The Choral Book: for home, school and Church

Translator: Friedrich Zuchtmann, Edwin L. Kirtland
Publisher: Ginn & Co., Boston, 1889
Language: English
Notes: Contains hymns translated from German
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1I come before Thy glorious eye[I come before Thy glorious eye]Page Scan
2Our Father in the heavens high[Our Father in the heavens high]Page Scan
3Thy grace, O Lord, now offer[Thy grace, O Lord, now offer]Page Scan
4O Thou, in whom all hearts rejoice[O Thou, in whom all hearts rejoice]Page Scan
5God, our Father, help us pray[God, our Father, help us pray]Page Scan
6O God, our steadfast Lord[O God, our steadfast Lord]Page Scan
7Let me be Thine forever[Let me be Thine forever]Page Scan
8Great God, Thy kindness goes as far[Great God, Thy kindness goes as far]Page Scan
9To Thee, Jehovah, I am singing[To Thee, Jehovah, I am singing]Page Scan
10Help us, Lord, in all our living[Help us, Lord, in all our living]Page Scan
11Lord, when I view Thy great foresight[Lord, when I view Thy great foresight]Page Scan
12Go soar, my soul, with pious muses[Go soar, my soul, with pious muses]Page Scan
13God before whose eyes so searching[God before whose eyes so searching]Page Scan
14God, who all ends attaining[God, who all ends attaining]Page Scan
15God is my light[God is my light]Page Scan
16Heavenward all our pathway lead[Heavenward all our pathway lead]Page Scan
17God, incarnate truth Thou art[God, incarnate truth Thou art]Page Scan
18How great is the Almighty's kindness[How great is the Almighty's kindness]Page Scan
19The heaven singeth th'Eternal's great glory[The heaven singeth th'Eternal's great glory]Page Scan
20God be my song, He is the Lord of power[God be my song, He is the Lord of power]Page Scan
21Come, my soul, with haste prepare[Come, my soul, with haste prepare]Page Scan
22God is my stay[God is my stay]Page Scan
23What God performs is ever well[What God performs is ever well]Page Scan
24More on God the Lord dependeth[More on God the Lord dependeth]Page Scan
25Who to our God his safety leaveth[Who to our God his safety leaveth]Page Scan
26God lives for e'er[God lives for e'er]Page Scan
27In my beloved Lord I trust and in His word[In my beloved Lord I trust]Page Scan
28Oh, how oft is man's affection[Oh, how oft is man's affection]Page Scan
29To God's own will and heart and might[To God's own will and heart and might]Page Scan
30Whatever I am doing[Whatever I am doing]Page Scan
31In Thee my hope I've rested, Lord[In Thee my hope I've rested, Lord]Page Scan
32Be content, my soul, and never[Be content, my soul, and never]Page Scan
33God's Gracious will He does always[God's Gracious will He does always]Page Scan
34Who knows, O Lord, Thy being?[Who knows, O Lord, Thy being?]Page Scan
35I know the labors of my hand[I know the labors of my hand]Page Scan
36Praise to Thee, my God, be chanted[Praise to Thee, my God, be chanted]Page Scan
37My soul's true friend, what bliss, what pleasure[My soul's true friend, what bliss, what pleasure]Page Scan
38Jesus, walk ahead[Jesus, walk ahead]Page Scan
39How brightly shines the morning star[How brightly shines the morning star]Page Scan
40Praise ye the Lord all[Praise ye the Lord all]Page Scan
41Now praise, my soul, the Saviour[Now praise, my soul, the Saviour]Page Scan
42Now thank you all, with zeal utmost[Now thank you all, with zeal utmost]Page Scan
43With praise proclaim the Highest Good[With praise proclaim the Highest Good]Page Scan
44O Lord, to us be kind and good[O Lord, to us be kind and good]Page Scan
45Gratitude my soul constraineth[Gratitude my soul constraineth]Page Scan
46Now thank ye, all our Lord[Now thank ye, all our Lord]Page Scan
47Thee trust I, God, and waver not[Thee trust I, God, and waver not]Page Scan
48When we're in deepest grief and woe[When we're in deepest grief and woe]Page Scan
49Fear thou not, when darkness hideth[Fear thou not, when darkness hideth]Page Scan
50O Lord, our God! Help, lest Thy people waver[O Lord, our God! Help, lest Thy people waver]Page Scan
51Night is followed by the sun[Night is followed by the sun]Page Scan
52When human aid is out of sight[When human aid is out of sight]Page Scan
53Lord, how grievous is my sinning![Lord, how grievous is my sinning!]Page Scan
54Have pity, Lord, weak is my heart[Have pity, Lord, weak is my heart]Page Scan
55To God on high alone be praise[To God on high alone be praise]Page Scan
56Dearest Jesus, we are here[Dearest Jesus, we are here]Page Scan
57Show Thyself without concealment[Show Thyself without concealment]Page Scan
58Sing God praises loud and deep[Sing God praises loud and deep]Page Scan
59From heaven's sphere I come down here[From heaven's sphere I come down here]Page Scan
60Now, oh, prepare[Now, oh, prepare]Page Scan
61Now, courage take, my trembling soul[Now, courage take, my trembling soul]Page Scan
62Incarnate Jesus Christ be prais'd[Incarnate Jesus Christ be prais'd]Page Scan
63On this new road, I'm now about[On this new road, I'm now about]Page Scan
64Head full of wounds and glory[Head full of wounds and glory]Page Scan
65Remember, now, my soul, rejoice[Remember, now, my soul, rejoice]Page Scan
66Jesus is my hope, my all[Jesus is my hope, my all]Page Scan
67A mighty fortress is our Lord[A mighty fortress is our Lord]Page Scan
68Oh, keep us, Lord, true to Thy word[Oh, keep us, Lord, true to Thy word]Page Scan
69Awake, my heart, with singing[Awake, my heart, with singing]Page Scan
70My earliest thoughts are thanks and praise[My earliest thoughts are thanks and praise]Page Scan
71From all its deep recesses[From all its deep recesses]Page Scan
72God of earth and God of Heaven[God of earth and God of Heaven]Page Scan
73Child-like, I implore Thee[Child-like, I implore Thee]Page Scan
74Now shady night descendeth[Now shady night descendeth]Page Scan
75When now the day to rest has gone[When now the day to rest has gone]Page Scan
76Day doth depart[Day doth depart]Page Scan
77Ah, how worthless and how shallow[Ah, how worthless and how shallow]Page Scan
78I am, O Lord, in Thine own hand[I am, O Lord, in Thine own hand]Page Scan
79Why fear'st thou anxious for thy living?[Why fear'st thou anxious for thy living?]Page Scan
80Grim death's cold chill, the grave's dark night[Grim death's cold chill, the grave's dark night]Page Scan
81For Thee, O Lord, time has no low[For Thee, O Lord, time has no low]Page Scan
82Quickly passeth life away[Quickly passeth life away]Page Scan
83I'm daily dying while I'm living[I'm daily dying while I'm living]Page Scan
84With peace and joy through life I go[With peace and joy through life I go]Page Scan
85Dispose of me in Thine own way[Dispose of me in Thine own way]Page Scan
86This body now we lay to rest[This body now we lay to rest]Page Scan
87Rise again, aye, rise again, my dust[Rise again, aye, rise again, my dust]Page Scan
88How short here are our days of trial[How short here are our days of trial]Page Scan
89"Waken ye," the voice is calling["Waken ye," the voice is calling]Page Scan
90Oh, what bliss God on each soul outpoureth[Oh, what bliss God on each soul outpoureth]Page Scan
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