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Scripture:Matthew 4

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Jesus Calls Us; O'er the Tumult

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Meter: Appears in 933 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:18-20 Lyrics: 1 Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult of our life's wild, restless sea, day by day his voice is sounding, saying, "Christian, follow me." 2 Long ago apostles heard it by the Galilean lake, turned from home and work and family, leaving all for his dear sake. 3 In our joys and in our sorrows, days of work and hours of ease, still he calls, in cares and pleasures, "Christian, love me more than these." 4 Jesus calls us; by your mercies, Savior, may we hear your call, give our hearts to your obedience, serve and love you best of all. Topics: Biblical Names & Places Galilee/Galilean; Commitment & Dedication; Invitation; Love Our Love to God; Walk with God; Biblical Names & Places Galilee/Galilean; Commitment & Dedication; Invitation; Joy; Love Our Love to God; Mercy; Ministry & Service; Obedience; Walk with God Used With Tune: HALTON HOLGATE
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Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days

Author: Claudia Frances Hernaman Meter: Appears in 86 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 Lyrics: 1 Lord, who throughout these forty days For us didst fast and pray, Teach us with Thee to mourn our sins, And close by Thee to stay. 2 As Thou with Satan didst contend, And didst the victory win, O give us strength in Thee to fight, In Thee to conquer sin. 3 And through these days of penitence, And through Thy Passiontide, Yea, evermore, in life and death, O Lord, with us abide. 4 Abide with us, that so, this life Of suffering over-past, An Easter of unending joy We may attain at last! Topics: Repentance Used With Tune: ST. FLAVIAN

You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore

Author: Cesàreo Gabaraín, 1936-1991; Madeleine Forell Marshall, b. 1946 Meter: 8.10.10 with refrain Appears in 50 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:20 First Line: Tú has venido a la orilla (You have come down to the lakeshore) Refrain First Line: Señor, mehas miradoa los ojos (O Lord, yu have looked into my eyes) Topics: Service Used With Tune: PESCADOR DE HOMBRES

Seek Ye First the Kingdom

Author: Karen Lafferty Meter: Irregular Appears in 77 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:4 First Line: Seek ye first the kingdom of God Topics: Comfort & Encouragement; Songs for Children Bible Songs; Comfort & Encouragement; Kingdom; Prayer; Promises; Word of God Used With Tune: LAFFERTY
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Forty Days and Forty Nights

Author: George H. Smyttan, 1822-1870 Meter: Appears in 157 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:1-2 Lyrics: 1 Forty days and forty nights You were fasting in the wild; Forty days and forty nights Tempted and yet undefiled. 2 Shall not we your sorrow share And from worldly joys abstain, Fasting with unceasing prayer, Strong with you to suffer pain? 3 Then if Satan on us press, Flesh or spirit to assail, Victor in the wilderness, Grant we may not faint nor fail! 4 So shall we have peace divine: Holier gladness ours shall be; Round us, too, shall angels shine, Such as served you faithfully. 5 Keep, O keep us, Savior dear, Ever constant by your side; That with you we may appear At the eternal Eastertide. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ash Wednesday; Fasting Used With Tune: HEINLEIN

Dear Lord and Father of Mankind

Author: John G. Whittier Meter: Appears in 509 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22 Lyrics: 1 Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways! Reclothe us in our rightful mind; in purer lives thy service find, in deeper reverence, praise. 2 In simple trust like theirs who heard, beside the Syrian sea, the gracious calling of the Lord, let us, like them, without a word, rise up and follow thee. 3 O Sabbath rest by Galilee! O calm of hills above, where Jesus knelt to share with thee the silence of eternity, interpreted by love! 4 Drop thy still dews of quietness, till all our strivings cease; take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of thy peace. 5 Breathe through the heats of our desire thy coolness and thy balm; let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire, O still, small voice of calm! Topics: Stress; Anxiety; Burdens; Jesus Christ Presence of; Inner Peace; Serenity; Stress Used With Tune: REST
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O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High

