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Hymnal, Number:nshs1812

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Look up, ye saints, direct your eyes

Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Genesis 1 Lyrics: 1 Look up, ye saints, direct your eyes To Him who dwells above the skies; With your glad notes his praise rehearse Who form'd the mighty universe. 2 He spoke, and from the womb of night At once sprang up the cheering light; Him discord heard and at his nod Beauty awoke, and spoke the GOD. 3 The word he gave th' obedient sun Began his glorious grace to run: Nor silver moon, nor stars delay To glide along th' etherial way. 4 Teeming with life, air, earth, and sea Obey th' Almighty's high decree; To every tribe he gives their food, Then speaks the whole divinely good. 5 But to complete the wond'rous plan, From earth and dust he fashions man; In man the last, in him the best, The Maker's image stands confest. 6 LORD, while thy glorious works I view, Form thou my heart and soul anew; Here bid thy purest light to shine, And beauty glow with charms divine.
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Father of love! from age to age

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Genesis 22:14 Lyrics: 1 Father of love! from age to age The wonders of thy grace, The heart and lips of saints engage, In cheerful songs, to praise. 2 Creatures in various trains to thee Raise the dependant eye; Thy stores of goodness rich and free, Their various wants supply. 3 But O! the treasures of thy love, To man's apostate race, Are boundless mysteries, far above Both man's and angel's praise. 4 Jesus! in whom a fulness dwells, Thro' endless years the same, To every hungry soul reveals The glories of his name. 5 Thousands in this dark world below, His faithfulness attest; In worlds above ten thousand know, That humble souls are blest.
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The Lord! how fearful is his name!

Meter: Appears in 52 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 33:19 Lyrics: 1 The Lord! how fearful is his name! How wide is his command! nature, with all her moving frame, Rests on his mighty hand. 2 Immortal glory forms his throne, And light his awful robe; Whilst, with a smile, or with a frown, He manages the globe. 3 A word of his almighty breath Can swell or sink the seas; Build the vast empires of the earth, Or break them, as he please. 4 Adoring angels round him fall, In all their shining forms, His SOVEREIGN eye looks thro' them all, And pities mortal worms. 5 His bowels to our worthless race In sweet compassion move; He clothes his looks with softest grace, And takes his title, LOVE. 6 Now let the Lord for ever reign, And sway us as he will, Sick, or in health, in ease, or pain We are his fav'rites still. 7 No more shall peevish passion rise, The tongue no more complain; 'Tis SOVEREIGN LOVE that lends our joys, And love resumes again.
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Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims

Meter: Appears in 73 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 34:5-7 Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims His various, and his saving NAMES; O may they not be heard alone, But by our sure experience known! 2 Let great JEHOVAH be ador'd, Th' eternal, all-sufficient LORD; He thro' the world most high confess'd, By whom 'twas form'd and is possess'd. 3 Awake, our noblest powers, to bless The GOD of Abr'ham, GOD of PEACE; Now by a dearer title known, Father and GOD of Christ his Son. 4 Thro' ev'ry age his gracious ear Is open to his servants' prayer; Nor can one humble soul complain, That it hath sought its GOD in vain. 5 What unbelieving heart shall dare, In whispers to suggest a fear? While still he owns his ancient name, The same his power, his love the same. 6 To thee our souls in faith arise, To thee we lift expectin eyes; And boldly thro' the desert tread, For GOD will guard, where GOD shall lead.
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Eternal God! Almighty cause

Meter: Appears in 156 hymnals Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4 Lyrics: 1 Eternal GOD! Almighty cause Of earth, and seas, and worlds unknown; All things are subject to thy laws; All things depend on thee alone. 2 Thy glorious Being simply stands, Of all within itself possest; Control'd by none are thy commands; Thou from thyself alone art blest. 3 To thee alone ourselves we owe; Let heaven and earth due homage pay; All other gods we disavow, Deny their claims, renounce their sway. 4 Spread thy great name thro' heathen lands; Their idol-deities dethrone; Reduce the world to thy command; And reign, as thou art, GOD alone.
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When o'er the trodden paths of life

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:2 Lyrics: 1 When, o'er the trodden paths of life, Backwards I turn mine eyes, What varied scenes, throughout the road, Awaken my surprise! 2 Thousands, to whom my natal hour Imparted vital breath, Just looked on life, and closed their eyes In the fast sleep of death. 3 Thousands, who climb'd to manhood's stage; Safe through unnumber'd snares; Travell'd not far before they sunk Amidst its thorns and cares. 4 Follow'd thro' every changing stage, With goodness all my days, Deny me not a heart to love, A tongue to speak thy praise. 5 Then thousand thousand thanks to thee, My grateful lips shall give; And, while I make thy grace my trust, To thee alone I'll live. 6 Then thousand thousand thanks to thee, Echo along the road; O! may I join those endless songs, That fill thy blest abode.
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Triumphant Lord, thy goodness reigns

