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Person Name: Anon. Author of "Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing" in Church Hymns and Tunes In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

J. Hart

1712 - 1768 Person Name: Joseph Hart, 1712-1768 Author of "Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched" in Methodist Hymn and Tune Book Hart, Joseph, was born in London in 1712. His early life is involved in obscurity. His education was fairly good; and from the testimony of his brother-in-law, and successor in the ministry in Jewin Street, the Rev. John Hughes, "his civil calling was" for some time "that of a teacher of the learned languages." His early life, according to his own Experience which he prefaced to his Hymns, was a curious mixture of loose conduct, serious conviction of sin, and endeavours after amendment of life, and not until Whitsuntide, 1757, did he realize a permanent change, which was brought about mainly through his attending divine service at the Moravian Chapel, in Fetter Lane, London, and hearing a sermon on Rev. iii. 10. During the next two years many of his most earnest and impassioned hymns were written. These appeared as:— Hymns composed on Various Subjects, with the Author's Experience, London, 1759. During this year he became the Minister of the Independent Chapel, Jewin Street, London. In 1762 he added a Supplement to his Hymns; and in 1765 an Appendix. In modern editions of his Hymns these three are embodied in one volume as:— Hymns composed on Various Subjects: With the Author's Experience, The Supplement and Appendix. By the Rev. Joseph Hart, late Minister of the Gospel in Jewin Street, London. Allott & Co. [no date]. Hart died on May 24, 1768. At one time his hymns were widely used, especially by Calvinistic Nonconformists. Many of them are of merit, and are marked by great earnestness, and passionate love of the Redeemer. The best known are: “Come, Holy Spirit, come"; “Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched"; "This God is the God we adore"; and "Lord, look on all assembled here." Those which are more limited in their use include:— i. From his Hymns, &c, 1759. 1. Descend from heaven, celestial Dove. Whitsuntide. No. 6, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory., 1872, No. 374, st. iv., v. are omitted. It is in extensive use in America. 2. Great High Priest, we view Thee stooping. High Priesthood of Christ. No. 56, pt. ii., in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 236; Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, No. 435, &c. 8. How wondrous are the works of God. Redeeming Love. No. 21, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878, st. i.-iv. are given as No. 11. 4. If ever it could come to pass. Final Perseverance. No. 58, in 3 stanzas of 6 lines. Repeated in Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 729. 6. Jesus is our God and Saviour . Faith and Repentance. No. 54, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 146, st. iv. is omitted. In the London Hymn Book (enlarged), 1879, st. iii. and v. are given as "Nothing but Thy blood, 0 Jesus." 6. Jesus, while He dwelt below. Gethsemane. No. 75, in 23 stanzas of 6 lines. In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 230, sixteen stanzas are broken up into three parts: (i.) "Jesus, while He dwelt below"; (ii.) "Full of love to man's lost race"; (iii.) "There my God bore all my guilt." A cento is also given in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, No. 441, as "Many woes had Christ [He] endured." It is composed of st. viii., ix., xiii., xx., xxiii., slightly altered. In the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878, No. 34, 8 stanzas are given in two parts: pt. i. as, "Jesus, while He dwelt below"; pt. ii. "Eden from each flowery bed." 7. Lamb of God, we fall before Thee. Christ All in All. No. 17 in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. It is in various collections, and as altered in Kennedy , 1863, No. 1171, is much improved. 8. Let us all with grateful praises. Christmas. No. 14 in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In Spurgeon's 0ur Own Hymn Book, 1866, it is reduced to 4 stanzas of 4 lines. 9. Lord, look on all assembled here. For a Public Fast. No. 96, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several of the older hymnbooks. 10. Lord, we lie before Thy feet. Lent. No. 74, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, and based on 2 Chron. xx. 20. In Spurgeon's 0ur Own Hymn Book, 1866, stanza i., iii., vi. are given as No. 585. 11. Mercy is welcome news indeed. God's Mercy in pardoning Sin. No. 51, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, on St. Luke vii. 42. In Spurgeon, 1866, No. 544. 12. Much we talk of Jesu's blood. Passiontide. No. 41, in 4 st. of 8 lines, on Lam. i. 12. In Spurgeon, 1866, it is abridged to 4 stanzas of 4 lines. 13. Bow from the garden to the cross. Good Friday. No. 63, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled, "The Crucifixion." In Spurgeon, 1866, No. 274, st. ii.-v., vi.-ix. are given as "See how the patient Jesus stands." 14. The Fountain of Christ Assist me to sing. The Fountain. No. 86, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines on Zech. xiii. 1. In Spurgeon, 1866, st. i., v., vii., viii., are given as No. 375. 15. The moon and stars shall lose their light. Advent. No. 48, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, on St. Matt. xxiv. 35. In Spurgeon, 1866. 16. The sinner that truly believes. Saving Faith. No. 88, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled, "Saving Faith" In Spurgeon, 1866, No. 533, st. ii. is omitted, and the opening line is altered to "The moment a sinner believes." ii. From his Supplement, 1762. 17. Behold what awful pomp. Advent. No. 52, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is usually abridged as in the American Methodist Episcopal Hymns, 1849, No. 1107. 18. Christ is the Eternal Rock. The Offices of Christ. No. 27, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. In Windle's Metrical Psalter & Hymnal, 1862, stanzas i., ii., v. are given as No. 53. 19. Christians, dismiss your fear. Easter. No. 33, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines into Dr. Alexander's Augustine Hymn Book, 1849, No. 79, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 20. Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord. Close of Service. No. 78, in 2 stanzas of 4 lines. In a few collections. 21. Gird thy loins up, Christian soldier. The Christian Armour . No. 29, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines, on Eph. vi. 11. Found in several of the older, and a few of the modern collections. 22. Glory to God on high, Our peace, &c. Holy Communion. No. 3, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. In Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, No. 704, st. v., vi. are omitted. 23. Holy Ghost, inspire our praises. On behalf of Ministers. No. 77, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. In the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878, No. 412, st. iii.-v. are given as, "Happy soul that hears and follows." 24. Jesus once for sinners slain. Holy Communion. No. 18, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. In American use. 25. Lord, help us on Thy word to feed. Close of Service. No. 80, in 2 stanzas of 4 lines. In several modern hymnbooks. 26. O for a glance of heavenly day. Lent. No. 64, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. In Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, and other American collections it is usually repeated in full. In Bickersteth's Christian Psalmody, 1833, it was given as, "Lord, shed a beam of heavenly day," and this is repeated in modern hymnbooks. 27. Once more before we part. Close of Service. No. 79, in 2 stanzas of 4 lines. Popular in Great Britain and America. 28. Once more we come before our God. Before a Sermon. No. 21, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, into Hatfield, 1872, No. 111, and others. 29. Sons of God by bless'd adoption. Burial. No. 45, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, into Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 981, as "Sons of God by blest adoption." 30. Suffering Saviour, Lamb of God . Holy Communion. No. 14, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. In W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873, st. iii., vii. are omitted. 31. That doleful night before His death. Holy Communion. No. 17, in 2 stanzas of 8 lines. In the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878, st. i. 11. 4-8, and st. ii., are given as, "To keep Thy Feast, Lord, we are met." iii. From his Appendix, 1765. 32. Christians, in your several stations. Christian Duty. No. 7, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines. It is slightly altered in Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 742, and dated 1759 in error. 33. Prayer was [is] appointed to convey. Prayer. No. 12 in 6 stanzas of 4 lines into Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 542, with alterations and the omission of st. ii., v. In some American collections it begins, "Prayer is to God, the soul's sure way." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================= Hart, Joseph, p. 492, ii. Other hymns in common use are— 1. The blest memorials of Thy grief (1762). Holy Communion. 2. To comprehend the great Three-One (1759). Holy Trinity. 3. Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbear (1759). Death. 4. When the blest day of Pentecost (1759). Whitsuntide. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Dorothy A. Thrupp

1779 - 1847 Person Name: Miss D. A. Thrupp Author of "Saviour, like a shepherd lead us" in The Choral Hymnal Dorothy Ann Thrupp was born in London, June 10, 1779. She contributed some hymns, under the pseudonym of "Iota," to W. Carus Wilson's Friendly Visitor and his Children's Friend. Other hymns by her, signed "D.A.T.," appeared in Mrs. Herbert Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry for the Use of Infant Schools and Nurseries, 1838. She was also the editor of Hymns for the Young, c. 1830, in which all the hymns were given anonymously. She died in London on December 15, 1847. --The Hymnal 1940 Companion ================================ Thrupp, Dorothy Ann, daughter of Joseph Thrupp, of Paddington Green, was born at London, June 20, 1779 and died there on Dec. 14, 1847. Her hymns, a few of which have come into extensive use, were contributed to the Rev. W. Carus Wilson's Friendly Visitor and his Children's Friend, under the nom de plume of Iota; to Mrs. Herbert Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry for the use of Infant Schools and Nurseries, 1838 (3rd ed. 1846, with change of title to A Sel. . . . of Infant and Juvenile Schools and Families), in which her signature is "D.A.T."; and also to the Hymns for the Young, which she herself edited for the Religious Tract Society circa 1830, 4th ed., 1836. In 1836 and 1837 she also published Thoughts for the Day (2nd series), in which she embodied many hymns which previously appeared in the Friendly Visitor. In addition to her hymns, which are annotated under their respective first lines there are also in common use:— 1. Come, Holy Spirit, come, 0 hear an infant's prayer. Child's Prayer. Appeared in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry, 1838, No. 14, and signed "D.A.T." 2. God loves the little child that prays. God's love for Children. Given in Miss Thrupp's Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836; and again in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry&c, 2nd ed., 1840, and signed " D.A.T." It is sometimes given as "God loves the child that humbly prays." 3. Have you read the wondrous story? Life and Death of Jesus. This appeared anonymously in Miss Thrupp's Hymns for the Young, R. T. S., 1830, No. 12, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. In Miss Thrupp's later publications this hymn is omitted, a fact which suggests that it was not her composition, but possibly that of a friend. It is in theLeeds Sunday School Union Hymn Book, 1833-78. 4. Let us sing with one accord. Praise of Jesus. This hymn is usually associated with Miss Thrupp's name, but on insufficient evidence. We find it in the 4th edition of her Hymns for the Young, 1836, and again in the 3rd ed. of Mrs. H. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry for the Use of Infant and Juvenile Schools, &c, 1846, and in both instances without signature. We know of no evidence which justifies us in ascribing the authorship with certainty to Miss Thrupp. The hymn is in the Leeds S. S. Union Hymn Book, 1833-78, and several others. 5. Poor and needy though I be. Divine Providence. Appeared in Miss Thrupp's Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836, No. 22; and again in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry>, &c, 2nd ed., 1840, and signed "D.A.T." 6. See, my child, the mighty ocean. Love of God compared to the Sea. Given in the R. T. S.'s Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836, No. 26, and in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry, &c, 1st ed., 1838, and signed "D.A. T." In Kennedy, 1863, it begins "Have you seen the mighty ocean." 7. Thou Guardian of my earliest days. Jesus the Children's Friend. This hymn we have traced to her Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836. It is sometimes given as “Thou Guardian of our earliest days." 8. What a strange and wondrous story. Life and Death of Jesus. This hymn is found without signature in her Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836, and again in Mrs. H. Mayo's Selection of Hys. and Poetry, 1838, No. 173, in 4 st. of 4 1, We have found no authority for ascribing it to Miss Thrupp. 9. What led the Son of God? Love of God in Christ. This appeared anonymously in her Hymns for the Young, 1830, and again in the Leeds S. S. Union Hymn Book, 1833. In modern collections it is attributed to Miss Thrupp, on the ground that it is found in the Hys. for the Young, which she edited. 10. Who are they in heaven who stand? All Saints. Published in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hys. and Poetry, 3rd ed., 1846, No. 64, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and signed A. D.T." It is in the Prim. Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, and others. Several additional hymns to those named above have also been attributed to Miss Thrupp on insufficient authority. This has probably arisen out of the fact that all the hymns in the Hymns for the Young, including her own, were given anonymously. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Williams

