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Tune Identifier:"^stabat_mater_mainz$"

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Edward Caswall

1814 - 1878 Person Name: Edward Caswall, 1814-1878 Translator of "At the Cross Her Station Keeping (Stabat Mater Dolorosa)" in Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.) Edward Caswall was born in 1814, at Yately, in Hampshire, where his father was a clergyman. In 1832, he went to Brasenose College, Oxford, and in 1836, took a second-class in classics. His humorous work, "The Art of Pluck," was published in 1835; it is still selling at Oxford, having passed through many editions. In 1838, he was ordained Deacon, and in 1839, Priest. He became perpetural Curate of Stratford-sub-Castle in 1840. In 1841, he resigned his incumbency and visited Ireland. In 1847, he joined the Church of Rome. In 1850, he was admitted into the Congregation of the Oratory at Birmingham, where he has since remained. He has published several works in prose and poetry. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872 ===================== Caswall, Edward, M.A., son of the Rev. R. C. Caswall, sometime Vicar of Yately, Hampshire, born at Yately, July 15, 1814, and educated at Brasenose College, Oxford, graduating in honours in 1836. Taking Holy Orders in 1838, he became in 1840 Incumbent of Stratford-sub-Castle, near Salisbury, and resigned the same in 1847. In 1850 (Mrs. Caswall having died in 1849) he was received into the Roman Catholic communion, and joined Dr. Newman at the Oratory, Edgbaston. His life thenceforth, although void of stirring incidents, was marked by earnest devotion to his clerical duties and a loving interest in the poor, the sick, and in little children. His original poems and hymns were mostly written at the Oratory. He died at Edgbaston, Jan. 2, 1878, and was buried on Jan. 7 at Redwall, near Bromsgrove, by his leader and friend Cardinal Newman. Caswall's translations of Latin hymns from the Roman Breviary and other sources have a wider circulation in modern hymnals than those of any other translator, Dr. Neale alone excepted. This is owing to his general faithfulness to the originals, and the purity of his rhythm, the latter feature specially adapting his hymns to music, and for congregational purposes. His original compositions, although marked by considerable poetical ability, are not extensive in their use, their doctrinal teaching being against their general adoption outside the Roman communion. His hymns appeared in:— (1) Lyra Catholica, which contained 197 translations from the Roman Breviary, Missal, and other sources. First ed. London, James Burns, 1849. This was reprinted in New York in 1851, with several hymns from other sources added thereto. This edition is quoted in the indices to some American hymn-books as Lyra Cath., as in Beecher's Plymouth Collection, 1855, and others. (2) Masque of Mary, and Other Poems, having in addition to the opening poem and a few miscellaneous pieces, 53 translations, and 51 hymns. 1st ed. Lon., Burns and Lambert, 1858. (3) A May Pageant and Other Poems, including 10 original hymns. Lon., Burns and Lambert, 1865. (4) Hymns and Poems, being the three preceding volumes embodied in one, with many of the hymns rewritten or revised, together with elaborate indices. 1st ed. Lon., Burns, Oates & Co., 1873. Of his original hymns about 20 are given in the Roman Catholic Crown of Jesus Hymn Book, N.D; there are also several in the Hymns for the Year, N.D., and other Roman Catholic collections. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Caswall, E. , p. 214, ii. Additional original hymns by Caswall are in the Arundel Hymns, 1902, and other collections. The following are from the Masque of Mary, &c, 1858:— 1. Christian soul, dost thou desire. After Holy Communion. 2. Come, let me for a moment cast. Holy Communion. 3. O Jesu Christ [Lord], remember. Holy Communion. 4. Oft, my soul, thyself remind. Man's Chief End. 5. Sleep, Holy Babe. Christmas. Appeared in the Rambler, June 1850, p. 528. Sometimes given as "Sleep, Jesus, sleep." 6. The glory of summer. Autumn. 7. This is the image of the queen. B. V. M. His "See! amid the winter's snow,” p. 1037, i., was published in Easy Hymn Tunes, 1851, p. 36. In addition the following, mainly altered texts or centos of his translations are also in common use:— 1. A regal throne, for Christ's dear sake. From "Riches and regal throne," p. 870, ii. 2. Come, Holy Ghost, Thy grace inspire. From "Spirit of grace and union," p. 945, i. 3. Hail! ocean star, p. 99, ii,, as 1873. In the Birmingham Oratory Hymn Book, 1850, p. 158. 4. Lovely flow'rs of martyrs, hail. This is the 1849 text. His 1873 text is "Flowers of martyrdom," p. 947, i. 5. None of all the noble cities. From "Bethlehem! of noblest cities," p. 946, ii. 6. O Jesu, Saviour of the World. From “Jesu, Redeemer of the world," p. 228, ii. 7. 0 Lady, high in glory raised. From "O Lady, high in glory, Whose," p. 945, i. The Parochial Hymn Book, 1880, has also the following original hymns by Caswall. As their use is confined to this collection, we give the numbers only:— IS os. 1, 2, 3, 159 (Poems, 1873, p. 453), 209 (1873, p. 288), 299, 324 (1873, p. 323), 357, 402, 554, 555, 558, 569 (1873, p. 334). These are from his Masque of Mary 1858. Nos. 156, 207 (1873, p. 296), 208 (1873, p. 297), 518. These are from his May Pageant, 1865. As several of these hymns do not begin with the original first lines, the original texts are indicated as found in his Poems, 1873. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Samuel Webbe