Meter: Appears in 63 hymnals Scripture: Ezra 3:11 Lyrics: 1 Triumphant Lord, thy goodness reigns Through all the wide celestial plains; And its full streams redundant flow Down to th' abodes of men below. 2 Thro' nature's works its glories shine; The cares of providence are thine: And grace erects our ruin'd frame, A fairer temple to thy name. 3 O give to every human heart To taste, and feel, how GOOD thou art; With grateful love, and reverend fear, To know how blest thy children are. 4 Let nature burst into a song; Ye echoing hills, the notes prolong: Earth, seas, and stars, your anthems raise, All vocal with your Maker's praise. 5 Ye saints with joy the theme pursue, Its sweetest notes belong to you; Elected by your heavenly king, For ever round his throne to sing.
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The great Jehovah, who shall dare

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Job 9:4 Lyrics: 1 The GREAT JEHOVAH! who shall dare With him to tempt unequal war; What heart of steel shall dare t'oppose, And league among his harden'd foes. 2 At his command the light'nings dart, And swift transfix the rebel-heart: Earth trembles at his look and cleaves, And legions sink in living graves. 3 See Pharaoh sinking in the tide! See Babel's tyrant, mad with pride, Graze with the beasts! hear Herod roar, While worms his deity devour! 4 See from the turrets of the skies, Tall cherubs sink no more to rise; And trace their rank on thrones of light by heavier chains and darker night! 5 GREAT GOD! and shall this soul of mine Presume to challenge wrath divine? Trembling I seek thy mercy-seat, And lay my weapons at thy feet.
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God is a name my soul adores

Meter: Appears in 82 hymnals Scripture: Job 11:7 Lyrics: 1 God is a name my soul adores, Th'Almighty THREE, th'eternal ONE! Nature and grace, with all their powers Confess the infinite unknown. 2 Thy voice produc'd the sea and spheres, Bid the waves roar, and planets shine; But nothing like thyself appears, Through all these spacious works of thine. 3 Still restless nature dies and grows; From change to change the creatures run; Thy being no succession knows, And all thy vast designs are one. 4 Thrones and dominions round thee fall, And worship is submissive forms; Thy presence shakes this lower ball, This little dwelling place of worms. 5 How shall affrighted mortals dare To sing thy glory or thy grace? Beneath thy feet we lie so far, And see but shadows of thy face! 6 Who can behold this blazing light! Who can approach consuming flame? None but thy wisdom knows thy might, None but thy word can speak thy name.
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A glory gilds the sacred page

Meter: Appears in 382 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 19:4-6 Lyrics: 1 A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun: It gives a light to every age; It gives, but borrows none. 2 The hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat; His truths upon the nations rise, They rise, but never set. 3 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 4 My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of him I love, Till glory break upon my view In brighter worlds above.
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Precious Bible! what a treasure

Meter: Irregular Appears in 142 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 19:10
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Wait, O my soul, thy Maker's will

Meter: Appears in 192 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 62:5 Lyrics: 1 Wait, O my soul, thy Maker's will, Tumultuous passions all be still; Nor let a murm'ring thought arise; His ways are just, his councils wise. 2 He in the thickest darkness dwells, Performs his work, the cause conceals; But tho' his methods are unknown, Judgment and truth support his throne. 3 In heav'n, and earth, and air, and sea, He executes his firm decree; And by his saints it stands confest, That what he does is ever best. 4 Wait then, my soul, submissive wait, Prostrate before his awful seat; And 'midst the terrors of his rod, Trust in a wise and gracious God.
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When first the God of boundless grace