1717 - 1791 Person Name: W. Williams Author of "Guide me, O thou great Jehovah" in The Hymnal of Praise William Williams, called the "Watts of Wales," was born in 1717, at Cefn-y-coed, near Llandovery, Carmarthenshire. He originally studied medicine, but abandoned it for theology. He was ordained Deacon in the Church of England, but was refused Priest's Orders, and subsequently attached himself to the Calvinistic Methodists. For half a century he travelled in Wales, preaching the Gospel. He died in 1791. Williams composed his hymns chiefly in the Welsh language; they are still largely used by various religious bodies in the principality. Many of his hymns have appeared in English, and have been collected and published by Sedgwick. His two principal poetical works are "Hosannah to the Son of David," and "Gloria in Excelsis." --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ===================== Williams, William, of Pantycelyn, was the Sweet Singer of Wales. He was born at Cefn-y-Coed, in the Parish of Llanfair-y-bryn, near Llandovery, in 1717. He was ordained a deacon of the Established Church in 1740, by Dr. Claget, Bishop of St. Davids, and for three years he served the Curacies of Llan-wrtyd and Llanddewi-Abergwesyn. He never received Priest's Orders. He became early acquainted with the revivalist Daniel Rowlands, and for thirty-five years he preached once a month at Llanllian and Caio and Llansawel, besides the preaching journeys he took in North and South Wales. He was held in great esteem as a preacher. In 1744 his first book of hymns appeared under the title of Halleluiah, and soon ran through three editions. In1762, he published another book under the title of Y Môr o Wydr, which soon went through five editions. His son John published an excellent edition of his hymns in the year 181lines In addition to his Welsh hymns Williams also published several in English as:— (1.) Hosannah to the Son of David; or, Hymns of Praise to God, For our glorious Redemption by Christ. Some few translated from the Welsh Hymn-Book, but mostly composed on new Subjects. By William Williams. Bristol: Printed by John Grabham, in Narrow-Wine Street, 1759. This contains 51 hymns of which 11 are translated from his Welsh hymns. This little book was reprinted by D. Sedgwick in 1859. (2.) Gloria in Excelsis: or, Hymns of Praise to God and the Lamb. By W. Williams . . . Carmarthen. Printed for the Author by John Ross, removed to Priory Street, near the Church, M.DCC.LXXI. This contains 70 hymns, not including parts. From these volumes the following hymns are in common use:— i. From the Hosannah, 1759:— 1. Jesus, my Saviour is enough. Jesus, All in All. 2. My God, my God, Who art my all. Communion with God desired. 3. The enormous load of human guilt. God's love unspeakable. ii. From the Gloria in Excelsis, 1772. 4. Awake, my soul, and rise. Passiontide. 5. Beneath Thy Cross I lay me down. Passiontide. 6. Hark! the voice of my Beloved. The Voice of Jesus. 7. Jesus, lead us with Thy power. Divine Guidance Desired. Sometimes given as "Father, lead us with Thy power." 8. Jesus, Whose Almighty sceptre. Jesus as King. 9. Saviour, look on Thy beloved. The Help of Jesus desired. 10. White and ruddy is my Beloved. Beauties of Jesus. Williams is most widely known through his two hymns, "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah," and "O'er those gloomy hills of darkness." Williams died at Pantycelyn, Jan. 11, 1791. [Rev. W. Glanffrwd Thomas] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

John S. B. Monsell

1811 - 1875 Person Name: John Samuel Bewley Monsell Author of "O'er the Distant Mountains Breaking" in The Hymnal and Order of Service John Samuel Bewley Monsell (b. St. Colomb's, Londonderry, Ireland, 1811; d. Guilford, Surrey, England, 1875) was educated at Trinity College in Dublin and served as a chaplain and rector of several churches in Ireland after his ordination in 1835. Transferred to England in 1853, he became rector of Egham in Surrey and was rector of St. Nicholas Church in Guilford from 1870 until his death (caused by a construction accident at his church). A prolific poet, Monsell published his verse in eleven volumes. His three hundred hymns, many celebrating the seasons of the church year, were issued in collections such as Hymns and Miscellaneous Poems (1837), Spiritual Songs (1857), Hymns of Love and Praise (1863), and The Parish Hymnal (1873). Bert Polman =============================== Monsell, John Samuel Bewley, L.L.D., son of Thomas Bewley Monsell, Archdeacon of Londonderry, was born at St. Columb's, Londonderry, March 2,1811, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin (B.A. 1832, LL.D. 1856). Taking Holy Orders in 1834, "he was successively Chaplain to Bishop Mant, Chancellor of the diocese of Connor, Rector of Ramoan, Vicar of Egham, diocese Worcester, and Rector of St. Nicholas's, Guildford. He died in consequence of a fall from the roof of his church, which was in the course of rebuilding, April 9, 1875. His prose works include Our New Vicar, 1867; The Winton Church Catechist, &c. His poetical works are:— (1) Hymns and Miscellaneous Poems, Dublin, W. Curry, Jun., & Co., 1837; (2) Parish Musings, or Devotional Poems, 1850; (3) Spiritual Songs for the Sundays and Holy Days throughout the Year. 1857 (People's Ed., 1875); (4) His Presence, not His Memory, 1855, 1858; (5) Hymns of Love and Praise for the Church's Year, 1863 (2nd ed. 1866); (6) The Passing Bell; Ode to The Nightingales, and Other Poems, 1867; (7) Litany Hymns, 1869; (8) The Parish Hymnal after the Order of The Book of Common Prayer, 1873; (9)Watches by the Cross, 1874; (10) Simon the Cyrenian; and Other Poems; (11) Nursery Carols. In these works several hymns which appeared in the earlier books are repeated in the later, and thus at first sight his compositions seem to be more in number than they really are. The total amounts to nearly 300, and of these about one-fourth are in common use. The most popular of these are, "God is love; that anthem olden"; "God of that glorious gift of grace"; "Holy offerings, rich and rare"; “Lord of the living harvest"; "Mighty Father, Blessed Son"; and "Sing to the Lord a joyful song." In addition to those which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are in common use:— i. Appeared in his Hymns and Miscellaneous Poems, Dublin, 1837. 1. Birds have their quiet nests. Humility of Christ. 2. Dark and dim the day-light rose. Good Friday. 3. Friend of the friendless and the lone. Jesus, the Friend. 4. My God, what wondrous love was Thine. Whitsuntide. 5. O for a heart more fervent. Holiness desired. 6. O for the time when on the world. Missions. 7. The springtide hour brings leaf and flower. Spring. 8. This day the Lord is risen. Easter. 9. When cold our hearts and far from Thee. Teach us to Pray. 10. Why restless, why so weary? Providence. 11. Yes, I do feel, my God, that I am Thine. Assurance. ii. Appeared in his Parish Musings, 1850. 12. In Thee, my [O] God, will we rejoice. Trust in God. 13. Lord, dependent on Thy promise. Holy Baptism. 14. Members of Christ, Children of God. Confirmation. 15. So teach me, Lord, to number. The Old and New Year. 16. Soon [soon] and for ever. Death anticipated. 17. The broken, contrite heart oppress'd. Promises of God. 18. Thou art near, yes, Lord, I feel it. Divine Support. 19. Would'st thou learn the depths of sin? Passiontide. iii. Appeared in his Spiritual Songs, 1857. 20. A few bright leaders of her host. All Saints. 21. A happy, happy [merry, merry] Christmas. New Year's Day. 22. Blessed hope, that we the fallen [sinful]. Hope. 23. Heart in heart, and hand in hand. SS. Simon and Jude. 24. Jesus, my loving Lord! I know. Resignation. 25. Last Sunday of the work-day year. Sunday after Christmas Day. 26. Loved by God the Father. Holy Baptism. 27. Mercy, mercy, God the Father. Lent. 28. My head is low, my heart is sad. Confirmation. (Penitential.) 29. Oft doth the Christian's heart inquire. Christian Duty. 30. 0 God, most mighty, listen now. Charities. From "When languid frame or throbbing pulse." 31. 0 holy Sabbath day. Sunday. 32. 0 Lord, what records of Thy love. St. Barnabas. Sometimes, “Lord God, what records of Thy love." 33. 0 love, divine and golden. Holy Matrimony. From this, "Love divine and tender" is taken. 34. One lesson more the Church must learn. Waiting on God. From this, “One lesson Christ His own would teach" is taken. 35. Proudly in his [the] hall of judgment. Tuesday before Easter. 36. Sinful, sighing to be blest. Lent. 37. The Church of God, with equal care. St. James. 38. The journey done; The rest begun. Burial. 39. The simple trust that can confide. Trust. 40. Weary and sad, a wanderer from Thee. Lent. iv. Appeared, in his Hymns of Love and Praise, 1863, and 2nd ed., 1866. 41. Bounteous blesser of the seedtime. Sexagesima. Seed Time. 42. Brightly hopeful for the future. God's mercy through life. 43. Christ is risen! Alleluia! Easter. 44. Come and deck the grave with flowers. Easter Eve. 45. Fight the good fight with all thy might. Fight of Faith. 46. Holy Spirit, long expected. Whitsuntide. 47. Hours and days and months and years. The Circumcision. 48. I have no comfort but Thy love. The Comfort of Love. 49. I knew Thee in the land of drought. A Song of Love. 60. I think of Thee, my God by night. Evening. 61. Jesu, gentle Sufferer, say. Good Friday. 52. Labouring and heavy-laden. Lent. 53. Light of the world, we hail Thee. Missions. 54. Lord, to whom except to Thee? Holy Communion. 55. My sins, my sins, my Saviour. Ash Wednesday. 56. O'er the distant mountains breaking. Second Advent. 57. Other Name than our dear Lord's. Jesus All and in All. 58. Pity on us, heavenly Father. Litany Hymn for Lent. 59. Praise the Lord, rejoice, ye Gentiles. Advent, or Missions. 60. Rest of the weary, joy of the sad. Jesus, the Saviour and Friend. 61. Shadow of a mighty Rock. Jesus, the Rock of Ages. 62. Sing, 0 heaven; 0 earth rejoice. Ascension. 63. Sweet is the gentle voice of spring. Seed Time. 64. Sweet is Thy mercy, Lord. Divine Mercy. 65. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee. Divine Teaching. 66. The good old times, how glorious. Advent. 67. The world may in its wealth delight. Rejoicing in the Lord. An altered form of "Let others in their wealth delight." 68. Though Thou slay me, I will trust. Faith. 69. To Christ the Lord! The Incarnate Word. Christmas. 70. When I had wandered from His fold. The Love of God. v. Appeared in his Litany Hymns, 1869. 71. Lay the precious body, In the quiet grave. Burial. 72. My sins have taken such a hold on me. Litany of Repentance. vi. Appeared in his Parish Hymnal, 1873. 73. I hunger and I thirst. Septuagesima. Dr. Monsell’s hymns are as a whole bright, joyous, and musical; but they lack massiveness, concentration of thought, and strong emotion. A few only are of enduring excellence. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology 1907 ===================== Monsell, J, S. B., p. 762, ii. Additional hymns in common use include:— 1. Blessed Lord, Who, till the morning. Holy Scriptures. From his Spiritual Songs, 1857. 2. Christ incarnate in His poor. Christ in His Poor. From his Hymns of Love and Praise, 1863. 3. We ask for life, and mean thereby. Life and Work. From his Hymns of Love and Praise, 1863. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ==================== Monsell, J. S. B. Since the article on pp. 762-3 was written, copies of the original editions of Dr. Monsell's works have come into our hands, and from them we have to make the following corrections, the numbers following being those given to the first lines of the hymns on pp. 762-3:— 15. So teach me, &c. Hymns and Misc. Poems, 1837, p. 30. 17. The broken, &c. Hymns and Misc. Poems, 1837, p. 49. 18. Thou art near, &c. Hymns and Misc. Poems, 1837, p. 21. 19. Would'st thou, &c. Hymns and Misc. Poems, 1837, p. 14. 26. Loved by God, &c. Parish Hymnal, 1873, No. 181. 27. Mercy, mercy, &c. Prayers and Litanies, 1861, p. 119. 28. My head is low, &c. Hymns of Love and Praise, 1866, p. 125. 33. O Love divine, &c. Hymns of Love and Praise, p. 131. 38. The journey done, &c. Hymns of Love and Praise, p. 134. 40. Weary and sad, &c. Parish Hymnal, 1873, No. 209. 41-50. Hymns of Love and Praise, 1863. 51. See "Day of loss," &c, p. 282, i. 52. Labouring, &c. Prayers and Litanies, 1861, p. 116. 53-57. Hymns of Love and Praise, 1863. 58. Pity on us, &c. Prayers and Litanies, 1861, p. 125. 59. Praise the Lord, &c. Hymns of Love and Praise, 1863, p. 13. 60. 61, 62, 64, 65. Prayers and Litanies, 1861. 63, 66-70. Hymns of Love and Praise, 1863. 72. My sins, &c. Hymns of Love and Praise, 1866, p. 34. 73. I hunger, &c. Hymns of Love and Praise, 1866, p. 128. It will be seen from this list of additions and corrections that Dr. Monsell multiplied his works by giving much the same material under new titles, and that his Prayers and Litanies of 1861 were unknown to us when the original article was written. "We can sincerely add that few hymn writers are so perplexing to the annotator as Dr. Monsell. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