1740 - 1816 Person Name: Samuel Webbe (1740-1816) Adapter of "STABAT MATER" in Church Hymnary (4th ed.) Samuel Webbe (the elder; b. London, England, 1740; d. London, 1816) Webbe's father died soon after Samuel was born without providing financial security for the family. Thus Webbe received little education and was apprenticed to a cabinet­maker at the age of eleven. However, he was determined to study and taught himself Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, German, and Italian while working on his apprentice­ship. He also worked as a music copyist and received musical training from Carl Barbant, organist at the Bavarian Embassy. Restricted at this time in England, Roman Catholic worship was freely permitted in the foreign embassies. Because Webbe was Roman Catholic, he became organist at the Portuguese Chapel and later at the Sardinian and Spanish chapels in their respective embassies. He wrote much music for Roman Catholic services and composed hymn tunes, motets, and madrigals. Webbe is considered an outstanding composer of glees and catches, as is evident in his nine published collections of these smaller choral works. He also published A Collection of Sacred Music (c. 1790), A Collection of Masses for Small Choirs (1792), and, with his son Samuel (the younger), Antiphons in Six Books of Anthems (1818). Bert Polman

Anthony G. Petti

1932 - 1985 Person Name: Anthony G. Petti 1932- Translator of "Stabat Mater dolorosa" in The Australian Hymn Book with Catholic Supplement Petti, Anthony Gaetano. (London, England, February 12, 1932-- ). Roman Catholic. University College, London, B.A., 1955; M.A., 1957; D.Lit., 1970. While teaching English at the University of London (1955-1968) and the University of Calgary, Alberta (1969-?), and directing in both cities vocal and instrumental groups whose members shared his tastes, he did a great deal of research into Renaissance literature and music, particularly that produced by English Catholics, and published critical editions of many obscure and fascinating works. He reached out to a non-specialist audience with The New Catholic Hymns, for which he served as literary editor and made several translations, was published by Faber Music, London, in 1971; editions in several other countries soon followed, and his verses found their way into many other hymnbooks and breviaries. --Hugh D. McKellar, DNAH Archives

Jacopone, da Todi

1230 - 1306 Person Name: Jacapone da Todi, 1230-1306 Author of "At the Cross Her Station Keeping (Stabat Mater Dolorosa)" in Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.) Jacobus de Benedictis, commonly known as Jacopone, was born at Todi in Umbria, early in the 13th century, his proper name being Jacopone di Benedetti. He was descended from a noble family, and for some time led a secular life. Some remarkable circumstances which attended the violent death of his wife, led him to withdraw himself from the world, and to enter the Order of St. Francis, in which he remained as a lay brother till his death, at an advanced age, in 1306. His zeal led him to attack the religious abuses of the day. This brought him into conflict with Pope Boniface VIII., the result being imprisonment for long periods. His poetical pieces were written, some in Italian, and some in Latin, the most famous of the latter being "Cur mundus militat sub vana gloria" (possibly by Walter Mapes), and the "Stabat Mater dolorosa." Archbishop Trench says of him:— “An earnest humourist, he carried the being a fool for Christ into every-day life. The things which with this intent he did, some morally striking enough, others mere extravagances and pieces of gross spiritual buffoonery—wisdom and folly, such as we often find, side by side, in the saints of the Roman Calendar—are largely reported by Wadding, the historian of the Franciscan Order, and by Lisco, in a separate monograph on the Stabat Mater, Berlin, 1843, p. 23. These often leave one in doubt whether he was indeed perfectly sound in his mind, or only a Christian Brutus, feigning folly, that he might impress his wisdom the more deeply, and utter it with more freedom." Sacred Latin Poetry, 3rd ed., 1874, p. 268. Sketches of the life and writings of Jacopone, drawn entirely from the original sources (Trench), have been published as follows:— (1) By Mohnike, Studien Stralsund, 1825, vol. i. pp. 335-406; (2) by Ozanam, Les Poétes Franciscains en Italie au Treizieme Siecle, Paris. In addition there are articles in the Biographie Universelle; Macmillan’s Magazine, Aug., 1873; and the Encyclopedia Britannica , 9th ed. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================ See also in: Wikipedia

