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Peter Abelard

1079 - 1142 Hymnal Number: 2268 Composer of "AUGUSTINE" in Small Church Music Abelard, Peter, born at Pailais, in Brittany, 1079. Designed for the military profession, he followed those of philosophy and theology. His life was one of strange chances and changes, brought about mainly through his love for Heloise, the niece of one Fulbert, a Canon of the Cathedral of Paris, and by his rationalistic views. Although a priest, he married Heloise privately. He was condemned for heresy by the Council of Soissons, 1121, and again by that of Sens, 1140; died at St. Marcel, near Chalons-sur-Saône, April 21, 1142. For a long time, although his poetry had been referred to both by himself and by Heloise, little of any moment was known except the Advent hymn, Mittit ad Virginem, (q.v.). In 1838 Greith published in his Spicihgium Vaticanum, pp. 123-131, six poems which had been discovered in the Vatican. Later on, ninety-seven hymns were found in the Royal Library at Brussels, and pub. in the complete edition of Abelard's works, by Cousin, Petri Abelardi Opp., Paris, 1849. In that work is one of his best-known hymns, Tuba Domini, Paule, maxima (q.v.). Trench in his Sacra Latina Poetry, 1864, gives his Ornarunt terram germina (one of a series of poems on the successive days' work of the Creation), from Du Meril's Poesies Popul. Lat. du Moyen Age, 1847, p. 444. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. F. Bahnmaier

1774 - 1841 Hymnal Number: 1378 Author of "Spread, O spread, thou mighty Word" in Small Church Music Bahnmaier, Jonathan Friedrich, son of J. G. Bahnmaier, Town Preacher at Oberstenfeld, near Bottwar, Württemberg, was born at Oberstenfeld, July 12, 1774. After completing his studies at Tübingen, his first appointment was, in 1798, as assistant to his father. He became Diaconus at Marbach on the Neckar in 1806, and at Ludwigsburg in 1810, where he was for a time the head of a young ladies' school. In 1815 he was appointed Professor of Education and Homiletics at Tübingen, but in the troublous times that followed had to resign his post. He received in 1819 the appointment of Decan and Town Preacher at Kirchheim-unter-Teck, where he continued as a faithful, unwearied, and successful worker for 21 years. He was distinguished as a preacher, and greatly interested in the causes of education, of missions, and of Bible societies. He was also one of the principal members of the committee which compiled the Württemberg Gesang-Buch of 1842. He preached his last sermon at Kirchheim, on the 10th Sunday after Trinity, Aug. 15, 1841. Two days later he held a visitation at Owen. While inspecting the school at the adjacent village of Brucker, he was struck by paralysis, and being conveyed back to Owen, died there, Aug. 18, 1841 (Koch vii. 81-84; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, i. 766-767). Of his hymns two have been translated into English: i. Jesu als du wiederkehrtest. [Schools.] First published in his Christliche Blätter aus Tübingen, pts. 9-12 for 1819, p. 85, in 2 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "Prayer after School"; as one of 7 metrical prayers for Children, and for the School and House. Included as No. 2947 in Knapp's Evanglischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837 (1865, No. 2614), and No. 513 in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842. The only translation in common use is: Jesu, when Thou once returnest. In full by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 178. ii. Walte, fürder, nah und fern. [Missions.] According to Koch, vii. 84, first printed separately 1827. Included as No. 97 in the Kern des deutschen Ziederschatzes, Nürnberg, 1828, and as No. 260, beginning,"Walte, walte, nah und fern" in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, in 7 stanzas of 4 line, and since in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, and other recent collections. One of the best and most useful of hymns for Foreign Missions. The translations in common use are: 1. Far and near, Almighty Word. A good and full translation by Miss Cox in her Sacred Hymns, Boston, U.S., 1853, and Dean Alford's Year of Praise, 1867, stanza i. was omitted and the hymn thus began, "Word by God the Father sent." 2. Spread thy triumph far and nigh, by H. J. Buckoll. By omitting stanzas ii., iv. as No. 65 in the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1850 (in the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1870, No. 175, the translation is complete). The translations of stanzas iii., v.-vii. altered and beginning "Word of Him whose sovereign will", were included in the Marylebone Collection, 1851, and Burgess and Money's Psalms and Hymns, 1857. The Wellington College Hymn Book, 1863, begins with the translations of stanza v., "Word of life, so pure and free." 3. Spread, oh spread, thou mighty Word. A full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Series, 1858, p. 60, repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 176. Since included in Kennedy, People's Hymnal, 1867, Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884, and others; and in America in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, Hymns and Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874, Evangelical Hymnal, and others. In Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, 1864, it begins with st. v., "Word of life, most pure, most strong." Other translations are: (1) "Go forth, thou mighty word of grace", by Lady E, Fortescue, 1343 (ed. 1847, p. 31). (2) "0 Word of God, reign everywhere," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 85. (3) "Word of God! with glory crown'd", in L. Rehfuess's Ch. at Sea, 1868, p. 109. [Rev. James Mearns, M. A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William C. Poole