James Edmeston

1791 - 1867 Author of "Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us" in The New Laudes Domini Edmeston, James, born Sept. 10, 1791. His maternal grandfather was the Rev. Samuel Brewer, who for 50 years was the pastor of an Independent congregation at Stepney. Educated as an architect and surveyor, in 1816 he entered upon his profession on his own account, and continued to practice it until his death on Jan. 7, 1867. The late Sir G. Gilbert Scott was his pupil. Although an Independent by descent he joined the Established Church at a comparatively early age, and subsequently held various offices, including that of churchwarden, in the Church of St. Barnabas, Homerton. His hymns number nearly 2000. The best known are “Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us” and "Saviour, breathe an evening blessing." Many of his hymns were written for children, and from their simplicity are admirably adapted to the purpose. For many years he contributed hymns of various degrees of merit to the Evangelical Magazine, His published works are:— (1) The Search, and other Poems, 1817. (2) Sacred Lyrics, 1820, a volume of 31 hymns and one poem. This was followed by a second Series, 1821, with 35; and a third Series, 1822, with 27 pieces respectively. (3) The Cottage Minstrel; or, Hymns for the Assistance of Cottagers in their Domestic Worship, 1821. This was published at the suggestion of a member of the Home Missionary Society, and contains fifty hymns. (4) One Hundred Hymns for Sunday Schools, and for Particular Occasions, 1821. (5) Missionary Hymns, 1822. (6) Patmos, a Fragment, and Other Poems, 1824. (7) The Woman of Shunam, and Other Poems, 1829. (8) Fifty Original Hymns, 1833. (9) Hymns for the Chamber of Sickness, 1844. (10) Closet Hymns and Poems, 1844. (11) Infant Breathings, being Hymns for the Young, 1846. (12) Sacred Poetry, 1847. In addition to those of his hymns which have attained to an extensive circulation, as those named above, and are annotated in this work under their respective first lines, there are also the following in common use in Great Britain and America:— 1. Along my earthly way. Anxiety. In his Sacred Lyrics, third set, 1822, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is given in several collections, but usually in an abbreviated form, and generally somewhat altered. 2. Dark river of death that is [art] flowing. Death Anticipated. Given in his Sacred Lyrics, 3rd set, 1822, p. 39, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. It is usually given in an abbreviated form, and sometimes as, "Dark river of death that art flowing." 3. Come, sacred peace, delightful guest. Peace. Appeared in his Closet Hymns, &c, 1844, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. 4. Eternal God, before thy throne, Three nations. National Fast. 5. For Thee we pray and wait. Second Advent. 6. God intrusts to all. Parable of the Talents. This is No. 13 of his Infant Breathings, 1846, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It is a simple application of the parable to the life of a child. It is widely used. 7. God is here; how sweet the sound. Omnipresence. Given as No. 9 in his Sacred Lyrics, 1st set, 1820, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, No. 45. St. i.-iii. are from this text, and iv. and v. are from another source. 8. How sweet the light of Sabbath eve. Sunday Evening. No. 10 in theCottage Minstrel, 1821, slightly altered. 9. Is there a time when moments flow. Sunday Evening. No. 5 of his Sacred Lyrics, 1st set, 1820, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 10. Little travellers Zionward. Burial of Children. No. 25 of his Infant Breathings, &c, 1846, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. In the Leeds Hymn Book, 1853, it begins with stanza ii., "Who are they whose little feet?" 11. May we, Lord, rejoicing say. National Thanksgiving. Dated 1849 by the author in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymnbook, No. 1008. 12. Music, bring thy sweetest treasures. Holy Trinity. Dated 1837 by the author in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymnbook, No. 167. It is in his Sacred Poetry, 1847. 13. Roll on, thou mighty ocean. Departure of Missionaries. In his Missionary Hymns, 1822, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in America. 14. Sweet is the light of Sabbath eve. Sunday Evening. In 5 stanzas of 41., from the Cottage Minstrel, 1821, where it is given as No. 10, and entitled "The Cottager's Reflections upon the Sabbath Evening." 15. The light of Sabbath eve. Sunday Evening. In 5 stanzas of 4 lines, as No. 11 in the Cottage Minstrel, 1821, p. 14, and headed, "Solemn Questions for the Sabbath Evening." 16. Wake, harp of Zion, wake again. Missions to the Jews. Dated 1846 by the author in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymnbook. It is in his Sacred Poetry, 1847. 17. When shall the voice of singing? In his Missionary Hymns, 1822. It is in a few American collections. 18. When the worn spirit wants repose. Sunday. No. 18, of his Sacred Lyrics, 1st set, 1820, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. It is somewhat popular, and is given in several collections in Great Britain and America, as the Baptist Psalms & Hymns, 1858-80; the Church Praise Book, N. Y., 1881, &c. 19. Why should I, in vain repining? Consolation. No. 14 in the 1st set of his Sacred Lyrics, 1820, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ========================= Edmeston, James, p. 321, ii. Other hymns are:— 1. O Thou Whose mercy guides my way. Resignation. In his Sacred Lyrics, 1st set, 1820, p. 24, in 3 stanzas of 4 lines, and again in his Hymns for the Chamber of Sickness, 1844. 2. Parting soul, the flood awaits thee. Death anticipated. In his Sacred Lyrics, 1st set, 1820, p. 18, in 3 stanza of 8 lines, and based upon the passage in the Pilgrim's Progress:—"Now I further saw that betwixt them and the gate was a river, but there was no bridge to go over, and the river was very deep." 3. 'Tis sweet upon our pilgrimage. Praise. In hi3 Closet Hymns and Poems, 1846, in 3 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "An Ebenezer Raided." 4. Welcome, brethren, enter in. Reception of Church Officers. Miller says, in his Singers and Songs, 1869, p. 420:—"This is No. 1 of five hymns supplied by Mr. Edmeston, at the request of a friend, for insertion in a provincial hymn-book, on the subject of admitting members," but he does not give the name of the book, neither have we identified It. The hymn, as given in the New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859, No. 840, is in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, of which Millet says stanza iii. is by another hand. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Thomas Kelly

