The New Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs, ancient and modern for use in Baptist churches

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
99Day is dying in the westEVENING PRAISEPage Scan
100Holy Father, cheer our wayNELLINEPage Scan
101When the day of toil is donePARACLETEPage Scan
102Thou who didst on Calvary bleedPage Scan
103God of pity, God of gracePage Scan
104The radiant morn hath passed awaySUNSETPage Scan
105Through good report and evil, LordPage Scan
106Hail, sacred day of earthly restPage Scan
107My God, is any hour so sweetRISEHOLMEPage Scan
108The Sabbath day has reached its closePASCALPage Scan
109Sweet is the light of Sabbath eveALSACEPage Scan
110How sweet to leave the world awhilePage Scan
111Come, Holy Spirit! calm my mindPage Scan
112Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gonePage Scan
113Great God, to thee my evening songBROOKFIELDPage Scan
114When shades of night around us closePage Scan
115O Father, who didst all things makePage Scan
116Lo God is here let us adorePage Scan
117Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measuresBONARPage Scan
118Father, in high heaven dwellingPage Scan
119Upward where the stars are burningPage Scan
120Three in One and One in threeGREYPage Scan
121Lord of mercy and of might, of mankindPage Scan
122Jesus, Shepherd of the sheepCARAMEAPage Scan
123The shadows of the evening hoursLEONARDPage Scan
124Shine on our souls, eternal GodST. AGNESPage Scan
125Dear refuge of my weary soulPage Scan
126To thee, O Christ, we ever prayPage Scan
127Our Father, hear our longing prayerPage Scan
128Hail, tranquil hour of closing dayPage Scan
129Abide with me, fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
130Swift to its close ebbs out life's little dayPage Scan
131O Lord, who by thy presence hast made lightPage Scan
132The hours of day are overMAGISTERPage Scan
133Lord of mercy and of mightGUIDEPage Scan
134Jesus, where'er thy people meetLINWOODPage Scan
135aFrom every stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
135bFrom every stormy wind that blowsSTOWELLPage Scan
136And dost thou say, ask what thou wiltPage Scan
137I love to steal awhile awayWOODSTOCKPage Scan
138There is an eye that never sleepsSOUTHPORTPage Scan
139Wherever two or three may meetPage Scan
140Dear Father, to thy mercy-seatHOLY TRINITYPage Scan
141Approach, my soul, the mercy seatBROWNINGPage Scan
142Our heavenly Father callsSHIRLANDPage Scan
143Behold the throne of gracePage Scan
144Jesus, who knows full wellLANGTONPage Scan
145Sweet is thy mercy, LordAILEENPage Scan
146Our heavenly Father, hearRHOADSPage Scan
147I want a heart to prayPage Scan
148Lord, I cannot let thee goHORTONPage Scan
149They who seek the throne of graceSPRINGFIELDPage Scan
150Stealing from the world awayPage Scan
151Come, my soul, thy suit prepareDALLASPage Scan
152Sweet the time, exceeding sweetINNOCENTSPage Scan
153Prayer is the breath of God in manFARRANTPage Scan
154Far from the world, O Lord, I fleePage Scan
155Prayer is the soul's sincere desireBYEFIELDPage Scan
156When the weary seeking restINTERCESSIONPage Scan
157Christ, to thee, with God the FatherCORDE NATUSPage Scan
158Before Jehovah's awful throneOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
159All people that on earth do dwellPage Scan
160Praise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
161To God the Father, God the SonPage Scan
162From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
163Sing to the Lord a joyful song, lift up your heartsLAUDSPage Scan
164Worship the Lord in the beauty of holinessMONSELLPage Scan
165Praise, Lord, for thee in Zion waitsSESSIONSPage Scan
166Lord God of hosts, by all adoredWAREPage Scan
167Lift up to God the voice of praiseNOTTINGHAMPage Scan
168Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimLYONSPage Scan
169O worship the King, all glorious abovePage Scan
170With songs and honors sounding loudELLACOMBEPage Scan
171Jehovah God! thy gracious powerPage Scan
172To him that loved the souls of menPage Scan
173Praise to thee, thou great CreatorSTUTTGARDPage Scan
174God is love, his mercy brightensCARTERPage Scan
175God, my King, thy might confessingPage Scan
176Sing to the Lord our MightBARBERPage Scan
177Stand up, and bless the Lord, ye peoplePage Scan
178Come sound his praise abroadSILVER STREETPage Scan
179Songs of praise the angels sangWESLEYPage Scan
180Thou, who art enthroned abovePage Scan
181From the vast and veiled throngPage Scan
182God eternal, Lord of allHONITONPage Scan
183Glory be to God on highPage Scan
184O what their joy and their glory must beTHORNEPage Scan
185Blessing and honor and glory and powerPage Scan
186Honor and glory, thanksgiving and praiseNAAMANPage Scan
187Stars of the morning, so gloriously brightPage Scan
188Praise ye Jehovah, praise the Lord most holyWORSHIPPage Scan
189The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthronedLEONIPage Scan
190Now, when the dusky shades of night retreatingDAWNPage Scan
191My God, how endless is thy loveGRATITUDEPage Scan
192The peace which God alone revealsPage Scan
193Thus far the Lord hath led me onHEBRONPage Scan
194Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, HelpPage Scan
195Almighty God, thy word is castSABBATAPage Scan
196Another day is past and gonePage Scan
197Blest are the souls that hear and knowELIZABETHTOWNPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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