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Susan H. Peterson

1950 - 2004 Author of "Come unto Me (Peterson)" in The Cyber Hymnal Born: Oc­to­ber 17, 1950, Port An­ge­les, Wash­ing­ton. Died: Ju­ly 23, 2004, Per­al­ta, New Mex­i­co. Susan was the se­cond of two girls in the fam­i­ly. Her fa­ther worked for the Na­tion­al Park Ser­vice, so Su­san en­joyed grow­ing up in Na­tion­al Parks and His­tor­ic Sites across Amer­i­ca. She did her un­der­grad­u­ate work at Stan­ford Un­i­ver­si­ty and earned a BS in ma­the­ma­tics in 1972. The next year she took a one-year grad­u­ate pro­gram at Mult­no­mah School of the Bi­ble in Port­land, Or­e­gon, and re­ceived a Cer­tif­i­cate of Bi­ble up­on com­ple­tion. She de­cid­ed not to pur­sue a ca­reer in com­put­er sci­ence, as she had orig­in­al­ly in­tend­ed, in­stead em­bark­ing on a ser­ies of jobs in which she honed her of­fice skills and gained some mis­sions ex­per­i­ence. She spent 1976 in Tan­za­nia un­der the Af­ri­ca In­land Mis­sion. Up­on her re­turn, she set­tled in Port­land, Or­e­gon, where she learned word pro­cess­ing and did ed­it­ing and proof­read­ing. In 1990, Su­san de­cid­ed to go back to school to learn how to work with vi­su­al­ly im­paired and blind adults. She re­ceived her MA in re­hab­il­i­ta­tion teach­ing of the blind from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Ar­kan­sas at Lit­tle Rock in 1991. She then moved to Fort Col­lins, Col­o­ra­do, where she worked as an ed­it­or and desk­top pub­lish­ing tech­ni­cian for 10 years and did vol­un­teer re­habilita­tion teach­ing in her spare time. Much of Susan’s ed­it­ing and desk­top pub­lish­ing work was on books pro­duced by the Mis­sions Com­miss­ion of World Evan­gel­ic­al Al­li­ance, in­clud­ing Work­ing Your Way to the Na­tions, Too Val­u­a­ble to Lose, Send Me!, Glob­al Mis­si­ol­o­gy for the 21st Cen­tu­ry, and Doing Mem­ber Care Well. She al­so worked part time for Emer­gen­cy World, a com­pa­ny that pro­duc­ed train­ing ma­ter­ia­ls for emer­gen­cy re­sponse per­son­nel. Susan moved back to Or­e­gon in 2002, where she continued the same work she did in Col­o­ra­do. For sev­er­al years, Susan worked with Wyc­liffe As­so­ci­ates as part of a team that helped key­board Bi­bles and New Tes­ta­ments that were print­ed be­fore the age of com­put­ers and that need­ed to be put in­to elec­tron­ic for­mat, so that they could be up­dat­ed or adapt­ed for other lan­guage­s. Susan’s ca­reer as a hymn writ­er be­gan in 1997, when she set a goal of writ­ing 100 hymns. Her me­thod was to sel­ect a pass­age of Scrip­ture for each song and then find a hymn tune that seemed to fit the pass­age. She thus com­bined the en­dur­ing Word of God with mel­o­dies that have stood the test of time. Her songs were a bless­ing to her, and she was pleased to be able to share them with others. Lyrics: Alpha, Omega Ascribe to the Lord Our God Be Now Im­i­tat­ors of Your Lord Be Strong in God Behold, These Words Are Trust­worthy and True Blest Are the Poor Blest Is the Man Christ a Blind Man Saw One Day Clothe Your­self with Hu­mil­i­ty Come and Hear the Words of Je­sus Come un­to Me Count It Joy Cursed Is the One Who Trusts in Man Do Not Be Sur­prised Do Not Wor­ry Earth Be­longs to the Lord, The Everyone Should Be Quick to List­en Faith Means We’re Sure Faith of Our Bro­thers For un­to Us a Child Is Born Give Thanks to God the Lord God, Keep Me Safe God Most High, We Praise You God, the Bless­ed and On­ly Rul­er God the Lord Does Ask Hallelujah, Praise the Lord! He Has Giv­en Us His Prom­is­es Hear Now My Praise, O Lord Holy, Ho­ly, Lord God Al­mighty How Can I, Lord, Keep My Way Pure? How Good It Is, Lord How Great the Love How Ma­ny Are Your Works, Lord I Am the Lord, Your God I Am the Vine I Extol You, O Lord I Kneel Be­fore You, Lord I Praise You, Lord If Any Per­son Is in Christ If You Love Me If You Would Come Af­ter Me In You, O Lord, I Put My Trust It Is Good to Praise th’Al­mighty Jesus, the Good Shep­herd Jonah Just Trust in Me Kingdom of Your Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther, The Let Not Your Hearts Be Trou­bled Let Your Mind­set Be the Same Live with Each Other in Love Lord, I Ex­tol Your Name Lord, We Come and Of­fer Praise Lord, You Have Been Our Dwell­ing Lord, You Have Searched Me Lord, You’ve Called Us as Your Ser­vants Love Must Be Sin­cere and Hon­est Lovely, O Lord, Is Your Dwell­ing Place Majestic Is Your Name Man Named Ni­co­dem­us, A My God, in Whom I Trust My Light and My Sal­va­tion My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone Now Let Us Love Each Other Now That You’ve Tast­ed O Come, Let Us Sing O God, You Are My God O Lord, Life Is Sac­red O Lord, You Reign o’er Earth and Sea O Lord, You’re My Shep­herd O May All the Peo­ples Praise You O Shout for Joy Oh, How Ma­jes­tic and Glor­i­ous Oh, the Depth of God’s Wis­dom One Day There’ll Be New Earth and Hea­ven One Named Laz­a­rus Praise Be un­to Our God Ephe­sians Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him Praise, O Serv­ants of the Lord Praise the Lord, My Soul Put Off Your Old Self Whol­ly Rejoice in God Savior, Like a Shep­herd Since Through God’s Mer­cy Since We Are Now Sur­rounde­d Since We Have Con­fi­dence Sing to the Lord Sing with Joy This God’s Our God Though I Speak To Whom Will You Com­pare God? Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart Unto You I Lift My Soul Up Up to the Hills I Look We Now Have Peace with God We Thank You, Lord Wedding Took Place, A Well Done, Good and Faith­ful Ser­vant What Good Can Come? What Shall We Say? Where Can One Look for