1769 - 1855 Author of "In Thy Name, O Lord, Assembling" in The Cyber Hymnal Kelly, Thomas, B.A., son of Thomas Kelly, a Judge of the Irish Court of Common Pleas, was born in Dublin, July 13, 1769, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was designed for the Bar, and entered the Temple, London, with that intention; but having undergone a very marked spiritual change he took Holy Orders in 1792. His earnest evangelical preaching in Dublin led Archbishop Fowler to inhibit him and his companion preacher, Rowland Hill, from preaching in the city. For some time he preached in two unconsecrated buildings in Dublin, Plunket Street, and the Bethesda, and then, having seceded from the Established Church, he erected places of worship at Athy, Portarlington, Wexford, &c, in which he conducted divine worship and preached. He died May 14, 1854. Miller, in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 338 (from which some of the foregoing details are taken), says:— "Mr. Kelly was a man of great and varied learning, skilled in the Oriental tongues, and an excellent Bible critic. He was possessed also of musical talent, and composed and published a work that was received witli favour, consisting of music adapted to every form of metre in his hymn-book. Naturally of an amiable disposition and thorough in his Christian piety, Mr. Kelly became the friend of good men, and the advocate of every worthy, benevolent, and religious cause. He was admired alike for his zeal and his humility; and his liberality found ample scope in Ireland, especially during the year of famine." Kelly's hymns, 765 in all, were composed and published over a period of 51 years, as follows:— (1) A Collection of Psalms and Hymns extracted from Various Authors, by Thomas Kelly, A.B., Dublin, 1802. This work contains 247 hymns by various authors, and an Appendix of 33 original hymns by Kelly. (2) Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture, Dublin, 1804. Of this work several editions were published: 1st, 1804; 2nd, 1806; 3rd, 1809; 4th, 1812. This last edition was published in two divisions, one as Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture, and the second as Hymns adapted for Social Worship. In 1815 Kelly issued Hymns by Thomas Kelly, not before Published. The 5th edition, 1820, included the two divisions of 1812, and the new hymns of 1815, as one work. To the later editions of 1820, 1826, 1836, 1840, 1846, and 1853, new hymns were added, until the last published by M. Moses, of Dublin, 1853, contained the total of 765. As a hymn-writer Kelly was most successful. As a rule his strength appears in hymns of Praise and in metres not generally adopted by the older hymn writers. His "Come, see the place where Jesus lay" (from "He's gone, see where His body lay"),"From Egypt lately come"; “Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious"; "On the mountain's top appearing"; "The Head that once was crowned with thorns"; "Through the day Thy love has spared us"; and “We sing the praise of Him Who died," rank with the first hymns in the English language. Several of his hymns of great merit still remain unknown through so many modern editors being apparently adverse to original investigation. In addition to the hymns named and others, which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are also in common use:— i. From the Psalms and Hymns, 1802:— 1. Grant us, Lord, Thy gracious presence. Commencement of Divine Worship. 2. Jesus, Immortal King, go on [display]. Missions. 3. Saviour, through the desert lead us. Divine Guidance Desired. 4. The day of rest once more [again] comes round. Sunday. 5. We've no abiding city here. Seeking Heaven. ii. From the Hymns on Varous Passages of Scripture, first edition, 1804 :— 6. Boundless glory, Lord, be thine. Praise for the Gospel. 7. By whom shall Jacob now arise? Epiphany. 8. Glory, glory to our King. Praise to Christ as King. 9. How pleasant is the sound of praise. Praise for Redemption. 10. How sweet to leave the world awhile. In Retirement, or For a Retreat. 11. Inform I long had bowed the knee. Jesus, the Saviour, or Praise for Salvation. 12. It is finished! sinners, hear it. Good Friday. 13. Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep. The Good Shepherd. 14. Let reason vainly boast her power. Death. 15. Poor and afflicted, Lord, are Thine. Affliction. 16. Praise we Him to Whose kind favour. Close of Service. 11. Spared a little longer. Safety in God. 18. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted. Passiontide. ii. From the Hymns, &c, second edition, 1806:— 19. Far from us be grief and sadness. Joy of Believers. 20. Give us room that we may dwell. Missions. 21. Glory, glory everlasting. Praise of Jesus. 22. God has.turned my grief to gladness. Joy after Sorrow. 23. Happy they who trust in Jesus. Peace in Jesus. 24. Hark, the notes of angels singing. Angels praising Jesus. 25. Hark! 'tis a martial sound. Christian Life a Warfare. 26. I hear a sound [voice] that comes from far. The Gospel Message. 27. Jesus is gone up on high. Divine Worship. 28. Now [O] may the Gospel's conquering power. Home Missions. In the 1853 edition of the Hymns it begins “O may the Gospel's conqu'ring force." 29. O Zion, when I think on thee. Desiring Heaven. 30. Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him. Praise of Jesus. 31. See from Zion's sacred mountain. The Fountain of Life. 32. The atoning work is done. Jesus the High Priest. 33. Zion is Jehovah's dwelling. The Church of God. 34. Zion stands by hills surrounded. The Safety of the Church. 35. Zion's King shall reign victorious. Missions. iv. From the Hymns, &c, 3rd edition, 1809:— 36. Behold the Temple of the Lord. The Church a Spiritual Temple. 37. Blessed Fountain, full of grace. Fountain for Sin. 38. Brethren, come, our Saviour bids us. Holy Communion. 39. Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster. Second Advent Desired. 40. God of Israel, we adore Thee. Evening. 41. Gracious Lord, my heart is fixed. Trust and Peace. 42. Hark, a voice! it comes from heaven. Death. 43. Hark, that shout of rapt'rous joy. Second Advent. 44. If our warfare be laborious. Labour and Rest . 45. Lo, He comes, let all adore Him. Missions. 46. Nothing know we of the season. Time of Second Advent uncertain. 47. O had I the wings of a dove. Holiness and Heaven desired. 48. O where is now that glowing love. Despondency. 49. Our Father sits on yonder throne. God the Father. 50. Ours is a rich and royal Feast. Holy Communion. 51. Shepherd of the chosen number. Safety in the Good Shepherd. 52. We're bound for yonder land. Life, a Voyage. 53. Welcome sight! the Lord descending. The Advent. 54. What is life? 'tis but a vapour. Death anticipated. 55. Who is this that comes from Edom? Ascension. 56. Why those fears ? Behold 'tis Jesus. Stilling the Sea. 57. Without blood is no remission. Passiontide. 58. Yes, we trust the day is breaking. Missions. v. FromHymns: Not before Published, 1815:— 59. Behold the Lamb with glory crowned. Exaltation of Christ. 60. God is love, His word has said it. God is Love. 61. God of our salvation, hear us. Opening or Close of Divine Worship. 62. In Thy Name, O Lord, assembling. Commencement of Divine Worship. 63. Keep us, Lord, O [and] keep us ever. Divine Worship. 64. Let sinners saved give thanks, and sing. Praise for Salvation. 65. Praise the Lord Who died to save us. Passiontide. 66. Salvation is of God alone. God the Author of Salvation. 67. Saviour, come, Thy [saints] friends await Thee [are waiting] . Second Advent desired. 68. Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears. Divine Mercy. 69. We'll sing of the Shepherd that died. The Lost Sheep. 70. When we cannot see our way. Trust and Peace. 71. Who is this that calms the ocean? Stilling the Sea. vi. From the Hymns on F. Passages of Scripture, &c, eds. 1820 and 1826 :-— 72. Grace is the sweetest sound. Divine Grace. 73. Now let a great effectual door. Missions. 74. Now may the mighty arm awake. Missions. 75. Now may the Spirit from above. Home Missions. 76. Sing, sing His lofty praise. Praise of Jesus. 77. Sound, 6ound the truth abroad. Missions. 78. Speed Thy servants, Saviour, speed them. Departure of Missionaries. vii. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, 1836:— 79. Come, O Lord, the heavens rending. Prayer for Blessings. 80. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. The Second Advent. viii. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, circa 1845:— 81. Joyful be the hours today. Sunday. 82. Lord, behold us few and weak. Opening of Divine Service. 83. Meet Thy people, Saviour, meet us. Meetings for Prayer. 84. Saviour, send a blessing to us. Prayer for Blessings. 85. Sing of Jesus, sing for ever. Praise of Jesus. ix. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, 1853:— 86. Precious volume, what thou doest. Holy Scripture. 87. Unfold to us, O Lord, unfold. Divine aid to reading Holy Scripture. All these hymns, together with those annotated under their respective first lines are in the 1853 edition of Kelly's Hymns published in Dublin by M. Moses, and in London by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Kelly's musical editions are issued by the same publishers. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Kelly, Thomas, p. 615, i. Other hymns in common use are: 1. Behold the Man! How glorious He. (1809.) Good Friday. 2. Jesus the [Thou] Shepherd of the Sheep. (1804.) Good Shepherd. 3. Saved ourselves by Jesu's blood. (1802.) For a Revival. 4. Saviour, 'tis to [unto] Thee. (1853*.) Lent. 5. See the vineyard lately planted. (1806.) Missions. Sometimes given as "See, O Lord, the vineyard planted." 6. Sing aloud to God our strength. (1809.) Praise to the Father. 7. Sing, sing His lofty praise. (1820.) Praise to Jesus. Sometimes as "Hail our eternal King" (p. 615, No. 76). 8. Sing of Him Who bore our guilt. (1853*.) Praise to Jesus. 9. Sing we praise to God above, God our Saviour, &c. (1815.) Praise for Divine Mercy. 10. Sing we praise to God above, Sing we praise, &c. (1853*.) Praise. 11. Sons of Zion, raise your songs. (1820-26) The Exalted Saviour. 12. The Lord Himself will keep. (1809.) From “We're bound for yonder land" (sec p. 615, No. 52.) 13. The God [Lord] of glory dwells on high. (1809.) Humility and Love of Christ. 14. The people of the Lord Are on their way, &c. (1820.) Life a Pilgrimage. 15. Thus saith God of His Anointed. (1809.) Missions. 16. 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow. (1815.) Resignation. 17. To the Ark away, or perish. (1815.) Safety in Jesus only. 18. To our Lord a throne is given. (1838.) Christ the King. 19. Trust ye in the Lord for ever. (1853*.) Trust in God. 20. We'll sing in spite of scorn. (1806.) Christmas. From this "The long-expected morn" is taken. 21. What tongue can tell, what fancy paint. (1806.) Saints in Glory 22. What were Sinai's awful wonders. (1809.) Advent. 23. Whence those sounds symphonious? (1815.) Christmas. 24. While in the [this] world we still [yet] remain. (1806.) Communion of Saints. 25. Yes, 'tis a rough and thorny road. (1809.) Resignation. Sometimes given as "Though rough and thorny be the way." The dates given above are those of the various editions of Kelly's Hymns. The date 1853* indicates that the hymn is in the 1853 ed. of the Hymns, but had also appeared in a previous edition which we have not seen. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Horatius Bonar

