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Scripture:Philippians 1:21-30

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Christ, of All My Hopes the Ground

Author: Ralph Wardlaw Meter: D Appears in 173 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 Christ, of all my hopes the ground, Christ, the spring of all my joy, still in you may I be found, still for you my pow'rs employ, still for you my pow'rs employ. 2 Let your love my heart inflame; keep your fear before my sight; be your praise my highest aim; be your smile my chief delight, be your smile my chief delight. 3 Fountain of o'erflowing grace, freely from your fullness give; till I close my earthly race, may I prove it "Christ to live," may I prove it "Christ to live." 4 Firmly trusting in your blood, nothing shall my heart confound; safely I shall pass the flood, safely reach Immanuel's ground, safely reach Immanuel's ground. 5 Thus, O thus, an entrance give to the land of cloudless sky; having known it "Christ to live," let me know it "gain to die," let me know it "gain to die." Topics: The Way of Salvation Union with Christ; Death Trusting God in; Faith In Christ; Grace Sanctifying; Love For Christ of God; Post-Communion Used With Tune: HENDON Text Sources: Mod.

Lord, It Is in Thy Tender Care

Author: Richard Baxter Meter: Appears in 258 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 Lord, it is in thy tender care whether I die or live; to love and serve thee is my share, and this thy grace must give. 2 If life be long, I will be glad that I may long obey; if short, yet why should I be sad to soar to endless day? 3 Christ leads me thro' no darker rooms than he went thro' before; all who into God's kingdom come must enter by this door. 4 Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meet thy blessed face to see; for if thy work on earth be sweet, what will thy glory be? 5 My knowledge of that life is small, the eye of faith is dim, but 'tis enough that Christ knows all, and I shall be with him. Used With Tune: WIGTON
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Take My Life and Let It Be

Author: Frances R. Havergal Meter: with refrain Appears in 1,214 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:20-21 Lyrics: 1 Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Take my moments and my days; let them flow in endless praise, let them flow in endless praise. 2 Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love. Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee, swift and beautiful for thee. 3 Take my voice and let me sing always, only, for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from thee, filled with messages from thee. 4 Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as thou shalt choose, every power as thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will and make it thine; it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart– it is thine own; it shall be thy royal throne, it shall be thy royal throne. 6 Take my love; my Lord, I pour at thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for thee, ever, only, all for thee. Topics: Commitment & Dedication; Love God's Love to Us; Dedication and Offering; Commitment & Dedication; Love God's Love to Us; Music; Obedience; Offering Used With Tune: HENDON
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Jesus Is All the World to Me

Author: Will L. Thompson Meter: Irregular Appears in 312 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1 Lyrics: 1 Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my joy, my all; he is my strength from day to day, without him I would fall. When I am sad, to him I go, no other one can cheer me so; when I am sad he makes me glad, he's my friend. 2 Jesus is all the world to me, my friend in trials sore; I go to him for blessings, and he gives them o'er and o'er. He sends the sunshine and the rain, he sends the harvest's golden grain, sunshine and rain, harvest of grain, he's my friend. 3 Jesus is all the world to me, and true to him I'll be; O, how could I this friend deny, when he's so true to me? Following him I know I'm right, he watches o'er me day and night; following him by day and night, he's my friend. 4 Jesus is all the world to me, I want no better friend; I trust him now, I'll trust him when life's fleeting days shall end. Beautiful life with such a friend, beautiful life that has no end; eternal life, eternal joy, he's my friend. Topics: Adoration of Jesus Christ; Faithfulness of Believers; Adoration of Jesus Christ; Faithfulness of Believers; Jesus Christ Friend; Submission; Testimony; Trials Used With Tune: ELIZABETH
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My gracious Lord, I own thy right

Meter: Appears in 259 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Topics: The Church Ordinances; Lord's Supper
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Desiring to depart and be with Christ

