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Scripture:1 John 5:1-6

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Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me

Author: Augustus M. Toplady Meter: Appears in 2,917 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6 Lyrics: 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee; let the water and the blood, from thy wounded side which flowed, be of sin the double cure, save from wrath and make me pure. 2 Not the labors of my hands can fulfill thy law's demands; could my zeal no respite know, could my tears forever flow, all for sin could not atone; thou must save and thou alone. 3 Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling; naked, come to thee for dress, helpless, look to thee for grace; foul, I to the fountain fly, wash me, Savior, or I die! 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, when my eyes shall close in death, when I soar to worlds unknown, see thee on thy judgment throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee. Topics: Atonement; Blood of Christ; Cleansing; Our Death; Jesus Christ Death; Jesus Christ Names; Jesus Christ Refuge; Jesus Christ Savior; Salvation; Sanctification Used With Tune: TOPLADY
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Faith Is the Victory

Author: John H. Yates Meter: D with refrain Appears in 222 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: Encamped along the hills of light Refrain First Line: Faith is the victory! Lyrics: 1. Encamped along the hills of light, Ye Christian soldiers, rise, And press the battle ere the night Shall veil the glowing skies. Against the foe in vales below, Let all our strength be hurled; Faith is the victory, we know, That overcomes the world. Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory! Oh, glorious victory That overcomes the world. 2. His banner over us is love, Our sword the Word of God; We tread the road the saints above With shouts of triumph trod. By faith they, like a whirlwind's breath, Swept on o'er ev'ry field; The faith by which they conquered death Is still our shining shield. Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory! Oh, glorious victory That overcomes the world. 3. To him who overcomes the foe White raiment shall be giv'n; Before the angels he shall know His name confessed in heav'n. Then onward from the hills of light, Our hearts with love aflame; We'll vanquish all the hosts of night, In Jesus' conq'ring name. Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory! Oh, glorious victory That overcomes the world. Used With Tune: SANKEY

How Gentle God's Commands

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Meter: Appears in 665 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:3 Lyrics: 1 How gentle God's commands, how kind his precepts are! Come, cast your burdens on the Lord, and trust his constant care. 2 Beneath his watchful eye, his saints securely dwell; that hand which bears all nature up shall guide his children well. 3 Why should this anxious load press down your weary mind? Haste to your heav'nly Father's throne, and sweet refreshment find. 4 His goodness stands approved, down to the present day; I'll drop my burden at his feet, and bear a song away. Topics: Full of Grace and Truth Used With Tune: ST. GEORGE
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When We Walk with the Lord

Author: John H. Sammis Meter: 6.6.9 D with refrain Appears in 452 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:2-3 Refrain First Line: Trust and obey, for there's no other way Lyrics: 1 When we walk with the Lord in the light of his Word, what a glory he sheds on our way! While we do his good will he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey. Refrain: Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. 2 But we never can prove the delights of his love until all on the altar we lay; for the favor he shows and the joy he bestows are for those who will trust and obey. Refrain 3 Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at his feet, or we'll walk by his side in the way; what he says we will do, where he sends we will go never fear, only trust and obey. Refrain Topics: Commitment & Dedication; Trust in God; Songs for Children Hymns; Walk with God; Afflictions; Commitment & Dedication; Obedience; Trust in God; Walk with God; Word of God Used With Tune: TRUST AND OBEY

We Shall Overcome

Meter: Irregular Appears in 38 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Lyrics: 1 We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome someday! Refrain: Oh, deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome someday! 2 The Lord will see us through. 3 We'll walk hand in hand. 4 We are not afraid (today). 5 The truth will make us free. 7 We shall live in peace. Topics: Conflict & Victory Used With Tune: MARTIN Text Sources: African-American spiritual
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The Church's one foundation