Charles D. Knoll

Harmonizer of "STABAT MATER DOLOROSA" in One in Faith

Richard Proulx

1937 - 2010 Person Name: Richard Proulx, b. 1937 Harmonizer of "STABAT MATER" in Gather Comprehensive Richard Proulx (b. St. Paul, MN, April 3, 1937; d. Chicago, IL, February 18, 2010). A composer, conductor, and teacher, Proulx was director of music at the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois (1980-1997); before that he was organist and choirmaster at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church in Seattle, Washington. He contributed his expertise to the Roman Catholic Worship III (1986), The Episcopal Hymnal 1982, The United Methodist Hymnal (1989), and the ecumenical A New Hymnal for Colleges and Schools (1992). He was educated at the University of Minnesota, MacPhail College of Music in Minneapolis, Minnesota, St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, and the Royal School of Church Music in England. He composed more than 250 works. Bert Polman

Frederic Henry Hedge

1805 - 1890 Person Name: F. H. Hedge Author of "It is finished! Man of Sorrows!" in Worship Song Hedge, Frederick Henry, D.D., son of Professor Hedge of Harvard College, was born at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1805, and educated in Germany and at Harvard. In 1829 he became pastor of the Unitarian Church, West Cambridge. In 1835 he removed to Bangor, Maine; in 1850 to Providence, and in 1856 to Brookline, Mass. He was appointed in 1857, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Cambridge (U.S.), and in 1872, Professor of German Literature at Harvard. Dr. Hedge is one of the editors of the Christian Examiner, and the author of The Prose Writers of Germany, and other works. In 1853 he edited, with Dr. F. D. Huntington, the Unitarian Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston Crosby, Nichols & Co. To that collection and the supplement (1853) he contributed the following translations from the German:— 1. A mighty fortress is our God. (Ein feste Burg.) 2. Christ hath arisen! joy to, &c. (Goethe's Faust.) 3. The sun is still for ever sounding. (Goethe's Faust.) There is also in the Unitarian Hymn [& Tune] Book for The Church & Home, Boston, 1868, a translation from the Latin. 4. Holy Spirit, Fire divine. (“Veni Sancte Spiritus.") Dr. Hedge's original hymns, given in the Hymns for the Church, 1853, are:— 5. Beneath Thine hammer, Lord, I lie. Resignation. 6. Sovereign and transforming grace. Ordination. Written for the Ordination of H. D. Barlow at Lynn, Mass., Dec. 9, 1829. It is given in several collections. 7. 'Twas in the East, the mystic East. Christmas. 8. 'Twas the day when God's anointed. Good Friday. Written originally for a Confirmation at Bangor, Maine, held on Good Friday, 1843. The hymn "It is finished, Man of Sorrows! From Thy cross, &c," in a few collections, including Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, is composed of st. iv.-vi. of this hymn. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Person Name: Unknown Translator of "At the Cross Her Station Keeping " in Hymnal of Christian Unity In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

James Quinn

1919 - 2010 Person Name: James Quinn, B. 1919 Translator of "Stabat Mater Dolorosa" in Catholic Book of Worship III James Quinn (b. Glasgow, Scotland, April 21, 1919; d. Edinburgh, Scotland, April 8, 2010) was a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest who was ordained in 1950. As a consultant for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy, sparked by Vatican II, he has exerted influence far beyond his native Scotland. A collection of his hymn texts is available from Selah Publishing company. Sing a New Creation

