and Occasions Travelers and Absent Friends Scripture: Matthew 10:26-27 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE

Come, Let Us Lift Our Voices High

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 53 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, let us lift our voices high, High as our joys arise, And join the songs above the sky, Where pleasure never dies. 2 Jesus, the God that fought and bled, And conquered when He fell; That rose, and at His chariot wheels Dragged all the powers of hell. 3 Jesus, our God, invites us here To this triumphal feast, And brings immortal blessings down For each redeemed guest. 4 The Lord, how glorious is His face! How kind His smiles appear! And oh! what melting words He says To every humble ear. “For you, the children of My love, It was for you I died; Behold My hands, behold My feet, And look into My side! “These are the wounds for you I bore, The tokens of My pains, When I came down to free your souls From misery and chains. “Justice unsheathed its fiery sword, And plunged it in My heart; Infinite pangs for you I bore, And most tormenting smart. “When hell, and all its spiteful powers, Stood dreadful in My way, To rescue those dear lives of yours, I gave My own away. 5 “But while I bled, and groaned, and died, I ruined Satan’s throne; High on My cross I hung, and spied The monster tumbling down. 6 Now you must triumph at My feast, And taste My flesh, My blood, And live eternal ages blest, For ’tis immortal food. 7 Victorious God! what can we pay For favors so divine? We would devote our hearts away To be for ever Thine. 8 We give Thee, Lord, our highest praise, The tribute of our tongues; But themes so infinite as these Exceed our noblest songs. Used With Tune: ST. ANNE Text Sources: Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1709, Book III
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Arise, the kingdom is at hand

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Johann Rist Appears in 29 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Arise, the kingdom is at hand, The King is drawing nigh; Arise with joy, ye faithful band, To meet the Lord most high! 2 Look up, ye souls weighed down with care, The Sovereign is not far. Look up, faint hearts, from your despair, Behold the Morning Star! 3 Look up, ye drooping hearts, to-day! The King is very near: O cast your griefs and fears away, For lo, your Help is here! 4 Hope, O ye broken hearts, at last! The King comes on in might: He loved us in the ages past, When we lay wrapped in night. 5 Now fear and wrath to joy give place, Now are our sorrow o'er, Since God hath made us in His grace His children evermore. 6 O rich the gifts Thou bringest us, Thyself made poor and weak; O Love beyond compare that thus Can foes and sinners seek! 7 For this we raise a gladsome voice, On high to Thee alone, And evermore with thanks rejoice Before Thy glorious throne. Amen. Topics: Advent; Christ First Advent; Christ Day-star; Christ Joy of believers in; Christ King; Christ Kingdom of Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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The Earth, with All That Dwell Therein

Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The earth, with all that dwell therein, with all its wealth untold, belongs to GOD who founded it upon the seas of old. 2 What man shall stand before the LORD on Zion's holy hill? The clean of hand, the pure of heart, the just who do His will. 3 Lo, such are they that seek for God, and blest by Him they live; to them His perfect righteousness the GOD of grace will give. 4 Ye everlasting doors, give way; lift up your heads, ye gates! For now, behold, to enter in the King of glory waits. 5 Who is this glorious King that comes to claim His sov'reign right? It is the LORD omnipotent, all conqu'ring in His might. 6 Ye everlasting doors, give way; lift up your heads, ye gates! For now, behold, to enter in the King of glory waits. 7 Who is this glorious King that comes to claim His rightful throne? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory, God alone. Topics: Revelation Scripture: Psalm 24 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE Text Sources: The Psalter, 1912
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In evil long I took delight

Author: John Newton Appears in 329 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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The head that once was crowned with thorns

Author: Thomas Kelly Appears in 513 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN
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Th'eternal gates lift up their heads

Appears in 131 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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O God, How Wide Thy Glory Shines

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 311 hymnals First Line: O God, how wide Thy glory shines! Topics: Praise and Worship Praise to God Used With Tune: ST. ANNE

The Son of God goes forth to war

Author: Reginald Heber, 1783 - 1826 Meter: Appears in 841 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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The ocean looketh up to heaven

Author: J. G. Whittier Appears in 14 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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Thy word for ever is, O Lord

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: LAMED THE TWELFTH PART 89 Thy word for ever is, O Lord, in heaven settled fast; 90 and unto generations all thy faithfulness doth last: the earth thou hast established, and it abides by thee. 91 This day they stand as thou ordain’dst; for all thy servants be. 92 Unless in thy most perfect law my soul delights had found, I should have perished at the time my troubles did abound. 93 Thy precepts I will ne’er forget; they quickening to me brought. 94 Lord, I am thine; O save thou me: thy precepts I have sought. 95 For me the wicked have laid wait, me seeking to destroy: but I thy testimonies true consider will with joy. 96 An end of all perfection here have I beheld, O God: but thy command no limit hath, it is exceeding broad. Scripture: Psalm 119:89-96 Used With Tune: ST ANNE

The Rush May Rise

Author: Unknown Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals First Line: The rush may rise where waters flow Lyrics: 1 The rush may rise where waters flow, And flags beside the stream; But soon their verdure fades and dies Before the scorching beam. 2 So is the sinner’s hope cut off; Or, if it transient rise, ’Tis like the spider’s airy web, From every breath that flies. 3 Fixed on his house, he leans; his house, And all its props decay: He holds it fast; but while he holds, The tottering frame gives way. 4 Fair is his garden, to the sun His boughs with verdure smile; And, deeply fixed, his spreading roots Unshaken stand a while. 5 But forth the sentence flies from Heaven, That sweeps him from his place; Which then denies him for its lord, Nor owns it knew his face. 6 Lo! this the joy of wicked men, Who Heaven’s high laws despise; They quickly fall; and in their room, As quickly others rise. 7 But, for the just, with gracious care, God will His power employ; He’ll teach their lips to sing His praise, And fill their hearts with joy. Used With Tune: ST ANNE
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O God, unseen, yet ever near

Author: E. Osler Appears in 134 hymnals Topics: Lord's Supper Used With Tune: ST. ANNE
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Again the Lord of life and light

Author: Mrs. Barbauld Appears in 290 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANN'S
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Rise, God! judge Thou the earth in might

Author: John Milton Appears in 12 hymnals Used With Tune: ST. ANNE


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