Author: Samuel John Stone (1839-1900) Meter: Appears in 869 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6 Lyrics: 1 The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord: she is his new creation by water and the word; from heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died. 2 Called forth from every nation, yet one o'er all the earth, her charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth. One holy name she blesses, and shares one holy food, as to one hope she presses, with every grace endued. 3 In toil and tribulation, and tumult of her war she waits the consummation of peace for evermore, till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest, and the great Church victorious shall be the Church at rest. 4 Yet she on earth has union with God, the Three in one, and mystical communion with those whose rest is won. O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we, like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee. Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Church unity and ecumenism; Communion of Saints Used With Tune: AURELIA
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Yield Not to Temptation

Author: Horatio R. Palmer Appears in 736 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Refrain First Line: Ask the Savior to help you Lyrics: 1 Yield not to temptation, For yielding is sin, Each vict’ry will help you Some other to win; Fight manfully onward, Dark passions subdue, Look ever to Jesus, He will carry you through. Chorus: Ask the Savior to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keep you, He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through. 2 Shun evil companions, Bad language disdain, God’s name hold in rev’rence, Nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and earnest, Kindhearted and true, Look ever to Jesus, He will carry you through. (Chorus) 3 To him that o’ercometh God giveth a crown, Thro' faith we will conquer, Though often cast down; He, who is our Savior, Our strength will renew, Look ever to Jesus, He will carry you through. (Chorus) Topics: Admonition; Admonition Used With Tune: [Yield not to temptation]
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O for a faith that will not shrink

Author: Wm. Hiley Bathurst Meter: Appears in 696 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Topics: The Christian Life Faith, Penitence and Confession Used With Tune: ST. LEONARD

Hymn 9

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 41 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6 First Line: Let all our tongues be one Lyrics: [Let all our tongues be one To praise our God on high, Who from his bosom sent his Son To fetch us strangers nigh. Nor let our voices cease To sing the Savior's name; Jesus, th' ambassador of peace, How cheerfully he came! It cost him cries and tears To bring us near to God; Great was our debt, and he appears To make the payment good.] [My Savior's pierced side Poured out a double flood; By water we are purified, And pardoned by the blood. Infinite was our guilt, But he, our Priest, atones; On the cold ground his life was spilt, And offered with his groans.] Look up, my soul, to him Whose death was thy desert, And humbly view the living stream Flow from his breaking heart. There, on the cursed tree, In dying pangs he lies, Fulfils his Father's great decree, And all our wants supplies. Thus the Redeemer came By water and by blood; And when the Spirit speaks the same, We feel his witness good. While the eternal Three Bear their record above, Here I believe he died for me, And seal my Savior's love. [Lord, cleanse my soul from sin Nor let thy grace depart; Great Comforter, abide within, And witness to my heart.]
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The water and the blood

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6 First Line: This, this is He that came Topics: Jesus Christ Sufferings and Death

Fe la victoria es

Author: John H. Yates; Honorato Reza; Esteban Sywulka B. Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:1-7 First Line: Soldados del Señor Jesús Topics: Caballeros; Gentlemen; Fe; Faith; Jóvenes; Youths; Victoria; Victory; Vida Venidera; Life to Come Used With Tune: SANKEY

Come and Let Us Drink of That New River

Author: John of Damascus, c.675-746; John M. Neale, 1818-1866; Anthony G. Petti, 1932-1985 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-8 Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ascension Used With Tune: NEW RIVER

The Christian's Assurance

Appears in 1,913 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5 First Line: This is the assurance we have in approaching God: Topics: Scripture Readings
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Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

Author: George Duffield, Jr., 1818-88 Meter: Appears in 1,804 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4-5 Lyrics: 1 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross. Lift high His royal banner; It must not suffer loss. From vict'ry unto vict'ry His army He shall lead Till ev'ry foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up, stand up for Jesus; The trumpet call obey; Stand forth in the mighty conflict In this His glorious day. Let all His faithful serve Him Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger And strength to strength oppose. 3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus; Stand in His strength alone. The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own. Put on the Gospel armor; Each piece put on with prayer. Where duty calls or danger, Be never wanting there. 4 Stand up, stand up for Jesus; The strife will not be long; This day the din of battle, The next the victor's song. The soldiers, overcoming, Their crown of life shall see And with the King of Glory Shall reign eternally. Topics: The Church Militant; Mission and Witness Used With Tune: WEBB
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I bind unto myself today