Louis F. Benson

1855 - 1930 Translator of "Near the cross her vigil keeping" in The Hymnal Benson, Louis FitzGerald, D.D., was born at Philadelphia, Penn., July 22, 1855, and educated at the University of Penn. He was admitted to the Bar in 1877, and practised until 1884. After a course of theological studies he was ordained by the Presbytery of Philadelphia North, in 1888. His pastorate of the Church of the Redeemer, Germantown, Phila., extended from his ordination in 1888 to 1894, when he resigned and devoted himself to literary and Church work at Philadelphia. He edited the series of Hymnals authorised for use by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., as follows:— (1) The Hymnal, Phila., 1895; (2) The Chapel Hymnal, 1898; and (3) The School Hymnal, 1899. Dr. Benson's hymnological writings are somewhat extensive. They include:— (1) Hymns and Verses (original and translations), 1897; (2) The Best Church Hymns, 1898; (3) The Best Hymns, 1898; (4) Studies of Familiar Hymns, 1903, &c. Of his original hymns the following have come into American common use:— I. In The Hymnal, 1895:— 1. O Christ, Who didst our tasks fulfil. For Schools and Colleges. Written in 1894. 2. O risen Christ, Who from Thy throne. For Installation of a Pastor. Written in 1894. II. In The School Hymnal, 1899:— 3. A glory lit the wintry sky. Loneliness of Jesus. Written in 1897. 4. Happy town of Salem. Heaven. 5. Now the wintry days are o'er. Easter. 6. O sing a song of Bethlehem. Early Life of Jesus. 7. Open the door to the Saviour. Invitation. 8. Out of the skies, like angel eyes. Lullaby. 9. Who will teach me how to pray? Prayer. In Carey Bonner's Sunday School Hymnary, 1905:— 10. The sun is on the land and sea. Morning. 11. Our wilful hearts have gone astray. Penitence. 12. When I awake from slumber. Morning. Of the above, Nos. 1-4, 10-12 are from Hymns and Verses, 1897. In the above collection by C. Bonner, Nos. 1, 4, and 6 are also found. Of Dr. Benson's translations from the Latin one only is in common use. See "Plaudite coeli, Rideat aether." As a hymn writer Dr. Benson is not widely known, mainly through the recent publication of his verse. His hymns deserve attention, and will, no doubt, gain the public ear in due time; whilst his hymnological researches and publications are thorough and praiseworthy. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Samuel Webbe

1770 - 1843 Person Name: Samuel Webbe, the younger (c. 1770-1843) Adapter of "STABAT MATER" in Ancient and Modern Samuel Webbe, Jr. (1770-1843), adapted the tune RICHMOND. He was organist at Paradise Street Unitarian Church, Liverpool (1798). Later he succeeded his father as organist at the Spanish Ambassador’s Chapel, London (1817), and then St. Nicholas’ Church and St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Chapel, Liverpool. --The Presbyterian Hymnal Companion, 1993

Ramón Llubrí

Translator (Spanish, st. 103,5,6,8,10,12-15) of "At the Cross Her Station Keeping (Junto al Pie de la Cruz Santa)" in Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

