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Tune Identifier:"^ellesdie_mozart$"

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Showing 1 - 50 of 69Results Per Page: 102050
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Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling

Author: Daniel March Meter: D Appears in 507 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Hark, the voice of Jesus calling, "Who will go and work today? Fields are white, and harvests waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away?" Loud and long the Master calls us, Rich reward He offers free; Who will answer, gladly saying, "Here am I, send me, send me"? 2. If you cannot cross the ocean, And the distant lands explore, You can find the lost around you, You can help them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands, You can give the widow's mite; What you truly give for Jesus Will be precious in His sight. 3. Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do," While the lost of earth are dying, And the Master calls for you; Take the task He gives you gladly; Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when He calls you, "Here am I, send me, send me." Scripture: Isaiah 6:8 Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken

Author: Henry F. Lyte, 1793-1847 Appears in 1,311 hymnals First Line: Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave,and follow Thee Topics: Conflict and Courage Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Take, my soul, thy full salvation

Author: Rev. Henry Francis Lyte Appears in 182 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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It Is Good to Sing Thy Praises

Appears in 28 hymnals Topics: Opening Hymns; Worship and Adoration Scripture: Psalm 92 Used With Tune: ELLESDIE Text Sources: The Psalter, From Psalm 92
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Sing with All the Sons of Glory

Appears in 106 hymnals Used With Tune: [Sing with all the sons of glory]
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Worship, honor, glory, blessing

Author: Edward Osler Appears in 21 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Lord, Your Church on Earth is Seeking

Author: Hugh Sherlock Meter: D Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: The Church as Community Formation; Church; Service Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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"The Crown coming"

Author: Henry F. Lyte Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Soul, then know thy full salvation Lyrics: 1 Soul, then know thy full salvation, Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; Joy, to find in every station Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee; Think what Father's smiles are thine; Think that Jesus died to win thee! Child of heaven, canst thou repine! 2 Haste thee, on from grace to glory, Armed by faith and winged by prayer! Heaven's eternal day's before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there: Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. Topics: Church Ordinances of; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Before the Cross

Author: Rev. Walter Shirley (1725-1786) Appears in 824 hymnals First Line: Sweet the moments, rich in blessing Topics: Christ Sacrifice; Communion With Christ; Contrition; Cross At the Cross; Grace Magnified; Lord's Supper; Meditation; Sinners Rejoicing in Hope Scripture: Luke 7:47 Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Call the Lord thy sure salvation

Author: James Montgomery Appears in 215 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Lord, Her Watch Thy Church Is Keeping

Author: Henry Downton Meter: D Appears in 55 hymnals First Line: Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping: Lyrics: 1. Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping: When shall earth Thy rule obey? When shall end the night of weeping? When shall break the promised day? See the whitening harvest languish, Waiting still the laborers’ toil; Was it vain, Thy Son’s deep anguish? Shall the strong retain the spoil? 2. Tidings, sent to every creature, Millions yet have never heard: Can they hear without a preacher? Lord almighty, give the word! Give the word! in every nation Let the Gospel trumpet sound, Witnessing a world’s salvation, To the earth’s remotest bound. 3. Then the end! Thy Church completed, All Thy chosen gathered in, With their King in glory seated, Satan bound, and banished sin Gone for ever parting, weeping, Hunger, sorrow, death, and pain; Lo! her watch Thy Church is keeping; Come, Lord Jesus, come to reign! Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Onward, onward, men of heaven

Author: Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney Appears in 69 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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What a Friend

Appears in 1,710 hymnals First Line: What a friend we have in Jesus Used With Tune: DISCIPLE
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Love divine, all love excelling

Appears in 1,870 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down, Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all compassion; Pure, unbounded love thou art; Visit us with thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart. 2 Come, almighty to deliver, Let us all thy grace receive; Suddenly return, and never, Never more thy temples leave; Thee we would be always blessing, Serve thee as thy hosts above, Pray, and praise thee without ceasing, Glory in thy perfect love. 3 Finish then, thy new creation: Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee; Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise! Used With Tune: LOVE DIVINE
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Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: Father in thy sacred dwelling Used With Tune: [Father in thy sacred dwelling]
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Alles will ich, Herr, verlassen

