RitualSong: a hymnal and service book for Roman Catholics

Committee Chair: Michael A. Cymbala
Editor: Robert J. Batastini
Publisher: GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago, 1996
Denomination: Roman Catholic Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
525Who is the baby an hour or two oldAYE CAROLPage Scan
526Once in royal David's cityIRBYTextPage Scan
527Virgin-born, we bow before youMON DIEU PRETE-MOI L'OREILLETextPage Scan
528Sing of Mary meek and lowlyPLEADING SAVIORTextPage Scan
529Songs of thankfulness and praiseSALZBURGTextPage Scan
530What child is this, who, laid to restGREENSLEEVESTextPage Scan
531What star is this with beams so brightPUER NOBISTextPage Scan
532Rise and shine forth, for your light has come[Rise and shine forth, for your light has come]
533Brightest and best of the stars of the morningSTAR IN THE EASTTextPage Scan
534As with gladness men of oldDIXTextPage Scan
535We three kings of Orient areKINGS OF ORIENTTextPage Scan
536A child is born, a Son given us[A child is born, a Son given us]Page Scan
537The first Nowell, the angel did sayTHE FIRST NOWELLTextPage Scan
538When John baptized by Jordan's riverRENDEZ À DIEUTextPage Scan
539Dust and ashes touch our face[Dust and ashes touch our face]TextPage Scan
540Today is the day and now the proper hour[Today is the day and now the proper hour]
541Tree of Life and awesome myst'ryTHOMASPage Scan
542Adoramus te Christe[Adoramus te Christe]TextPage Scan
543By the Babylonian riversKAS DZIEDAJATextPage Scan
544O Sun of justice, Jesus ChristJESU DULCIS MEMORIA
545The glory of these forty daysERHALT UNS HERRTextPage Scan
546I will give you a new heart[I will give you a new heart]
547Knocks like JesusSOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN'TextPage Scan
548Jesus, tempted in the desertEBENEZERPage Scan
549Have mercy on me, God, in your kindnessPARCE DOMINE
550The Lord is my light and my salvation[The Lord is my light and my salvation]Page Scan
551At the cross her station keepingSTABAT MATERPage Scan
552Jesus our Savior, Lord of all the nations (Ad te Rex summe, omnium redemptor)ATTENDE DOMINE
553Lord, who throughout these forty daysST. FLAVIANTextPage Scan
554Eternal Lord of love, behold your ChurchFENN HOUSEPage Scan
555Now the time of grace has come[Now the time of grace has come]Page Scan
556O live by the word from the mouth of God[O live by the word from the mouth of God]Page Scan
557Jesus walked this lonesome valleyLONESOME VALLEYTextPage Scan
558Behold, the days are coming[Behold, the days are coming]Page Scan
559Again we keep this solemn fastERHALT UNS HERR
560Kneeling in the garden grassVIA CRUCISPage Scan
561From ashes to the living fontST. FLAVIAN
562King Jesus rides on a milk white horse[King Jesus rides on a milk white horse]Page Scan
563You are the King of IsraelST. THEODULPHTextPage Scan
564Kneels at the feet of his friends[Kneels at the feet of his friends]TextPage Scan
565My heart is nearly broken with sorrow[My heart is nearly broken with sorrow]Page Scan
566The heavens are the Lord's and the earth is hisJESUS TOOK A TOWELPage Scan
567Is any sorrow like the sorrow that afflicts me?[Is any sorrow like the sorrow that afflicts me]Page Scan
568Ev'ry time I think about Jesus[Ev'ry time I think about Jesus]TextPage Scan
569O Sacred Head surroundedPASSION CHORALETextPage Scan
570Were you there when they crucified my Lord?WERE YOU THERETextPage Scan
571Crucem tuam adoramus Domine (O Lord, your cross, we adore and glorify)[O Lord, your cross we adore and glorify]Page Scan
572My song is love unknownLOVE UNKNOWNTextPage Scan
573Sing, my tongue, the song of triumphPICARDYTextPage Scan
574In him we live, we move and have our being[In him we live, we move and have our being]Page Scan
575Come, ye faithful raise the strainGAUDEAMUS PARITERTextPage Scan
576Give thanks to the Lord for he is good[Give thanks to the Lord for he is good]
577All you heavens, bless the Lord[All you heavens, bless the Lord]Page Scan
578At the Lamb's high feast we singSALZBURGTextPage Scan
579O sons and daughters, let us sing!O FILII ET FILIAETextPage Scan
580La muerte ¿dónde está la muerte? (And death now, vanished is the fear now)[La muerte ¿dónde está la muerte?]
581Jesus is Lord of all the earthALLELUIA NO. 1Page Scan
582I know that my Redeemer livesDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
583Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slainFESTIVAL CANTICLEPage Scan
584Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia (O Queen of heaven, be joyful, alleluiaREGINA CAELITextPage Scan
585Surrexit Dominus vere[Surrexit Dominus vere]Page Scan
586Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!GELOBT SEI GOTT
587The strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORYTextPage Scan
588All the fair beauty of earthSALVE FESTA DIESTextPage Scan
589Up from the earth, and surging like a waveLIBERATOR
590I will give thanks to you, my Lord[I will give thanks to you, my Lord]Text
591The head that once was crowned with thornsST. MAGNUSTextPage Scan
592Glory to God who does wondrous thingsO FILII ET FILIAEPage Scan
593Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia!EASTER HYMNTextPage Scan
594Christ the Lord is ris'n todaySURGIT IN HAEC DIESTextPage Scan
595Sing with all the saints in gloryHYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
596Darkness is gone, daylight has comeDAYLIGHTPage Scan
597Daylight fades in days when deathlessHYMN TO JOY
598This joyful EastertideVRUECHTENTextPage Scan
599That Easter day with joy was brightPUER NOBISTextPage Scan
600Christ the Lord is ris'n!GARUTextPage Scan
601Christ is alive! Let Christians singTRUROTextPage Scan
602Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Alleluia!LLANFAIRTextPage Scan
603You are my people, and I am your God[You are my people, and I am your God]Page Scan
604Go ye therefore and teach all nations, go, go, go[Go ye therefore and teach all nations, go, go, go]
605Hail the day that sees him rise Alleluia!LLANFAIRTextPage Scan
606A hymn of glory let us sing!LASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
607Lord, you give the great commissionABBOT'S LEIGHTextPage Scan
608Go to the world! Go into all the earthSINE NOMINEPage Scan
609Praise the Spirit in creationJULIONPage Scan
610Spirit of God within meWILLOW RIVERTextPage Scan
611Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blestLAMBILLOTTETextPage Scan
612Come to us, Spirit of God[Come to us, Spirit of God]
613When God the Spirit cameVINEYARD HAVENTextPage Scan
614Fire of God, undying flameNUN KOMM DER HEIDEN HEILANDPage Scan
615Come, Holy Spirt, from heaven shine forth[Come, Holy Spirt, from heaven shine forth]Page Scan
616O Holy Spirit, by whose breathVENI CREATOR SPIRITUSPage Scan
617Come down, O Love divineDOWN AMPNEYTextPage Scan
618How wonderful the Three-in-OnePROSPECTTextPage Scan
619God, whose almighty wordITALIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
620Sing praise to our CreatorGOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESENPage Scan
621This holy covenant was madeLASST UNS ERFREUENPage Scan
622Praise the God who changes places[Praise the God who changes places]TextPage Scan
623God is One, unique and holy[God is One, unique and holy]TextPage Scan
624Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEATextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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