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Scripture:Luke 9

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Take Up Thy Cross

Author: Charles W. Everest Meter: Appears in 298 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:23-24 First Line: "Take up thy cross" the Savior said Lyrics: 1. "Take up thy cross," the Savior said, "if thou wouldst my disciple be; deny thyself, the world forsake, and humbly follow after me." 2. Take up thy cross, let not its weight fill thy weak spirit with alarm; his strength shall bear thy spirit up, and brace thy heart and nerve thine arm. 3. Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame, nor let thy foolish pride rebel; thy Lord for thee the cross endured, to save thy soul from death and hell. 4. Take up thy cross and follow Christ, nor think till death to lay it down; for only those who bear the cross may hope to wear the glorious crown. Topics: Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Personal Holiness; Call to the Christian Life; Commitment; Discipleship and Service; Obedience Used With Tune: GERMANY
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O Jesus, I Have Promised

Author: John E. Bode Meter: D Appears in 628 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:57 Lyrics: 1. O Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end; be thou forever near me, my Master and my friend. I shall not fear the battle if thou art by my side, nor wander from the pathway if thou wilt be my guide. 2. O let me feel thee near me! The world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle, the tempting sounds I hear; my foes are ever near me, around me and within; but Jesus, draw thou nearer, and shield my soul from sin. 3. O let me hear thee speaking in accents clear and still, above the storms of passion, the murmurs of self-will. O speak to reassure me, to hasten or control; O speak, and make me listen, thou guardian of my soul. 4. O Jesus, thou hast promised to all who follow thee that where thou art in glory there shall thy servant be. And Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end; O give me grace to follow, my Master and my Friend. Topics: Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Personal Holiness; Commitment; Discipleship and Service; Guidance; Installation Services; Jesus Christ Presence Used With Tune: ANGEL'S STORY

'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here

Author: Joseph A. Robinson, 1858-1933 Meter: Appears in 49 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:28-36 Used With Tune: SWABIA

Christ, upon the Mountain Peak

Author: Brian Wren Meter: R with alleluias Appears in 43 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:28-36 Lyrics: 1 Christ, upon the mountain peak, stands alone in glory blazing. Let us, if we dare to speak, with the saints and angels praise him. Alleluia, alleluia! 2 Trembling at his feet we saw Moses and Elijah speaking. All the prophets and the law shout through them their joyful greeting. Alleluia, alleluia! 3 Swift the cloud of glory came, God proclaiming in its thunder Jesus as his Son by name! Nations, cry aloud in wonder! Alleluia, alleluia! 4 This is God's beloved Son! Law and prophets fade before him; first and last and only One, let creation now adore him! Alleluia, alleluia! Topics: Biblical Names & Places Elijah; Biblical Names & Places Moses; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Alleluias; Biblical Names & Places Elijah; Biblical Names & Places Moses; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Light; Nation Used With Tune: TRANSFIGURATION
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Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone

Author: Thomas Shepherd Meter: Appears in 1,207 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:23 Lyrics: 1. Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for ev'ryone, And there's a cross for me. 2. How happy are the saints above, Who once went sorrowing here! But now they taste unmingled love And joy without a tear. 3. The consecrated cross I'll bear Till death shall set me free; And then go home my crown to wear, For there's crown for me. 4. Upon the crystal pavement down, At Jesus' pierced feet, Joyful I'll cast my golden crown And His dear name repeat. 5. O precious cross! O glorious crown! O resurrection day! When Christ the Lord from heav'n comes down And bears my soul away. Used With Tune: MAITLAND

