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Scripture:Hebrews 5:7-9

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Hymn 125

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 420 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7 First Line: With joy we meditate the grace Lyrics: With joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above; His heart is made of tenderness, His bowels melt with love. Touched with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations mean, For he has felt the same. But spotless, innocent, and pure, The great Redeemer stood, While Satan's fiery darts he bore, And did resist to blood. He in the days of feeble flesh Poured out his cries and tears, And in his measure feels afresh What every member bears. [He'll never quench the smoking flax, But raise it to a flame; The bruised reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest name.] Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his power; We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In the distressing hour.
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Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Author: W. Chatterton Dix Meter: D Appears in 216 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-8 First Line: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus Lyrics: 1 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus; his the scepter, his the throne! Alleluia! His the triumph, his the victory alone. Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood; Jesus out of ev'ry nation hath redeemed us by his blood. 2 Alleluia! Not as orphans are we left in sorrow now; Alleluia! He is near us, faith believes nor questions how: Though the cloud from sight received him, when the forty doays were o'er, shall our hearts forget his promise, "I am with you evermore"? 3 Alleluia! Bread of Angels, thou on earth our food, our stay. Alleluia! Here the sinful flee to thee from day to day. Intercessor, friend of sinners, earth's Redeemer, plead for me, where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea. 4 Alleluia! King eternal, thee the Lord of lords we own. Alleluia! Born of Mary, earth thy footstool, heav'n thy throne: Thou within the veil hast entered, robed in flesh, our great High Priest-- thou on earth both priest and victim in the eucharistic feast. Topics: Biblical Characters Mary Used With Tune: HYFRYDOL

Meekness and Majesty

Author: Graham Kendrick, 1950- Appears in 17 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:8 First Line: Meekness and majesty, human and deity Topics: Jesus Christ Majesty Used With Tune: [Meekness and majesty, human and Deity]
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Go to Dark Gethsemane

Author: James Mongtomery Appears in 506 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:8 Topics: Christ Suffering and Death Used With Tune: AJALON
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My Song Is Love Unknown

Author: Samuel Crossman Meter: Appears in 128 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-10 Lyrics: 1 My song is love unknown, my Savior’s love to me, love to the loveless shown, that they might lovely be. O who am I, that for my sake my God should take frail flesh and die? My God should take frail flesh and die? 2 God left the richest throne salvation to bestow; but Christ as flesh and bone the world refused to know, But, O my Friend, my Friend indeed, who at my need His life did spend.did life expend; who at my need did life expend. 3 Sometimes they threw down palms and sweetest praises sang. Hosannas and glad psalms through streets and markets rang. Then "Crucify!" is all their breath, for blood and death they thirst and cry; for blood and death they thirst and cry. 4 What has my Sovereign done? What makes this rage and spite? Christ gave new strength to run, restored the gift of sight. Sweet injuries! Yet they at these themselves displease, and 'gainst Christ rise; themselves displease, and 'gainst Christ rise. 5 I sing my plain belief, one song my heart out-pours: never was pain nor grief, never was love like yours. This is my Friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days could gladly spend; I all my days could gladly spend. Topics: The Grace of Jesus Christ In Praise of Christ Used With Tune: RHOSYMEDRE
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Womb of Life and Source of Being

Author: Ruth C. Duck (1947-) Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Topics: Eucharist; God, maternal images; Jesus, the Priest; Praise of God; Trinity Used With Tune: LADUE CHAPEL

Crown him with many crowns

Author: Matthew Bridges, 1800-94; Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Meter: D Appears in 802 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Lyrics: 1 Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne; hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own: awake, my soul, and sing of him who died for me, and hail him as your chosen king through all eternity. 2 Crown him the Son of God before the worlds began: and we who tread where he has trod crown him the Son of Man, who every grief has known that wrings the human breast, and takes and bears them for his own, that all in him may rest. 3 Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, those wounds yet visible above in beauty glorified; no angel there on high can fully bear that sight, but downwards bends a burning eye at mysteries so bright. 4 Crown him the Lord of life, who triumphed o'er the grave, and rose victorious in the strife for those he came to save: his glories now we sing who died, and rose on high; who died eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die. 5 Crown him the Lord of peace, whose power a sceptre sways from pole to pole, that wars may cease absorbed in prayer and praise: his reign shall know no end, and round his pierced feet fair flowers of paradise extend their fragrance ever sweet. 6 Crown him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time, Creator of the rolling spheres, majestic and sublime: all hail, Redeemer, hail! for you have died for me; your praise shall never, never fail throughout eternity. Topics: Adoration and Praise; Ascension; Christ tne King Sunday; Jesus Christ Humanity; Jesus Christ Priesthood and Intercession; Jesus Christ Redeemer; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Name/s of God; Peace of the World; Worship Processional Entrance Used With Tune: DIADEMATA
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I Know that My Redeemer Lives