Josephine Pollard

1834 - 1892 Author of "They gather one by one" Josephine Pollard USA 1834-1892. Born at NYC, NY, one of seven children and daughter of an architect, she attended an exclusive girls school, Spingler Institute, and was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church. She was a founding member of the professional women’s club, Sorosis. She never married. She became an author, poet, and hymnist, writing many children’s books and for children’s magazines, including Harper’s, Scribner’s, and the New York Ledger. She wrote 44 books, mostly religious, for children, but also about history, birds, sports and games, and adventure stories. She also wrote 100+ hymn lyrics as well. She worked as an editor for the Sunday School Times and for the Methodist Book Concern, where she edited a magazine for African Americans. Her children’s books include: “History of the U.S.” (1884); “The life of George Washington” ; “The life of Christ for young people”; “History of the New Testament in words of one syllable” (1899); “History of the Old Testament in words of one syllable” (1899); “Bible stories for children” (1899). She was in poor health in her latter years. She died at NYC, NY. John Perry =============== Pollard, Josephine, born in New York, circa 1840, is the author of (1) "I stood outside the gate" (Lent), (2) "Joy-bells ringing, Children singing" (Joy) in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, 1878. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John E. Gould

1821 - 1875 Person Name: J. E. Gould Composer of "ONE BY ONE" in The New Sabbath School Hosanna John Edgar Gould USA 1821-1875. Born in Bangor, ME, he became a musician. He managed music stores in New York City and Philadelphia, PA., the latter with composer partner, William Fischer. He married Josephine Louisa Barrows, and they had seven children: Blanche, Marie, Ida, John, Josephine, Josephine, and Augusta. He compiled eight religious songbooks from 1846 thru 1869. He died while traveling in Algiers, Africa, and was buried in Philadelphia, PA. John Perry