1875 - 1949 Hymnal Number: 2248 Author of "In His glory, I shall see the King" in Small Church Music William C. Poole was born and raised on a farm in Maryland. His parents belonged to the Methodist church. He graduated from Washington College and became a Methodist minister in Wilmington, Delaware area. He was pastor of McCabe Memorial, Richardson Park and other churches. In 1913 he was superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of Delaware. He wrote about five hundred hymns. The writing was done as recreation and a diversion from his pastoral work. His goal in writing as well as in being a minister was to help people. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

A. H. Ackley

1887 - 1960 Hymnal Number: 6646 Author of "I’ll go with Him all the way to glory" in Small Church Music Alfred Henry Ackley was born 21 January 1887 in Spring Hill, Pennsylvania. He was the youngest son of Stanley Frank Ackley and the younger brother of B. D. Ackley. His father taught him music and he also studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in Maryland and was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1914. He served churches in Pennsylvania and California. He also worked with the Billy Sunday and Homer Rodeheaver evangelist team and for Homer Rodeheaver's publishing company. He wrote around 1500 hymns. He died 3 July 1960 in Los Angeles. Dianne Shapiro (from by Ed Ackley and Allen C. Ackley)

James R. Murray

1841 - 1905 Person Name: James Ramsey Murray Hymnal Number: 814 Composer of "MUELLER" in Small Church Music L.P.M. (1905, April 12). Obituary. New Church Messenger, p.209. Murray.--At Cincinnati, March 10, 1905, James Ramsey Murray. Funeral services in the Church of the New Jersualem, March 13th. James R. Murray was widely known in the musical world as the author of many songs and song books, and in the New Church in Chicago and Cincinnati as an affectionate, intelligent, and loyal New Churchman. He was born in Andover (Ballard Vale), Mass., March 17, 1841. In early life he developed musical talent, and composed many minor pieces for local and special occasions. Later at North Reading, Mass., he attended Dr. George F. Root's School of Music, and was associated with William Bradbury and Dr. Lowell Mason. He enlisted in the Fourteenth Regiment of infantry, commonly known as the Essex County Regiment, and afterwards was changed to the First Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, which was engaged in most of the battles fought by the Second Army Corps up to the surrender of General Lee. "Daisy Deane," the first and most popular of his early song successes, was composed in 1863 in Virginia while in camp, words by his cousin, Thomas F. Winthrop. This song is known all over the world, and the Salvation Army is using an arrangement of it for one of their war cry songs. In 1868 Mr. Murray married Isabella Maria Taylor of Andover; and they removed to Chicago. Here three children were born to them, two passing early to their heavenly home, the youngest, Winthrop Root Murray, is still living. It was during these first years in Chicago that Mr. and Mrs. Murray became interested in the New Church, while he was engaged with Root and Cady as editor of the Long Visitor, afterwards merged with the Musical Visitor. After the great fire of 1871 Mr. and Mrs. Murray returned East, where he was engaged in teaching in Lawrence and Andover, and as organist at the Old South Church in Andover. In 1881 they removed to Cincinnati and Mr. Murray became the editor of the Musical Viistor [sic] and head of the publication department of the John Church Company. Among the most popular of his books are "Pure Diamonds," "Royal Gems," "The Prize" and "Murray's Sacred Songs." The following titles will recall some of his best loved sacred songs: "At Last," "Calm on the Listening Ear of Night," "I Shall Be Satisfied," "There Shall No Evil Befall Thee," "Thine, O Lord, Is the Greatness," "The Way Was Mine," "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains," "Angels from the Realms of Glory." His last great labor in the publishing department of the John Church Company was the seeing through the press five volumes of Wagner's music dramas, with full score and original German text, and an English translation. The immense and careful labor involved in the preparation of these volumes, with a really smooth and excellent English translation, had perhaps, as it was done under pressure, something to do with Mr. Murray's breakdown. Although for some reason Mr. Murray's name does not appear on the title page of these volumes, his friends knew of the place the work held in his affections and ambition. Mr. Murray was a member of the Church Council of the Cincinnati Society for the last four years and took a deep interest in the building of the New Church, and in the inauguration of services, with all the changes looking to the improvement of the musical part of the service. The vested choir, organized by Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, which Mr. Murray as councilman had urged from the beginning, in their entrance to the church each Sunday singing the processional hymn participated in the funeral service, with a congregation of brethren and friends, all moved by deep love and profound respect for the consistent life and faith of a worthy Churchman and beloved friend. --DNAH Archives =================================== For a discussion of Murray and the tune MUELLER, see: Stulken, M.K. (1981). Hymnal companion to the Lutheran Book of Worship. Philadelphia : Fortress Press, p.170. =================================== Also available in the DNAH Archives: 1. An excerpt from Christie, George A. (1927). New Free Church. In Music in Andover. Papers read at "Fagot Party" of the Andover Natural History Society. 2. Unsourced essay about Murray written soon after his death, likely from Andover, Mass., perhaps authored by Charlotte Helen Abbott.

