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Showing 1 - 41 of 41
TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
Mine Eyes have Seen the GloryGod in Society National Life
My Country, 'Tis of TheeGod in Society National Life
Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of OldGod in Society Sickness and Healing
America, the BeautifulGod in Society National Life
Heal Us, Immanuel, Hear Our PrayerGod in Society Sickness and Healing
God of Our FathersGod in Society National Life
God the Omnipotent! King who ordainestThe Church Celebrates National Life; Our Response to God in intercession and petition; God in judgement and justice; Kingdom of God; Nation and Society; Peace; Remembrance Sunday; Word of God
O God, Whose Will Is Life and GoodGod in Society Sickness and Healing
The Star-Spangled BannerGod in Society National Life
O God of Every NationGod in Society National Life
O God, our help in ages pastThe Activity of God God in human experience; The Church Celebrates National Life; Anniversaries; Death and Bereavement; Nation and Society; New Year
Judge eternal, throned in splendourJustice and Peace; City; God in judgement and justice; Human Dignity; Nation and Society; National and Remembrance; Proper 15 Year C; Sin; Social Concern; The Second Sunday before Advent Year C
Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I GoGod in Society Work and Leisure
God, the Lord, a king remainethGod Being of; Praise To God the Father In His Majesty; Scientific Societies; God in Nature; The Sea
How Clear Is Our Vocation, LordGod in Society Work and Leisure
Jesus' Hands Were Kind HandsGod in Society Sickness and Healing
He Touched MeGod in Society Sickness and Healing
Here, Master, in This Quiet PlaceGod in Society Sickness and Healing
Those Who Love and Those Who LaborGod in Society Work and Leisure
It Is God Who Holds the NationsGod in Society National Life
God Bless Our Native LandGod in Society National Life
Lord of All Leisure TimeGod in Society Work and Leisure
Lord, for the years your love has kept and guidedThe Activity of God God in human experience; The Church Celebrates National Life; Anniversaries; Jesus Word of God; Nation and Society; Word of God
Jesu, Jesu,Holy Week (Maundy Thursday); God--in Jesus Christ Following Him; World and Society Service to the Neighbour
Pray for a world where every childOur Response to God in intercession and petition; The Church Celebrates National Life; Children; Compassion; Nation and Society; Social Concern
The Lord is King! Lift up thy voiceGod Decrees of; God Omnipotent; God Wise; Praise To God the Father In His Majesty; Scientific Societies; Wisdom of God
My God, how endless is thy love!God Omnipresent; Praise to God the Father in His Fatherhood; Scientific Societies
Lord of all being, throned afarGod Omnipresent; Praise to God the Father in His Fatherhood; Scientific Societies
Shine, Jesus, shineChristingle; The Presentation of Christ in the Temple; Transfiguration; Children and All-Age Worship; God in glory; God in grace and mercy; Jesus Names and images for; Light; Nation and Society; Other Saints and Festivals The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas); Other Saints and Festivals The Transfiguration; The Sunday next before Lent Years A, B & C; The Third Sunday of Advent Year B
God of freedom, God of justiceChurch Universal; Church Year Good Friday; Compassion; Freedom and Liberation; God in judgement and justice; God Love of; Human Dignity; Justice; Justice and Peace; Nation and Society; Sharing and Caring; Social Concern
Lord Christ, we praise your sacrificeGood Friday; God--in Jesus Christ Following Him; World and Society Service to the Neighbour
The voice of God goes out to all the worldAdvent; God--in Jesus Christ His Love, Help, Healing; God--in Jesus Christ Hope of the World; World and Society Justice and Peace
Who can sound the depths of sorrowPenitence; Children; Compassion; God in grace and mercy; God in judgement and justice; Human Dignity; Justice; Lament; Nation and Society; Social Concern; Sorrow and Lament; Suffering; The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year A; The Second Sunday of Lent Year C; Justice and Peace
Pilgrimage of ConfessionChristian Life-Style; God--in Jesus Christ Following Him; World and Society Justice and Peace
Glory begun belowChristians Joy of; Christians Safety of; God Father; God In nature; God Providence of; Heaven Anticipated; Heaven Bliss of; Heaven Society of; Praise Calls to; Saints Happiness of; Worship Joy in
Surrounded by a world of needClose of Worship; God--in Jesus Christ Hope of the World; World and Society Justice and Peace
Bring Forth The KingdomAffirmation of Baptism; Christian Life; Commemorations and Occasions Renewers of Society; Community in Christ; Discipleship; Evangelism; Justice; Kingdom of God; Love of God for Us; Love for Others; Mercy; Mission; Peace; Pilgrimage
Lord of lords and King eternalBlessing; Church Universal; Church Year Christ the King; God faithfulness of in creation; Human Dignity; Kingdom of God; Nation and Society; National and Remembrance; Other Saints and Festivals George, Martyr, Patron of England; Peace; Social Concern; Unity
Descend from Heav'n immortal DoveBreathing towards heaven; Blessed Society in Heaven; Sight of God and Christ in Heaven; Hell and Death
Med Straale-Krans om tindeSjette Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Høimesse; Sixth Sunday after Epiphany; Second Sunday in Advent; Fifth Sunday after Epiphany; Skjærtorsdag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Maundy Thursday; Femte Søndag efter Paaske Til Høimesse -Til Sekund Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Fifth Sunday after Easter; Pentecost; Syttende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste; Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Glæde og Hvile I Herren; Joy and Rest in the Lord; Menighedens Gudstjeneste; The Church Service; Helliges Samfund; Holy Society; Kirken, Guds Tempel; The Church, God's Temple; Kirken, Naademidlernes Bærer; Anden Pinsedag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel; Anden Søndag I Advent Til Aftengudstjeneste; Femte Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel
Gud Faders Navn og ÆreFirst Sunday after Epiphany; Første Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Høimesse; Second Sunday in Advent; Fifth Sunday after Epiphany; Søndag Seksagesima Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Sexagesima Sunday; Skjærtorsdag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Maundy Thursday; Fifth Sunday after Easter; Pentecost; Pentecost; Femte Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse; Femte Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Fifth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Fifth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Syttende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste; Syttende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste; Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Helliges Samfund; Holy Society; Kirken; The Church; Kirken, Guds Tempel; The Church, God's Temple; Mission, indre; Mission, Home; AndenPinsedag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel; Anden Søndag I Advent Til Aftengudstjeneste; Femte Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel; Femte Søndag efter Paaske Til Høimesse -Til Anden Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Første Pinsedag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel; Midfaste Søndag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Lektie

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