Catherine Winkworth

1827 - 1878 Person Name: Catherine Winkworth, 1829-78 Translator of "Holy Ghost, my Comforter" in The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes Catherine Winkworth (b. Holborn, London, England, 1827; d. Monnetier, Savoy, France, 1878) is well known for her English translations of German hymns; her translations were polished and yet remained close to the original. Educated initially by her mother, she lived with relatives in Dresden, Germany, in 1845, where she acquired her knowledge of German and interest in German hymnody. After residing near Manchester until 1862, she moved to Clifton, near Bristol. A pioneer in promoting women's rights, Winkworth put much of her energy into the encouragement of higher education for women. She translated a large number of German hymn texts from hymnals owned by a friend, Baron Bunsen. Though often altered, these translations continue to be used in many modern hymnals. Her work was published in two series of Lyra Germanica (1855, 1858) and in The Chorale Book for England (1863), which included the appropriate German tune with each text as provided by Sterndale Bennett and Otto Goldschmidt. Winkworth also translated biographies of German Christians who promoted ministries to the poor and sick and compiled a handbook of biographies of German hymn authors, Christian Singers of Germany (1869). Bert Polman ======================== Winkworth, Catherine, daughter of Henry Winkworth, of Alderley Edge, Cheshire, was born in London, Sep. 13, 1829. Most of her early life was spent in the neighbourhood of Manchester. Subsequently she removed with the family to Clifton, near Bristol. She died suddenly of heart disease, at Monnetier, in Savoy, in July, 1878. Miss Winkworth published:— Translations from the German of the Life of Pastor Fliedner, the Founder of the Sisterhood of Protestant Deaconesses at Kaiserworth, 1861; and of the Life of Amelia Sieveking, 1863. Her sympathy with practical efforts for the benefit of women, and with a pure devotional life, as seen in these translations, received from her the most practical illustration possible in the deep and active interest which she took in educational work in connection with the Clifton Association for the Higher Education of Women, and kindred societies there and elsewhere. Our interest, however, is mainly centred in her hymnological work as embodied in her:— (1) Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855. (2) Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858. (3) The Chorale Book for England (containing translations from the German, together with music), 1863; and (4) her charming biographical work, the Christian Singers of Germany, 1869. In a sympathetic article on Miss Winkworth in the Inquirer of July 20, 1878, Dr. Martineau says:— "The translations contained in these volumes are invariably faithful, and for the most part both terse and delicate; and an admirable art is applied to the management of complex and difficult versification. They have not quite the fire of John Wesley's versions of Moravian hymns, or the wonderful fusion and reproduction of thought which may be found in Coleridge. But if less flowing they are more conscientious than either, and attain a result as poetical as severe exactitude admits, being only a little short of ‘native music'" Dr. Percival, then Principal of Clifton College, also wrote concerning her (in the Bristol Times and Mirror), in July, 1878:— "She was a person of remarkable intellectual and social gifts, and very unusual attainments; but what specially distinguished her was her combination of rare ability and great knowledge with a certain tender and sympathetic refinement which constitutes the special charm of the true womanly character." Dr. Martineau (as above) says her religious life afforded "a happy example of the piety which the Church of England discipline may implant.....The fast hold she retained of her discipleship of Christ was no example of ‘feminine simplicity,' carrying on the childish mind into maturer years, but the clear allegiance of a firm mind, familiar with the pretensions of non-Christian schools, well able to test them, and undiverted by them from her first love." Miss Winkworth, although not the earliest of modern translators from the German into English, is certainly the foremost in rank and popularity. Her translations are the most widely used of any from that language, and have had more to do with the modern revival of the English use of German hymns than the versions of any other writer. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================ See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

James W. Alexander

1804 - 1859 Person Name: J. W. Alexander Author of "Near the cross was Mary weeping" in The Presbyterian Book of Praise James W. Alexander (b. Hopewell, Louisa County, VA, 1804; d. Sweetsprings, VA, 1859) was often overshadowed by his father, the renowned Archibald Alexander, first professor at Princeton Theological Seminary. But James Alexander was also a fine preacher, teacher, and writer. He studied at New Jersey College (now Princeton University) and Princeton Seminary. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church, he alternated his career between teaching and pastoring; for two years (1849-1851) he was professor of ecclesiastical history and church government at Princeton Seminary. Alexander translated a number of hymns from Greek, Latin, and German but is mainly known today for his translation of "O Sacred Head." Bert Polman ===================== Alexander, James Waddell, D.D., son of Archibald Alexander, D.D., b. at Hopewell, Louisa, county of Virginia, 13 Mar., 1804, graduated at Princeton, 1820, and was successively Professor of Rhetoric at Princeton, 1833; Pastor of Duane Street Presbyterian Church, New York, 1844; Professor of Church History, Princeton, 1849; and Pastor of 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, 1851; d. at Sweetsprings, Virginia, July 31, 1859. His works include Gift to the Afflicted, Thoughts on Family Worship, and others. His Letters were published by the Rev. Dr. Hall, in 2 vols., some time after his death, and his translations were collected and published at New York in 1861, under the title, The Breaking Crucible and other Translations. Of these translations the following are in use: O Sacred Head, now wounded” a translation of "Salve Caput," through the German; "Near the cross was Mary weeping," a translation of "Stabat Mater"; and "Jesus, how sweet Thy memory is," a translation of "dulcis memoria." The annotations of these translations are given under their respective Latin first lines. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Randall Keith DeBruyn

b. 1947 Person Name: Randall DeBruyn, b. 1947 Arranger of "STABAT MATER" in Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.)