Author: Dr. Doddridge Meter: Appears in 88 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 First Line: While on the verge of life I stand Lyrics: 1 While on the verge of life I stand, And view the scene on either hand My spirit struggles with my clay, And longs to wing its flight away. 2 Where Jesus dwells my soul would be; And faints my much-lov'd Lord to see; Earth twine no more about my heart, For 'tis far better to depart. 3 Come, ye angelic envoys, come, And lead the willing pilgrim home! Ye know the way to Jesus' throne, Source of my joys, and of your own. 4 That blissful interview, how sweet To fall transported at his feet! Rais'd in his arms to view his face, Thro' the full beamings of his grace! 5 As with a Seraph's voice to sing! To fly as on a cherub's wing! Performing, with unweary'd hands, The present Savior's high commands. 6 Yet with these prospects full in sight, We'll wait thy signal for the flight; For while thy service we pursue, We find a heaven in all we do. Topics: Death; Happiness Of being with Christ; Presence of Christ the joy of his people

More Love to Thee, O Christ

Author: Elizabeth Payson Prentiss Meter: Appears in 829 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1 Lyrics: 1 More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to Thee! Hear Thou the prayer I make On bended knee. This is my earnest plea: More love, O Christ, to Thee; More love to Thee, More love to Thee! 2 Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest; Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best. This all my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ to Thee; More love to Thee, More love to Thee! 3 Then shall my latest breath Whisper Thy praise; This be the parting cry My heart shall raise; This still its prayer shall be: More love, O Christ to Thee; More love to Thee, More love to Thee! Used With Tune: MORE LOVE TO THEE

Nearer, Still Nearer

Author: Lelia N. Morris Appears in 217 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 First Line: Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart Lyrics: 1 Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart, Draw me, my Savior, so precious Thou art; Fold me, O fold me close to Thy breast, Shelter me safe in that “Haven of Rest,” Shelter me safe in that “Haven of Rest.” 2 Nearer, still nearer, nothing I bring, Naught as an off'ring to Jesus, my King; Only my sinful, now contrite heart, Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart, Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart. 3 Nearer, still nearer, Lord, to be Thine, Sin with its follies I gladly resign; All of its pleasures, pomp and its pride, Give me but Jesus, my Lord, crucified, Give me but Jesus, my Lord, crucified. 4 Nearer, still nearer, while life shall last, Till safe in glory my anchor is cast; Thro' endless ages ever to be Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee, Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee! Amen. Topics: Christ Refuge; Meditation; Prayer Hymns of; Christ Refuge; Meditation; Prayer Hymns of Used With Tune: [Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart]
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Jesus, I live to Thee

Author: Henry Harbaugh Meter: Appears in 164 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21-22 Topics: The Christian Life Trust and Resignation Used With Tune: ST. OLAVE
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Let Thoughtless Thousands Choose the Road

Author: Joseph Hoskins Meter: Appears in 56 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 Let thoughtless thousands choose the road That leads the soul away from God; This happiness, dear Lord, be mine, To live and die entirely Thine. 2 On Christ, by faith, I fain would live, From Him my life, my all, receive, To Him devote my fleeting hours, Serve Him alone with all my pow'rs. 3 Christ is my everlasting All; To Him I look, on Him I call; He will my ev'ry want supply In time and thro' eternity. 4 Soon will the Lord, my Life, appear; Soon shall I end my trials here, Leave sin and sorrow, death and pain. To live is Christ, to die is gain. 5 Soon will the saints in glory meet, Soon walk through every golden street, And sing on every blissful plain: To live is Christ, to die is gain. Amen. Topics: The Last Things Judgment Used With Tune: WAREHAM
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I would not live alway; I ask not to stay

Author: Muhlenberg Meter: Appears in 702 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 Lyrics: 1 I would not live alway; I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way; The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here Are enough for life's joys, full enough for its cheer. 2 I would not live alway; no--welcome the tomb! Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom: There sweet be my rest till he bid me arise, To hail him in triumph descending the skies, 3 Who, who would live alway, away from his God-- Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, Where rivers of pleasure flow bright o'er the plains, And the noontide of glory eternally reigns? 4 There saints of all ages in harmony meet, Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet; While anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. Topics: Heaven; I Would not Live Alway
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It Is Not Death to Die

Author: Henri A. C. Malan; G. W. Bethune Meter: Appears in 178 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Topics: Funeral Hymns Used With Tune: GREENWOOD
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Why should our tears in sorrow flow