1808 - 1889 Author of "Glory be to God the Father!" in Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church Horatius Bonar was born at Edinburgh, in 1808. His education was obtained at the High School, and the University of his native city. He was ordained to the ministry, in 1837, and since then has been pastor at Kelso. In 1843, he joined the Free Church of Scotland. His reputation as a religious writer was first gained on the publication of the "Kelso Tracts," of which he was the author. He has also written many other prose works, some of which have had a very large circulation. Nor is he less favorably known as a religious poet and hymn-writer. The three series of "Hymns of Faith and Hope," have passed through several editions. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872 ================================ Bonar, Horatius, D.D. Dr. Bonar's family has had representatives among the clergy of the Church of Scotland during two centuries and more. His father, James Bonar, second Solicitor of Excise in Edinburgh, was a man of intellectual power, varied learning, and deop piety. Horatius Bonar was born in Edinburgh, Dec. 19th, 1808; and educated at the High School and the University of Edinburgh. After completing his studies, he was "licensed" to preach, and became assistant to the Rev. John Lewis, minister of St. James's, Leith. He was ordained minister of the North Parish, Kelso, on the 30th November, 1837, but left the Established Church at the "Disruption," in May, 1848, remaining in Kelso as a minister of the Free Church of Scotland. The University of Aberdeen conferred on him the doctorate of divinity in 1853. In 1866 he was translated to the Chalmers Memorial Church, the Grange, Edinburgh; and in 1883 he was chosen Moderator of the General Assembly of of the Free Church of Scotland. Dr. Bonar's hymns and poems were, he tells us, composed amid a great variety of circumstances; in many cases he cannot himself recall these circumstances; they also appeared in several publications, but nearly all have boen published or republished in the following:— (i) Songs for the Wilderness, 1843-4. (2) The Bible Hymn Book, 1845. (3) Hymns, Original and Selected, 1846. (4) Hymns of Faith and Hope, First Series, 1857; Second Series, 1861; Third Series, 1866. (5) The Song of the New Creation, 1872. (6) My Old Letters, a long poem, 1877. (7) Hymns of the Nativity, 1879. (8) Communion Hymns, 1881. In addition to numerous prose works, he has also edited The New Jerusalem; a Hymn of the Olden Time, 1852, &c. Dr. Bonar's poems—-including many beautiful lyrics, several psalm versions, and translations from the Greek and Latin, a large number of hymns, and a long meditative poem—-are very numerous, too numerous, perhaps, for their permanent fame as a whole. Dr. Bonar's scholarship is thorough and extensive; and his poems display the grace of style and wealth of allusion which are the fruit of ripe culture. Affected very slightly by current literary moods, still less by the influence of other religious poetry, they reveal extreme susceptibility to the emotional power which the phases of natural and of spiritual life exercise; the phases of natural life being recognised chiefly as conveying and fashioning spiritual life, used chiefly for depicting spiritual life, and handled for this purpose with greater delicacy of touch than in the Olney Hymns, and with less conscious purpose than in the Christian Year. As a result of this susceptibility, and from habitual contemplation of the Second Advent as the era of this world's true bliss, his hymns and poems are distinguished by a tone of pensive reflection, which some might call pessimism. But they are more than the record of emotion; another element is supplied by his intellectual and personal grasp of Divine truth, these truths particularly:—The gift of a Substitute, our Blessed Saviour; Divine grace, righteous, yet free and universal in offer; the duty of immediate reliance upon the privilege of immediate assurance through that grace; communion with God, especially in the Lord's Supper, respecting which he insists on the privilege of cherishing the highest conceptions which Scripture warrants; and finally, the Second Advent of our Lord: by his vigorous celebration of these and other truths as the source and strength of spiritual life, his hymns are protected from the blight of unhealthy, sentimental introspection. To sum up: Dr. Bonar's hymns satisfy the fastidious by their instinctive good taste; they mirror the life of Christ in the soul, partially, perhaps, but with vivid accuracy; they win the heart by their tone of tender sympathy; they sing the truth of God in ringing notes; and although, when taken as a whole, they are not perfect ; although, in reading them, we meet with feeble stanzas, halting rhythm, defective rhyme, meaningless Iteration; yet a singularly large number have been stamped with approval, both in literary circles and by the Church. In Great Britain and America nearly 100 of Dr. Bonar's hymns are in common use. They are found in almost all modern hymnals from four in Hymns Ancient & Modern to more than twenty in the American Songs for the Sanctuary, N. Y., 1865-72. The most widely known are, "A few more years shall roll;" "Come, Lord, and tarry not;" "Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;" "I heard the Voice of Jesus say;" "The Church has waited long;" and "Thy way, not mine, O Lord." In addition to these and others which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are also in common use:— From Songs for the Wilderness, No. 1, 1843. 1. For Thee we long and pray. Sunday Morning. 2. Holy Father, hear my cry. A Child's Prayer. 3. I thought upon my sins and I was sad. Christ our Peace. 4. Peace to the world, our Lord is come. A Millennial Song. 5. Spirit of everlasting grace. The Vision of Dry Bones. ii. From Songs for the Wilderness, No. 2,1844. 6. Ho, ye thirsty, parched and fainting. Invitation. 7. 0 'tis not what we fancied it. The world renounced. 8. Sing them, my children, sing them still. Children exhorted to Praise. 9. Time's sun is fast setting. Advent. 10. Weep, pilgrim, weep, yet 'tis not for the sorrow. Faith. 11. Yes, for me, for me He careth. Christ the Elder Brother . iii. From The Bible Hymn Book, 1845. 12. Jesus, my sorrow lies too deep. Jesus, the Great High Priest. 13. There is a Morning Star, my soul. The Morning Star. 14. This is not my place of resting. Pressing towards heaven. iv. From Hymns, Original and Selected, 1845. 15. Let there be light, Jehovah said. Creation. v. From Hymns of Faith and Hope, 1st series, 1857. 16. Be brave, my brother. The Fight of Faith. 17. Blessed be God, our God. Good Friday. 18. Everlasting praises. Doxology. 19. Go up, go up, my heart. Heavenly aspirations desired. 20. I close my heavy eye. Evening. Sometimes given as "We close our heavy eyes." 21. I see the crowd in Pilate's hall. Good Friday. 22. Jesus, while this rongh desert soil. Strength by the Way. 23. Jesus, Whom angel-hosts adore. The Word made Flesh. From "The Son of God, in mighty love." 24. Make haste, 0 man, to live. Exhortation to lay hold of Life. 25. No seas again shall sever. Heaven. 26. Oppressed with noonday's scorching heat. Shadow of the Cross. 27. Rest for the toiling hand. Burial. From "Lie down, frail body, here." 28. Shall this life of mine be wasted? Exhortation to Duty. 29. These are the crowns that we shall wear. Heaven. 30. Thy works, not mine, O Christ [Lord]. The Sin-bearer. 31. Where the faded flower shall freshen. Heaven. vi. From Hymns of Faith and Hope. 2nd series, 1861. 32. Be still, my soul, Jehovah loveth Thee. Rest in the Love of God. 33. Christ has done the mighty work. Good Friday. 34. Come, mighty Spirit, penetrate. Whitsuntide. 35. Deep down beneath the unresting surge. Burial at Sea. 36. Fear not the foe, thou flock of God [thou little flock]. Battle-Song of the Church. 37. For lack of love I languish. Lent. 38. From this bleak hill of storms. Eternal Rest desired. 39. He liveth long who liveth well. The True Life. 40. Here shall death's triumph end: the rock-barred door. Easter. From "The tomb is empty: wouldst thou have it full." 41. Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou. Jesus the First and Last. 42. Jesus, the Christ of God. Praise to Christ. 43. Light of the world, for ever, ever shining. Christ the Light of the World. From "Why walk in darkness? Has the dear light vanished?" 44. Make use of me, my God. Duty desired. 45. Not what I am, 0 Lord, but what Thou art. The Love of God. 46. 0 Light of Light, shine in. Cry of the Weary. 47. 0 love of God, how strong and true. Love of God. 48. 0 love that casts out fear. Love of God. 49. 0 strong to save and bless. Lent. 50. 0 this soul, how dark and blind. Lent. 51. Safe across the waters. Thanksgiving at end of a journey. 52. Silent, like men in solemn haste. Pressing onwards. 53. Speak, lips of mine. Exhortation to Praise. 54. The Bridegroom comes. Advent. vii. From Hymns of Faith and Hope. 3rd series, 1866. 55. Bear Thou my burden, Thou Who bar'st my sin. Lent or Passiontide. 56. Done is the work that saves. Easter. 57. Father, our children keep. Prayer on behalf of Children. 58. Fill Thou my life, 0 Lord my God. Life's Praise. 59. Finish Thy work, the time is short. Earnest labour to the end. 60. From the Cross the blood is falling. Good Friday. 61. He called them, and they left. Obedience. 62. Help me, my [0] God to speak. Truth desired. 63. Holy Father, Mighty God. Holy Trinity. 64. How are my troubles multiplied. Ps. iii. 65. How sweetly doth He show His face Flower Service. 66. Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness. Sustaining power of Faith. 67. Lo, God, our God has come. Christmas. 68. Lord, give me light to do Thy work. Divine guidance desired. 69. No, not despairingly. Lent. 70. Not to ourselves again. Life in Christ, or, Living unto God. 71. Now in parting, Father, bless us. Post Communion. 72. Sounds the trumpet from afar. Battle-Song of the Church. 73. Thee in the loving bloom of morn. God in all. 74. Through good report and evil, Lord. Faithfulness. 75. To Jehovah, God of might. Praise to the Father. 76. To the name of God on high. Doxology. 77. Upward, where the stars are burning. Heavenward Aspirations. 78. We take the peace which He hath won. The Gift of Peace. 79. When the weary, seeking rest. Intercession for all Conditions of Men. viii. From The Song of the New Creation,1872. 80. For the Bread and for the Wine. Holy Communion. 81. Light of life so softly shining. Light of Life. 82. Yet there is room. The Lamb's bright hall of song. Home Missions. ix. From Hymns of the Nativity, 1879. 83. Great Ruler of the land and sea. Sailors' Liturgy. From Communion Hymns, 1881. 84. Beloved, let us love. Brotherly Love. In several instances these hymns are given in an abbreviated form, and sometimes alterations are also introduced. In this latter respect however Dr. Bonar has suffered less than most modern hymn-writers. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Bonar, Horatius, p. 161, i. He died at Edinburgh, July 31, 1889. In 1890 his son published a posthumous volume of his poetical pieces as Until the Day Break and other Hymns and Poems left behind. The following additional hymns are in common use:— 1. Almighty Comforter and Friend. (1866.) Whitsuntide. 2. Father, make use of me. An altered form of No. 44, p. 162, ii. 3. I ask a perfect creed. (1861.) Creed not Opinions. From this is also taken "O True One, give me truth." 4. Long, long deferred, now come at last. Marriage of the Lamb. Part of "Ascend, Beloved, to the joy." (1861.) 5. Nay 'tis not what we fancied it. (1857.) Vanity of the World. 6. No blood, no altar now. (1861.) The Finished Sacrifice. 7. No shadows yonder. (1857.) Heaven Anticipated. 8. Not with the light and vain. (1857.) Godly Companionship. 9. O Love invisible, yet infinite. (1866.) Divine Love. 10. On the great love of God I lean. (1866.) Love of God our Resting-place. 11. On Thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning. (1866.) Fellowship with Christ. 12. Peace upon peace, like wave on wave. (1866.) Divine Peace. 13. Sower divine, sow the good seed in me. (1857.) Heavenly Sowing. 14. Speaketh the sinner's sin within my heart. (1866.) Ps. xxxvi. 15. Still one in life and one in death. (1857.) Communion of Saints. Part of "'Tis thus they press the hand and part." 16. Surely, yon heaven, where angels see God's face. (1857.) Heaven Anticipated. 17. That city with the jewelled crest. (1857.) Heaven. Part of "These are the crowns that we shall wear." Another cento from the same is "Yon city, with the jewelled crest." 18. That clime is not like this dull clime of ours. (1843.) Heaven. 19. The Free One makes you free: He breaks the rod. (1857.) Freedom in Christ. From "Of old they sang the song of liberty." 20. There is a Morning-star, my soul. (1357.) Christ the Morning Star. 21. This is the day of toil. (1866.) Pressing Onwards. 22. Thy thoughts are here, my God. (1866.) Holy Scripture. 23. Till the day dawn. (1857.) Life's Journey. 24. To Him Who spread the skies. (1866.) Creation's Song. 25. Trustingly, trustingly. (1866.) Trust. 26. Unto th' eternal hills. (1866.) Ps. cxxi. The above dates are: 1843, Songs in the Wilderness; 1857, Hymns of Faith and Hope, 1st Series; 1861, same, 2nd Ser. (not 1864); 1866, same, 3rd Ser. (not 1867), The dates 1857, 1864,1867, were given by Dr. Bonar, but the British Museum copies are 1857, 1861, 1866 respectively. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ============== Bonar, H., pp. 161, i.; 1554, i. The Rev. H. N. Bonar, Dr. Bonar's son, published in 1904, Hymns by Horatius Bonar, Selected and Arranged by his Son H. N. Bonar, With a brief History of some of the Hymns, &c. (London: H. Frowde). From this work we must correct the date of his Song of the New Creation to 1872. We have also enriched our pages by additional and expanded notes on several of Dr. Bonar's most widely used hymns. In his biographical notes, Mr. Bonar refers to Dr. Bonar's work as editor of the Quarterly Journal of Prophecy, begun in 1848, to which he contributed a hymn for each number. We find that the number of hymns contributed thereto is 101. With Dr. Bonar's poetical productions great difficulty has been encountered by the historian and annotator because of his absolute indifference to dates and details. It was enough for him that he had written, and that the Church of Christ approved and gladly used what, out of the fulness of his heart, he had given her. --Excerpt from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Jonathan Evans

1748 - 1809 Author of ""Bless the seed"" in Laudes Domini Evans, Jonathan, born at Coventry in 1748 or 1749. He was the son of a working man, and as a youth was employed in a ribbon manufactory. About 1778 he joined the congregation at Coventry, over which the Rev. G. Burder was pastor. He began preaching at Foleshill, near Coventry, in 1782, and in 1795 he began his stated ministry there, retaining the same to his death on Aug. 31, 1809. Two biographical notices of him appeared in the Evangelical Magazine (Oct. 1809, and March 1847), and also several of his hymns. Two of his hymns appeared in Burder's Collection, 1784, and another in the 2nd edition the same year. His best known hymns are, "Come, Thou soul-transforming Spirit,” and "Hark! the voice of love and mercy;" q.v. He published no poetical work or collection of hymns. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