Author: St. Patrick (372-466); Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-1895) Appears in 68 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-9 Lyrics: 1 I bind unto myself today the strong Name of the Trinity; by invocation of the same, the Three in One, and One in Three. 2 I bind this day to me for ever, by power of faith, Christ's Incarnation; his baptism in the Jordan river; his death on cross for my salvation; his bursting from the spicèd tomb; his riding up the heavenly way; his coming at the day of doom: I bind unto myself today. 3 I bind unto myself today the virtues of the star-lit heaven, the glorious sun's life-giving ray, the whiteness of the moon at even, the flashing of the lightning free, the whirling wind's tempestuous shocks, the stable earth, the deep salt sea around the old eternal rocks. 4 I bind unto myself today the power of God to hold and lead, his eye to watch, his might to stay, his ear to hearken to my need, the wisdom of my God to teach, his hand to guide, his shield to ward, the word of God to give me speech, his heavenly host to be my guard. [verse 5 is printed separately under 639b and 639c] 6 I bind unto myself the name, the strong Name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Three in One, and One in Three, of whom all nature hath creation, Eternal Father, Spirit, Word. Praise to the Lord of my salvation: salvation is of Christ the Lord. Amen. Topics: The Being of God Holy and One; The Church Celebrates Confirmation; God In Creation; God in Trinity; God Protection of; Jesus Life and Ministry Used With Tune: ST. PATRICK

Your hand, O God, has guided

Author: Edward Hayes Plumptre (1821-1891) Meter: with refrain Appears in 55 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Lyrics: 1 Your hand, O God, has guided your flock, from age to age; the wondrous tale is written, full clear, on every page; your people owned your goodness, and we their deeds record: and both of this bear witness: one Church, one Faith, one Lord. 2 Your heralds brought glad tidings to greatest as to least; they summoned all to hasten and share the great King's feast; and this was all their teaching, in every deed and word, to all alike proclaiming: one Church, one Faith, one Lord. 3 Through many a day of darkness, through many a scene of strife, the faithful few fought bravely to guard the nation's life. Their Gospel of redemption, sin pardoned, life restored, was all in this enfolded: one Church, one Faith, one Lord. 4 Your mercy will not fail us, nor leave your work undone; with your right hand to help us, the victory shall be won; by mortals and by angels your name shall be adored, and this shall be our anthem: one Church, one Faith, one Lord. Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Discipleship; Church Ministry; Church unity and ecumenism; Salvation and Redemption; Witness Used With Tune: THORNBURY
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Saviour, I thy word believe

Appears in 45 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-10 Topics: The Holy Spirit; Earnest of the Spirit; Holy Spirit Witnessing
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Courage ensures victory

Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: Urge on your rapid course Topics: Duties and Trials The Warfare
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Es ist nicht schwer ein christ zu seyn

Author: C. F. Richter, 1676-1711 Appears in 37 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:3 Topics: Christliche Sinn und Wandel Heiligung überhaupt

How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord

Author: Fred Pratt Green Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:3 Lyrics: 1 How clear is our vocation, Lord, when once we heed your call: to live according to your word, and daily learn, refreshed, restored, that you are Lord of all, and will not let us fall. 2 But if, forgetful, we should find your yoke is hard to bear, if worldly pressures fray the mind and love itself cannot unwind its tangled skein of care: our inward life repair. 3 We mark your saints, how they became in hindrances more sure, whose joyful virtues put to shame the casual way we wear your name, and by our faults obscure your power to cleanse and cure. 4 In what you give us, Lord, to do, together or alone, in old routines or ventures new, may we not cease to look to you, the cross you hung upon-- all you endeavored done. Topics: Call and Response Used With Tune: REPTON
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Victory in My Soul

Author: James M. Gray Appears in 18 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: The burden of my fear and sin Refrain First Line: There's victory in my soul Used With Tune: [The burden of my fear and sin]
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Ein christ, ein tapfrer kriegesheld

Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Topics: Die Heilsordnung Glaube u. Rechtfertigung
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Ich glaube, (Herr, hilf meinem glauben!)