Meter: Appears in 130 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Topics: Death
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When musing sorrow weeps the past

Meter: Appears in 126 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Topics: The Christian Afflictions; Afflictions; Hope Under Affliction
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Christus, der ist mein Leben

Author: Simon Graf Appears in 106 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21-23 Lyrics: 1 Christus, der ist mein Leben, Sterben ist mein Gewinn; dem thu' ich mich ergeben, mit Freud' fahr ich dahin. 2 Mit Freud' fahr ich von dannen zu Christ dem Bruder mein, daß ich mög' zu Ihm kommen und ewig bei ihm sein. 3 Nun hab' ich überwunden Creuz, Leiden, Angst und Noth, durch sein' heilig' fünf Wunden bin ich versöhnt mit Gott. 4 Wenn meine Kräfte brechen, mein Athem geht schwer aus, und kann kein Wort mehr sprechen, Herr, nimm mein Seufzen auf. 5 Wenn mein Herz und Gedanken vergehen wie ein Licht, das hin und her thut wanken, wenn ihm die Flamm gebricht: 6 Alsdann fein sanft und stille, Herr, laß mich schlafen ein nach Deinen Rath und Willen, wenn kommt mein Stündelein. 7 Und laß mich an Dir kleben, wie eine Klett' am Kleid, und ewig bei Dir leben leben in himmlischer Wonn' und Freud. 8 Amen, das wirst Du, Christe, verleihen gnädiglich, mit Deinem Geist mich rüste, daß ich fahr' seiliglich. Topics: Gesänge über die Gläubige Betrachtung des Todes und der Ewigkeit; Contemplation of Death and Eternity
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Herzlich thut mich verlangen

Appears in 64 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 Topics: Vom letzten Gericht Gottes

When We Are Living (Pues si vivimos)

Author: Anonymous; Elise S. Eslinger; Roberto Escamilla; George Lockwood Meter: Appears in 35 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:20-21 First Line: When we are living, it is in Christ Jesus (Pues si vivimos, para Él vivimos) Topics: Encouragement; Living and Dying in Christ; Ministry; Offering; Service; Social Concerns Used With Tune: SOMOS DEL SEÑOR
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For me to live is Christ

Appears in 29 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Topics: The Christian Love for the Saviour; Consistency; Fidelity; Old Age; Pilgrim-spirit

For Me to Live Is Jesus

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Unknown; Unknown Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 For me to live is Jesus, To die is gain for me; Then, whensoe'er He pleases, I meet death willingly. 2 For Christ, my Lord and Brother, I leave this world so dim And gladly seek that other, Where I shall be with Him. 3 My woes are nearly over, Tho' long and dark the road; My sin His merits cover, And I have peace with God. 4 Lord, when my pow'rs are failing, My breath comes heavily, And words are unavailing. Oh, hear my sighs to Thee! 5 When mind and thought, 0 Savior, Are flickering like a light That to and fro doth waver Ere 'tis extinguished quite, 6 In that last hour, oh, grant me To slumber soft and still, No doubts to vex or haunt me, Safe anchored on Thy will; 7 And so to Thee still cleaving Through all death's agony, To fall asleep believing And wake in heaven with Thee. 8 Amen! Thou, Christ, my Savior, Wilt grant this unto me. Thy Spirit lead me ever That I fare happily. Amen. Topics: The Last Things Death and Burial Used With Tune: CHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN
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Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing

Author: John Fawcett, 1740-1817; Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Meter: Appears in 1,298 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 Lord, dismiss us with Your blessing; Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, Your love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us, O refresh us, Trav'ling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give and adoration For Your Gospel's joyful sound. May the fruits of Your salvation In our hearts and lives abound. Ever faithful, ever faithful To Your truth may we be found. 3 Savior, when Your love shall call us From our struggling pilgrim way, Let not fear of death appall us, Glad Your summons to obey. May we ever, may we ever Reign with You in endless day. Topics: Close of Service Used With Tune: REGENT SQUARE
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For ever with the Lord! Amen, so let it be!