Author: Thomas á Kempis; John Mason Neale Meter: Appears in 139 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 Lyrics: 1 O love, how deep, how broad, how high, How passing thought and fantasy, That God, the Son of God, should take Our mortal form for mortals’ sake! 2 For us baptized, for us He bore His holy fast and hungered sore; For us temptations sharp He knew, For us the tempter overthrew. 3 For us to evil power betrayed, Scourged, mocked, in purple robe arrayed, He bore the shameful cross and death, For us gave up His dying breath. 4 For us He rose from death again; For us He went on high to reign; For us He sent His Spirit here, To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer. 5 All glory to our Lord and God For love so deep, so high, so broad: The Trinity whom we adore Forever and forevermore. Used With Tune: DEO GRACIAS

The King of Glory Comes

Author: Willard F. Jabusch Meter: 12.12 with refrain Appears in 44 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:23 First Line: Who is the King of glory? How shall we call him Refrain First Line: The King of glory comes, the nation rejoices Topics: Advent Season; Jesus Christ Emmanuel; Jesus Christ Physician; Advent Season; Biblical Places Galilee; Jesus Christ Emmanuel; Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Physician; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Jesus Christ Final Victory; Kingdom of God Used With Tune: PROMISED ONE

Jesus, Tempted in the Desert

Author: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr. Meter: D Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 Topics: The Grace of Jesus Christ Christ's Life and Teaching Used With Tune: EBENEZER
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Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless

Author: Anonymous; James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 97 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:4 Lyrics: 1 Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless your chosen pilgrim flock with manna in the wilderness, with water from the rock. 2 Hungry and thirsty, faint and weak, as you when here below, our souls the joys celestial seek which from thy sorrows flow. 3 We would not live by bread alone, but by that Word of grace, in strength of which we travel on to our abiding place. 4 Be known to us in breaking bread, but do not then depart; Savior, abide with us, and spread your table in our heart. 5 There sup with us in love divine; your body and your blood, that living bread, that heav'nly wine, be our immortal food. Topics: Abiding in Christ; Christ Shepherd Used With Tune: ST. AGNES

The Summons

Author: John L. Bell, 1949- Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:19 First Line: Will you come and follow me Used With Tune: KELVINGROVE

The Glory of These Forty Days

Author: Maurice F. Bell, 1862-1947 Meter: Appears in 35 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 Lyrics: 1 The glory of these forty days We celebrate with songs of praise; For Christ, by Whom all things were made, Himself has fasted and has prayed. 2 Alone and fasting Moses saw The loving God Who gave the law; And to Elijah, fasting, came The steeds and chariots of flame. 3 So Daniel trained his mystic sight, Delivered from the lions’ might; And John, the Bridegroom’s friend, became The herald of Messiah’s Name. 4 Then grant , O God, that we may, too Return in fast and prayer to you. Our spirits strengthen with Your grace, And give us joy to see Your face. Topics: Lent Used With Tune: ERHALT UNS, HERR Text Sources: Latin hymn, 11th century

Lord of the Dance

Author: Sydney Carter, 1915- Appears in 52 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:21 First Line: I danced in the morning when the world was begun Refrain First Line: Dance, then, wherever you may be Lyrics: 1 I danced in the morning when the world was begun, and I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun, and I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth. At Bethlehem I had my birth. Refrain: Dance, then, wherever you may be; I am the Lord of the Dance, said he. And I'll lead you all wherever you may be, and I'll lead you all in the Dance, said he. 2 I danced for the scribe and the Pharisee, but they would not dance and they would not follow me; I danced for the fishermen, for James and John; they came with me and the Dance went on. [Refrain] 3 I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame, the holy people said it was a shame; they whipped and they stripped and they hung me on high; and they left me there on a cross to die. [Refrain] 4 I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black; it's hard to dance with the devil on your back; they buried my body and they thought I'd gone, but I am the Dance and I still go on.[Refrain] 5 They cut me down and I leapt up high, I am the life that'll never, never die; I'll live in you if you'll live in me; I am the Lord of the Dance, said he. [Refrain] Used With Tune: LORD OF THE DANCE

Two Fishermen

Author: Suzanne Toolan Meter: D with refrain Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22 First Line: Two fisherman, who lived along Refrain First Line: Leave all things you have Topics: Biblical Persons; Biblical Persons Jesus’ followers; Following God/Christ; Invitation to Discipleship; Christian Service Used With Tune: LEAVE ALL THINGS
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The People That in Darkness Sat