Author: Samuel Medley, 1738-1799 Meter: Appears in 473 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 First Line: I know that my Redeemer lives! Lyrics: 1 I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy this blest assurance gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead; he lives, my everliving head! 2 He lives triumphant from the grave; he lives eternally to save; he lives exalted, throned above; he lives to rule his church in love. 3 He lives to silence all my fears; he lives to wipe away my tears; he lives to calm my troubled heart; he lives all blessing to impart. 4 He lives to bless me with his love; he lives to plead for me above; he lives my hungry soul to feed; he lives to help in time of need. 5 He lives, my kind, wise, heavenly friend; he lives and loves me to the end; he lives, and while he lives, I’ll sing; he lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King! 6 He lives and grants me daily breath; he lives, and I shall conquer death; he lives my mansion to prepare; he lives to bring me safely there. 7 He lives, all glory to his name! He lives, my Savior, still the same; what joy this blest assurance gives: I know that my Redeemer lives! Topics: Assurance; Church Year Easter/Season of Easter; Hunger; Jesus Christ Friend; Jesus Christ Intercessor; Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Redeemer Used With Tune: DUKE STREET

Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

Author: James Edmeston, 1791-1867 Meter: Appears in 358 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:5-10 Topics: The Faithful Christ: Lent and Temptation Used With Tune: MANNHEIM

O Sacred Head, Surrounded

Author: Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153; Henry W. Baker, 1821-1877; James W. Alexander, 1804-1859; Henry W. Baker; Owen Alstott, b. 1947 Meter: Appears in 90 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:8 Topics: Cross; Paschal Mystery; Suffering of Christ; Devotions The Way of the Cross; The Liturgical Year Palm Sunday of teh Passion of the Lord; The Liturgical Year Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday); The Liturgical Year The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) Used With Tune: PASSION CHORALE Text Sources: Alternate verse 3 also composite

Before the Throne of God Above

Author: Charitie L. de Chenez, 1841-1923 Meter: Appears in 58 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Lyrics: 1 Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect plea; A great High Priest, whose name is Love, Who ever lives and pleads for me. 2 My name is graven on His hands, My name is written on His heart; I know that while in heav'n He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart. 3 When Satan tempts me to despair, And tells me of the guilt within, Upward I look, and see Him there Who made an end of all my sin. 4 Because the sinless Savior died, My sinful soul is counted free; For God, the just, is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me. 5 Behold Him there! The risen Lamb! My perfect, spotless righteousness, The great unchangeable I AM, The King of glory and of grace! 6 At one with Him, I cannot die, My soul is purchased by His blood; My life is hid with Christ on high, With Christ, my Savior and my God. Used With Tune: DUNEDIN
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O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head!

Author: Mrs. Anne Ross Cousin Meter: Appears in 47 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7 Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Son - Sufferings and Death Used With Tune: SPOHR

Yours the glory and the crown

Author: Michael Saward, b. 1932 Meter: with refrain Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 First Line: Christ triumphant, ever reigning Topics: Jesus Christ: Prophet, Priest and King Used With Tune: GUITING POWER
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I Am Thine, O Lord

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Appears in 695 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 1-13 First Line: I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Refrain First Line: Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord Used With Tune: [I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice]

Trust and Obey

Author: John H. Sammis Appears in 452 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:9 First Line: When we walk with the Lord Topics: Baptism; Christians Confidence & Trust; Christians Obedience; Fellowship with God; Invitation Used With Tune: [When we walk with the Lord]