Author: Montgomery Meter: Appears in 632 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 Lyrics: 1 For ever with the Lord! Amen, so let it be! Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. 2 Here, in the body pent, Absent from him I roam; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 3 For ever with the Lord! Father, if 'tis thy will, The promise of that faithful word E'en here to me fulfill. 4 So when my latest breath Shall rend the vail in twain, By death shall I escape from death, And life eternal gain. 5 Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word, And oft repeat before the throne, For ever with the Lord! Topics: Heaven; At Home in Heaven
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I Gave My Life for Thee

Author: Frances R. Havergal Meter: Appears in 543 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:27 Lyrics: 1 I gave my life for thee; My precious blood I shed, That thou might'st ransomed be And quickened from the dead. I gave My life for thee; What hast thou giv'n for Me? 2 I spent long years for thee In weariness and woe That an eternity Of joy thou mightest know. I spent long years for thee; Hast thou spent one for Me? 3 My Father's home of light, My rainbow-circled throne, I left for earthly night, For wand'rings sad and lone. I left it all for thee; Hast thou left aught for Me? 4 I suffered much for thee, More than my tongue may tell, Of bitt'rest agony, To rescue thee from hell. I suffered much for thee; What canst thou bear for Me? 5 And I have brought to thee Down from My home above Salvation full and free, My pardon and My love. Great gifts I brought to thee; What hast thou brought to Me? 6 Oh, let thy life be given, Thy years for Me be spent, World's fetters all be riven, And joy with suffering blent! I gave Myself for thee; Give thou thyself to Me. Amen. Topics: Sanctification (The Christian Life) Consecration Used With Tune: OLD 120TH
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I'll Live for Him

Appears in 529 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 First Line: My life, my love I give to Thee Refrain First Line: I'll live for Him Who died for me Topics: Consecration; Loyalty Used With Tune: [My life, my love I give to Thee]
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Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might

Author: John Samuel Bewley Monsell, 1811-1875 Meter: Appears in 487 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:12-30 Topics: Christian Character; Pilgrimage; Christian Life; Baptism (general) Used With Tune: PENTECOST
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Savior, More than Life to Me

Author: Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 Meter: with refrain Appears in 421 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Refrain First Line: Ev'ry day, ev'ry hour Lyrics: 1 Savior, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to Thee; Let Thy precious blood applied, Keep me ever, ever near Thy side. Refrain: Ev'ry day, ev'ry hour, Let me feel thy cleansing pow'r; May Thy tender love to me Bind me closer, closer, Lord, to Thee. 2 Through this changing world below, Lead me gently, gently as I go; Trusting Thee, I cannot stray, I can never, never lose my way. [Refrain] 3 Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o'er; Till my soul is lost in love, In a brighter, brighter world above. [Refrain] Topics: Everlasting Life; Jesus Christ His Blood; Jesus Christ His Love and Mercy; Jesus Christ Our Love For Jesus Used With Tune: MORE THAN LIFE
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Jesus Lives! The Victory's Won

Author: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, 1715-69; Frances E. Cox, 1812-97 Meter: Appears in 279 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:20-21 First Line: Jesus lives! The vict'ry's won! Lyrics: 1 Jesus lives! The vict'ry's won! Death no longer can appall me; Jesus lives! Death's reign is done! From the grave Christ will recall me. Brighter scenes will then commence; This shall be my confidence. 2 Jesus lives! To Him the throne High above all things is given. I shall go where He is gone, Live and reign with Him in heaven. God is faithful; doubtings, hence! This shall be my confidence. 3 Jesus lives! For me He died. Hence will I, to Jesus living, Pure in heart and act abide, Praise to Him and glory giving. All I need God will dispense; This shall be my confidence. 4 Jesus lives! I know full well Nothing me from Him shall sever, Neither death nor pow'rs of hell Part me now from Christ forever. God will be my sure defense; This shall be my confidence. 5 Jesus lives! And now is death But the gate of life immortal; This shall calm my trembling breath When I pass its gloomy portal. Faith shall cry, as fails each sense; Jesus is my confidence! Topics: Death and Burial Used With Tune: JESUS, MEINE ZUVERSICHT
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To Jesus, the crown of my hope