R. T. Brooks

1918 - 1985 Person Name: R. T. Brooks, 1918-85 Author of "Praise to God whose word was spoken" in The New English Hymnal Also known as Rev. Peter Brooks, Reginald Thomas Brooks

E. J. Hopkins

1818 - 1901 Person Name: Edward J. Hopkins Composer of "ST. RAPHAEL" in The Hymnal Dr Edward John Hopkins MusDoc United Kingdom 1818-1901. Born at Westminster, England, the son of a clarinetist with the Royal Opera House orchestra, he became an organist (as did two of his brothers) and a composer. In 1826 he became a chorister of the Chapel Royal and sang at the coronation of King William IV in Westminster Abbey. He also sang in the choir of St. Paul’s Cathedral, a double schedule requiring skill and dexterity. On Sunday evenings he would play the outgoing voluntary at St. Martin’s in-the-field. He left Chapel Royal in 1834 and started studying organ construction at two organ factories. He took an appointment at Mitcham Church as organist at age 16, winning an audition against other organists. Four years later he became organist at the Church of St. Peter, Islington. In 1841 he became organist at St. Luke’s, Berwick St., Soho. Two Years later he was organist at Temple Church, which had a historic organ (built in 1683). He held this position for 55 years. In 1845 he married Sarah Lovett, and they had four sons and five daughters. He was closely associated with the Bach Society and was organist for the first English performances of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. In 1855 he collaborated with Edward Rimbault publishing “The organ, its history and construction” (3 editions 1855-70-77). In 1864 he was one of the founders of the “College of organists”. In 1882 he received an honorary Doctorate of Music from the Archbishop of Canterbury. He composed 30+ hymn tunes and some psalm chants, used by the Church of England. He died in London, England. John Perry

Benjamin Beddome

1717 - 1795 Person Name: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Author of "Hail That Blissful Day Approaching" in The Cyber Hymnal Benjamin Beddome was born at Henley-in Arden, Warwickshire, January 23, 1717. His father was a Baptist minister. He studied at various places, and began preaching in 1740. He was pastor of a Baptist society at Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire, until his death in 1795. In 1770, he received the degree of M.A. from the Baptist College in Providence, Rhode Island. He published several discourses and hymns. "His hymns, to the number of 830, were published in 1818, with a recommendation from Robert Hall." Montgomery speaks of him as a "writer worthy of honour both for the quantity and the quality of his hymns." --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ========================= Beddome, Benjamin , M.A. This prolific hymnwriter was born at Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire, Jan. 23, 1717, where his father, the Rev. John Beddome, was atthat time Baptist Minister. He was apprenticed to a surgeon in Bristol, but removing to London, he joined, in 1739, the Baptist church in Prescott St. At the call of this church he devoted himself to the work of the Christian ministry, and in 1740 began to preach at Bourton-on-the-Water, in Gloucestershire. Declining invitations to remove to London or elsewhere, he continued pastor at Bourton until his death, on Sep. 3, 1795, at the age of 78. Mr. Beddome was for many years one of the most respected Baptist ministers in the West of England. He was a man of some literary culture. In 1770 he received the degree of M.A. from Providence College, Rhode Island. He was the author of an Exposition of the Baptist Catechism, 1752, in great repute at the time, and reprinted by Dr. C. Evans in 1772. It was his practice to prepare a hymn every week to be sung after his Sunday morning sermon. Though not originally intended for publication, he allowed thirteen of these to appear in the Bristol Baptist Collection of Ash & Evans (1769), and thirty-six in Dr. Rippon's Baptist Selection (1787), whence a number of them found their way into the General Baptist Hymn Book of 1793 and other collections. In 1817, a posthumous collection of his hymns was published, containing 830 pieces, with an introduction by the Rev. Robert Hall, and entitled "Hymns adapted to Public Worship or Family Devotion, now first published from the Manuscripts of the late Rev. B. Beddome, M.A." Preface dated "Leicester, Nov. 10, 1817." Some of the early copies bear the same date on the title page. Copies bearing both the 1817 and 1818 dates are in the British Museum. The date usually given is 1818. Some hymns are also appended to his Sermons, seven volumes of which were published l805—1819; and over twenty are given in the Baptist Register of various dates. Beddome's hymns were commended by Montgomery as embodying one central idea, "always important, often striking, and sometimes ingeniously brought out." Robert Hall's opinion is just, when in his "Recommendatory Preface" to the Hymns, &c, he says, p. vii.:— "The man of taste will be gratified with the beauty and original turns of thought which many of them ex¬hibit, while the experimental Christian will often perceive the most secret movements of his soul strikingly delineated, and sentiments pourtrayed which will find their echo in every heart." With the exception of a few composed for Baptisms and other special occasions, their present use in Great Britain is limited, but in America somewhat extensive. One of the best is the Ordination Hymn, "Father of Mercies, bow Thine ear." Another favourite is “ My times of sorrow and of joy," composed, by a singular coincidence, to be sung on Sunday, Jan. 14, 1778, the day on which his son died, most unexpectedly, in Edinburgh. "Let party names no more," is very popular both in Great Brit, and America. "Faith, His a precious gift," "Witness, ye men and angels, now," and the hymn for Holy Baptism, "Buried beneath the yielding wave," are also found in many collections. Beddome's popularity is, however, now mainly in America. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] Beddome is thus seen to be in common use to the extent of about 100 hymns. In this respect he exceeds every other Baptist hymnwriter; Miss Steele ranking second. The authorities for Beddome's hymns are: (1) A Collection of Hymns adapted to Public Worship, Bristol, W. Pine, 1769, the Collection of Ash & Evans; (2) Dr. Rippon's Selections 1787, and later editions; (3) Sermons printed from the Manuscripts of the late Rev. Benjamin Beddome, M.A.,... with brief Memoir of the Author, Dunstable & Lond., 1805-1819; (4) Dr. Rippon's Baptist Register, 1795, &c.; (5) The Beddome Manuscripts, in the Baptist College, Bristol; (6) and Hymns adapted to Public Worship, or Family Devotion now first published, from Manuscripts of the late Rev. B. Beddome, A.M. With a Recommendatory Preface by the Rev. R. Hall, A.M. Lond., 1817. In his Preface, Mr. Hall gives this account of the Beddome Manuscript:— "The present Editor was entrusted several years ago with the MSS, both in prose and verse, with permission from the late Messrs. S. & B. Beddome, sons of the Author, to publish such parts of them as he might deem proper. He is also indebted to a descendant of the Rev. W. Christian, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church at Sheepshead, Leicestershire, for some of the Author's valuable hymns, which had been carefully preserved in the family. From both these sources, as well as others of less consequence, the present interesting volume has been derived." -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================= Beddome, Benjamin, pp. 121-124. Other hymns in common use:— 1. Great God, before Thy mercy-seat. (1817). Lent. 2. Great God, oppressed with grief and fear. (1787.) Reading H. Scripture. 3. How glorious is Thy word, 0 God. Holy Scripture. From "When Israel, &c," p. 124, i. 4. In God I ever will rejoice. Morning. From his Hymns, &c, 1817. 5. Jesus, my Lord, divinely fair. (1817.) Jesus the King of Saints. Begins with stanza ii. of “Listen, ye mortals, while I sing." 6. Rejoice, for Christ the Saviour reigns. Missions. Altered form of "Shout, for the blessed, &c," p. 123, ii. 7. Satan, the world, and sin. (1817.) In Temptation. 8. Thou, Lord of all above. (1817.) Lent. 9. Unto Thine altar, Lord. (1787.) Lent. 10. Ye saints of every rank, with joy. (1800.) Public Worship. The dates given above are, 1787 and 1800, Rippon's Selection; and 1817 Beddome's Hymns. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II

