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Crown Him with Many Crowns

Author: Matthew Bridges Appears in 801 hymnals Topics: Cross and Crown Used With Tune: DIADEMATA

My Jesus, I Love Thee

Author: William R. Featherstone, 1842-1878 Meter: Appears in 1,097 hymnals Topics: Crown Of The Christian First Line: My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine Used With Tune: CARITAS
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In the Cross I Glory

Author: John Bowring Appears in 1,520 hymnals Topics: Cross and Crown First Line: In the cross of Christ I glory Used With Tune: RATHBUN
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A Soldier of the Cross

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 1,949 hymnals Topics: Cross and Crown First Line: Am I a soldier of the cross Refrain First Line: In the name of Christ the King Lyrics: 1 Am I a soldier of the cross- A follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? Chorus: In the name of Christ the King, Who hath purchased life for me, Thro' grace I'll win the promised crown, Whate'er my cross may be. 2 Must I be carried to the skies, On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize, And sailed thro' bloody seas? [Chorus] 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? [Chorus] 4 Since I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage, Lord! I'll hear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Am I a soldier of the cross]
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At the Cross

Author: I. Watts Appears in 2,315 hymnals Topics: Cross and Crown First Line: Alas! and did my Saviour bleed Refrain First Line: At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light Used With Tune: [Alas! and did my Saviour bleed]
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I know that my Redeemer lives

Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Appears in 380 hymnals Topics: Crown Lyrics: 1 I know that my Redeemer lives, And ever prays for me; A token of His love He gives, A pledge of liberty. 2 I find Him lifting up my head, He brings salvation near; His presence makes me free indeed, And He will soon appear. 3 He wills that I should holy be, What can withstand His will? The counsel of His grace in me He surely shall fulfil. 4 Jesus, I hang upon Thy word; I steadfastly believe Thou wilt return and claim me, Lord, And to Thyself receive. 5 When God is mine, and I am His, Of paradise possest, I taste unutterable bliss, And everlasting rest. Used With Tune: ST. STEPHEN
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Love Divine, all loves excelling

Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Appears in 1,870 hymnals Topics: Crown Lyrics: 1 Love Divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down; Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart. 2 Come, almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy grace receive; Suddenly return, and never, Never more, Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray, and praise Thee, without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. 3 Finish, then, Thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see Thy great salvation, Perfectly restored in Thee. Changed from glory into glory, Till in Heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Used With Tune: BEECHER
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Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

Author: Bp. Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 Appears in 1,656 hymnals Topics: Crown of Saints Used With Tune: NICAEA
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Will There be Any Stars

Author: E. E. Hewitt Appears in 225 hymnals Topics: Crown First Line: I am thinking today of that beautiful land Used With Tune: [I am thinking today of that beautiful land]
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And Can It Be That I Should Gain

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 291 hymnals Topics: Crown of Life Lyrics: 1 And can it be that I should gain an int'rest in the Savior's blood? Died he for me, who caused his pain? For me, who him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Refrain: Amazing love! How can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? 2 'Tis myst'ry all! Th'Immortal dies: who can explore his strange design? In vain the firstborn seraph tries to sound the depths of love divine. 'Tis mercy all! Let earth adore, let angel minds inquire no more. [Refrain] 3 He left his Father's throne above (so free, so infinite his grace!), humbled himself (so great his love!) and bled for all his chosen race! 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, for, O my God, it found out me! [Refrain] 4 Long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin and nature's night; thine eye diffused a quick'ning ray; I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; my chains fell off, my heart was free; I rose, went forth, and followed thee. [Refrain] 5 No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in him, is mine! Alive in him, my living Head, and clothed in righteousness divine, bold I approach th'eternal throne, and claim the crown, through Christ, my own. [Refrain] Scripture: Romans 5:6-11 Used With Tune: SAGINA
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Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

Author: George Duffield Meter: D Appears in 1,804 hymnals Topics: Crown of Life Lyrics: 1 Stand up, stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross; lift high his royal banner, it must not suffer loss: from vict'ry unto vict'ry his army he shall lead, 'til ev'ry foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey; forth to the mighty conflict in this his glorious day: ye that are men now serve him against unnumbered foes; let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose. 3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in his strength alone; the arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own: put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with pray'r; where duty calls, or danger, be never wanting there. 4 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long; this day the noise of battle, the next the victor's song: to him that overcometh a crown of life shall be; he with the King of glory shall reign eternally. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13 Used With Tune: WEBB
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All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

