Songs of the Christian Life

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
440City of God, how broad and farBEATITUDOPage Scan
441Where cross the crowded ways of lifeGERMANYPage Scan
442O thou not made with handsST. VERONICAPage Scan
443Gather us in, Thou Love that fillest allMODENAPage Scan
444Sing we of the Golden CityLUX EOIPage Scan
445O Word of God incarnateMUNICHPage Scan
446The Word is like a garden, LordSOHOPage Scan
447Lamp of our feet, whereby we traceELVETPage Scan
448Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peaceLONGWOODPage Scan
449Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePILOTPage Scan
450We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, CreatorNETHERLANDSPage Scan
451Guide me, O Thou great JehovahST. RAPHAELPage Scan
452Lead on, O King EternalWHEATLEYPage Scan
453Lead, kindly Light! amid th' encircling gloomLUX BENIGNAPage Scan
454My days are gliding swiftly bySHINING SHOREPage Scan
455Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowEMMAUSPage Scan
456Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsAMSTERDAMPage Scan
457He leads us on by paths we did not knowHE LEADS US ONPage Scan
458A pilgrim and a strangerSONG OF THE SOJOURNERPage Scan
459Now rest, ye pilgrim hostCHALVEYPage Scan
460When on my day of life the night is fallingFLEMMINGPage Scan
461Brief life is here our portionST. GEORGE'S, BOLTONPage Scan
462For thee, O dear, dear countryHOLY CITYPage Scan
463aJerusalem the golden!EWINGPage Scan
363bJerusalem the golden!URBS BEATAPage Scan
464Upward where the stars are burningLAUS COELESTISPage Scan
465For ever with the Lord!NEARER HOMEPage Scan
466aHark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSPage Scan
466bHark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swellingVOX ANGELICAPage Scan
467aOne sweetly solemn thoughtLEOMINSTERPage Scan
467bOne sweetly solemn thoughtHOMELANDPage Scan
468The Homeland! O the Homeland!O BONA PATRIAPage Scan
469There is a blessed homeASHBROOKEPage Scan
470aThe sands of time are sinkingGLORYPage Scan
470bThe sands of time are sinkingRUTHERFORDPage Scan
471There is a land of pure delightVARINAPage Scan
472Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!RESTPage Scan
473It is not death to dieGREENWOODPage Scan
474When the day of toil is doneVESPERI LUXPage Scan
475Sunset and evening starCROSSING THE BARPage Scan
476Sleep thy last sleep!REQUIEMPage Scan
477Now the laborer's task is o'erREQUIESCATPage Scan
478Let no tears today be shedST. MILLICENTPage Scan
479O Paradise, O ParadiseO PARADISEPage Scan
480Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDPage Scan
481Hark! the sound of holy voicesMOULTRIEPage Scan
482O mother dear, JerusalemMATERNAPage Scan
483Now, when the dusky shades of night, retreatingLAUS MATUTINAPage Scan
484aStill, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethCONSOLATIONPage Scan
484bStill, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethOBERLINPage Scan
485Lord God of morning and of nightSAXBYPage Scan
486Come, my soul, thou must be wakingHAYDNPage Scan
487Ev'ry morning mercies newKELSOPage Scan
488Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNPage Scan
489Guard me for yet another dayGUIDANCEPage Scan
490New ev'ry morning is the loveMELCOMBEPage Scan
491Day is dying in the westEVENING PRAISEPage Scan
492All praise to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' CANONPage Scan
493At even, ere the sun was setANGELUSPage Scan
494The shadows of the evening hoursST. LEONARD (HILES)Page Scan
495Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
496Holy Father, cheer our wayVESPERI LUXPage Scan
497Now the wings of day are furledBRYANTPage Scan
498Again, as evening's shadow fallsABENDSPage Scan
499Softly the silent nightST. EDMUNDPage Scan
500The day Thou gavest, Lord is endedST. CLEMENTPage Scan
501God that madest earth and heavenTEMPLEPage Scan
502The day is gently sinking to a closeNACHTLIEDPage Scan
503This night, O Lord, we bless theeAURELIAPage Scan
504Now God be with us, for the night is closingHOREBPage Scan
505The sun is sinking fastEVENING SACRIFICEPage Scan
506The day is past and overST. ANATOLIUSPage Scan
507The radiant morn hath passed awayRADIANT MORNPage Scan
508Now the day is overMERRIALPage Scan
509O Lord, who by Thy presence hast made lightLANGRANPage Scan
510Abide with me! Fast falls the even-tideEVENTIDEPage Scan
511Softly now the light of dayHOLLEYPage Scan
512My God, I thank Thee, who hast madeWENTWORTHPage Scan
513aFor the beauty of the earthST. ATHANASIUSPage Scan
513bFor the beauty of the earthWORCESTERPage Scan
514Summer suns are glowingRUTHPage Scan
515The God of harvest praiseITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
516Again the joy of harvestHARVESTPage Scan
517We plow the fields, and scatterWIR PFLÜGENPage Scan
518Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGEPage Scan
519Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKETPage Scan
520Standing at the portal Of the opening yearNEW YEAR MORNPage Scan
521While with ceaseless course the sunBENEVENTOPage Scan
522Great God! we sing that mighty handWAREHAMPage Scan
523Break, new born year, on glad eyes break!MIRFIELDPage Scan
524O perfect Love, all human thought transcendingSANDRINGHAMPage Scan
525The voice that breathed o'er EdenST. ALPHEGEPage Scan
526Happy the home, when God is thereST. AGNES (DURHAM)Page Scan
527O happy home! where Thou art loved the dearestWINDSORPage Scan
528Thou gracious Power, whose mercy lendsMARYTONPage Scan
529Jesus, Friend of little childrenNORWOODPage Scan
530I think when I read that sweet story of oldHUDDLESTONPage Scan
531Come to the manger in BethlehemMANGERPage Scan
532When, His salvation bringingMOORLANDSPage Scan
533Saviour, blessed SaviourDAVIDPage Scan

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