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Scripture:Hebrews 2:5-12

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The Head That Once Was Crowned

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: Appears in 513 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 First Line: The head that once was crowned with thorns Lyrics: 1 The head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glory now; A royal diadem adorns The mighty victor’s brow. 2 The highest place that heaven affords Is His, is His by right, The King of kings, and Lord of lords, And heaven’s eternal Light: 3 The joy of all who dwell above, The joy of all below To whom He manifests His love, And grants His Name to know. 4 To them the cross, with all its shame, With all its grace, is given; Their name an everlasting name, Their joy the joy of heaven. 5 They suffer with their Lord below; They reign with Him above; Their profit and their joy to know The wonder of His love. Topics: Jesus Christ Kingship Used With Tune: ST. MAGNUS
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Crown Him With Many Crowns

Author: Matthew Bridges Meter: D Appears in 802 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 Topics: Christ Ascension Used With Tune: DIADEMATA
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All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

Author: Edward Perronet, 1726-92 Meter: Appears in 3,448 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 First Line: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Lyrics: 1 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem And crown Him Lord of all. Bring forth the royal diadem And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God Who from His altar call; Extol the Stem of Jesse's rod And crown Him Lord of all. Extol the Stem of Jesse's rod And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace And crown Him Lord of all. Hail Him who saves you by His grace And crown Him Lord of all. 4 Hail Him, ye heirs of David's line, Whom David Lord did call, The God incarnate, man divine, And crown Him Lord of all. The God incarnate, Man divine, And crown Him Lord of all. 5 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall, Go, spread your trophies at His feet And crown Him Lord of all. Go, spread your trophies at His feet And crown Him Lord of all. 6 Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball To Him all majesty ascribe And crown Him Lord of all. To Him all majesty ascribe And crown Him Lord of all. 7 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at his feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song And crown Him Lord of all. We'll join the everlasting song And crown Him Lord of all. Topics: Redeemer Used With Tune: CORONATION Text Sources: A Selection of Hymns, London, 1787, sts. 6-7, alt.

At the Name of Jesus

Author: Caroline M. Noel Meter: D Appears in 255 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:10 Lyrics: 1 At the name of Jesus ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess him King of glory now; 'tis the Father's pleasure we should call him Lord, who from the beginning was the mighty Word. 2 Humbled for a season, to receive a name from the lips of sinners unto whom he came, faithfully he bore it, spotless to the last, brought it back victorious when from death he passed, 3 bore it up triumphant with its human light, through all ranks of creatures to the central height, to the throne of Godhead, to the Father's breast, filled it with the glory of that perfect rest. 4 In your hearts enthrone him; there let him subdue all that is not holy, all that is not true; crown him as your Captain in temptation's hour; let his will enfold you in its light and power. 5 Christians, this Lord Jesus shall return again, with his Father's glory, with his angel-train, for all wreaths of empire meet upon his brow, and our hearts confess him King of glory now. Used With Tune: KING'S WESTON
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For all the saints, who from their labours rest

Author: William Walsham How (1823-1897) Meter: 10.10.10 wiht alleluias Appears in 571 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:10 Lyrics: 1 For all the saints, who from their labors rest; who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! 2 Thou wast their rock, their fortress and their might; thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight; thou, in the darkness drear their one true Light. Alleluia! Alleluia! 3 Oh, may thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, fight as the saints who nobly fought of old, and win, with them, the victor's crown of gold. Alleluia! Alleluia! 4 O blest communion, fellowship divine! We feebly struggle, they in glory shine; yet all are one in thee, for all are thine. Alleluia! Alleluia! 5 And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, steals on the ear the distant triumph song, and hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia! Alleluia! 6 The golden evening brightens in the west; soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh rest; sweet is the calm of paradise the blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! 7 But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day; the saints triumphant rise in bright array; the King of glory passes on his way. Alleluia! Alleluia! 8 From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast, through gates of pearl streams in the countless host, singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Alleluia! Alleluia! Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Communion of Saints; Funerals general; Heaven; Jesus Names and images for Used With Tune: SINE NOMINE
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Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: Appears in 541 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 Lyrics: 1 Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious; see the Man of Sorrows now; from the fight returned victorious, ev'ry knee to him shall bow. Crown him! Crown him! Crowns become the Victor's brow. 2 Crown the Savior, angels, crown him; rich the trophies Jesus brings; in the seat of pow'r enthrone him, while the vault of heaven rings. Crown him! Crown him! Crown the Savior King of kings. 3 Sinners in derision crowned him mocking thus the Savior's claim; saints and angels crowd around him, own his title, praise his name: Crown him! Crown him! Spread abroad the Victor's fame! 4 Hark! those bursts of acclamation! Hark! those loud triumphant chords! Jesus takes the highest station; O what joy the sight affords! Crown him! Crown him! King of kings and Lord of lords. Topics: Jesus Christ His Exaltation; Christ Kingly Office of; Christ Man of Sorrows; Rewards Used With Tune: CORONAE
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O Love, How Deep