Author: Cowper Meter: 8.8.8. Appears in 161 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 Lyrics: 1 To Jesus, the crown of my hope, My soul is in haste to be gone: Oh, bear me, ye cherubim, up, And waft me away to his throne. 2 My Saviour, whom absent I love, Whom not having seen, I adore, Whose name is exalted above All glory, dominion, and power, 3 Dissolve thou the bands that detain My soul from her portion in thee; Oh, strike off the adamant chain, And make me eternally free. 4 Then that happy era begins, When arrayed in thy glory I shine, And no longer pierce with my sins The bosom on which I recline. Topics: Spiritual Songs; Farewell to Earth
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Come, Let Us Join With One Accord

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 142 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:27 Topics: Public Worship Opening of Service Used With Tune: CHESTERFIELD
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Steal Away

Meter: Irregular Appears in 119 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:19-26 First Line: My Lord, he calls me Refrain First Line: Steal away, steal away Lyrics: Refrain: Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus! Steal away, steal away home, I ain’t got long to stay here. 1 My Lord, he calls me, he calls me by the thunder; the trumpet sounds within my soul; I ain’t got long to stay here. [Refrain] 2 Green trees are bending, poor sinners stand a trembling; the trumpet sounds within my soul; I ain’t got long to stay here. [Refrain] 3 My Lord, he calls me, he calls me by the lightning; the trumpet sounds within my soul; I ain’t got long to stay here. [Refrain] Used With Tune: STEAL AWAY Text Sources: African-American spiritual
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I bind unto myself today

Author: St. Patrick, 372-466; Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818-1895 Appears in 68 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 I bind unto myself today the strong name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Three in One, and One in Three. 2 I bind unto myself today the virtues of the star-lit heaven, the glorious sun's life-giving ray, the whiteness of the moon at even, the flashing of the lightning free, the whirling wind's tempestuous shocks, the stable earth, the deep salt sea around the old eternal rocks. 3 I bind unto myself today the power of God to hold and lead, his eye to watch, his might to stay, his ear to hearken to my need; the wisdom of my God to teach, his hand to guide, his shield to ward, the word of God to give me speech, his heavenly host to be my guard. 4 Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me; Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. 5 I bind unto myself the name, the strong name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Three in One, and One in Three, of whom all nature hath creation, eternal Father, Spirit, Word. Praise to the Lord of my salvation: salvation is of Christ the Lord. Amen. Topics: Trinity Sunday; Proper 18 Year C Used With Tune: ST PATRICK Text Sources: St. Patrick's Breastplate, 5th-7th century Gaelic
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Desiring to be with Christ, which is far better

Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 First Line: O when shall we sweetly remove Topics: Rejoicing Prospect of Heaven Used With Tune: ENON'S ISLE

O Jesus, When I Think of Thee

Author: George W. Bethune Meter: Appears in 44 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, when I think of thee, thy manger, cross, and throne, my spirit trusts exultingly in thee, and thee alone. 2 I see thee in thy weakness first; then, glorious from thy shame, I see thee death's strong fetters burst and reach heav'n's mightiest name. 3 O let me share thy holy birth, thy faith, thy death to sin, and, strong amidst the toils of earth, my heav'nly life begin. 4 Then shall I know what means the strain triumphant of Saint Paul, “To live is Christ, to die is gain: Christ is my All in all!” Topics: Biblical Characters Paul; Jesus Christ Life and Ministry Used With Tune: CAPEL

Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song

Author: Carl P. Daw Jr. Meter: Appears in 36 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:27-30 First Line: Like the murmur of the dove's song Refrain First Line: Come, Holy Spirit, come Lyrics: 1 Like the murmur of the dove's song, like the challenge of her flight, like the vigor of the wind's rush, like the new flame's eager might: Come, Holy Spirit, come. 2 To the members of Christ's body, to the branches of the Vine, to the church in faith assembled, to our midst as gift and sign: Come, Holy Spirit, come. 3 With the healing of division, with the ceaseless voice of prayer, with the power to love and witness, with the peace beyond compare: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Topics: Gift of the Holy Spirit Used With Tune: BRIDEGROOM

God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending

Author: Robert L. Edwards Appears in 33 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:30 Topics: Church Ministry and Ministers; Race Relations; Stewardship Of Life; Stewardship Of Possessions; Daily Work
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My Saviour, whom absent I love