Meter: Appears in 29 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 85:10 Lyrics: 1 When first the GOD of boundless grace Disclos'd his kind design, To rescue our apostate race From mis'ry, shame, and sin; 2 Quick, through the realms of light and bliss, The joyful tidings ran; Each heart exulted at the news, That GOD would dwell with man. 3 Yet 'midst their joys they paus'd awhile And asked with strange surprise, "But how can injur'd justice smile; "Or look with pitying eyes? 4 ["Will the Almighty deign again "To visit yonder world; "And hither bring rebellious men, "Whence rebels once were hurl'd? 5 "Their tears, and groans, and deep distress "Aloud for mercy call; "But ah! must truth and righteousness "To mercy victims fall?" 6 So spake the friends of GOD and man, Delighted, yet surpris'd; Eager to know the wond'rous plan, That wisdom had devis'd.] 7 The Son of GOD attentive heard, And quickly thus reply'd, "In me let mercy be reve'd, "And justice satisfy'd. 8 "Behold! my vital blood I pour, "A sacrifice to GOD; "Let angry justice now no more "Demand the sinner's blood." 9 He spake, and heaven's high arches rung, With shouts of loud applause; "He dy'd," the friendly angels sung, Nor cease their rapturous joys.
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Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song

Meter: Irregular Appears in 94 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 89 Lyrics: 1 Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song; The joy of my heart and the boast of my tongue: Thy free grace alone, from the first to the last, Hath won my affections, and bound my soul fast. 2 Without thy free mercy I could not live here; Sin soon would reduce me to utter despair: But, thro' thy free goodness, my spirits revive, And he that first made me, still keeps me alive. 3 Whene'er I mistake, thy kind mercy begins To melt me and then I can mourn for my sins; And, led by the Spirit to Jesus's blood, My sorrows are dry'd and my strength is renew'd. 4 Thy mercy is more than a match for my heart Which wonders to feel its own hardness depart; Dissolv'd by thy sun-shine, I fall to the ground And weep to the praise of the mercy I found. 5 Thy mercy is endless, most tender and free; No sinner need doubt, since 'tis given to me; No merit will buy it, nor fears stop its course; Good works are the fruits of its freeness and force. 6 Thy mercy in Jesus exempts me from hell; Its glories I'll sing, and its wonders I'll tell; 'Twas Jesus my friend when he hung on the tree, That open'd the channel of mercy for me. 7 Great Father of mercies, thy goodness I own, And covenant love of thy crucified Son; All praise to the Spirit whose witness divine Seals mercy and pardon, and righteousness MINE.
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With one consent let all the earth

Meter: Appears in 180 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 100 Lyrics: 1 With one consent let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise; Glad homage pay, with awful mirth, And sing before Him songs of praise. 2 Convinc'd that he is God alone, From whom both we and all proceed; We, whom he chooses for his own, The flock that he vouchsafes to feed. 3 O enter then his temple gate, Thence to his courts devoutly press; And still your grateful hymns repeat, And still his name with praises bless. 4 For he's the Lord, supremely good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth, which always firmly stood, To endless ages shall endure.
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Great former of this various frame

Meter: Appears in 82 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 102:25-28 Lyrics: 1 Great former of this various frame, Our souls adore thine awful name; And bow and tremble while thy praise, The Ancient of eternal days. 2 Thou, Lord, with unsurprised survey, Saw'st nature rising yesterday; And, as to-morrow, shall thine eye See earth and stars in ruin lie. 3 Beyond an angel's vision bright, Thou dwell'st in self-existent light; Which shines with undiminish'd ray, While suns and worlds in smoke decay. Pause. 4 Our days a transient period run, And change with every circling sun; And, in the firmest state we boast, A moth can crush us into dust. 5 But let the creature fall around: Let death consign us to the ground; Let the last general flame arise, And melt the arches of the skies, 6 Calm as the summer's ocean, we Can all the wreck of nature see, While grace secures us an abode, Unshaken as the throne of God.
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When all thy mercies, O my God

Appears in 1,002 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:1-5
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Ye sons of men, with joy record

Meter: Appears in 110 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107:31 Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of men, with joy record The various wonders of the LORD; And let his power and goodness sound Thro' all your tribes the earth around. 2 Let the high heavens your songs invite, Those spacious fields of brilliant light; Where sun and moon and planets roll, And stars, that glow from pole to pole. 3 Sing, earth, in verdant robes array'd, Its herbs and flowers, its fruits and shade; Peopled with life of various forms, Of fish, and fowl, and beasts, and worms. 4 View the broad sea's majestic plains, And think how wide its Maker reigns; That band remotest nations joins, And on each wave his goodness shines. 5 But O! that brighter world above, Where lives and reigns incarnate love, God's only Son, in flesh array'd, For man a bleeding victim made. 6 Thither my soul with rapture soar There in the land of praise adore; The theme demands an angel's lay, Demands an everlasting day.
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How precious is the book divine