Author: Thomas à Kempis, 1380-1471; Benjamin Webb, 1819-85 Meter: Appears in 139 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9-18 First Line: O love, how deep, how broad, how high Lyrics: 1 O love, how deep, how broad, how high, Beyond all thought and fantasy, That God, the Son of God, should take Our mortal form for mortals' sake! 2 He sent no angel to our race, Of higher or of lower place, But wore the robe of human frame, And to this world Himself He came. 3 For us baptized, for us He bore His holy fast and hungered sore; For us temptation sharp He knew; For us the tempter overthrew. 4 For us He prayed; for us He taught; For us His daily works He wrought, By words and signs and actions thus Still seeking not Himself but us. 5 For us by wickedness betrayed, For us, in crown of thorns arrayed, He bore the shameful cross and death; For us He gave His dying breath. 6 For us He rose from death again; For us He went on high to reign; For us He sent His Spirit here To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer. 7 All glory to our Lord and God For love so deep, so high, so broad; The Trinity whom we adore Forever and forevermore. Topics: Redeemer Used With Tune: DEO GRACIAS
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Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned

Author: Samuel Stennett Meter: D Appears in 903 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 Lyrics: 1 Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's brow; his head with radiant glories crowned, his lips with grace o'erflow. No mortal can with him compare, among the sons of men; fairer is he than all the fair that fill the heav'nly train. 2 He saw me plunged in deep distress, he flew to my relief; for me he bore the shameful cross, and carried all my grief. To him I owe my life and breath, and all the joys I have; he makes me triumph over death, and saves me from the grave. 3 To heav'n, the place of his abode, he brings my weary feet; shows me the glories of my God, and makes my joys complete. Since from his bounty I receive such proofs of love divine, had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be thine. Topics: Jesus Christ His Love and Grace; Beauty of Christ of God; Christ Deity of; Christ Savior; Heaven Anticipated; Imputation of Sin; Love For Christ of God Used With Tune: HETHERTON
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Rejoice, the Lord is King

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 743 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, the Lord is King: your Lord and King adore! Rejoice, give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore: lift up your heart, lift up your voice. Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 2 The Lord the Savior reigns, the God of truth and love; when he had purged our stains he took his seat above: lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 3 His kingdom cannot fail, he rules o'er earth and heaven; the keys of death and hell to Christ the Lord are given: lift up your heart, lift up your voice. Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 4 Rejoice in glorious hope! Our Lord the Judge, shall come, and take his servants up to their eternal home. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! Topics: Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Return (Coming in Glory); Joy Used With Tune: DARWALL
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Praise to the Holiest in the height

Author: John Henry Newman (1801-1890) Meter: Appears in 171 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:10-11 Lyrics: 1 Praise to the Holiest in the height, and in the depth be praise, -- in all his words most wonderful, most sure in all his ways. 2 O loving wisdom of our God! when all was sin and shame, a second Adam to the fight and to the rescue came. 3 O wisest love! that flesh and blood, which did in Adam fail, should strive afresh against the foe, should strive and should prevail. 4 O generous love! that he who smote in Man, for man, the foe, the double agony in Man for man should undergo; 4 And in the garden secretly, and on the Cross on high, should teach his brethren, and inspire to suffer and to die. 5 Praise to the Holiest in the height, and in the depth be praise, -- in all his words most wonderful, most sure in all his ways. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Passion and Death; Christian Year Holy Week; Christian Year Maundy Thursday Used With Tune: GERONTIUS

Christ triumphant, ever reigning

Author: Michael Saward (b. 19320 Meter: with refrain Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 Lyrics: 1 Christ triumphant, ever reigning, Savior, Master, King! Lord of heaven, our lives sustaining, hear us as we sing: Refrain: Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name! 2 Word incarnate, truth revealing, Son of Man on earth! power and majesty concealing by your humble birth: [Refrain] 3 Suffering servant, scorned, ill-treated, victim crucified! death is through the cross defeated, sinners justified: [Refrain] 4 Priestly king, enthroned for ever high in heaven above! sin and death and hell shall never stifle hymns of love: [Refrain] 5 So, our hearts and voices raising through the ages long, ceaselessly upon you gazing, this shall be our song: [Refrain] Topics: Christ Risen Ascension; Christian Year Ascension; Jesus Names and images for Used With Tune: GUITING POWER
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Jesus! and shall it ever be

Author: Joseph Grigg; B. Francis Meter: Appears in 1,278 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:11 Topics: The Christian Life Discipleship and Service Used With Tune: MAINZER
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Join All the Glorious Names

