Hymns and Psalms: a Methodist and ecumenical hymn book

Publisher: Methodist Publishing House, London, 1983
Language: English
Notes: ISBN: 0 946550 01 8
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
252aAll hail the power of Jesu's name!MILES LANE
252bAll hail the power of Jesu's name!DIADEM
253All praise to thee, for thou, O King, divine
254Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
255Crown him with many crownsDIADEMATA
256He is Lord, he is Lord[He is Lord, he is Lord]
257How sweet the name of Jesus soundsST. PETER
258Jesu, thou joy of loving heartsWAREHAM
259Jesu, priceless treasureJESU, MEINE FREUDE
260Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaim it[Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaim it]
261Jesus, sun and shield art thouCOLDREY
262Jesus, the Conqueror, reignsISHMAEL
263Jesus the good Shepherd isGETHSEMANE (DYKES)
264Jesus - the name high over allLYDIA
265aJesus, the very thought of theeMETZLER
265bJesus, the very thought of theeLAND OF REST
266Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDY
267aLove divine, all loves excellingBLAENWERN
267bLove divine, all loves excellingLOVE DIVINE (STAINER)
267cLove divine, all loves excellingWESTMINSTER
268My heart and voice I raiseSCHONSTER HERR JESU (ASCALON)
269aO Jesus, King most wonderfulLAND OF REST
269bO Jesus, King most wonderfulMETZLER
270O what a gift[O what a gift]
271None other lamb, none other nameALL HALLOWS
272Ride on, Jesus, all-victoriousHYFRYDOL
273Rock of Ages, cleft for meAJALON/REDHEAD/PETRA
274Saviour, blessed SaviourNORFOLK PARK
275aThou hidden source of calm reposeCOLCHESTER
275bThou hidden source of calm reposeST. CHRYSOSTOM
276aWhen morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINI
276bWhen morning gilds the skies
277aThis, this is the God we adoreCELESTE
277bThis, this is the God we adore
278aYe servants of God, your Master proclaimLAUDATE DOMINUM (GAUNTLETTE)
278bYe servants of God, your Master proclaimLAUDATE DOMINUM
279Born by the Holy Spirit's breathCHURCH TRIUMPHANT
280aBreathe on me, Breath of GodDOMINICA
280bBreathe on me, Breath of GodST. GEORGE GAUNTLETT
281Come down, O Love divineDOWN AMPNEY
282Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire
283Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspireVENI CREATOR
284Come, thou Holy Spirit, comeVENI SANCTE SPIRITUS
285Creator Spirit, by whose aidATTWOOD
286Gracious Spirit, dwell with meWELLS, WELLSPRING
287Granted is the Saviour's prayerBUCKLAND
288Holy Spirit, come, confirm usDRAKE'S BROUGHTON
289aHoly Spirit, truth divineHARTS
289bHoly Spirit, truth divine
290Into a world of dark
291I want the Spir't of power withinBICKLEY
292I will pour out my Spirit on all
293O come and dwell in meHAMPTON
294Spirit of God within me
295Spirit of the living GodIVERSON
296Away with our fearsARDWICK
297aCome, Holy Spirit, heavenly DoveMANCHESTER
297bCome, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove
298aCome, thou everlasting Spirit
298bCome, Thou everlasting SpiritCROSS OF JESUS
299Father, if justly still we claimILLSLEY (BISHOP)
300Father of everlasting graceSTAMFORD
301aGracious Spirit, Holy GhostCHARITY
301bGracious Spirit, Holy GhostCAPETOWN
302Hail thee, Festival Day!SALVE FESTA DIES
303Holy Spirit, ever dwellingEVERTON
304aHoly Spirit, hear usGLENFINLAS
304bHoly Spirit, hear us
305Let every Christian pray
306aLord God the Holy GhostWATCHMAN
306bLord God the Holy GhostDONCASTER
307Lord, we believe to us and oursWINCHESTER NEW
308aO Breath of God, breathe on us nowABENDS
308bO Breath of God, breathe on us nowCALM
309O God, O Spirit known to us
310O Holy Spirit, Lord of graceTALLIS` ORDINAL
311aO King, enthroned on highTEMPLE
311bO King, enthroned on highAMEN COURT
312Our blest RedeemerST. CUTHBERT
313Sprit of God, descend upon my heart
314Filled with the Spirit's powerCHILSWELL
315God's spirit is in my heart[God's spirit is in my heart]
316Head of the ChurchGERMANY
317In the power of God's own Spirit
318Jesus, the gift divine I knowALDERSGATE STREET
319Lord, give us your Spirit
320Of all the Spirit's gifts to meRIPPONDEN
321On all the earth thy Spirit showerSIMEON
322aO Spirit of the living GodMAINZER
322bO Spirit of the living GodST. BARTHOLOMEW
323Our Lord, his passion ended
324Sing to him in whom creationFINNIAN
325Spirit of faith, come downICH HALTE TREULICH STILL
326There's a spirit in the airLAUDS
327aSpirit divine, attend our prayersST. AGNES (DYKES)
327bSpirit divine, attend our prayers
328aUpon the day of PentecostGLASGOW
328bUpon the day of PentecostKING'S LANGLEY
329All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUEN
330aAll things bright and beautifulMONK

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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