Meter: Appears in 640 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 119:105 Lyrics: 1 How precious is the book Divine, By inspiration given! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine To guide our souls to heaven. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts In this dark vale of tears; Life, light, and joy, it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. 3 This lamp, thro' all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day.
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The joyful morn, my God, is come

Meter: Irregular Appears in 25 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 122 Lyrics: 1 The joyful morn, my God, is come That calls me to thy honored dome Thy presence to adore: My feet the summons shall attend, With willing steps thy courts ascend, And tread the hallow'd floor. 2 Hither from Judah's utmost end, The Heaven protected tribes ascend; Their offerings hither bring: Here eager to attest their joy, In hymns of praise their tongues employ And hail th'immortal king. 3 Be Peace implor'd by each on Thee, O Sion, while with bended knee To Jacob's God we pray: How bless'd who calls himself thy friend! Success his labor shall attend, And safety guard his way. 4 O may'st thou, free from hostile fear, Nor the loud voice of tumult hear, Nor war's wild waste deplore; May plenty nigh thee take her stand, And in thy courts with lavish hand, Distribute all her store. 5 Seat of my friends and brethren, hail, How can my tongue, O Sion, fail To bless thy lov'd abode? How cease the zeal that in me glows, Thy good to seek, whose walls inclose The mansions of my God?
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Come, thou desire of all thy saints

Meter: Appears in 195 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 140:13 Lyrics: 1 Come, thou desire of all thy saints, Our humble strains attend, While, with our praises and complaints, Low at thy feet we bend. 2 When we thy wondrous glories hear, And all thy suff'rings trace, What sweetly awful scenes appear! What rich unbounded grace! 3 How should our songs, like those above, With warm devotion rise! How should our souls, on wings of love, Mount upward to the skies! 4 Come, Lord, thy love alone can raise In us the heavenly flame; Then shall our lips resound thy praise, Our hearts adore thy name. 5 Dear Saviour, let thy glory shine, And fill thy dwellings here, Till life, and love, and joy divine A heaven on earth appear.
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Begin, my soul, th'exalted lay

Appears in 210 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 145:3 Lyrics: 1 Begin, my soul, th' exalted lay; Let each enraptur'd thought obey, And praise the Almighty's name: Lo! heaven and earth and seas and skies, In one melodious concert rise, To swell th' inspiring theme. 2 Ye fields of light celestial plains, Where gay transporting beauty reigns, Ye scenes divinely fair, Your Makers wond'rous power proclaim, Tell how he form'd your shining frame, And breath'd the fluid air. 3 Ye angels, catch the thrilling sound, While all th, adoring thrones around His boundless mercy sing: Let every listening saint above Wake all the tuneful soul of love, And touch the sweetest string. 4 Let every element rejoice, Ye thunder's burst with awful voice, To him who bids you roll: His praise in softer notes declare: Each whispering breeze of yielding air, And breath it to the soul. 5 Let man, by noblest passions sway'd, The feeling heart, the thoughtful head, In heavenly praise employ: Spread his tremendous name around, Till heav'n's broad arch rings back the sound, The general burst of joy!
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Mighty God, while angels bless thee

Meter: Irregular Appears in 286 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 148:2 Lyrics: 1 Mighty God, while angels bless thee, May an infant lisp thy name? Lord of men as well as angels, Thou art every creature’s theme. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 2 Lord of every land and nation, Ancient of eternal days! Sounded through the wide creation Be thy just and lawful praise: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 3 For the grandeur of thy nature. Grand beyond a seraph’s thought; For created works of power, Works with skill and kindness wrought; Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 4 Brightness of thy Father’s glory, Shall Thy praise unutter'd lie? Fly, my tongue, such guilty silence! Sing the Lord who came to die. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 5 Did archangels sing thy coming? Did the shepherds learn their lays? Shame would cover me ungrateful, Should my tongue refuse to praise. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen.
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What is our God, or what his name

Meter: Appears in 57 hymnals Scripture: Proverbs 30:4
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Awake, my soul, in joyful lays

Meter: Appears in 1,055 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 63:7
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Keep silence all created things