Appears in 29 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 Topics: The Christian Love for the Saviour; Longing For Christ

In the Morning When I Rise (Give Me Jesus)

Meter: with refrain Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21-24 First Line: In the morning when I rise Refrain First Line: Give me Jesus Lyrics: 1 In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, Give me Jesus Chorus: Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus, You can have all the rest, Give me Jesus. 2 Dark midnight was my cry, Dark midnight was my cry, Dark midnight was my cry, Give me Jesus. (Refrain) 3 Just about the break of day, Just about the break of day, Just about the break of day, Give me Jesus. (Refrain) 4 O, when I come to die, O, when I come to die, O, when I come to die, Give me Jesus. (Refrain) 5 And when I want to sing, And when I want to sing, And when I want to sing, Give me Jesus. (Refrain) Topics: Christian Hope; Trust, Guidance Used With Tune: GIVE ME JESUS Text Sources: African-American spiritual
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Du, o schönes weltgebäude

Author: Joh. Frank, 1618-1677 Appears in 21 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 Topics: Christliche Sinn und Wandel Himmlicher Sinn

Lord, for the Years

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith, 1926- Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 First Line: Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided Lyrics: 1 Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided, urged and inspired us, cheered us on our way, sought us and saved us, pardoned and provided, Lord of the years, we bring our thanks today. 2 Lord, for that word, the word of life which fires us, speaks to our hearts and sets our souls ablaze, teaches and trains, rebukes us and inspires us, Lord of the word, receive your people's praise. 3 Lord, for our land, in this our generation, spirits oppressed by pleasure, wealth and care; for young and old, for this and every nation, Lord of our land, be pleased to hear our prayer. 4 Lord, for our world; when we disown and doubt him, loveless in strength, and comfortless in pain; hungry and helpless, lost indeed without him, Lord of the world, we pray that Christ may reign. 5 Lord, for ourselves; in living power remake us-- self on the cross and Christ upon the throne; past put behind us, for the future take us, Lord of our lives, to live for Christ alone. Used With Tune: LORD OF THE YEARS
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I long to be there

Author: Rev. A. A. G. Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 First Line: O there is a beautiful city, just over Refrain First Line: I long, O I long to be there Used With Tune: [O there is a beautiful city, just over]

I Long to be There!

Author: W. O. Cushing Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 First Line: I have heard of a land far away Refrain First Line: To be there! to be there! Topics: Heaven Used With Tune: [I have heard of a land far away]
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Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You

Author: Wilhelm Erasmus Arends, 1677-1721; John M. Sloan, 1835-after 1890 Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:27-28 Lyrics: 1 Rise! To arms! With prayer employ you, O Christians, lest the foe destroy you; For Satan has designed your fall. Wield God’s word, the weapon glorious; Against all foes be thus victorious, For God protects you from them all. Fear not the hordes of hell, Here is Emmanuel. Hail the Savior! The strong foes yield To Christ, our shield, And we, the victors, hold the field. 2 Cast afar this world’s vain pleasure And boldly strive for heav'nly treasure. Be steadfast in the Savior’s might. Trust the Lord, who stands beside you, For Jesus from all harm will hide you. By faith you conquer in the fight. Take courage, weary soul! Look forward to the goal! Joy awaits you. The race well run, Your long war won, Your crown shines splendid as the sun. 3 Wisely fight, for time is fleeting; The hours of grace are fast retreating; Short, short is this our earthly way. When the Lord the dead will waken And sinners all by fear are shaken, The saints with joy will greet that day. Praise God, our triumph’s sure. We need not long endure Scorn and trial. Our Savior King His own will bring To that great glory which we sing. Topics: The Church Militant Used With Tune: WACHET AUF