Alan J. Hommerding

Person Name: Alan J. Hommerding. b. 1956 Author of "Hymn" in RitualSong (2nd ed.)

Thomas Aubrey de Vere

1814 - 1902 Person Name: Aubrey de Vere Translator of "At the Cross her station keeping" in The English Hymnal Vere, Thomas Aubrey de, third son of the late Sir Aubrey de Vere, Bart., was b. in 1814, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. Whilst Dr. Newman was Rector of the Roman Catholic University, Dublin, he was one of the Professors there. His first volume of Poems appeared in 1842, and since then he has also published more than thirty distinct works, many of which are in verse, including Poem, 1855; May Carols, 1857; Poetical Works, 1884; and others. A few pieces from his poetical works are given in Roman Catholic collections. John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =============== DeVere, T. A. , p. 1219, i. He d. Jan. 21, 1902. Two of his hymns are in the Holy Family Hymns, I860, and later collections—(1) “They leave the land of gems and gold” (Epiphany) and (2) "Who is she that stands triumphant?" (Church of Christ). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

William Johnson Fox

1786 - 1864 Person Name: W. J. Fox Author of "Gracious Power, the world pervading" in Worship Song Fox, William Johnson, the son of a small farmer in Suffolk, was born in 1786. As a boy he worked as a weaver, but subsequently spent six years in a bank. He was educated for the ministry under Dr. Pye Smith, at Homerton. His first settlement was with an Orthodox Independent congregation; but he very soon became a Unitarian. In 1817 he settled in London as minister of the Parliament Court Chapel. In 1824 lie removed to a new chapel at South Place, Finsbury, where he remained until 1852. He was a prominent member of the Anti Corn-law League; joined in founding the Westminster Review, and from 1831 to 1836 was owner of the Monthly Repository. From 1847 to 1863 he sat in Parliament as member for Oldham. He died in 1864. In 1841 he published Hymns and Anthems, London, Charles Fox. This, collection contained 150 selections from various authors, including Mrs. Sarah Adams, who was a member of his congregation. He included 13 of his own hymns. A new and enlarged edition of his Hymns, &c, was published in 1873. A memorial edition of his Works was published in 12 vols. in 1865. His hymns which have come into common use outside of his collection include:— 1. A little child in bulrush ark. Moses. 2. Call them from the dead. The Spirits of the Past. 3. Gracious Power, the world pervading. Public Worship. 4. In the plan divine. Perfection of God's designs. 5. Jews were wrought to cruel madness. Good Friday. B. V. M. at the Cross. 6. The sage his cup of hemlock quaffed. Resignation. [Rev. Valentine D. David, B.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Richard Mant