James Montgomery

1771 - 1854 Person Name: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Author of "God Is in His Holy Temple" in Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church James Montgomery (b. Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland, 1771; d. Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, 1854), the son of Moravian parents who died on a West Indies mission field while he was in boarding school, Montgomery inherited a strong religious bent, a passion for missions, and an independent mind. He was editor of the Sheffield Iris (1796-1827), a newspaper that sometimes espoused radical causes. Montgomery was imprisoned briefly when he printed a song that celebrated the fall of the Bastille and again when he described a riot in Sheffield that reflected unfavorably on a military commander. He also protested against slavery, the lot of boy chimney sweeps, and lotteries. Associated with Christians of various persuasions, Montgomery supported missions and the British Bible Society. He published eleven volumes of poetry, mainly his own, and at least four hundred hymns. Some critics judge his hymn texts to be equal in quality to those of Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley . Many were published in Thomas Cotterill's Selection of Psalms and Hymns (1819 edition) and in Montgomery's own Songs of Zion (1822), Christian Psalmist (1825), and Original Hymns (1853). Bert Polman ======================== Montgomery, James, son of John Montgomery, a Moravian minister, was born at Irvine, Ayrshire, Nov. 4, 1771. In 1776 he removed with his parents to the Moravian Settlement at Gracehill, near Ballymena, county of Antrim. Two years after he was sent to the Fulneck Seminary, Yorkshire. He left Fulneck in 1787, and entered a retail shop at Mirfield, near Wakefield. Soon tiring of that he entered upon a similar situation at Wath, near Rotherham, only to find it quite as unsuitable to his taste as the former. A journey to London, with the hope of finding a publisher for his youthful poems ended in failure; and in 1792 he was glad to leave Wath for Shefield to join Mr. Gales, an auctioneer, bookseller, and printer of the Sheffield Register newspaper, as his assistant. In 1794 Mr. Gales left England to avoid a political prosecution. Montgomery took the Sheffield Register in hand, changed its name to The Sheffield Iris, and continued to edit it for thirty-one years. During the next two years he was imprisoned twice, first for reprinting therein a song in commemoration of "The Fall of the Bastille," and the second for giving an account of a riot in Sheffield. The editing of his paper, the composition and publication of his poems and hynms, the delivery of lectures on poetry in Sheffield and at the Royal Institution, London, and the earnest advocacy of Foreign Missions and the Bible Society in many parts of the country, gave great variety but very little of stirring incident to his life. In 1833 he received a Royal pension of £200 a year. He died in his sleep, at the Mount, Sheffield, April 30, 1854, and was honoured with a public funeral. A statue was erected to his memory in the Sheffield General Cemetery, and a stained glass window in the Parish Church. A Wesleyan chapel and a public hall are also named in his honour. Montgomery's principal poetical works, including those which he edited, were:— (1) Prison Amusements, 1797; (2) The Wanderer of Switzerland, 1806; (3) The West Indies, 1807; (4) The World before the Flood, 1813; (5) Greenland and Other Poems, 1819; (6) Songs of Zion, 1822; (7) The Christian Psalmist, 1825; (8) The Christian Poet, 1825; (9) The Pelican Island, 1828; (10) The Poet’s Portfolio, 1835; (11) Original Hymns for Public, Private, and Social Devotion, 1853. He also published minor pieces at various times, and four editions of his Poetical Works, the first in 1828, the second in 1836, the third in 1841, and the fourth in 1854. Most of these works contained original hymns. He also contributed largely to Collyer's Collection, 1812, and other hymnbooks published during the next 40 years, amongst which the most noticeable was Cotterill's Selections of 1819, in which more than 50 of his compositions appeared. In his Christian Psalmist, 1825, there are 100 of his hymns, and in his Original Hymns, 1853, 355 and 5 doxologies. His Songs of Zion, 1822, number 56. Deducting those which are repeated in the Original Hymns, there remain about 400 original compositions. Of Montgomery's 400 hymns (including his versions of the Psalms) more than 100 are still in common use. With the aid of Montgomery's MSS. we have given a detailed account of a large number. The rest are as follows:— i. Appeared in Collyer's Collection, 1812. 1. Jesus, our best beloved Friend. Personal Dedication to Christ. 2. When on Sinai's top I see. Sinai, Tabor, and Calvary. ii. Appeared in Cotterill's Selection, 1819. 3. Come to Calvary's holy mountain. The Open Fountain. 4. God in the high and holy place. God in Nature. The cento in Com. Praise, 1879, and others, "If God hath made this world so fair," is from this hymn. 5. Hear me, O Lord, in my distress. Ps. cxliii. 6. Heaven is a place of rest from sin. Preparation for Heaven. 7. I cried unto the Lord most just. Ps. cxlii. 8. Lord, let my prayer like incense rise. Ps. cxxxix. 9. O bless the Lord, my soul! His grace to thee proclaim. Ps. ciii. 10. Out of the depths of woe. Ps. cxxx. Sometimes "When from the depths of woe." 11. The world in condemnation lay. Redemption. 12. Where are the dead? In heaven or hell? The Living and the Dead. iii. Appeared in his Songs of Zion, 1822. 13. Give glory to God in the highest. Ps. xxix. 14. Glad was my heart to hear. Ps. cxxii. 15. God be merciful to me. Ps. lxix. 16. God is my strong salvation. Ps. xxvii. 17. Hasten, Lord, to my release. Ps. lxx. 18. Have mercy on me, O my God. Ps. li. 19. Hearken, Lord, to my complaints. Ps. xlii. 20. Heralds of creation cry. Ps. cxlviii. 21. How beautiful the sight. Ps. cxxxiii. 22. How precious are Thy thoughts of peace. Ps. cxxxix. 23. I love the Lord, He lent an ear. Ps. cxvi. 24. In time of tribulation. Ps. lxxvii. 25. Jehovah is great, and great be His praise. Ps. xlviii. Sometimes, "0 great is Jehovah, and great is His Name." 26. Judge me, O Lord, in righteousness. Ps. xliii. 27. Lift up your heads, ye gates, and wide. Ps.xxiv. 28. Lord, let me know mine [my] end. Ps. xxxi. 29. Of old, 0 God, Thine own right hand. Ps. lxxx. 30. O God, Thou art [my] the God alone. Ps. lxiii. 31. 0 Lord, our King, how excellent. Ps. viii. Sometimes, "0 Lord, how excellent is Thy name." 32. O my soul, with all thy powers. Ps. ciii. 33. One thing with all my soul's desire. Ps. xxvii. From this, "Grant me within Thy courts a place." 34. Searcher of hearts, to Thee are known. Ps. cxxxix. 35. Thank and praise Jehovah's name. Ps. cvii. 36. Thee will I praise, O Lord in light. Ps. cxxxviii. 37. The Lord is King; upon His throne. Ps. xciii. 38. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know. Ps. xxiii. 39. The tempter to my soul hath said. Ps. iii. 40. Thrice happy he who shuns the way. Ps. i. 41. Thy glory, Lord, the heavens declare. Ps. xix. 42. Thy law is perfect, Lord of light. Ps. xix. 43. Who make the Lord of hosts their tower. Ps. cxxv. 44. Yea, I will extol Thee. Ps. xxx. iv. Appeared in his Christian Psalmist. 1825. 45. Fall down, ye nations, and adore. Universal adoration of God desired. 46. Food, raiment, dwelling, health, and friends. The Family Altar. 47. Go where a foot hath never trod. Moses in the desert. Previously in the Leeds Congregational Collection, 1822. 48. Green pastures and clear streams. The Good Shepherd and His Flock. 49. Less than the least of all. Mercies acknowledged. 50. Not to the mount that burned with fire [flame]. Communion of Saints. 51. On the first Christian Sabbath eve. Easter Sunday Evening. 52. One prayer I have: all prayers in one. Resignation. 53. Our heavenly Father hear. The Lord's Prayer. 54. Return, my soul, unto thy rest. Rest in God. 55. Spirit of power and might, behold. The Spirit's renewing desired. 56. The Christian warrior, see him stand. The Christian Soldier. Sometimes, "Behold the Christian warrior stand." 57. The days and years of time are fled. Day of Judgment. 58. The glorious universe around. Unity. 59. The pure and peaceful mind. A Children's Prayer. 60. This is the day the Lord hath made (q. v.). Sunday. 61. Thy word, Almighty Lord. Close of Service. 62. What secret hand at morning light ? Morning. 63. While through this changing world we roam. Heaven. 64. Within these walls be peace. For Sunday Schools. v. Appeared in his Original Hymns, 1853. 65. Behold yon bright array. Opening a Place of Worship. 66. Behold the book whose leaves display. Holy Scriptures. 67. Come ye that fear the Lord. Confirmation. 68. Home, kindred, friends, and country, these. Farewell to a Missionary. 69. Let me go, the day is breaking. Jacob wrestling. 70. Not in Jerusalem alone. Consecration of a Church. 71. Praise the high and holy One. God the Creator. In common with most poets and hymnwriters, Montgomery strongly objected to any correction or rearrangement of his compositions. At the same time he did not hesitate to alter, rearrange, and amend the productions of others. The altered texts which appeared in Cotterill's Selections, 1819, and which in numerous instances are still retained in some of the best hymnbooks, as the "Rock of Ages," in its well-known form of three stanzas, and others of equal importance, were made principally by him for Cotterill's use. We have this confession under his own hand. As a poet, Montgomery stands well to the front; and as a writer of hymns he ranks in popularity with Wesley, Watts, Doddridge, Newton, and Cowper. His best hymns were written in his earlier years. In his old age he wrote much that was unworthy of his reputation. His finest lyrics are "Angels from the realms of glory," "Go to dark Gethsemane," "Hail to the Lord's Anointed," and "Songs of praise the angels sang." His "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire," is an expanded definition of prayer of great beauty; and his "Forever with the Lord" is full of lyric fire and deep feeling. The secrets of his power as a writer of hymns were manifold. His poetic genius was of a high order, higher than most who stand with him in the front rank of Christian poets. His ear for rhythm was exceedingly accurate and refined. His knowledge of Holy Scripture was most extensive. His religious views were broad and charitable. His devotional spirit was of the holiest type. With the faith of a strong man he united the beauty and simplicity of a child. Richly poetic without exuberance, dogmatic without uncharitableness, tender without sentimentality, elaborate without diffusiveness, richly musical without apparent effort, he has bequeathed to the Church of Christ wealth which could onlv have come from a true genius and a sanctified! heart. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Albert Midlane