Where High the Heavenly Temple Stands

Author: Michael Bruce Meter: Appears in 205 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-8 Lyrics: 1 Where high the heavenly temple stands, The house of God not made with hands, A great High Priest our nature wears, The Guardian of mankind appears. 2 He who for men their surety stood, And poured on earth His precious blood, Pursues in heaven His mighty plan, The Saviour and the Friend of man. 3 Though now ascended up on high, He bends on earth a brother's eye; Partaker of the human name, He knows the frailty of our frame. 4 Our fellow sufferer yet retains A fellow feeling of our pains; And still remembers in the skies His tears, His agonies, and cries. 5 In every pang that rends the heart The Man of Sorrows had a part; He sympathizes with our grief, And to the sufferer sends relief. 6 With boldness, therefore, at the throne, Let us make all our sorrows known; And ask the aids of heavenly power To help us in the evil hour. Amen. Topics: Christ Sympathy; Prayer; Life in Christ Prayer and Intercession Used With Tune: SOLDAU Text Sources: As in Scottish Paraphrases, 1781
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See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: D Appears in 198 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5 Lyrics: 1 See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph; see the King in royal state, riding on the clouds, his chariot, to his heavenly palace gate. Hark! the choirs of angel voices joyful alleluias sing, and the gates on high are opened to receive their heavenly King. 2 He who on the cross did suffer, he who from the grave arose, he has vanquished sin and Satan, he by death has spoiled his foes. While he lifts his hands in blessing, he is parted from his friends. While their eager eyes behold him, in the cloud the Lord ascends. 3 You have raised our human nature on the clouds to God's right hand; there we sit in heavenly places, there with you in glory stand. Jesus reigns, adored by angels; man with God is on the throne! Mighty Lord, in your ascension we by faith can see our own. Topics: Ascension & Reign of Christ; King, God/Christ as; Ascension & Reign of Christ; Assurance; King, God/Christ as; Victory Used With Tune: REX GLORIAE

At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing

Author: Robert Campbell (1814-1868) Meter: D Appears in 186 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Lyrics: 1 At the Lamb's high feast we sing praise to our victorious King, who hath washed us in the tide flowing from his pierced side; praise we him, whose love divine gives his sacred blood for wine, gives his body for the feast, Christ the victim, Christ the priest. 2 Where the paschal blood is poured, death's dark angel sheathes his sword; Israel's hosts triumphant go through the wave that drowns the foe. Praise we Christ, whose blood was shed, paschal victim, paschal bread; with sincerity and love eat we manna from above. 3 Mighty victim from on high, hell's fierce powers beneath thee lie; death is broken in the fight, thou has brought us life and light. Now no more can death appal, now no more the grave enthral! Thou has opened paradise, and in thee thy saints shall rise. 4 This, our gift of Easter joy, sin alone can now destroy; from sin's power do thou set free souls new-born, O Lord, in thee. Hymns of glory, songs of praise, Father, unto thee we raise; risen Lord, all praise to thee, with the Spirit ever be. Topics: Easter (season); Easter Vigil ; Eucharist; Funeral Used With Tune: SALZBURG Text Sources: Latin, 1632

When my love for Christ grows weak

Author: John Reynell Wreford, 1800-1881 Meter: Appears in 83 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7 Topics: Jesus Christ the Suffering Servant: The Passion and The Cross Used With Tune: SONG 13
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How Shall I Follow Him I Serve?

Author: Josiah Conder Meter: Appears in 80 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:8 Lyrics: 1 How shall I follow Him I serve? How shall I copy Him I love? Nor from those blessed footsteps swerve, Which lead me to His seat above? 2 Privations, sorrows, bitter scorn, The life of toil, the mean abode, The faithless kiss, the crown of thorn,-- Are these the consecrated road? 3 'Twas thus He suffered, though a Son, Foreknowing, choosing, feeling all, Until the perfect work was done, And drunk the bitter cup of gall. 4 Lord, should my path through suffering lie, Forbid it I should e'er repine; Still let me turn to Calvary, Nor heed my griefs, remembering Thine. 5 O let me think how Thou didst leave Untasted every pure delight, To fast, to faint, to watch, to grieve, The toilsome day, the homeless night: 6 To faint, to grieve, to die for me! Thou camest not Thyself to please: And, dear as earthly comforts be, Shall I not love Thee more than these? 7 Yes, I would count them all but loss, To gain the notice of Thine eye: Flesh shrinks and trembles at the cross, But Thou canst give the victory. Amen. Topics: Church Year Lent; Sexagesima; Lenten Hymns; Lent, First Sunday; Holy Week; Cross-bearing; Trials Used With Tune: MARYTON
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Thou man of griefs, remember me