Author: H. Annoni Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:1-5 Topics: Die Heilsordnung Glaube u. Rechtfertigung

Christ be with me, Christ within me

Author: St. Patrick (372-466); Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-1895) Meter: D Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-9 Lyrics: [Verses 1-4 are at #639a] 5 Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. [Verse 6 is at #639a] Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Confirmation; The Being of God Holy and One; God In Creation; God in Trinity; God Protection of; Jesus Life and Ministry Used With Tune: CLONMACNOISE
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This Is the Victory

Author: P. P. Bliss Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: March to the battle field Lyrics: 1 March to the battlefield, March on with sword and shield; March on; the foe shall yield To Christ our King; Onward, ye faithful band, Onward at His command; Onward, nor halting stand, But loudly sing. This is the victory, This is the victory, This is the victory We sing by the way; This is the victory, This is the victory, This is the victory, And faith gains the day. 2 Stand firm against thy foes; Stand, though a host oppose; Stand! well our Leader knows Our conflicts all; "Fear not," He says to thee, "Fear not, but valiant be, Fear not, but trust in Me; The foe must fall." This is the victory, This is the victory, This is the victory We sing by the way; This is the victory, This is the victory, This is the victory, And faith gains the day. 3 Fight, though thy foes increase; Fight, till the dawn of peace; Fight, till the war shall cease, Then shout and sing; Shout, then, triumphantly, Shout, shout the victory; Shout, "Glory be to Thee, O Lord, our King! This is the victory, This is the victory, This is the victory We sing by the way; This is the victory, This is the victory, This is the victory, And faith gains the day. Used With Tune: [March to the battlefield]
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Life is Mine

Author: Rev. E. G. Wesley Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:2 First Line: Life is mine, yes, mine thro' the blood of the Lamb Refrain First Line: Life is mind, faith is mine Lyrics: 1 Life is mine, yes, mine thro’ the blood of the Lamb, In my Lord I live and He lives in me, He lives in me; Faith is mine, yes, mine, for in Him I believe, And my heart is glad since He made me free, Since He made me free. Refrain: Life is mine, faith is mine, strength is mine, Love is mine thro’ the blood of the Lamb; Peace is mine, joy is mine, crown is mine, Rest is mine thro’ the blood of the Lamb. 2 Strength is mine, yes, mine thro’ the blood of the Lamb, Tho’ so weak in self, in my Lord I’m strong, In my Lord I’m strong; Love is mine, yes, mine, pure and free from my Lord, I am His alone, and to Him belong, And to Him belong. [Refrain] 3 Peace is mine, yes, mine thro’ the blood of the Lamb, Since I came in faith to the cleansing stream, To the cleansing stream; Joy is mine, yes, mine, all His joy is mine own, On my path His light doth forever beam, Doth forever beam. [Refrain] 4 Crown is mine, yes, mine thro’ the blood of the Lamb, When no more earth’s toil, and this life’s work done, This life’s work done; Rest is mine, yes, mine, the sweet rest of His love, When the battle’s o’er, and the vict’ry won, The vict’ry won. [Refrain] Topics: Life and Light; Peace; Redemption; Rest Used With Tune: [Life is mine, yes, mine through the blood of the Lamb]

Victoria en Cristo

Author: E. M. Bartlett; H. T. Reza Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: Oí bendita historia Refrain First Line: Ya tengo la victoria Used With Tune: HARTFORD

Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying

Author: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:5-8 Topics: Baptismal Life Used With Tune: FILTER

The Gifts Christ Freely Gives

Author: Richard C. Resch, b. 1947 Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-8 Topics: Baptismal Life Used With Tune: DENBY

Arise, My Soul, Arise

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 888 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-8 Lyrics: 1 Arise, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding Sacrifice In thy behalf appears; Before the throne my Surety stands, My name is written on His hands, My name is written on His hands. 2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede; His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 To God I'm reconciled, His pard'ning voice I hear; He owns me for His child, I can no longer fear; With confidence I now draw nigh, And "Father, Abba Father," cry, And "Father, Abba, Father" cry. Coda: His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God, And tells me I am born of God. Topics: Atonement; Baptism; Christians Assurance; Christians Sonship; Holy Spirit; Jesus Blood; Jesus Intercessor Used With Tune: TOWNER
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I am coming, Lord!

Author: Lewis Hartsough Appears in 692 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6 First Line: I hear Thy welcome voice Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Gospel - Accepted Used With Tune: WELCOME VOICE
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My God! the spring of all my joys

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 559 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Lyrics: 1 My God! the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights; The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights. 2 In darkest shades, if he appear, My dawning is begun; He is my soul's sweet Morning Star, And he my rising Sun. 3 The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, While Jesus shows his heart is mine, And whispers I am his. 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay, At that transporting word! Run up with joy the shining way, T' embrace my dearest Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe; The wings of love, and arms of faith, Shall bear me conqueror through. Topics: The Christian Church Growth in Grace; Triumphant Joy
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Why should the children of a King

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 339 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-10 Lyrics: 1 Why should the children of a King Go mourning all their days? Great Comforter, descend, and bring Some tokens of thy grace. 2 Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal the heirs of heaven? When wilt thou banish my complaints And show my sins forgiven? 3 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood; And bear thy witness with my heart That I am born of God. 4 Thou art the earnest of his love, The pledge of joys to come; And thy soft wings, celestial Dove, Will safe convey me home. Topics: The Holy Spirit; Influences of the Spirit
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Come hither, all ye weary souls

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 323 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:3 Lyrics: 1 Come hither, all ye weary souls, Ye heavy-laden sinners, come; I'll give you rest from all your toils, And raise you to my heavenly home. 2 They shall find rest, who learn of me: I'm of a meek and lowly mind; But passion rages like the sea, And pride is restless as the wind. 3 Blessed is the man whose shoulders take My yoke, and bear it with delight; My yoke is easy to the neck, My grace shall make the burden light. 4 Jesus, we come at thy command; With faith, and hope, and humble zeal, Resign our spirits to thy hand, To mould and guide us at thy will. Topics: Provisions of the Gospel Invitations and Promises; Christ's Invitation to Sinners

Take Time to Be Holy

Author: William D. Longstaff Meter: Appears in 315 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:2 First Line: Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord Topics: Christians Holiness & Purity; Holy Spirit Used With Tune: HOLINESS

Lamb of God - Litany

Appears in 297 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world Lyrics: Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us. Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us. Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world: grant us peace. Topics: Agnus Dei; Eucharistic Celebration (Mass) Lamb of God Used With Tune: [Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world]
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I send the joys of earth away

Author: Watts Appears in 220 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Topics: Consecration Of Self; Law of God Conviction under; Worldly Pleasures; Receiving Christ; Renunciation of the World; Repentance; Way of Salvation
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Ancient of Days, Who Sittest Throned in Glory

