Samuel Stennett

Samuel Stennett
Short Name: Samuel Stennett
Full Name: Stennett, Samuel, 1727-1795
Birth Year: 1727
Death Year: 1795

Samuel Stennett was born at Exeter, in 1727. His father was pastor of a Baptist congregation in that city; afterwards of the Baptist Chapel, Little Wild Street, London. In this latter pastorate the son succeeded the father in 1758. He died in 1795. Dr. Stennett was the author of several doctrinal works, and a few hymns.

--Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872.

Stennett, Samuel, D.D., grandson of Joseph Stennett, named above, and son of the Rev. Joseph Stennett, D.D., was born most pro;bably in 1727, at Exeter, where his father was at that time a Baptist minister. When quite young he removed to London, his father having become pastor of the Baptist Church in Little Wild Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. In 1748, Samuel Stennett became assistant to his father in the ministry, and in 1758 succeeded him in the pastoral office at Little Wild Street. From that time until his death, on Aug. 24, 1795, he held a very prominent position among the Dissenting ministers of London. He was much respected by some of the statesmen of the time, and used his influence with them in support of the principles of religious freedom. The celebrated John Howard was a member of his congregation and an attached friend. In 1763, the University of Aberdeen conferred on him the degree of D.D. Dr. S. Stennett's prose publications consist of volumes of sermons, and pamphlets on Baptism and on Nonconformist Disabilities. He wrote one or two short poems, and contributed 38 hymns to the collection of his friend, Dr. Rippon (1787). His poetical genius was not of the highest order, and his best hymns have neither the originality nor the vigour of some of his grandfather's. The following, however, are pleasing in sentiment and expression, and are in common use more especially in Baptist congregations:—
1. And have I, Christ, no love for Thee? Love for Christ desired.
2. And will the offended God again? The Body the Temple of the Holy Ghost.
3. As on the Cross the Saviour hung. The Thief on the Cross.
4. Behold the leprous Jew. The healing of the Leper.
5. Come, every pious heart. Praise to Christ.
6. Father, at Thy call, I come. Lent.
7. Great God, amid the darksome night. God, a Sun.
8. Great God, what hosts of angels stand. Ministry of Angels.
9. Here at Thy Table, Lord, we meet. Holy Communion.
10. How charming is the place. Public Worship.
11. How shall the sons of men appear? Acceptance through Christ alone.
12. How soft the words my [the] Saviour speaks. Early Piety.
13. How various and how new. Divine Providence.
14. Not all the nobles of the earth. Christians as Sons of God.
15. On Jordan's stormy banks I stand. Heaven anticipated.
16. Prostrate, dear Jesus, at thy feet. Lent. Sometimes, "Dear Saviour, prostrate at Thy feet."
17. Should bounteous nature kindly pour. The greatest of these is Love. From this, "Had I the gift of tongues," st. iii., is taken.
18. Thy counsels of redeeming grace. Holy Scripture. From "Let avarice, from shore to shore."
19. Thy life 1 read, my dearest Lord. Death in Infancy. From this "'Tis Jesus speaks, I fold, says He."
20. 'Tis finished! so the Saviour cried. Good Friday.
21. To Christ, the Lord, let every tongue. Praise of Christ. From this,"Majestic sweetness sits enthroned," st. iii., is taken.
22. To God, my Saviour, and my King. Renewing Grace.
23. To God, the universal King. Praise to God.
24. What wisdom, majesty, and grace. The Gospel. Sometimes, “What majesty and grace."
25. Where two or three with sweet accord. Before the Sermon.
26. Why should a living man complain? Affliction. From this, "Lord, see what floods of sorrow rise," st. iii., is taken.
27. With tears of anguish I lament. Lent.
28. Yonder amazing sight I see. Good Friday.
All these hymns, with others by Stennett, were given in Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1787, a few having previously appeared in A Collection of Hymns for the use of Christians of all Denominations, London. Printed for the Booksellers, 1782; and No. 16, in the 1778 Supplement to the 3rd edition of the Bristol Baptist Selection of Ash and Evans. The whole of Stennett's poetical pieces and hymns were included in vol. ii. of his Works, together with a Memoir, by W. J. Jones. 4 vols., 1824. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by Samuel Stennett (101)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A lida semanal findouSamuel Stennett (Author)Portuguese2
Adda ti Mannubbot ti taoSamuel Stennett (Author)Tagalog2
Am Jordansufer stehe ichSamuel Stennett (Author)German2
An Jordans Ufer gern ich standSamuel Stennett (Author)German1
And have I, Christ, no love for TheeSamuel Stennett (Author)English29
And will the offended God againSamuel Stennett (Author)English19
Another six days work is done, another Sabbath is begunSamuel Stennett, D.D. (Author)English14
As on the cross the Savior hung, And wept, and bled and diedSamuel Stennett (Author)English131
Behold the grave where Jesus laySamuel Stennett (Author)English2
Behold the leperous jewDr. S. Stennett (Author)English16
Beneath the poisonous dartSamuel Stennett (Author)6
Blessed are the sons of GodStennett ()English1
Canst thou, my soul, to heaven alliedSamuel Stennett (Author)2
Come every gracious heartSamuel Stennett (Author)English2
Come, every joyful heartSamuel Stennett (Author)English4
Come every pious heartSamuel Stennett (Author)English161