Meter: Appears in 202 hymnals Scripture: Daniel 4:34-35 Lyrics: 1 Keep silence all created things, And wait your Maker's rod: My soul stands trembling, while she sings The honors of her God. 2 Life, death, and hell, and worlds unknown, Hang on his firm decree: He sits on no precarious throne, Nor borrows leave TO BE. 3 Chain'd to his throne a volume lies, With all the fates of men, With every angel's form and size, Drawn by th' eternal pen. 4 His providence unfolds the book, And makes his counsels shine; Each opening leaf, and every stroke, Fulfils some deep design. 5 Here, he exalts neglected worms To sceptres, and a crown; Anon, the following page he turns, And treads the monarch down. 6 Not Gabriel asks the reason why, Nor God the reason gives; Nor dares the fav'rite angel pry Between the folded leaves. 7 My God, I ne'er would long to see My fate with curious eyes, What gloomy lines are writ for me, Or what bright scenes shall rise. 8 In the fair book of life and grace May I but find my name, Recorded in some humble place Beneath my Lord the Lamb.
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Ye humble souls approach your God

Meter: Appears in 193 hymnals Scripture: Nahum 1:7 Lyrics: 1 Ye humble souls approach your God With songs of sacred praise, For he is good, immensely good, And kind are all his ways. 2 All nature owns his guardian care, In him we live and move; But nobler benefits declare The wonders of his love. 3 He gave his Son, his only Son, To ransom rebel worms; 'Tis here he makes his goodness known In it diviner forms. 4 To this dear refuge, LORD, we come, 'Tis here our hope relies; A save defence, a peaceful home, When storms of trouble rise. 5 Thine eye beholds, with kind regard, The souls who trust in thee; Their humble hope thou wilt regard, With bliss divinely free. 6 Great GOD,to thy Almighty love, What honors shall we raise? Not all the raptur'd songs above, Can render equal praise.
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Our Father, whose eternal sway

Meter: Irregular Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13 Lyrics: 1 Our Father, whose eternal sway The bright angelic hosts obey, O! lend a pitying ear; When on thy awful name we call, And at thy feet submissive fall, O! condescend to hear. 2 Far may thy glorious reign extend, May rebels to thy sceptre bend, And yield to sovereign love: May we take pleasure to fulfil The sacred dictates of thy will, As angels do above. 3 From thy kind hand each temporal good, Our raiment and our daily food, In rich abundance come: Lord, give us still a fresh supply, If thou withhold thy hand we die, And fill the silent tomb. 4 Pardon our sins, O GOD! that rise, And call for vengeance from the skies; And while we are forgiven, Grant that revenge may never rest, And malice harbor in that breast That feels the love of heaven. 5 Protect us in the dangerous hour, And from the wily tempter's power O! set our spirits free: And if temptation should assail, May might grace o'er all prevail, And lead our hearts to thee. 6 Thine is the power, to thee belongs The constant tribute of our songs, All glory to thy name: Let every creature join our lays, In one resounding act of praise, Thy wonders to proclaim.
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Great Ruler of all nature's frame

Meter: Appears in 96 hymnals Scripture: Mark 4:39 Lyrics: 1 Great Ruler of all nature's frame, We own thy power divine: We hear thy breath in every storm, For all the winds are thine. 2 Wide as thy sweep their sounding way, They work thy sovereign will; And aw'd by thy majestic voice, Confusion shall be still. 3 Thy mercy tempers ever blast To them that seek thy face; And mingles with the tempest's roar, The whispers of thy grace. 4 those gentle whispers let me hear, Till all the tumults cease; And gales of paradise shall sooth My weary soul to peace.
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Uprising from the darksome tomb

Meter: Irregular Appears in 16 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:1-7
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Yes, the Redeemer rose

Meter: Irregular Appears in 227 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:34 Lyrics: 1 Yes, the Redeemer rose; The Savior left the dead; And o'er our hellish foes High rais'd his conquering head: In wild dismay The guards around Fall to the ground, And sink away. 2 Lo! the angelic bands In full assembly meet, To wait his high commands, And worship at his feet: Joyful they come, And wing their way From realms of day To JESUS' tomb. 3 Then back to Heaven thy fly, The joyful news to bear: Hark! as they soar on high, What music fills the air! Their anthems say, "Jesus who bled "Hath left the dead; "He rose to-day." 4 Ye mortals, catch the sound, Redeem'd by him from hell; And send the cho round The globe on which you dwell; Transported cry, "Jesus who bled "Hath left the dead "No more to die." 5 All hail triumphant Lord, Who sav'st us with thy blood! Wide be thy name ador'd Thou rising, reigning GOD! With thee we rise, With thee we reign, And empires gain Beyond the skies.
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Great God of providence! thy ways

Meter: Appears in 34 hymnals Scripture: John 13:7
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O thou God of my salvation