Meter: Appears in 72 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7 Lyrics: 1 Thou man of griefs, remember me, Who never canst thyself forget Thy last, mysterious agony, Thy fainting pangs, and bloody sweat! 2 When, wrestling in the strength of prayer, Thy spirit sunk beneath its load! Thy feeble flesh afraid to bear The wrath of an almighty God! 3 Father if I may call thee so, Regard my fearful heart's desire, Remove this load of guilty wo, Nor let me in my sins expire! 4 I tremble lest the wrath divine, Which bruises now my sinful soul, Should bruise this wretched soul of mine, Long as eternal ages roll! 5 To thee, my last distress I bring! The heighten'd fear of death I find! The tyrant, brandishing his sting, Appears, and hell is close behind! 6 I deprecate that death alone, That endless banishment from thee! O save me, through thine only Son, Who trembled, wept, and bled for me! Topics: Apprehension confessed, or Jesus was heard in that he feared; Supplication for the divine mercy
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Figure and means of saving grace

Meter: Appears in 39 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:9 First Line: Author of our salvation, thee Topics: Institutions of the Gospel The Lord's Supper Used With Tune: PATHWAY
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Jesus Weeps for Man

Author: Beddome Appears in 23 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7 First Line: So fair a face bedew'd with tears! Lyrics: 1 So fair a face bedew'd with tears! What beauty e'en in grief appears? He wept, he bled, he died for you; What more, ye saints, could Jesus do? 2 Enthron'd above, with equal glow His warm affections downward flow; In our distress he bears a part, And feels a sympathetic smart. 3 Still his compassions are the same, He knows the frailty of our frame; Our heaviest burdens he sustains, Shares in our sorrows, and our pains. Topics: The Humiliation of the Glorified with Glory before the World began

Jesus, Tempted in the Desert

Author: Herman G. Stuempfle Meter: D Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-9 Topics: Christian Life; Lent; Temptation Used With Tune: EBENEZER

Jesus calls us here to meet him

Author: John L. Bell, 1949-; Graham Maule, 1958- Meter: D Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Topics: Confession of Faith; Jesus Christ Earthly life; Jesus Christ Friend and Companion; Jesus Christ Incarnation; People of God; Proclamation: Witness; Reconciliation; Unity of Humanity; Unity of the Church; Witness to Community; Word of God; Worship Gathering Used With Tune: GAELIC AIR
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God of freedom, God of justice

Author: Shirley Erena Murray, b. 1931 Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:8 Lyrics: 1 God of freedom, God of justice, God whose love is strong as death, God who saw the dark of prison, God who knew the price of faith: touch our world of sad oppression with your Spirit's healing breath. 2 Rid the earth of torture's terror, God whose hands were nailed to wood; hear the cries of pain and protest, God who shed the tears and blood; move in us the power of pity, restless for the common good. 3 Make in us a captive conscience quick to hear, to act, to plead; make us truly sisters, brothers of whatever race or creed: teach us to be fully human, open to each other's need. Topics: Peace and Justice Used With Tune: RHUDDLAN
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We Hail Thee Now, O Jesus

Author: Frederick George Scott (1861-1944) Meter: D Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Lyrics: 1 We hail thee now, O Jesus: thy presence here we own, though sight and touch have failed us, and faith perceives alone. Thy love has veiled thy glory and hid thy power divine, in mercy to our weakness, beneath an earthly sign. 2 We hail thee now, O Jesus: in silence hast thou come, for all the hosts of heaven with wonderment are dumb -- so great the condescension, so marvellous the love, which for our sakes, O Saviour, have drawn thee from above. 3 We hail thee now, O Jesus: for law and type have ceased, and thou in each communion art sacrifice and priest. We make this great memorial in union, Lord, with thee, and plead thy death and passion to cleanse and set us free. 4 We hail thee now, O Jesus: for death is ever near, and in thy presence only its terrors disappear. Dwell with us, sweetest Saviour, and guide us through the night, till shadows end in glory. and faith be lost in sight. Topics: Eucharist; Eucharist; Funeral; Jesus, the Priest; Salvation/Redemption Used With Tune: ST. CHRISTOPHER
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At evening, when the sun had set