Lord, You Give the Great Commission

Author: Jeffery Rowthorn Meter: D Appears in 43 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:2 Refrain First Line: With the Spirit's gifts empower us Lyrics: 1 Lord, you give the great commission: “Heal the sick and preach the word.” Lest the church neglect its mission, and the gospel go unheard, help us witness to your purpose with renewed integrity. With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry. 2 Lord, you call us to your service: “In my name baptize and teach.” That the world may trust your promise, life abundant meant for each, give us all new fervor, draw us closer in community. With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry. 3 Lord, you make the common holy: “This my body, this my blood.” Let us all, for earth’s true glory, daily lift life heavenward, asking that the world around us share your children’s liberty. With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry. 4 Lord, you show us love’s true measure: “Father, what they do, forgive.” Yet we hoard as private treasure all that you so freely give. May your care and mercy lead us to a just society. With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry. 5 Lord, you bless with words assuring: “I am with you to the end.” Faith and hope and love restoring, may we serve as you intend and, amid the cares that claim us, hold in mind eternity. With the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry. Topics: The Nature of the Church Called to God's Mission; Justice; Mission and Outreach; Ordination; Responses, Antiphonal Used With Tune: ABBOT'S LEIGH
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Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken

Author: Henry F. Lyte Meter: D Appears in 1,311 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:23 Lyrics: 1. Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow Thee; Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shall be; Perish ev'ry fond ambition, All I've sought or hoped or known; Yet how rich is my condition: God and heav'n are still my own! 2. Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Savior, too; Human hearts and looks deceive me, Thou art not, like man, untrue; And, while Thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends may shun me: Show Thy face, and all is bright. 3. Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, and winged by prayer; Heav'n's eternal days before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there; Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days; Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult

Author: Mrs. Cecil F. Alexander Meter: Appears in 934 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:23-27 Lyrics: 1 Jesus calls us, o’er the tumult of our life’s wild, restless sea, day by day his voice is sounding, saying, “Christian, follow me.” 2 Jesus calls us from the worship of the vain world’s golden store, from each idol that would keep us, saying “Christian, love me more.” 3 Long ago apostles heard it by the Galilean lake, turned from home and work and family, leaving all for his dear sake. 4 In our joys and in our sorrows, days of work and hours of ease, still he calls, in cares and pleasures, “Christian, love me more than these.” 5 Jesus calls us! By your mercy, Savior, may we hear your call, give our hearts to your obedience, serve and love you best of all. Topics: Biblical Names and Places Galilee; Call to Discples; Idols/Idolatry; Jesus Christ Miracles; Jesus Christ Teachings of Used With Tune: GALILEE

The Summons

Author: John L. Bell, 1949- Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:61 First Line: Will you come and follow me Used With Tune: KELVINGROVE
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Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne

Author: Emily E. S. Elliott Meter: Irregular Appears in 419 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:58 First Line: Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown Refrain First Line: O come to my heart, Lord Jesus Lyrics: 1 Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown when thou camest to earth for me; but in Bethlehem's home was there found no room for thy holy nativity. Refrain: O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for thee. 2 Heaven's arches rang when the angels sang, proclaiming thy royal degree; but in lowly birth thou didst come to earth, and in great humility: (Refrain) 3 The foxes found rest and the birds their nest in the shade of the forest tree; but thy couch was the sod, O thou Son of God, in the desert of Galilee: (Refrain) 4 Thou camest, O Lord, with the living Word that should set thy people free; but with mocking scorn, and with crown of thorn, they bore thee to Calvary: (Refrain) 5 When the heavens shall ring, and the angels sing, at thy coming to victory, let thy voice call me home, saying, "Yet there is room, there is room at my side for thee." My heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus, when thou comest and callest for me! Topics: Adoration of Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ Humility; Adoration of Jesus Christ; Biblical Places Bethlehem, Galilee; Commitment; Jesus Christ Birth; Jesus Christ Death; Jesus Christ Earthly Life and Ministry; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Jesus Christ Suffering Used With Tune: MARGARET
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O Wondrous Sight, O Vision Fair

Author: John Mason Neale Meter: Appears in 103 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:28-31 Lyrics: 1 O wondrous sight, O vision fair Of glory that the church shall share, Which Christ upon the mountain shows, Where brighter than the sun He glows! 2 From age to age the tale declare, How with the three disciples there, Where Moses and Elijah meet, The Lord holds converse high and sweet. 3 The law and prophets there have place, Two chosen witnesses of grace; The Father’s voice from out the cloud Proclaims His only Son aloud. 4 With shining face and bright array Christ deigns to manifest today What glory shall be theirs above Who joy in God with perfect love. 5 And faithful hearts are raised on high By this great vision’s mystery, For which in joyful strains we raise The voice of prayer, the hymn of praise. Used With Tune: DEO GRACIAS
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Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be

