Text Is Public Domain |
| | The King of Love My Shepherd Is | The King of love my shepherd is | | | | English | Henry Williams Baker, 1821-1877 | The King of love my shepherd is, Whose ... | | Revelation 22:17 | | | Comfort; Comfort; Comfort; Good Shepherd; Love of God for Us; Petition/Prayer; Retreats; Trust; Service Music for Mass Entrance Song (Gathering of Processional); Rites of the Church Order of Christian Funerals: Funeral Liturgy; The Liturgical Year Lent (Sundays and Weekdays); The Liturgical Year Easter (Sundays and Weekdays); The Liturgical Year The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; The Liturgical Year The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day) (November 2) | | ST. COLUMBA |   | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 682 | 0 | 1505316 | 1 |
| | May the Grace of Christ Our Savior | May the grace of Christ - which daily renews us | | | | English | John Newton | May the grace of Christ our Savior and ... | | Revelation 22:21 | | | Benedictions; Musical Responses Benediction | | OMNI DEI |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 619 | 0 | 17846 | 1 |
| | Wonderful Words of Life | Sing them over again to me | Beautiful words, wonderful words | | | English | Philip P. Bliss | Sing them over again to me, wonderful ... | with refrain | Revelation 22:17 | | | Holy Scriptures | | WORDS OF LIFE |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 582 | 0 | 15977 | 1 |
| | Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts | Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts | | Jesu, dulcedo cordium | Latin | English | Ray Palmer (1808-1887) | Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, thou ... | | Revelation 22:17 | 12th century | | The Church Celebrates Holy Communion; Longing | | MARYTON |     | 221512 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 566 | 1 | 1005947 | 1 |
| | Jesus, where'er thy people meet | Jesus, where'er thy people meet | | | | English | William Cowper, 1731-1800 | Jesus, where'er thy people meet, there ... | | Revelation 22:12 | | | Fourth Sunday Before Lent Year A; Lent III Year A; Proper 12 Year C; Proper 20 Year C | | WAREHAM |   | | | | 1 | | 518 | 0 | 1329026 | 1 |
| | Christ, whose glory fills the skies | Christ, whose glory fills the skies | | | | English | Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 | | | Revelation 22:16 | | | Morning and Evening | | HEATHLANDS |  | | | 1 | 1 | | 481 | 0 | 1334018 | 1 |
| | God is the refuge of his saints | God is the refuge of his saints | | | | English | Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 | God is the refuge of his saints, when ... | | Revelation 22:1-2 | | | Saints | | LASUS |   | | | | 1 | | 464 | 0 | 1322778 | 1 |
| | Paradise | O Paradise! O Paradise! | | | | | Rev. Frederick William Faber (1814-1863) | | | Revelation 22:1-5 | | | Heaven Prospect of | | PARADISE |  | | | | 1 | | 459 | 0 | 1226570 | 1 |
| | Christ Arose! | Low in the grave he lay | Up from the grave he arose | | | English | Robert Lowry | Low in the grave he lay– Jesus my ... | with refrain | Revelation 22:5 | | | Easter Season; Jesus Christ Final Victory | | CHRIST AROSE |     | 222594 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 440 | 1 | 15685 | 1 |
| | Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life | Where cross the crowded ways of life | | | | English | Frank Mason North | Where cross the crowded ways of life, ... | | Revelation 22:20 | | | Jesus Christ Presence of; Pain and Suffering; Service; Year A Proper 8; Year C Easter 7 | | GERMANY (GARDINER) |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 374 | 0 | 1130811 | 1 |
| | When We All Get to Heaven | Sing the wondrous love of Jesus | When we all get to heaven | | | English | Eliza E. Hewitt | Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, sing ... | with refrain | Revelation 22:11 | | | The Christian Life Death and Eternal Life; Faithfulness of Believers; Faithfulness of Believers; Heaven; Love Christ’s Love fro Us; Pilgrimage; Stewardship Of Possessions | | HEAVEN |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 313 | 1 | 17293 | 1 |
| | For thee, O dear, dear country | For thee, O dear, dear country | | O bona Patria | Latin | | Bernard of Cluny; Rev. John Mason Neale (1818-1866) | | | Revelation 22 | | | Aspirations For Heaven; Heaven Home | | |  | | | | | | 273 | 0 | 1226565 | 1 |
| | At the name of Jesus | At the name of Jesus | | | | English | Caroline Maria Noel, 1817-1877 | | D | Revelation 22:20 | | | Jesus Christ: Prophet, Priest and King | | CAMBERWELL |  | | | 1 | | | 258 | 0 | 1335631 | 1 |
| | Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! | To God be the glory, great things he has done! | Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! | | | English | Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby (1820-1915) | To God be the glory, great things he has ... | with refrain | Revelation 22:4 | | | Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Discipleship; Adoration Of God; Salvation and Redemption | | TO GOD BE THE GLORY |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 230 | 0 | 1004013 | 1 |
| | The Unclouded Day | Oh, they tell me of a home far beyond the skies | Oh, the land of cloudless day | | | | J. K. A. | Oh, they tell me of a home far beyond ... | | Revelation 22:2 | Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/The_Unclouded_Day); The Cyber Hymnal (http://www.hymntime.com/tch/htm/u/n/uncloudd.htm) | | Anticipation | | [Oh, they tell me of a home far beyond the skies] |   | | | | 1 | | 216 | 0 | 34173 | 1 |
| | Return, O wanderer, to thy home | Return, O wanderer, to thy home | | | | English | Thomas Hastings | | | Revelation 22:17 | | | God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Gospel - Offered | | INVITATION |  | | | | 1 | | 143 | 0 | 968247 | 1 |
| | Beautiful Savior | Beautiful Savior, King of creation | | Schönster Herr Jesu | German | English | Joseph A. Seiss, 1823-1904 | Beautiful Savior, King of Creation, ... | | Revelation 22:16 | Münster Gesangbuch, 1677 | | Creation; Creation; Creation; Devotional; Love for God; Praise; Morning Prayer Hymn; Rites of the Church Exposition of the Holy Eucharist (Including Benediction); The Liturgical Year The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus | | ST. ELIZABETH |   | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 141 | 0 | 1505585 | 1 |
| | No Night There | In the land of fadeless day | God shall wipe away all tears | | | English | John R. Clements, 1868-1946 | In the land of fadeless day lies the ... | with refrain | Revelation 22:5 | | | The Way of Salvation The Resurrection and Everlasting Life; God Compassion of ; Heaven Anticipated | | NO NIGHT THERE |  | | | | 1 | | 137 | 1 | 10558 | 1 |
| | Lord Jesus, think on me | Lord Jesus, think on me | | Μνώεο Χριτέ | Greek | English | Synesius of Cyrene (c. 365-414); Allen William Chatfield, 1808-1896 | Lord Jesus, think of me and take away ... | | Revelation 22:5 | Jubilate Hymns, Adapter | | Our Response to Christ In Penitence; Despair and Trouble; Fear; Heaven | | SOUTHWELL |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 133 | 0 | 1003386 | 1 |
| | Ermuntert euch, ihr frommen | Ermuntert euch, ihr frommen | | | | German | L. Laurentii, 1660-1722 | | | Revelation 22:20 | | | Selige und unselige Ewigkeit | | |  | | | | | | 114 | 0 | 1249818 | 1 |