Author: Henry Twells, 1823-1900 Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-8 Lyrics: 1 At evening, when the sun had set, the sick, O Lord, around you lay: in such distress and pain they met, but with what joy they went away! 2 Once more the evening falls, and we oppressed with many ills, draw near, and though your form we cannot see, we know and feel that you are here. 3 O Saviour Christ, our cares dispel, for some are sick, and some are sad, and some have never loved you well, and some have lost the love they had, 4 and all desire your perfect rest, for none is wholly free from sin, and those who long to serve you best are most aware of wrong within. 5 O Saviour Christ, O Son of Man, you have been troubled, tempted, tried; your kind but searching glance can scan the very wounds that shame would hide. 6 Your touch has still its ancient power; no word from you can fruitless fall: hear us, touch us in this hour, and in your mercy heal us all. Topics: Evening; Evening; Fear; Gratitude; Jesus Christ Temptation of; Jesus Christ Healer and Teacher; Sin / Sinner Used With Tune: ANGELUS
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Our Blessed Savior Seven Times spoke

Author: Frances E. Cox; Johann Böschenstain Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7 First Line: Our blessed Savior sev'n times spoke Lyrics: 1 Our blessed Savior sev'n times spoke When on the cross our sins He took And died lest we should perish. Let us His last and dying words In our remembrance cherish. 2 "Father, forgive these men; for, lo, They truly know not what they do." So far His love extended. Forgive us, Lord, for we, too, have Through ignorance offended. 3 Now to the contrite thief He cries: "Thou, verily, in Paradise Shalt meet Me ere tomorrow." Lord, take us to Thy kingdom soon Who linger here in sorrow. 4 To weeping Mary, standing by, "Behold thy son," now hear Him cry; To John, "Behold thy mother." Provide, O Lord, for those we leave: Let each befriend the other. 5 The Savior's fourth word was "I thirst." O mighty Prince of Life, Thy thirst For us and our salvation Is truly great; do help us, then, That we escape damnation. 6 The fifth, "My God, My God, O why Forsake Me?" Hark, the awe-full cry! Lord, Thou wast here forsaken That we might be received on high; Let this hope not be shaken. 7 The sixth, when victory was won, "'Tis finished!" for Thy work was done. Grant, Lord, that, onward pressing, We may the work Thou dost impose Fulfil with Thine own blessing. 8 The last, as woe and sufferings end, "O God, My Father, I commend Into Thy hands My spirit." Be this, dear Lord, my dying wish; O heavenly Father, hear it. 9 Whoe'er, by sense of sin opprest, Upon these words his thoughts will rest, He joy and hope obtaineth And through God's love and boundless grace A peaceful conscience gaineth. 10 O Jesus Christ, Thou Crucified, Who hast for our offenses died, Grant that we e'er may ponder Thy wounds, Thy cross, Thy bitter death, Both here below and yonder. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Good Friday Used With Tune: DA JESUS AN DES KREUZES

In a Lowly Manger Born

Author: Vern Rossman; Kō Yūki Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-11 Topics: Christmas; Epiphany; Jesus Christ Divinity; Jesus Christ Epiphany and Youth; Salvation; Year A Christmas 1; Year A Passion Sunday; Year B Lent 5; Year B Passion Sunday; Year B Proper 24; Year C Passion Sunday Used With Tune: MABUNE
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Most Gracious God and Lord

Author: Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf; Abraham von Gersdorf Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-10 Lyrics: 1 Most gracious God and Lord, the world's almighty Savior, worthy to be adored by all, both now and ever! Those souls are blessed indeed who cling to you in faith, as you for us were laid low in the dust of death. 2 In you I trust by faith, my Jesus, God and Savior; on your atoning death I shall rely forever. Your suff'rings shall remain deep on my heart impressed, O Son of God and man, till I with you shall rest. 3 Eternal thanks we sing, great author of salvation, who sinful hearts did bring to heed your invitation. We are your property. O may we yours remain; this is our only plea, since you for us was slain. Topics: Christ; Christ--All in all; Christ--Atonement; Christ--Sacrifice of; Christian year--Lent; Faith; Salvation Used With Tune: O GOTT DU FROMMER GOTT Text Sources: Moravian tr. (1746-1748, recast 1801), alt.