Author: William C. Doane Meter: Appears in 197 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6 Lyrics: 1 Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in glory, To Thee all knees are bent, all voices pray; Thy love has blessed the wide world's wondrous story With light and life since Eden's dawning day. 2 O Holy Father, who hast led Thy children In all the ages, with the fire and cloud, Through seas dry-shod, through weary wastes bewildering; To Thee, in reverent love, our hearts are bowed. 3 O Holy Jesus, Prince of Peace and Saviour, To Thee we owe the peace that still prevails, Stilling the rude wills of men's wild behavior, And calming passion's fierce and stormy gales. 4 O Holy Ghost, the Lord and the Life Giver, Thine is the quickening power that gives increase; From Thee have flowed, as from a pleasant river, Our plenty, wealth, prosperity, and peace. 5 O Triune God, with heart and voice adoring, Praise we the goodness that doth crown our days; Pray we that Thou wilt hear us, still imploring Thy love and favor, kept to us always. Amen. Topics: Adoration and Praise; God Providence; Peace on Earth; Processionals; Trinity, The Holy Used With Tune: ANCIENT OF DAYS

God of Grace and God of Glory

Author: Harry Emerson Fosdick Meter: Appears in 155 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Topics: God Praise to God Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA
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Loyalty to Christ

Author: E. Taylor Cassel Appears in 143 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: From over hill and plain Refrain First Line: On to victory! Lyrics: 1 From over hill and plain There comes the signal strain, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ; Its music rolls along, The hills take up the song, Of loyalty, loyalty, Yes, loyalty to Christ. Chorus: “On to victory! On to victory!” Cries our great Commander “On!” We’ll move at His command, We’ll soon possess the land, Thro' loyalty, loyalty, Yes, loyalty to Christ. 2 O hear, ye brave, the sound That moves the earth around, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ; Arise to dare and do, Ring out the watchword true, Of loyalty, loyalty, Yes, loyalty to Christ. (Chorus) 3 Come, join our loyal throng, We’ll rout the giant wrong, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ; Where Satan’s banners float We’ll send the bugle note, Of loyalty, loyalty, Yes, loyalty to Christ. (Chorus) 4 The strength of youth we lay At Jesus’ feet today, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ; His Gospel we’ll proclaim, Throughout the world’s domain, Of loyalty, loyalty, Yes, loyalty to Christ. (Chorus) Used With Tune: [From over hill and plain]
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Faith Triumphing

Author: Toplady Meter: Irregular Appears in 101 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: A debtor to mercy alone Lyrics: 1 A debtor to mercy alone, Of covenant mercy I sing; Nor fear with thy righteousness on, My person and off'rings to bring: The terrors of law, and of God, With me can have nothing to do; My Saviour's obedience and blood Hide all my transgressions from view. 2 The work which his goodness began, The arm of his strength will complete, His promise is yea and amen, And never was forfeited yet: Things future, nor things that are now, Nor all things below, nor above, Can make him his purpose forgo, Or sever my soul from his love. 3 My name from the palms of his hands Eternity will not erase; Impressed on his heart it remains, In marks of indelible grace: Yes, I to the end shall endure, As sure as the earnest is giv'n; More happy, but not more secure, The glorifi'd spirits in heav'n. Topics: Faith, its Author, Preciousness, and Triumphs

Victory in Jesus

Author: Eugene M. Bartlett Appears in 101 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: I heard an old, old story Refrain First Line: O victory in Jesus Topics: Christ Savior; Christ Savior Used With Tune: [I heard an old, old story]

Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast

Author: J. Hegarty, S.J., d. 1834 Meter: Appears in 53 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-13 Lyrics: 1 Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast; body of Christ, be my true saving guest; blood of my Saviour, bathe me in your tide; wash me with water flowing from your side. 2 Strength and protection may your Passion be; O blessèd Jesus, hear and answer me: deep in your wounds, Lord, hide and shelter me; so shall I never from you parted be. 3 From the foul enemy my soul defend; in death's dread moments be my loving friend; call me, and bid me come to you on high, when I may praise you with your saints for ay. Used With Tune: ANIMA CHRISTI Text Sources: Anon. Latin, 14th cent.
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We All Believe in One True God

