Hymnal: a worship book

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200Where is this stupendous stranger?McRAE
201Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHN
202The virgin Mary had a baby boy[The virgin Mary had a baby boy]
203Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly lightERMUNTRE DICH
204Gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo!GLORIA III
205From heav'n above to earth I comeVOM HIMMEL HOCH
206Infant holy, infant lowlyẈ ZLOBIE LEZY
207Esa tu hermosura (You have heaven's beauty)CARACAS
208Love came down at ChristmasLOVE INCARNATE
209Oh, how joyfullyO SANCTISSIMA
210Good Christian friends, rejoiceIN DULCI JUBILO
211Lo, how a Rose e'er bloomingES IST EIN ROS'
212O come, all ye faithfulADESTE FIDELES
213Let all together praise our GodLOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN
214Morning Star, O cheering sight!HAGEN
215What child is this, who, laid to restGREENSLEEVES
216Christ, whose glory fills the skiesLUX PRIMA
217When Christ's appearing was made knownERHALT UNS, HERR
218As with gladness men of oldDIX
219Bright and glorious is the skyDEJLIG ER DEN HIMMEL BLAA
220Worship the Lord in the beauty of holinessWAS LEBET, WAS SCHWEBET
221Hail the bless'd morn, see the great MediatorSTAR IN THE EAST
222How brightly beams the morning star!WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET DER MORGENSTERN
223Woman in the nightCANDLE
224The kingdom of God is like a grain of mustard seedMUSTARD SEED
225The glory of these forty daysERHALT UNS, HERR
226You are salt for the earth, O peopleBRING FORTH THE KINGDOM
227Two fishermen, who lived along the Sea of GalileeLEAVE ALL THINGS BEHIND
228Our Father who art in heaven[Our Father who art in heaven]
229Tú has venido a la orilla (Lord, you have come to the lakeshore)PESCADOR DE HOMBRES
230Blessed are the persecuted[Blessed are the persecuted]
231Oh, blessed are the poor in spiritKONTAKION
232Christ upon the mountain peakMOUNTAIN PEAK
233Joyful is the darkJOYFUL DARK
234When Jesus wept, the falling tearWHEN JESUS WEPT
235My song is love unknownLOVE UNKNOWN
236Oh love, how deep, how broad, how high!DEO GRACIAS
237Thou art the King of IsraelST. THEODULPH (VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN)
238Hosanna, loud hosannaELLACOMBE
239Ride on, ride on in majestyWINCHESTER NEW
240Go to dark GethsemaneREDHEAD NO. 76 (GETHSEMANE)
241'Tis midnight, and on Olive's browOLIVE'S BROW
242Stay with me, remain here with me[Stay with me, remain here with me]
243Before the cock crew twiceHALLGRIM
244Alone thou goest forth, O LordBANGOR
245At the cross, her vigil keepingSTABAT MATER
246"Why has God forsaken me?"SHIMPI
247Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdomREMEMBER ME
248My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?[My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?]
249Ev'ry time I think about Jesus[Ev'ry time I think about Jesus]
250Beneath the cross of JesusST. CHRISTOPHER
251How shallow former shadows seemTHE THIRD MELODY
252O sacred Head, now woundedHERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN
253Alas! and did my Savior bleed?MARTYRDOM (AVON)
254Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offendedHERZLIEBSTER JESU
255Open are the gifts of GodSONG 13
256Sing, my tongue, the song of triumphPANGE LINGUA
257Were you there when they crucified my Lord?WERE YOU THERE
258"Man of sorrows," what a nameMAN OF SORROWS
259When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURG
260When I survey the wondrous cross[When I survey the wondrous cross]
261I will sing the Lord's high triumphTYDDYN LLWYN
262At the Lamb's high feast we singSONNE DER GERECHTIGKEIT
263The strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORY
264Come, ye faithful, raise the strainST. KEVIN
265Come, ye faithful, raise the strainAVE VIRGO VIRGINUM (GAUDEAMUS PARITER)
266They crucified my SaviorASCENSIUS
267Christ has arisen, alleluia![Christ has arisen, alleluia!]
268See the splendor of the morning full of wonderTINMINAGO
269Thine is the gloryJUDAS MACCABEUS
270Who are these who are believers now?OTO SA BARANKI
271Christ is arisen from the grave's dark prisonCHRIST IST ERSTANDEN
272Christ is risen! Shout hosanna!LADUE CHAPEL
273Low in the grave he layCHRIST AROSE
274O sons and daughters, let us sing!GELOBT SEI GOTT
275Lift our glad voices in triumph on highRESURRECTION
276This joyful EastertideVRUECHTEN
277I know that my Redeemer lives, glory, hallelujah!SHOUT ON, PRAY ON
278Christ is alive! Let Christians sing!TRURO
279I know that my Redeemer lives, what joy the bless'd assurance gives
280Christ the Lord is ris'n today!EASTER HYMN
281That Easter day with joy was brightPUER NOBIS NASCITUR
282Proclaim the tidings near and farSING GLORY, HALLELUJAH
283Christ who left his home in gloryCHRIST IS RISEN
284Come away to the skiesEXULTATION
285All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!DIADEM
286Look, you saints, the sight is glorious!BRYN CALFARIA
287Sing we triumphant hymns of praiseDEO GRACIAS
288Rejoice, the Lord is king!DARWALL'S 148TH
289Filled with the Spirit's pow'rBIRMINGHAM (CUNNINGHAM)
290Spirit, come, dispel our sadnessO MEIN JESU, ICH MUSS STERBEN
291O Holy Spirit, by whose breathST. BARTHOLOMEW
292Away with our fearsARDWICK
293God sends us the SpiritNATOMAH
294Dona nobis pacem Domine[Dona nobis pacem Domine]
295Christ is coming! Let creationUNSER HERRSCHER
296Here from all nations, all tongues and all peoplesO QUANTA QUALIA
297Jesus came--the heav'ns adoringBENEDIC ANIMA
298Come, Holy Spirit, from heaven shine forthVENI SANCTE SPIRITUS
299New earth, heavens newALEXANDRA

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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