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 336 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:10 Lyrics: 1 Join all the glorious names of wisdom, love, and power, that ever mortals knew or angels ever bore; all are too weak to speak his worth, too weak to set my Savior forth. 2 Great Prophet of my God, my tongue would bless thy name; by thee the joyful news of our salvation came: the joyful news of sins forgiv'n, of hell subdued, and peace with heav'n. 3 Be thou my Counselor, my Pattern and my Guide, and through this desert land still keep me by thy side; O let my feet ne'er run astray, nor rove, nor seek the crooked way. 4 Jesus, my great High Priest, offered his blood, and died: my guilty conscience seeks no sacrifice beside; his powerful blood did once atone, and now it pleads before the throne. 5 My dear almighty Lord, my Conqu'ror and my King, thy scepter and thy sword, thy reigning grace I sing. Thine is the pow'r; behold, I sit in willing bonds before thy feet. Used With Tune: CROFT'S 136TH
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Crowned with Glory

Author: Rev. Banjamin Russel Hanby Appears in 138 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 First Line: Who is he in yonder stall Refrain First Line: Crown him, crown him, Lord of all Topics: Christ Advent, First; Christ Divinity of; Christ Grace of; Christ Humanity of; Christ Humility of Used With Tune: LOWLINESS

Christ Is the World's Light

Author: Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000 Meter: Appears in 33 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:11 First Line: Christ is the world's light, Christ and none other Lyrics: 1 Christ is the world's light, Christ and none other; born in our darkness, he became our brother-- if we have seen him, we have seen the Father: Glory to God on high! 2 Christ is the world's peace, Christ and none other; no one can serve him, and despise another. Who else unites us, one in God the Father? Glory to God on high! 3 Christ is the world's life, Christ and none other; sold once for silver, murdered here, our brother-- he, who redeems us, reigns with God the Father: Glory to God on high! 4 Give God the glory, God and none other; give God the glory, Spirit, Son and Father; give God the glory, God with us our brother: Glory to God on high! Used With Tune: CHRISTE SANCTORUM
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Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round

Author: J. W. Chadwick, 1840-1904 Meter: Appears in 124 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:11 Lyrics: 1 Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round of circling planets singing on their way; guide of the nations from the night profound into the glory of the perfect day; rule in our hearts, that we may ever be guided and strengthened and upheld by thee. 2 We are of thee, the children of thy love, the brothers of thy well-belovèd Son; descend, O Holy Spirit, like a dove, into our hearts, that we may be as one: as one with thee, to whom we ever tend; as one with him, our Brother and our Friend. 3 We would be one in hatred of all wrong, one in our love of all things sweet and fair, one with the joy that breaketh into song, one with the grief that trembles into prayer, one in the power that makes thy children free to follow truth, and thus to follow thee. 4 O clothe us with thy heavenly armour, Lord, thy trusty shield, thy sword of love divine; our inspiration be thy constant word; we ask no victories that are not thine: give or withhold, let pain or pleasure be; enough to know that we are serving thee. Topics: Pentecost Used With Tune: SONG 1

The King Shall Come

Author: John Brownlie Meter: Appears in 95 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 First Line: The King shall come when morning dawns Lyrics: 1 The King shall come when morning dawns and light triumphant breaks; when beauty gilds the eastern hills and life to joy awakes. 2 Not as of old, a little child, to bear, and fight, and die, but crowned with glory like the sun that lights the morning sky. 3 The King shall come when morning dawns and earth's dark night is past; O haste the rising of that morn, the day that e'er shall last. 4 Then let the endless bliss begin, by weary saints foretold, when right shall triumph over wrong, and truth shall be extolled. 5 The King shall come when morning dawns and light and beauty brings. Hail, Christ the Lord! Your people pray, come quickly, King of kings! Topics: Heaven; Jesus Christ Exaltation; Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Return (Coming in Glory); Jesus Christ Final Victory Used With Tune: MORNING SONG Text Sources: Ancient Greek hymn

Since Our Great High Priest, Christ Jesus (Hebrews 1:3-4; 2:8-11; 4:14-16)

Author: Christopher Idle Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:8-11 First Line: Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus Lyrics: 1 Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus, bears the name above all names, reigning Son of God, surpassing other titles, powers, and claims; since to heaven our Lord has passed, let us hold our witness fast! 2 Since we have a priest who suffered, knowing weakness, tears, and pain; who, like us, was tried and tempted; unlike us, without a stain; since he shared our lowly place, let us boldly seek his grace! 3 Sacrifice and suffering over, now he sits at God's right hand, crowned with praise, no more an outcast, his preeminence long planned; such a great high priest we have, strong to help, supreme to save! 4 Love's example, hope's attraction, faith's beginning and its end, pioneer of our salvation, mighty advocate and friend: Jesus, now in glory raised, our ascended Lord, be praised! Topics: Church Year Ascension; Church Year Christ the King; Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Name of; Jesus Christ Reign; Jesus Christ Son of God Used With Tune: UNSER HERRSHER

Our Understanding Priest

Appears in 1,913 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2 First Line: We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, Topics: Scripture Readings
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Love Divine, all loves excelling

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 1,870 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 2:7 Topics: The Christian Life Holiness and Aspiration Used With Tune: FALFIELD


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