Author: H. F. Lyte; W. R. Appears in 4 hymnals Used With Tune: [Alles will ich, Herr, verlassen]
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أعطني قلبا نقيا

Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 أعطني قلبا نقيا أيها الرب الكريمْ وأنِر عيني جليا بهداك المستقيمْ يا يسوعُ اسمع صلاتي وأعن ضعفي الصريح أرشِدِ الخاطي ليأتي لك بالقلب الجريح 2 برُّك الغالي الثمينْ ليس لي بر سواهْ روحك الهادي الأمين ما لنا إلا هُداه يا إلهي كن غفورا واهدني سبل النجاه يمتلي قلبي سرورا كل أيام الحياه 3 أيها الخطاة ذوقوا واشربوا ماءً صفا شُكرُ فادينا يليق فاحفظوا عهدَ الوفا قدموا حمدا وشكرا للإله الأزلي واعرفوا قلبا وفكرا حبَّهُ المَحْضَ الجلي Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Oh, while thou dost smile upon me

Author: Henry Francis Lyte Appears in 4 hymnals Used With Tune: [Oh, while thou dost smile upon me]
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Come, Thou long expected Jesus

Appears in 749 hymnals Used With Tune: DISCIPLE
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Far from mortal cares retreating

Author: Anon. Appears in 189 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Far from mortal cares retreating, Sordid hopes and vain desires, Here, our willing footsteps meeting, Every heart to heaven aspires. From the Fount of glory beaming, Light celestial cheers our eyes: 'Tis the grace of pardon streaming From the portals of the skies. 2 Who may share this great salvation? Every pure and humble mind, Every kindred, tongue, and nation, From the stains of guilt refined. Blessings all around bestowing, God withholds his care from none; Grace and truth are ever flowing From the fountain of his throne. Topics: The Christian Hymns for Social Worship Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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He that goeth forth with weeping

Author: Thomas Hastings Appears in 269 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Righteous God! whose vengeful phials

Appears in 33 hymnals Used With Tune: [Righteous God! whose vengeful phials]
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Little children, come to Jesus

Appears in 64 hymnals Used With Tune: LITTLE CHILDREN, COME TO JESUS
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Praise the Saviour, all ye nations

Appears in 56 hymnals Used With Tune: DISCIPLE
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Tarry with me, O my Saviour!

Author: Mrs. Caroline L. Smith Appears in 238 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Lord, a Little Band and Lowly

Author: Martha E. Jackson Appears in 96 hymnals Used With Tune: [Lord, a little band and lowly]
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What and If the Day be Breaking

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: What and if the Day is breaking Used With Tune: [What and if the Day is breaking]

Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children

Author: Anonymous Meter: D Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Gracious Father, guard Thy children From the foe’s destructive power; Save, O save them, Lord, from falling In this dark and trying hour. Thou wilt surely prove Thy people, All our graces must be tried; But Thy Word illumes our pathway, And in God we still confide. 2. We are in the time of waiting; Soon we shall behold our Lord, Wafted far away from sorrow, To receive our rich reward. Keep us, Lord, till Thine appearing, Pure, unspotted, from the world; Let Thy Holy Spirit cheer us Till Thy banner is unfurled. 3. With what joyful exultation Shall the saints Thy banner see, When the Lord for whom we’ve waited Shall proclaim the jubilee! Freedom from this world’s pollutions; Freedom from all sin and pain; Freedom from the wiles of Satan, And from death’s destructive reign. Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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God is in his holy temple