William W. Walford

1772 - 1850 Person Name: W. W. Walford Hymnal Number: 117 Author of "Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!" in Small Church Music William W. Walford, a blind preacher of England, is the author of the hymn beginning "Sweet hour of prayer." This hymn first appeared in print in the New York Observer September 13, 1845. The contributor who furnished the hymn says: "During my residence at Coleshill, Warwickshire, England, I became acquainted with W. W. Walford, the blind preacher, a man of obscure birth and connections and no education, but of strong mind and most retentive memory. In the pulpit he never failed to select a lesson well adapted to his subject, giving chapter and verse with unerring precision, and scarcely ever misplacing a word in his repetition of the Psalms, every part of the New Testament, the prophecies, and some of the histories, so as to have the reputation of knowing the whole Bible by heart." Rev. Thomas Salmon, who was settled as the pastor of the Congregational Church at Coleshill in 1838, remained until 1842, and then removed to the United States, is believed to have been the contributor who says of the hymn: "I rapidly copied the lines with my pencil as he uttered them, and send them for insertion in the Observer if you think them worthy of preservation." From: Nutter, C. S., & Tillett, W. F. (1911). The hymns and hymn writers of the church, an annotated edition of The Methodist hymnal. New York: Methodist Book Concern.

Lydia Baxter

1809 - 1874 Hymnal Number: 120 Author of "Precious Name, O how sweet!" in Small Church Music Baxter, Lydia, an American Baptist, was b. at Petersburg, N. York, Sep. 2, 1800, married to Mr. Baxter, and d. in N. Y. June 22, 1874. In addition to her Gems by the Wayside, 1855, Mrs. Baxter contributed many hymns to collections for Sunday Schools, and Evangelistic Services. Of these, the following are the best known:— 1. Cast thy net again, my brother. Patient toil. Given in the Royal Diadem, N. Y., 1873. 2. Go, work in my vineyard. Duty. Also given in the Royal Diadem, 1873, and Mr. Sankey's S. & Solos, No. 4. 3. I'm kneeling, Lord, at mercy's gate. Lent. In Coronation Hymns, &c, N. Y., 1879. 4. I'm weary, I'm fainting, my day's work is done. Longing for rest. Royal Diadem. 1873. 5. In the fadeless spring-time. Heavenly Reunion. In the Royal Diadem, 1873, I. D. Sankey's S. S. & Solos, No. 256, and others. It was written for Mr. H. P. Main in 1872. 6. One by one we cross the river. Death. In Songs of Salvation, N. Y., 1870, I. D. Sankey's S. S. & Solos, No. 357, &c. It dates cir. 1866. 7. Take the name of Jesus with you. Name of Jesus. Written late in 1870, or early in 1871, for W. H. Doane, and pub. in Pure Gold, 1871. It is No. 148 of I. D. Sankey's S. S. & Solos. 8. The Master is coming. Invitation. In Songs of Salvation, 1870, No. 38. 9. There is a gate that stands ajar. Mercy. In New Hallowed Songs, and also the Gospel Songs of P. Bliss, 1874. It was written for S. J. Vail about 1872. It has attained to some popularity. It is given in Mr. Sankey's S. & Solos, No. 2. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Judson W. Van DeVenter

1855 - 1939 Hymnal Number: 175 Author of "I surrender all, I surrender all" in Small Church Music Judson W. Van DeVenter was born 15 December 1855 on a farm near the village of Dundee, Michigan. He was educated in the country and village schools, and at Hillsdale College. He later moved to St. Petersburg, Florida. He wrote about 100 hymns. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