Author: Tobias Clausnitzer, 1619-1684; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878 Meter: Appears in 53 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:3-13 Lyrics: 1 We all believe in one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, ever-present help in need, praised by all the heav'nly host, by whose mighty pow'r alone all is made and wrought and done. 2 We all believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Mary's Son, who descended from his throne and for us salvation won, by whose cross and death are we rescued from all misery. 3 We all confess the Holy Ghost, who from both fore'er proceeds, who upholds and comforts us in all trials, fears, and needs. Blessed, holy Trinity, praise to you eternally! Topics: Service Music Credo Used With Tune: WIR GLAUBEN ALL (Metrical)

To Christ, the Prince of peace

Author: Edward Caswall, 1814-78 Meter: Appears in 48 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-13 Lyrics: 1 To Christ, the Prince of peace and Son of God most high, the Father of the world to come, we sing with holy joy. 2 Deep in his heart for us the wound of love he bore: that burning love he kindles still in hearts that him adore. 3 O Jesus, victim priest, what else but love so fine could move you so to welcome us into your heart divine? 4 O fount of endless life, O spring of water clear, O flame celestial, cleansing all who will to you draw near, 5 hide us within your heart, for there we all would be, to live in grace, and after death gain immortality. 6 Praise to the Father be, and sole-begotten Son; praise, ever holy Paraclete, while endless ages run. Topics: Atonement; Christ's Sacrifice; Comfort; Consummation in Christ; Devotion; God's Love to Us; Jesus Christ Passion and Cross; Saints Days and Holy Days St Michael and All Angels Used With Tune: NARENZA Text Sources: Anon., Latin from Catholicum Hymnologium Germanicum, 1587
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Lift Every Voice and Sing

Author: James Weldon Johnson, 1871-1938 Meter: Irregular Appears in 48 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 Lyrics: 1 Lift every voice and sing, Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise High as the listening skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun Of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. 2 Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chastening rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet Come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered; Out from the gloomy past, Till now we stand at last Where the bright gleam of our bright star is cast. 3 God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way; Thou who hast by Thy might, Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee, Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand, True to our God, True to our native land. Topics: Kingdom of God on Earth Patriotic; Brotherhood; Faith; National; Opening Used With Tune: LIFT EVERY VOICE

Victory Ahead

Author: W. G. Meter: with refrain Appears in 46 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: When the hosts of Israel, led by God Refrain First Line: Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Lyrics: 1 When the hosts of Israel, led by God, Round the walls of Jericho softly trod, Trusting in the Lord, they felt the conqu’ror’s tread, By faith they saw the victory ahead. Refrain: Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Through the blood of Jesus, victory ahead; Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqu’ror’s tread, By faith I see the victory ahead! 2 David with a shepherd’s sling and five stones, Met the giant on the field all alone, Trusting in the Lord, he knew what God had said, By faith he saw the victory ahead. [Refrain] 3 Daniel prayed unto the Lord thrice each day, Then unto the lion’s den led the way, Trusting in the Lord, he did not fear or dread, By faith he saw the victory ahead. [Refrain] 4 Often with the carnal mind I was tried, Asking for deliverance oft I cried, Trusting in the Lord, I reckoned I was dead, By faith I saw the victory ahead. [Refrain] 5 When like those who’ve gone before to that land, By death’s river cold and dark I shall stand; Trusting in the Lord, I will not fear or dread, By faith I see the victory ahead. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [When the hosts of Israel, led by God] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Victory_Ahead); The Cyber Hymnal (http://www.hymntime.com/tch/htm/v/i/victorya.htm); Gospel Publishing House, Full Gospel Songs (193)
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The victory that overcometh the world

Appears in 37 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: Surrounded by a host of foes Topics: Duties and Trials The Warfare

The Kingdom of God Is Justice and Joy

Author: Bryn Austin Rees, 1911-1983 Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:1-6 Topics: Advent; Kingdom; Lent (season); Jesus Christ Used With Tune: PADERBORN
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Glory to God the Father be

Appears in 18 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:6-10 Topics: Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit Divine


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