By the Holy Spirit Sent

Author: Gertrude Hollis (1863-1943) Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Topics: Ash Wednesday; Lent (season) Used With Tune: LEW TRENCHARD

So Much Wrong

Author: John L. Bell Meter: with refrain Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-9 First Line: So much wrong and so much injustice Refrain First Line: My beloved, my beloved Topics: Commitment; Good Friday; Lament Used With Tune: SO MUCH WRONG Text Sources: Arabic

We Live a Mystery

Author: Michael Connolly, b. 1955 Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Hebrews 5:8 First Line: This truth we carry Refrain First Line: We live a mystery of everlasting love Topics: Seasons and Feasts Advent; Patience; Second Coming Used With Tune: [This truth we carry]

Christ is Atonement, the Paschal Victim

Author: Patrick Wedd (1948-) Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Topics: Easter (season) Used With Tune: CHRIST IS ATONEMENT

Our Gracious God

Author: Vernon H. Nelson Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-10 First Line: Our gracious God sent the Savior Lyrics: 1 Our gracious God sent the Savior, who, showing perfect behavior, conquered each test and temptation, by his death brought us salvation. 2 So to our God we sing praises, who all our spirits upraises, and we rejoice in the telling of his dear grace in us dwelling. 3 Thanks to his love's wide outpouring and to the Spirit's imploring, joy in our hearts is abiding, suff'ring and pain are subsiding. Topics: Epiphany; Christian year--Epiphany; Christ's Example Used With Tune: DER GÜTIG GOTT Text Sources: Bohemian Brethren
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Jesu, all holy

Author: George Ratcliffe Woodward, 1848-1934 Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Hebrews 5-10 Lyrics: 1 Jesu, all holy, gentle and lowly, snow-white lily of the vale; thou art our Master, Monarch and Pastor, Priest, Interceder, Prophet and Leader, Refuge, Defender, loving and strong: Sovran supernal, Son of th'Eternal, born of Mary-maiden, hail! Fountain of gladness, solace in sadness, more than a brother, father or mother, to thee we render tribute of song. 2 Jesu, we bless thee, worship, confess thee; shepherd of the sheep thou art: shelter, protect us, tend and direct us, strong of arm and kind of heart: shadow and moonlight turn into moonlight; soften the scorner, comfort the mourner, rule our behavior, order our way: bide with us, giving grace to the living, shrift to the dying freely supplying, be thou our Savior ever and aye. Topics: Hope and Consolation Used With Tune: A LIETA VITA (IN DIR IST FREUDE)
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Thy will be done

Author: Shapcott Wensley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Hebrews 5:7-10 First Line: Thy will be done, the Saviour said Lyrics: 1 Thy will be done, the Saviour said, and bowed to earth his sacred head, the sands of life had nearly run, my Father, let thy will be done, thy will, not mine, be done. 2 No watch his spent disciples kept, amid the shadows deep they slept; but silent angels waiting there, beheld his agony of prayer - thy will, not mine, be done. 3 His soul foresaw the cruel scorns, the brutal scourge, the crown of thorns, and, darker than Gethsemane, the shadows of th' accursed tree - thy will, not mine, be done. 4 What though he felt in that dread hour, the storms of human passions low'r; nor pain, nor death, his soul would shun, myFather, let thy will be done, thy will, not mine, be done. Topics: Passiontide; Suffering and Sorrow; The Suffering Community; Year A Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Passion; Year B Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Passion; Year C Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Passion Used With Tune: THY WILL BE DONE
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The Garden of Gethsemane

Author: Michael D. Schultz, b. 1963 Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Hebrews 5:7 Topics: Jesus' Passion Used With Tune: THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE

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