John Bowring

1792 - 1872 Hymnal Number: 285 Author of "In the Cross of Christ I Glory" in Small Church Music James Bowring was born at Exeter, in 1792. He possessed at an early age a remarkable power of attaining languages, and acquired some reputation by his metrical translations of foreign poems. He became editor of "The Westminster Review" in 1825, and was elected to Parliament in 1835. In 1849, he was appointed Consul at Canton, and in 1854, was made Governor of Hong Kong, and received the honour of knighthood. He is the author of some important works on politics and travel, and is the recipient of several testimonials from foreign governments and societies. His poems and hymns have also added to his reputation. His "Matins and Vespers" have passed through many editions. In religion he is a Unitarian. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ======================================= Bowring, Sir John, LL.D., a distinguished man of letters, was born at Exeter, Oct. 17, 1792. His studies extended to philology, poetry, politics, and other branches of learning, whilst as editor of the Westminster Review for some years (he received the appointment in 1825) he did considerable work as a reviewer. He held several official appointments under the Government as Commissioner to France on commercial matters (1831-5); British Consul at Hong Kong (1849); and Governor of Hong Kong (1854). He was twice Member of Parliament, and was knighted in 1854. He died Nov. 23rd, 1872. His published works are very numerous, and display an astonishing acquaintance with various languages. Those specially bearing on poetry include:— (1) Russian Anthology, with Biographical and Critical notices of the Poets of Russia, 1821; (2) Specimens of the Russian Poets, 1823; (3) Ancient Poetry and Romance of Spain, 1824; (4) Batavian Anthology, or Specimens of Dutch Poets, 1824; (5) Servian Popular Poetry, 1821; (6) Specimens of Polish Poets, 1827; (1) Poetry of the Magyars, 1830; (8) History of the Poetical Literature of Bohemia, 1832, &c. In addition to these works, which are mainly translations, Sir John Bowring wrote original verse. This was published interspersed with a few translations, as follows:— (1) Matins and Vespers with Hymns and Occasional Devotional Pieces, Lond., 1823; 2nd edition, enlarged, 1824; 3rd edition, again enlarged, 1841; and the 4th, still further enlarged, in 1851. (2) Hymns: as a Sequel to the Matins, 1825. In addition he contributed to a few Unitarian hymnals, especially that of the Rev. J. R. Beard of Manchester, 1837. In that Collection many of the hymns added to the 3rd edition of Matins, &c, 1841, were first published A selection from these, together with a biographical sketch, was published by Lady Bowring in 1873, as a Memorial Volume of Sacred Poetry. This work contains hymns from the Matins and Vespers, together with others from Periodicals, and from his manuscripts. Of his hymns a very large percentage have come into common use. A few have been adopted by almost all denominations, as, "God is love, His mercy brightens;" "How sweetly flow'd the gospel sound;" "In the Cross of Christ I glory;" "Watchman, tell us of the night;"; and others, but the greater portion are confined to the Unitarian collections of Great Britain and America, of which denomination he was a member. In addition to the more important, which are annotated under their first lines, there are also the following in common use:—- 1. Clay to clay, and dust to dust. Burial. From his Hymns, 1825, into the Hymn & Tune Book, Boston, U.S., 1868, &c. 2. Come the rich, and come the poor. Divine Worship. Contributed to Beard's Collection, 1837, No. 290, and repeated in Bowring's Matins, &c., 3rd edition, 1841. It is in a few American collections. 3. Drop the limpid waters now. Holy Baptism. From Matins and Vespers, 3rd edition, 1841, into Kennedy, 1863. 4. Earth's transitory things decay. The Memory of the Just. From his Hymns, 1825, into Beard, 1837; the American Plymouth Collection, 1855; and the Songs for the Sanctuary, N.Y., 1865, &c. 5. Father, glorify Thy name. The Father glorified. Also from Hymns, 1825, into Beard, 1837; the Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, U.S., 1864, &c. 6. Father and Friend, Thy light, Thy love. Omnipresence. From Matins and Vespers, 2nd edition, 1824, into several collections, and sometimes in an abbreviated form. 7. Father of Spirits, humbly bent before Thee. Also in Hymns, 1825, and Dr. Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 1873. In Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, U.S., 1864, it is given as, "Father of Spirits, gathered now before Thee." 8. From all evil, all temptation. Preservation implored. Contributed to Beard's Collection, 1837. 9. From the recesses of a lowly spirit. Prayer of trust. From Matins and Vespers, 1st edition, 1823, into several American collections. 10. Gather up, 0 earth, thy dead. Published in his Matins & Vespers, 3rd ed., 1841, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines and repeated, slightly altered, in Kennedy, 1863, No. 753. 