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For the Healing of the Nations

Author: Fred Kaan Meter: Appears in 58 hymnals Topics: The Life of the Nations Lyrics: 1 For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord; for a just and equal sharing of the things that earth affords; to a life of love in action help us rise and pledge our word. 2 Lead us forward into freedom; from despair your world release, that, redeemed from war and hatred, all may come and go in peace. Show us how through care and goodness fear will die and hope increase. 3 All that kills abundant living, let it from the earth be banned: pride of status, race, or schooling, dogmas that obscure your plan. In our common quest for justice may we hallow life's brief span. 4 You, Creator God, have written your great name on humankind; for our growing in your likeness, bring the life of Christ to mind, that by our response and service earth its destiny may find. Scripture: Genesis 1:27 Used With Tune: ST. THOMAS (Wade)
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God save our gracious Queen

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 220 hymnals Topics: National Anthems Lyrics: God save our gracious Queen; long live our noble Queen; God save the Queen: send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us: God save the Queen. Used With Tune: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

This Is My Song

Author: Lloyd Stone; Georgia Harkness Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Topics: Nation First Line: This is my song, O God of all the nations Used With Tune: FINLANDIA

O God of Every Nation

Author: William W. Reid, Jr. Meter: Appears in 32 hymnals Topics: Nation Lyrics: 1 O God of every nation, of every race and land, redeem the whole creation with your almighty hand. Where hate and fear divide us and bitter threats are hurled, in love and mercy guide us, and heal our strife-torn world. 2 From search for wealth and power and scorn of truth and right, from trust in bombs that shower destruction through the night, from pride of race and nation and blindness to your way, deliver every nation, eternal God, we pray! 3 Lord, strengthen all who labor that we may find release from fear of rattling saber, from dread of war's increase. When hope and courage falter, Lord, let your voice be heard; with faith that none can alter, your servants undergird. 4 Keep bright in us the vision of days when war shall cease, when hatred and division give way to love and peace, till dawns the morning glorious when truth and justice reign, and Christ shall rule victorious o'er all the world's domain. Scripture: Isaiah 2:4 Used With Tune: LLANGLOFFAN

God Send Us Saints

Author: F. J. Gillman, 1866-1949 Appears in 82 hymnals Topics: Nations First Line: God send us saints whose aim 'twill be Used With Tune: MELROSE
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America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)

Author: Samuel F. Smith Meter: Appears in 1,952 hymnals Topics: Nation First Line: My country, 'tis of thee Lyrics: 1. My country,' tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing; land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside let freedom ring! 2. My native country, thee, land of the noble free, thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, thy woods and templed hills; my heart with rapture thrills, like that above. 3. Let music swell the breeze, and ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song; let mortal tongues awake; let all that breathe partake; let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong. 4. Our fathers' God, to thee, author of liberty, to thee we sing; long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light; protect us by thy might, great God, our King. Used With Tune: AMERICA
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O Beautiful for Spacious Skies

Author: Katharine Lee Bates Meter: D Appears in 510 hymnals Topics: National Songs Lyrics: 1 O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with *brotherhood From sea to shining sea! 2 O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law! 3 O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine Till all success be nobleness And every gain divine. 4 O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with *brotherhood From sea to shining sea! *Or "servanthood." Used With Tune: MATERNA

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

Author: Edward Perronet, 1726-1792 Appears in 3,443 hymnals Topics: Nations First Line: All hail the power of Jesus' name! Refrain First Line: And crown him, crown him Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-2 Used With Tune: DIADEM
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God of the Ages, Whose Almighty Hand

Author: Daniel Crane Roberts Meter: Appears in 424 hymnals Topics: The Life of the Nations Lyrics: 1 God of the ages, whose almighty hand leads forth in beauty all the starry band of shining worlds in splendor through the skies, our grateful songs before thy throne arise. 2 Thy love divine hath led us in the past. In this free land by thee our lot is cast. Be thou our ruler, guardian, guide, and stay: thy word our law, thy paths our chosen way. 3 From war's alarms, from deadly pestilence, be thy strong arm our ever sure defense. Thy true religion in our hearts increase. Thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace. 4 Refresh thy people on their toilsome way. Lead us from night to never-ending day. Fill all our lives with love and grace divine, and glory, laud, and praise be ever thine. Scripture: Exodus 13:15 Used With Tune: NATIONAL HYMN

O God, our help in ages past

Author: Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Meter: Appears in 1,246 hymnals Topics: National and Remembrance Lyrics: 1 O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home; 2 Under the shadow of thy throne thy saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is thine arm alone, and our defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, from everlasting thou art God, to endless years the same. 4 A thousand ages in thy sight are like an evening gone, short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the opening day. 6 O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be thou our guard while troubles last, and our eternal home. Scripture: Psalm 90 Used With Tune: ST ANNE
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Bondage and divine deliverance

Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Nations Dependent on God First Line: When Isr'l had from Egypt gone Scripture: Psalm 114 Used With Tune: [When Isr'l had from Egypt gone]

In Christ there is no east or west

Author: W. A. Dunkerley (1852-1941); Michael Perry (born 1942) Appears in 331 hymnals Topics: God's World Nations, Justice, and Peace Used With Tune: McKEE Text Sources: from a line by W. A. Dunkerley
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From ocean unto ocean

Author: Robert Murray, 1832-1909 Meter: D Appears in 79 hymnals Topics: National Occasions Lyrics: 1 From ocean unto ocean our land shall name you, Lord and, filled with true devotion, obey your sovereign word; our prairies and our mountains, forest and fertile field, our rivers, lakes and fountains to you shall tribute yield. 2 O Christ, we pray before you: come in your power to dwell. Now humbly we implore you: make this land whole and well, and may we know, Lord Jesus, the touch of your dear hand, and, healed of our diseases, the tempter's power withstand. 3 Our Savior King, defend us, and guide where we should go; forth with your message send us, your love and light to show; till, fired with true devotion and kindled by your word, from ocean unto ocean our land shall name you Lord. Scripture: Psalm 72:8 Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE

God's trumpet wakes the slumbering world

Author: Samuel Longfellow, 1819-92 Meter: Appears in 95 hymnals Topics: National and Social Service Citizenship and Service Used With Tune: NATIVITY

We Gather Together

Author: Anonymous; Theodore Baker Meter: Appears in 202 hymnals Topics: National Hymns; National Righteousness First Line: We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing (Baker) Text Sources: Netherlands Folk Song; Adrianus Valerius' Nederlandtsch Gedenckclanck, 1626
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Lift Every Voice and Sing

Author: James Weldon Johnson Meter: Irregular Appears in 48 hymnals Topics: Nation Lyrics: 1 Lift every voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring, ring with the harmonies of liberty; let our rejoicing rise high as the listening skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us; sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till victory is won. 2 Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod, felt in the days when hope unborn had died; yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered; we have come, treading our path thru the blood of the slaughtered, out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. 3 God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, thou who hast brought us thus far on the way; thou who hast by thy might led us into the light, keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee; lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee; shadowed beneath thy hand, may we forever stand, true to our God, true to our native land. Used With Tune: LIFT EVERY VOICE

Turn back, O Man, forswear thy foolish ways

Author: Clifford Bax Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals Topics: National and International Life Used With Tune: OLD 124th
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Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates!

Author: Georg Weissel; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 274 hymnals Topics: The Nation Lyrics: 1 Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates! Behold the King of glory waits; the King of kings is drawing near, the Savior of the world is here. 2 A helper just, he comes to thee, his chariot is humility, his kingly crown is holiness, his scepter, pity in distress. 3 O blest the land, the city blest, where Christ the Ruler is confessed! O happy hearts and happy homes to whom this King in triumph comes! 4 Fling wide the portals of your heart; make it a temple, set apart from earthly use for heav'n's employ, adorned with prayer and love and joy. 5 Redeemer, come! I open wide my heart to thee; here, Lord, abide! Let me thy inner presence feel; thy grace and love in me reveal. 6 So come, my Sov'reign, enter in! Let new and nobler life begin! Thy Holy Spirit, guide us on, until the glorious crown be won. Scripture: Psalm 24 Used With Tune: TRURO
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O Lord of hosts, Almighty King

Author: O. W. Holmes Appears in 54 hymnals Topics: Holy Days National Days Lyrics: 1 O Lord of hosts, Almighty King, Behold the sacrifice we bring: To every arm Thy strength impart, Thy Spirit shed through every heart. 2 Wake in our breasts the living fires, The holy faith that warmed our sires: Thy hand hath made our nation free; To die for her is serving Thee. 3 Be Thou a pillared flame to show The midnight snare, the silent foe; And when the battle thunders loud, Still guide us in its moving cloud. 4 God of all nations, Sovereign Lord, In Thy dread Name we draw the sword, We lift the starry flag on high That fills with light our storm sky. 5 From treason's rent, from murder's stain, Guard Thou its folds till peace shall reign, Till fort and field, till shore and sea, Join our loud anthem,--Praise to Thee. Used With Tune: MENDON
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Hark! the herald angels sing

Author: Charles Wesley Appears in 1,335 hymnals Topics: Christ Desire of the Nations Lyrics: 1 Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful, all ye nations, rise; Join the triumphs of the skies; With th'angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem. Refrain: Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the new born King. 2 Mild He lays His glory by; Born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth; Born to give them second birth. Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. [Refrain] 3 Let us then with angels sing, "Glory to the new-born King!-- Peace on earth, and mercy mild; God and sinners reconciled!" Come, Desire of nations, come, Fix in us Thy humble home; O, to all Thyself impart, Formed in each believing heart! [Refrain] Amen. Used With Tune: MENDELSSOHN


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