Come sinners saith the mighty GodStennett (Author)English19
Come, ye that fear the Lord, And listen while I tellSamuel Stennett (Author)English42
Come, ye who love the Lord And feel his quickening powerSamuel Stennett (Author)3
Corona a nuestro SalvadorSamuel Stennett (Author)Spanish7
De las orillas del JordánSamuel Stennet (Author)Spanish2
Did Christ o'er sinners weep?Stennett (Author)English2
Father, at thy call I comeDr. S. Stennett (Author)English19
Fugando de las llamas hoySamuel Stennett (Author)Spanish2
في عرش فادينا البهاSamuel Stennett (Author)Arabic1
God's goodness, like the sunSamuel Stennett (Author)2
Great God, amid the darksome nightSamuel Stennett (Author)English16
Great God, what hosts of angels standSamuel Stennett (Author)English12
Did I possess the gift of tonguesSamuel Stennett (Author)English21
He aloha lani ke kau neiSamuel Stennett (Author)Hawaiian3
He comes! He comes! to judge the worldDr. S. Stennett (Author)English31
He saw me sinking in distressSamuel Stennett (Author)English2
Here at Thy table, Lord, we meetSamuel Stennett (Author)English131
How charming is the placeSamuel Stennett (Author)English225
How shall the sons of men appearSamuel Stennett (Author)English55
How soft the words my Savior speaksDr. S. Stennett (Author)English30
How various and how newSamuel Stennett (Author)English33
In sorrow I lamentSamuel Stennett (Author)English4
In such a grave as thisSamuel Stennett (Author)12
In vain the giddy world inquiresSamuel Stennett (Author)English23
Indulgent God, to thee I raise Stennett (Author)1
Jag står på stormig JordanstrandSamuel Stennett (Author)Swedish4
Jehovah speaks, seek ye my faceSamuel Stennett (Author)8
Jesus, my King, proclaims the warSamuel Stennett (Author)English15
Jesus, my Savior and my God, Thou hast redeemed me with thy bloodStennett (Author)English35
Jesus, O name divinely sweet, How charming is the soundSamuel Stennett (Author)English7
救主耶穌在寶座上 (Jiù zhǔ yēsū zài bǎozuò shàng)Samuel Stennett (Author)Chinese2
கெம்பீரமாய் அதோ அங்கே (Kempīramāy atō aṅkē)Samuel Stennett (Author)Tamil2
Let avarice from shore to shoreDr. S. Stennett (Author)English61
Lord, at thy table I beholdRev. Samuel Stennett (Author)English5
Lord, let me see thy beauteous faceStennett (Author)6
Lord, see what floods of sorrow riseSamuel Stennett (Author)4
على جبين المفتديSamuel Stennett (Author)Arabic1
Majestic sweetness sits enthronedSamuel Stennett (Author)English798
'Mong all the priests of Jewish raceStennett (Author)English17
My Captain sounds the alarm of warStennett (Author)English36
Nature, she shows her weeping eyesSamuel Stennett (Author)English2
No chilling winds, nor poisonous breathSamuel Stennett (Author)2
No more, dear Savior, will I boastSamuel Stennett (Author)English15
No mortal can with Him compareSamuel Stennett (Author)English2
Not all the nobles of the earthSamuel Stennett (Author)English67
Now we have met in Jesus' nameSamuel Stennett (Author)4
O kind Redeemer, in thy sideSamuel Stennett (Author)2
O Stunde voller SeligkeitSamuel Stennett (Author)German1
O the transporting, rapturous sceneSamuel Stennett (Author)English3
Ó, vem, Espírito de amorSamuel Stennett (Author)Portuguese2
O'er all those wide extended plainsSamuel Stennett (Author)2
Oft have I turned my eye withinSamuel Stennett (Author)English24
On death's cold stormy banks I standSamuel Stennett (Author)2
On Jordan's stormy banks I standSamuel Stennett (Author)English1073
'Tis finished; so the Savior cried, And meekly bowed His head and diedSamuel Stennett (Author)English304
Our Lord, when clothed with mortal fleshSamuel Stennett (Author)3
Prostrate, dear Jesus, at Thy feetSamuel Stennett (Author)English172
قد تم قال الرب إذ نكس رأسه وماتSamuel Stennett (Author)Arabic1
See how the willing converts traceS. Stennett (Author)English3
Should bounteous nature kindly pourStennett (Author)English16
The counsels of redeeming graceRev. Samuel Stennett, D.D., (1721-1795) (Author)English52
The great Redeemer we adoreStennett (Author)English1
The sacred body of our LordSamuel Stennett (Author)3
Thus was the great Redeemer plungedSamuel Stennett (Author)English60
Thus we commemorate the dayS. Stennett (Author)English1
Thy life I read, my dearest LordStennett (Author)English109
'Tis finished, the Redeemer saidSamuel Stennett (Author)English1
'Tis Jesus speaks, I fold, says heSamuel Stennett (Author)9
To Christ, the Lord, let every tongue Its noblest tribute bringStennett (Author)English44
To God, my Savior, and my KingStennett (Author)English32
To God the universal king Let all mankind their tribute bringSamuel Stennett (Author)English21
What wisdom, majesty, and graceSamuel Stennett (Author)English49
When first the God of boundless graceSamuel Stennett (Author)English23
When from Egyptian slaverySamuel Stennett (Author)3
When shall I reach that happy placeSamuel Stennett (Author)2
When the old world God's patience triedSamuel Stennett (Author)2
Whene'er a sinner turns to GodSamuel Stennett (Author)11
Whene'er a sinner's turned to GodSamuel Stennett (Author)2
Where two or three, with sweet accordSamuel Stennett (Author)English182
Why should a living man complainStennett (Author)English41
With deep contrition, grief and shameSamuel Stennett (Author)5
With humble faith and thankful heartSamuel Stennett (Author)4
With tears of anguish I lamentSamuel Stennett (Author)English110
يا نبع أفراحي الغنيSamuel Stennett (Author)Arabic1
Yonder, amazing sight! I seeSamuel Stennett (Author)English81

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