1776 - 1848 Person Name: Bishop R. Mant Translator of "At the Cross her station keeping" in The Book of Common Praise Mant, Richard D.D., son of the Rev. Richard Mant, Master of the Grammar School, Southampton, was born at Southampton, Feb. 12, 1776. He was educated at Winchester and Trinity, Oxford (B.A. 1797, M.A., 1799). At Oxford he won the Chancellor's prize for an English essay: was a Fellow of Oriel, and for some time College Tutor. On taking Holy Orders he was successively curate to his father, then of one or two other places, Vicar of Coggeshall, Essex, 1810; Domestic Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1813, Rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London. 1816, and East Horsley, 1818, Bishop of Killaloe, 1820, of Down and Connor, 1823, and of Dromore, 1842. He was also Bampton Lecturer in 1811. He died Nov. 2, 1848. His prose works were numerous, and although now somewhat obsolete, they were useful and popular in their day. His poetical works, and other works which contain poetical pieces, are:— (1) The Country Curate, 1804; (2) Poems in three Parts, 1806; (3) The Slave, 1807; (4) The Book of Psalms in an English Metrical Version, &c, 1824; (5) The Holydays of the Church; or Scripture Narratives of Our Blessed Lord's Life and Ministry, and Biographical Notices of the Apostles, Evangelists, and Other Saints, with Reflections, Collects, and Metrical Sketches, vol. i., 1828; vol. ii., 1831; (6) The Gospel Miracles in a series of Poetical Sketches, &c., 1832; (7) The British Months, 2 vols., 1836; (8) Ancient Hymns from the Roman Breviary, for Domestick Use. . . .To which are added Original Hymns, principally of Commemoration and Thanksgiving for Christ's Holy Ordinances, 1837: new ed., 1871. (9) The Happiness of the Blessed Dead, 1847. Bishop Mant is known chiefly through his translations from the Latin. He was one of the earliest of the later translators, I. Williams and J. Chandler being his contemporaries. Concerning his translations, Mr. Ellerton, in his Notes on Church Hymns, 1881, p. xlviii. (folio ed.), says justly that:— "Mant had little knowledge of hymns, and merely took those of the existing Roman Breviary as he found them: consequently he had to omit many, and so to alter others that they have in fact become different hymns: nor was he always happy in his manipulation of them. But his book has much good taste and devout feeling, and has fallen into undeserved neglect." His metrical version of the Psalms has yielded very few pieces to the hymnals, the larger portion of his original compositions being from his work of 1837. The most popular of these is "Come Holy Ghost, my soul inspire, Spirit of," &c, and its altered forms; "Bright the vision that delighted," and its altered form of "Round the Lord in glory seated;" and "For all Thy saints, O Lord." His hymns in common use which are not annotated under their respective first lines are:— i. From his Metrical Version of the Psalms, 1824. 1. God, my King, Thy might confessing. Ps. cxlv. 2. Lord, to Thee I make my vows. Ps. xxvii. 3. Blessed be the Lord most High. Ps. xxviii. Pt. ii. 4. My trust is in the highest Name. Ps. xi. 5. Reign, Jehovah, King supreme. Ps. xcix. 6. Thy listening ear, O Lord, incline. Ps. Ixxxvi. 7. To God my earnest voice I raise. Ps. cxlii. 8. To Jehovah hymn the lay. Ps. cxviii. Two centos in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. (1) st. i., ii., v.; and (2) "Thee, Jehovah, will I bless" from st. vii.-x. ii. From his Holydays of the Church, &c, 1828-31. 9. Lo, the day the Lord hath made. Easter. 10. There is a dwelling place above. All Saints. iii. From his Ancient Hymns, &c, 1837. 11. Before Thy mercy's throne. Lent. 12. Father of all, from Whom we trace. Unity. 13. For these who first proclaimed Thy word. Apostles. 14. No! when He bids me seek His face. Holy Communion. 15. Oft as in God's own house we sit. Divine Worship. 16. Put off thy shoes, 'tis holy ground. The House of God . 17. Saviour of men, our Hope [Life] and Rest. The Greater Festivals. 18. Thy House each day of hallowed rest. Holy Communion. 19. We bless Thee for Thy Church, 0 Lord. Thanksgiving for the Church. 26. We deem and own it, Lord, a proof. Divine Grace. When all Bishop Mant's translations of original hymns, and versions of the Psalms in common use are taken into account, it is found that he is somewhat strongly represented in modern hymnody. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================

Winfred Douglas

1867 - 1944 Person Name: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-1944 Harmonizer of "STABAT MATER DOLOROSA" in The Hymnal 1982 Charles Winfred Douglas (b. Oswego, NY, 1867; d. Santa Rosa, CA, 1944), an influential leader in Episcopalian liturgical and musical life. Educated at Syracuse University and St. Andrews Divinity School, Syracuse, New York, he moved to Colorado for his health. There he studied at St. Matthew's Hall, Denver, and founded the Mission of the Transfiguration in Evergreen (1897). Ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church in 1899, he also studied in France, Germany and England, where he spent time with the Benedictines of Solesmes on the Island of Wight from 1903 to 1906. For much of his life, Douglas served as director of music at the Community of St. Mary in Peekskill, New York, and had associations with cathedrals in Denver, Colorado, and Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He promoted chanting and plainsong in the Episcopal Church through workshops and publications such as The American Psalter (1929), the Plainsong Psalter (1932), and the Monastic Diurnal (1932). His writings include program notes for the Denver Symphony Orchestra, various hymn preludes; organ, as well as the book, Church Music in History and Practice (1937). He was editor of both the Hymnal 1916 and its significant successor, Hymnal 1940, of the Episcopal Church. Douglas's other achievements include a thorough knowledge of the life and culture of Hopi and Navajo natives, among whom he lived for a number of years. Bert Polman


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