Meter: Irregular Appears in 266 hymnals Scripture: Romans 5:8 Lyrics: 1 O thou God of my salvation, My Redeemer from all sin, Mov'd to this by great compassion, Yearning bowels from within; I will praise thee-- Where shall I thy praise begin? 2 While the angel-choirs are crying, "Glory to the great I AM!" I with them will still be vying, "Glory, glory, to the lamb!" Oh! how precious Is the sound of Jesus’ name! 3 Now I see, with joy and wonder, Whence the healing streams arose; Angels-minds are lost to ponder Dying love's mysterious cause; What a blessing! Down to all, to me it flows.
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Christ the Lord is risen to-day

Meter: Irregular Appears in 1,184 hymnals Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:56 Lyrics: 1 CHRIST the Lord is risen to-day, Sons of men and angels say, Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing, ye heavens, and earth, reply. 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won: Lo! our sun's eclipse is o'er, Lo! he sets in blood no more. 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, CHRIST hath burst the gates of hell: Death in vain forbids Him rise, CHRIST hath open'd Paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious King, "Where, O death, is now thy sting?" Once he dy'd our souls to save; "Where's thy victory, boasting grave?" 5 Soar we now where CHRIST has led, Following our exalted head; Made like him, like him we rise, Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. 6 What tho' once we perish'd all, Partners of our parent's fall; Second life we now receive, In our heavenly Adam live. 7 Hail, the LORD of earth and heaven! Praise to thee by both be given! Thee we greet trimphant now Hail! the RESURRECTION--thou.
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Praise to the Lord of boundless might

Meter: Appears in 52 hymnals Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:6 Lyrics: 1 Praise to the Lord of boundless might, With uncreated glories bright! His presence gilds the worlds above; Th' unchanging source of light and love. 2 Our rising earth his eye beheld, When in substantial darkness veil'd; The shapeless chaos, nature's womb, lay buried in eternal gloom. 3 "Let there be light," Jehovah said, And light o'er all its face was spread: Nature, array'd in charms unknown, Gay with its new born lustre shone. 4 He sees the mind, when lost it lies In shades of ignorance and vice; And darts from heaven a vivid ray, And changes midnight into day. 5 Shine, mighty God, with vigor shine On this benighted heart of mine; and let thy glories stand reveal'd, As in our Savior's face beheld. 6 My soul, reviv'd by heaven-born day, Thy radiant image shall display, While all my faculties unite To praise the Lord who gives me light.
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Holy, blessed, glorious Three

Meter: Irregular Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:14 Lyrics: 1 Holy, blessed, glorious THREE One from all eternity, Make us vessels of thy grace, Ever running o'er with praise. 2 Thee we laud with grateful song, Sever'd from the guilty throng, Ransom'd by thy Son who died, By thy Spirit sanctified. 3 O that we thy love might taste! Bless us, and we shall be bless'd; Cleanse us Lord, from sin's abuse, Fit us for the master's use! 4 In our hearts, thy temples, dwell; With the hope of glory fill: Be on earth our guest divine, Then in heaven we shall be thine.
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Glory to God on high

Meter: Irregular Appears in 411 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 5:13
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The Bible is justly esteemed

Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: Revelation 19:10 Lyrics: 1 The Bible is justly esteem'd The glory supreme of the land, Which shows how a sinner's redeem'd, And brought to JEHOVAH'S right hand. With pleasure we freely confess The Bible all books does outshine, But JESUS his person and grace, Affords it that lustre divine. 2 In every prophetical book Where GOD his decrees hath unseal'd, With joy we behold as we look, The wonderful Savior reveal'd: His glories project to the eye, And prove it was not his design, Those glories concealed should lie, But there in full majesty shine. 3 The first gracious promise to man, A blessed prediction appears, His work is the soul of the plan, And gives it the glory it wears. How cheering the truth must have been That JESUS the promised seed, Should triumph o'er Satan and sin, And hell in captivity lead! 4 The ancient levitical law Was prophecy after its kind, In types there the faithful foresaw The Savior that ransom'd mankind. The altar, the lamb, and the priest, The blood that was sprinkl'd of old, Had life, when the people could taste The blessing those shadows foretold. 5 Review the prophetical song, Which shines in prediction's rich train, The sweetness to JESUS belongs, And point out his sufferings and reign: Sure David his harp never strung With more of true sacred delight, than when of the Savior he sung, And he was reve'led to his sight. May JESUS more precious become-- His word be a lamp to our feet, While we in the wilderness roam, 'Till brought in his presence to meet! Then, then will we gaze on thy face, Our prophet, our priest, and our king; Recount all thy wonders of grace, Thy praises eternally sing.

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