Author: Joseph Grigg; Benjamin Francis Meter: Appears in 1,279 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:26 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, and shall it ever be, a mortal man ashamed of thee? Ashamed of thee whom angels praise, whose glories shine through endless days! 2 Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far let evening blush to own a star: he sheds the beams of light divine o'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon let midnight be ashamed of noon; 'tis midnight with my soul till he, bright Morning Star, bid darkness flee. 4 Ashamed of Jesus, that dear Friend on whom my hopes of heav'n depend! No, when I blush, be this my shame, that I no more revere his name. 5 Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may when I've no guilt to wash away, no tear to wipe, no good to crave, no fears to quell, no soul to save. 6 Till then - nor is my boasting vain - till then I boast a Savior slain; and O may this my glory be, that Christ is not ashamed of me. Topics: Christ The Light; Christ Savior; Need for Christ of God Used With Tune: BROOKFIELD
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Lead Me to Calvary

Author: Jennie E. Hussey Meter: with refrain Appears in 132 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:23 First Line: King of my life, I crown thee now Refrain First Line: Lest I forget Gethsemane Lyrics: 1 King of my life, I crown thee now, thine shall the glory be; lest I forget thy thorn-crowned brow, lead me to Calvary. [Refrain:] Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget thine agony, lest I forget thy love for me, lead me to Calvary. 2 Show me the tomb where thou wast laid, tenderly mourned and wept; angels in robes of light arrayed guarded thee whilst thou slept. (Refrain) 3 Let me like Mary through the gloom, come with a gift to thee; show to me now the empty tomb, lead me to Calvary. (Refrain) 4 May I be willing, Lord, to bear daily my cross for thee; even thy cup of grief to share, thou hast borne all for me. (Refrain) Topics: Adoration of Jesus Christ; Biblical Persons; Adoration of Jesus Christ; Biblical Persons Mary Magdalene; Biblical Places Gethsemane, Calvary; Commitment; Cross of Believers; Jesus Christ Death; Jesus Christ in Gethsemane; Jesus Christ King; Lord’s Supper Used With Tune: DUNCANNON

We Have Come at Christ's Own Bidding

Author: Carl P. Daw, Jr. Meter: D Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:28-36 Lyrics: 1 We have come at Christ’s own bidding to this high and holy place, where we wait with hope and longing for some token of God’s grace. Here we pray for new assurance that our faith is not in vain, searching like those first disciples for a sign both clear and plain. 2 Light breaks through our clouds and shadows, splendor bathes the flesh-joined Word, Moses and Elijah marvel as the heavenly voice is heard. Eyes and hearts behold with wonder how the Law and Prophets meet: Christ with garments drenched in brightness, stands transfigured and complete. 3 Strengthened by this glimpse of glory, fearful lest our faith decline, we, like Peter, find it tempting to remain and build a shrine. But true worship gives us courage to proclaim what we profess, that our daily lives may prove us people of the God we bless. Topics: The Grace of Jesus Christ Christ's Life and Teaching Used With Tune: HYFRYDOL
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Break Now the Bread of Life

Author: Mary Artemesia Lathbury; Alexander Groves, 1842-1909 Meter: D Appears in 733 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:16 Lyrics: 1 Break now the bread of life, dear Lord, to me, as once you broke the loaves beside the sea. Beyond the sacred page I seek you, Lord; my spirit waits for you, O living Word. 2 Bless your own word of truth, dear Lord, to me, as when you blessed the bread by Galilee. Then shall all bondage cease, all fetters fall; and I shall find my peace, my All in all! 3 You are the bread of life, dear Lord, to me, your holy word the truth that rescues me. Give me to eat and live with you above; teach me to love your truth, for you are love. 4 O send your Spirit now, dear Lord, to me, that he may touch my eyes and make me see. Show me the truth made plain within your Word, for in your book revealed I see you, Lord. Topics: Biblical Names & Places Galilee/Galilean; Bread of Life; Illumination; Word of God; Biblical Names & Places Galilee/Galilean; Bread of Life; Holy Spirit; Illumination; Peace; Word of God Used With Tune: BREAD OF LIFE