H. P. Danks

1834 - 1903 Composer of "[One by one, the sands are flowing]" in Heart and Voice

John B. Vaughan

1862 - 1918 Author of "Gathering home with Jesus in glory" John B. Vaughan (sometimes misspelled Vaughn), 1862-1918 Born: June 16, 1862, El­bert Coun­ty, Georg­ia. Died: July 18, 1918, Athens, Georg­ia. Buried: Oco­nee Hill Cem­e­te­ry, Athens, Georgia. Vaughan was a Gos­pel song writ­er and mu­sic pub­lish­er. At one time he taught at the South­ern De­vel­op­ment Nor­mal mu­sic school in Wa­co, Tex­as. Lyrics-- Beautiful Home Some­where There’ll Be Room Enough ’Twill Be Glo­ry By and By We Shall See the King -- --

Richard Massie

1800 - 1887 Person Name: R. Massie, 1800-87 Translator of "We Are Called by One Vocation" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Massie, Richard, eldest son of the Rev. R. Massie, of Goddington, Cheshire, and Rector of Eccleston, was born at Chester, June 18, 1800, and resides at Pulford Hall, Coddington. Mr. Massie published a translation of Martin Luther’s Spiritual Songs, London, 1854. His Lyra Domestica, 1st series, London, 1860, contains translations of the 1st Series of Spitta's Psalter und Harfe. In 1864 he published vol. ii., containing translations of Spitta's 2nd Series, together with an Appendix of translations of German hymns by various authors. He also contributed many translations of German hymns to Mercer's Church Psalter & Hymn Book; to Reid's British Herald; to the Day of Rest, &c. He died Mar. 11,1887. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. H. Kurzenknabe