I'm On My Journey Home

Author: Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 First Line: My feet are weary, but I am going Refrain First Line: For I am going home, yes, I am going home Lyrics: 1 My feet are weary, but I am going To the fair palace of the king, To see His beauty and share His glory, AndHis eternal praises sing. Chorus: For I am going home, yes, I am going home, To yonder city, bright and fair, To see my Saviour dear, to see my Saviour dear. And live with Him forever there. 2 Oh, do not hinder me on my journey, For earth is not my dwelling-place! I'm going homeward to meet my Saviour, And see Him ever face to face. [Chorus] 3 A few more sorrows, a few more trials, A few more burdens here to bear, And I will enter the heav'nly portals, And rest in peace forever there. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [My feet are weary, but I am going]
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For Me to Live Is Christ

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: For me to live is Christ; For me to live is Christ; I died with Him, and arose with Him; For me to live is Christ. Used With Tune: [For me to live is Christ]

Nae pyŏngsaeng sowŏn (This Is My One, My Lifelong Wish)

Author: Anonymous; Marion Kim Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:20-30 First Line: Nae pyŏngsaeng sowŏn ikotppun (This is my one, my life-long with) Topics: Afflictions/Trials; Enemies and Persecution Used With Tune: SO-WON
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Am I a Soldier of the Cross

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 1,949 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:30 Lyrics: 1. Am I a soldier of the cross, a follower of the Lamb, and shall I fear to own his cause, or blush to speak his name? 2. Must I be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease, while others fought to win the prize, and sailed through bloody seas? 3. Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, to help me on to God? 4. Sure I must fight, if I would reign; increase my courage, Lord. I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, supported by thy word. 5. Thy saints in all this glorious war shall conquer, though they die; they see the triumph from afar, by faith they bring it nigh. 6. When that illustrious day shall rise, and all thy armies shine in robes of victory through the skies, the glory shall be thine. Topics: Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Strength in Triublation; Courage; Zeal Used With Tune: ARLINGTON Text Sources: Sermons, 1721-24
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Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

Author: George Duffield Meter: D Appears in 1,804 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:27-30 Lyrics: 1 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, as soldiers of the cross; lift high his royal banner, it must not suffer loss. From vict'ry unto vict'ry, his army shall he lead, till ev'ry foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey; then join the mighty conflict in this, his glorious day. Be strong in faith and serve him against unnumbered foes; let courage rise with danger, and with God's strength oppose. 3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in his strength alone; the arm of flesh will fail you, you dare not trust your own. Put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer; where duty calls or danger, be ever faithful there. 4 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the fight will not be long - this day the noise of battle, the next the victor's song. To ev'ryone who conquers, a crown of life shall be; we with the King of glory shall reign eternally. Topics: Temptation and Conflict; Christ--Victorious; Christian warfare; Conflict; Following Christ; Temptation of believers Used With Tune: WEBB
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Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be

Author: Joseph Grigg, c. 1720-1768; Benjamin Francis, 1734-1799 Meter: Appears in 1,278 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee? Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days? 2 Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon Let midnight be ashamed of noon; 'Tis midnight with my soul till He, Bright, Morning Star, bid darkness flee. 4 Ashamed of Jesus! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend! No; when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere His name. Topics: The Christian Life Dedication and Consecration; Invitation; Testimony Used With Tune: FEDERAL STREET
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Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee

Author: Edward Caswall Meter: Appears in 1,031 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:21 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the very thought of thee with sweetness fills my breast. But sweeter far thy face to see, and in thy presence rest. 2 Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, nor can the mind recall a sweeter sound than thy blest name, O Savior of us all. 3 O hope of every contrite heart, O joy of all the meek, to those who fall, how kind thou art! How good to those who seek! 4 But what to those who find? Ah, this nor tongue nor pen can show. The love of Jesus, what it is none but his loved ones know. 5 Jesus, our only joy be thou, as thou our prize wilt be. Jesus, be thou our glory now, and through eternity. Topics: Adoration; Healing; Hope; Joy; Living in Christ; Love of God for Us; Personal Peace; Praise Used With Tune: ST. AGNES Text Sources: Latin hymn, 12th cent.
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So let our lips and lives express

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 492 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:27 Lyrics: 1 So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God; When his salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope-- The bright appearance of the Lord; And faith stands leaning on his word. Topics: The Christian Life Growth in Grace; Consistency

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Appears in 442 hymnals Scripture: Philippians 1:23 Topics: Funeral Used With Tune: [Safe in the arms of Jesus]


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