Author: John Morison Meter: Appears in 217 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:16 Lyrics: 1 The people that in darkness sat A glorious light have seen; The light has shined on them who long In shades of death have been, In shades of death have been. 2 To hail Thee, Sun of Righteousness, The gath'ring nations come; They joy as when the reapers bear Their harvest treasures home, Their harvest treasures home. 3 For Thou their burden dost remove And break the tyrant's rod As in the day when Midian fell Before the sword of God, Before the sword of God. 4 To us a Child of hope is born, To us a Son is given, And on His shoulder ever rests All power in earth and heaven, All power in earth and heaven. 5 His name shall be the Prince of Peace, The Everlasting Lord, The Wonderful, the Counselor. The God by all adored, The God by all adored. 6 His righteous government and power Shall over all extend; On judgment and on justice based, His reign shall have no end, His reign shall have no end. 7 Lord Jesus, reign in us, we pray, And make us Thine alone, Who with the Father ever art And Holy Spirit, one, And Holy Spirit, one. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Christmas Used With Tune: LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN
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Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us

Author: James Edmeston, 1791-1867 Meter: Appears in 358 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 First Line: Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us Topics: Dismissal; Forgiveness; Guidance; Lent (first Sunday); Trinity; Trust Used With Tune: MANNHEIM
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Thine Arm, O Lord, in Days of Old

Author: Edward H. Plumptre Meter: D Appears in 177 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:23-24 Lyrics: 1 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old Was strong to heal and save; It triumphed o'er disease and death, O'er darkness and the grave. To Thee they went, the blind, the dumb, The palsied and the lame, The leper with his tainted life, The sick with fevered frame. 2 And lo, Thy touch brought life and health, Gave speech, and strength, and sight; And youth renewed and frenzy calmed Owned Thee, the Lord of light. And now, O Lord, be near to bless, Almighty as of yore, In crowded street, by restless couch, As by Gennesaret's shore. 3 Be Thou our great Deliverer still, Thou Lord of life and death; Restore and quicken, soothe and bless With Thine almighty breath. To hands that work and eyes that see, Give wisdom's heavenly lore, That whole and sick, and weak and strong, May praise Thee evermore. Amen. Topics: Christ Life; Christ Ministry; Healing; Labor Day; Jesus Christ His Life and Ministry Used With Tune: ST. MATTHEW
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Comfort, Comfort, O My People

Author: Johann Olearius, 1611-1684; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878 Meter: Appears in 127 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:16 Lyrics: 1 Comfort, comfort, O my people, Speak of peace, now says our God; Comfort those who sit in darkness, Mourning 'neath their sorrow's load. Speak unto Jerusalem Of the peace that waits for them; Tell of all the sins I cover, And that warfare now is over. 2 Hark, the voice of one who's crying In the desert far and near. Bidding all to full repentance Since the kingdom now is here. O that warning cry obey! Now prepare for God a way; Let the valleys rise to meet him And the hills bow down to greet him. 3 O make straight what long was crooked, Make the rougher places plain; Let your hearts be true and humble, As befits his holy reign. For the glory of the Lord Now o'er earth is shed abroad; And all flesh shall see the token That his word is never broken. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Advent Used With Tune: GENEVA 42

Jesus Christ is waiting

Author: John L. Bell (b. 1949); Graham Maule (b. 1958) Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:23-25 Topics: Christ Incarnate Public Ministry; Our Response to Christ In Discipleship; City; Dance; Discipleship; Social Concern Used With Tune: NOEL NOUVELET
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O for a thousand tongues to sing

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Meter: Appears in 1,746 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 4:4 Lyrics: 1 O for a thousand tongues, to sing my great Redeemer's praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of his grace! 2 Jesus! the name that charms our fears, and bids our sorrows cease; 'tis music in the sinner's ears, 'tis life, and health, and peace. 3 He breaks the power of cancelled sin, he sets the prisoner free; his blood can make the foulest clean, his blood availed for me. 4 He speaks, and listening to his voice, new life the dead receive, the mournful, broken hearts rejoice, the humble poor believe. 5 Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb, your loosened tongues employ; ye blind, behold your Saviour come; and leap, ye lame, for joy! 6 My gracious Master and my God, assist me to proclaim, to spread through all the earth abroad the honours of thy name. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Public Ministry Used With Tune: RICHMOND


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