1840 - 1927 Person Name: John Henry Kurzenknabe Author of "Wait, Patiently Wait" in The Cyber Hymnal Kurzenknabe, John Henry. (Muenchhof, Kurhessen, Germany, June 18, 1840--April 13, 1927, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania). German Reformed layman. His parents died of cholera when he was five, and he was placed in a boarding school. When 14, he came to the United States with his violin and his share ($500) of his parents' estate. During the 48-day voyage, he attended an elderly sick woman, a Mrs. Ziegler from Wilkes-Barre, Penn., whose family helped him settled in the States. He attended Wyoming Seminary nearby, where he studied music and perfected his English. Even before graduation, he taught violin and began teaching singing classes in the area. In 1856, William B. Bradbury came to Wilkes-Barre for a six-week musical institute. He was so impressed with Kurzenknabe's talent that he offered him, still only 16 years old, $50 a month and board to accompany him to other institutes as an assistant teacher. Two years later, Kurzenknabe was teaching a class in Hagerstown, Maryland. At the final concert, one of the soloists became ill and a 14-year-old girl, Susan Shaffer, filled the role so well they eloped to Greencastle, Penn., and were married on November 13, 1859. They had 15 children, moving every few years until 1869 when they settled permanently in Harrisburg. J.H. (as he preferred to be called) tried to enlist in the Union Army during the Civil War, but was rejected because of his flat feet. He became a U.S. citizen on November 2, 1866. He opened the first piano story in Harrisburg. He continued to teach singing classes, published his many song-books under the imprint J.H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, organized a band and an orchestra, and was an early and active member of the Board of Trade. Long active in the local German Reformed Church, as the city expanded he organized St. John's Sunday School in 1893 which became St. John's Chapel in 1899 at Fourth and Maclay Streets. This has kept growing so that the present church buildings include Kurzenknabe Auditorium. As president of the Pennsylvania State Music Teachers' Association, he presided over their convention in Harrisburg, December 26-28, 1894. For the occasion, he prepared a concert with 300 voices and orchestra which was conducted by W.W. Gilchrist of Philadelphia. From this grew the Harrisburg Choral Society. That same year, he became the local examiner for the London (England) College of Music. He wrote the words and/or the music to over 650 hymns. His song-books went through several editions, selling a total of over 300,000 copies. In 1904, with his daughter Lily he made an extended trip back to his native Germany. On his 50th wedding anniversary, the wedding march was played by six sons and a daughter. His wife died on March 24, 1920, at the age of 75. He followed her at the age of 86. --Information furnished by great-grandson, John G. Kurzenknabe. Additional essays are available in the DNAH Archives. =============================== Born: June 18, 1840, Mönchdorf, Kurhessen, Germany. Buried: East Harrisburg Cemetery, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Kurzenknabe, J. H., music teacher and author, was born in Moenchehof, near Cassel, Curhessen, Germany, Jun 18, 1840. He is a son of John George and Anna Kurzenknabe. He was left an orphan in childhood. He attended the Industrial School at Cassel. When he was fourteen years old he bade farewell to friends and home, September 15, 1854, and set out to seek his fortune in the New World, sailing from Bremerhaven for America on the following day. By mistake he was transferred to a ship on which all were strangers to him, but he was buoyant with hope and free as a bird. During the voyage of forty-nine days, being a very clever violinist, he made friends among the officers and crew and became also a general favorite with the passengers, so that he was the pet of the ship. His especial attention was attracted to an old lady who was sick during the whole voyage. Her children in America had sent money to bring over their old mother. To this helpless woman he ministered in his boyish way as best he could. The forty-nine days' voyage was tempestuous, and minus mast, and storm-beaten, the ship hove in sight of the eagerly looked-for land. On her arrival at New York, the children of the old lady were there to meet her, to whom she told the story of the boy's kindness. In this family he found a temporary home, and in years to come he was not forgotten by them. Arrangements were made for him to go to a seminary in Pennsylvania, where under Christian training he found a safe shelter and valuable instruction. Having a talent for music he followed this bent, and in that institution of learning he prosecuted his musical studies and made for himself a name as a teacher of the violin and vocal music. He was afterwards placed under the care and instruction of William B. Bradbury, then the most prominent teacher of music in the country. After a thorough course under this master, Mr. Kurzenknabe started on his own responsibility. His first and only attempt to teach singing and a day-school together in a Maryland town was a total failure, but the very next engagement, which was at Sag Harbor, L. I., proved a complete success. After teaching successfully in Baltimore and other Maryland towns, he visited the New England States and taught conventions in a number of important cities. He then returned to Hagerstown, Md., where his lot fell in pleasant places, and here, too, he found the wife to cheer him through his busy life. He taught successfully in Baltimore, York, Pa., Harrisburg, Philadelphia and New York, and last in Camden, N. J., where the first child, a boy, greeted the parents and cheered their hearts. His next place of residence and teaching was Moorestown, N. J., and the next Philadelphia, where a daughter was born. The war coming on, the New England States seemed safer than Pennsylvania, hence Dedham, Mass., became the next home. Fine classes in Yankee land, war songs and teaching in most of the prominent town brought money to the purse, but sickness claimed the boy for a victim. Repeated and urgent invitations from Maryland friends to make a change, for the boy's sake, induced the Kurzenknabes to disregard the threatening perils of war and journey southward. Antietam and Gettysburg brought the armies of both sides, and the great invasion left the family destitute and helpless, with but five dollars in money and a railroad ticket to Sunbury, Pa., whence the floods drove them back. Mercersburg and study for the ministry were quickly decided upon. But exciting debates of the church involved theological gladiators and their followers, and too free a tongue was not the wisest thing to have in those days of trial. Fairy visions vanished. The advent of twin boys made an increase of income imperative and teaching was the only resource. A house was purchased at McConnelsburg, but sold after an occupancy of two years. Mechanicsburg was home for a short time, and finally Harrisburg became the permanent residence, and a house was purchased which is still home. Teaching for twenty-seven years in many different States, sometimes hundreds of miles from home, always joyous, looking at the bright side of life, active, with plenty of grit, yet with his heart centered where the loved ones stay, earnest, enthusiastic, this is J. H. Kurzenknabe as his friends and scholars know him. Professor Kurzenknabe is the author and compiler of the following books: "Sweet Silver Echoes," "Music at Sight," "Gospel Trio," "Songs and Glees," "Wreath of Gems," "Song Treasury," "Peerless Praise," "Gates Ajar," "Sowing and Reaping," " Theory of Music," "Fair as the Morning," and "Kindly Light." The sale of "Sowing and Reaping" has rached over 280,000 copies, and over 190,000 copies of "Fair as the Morning" have been sold. "Kindly Light" starts in with 20,000 copies engaged in advance of publication. All of htese books are published by his well-known house of J. H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Kurzenknabe was married in Greencastle, Pa., November 13, 1859, to Susan Shafer, daughter of George and Frederica Shafer, residents of Hagerstown, Md. Professor Kurzenknabe is at present a member of Salem Reformed church, which, as elder, he represented for many years at Classis and in the Synod. He belongs to Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 69, I. O. O. F., Harrisburg Encampment, No. 301, the I. O. of H., and several other organizations. He is often for weeks from home, attending conventions, gospel services and children's gatherings. He eats and sleeps well, is in perfect health, is five feet nine inches in height, turning the scale at two hundred pounds, and knowing nothing by experience of sickness. You will find him a hale-fellow-well-met. May his days of usefulness be many and his talent ever be active in the Master's cause, till the welcome summons, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," calls him to the rest that awaits the people of God. This sketch is prepared by one of his loyal friends and ardent admirers.