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Author: S. Sundar Singh Meter: with refrain Appears in 74 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:57 Lyrics: 1. I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; No turning back, no turning back. 2. The world behind me, the cross before me; The world behind me, the cross before me; The world behind me, the cross before me; No turning back, no turning back. 3. Though none go with me, still I will follow; Though none go with me, still I will follow; Though none go with me, still I will follow; No turning back, no turning back. 3. My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; No turning back, no turning back. 4. Will you decide now to follow Jesus? Will you decide now to follow Jesus? Will you decide now to follow Jesus? No turning back, no turning back. Topics: Decision Used With Tune: [I have decided to follow Jesus] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/I_Have_Decided_to_Follow_Jesus); http://www.gottesbotschaft.de/?pg=2045 (18 August 2008); Anonymous/Unknown, The Blue Book (68)
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Come, ye thankful people come

Author: Henry Alford (1810-1871) Meter: D Appears in 731 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:26 Lyrics: 1 Come, you thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home: all is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin; God, our Maker, will provide for our wants to be supplied: come to God's own temple, come; raise the song of harvest home. 2 All the world is God's own field, bearing fruit his praise to yield; wheat and tares together sown, are to joy or sorrow grown; first the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear: Lord of harvest, grant that we wholesome grain and pure may be. 3 For the Lord our God shall come, and shall take his harvest home; from his field shall in that day all offences purge away; give his angels charge at last in the fire the tares to cast, but the fruitful ears to store in his storehouse evermore. 4 Even so, Lord, quickly come; to thy final harvest home: gather all your people in, free from sorrow, free from sin; there, for ever purified, in your presence to abide: come, with all your angels come, raise the glorious harvest home! Topics: The Living God Our Response to God - in times and seasons; God in judgement and justice; Harvest; Heaven Used With Tune: ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR
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Meter: Appears in 138 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:23 First Line: And must I part with all I have Lyrics: 1 And must I part with all I have, My dearest Lord for thee? It is but right, since thou hast done Much more than this for me. 2 Yes, let it go—one look from thee Will more than make amends, For all the losses I sustain Of credit, riches, friends. 3 Ten thousand worlds, then thousand lives, How worthless they appear Compar'd with thee, supremely good, Divinely bright and fair! 4 Savior of souls, could I from thee A single smile obtain, Tho' destitute of all things else, I'd glory in my gain. Topics: Graces of the Spirit Self-Denial; Cross The Christians, taken up; Self Denial

My song is love unknown

Author: Samuel Crossman (c. 1624-1683) Meter: Appears in 128 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:58 Lyrics: 1 My song is love unknown, my Savior’s love to me, love to the loveless shown, that they might lovely be. Oh, who am I, that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh, and die? 2 He came from his blest throne, salvation to bestow: but people scorned, and none the longed-for Christ would know. But O my Friend, my Friend indeed, who at my need his life did spend! 3 Sometimes they strew his way, and his strong praises sing; resounding all the day hosannas to their King. Then 'Crucify!' is all their breath, and for his death they thirst and cry. 4 Why, what hath my Lord done? What makes this rage and spite? He made the lame to run, he gave the blind their sight. Sweet injuries! Yet they at these themselves displease, and 'gainst him rise. 5 They rise, and needs will have my dear Lord made away; a murderer they save, the Prince of Life they slay. Yet cheerful he to suffering goes, that he his foes from thence might free. 6 In life, no house, no home my Lord on earth might have; in death, no friendly tomb but what a stranger gave. What may I say? Heaven was his home: but mine the tomb wherein he lay. 7 Here might I stay and sing: no story so divine; never was love, dear King, never was grief like thine! This is my Friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days could gladly spend. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Passion and Death; Christian Year Holy Week Used With Tune: LOVE UNKNOWN

Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory

Author: Thomas H. Troeger Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Luke 9:28-36 Used With Tune: GENEVA


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