Author: Edward Perronet; John Rippon Meter: with repeat Appears in 3,448 hymnals Topics: Crowns Lyrics: 1 All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall, let angels prostrate fall; bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, and crown him Lord of all. 2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, ye ransomed from the fall, ye ransomed from the fall, hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, and crown him Lord of all. 3 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget the wormwood and the gall, the wormwood and the gall, go, spread your trophies at his feet, and crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, and crown him Lord of all. 4 Let every kindred, every tribe on this terrestrial ball, on this terrestrial ball, to him all majesty ascribe, and crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, and crown him Lord of all. 5 O that with yonder sacred throng we at his feet may fall, we at his feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, and crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, and crown him Lord of all. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:9 Used With Tune: DIADEM
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Stand Up, My Soul; Shake Off Your Fears

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 374 hymnals Topics: Crown of Life Lyrics: 1 Stand up, my soul; shake off your fears, and gird the gospel armor on; march to the gates of endless joy, where your great Captain Savior's gone. 2 Hell and your sins resist your course; but hell and sin are vanquished foes: your Jesus nailed them to the cross, and sang the triumph when he rose. 3 Then let my soul march boldly on, press forward to the heav'nly gate; there peace and joy eternal reign, and glitt'ring robes for conqu'rors wait. 4 There shall I wear a starry crown, and triumph in almighty grace; while all the armies of the skies join in my glorious Leader's praise. Scripture: Ephesians 6:13 Used With Tune: WALTHAM
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Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?

Author: Thomas Shepherd Meter: Appears in 1,206 hymnals Topics: Crowns First Line: Must Jesus bear the cross alone Lyrics: 1 Must Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free? No, there's a cross for everyone, and there's a cross for me. 2 The consecrated cross I'll bear, till death shall set me free, and then go home my crown to wear, for there's a crown for me. 3 O precious cross! O glorious crown! O resurrection day!-- when Christ the Lord from heaven comes down and bears my soul away. Scripture: Matthew 16:24 Used With Tune: MAITLAND

"Take Up Your Cross," the Savior Said

Author: Charles W. Everest Meter: Appears in 298 hymnals Topics: Crowns First Line: "Take up your cross" the Savior said Lyrics: 1 “Take up your cross,” the Savior said, “If you would my disciple be; take up your cross with willing heart, and humbly follow after me.” 2 Take up your cross--let not its weight fill your weak spirit with alarm; his strength shall bear your spirit up, and brace your heart, and nerve your arm. 3 Take up your cross, heed not the shame, and let your foolish heart be still; the Lord for you accepted death upon a cross, on Calvary's hill. 4 Take up your cross, then, in his strength, and calmly every danger brave: he guides you to abundant life and leads to victory o'er the grave. 5 Take up your cross and follow Christ, nor think till death to lay it down; for only they who bear the cross may hope to win the glorious crown. Scripture: Matthew 16:24-25 Used With Tune: BOURBON
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O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

Author: James W. Alexander Appears in 728 hymnals Topics: Crown Used With Tune: AURELIA
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The Head That Once Was Crowned

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: Appears in 513 hymnals Topics: Crowns First Line: The head that once was crowned with thorns Lyrics: 1 The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now; a royal diadem adorns the mighty victor’s brow. 2 The highest place that heaven affords is his, is his by right, the King of kings and Lord of lords, and heaven’s eternal light. 3 The joy of all who dwell above, the joy of all below, to whom he manifests his love, and grants his name to know. 4 To them the cross with all its shame, with all its grace, is given, their name, an everlasting name, their joy, the joy of heaven. 5 They suffer with their Lord below, they reign with him above, their profit and their joy to know the mystery of his love. 6 The cross he bore is life and health, though shame and death to him: his people's hope, his people's wealth, their everlasting theme! Scripture: Psalm 8:5 Used With Tune: ST. MAGNUS
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I am Coming to the Cross

Author: Rev. Wm. McDonald Appears in 843 hymnals Topics: Cross and Crown Refrain First Line: I am trusting, Lord, in thee Used With Tune: [I am coming to the cross]
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Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart

Author: Sir Edward Denny, Bart., 1796-1889 Appears in 143 hymnals Topics: Cross And Crown Lyrics: 1 Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart, Star of the coming day, Arise, and with Thy morning beams Chase all our griefs away! 2 Come, blessed Lord, let every shore And answering island sing The praises of Thy royal name, And own Thee as their King. 3 Bid the whole earth, responsive now To the bright world above, Break forth in sweetest strains of joy, In memory of Thy love. 4 Jesus, Thy fair creation groans, The air, the earth, the sea, In unison with human hearts, And calls aloud for Thee. 5 Thine was the cross, with all its fruits Of grace and peace divine; Be Thine the crown of glory now, The palm of victory Thine! Used With Tune: MANOAH
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Far and Near

Author: J. O. Thompson Appears in 201 hymnals Topics: Reward and Crown; Reward and Crown First Line: Far and near the fields are teeming Refrain First Line: Lord of harvest, send forth reapers! Used With Tune: [Far and near the fields are teeming]


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