B. B. Edmiaston

1881 - 1955 Author of "One By One" in Humble Hearts Benard Bates Edmiaston Born: Ju­ly 16, 1881, Ben­netts, Bax­ter Coun­ty, Ar­kan­sas. Died: De­cem­ber 2, 1964, Bronte, Tex­as. Buried: Fair­view Ce­me­te­ry, Bronte, Tex­as. Bernard was the son of Da­vid W. Ed­mi­as­ton and Geor­gia Ann Flu­ty, and hus­band of El­la Al­len. He stu­died mu­sic un­der Ru­fus Tur­ner, Frank­lin Ei­land, W. H. Law­son, Ber­ry Mc­Gee, Em­mett Dean, G. W. Fields, John Her­bert, and ma­ny oth­ers, and taught sing­ing schools for at least 38 years. He wrote and pub­lished songs through the Trio Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, Wa­co, Tex­as, and was di­rec­tor of the South­ern De­vel­op­ment Nor­mal School of Mu­sic in W­aco. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

F.-H. Barthélémon

1741 - 1808 Person Name: F. H. Barthelemon Composer of "AUTUMN" in Song-Hymnal of Praise and Joy French violinist, composer, teacher, he became active in England, playing in an Italian comedy orchestra and led a band. He wrote opera, ballet, theatre music and ballads, popular songs, masques, concertos and 6 symphonies. John Perry

Harriet E. Jones

1823 - 1915 Author of "Christ Is Waiting to Save" in Songs of Sovereign Grace Harriet E. Rice Jones, 1823-1915 Born: Ap­ril 18, 1823, Pom­pey Hol­low, Onon­da­ga Coun­ty, New York. Died: 1915, Bing­ham­ton, New York. Buried: Oran Com­mun­i­ty Church Cem­e­te­ry, Pom­pey, Onon­da­ga Coun­ty, New York. Daughter of El­e­a­zer Rice, Jones lived in Onon­da­ga Coun­ty, New York. Her girl­hood was spent on a farm, re­ceiv­ing what ed­u­ca­tion the count­ry schools and one term at high school could pro­vide. She was al­ways fond of read­ing, and was a great sing­er, with a clear ring­ing voice. On Ju­ly 7, 1844, she mar­ried a son of Rev. Ze­nas Jones; her hus­band died in 1879. Her song writ­ing ca­reer b­egan when her po­e­try came to the at­ten­tion of Dr. M. J. Mun­ger, who asked if she could write some Sun­day school hymns for him. She went on to write for Daniel Town­er, J. C. Ew­ing, the Fill­more bro­thers, and others.


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