Author: Anon. Appears in 32 hymnals Used With Tune: PILGRIM

As He Gathered at His Table

Author: Paul A. Richardson Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 As He gathered at His table Those who longed to know the way, Christ proclaimed a holy myst'ry. Still His words call us today. As He took the towel and basin, Not as master, but as friend, Christ portrayed the way of service. Still in serving we must bend. 2 As He blessed the bread and broke it, Human need to satisfy, Christ made even traitors welcome. Still we question, "Is it I?" As He took the cup and shared it, Telling of the Father's care, Christ poured out Himself in promise. Still that cov'nant we must share. 3 As they sang a hymn together, Praising Israel's saving King, Hearts and voices made one music. Still deliv'ring love we sing. Tho' this feast be one of symbols, What we celebrate is real: Still Christ welcomes to His table; Still Christ serves us at His meal. Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Gently, Lord, O Gently Lead Us

Author: Dr. Thomas Hastings Meter: D Appears in 483 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Gently, Lord, O gently lead us Pilgrims in this vale of tears, Thro' the changes yet decreed us, Till our last great change appears. When temptation's darts assail us, When in devious paths we stray, Let Thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in Thy perfect way. 2 In the hour of pain and anguish, In the hour when death draws near, Suffer not our hearts to languish, Suffer not our souls to fear. And, when mortal life is ended, Bid us in Thy bosom rest, Till, by angel-bands attended, We awake among the blest. Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness

Author: Paulus Gerhardt Appears in 195 hymnals Topics: Holy Spirit Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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If you cannot on the ocean

Author: Ellen H. Gates Appears in 120 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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For Joy and Peace

Author: P. Gerhardt Appears in 30 hymnals First Line: Holy Spirit, Source of gladness Used With Tune: [Holy Spirit, Source of gladness]

A Student's Prayer

Author: John W. Peterson Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: God, the all-wise, and Creator Topics: The Church Christian Education Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Hands of Blessing

Author: Peggy Haymes Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Hands of blessing, cradle gently Topics: The Church at Worship Covenants; Children; Commitment; Dedication-Children and Parents Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Hast Thou Heard It, O My Brother

Author: Roy A. Cheville, 1897 - Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Challenge; Commitment; Guidance; Invitation; Prophetic Ministry; Sending Forth; Trust; Zion Scripture: Psalm 37:3-4 Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Here, O God, Thy healing presence

Author: Maria Louise Baum Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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While the midnight turns to morning

Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [While the midnight turns to morning]

Not Alone for Mighty Empire

Author: Wm. P. Merrill Appears in 85 hymnals Topics: Social Progress Used With Tune: [Not alone for mighty empire]
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Welcome, days of solemn meeting

Author: S. F. Smith Appears in 29 hymnals Used With Tune: [Welcome, days of solemn meeting]
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One there is above all others

Author: John Newton Appears in 687 hymnals Used With Tune: [One there is above all others]

Holy Father, thou hast taught me

Author: Anon. Appears in 178 hymnals Used With Tune: PILGRIM
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O wie freun wir uns der Stunde

Author: J. P. Spitta Appears in 29 hymnals Used With Tune: [O wie freun wir uns der Stunde]
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A spotless soul

Author: Anon. Appears in 43 hymnals First Line: Jesus, who on Calvary's mountain Lyrics: 1 Jesus, who on Calvary's mountain Poured thy precious blood for me, Wash me in its flowing fountain, That my soul may spotless be. 2 In thy word I hear thee saying, Come and I will give you rest; Now the gracious call obeying, See, I hasten to thy breast. Topics: Calvary; Church Ordinances of; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table Scripture: Matthew 11:28 Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Glorious things of thee are spoken

Author: Rev. John Newton Appears in 1,300 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Holy Spirit, Still Descending

Author: R. N. T. Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [Holy Spirit, still descending]

Escuchad, Jesús Nos Dice

Author: Daniel March, 1816-1909; T. M. Westrup, 1837-1909; Clair E. Weldon, 1928- Appears in 21 hymnals Topics: Ministerio y Evangelismo Used With Tune: [Escuchad, Jesús nos dice]

Ni all byd â'i holl deganau

Author: A. G. Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: ELLESDIE

Cristo, Mi Cruz He Tomado

Author: Henry F. Lyte; Geo. P. Simmonds Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Vida En Cristo Arrepentimiento y Perdon Used With Tune: ELLESDIE


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