11. Gently the shades of night descends Evening. A cento from his poem on "Sunday Evening," in the Matins, &c, 1st edition, 1823, p. 6. It is given in the Boston Hymns of the Spirit, 1864; the Boston Hymn & Tune Book, 1868, and other collections. 12. How dark, how desolate. Hope. 1st published in his Matins, &c, 1823, p. 246. In Dr. Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 1873, it is No. 515. 13. How shall we praise Thee, Lord of Light! Evening. A cento from the same poem as No. 7 above. It is given in the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and other American collections. 14. Lead us with Thy gentle sway. Divine Guidance desired. Hymns, 1825, into Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and others. 15. Lord, in heaven, Thy dwelling-place. Praise. Contributed to Beard's Collection, 1837, No. 70, repeated in the author's Matins, &c, 3rd edition 1841, p. 235, and given in a few American collections. In the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, it is altered to "Lord of every time and place." 16. 0 let my [thy] trembling soul be still. Resignation. From the 1st edition of the Matins, &c, 1823, p. 251, in 3 stanzas of 6 lines, into Beard's Collection, 1837; the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and others. It is sometimes given as, "0 let thy," &c. 17. 0, sweet it is to feel and know. Monday Morning. A poem in 16 stanzas of 4 lines, given in his Matins, &c, 1823, p. 60. In 1837 stanzas i.-iii. were given in Beard's Collection as No. 448, and entitled "God near in sorrow." In the 3rd edition of the Matins, &c, 1841, this cento was repeated (p. 245), with the same title, notwithstanding the full poem was in the same book. 18. On the dust I'm doomed to sleep. Resurrection. Appeared in his Matins, &c, 1st edition, 1823, p. 252, in 2 stanzas of 8 lines. In the 2nd edition, 1824, p. 232, it was altered to "In the dust," &c. This was repeated in 1841. In some hymnals it reads:— 19. The heavenly spheres to Thee, 0 God. Evening. This "Hymn to the Deity" appeared in the 2nd edition of his Matins, &c, 1824, pp. 235-6, in 4 stanzas of 4 double lines. It is also in the 3rd edition, 1841; the Boston Hymns of the Spirit, 1864 and other American collections. 20. When before Thy throne we kneel. Divine Worship. From his Hymns, 1825, into Beard's Collection, 1837, No. 93; the Boston Hymn & Tune Book, 1868, No. 21, and others. 21. Where is thy sting, 0 death! Death. Also from the Hymns, 1825, into the same collections as No. 20 above. It will be noted that Beard's Collection, 1837, is frequently named above. The full title of that hymnal is— A Collection of Hymns for Public and Private Worship. Compiled by John R. Board, Lond., John Green, 1837. The Rev. John Relly Beard was an Unitarian Minister in Manchester, and the collection is dedicated "To the Manchester Meeting of Ministers." It contained a large number of original hymns. Bowring contributed 82, of which 33 were published therein for the first time. Some of his hymns are of great merit, and most of them are characterised by great earnestness and deep devotion. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Bowring, Sir John, p. 166, i. In the article on Bowring the hymns numbered therein as 4 and 20 are stated to have appeared in his Hymns, 1825, but in error. The earliest date to which we can positively trace them is Beard's Collection, 1837. From the Hymns, 1825, we find, however, that the following are in modern hymnals:— 1. Our God is nigh. Divine Presence. 2. 'Tis not the gift; but 'tis the spirit. Outward and Inward Virtue. 3. When the storms of sorrow gather. God our Guide. From the various editions of his Matins and Vespers additional hymns arc also in modern use:— 4. If all our hopes and all our fears. Heaven Anticipated. (1823.) 5. In Thy courts let peace be found. Public Worship. (1841.) 6. The offerings to Thy throne which rise. Heart Worship. (1824.) 7. Who shall roll away the stone? Easter. In Beard's Collection, 1837, and Matins & Vespers, 1841. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

James M. Gray

1851 - 1935 Hymnal Number: 1270 Author of "Who saved us from eternal loss?" in Small Church Music Born: May 11, 1851, New York City. Died: September 21, 1935, Passavant Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. Buried: Woodlawn Cemetery, New York City. Gray accepted Christ at age 22. He was educated at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine (Doctor of Divinity), and the University of Des Moines, Iowa (Doctor of Laws). In 1879 he became Rector of the First Reformed Episcopal Church in Boston, Massachusetts, where he served 14 years. He then became dean (1904-25) and president (1925-34) of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois, and directed publication of four editions (1921-28) of the Voice of Thanksgiving, official hymnal of the Institute. A conservative theologian, Gray was one of seven editors of the popular Scofield Reference Bible. He was a fine scholar and excellent Bible teacher, but his interests went beyond mere academics. He promoted the Sunday School, and took an interest in civic affairs and patriotic causes. He backed efforts at social betterment, supported Prohibition, and wrote about 20 books


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