1825 - 1909 Author of "Why those fears, poor trembling sinner?" in Songs for the Lord's House Midlane, Albert, was born at Newport, Isle of Wight, Jan. 23, 1825, and was engaged in business in that town for many years. To his Sunday school teacher he ascribes the honour of prompting him to poetic efforts: and the same teacher did much to shape his early life. His first printed hymn, "Hark! in the presence of our God," was written in September, 1842, at Carisbrooke Castle, and printed in the Youth’s Magazine in November of the same year. Since then he has written over 300, and of these a large proportion are in common use. They appeared in magazines and small mission hymn-books, including:— (1) The Youth's Magazine; (2) The British Messenger; (3) The London Messenger; (4) Trotter's Evangelical Hymn Book, 1860; (5) The Ambassador's Hymn Book, 1861; (6) Second edition of the same, 1868; (7)Hymn Book for Youth; (8) Good News for the Little Ones, 1860; (9) William Carter's Gospel Hymn Book, 1862; and several other works of a similar kind. In addition to several small works in prose, Mr. Midlane has gathered his verse together from time to time and published it as:— (1) Poetry addressed to Sabbath School Teachers, 1844; (2) Vecta Garland, 1850; (3) Leaves from Olivet, 1864; (4) Gospel Echoes, 1865; (5) Above the Bright Blue Sky, 1867; (6) Early Lispings, 1880. Of the hymns contained in these works nearly 200 have been in common use from 1861 to 1887, the most popular being "There's a Friend for little children." The hymn-books, however, in which many of them are found are usually very small, are used in what are commonly known as Gospel Missions, and have gradually given way to other and more important collections. We therefore append only those hymns which are at the present time in use in official or quasi-official hymn-books, or such collections as have a wide circulation. Those hymns which are omitted from the following list may be found in the works given above, and especially in the Gospel Echoes. The bracketed dates below are those of the composition of the hymns. i. Given in Trotter's Evangelical Hymn Book, 1860. 1. How sweet the cheering words. (Aug. 1860.) The Gospel. 2. Lord Jesus, save! (July 1860.) Lent. ii. Given in The Ambassador's Hymn Book, 1861. 3. Angels rejoice o'er sinners saved. (Aug. 1860.) Joy in Heaven over Repenting Sinners. 4. Come to the royal feast. (Aug. 1860.) The Gospel Feast. 5. Father, bless the heavenly message. (Aug. 1860.) Divine blessing implored. 6. How vast, how full, how free. (Aug. 1860.) Divine Mercy. 7. I am not told to labour. (June 25, 1860.) Salvation by Faith. 8. Jesus died upon the tree. (Aug. 13, 1860.) Good Friday. 9. Lord, prepare the hearts of sinners. (Aug. 28, 1861.) Preparation of the heart. 10. Not all the gold of all the world. Peace through Jesus. 11. Now we'll render to the Saviour. (Sept. 1, 1861.) Praise for Salvation. 12. O what a gift the Father gave. (Aug. 22, 1860.) The Gift of The Son. 13. O what a Saviour is Jesus the Lord. (Aug. 29, 1861.) Jesus the Saviour. 14. Passing onward, quickly passing. (Sept. 10, 1861.) Prepared? 15. Salvation, Lord, is Thine. (Aug., 1860.) Salvation through Jesus. 16. Sinner, where is room for doubting? (Sept., 1861.) Expostulation. 17. Soft the voice of mercy sounded. Grace. 18. The perfect righteousness of God. (Sept. 21, 1861.) God our Righteousness. 19. There is a throne of grace. (Sept. 14, 1860.) The Throne of Grace. 20. We speak of the mercy of God. (Sept. 19, 1861.) Divine Mercy. iii. Given in W. Carter's Gospel Hymn Book, 1863. 21. Can any say, I do believe ? (Aug., 1860.) Assurance in Christ. 22. If Jesus came to seek and save. (Oct., 1861.) Salvation in Jesus. iv. Given in Leaves from Olivet, 1864. 23. See the blessed Saviour dying. (Oct. 5, 1860.) Good Friday. 24. Sweet the theme of Jesus' love. (April 22, 1862.) The Love of Jesus. v. Given in Gospel Echoes, 1865. 25. Come and welcome to the Saviour. (June 8, 1862) Invitation. 26. God be gracious to a sinner. (May 21, 1861.) Lent. 27. God speaks from heaven; in love He speaks. (July, 1860.) Love and Mercy of God. 28. Hark! the cry, Behold He cometh. (June 8, 1862.) Advent. 29. He saves because He will. (April 20, 1862.) The "I Wills" of Jesus. 30. How solemn are the words. (Aug. 1, 1865.) The New Birth. 31. Himself He could not save. (Sept. 1861.) Good Friday. 32. I once was bound in Satan's chains. Pardon. 33. Jesus lived. He lived for sinners. (Jan. 4, 1862.) Easter. 34. Jesus never answered "Nay." (May 13, 1862.) Jesus always the same. 35. Jesus the blessed centre is. (June 8, 1862). Father glorified in the Son. 36. Jesus, the risen Saviour. (July 31, 1862.) Easter. 37. Jesus, the soul that trusts in Thee. (May 7, 1864.) Salvation through Jesus. 38. Look, poor sinner, look to Calvary. Good Friday. 39. Lord, when I think upon the love. (Oct. 1, 1860.) The Love of Jesus. 40. Peace with God ! How great a treasure (Oct. 18, 1861.) Peace. 41. Salvation! What a precious word. (Nov. 22, 1861.) Salvation. 42. Scripture says Where sin abounded. (March 3, 1862.) Abounding Grace. 43. Shall Jesus' love be spoken? (May 4, 1862.) Love of Jesus. 44. The Lamb was slain, the blood was brought. (Aug. 24,1862.) The Passover. 45. The silver trumpets sounding. (May 7, 1862.) The Year of Jubilee. 46. There is a rest for weary souls. (Dec. 4, 1863.) Rest. Peace in Jesus. 47. 'Tis the voice of mercy calls thee. (Nov. 5, 1861.) Mercy. 48. When the Saviour said "'Tis finished" (Oct. 1861.) Good Friday. 49. When God begins His gracious work. (Dec. 27, 1860.) God Unchangeable. 50. Who can praise the blessed God ? (Oct. 1861.) Praise for Salvation. 51. Why those fears, poor trembling sinner. Safety in Jesus. vi. Given in the Ambassador's Hymn Book, 2nd ed., 1868. 52. Life from the dead, eternal life. (Oct. 11, 1867.) Work of the Holy Spirit. 53. Stern justice cries for blood. (March 2, 1867.) The Atonement. vii. Various. 54. Apart from every worldly care. (June 1866.) Prayer Meetings. Written for Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book 1866. 55. Be not weary, toiling Christian. (Feb. 1857.) Encouragement. In the British Messenger, Sept. 1857. 56. Eighteen hundred years ago. (Aug. 1859.) Fulness of Time. In the London Messenger, April, 1861. 57. Father, for Thy promised blessing. (Feb. 20, 1860.) Outpouring of the Spirit desired. In The Revival, July, 1860. 58. God bless our Sunday School. Sunday School Anniversary. First printed in the Baptist Children's Magazine, July, 1844. It has passed into numerous collections for children, but usually st. ii. is omitted, thus reducing it to 3 st. 59. He comes! He comes! the Bridegroom comes. (Sept. 9, 1850.) Advent. In The Present Testimony, 1851. 60. Kept by the power of God. (May 6 ,1858.) Security in God. In the London Messenger, Sept., 1860. 61. Let the waves of blessing roll. (Jan. 6, 1868.) Missions. In the Enlarged London Hymn Book, 1873. 62. Lord, 'our waiting spirits bow. (June, 1866.) Prayer Meetings. Written for Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book 1866. 63. Love us freely, blessed Jesus. (July 2, 1858.) Lent. In the Churchman's Penny Magazine. Oct., 1858. 64. Never perish! words of mercy. Mercy in Christ. Printed in the monthly Girdle, June, 1857, and in the British Messenger, Aug. 1857, in 4 double st. In the collections it is reduced to the first two stanzas. 65. No separation, O my soul. (May 6, 1863.) Perseverance. In the British Herald, Aug., 1863. 66. Nought but the voice of God can speak. (Jan. 29, 1863.) All things are of God. In the 1873 Appendix to Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory. 67. Now, O joy, my sins are pardoned. Pardon and Peace. (Nov. 9, 1860). Printed in the London Messenger, March, 1861, then in the Gospel Echoes, 1865; and then in several hymn-books. The original began, "Once I sang, but not in earnest." Usually st. ii., iii., of 8 l, are given as "Now, O joy, &c." 68. O art thou an heir of glory? (June 4, 1861.) Cautions. In Hymn Book for Youth, 1862. 69. O what a glorious truth is this. (Aug. 3, 1860.) Jesus Died. In the London Messenger, Sept., 1860. 70. Once it was mine, the cup of wrath. (Aug. 8, 1860.) Wrath and Pardon. In the London Messenger, Oct., 1861. 71. Onward, upward, heavenward. (Feb. 7, 1860.) Pressing Onward. In the London Messenger, March, 186l. 72. Perennial spring of pure delight. (March 17, 1864.) Jesus All in All. In the London Messenger, Jan., 1865. 73. Sheltered by the [Thy] sprinkled blood. (Sept. 23, 1863.) Safety in Jesus. In the London Messenger, Feb. 1864. 74. Showers of blessing, gracious promise. (April 19, 1862.) Missions. In the London Messenger, Aug., 1862, and Leaves from Olivet, 1864. 75. The Church of God, amazing, precious thought. (July 6, 1857.) The Church. In The Present Testimony, 1858, and Leaves from Olivet, 1864. 76. The whispers of Thy love divine. (May 3, 1868.) Love of God. In the Island Greeting, Oct., 1872. 77. Though billows round me roll. (April 2, 1853.) Trust. In Food for Christ's Flock, 1853. 78. 'Tis finished, cried the dying Lamb. (Feb. 21, 1850.) Good Friday. In the Baptist Children's Magazine, 1850). 79. Tis heaven where Jesus is. (Oct. 23, 1862.) Joy and Peace in Jesus. In the Enlarged London Hymn Book, 1873. 80. Together all things work for good. (Aug. 14, 1860.) All work for Good. In the Enlarged London Hymn Book, 1813. 81. Waiting for Jesus, and loving while waiting. (Jan. 9, 1872.) Second Advent desired. In the 1873 Appendix to Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory. 82. Without a cloud between. (Mar. 18,1862.) Jesus, Face to Face. In the London Messenger, June, 1862. 83. Yet awhile; how sweet the thought. (Dec, 1864.) Second Advent desired. In theLondon Messenger, 1865. The collections in which these hymns are mainly found are Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866; Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872-3; Hurditch's Enlarged London Hymn Book, 1873, and smaller books for Evangelical mission work. Of Mr. Midlane's hymns as a whole, Miher's estimate that "His hymns are full of spiritual thought, careful in their wording, and often very pleasing without reaching the highest form of poetical excellence " (Singers and Songs, p. 572), is just. A marked feature of these hymns is the constant and happy use of Scripture phraseology. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================== Midlane, A., p. 733, ii. Mr. Midlane published in 1901 The Bright Blue Sky Hymn Book, of 315 of his hymns, and the same year The Gospel Hall Hymn Book, for use in the Gospel Hall, Newport, I.W., with 218 additional, making 533 original compositions. A broad-sheet of seven special hymns for Jewish children, in connection with the Mildmay Mission to the Jews, was also issued in December, 1904. Other publications previously noticed give, with these, over 800 hymns to Mr. Midlane as his contribution to the hymnody of the Church. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Josiah Conder

1789 - 1855 Author of "Shepherd of Thine Israel, lead us" in Songs for the Lord's House Josiah Conder was born in London, in 1789. He became a publisher, and in 1814 became proprietor of "The Eclectic Review." Subsequently to 1824, he composed a series of descriptive works, called the "Modern Traveller," which appeared in thirty volumes. He also published several volumes of poems and hymns. He was the author of the first "Congregational Hymn Book" (1836). He died in 1855. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ========================== Conder, Josiah, fourth son of Thomas Conder, engraver and bookseller, and grandson of the Rev. John Conder, D.D., first Theological Tutor of Homerton College, was born in Falcon Street (City); London, Sept. 17, 1789, and died Dec. 27, 1855. As author, editor and publisher he was widely known. For some years he was the proprietor and editor of the Eclectic Review, and also editor of the Patriot newspaper. His prose works were numerous, and include:— The Modern Traveller, 1830; Italy, 1831; Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Geography, 1834; Life of Bunyan, 1835; Protestant Nonconformity, 1818-19; The Law of the Sabbath, 1830; Epistle to the Hebrews (a translation), 1834; Literary History of the New Testament, 1845, Harmony of History with Prophecy, 1849, and others. His poetical works are:— (1) The Withered Oak,1805; this appeared in the Athenceum. (2) The Reverie, 1811. (3) Star in the East, 1824. (4) Sacred Poems, Domestic Poems, and Miscellaneous Poems, 1824. (5) The Choir and the Oratory; or, Praise and Prayer, 1837. Preface dated Nov. 8, 1836. (6) Hymns of Praise, Prayer, and Devout Meditation, 1856. This last work was in the press at the time of his death, and was revised and published by his son, the Rev. E. R. Conder, M.A. He also contributed many pieces to the magazines and to the Associated Minstrels, 1810, under the signature of " C." In 1838, selections from The Choir and Oratory were published with music by Edgar Sanderson, as Harmonia Sacra. A second volume was added in 1839. To Dr. Collyer’s (q.v.) Hymns, &c, he contributed 3 pieces signed "C"; and to Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843, 8 hymns. As a hymn-book editor he was also well known. In 1836 he edited The Congregational Hymn Book: a Supplement to Dr. Watts’s Psalms and Hymns (2nd ed. 1844). To this collection he contributed fifty-six of his own hymns, some of which had previously appeared in The Star in the East, &c. He also published in 1851 a revised edition of Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, and in the game year a special paper on Dr. Watte as The Poet of the Sanctuary, which was read before the Congregational Union at Southampton. The value of his work as Editor of the Congregational Hymn Book is seen in the fact that eight out of every ten of the hymns in that collection are still in use either in Great Britain or America. As a hymn writer Conder ranks with some of the best of the first half of the present century. His finest hymns are marked by much elevation of thought expressed in language combining both force and beauty. They generally excel in unity, and in some the gradual unfolding of the leading idea is masterly. The outcome of a deeply spiritual mind, they deal chiefly with the enduring elements of religion. Their variety in metre, in style, and in treatment saves them from the monotonous mannerism which mars the work of many hymn writers. Their theology, though decidedly Evangelical, is yet of a broad and liberal kind. Doubtless Conder's intercourse with many phases of theological thought as Editor of the Eclectic Review did much to produce this catholicity, which was strikingly shewn by his embodying many of the collects of the Book of Common Prayer, rendered into verse, in his Choir and Oratory. Of his versions of the Psalms the most popular are "How honoured, how dear" (84th), and "O be joyful in the Lord" (100th). His hymns in most extensive use are," Bread of heaven, on Thee I feed; " “Beyond, beyond that boundless sea;" "The Lord is King, lift up thy voice" (this last is one of his best); "Day by day the manna fell;" "How shall I follow him I serve;" "Heavenly Father, to whose eye" (all good specimens of his subdued and pathetic style); and "O shew me not my Saviour dying." This last is full of lyric feeling, and expresses the too often forgotten fact that the Church has a living though once crucified Lord. The popularity of Conder's hymns may be gathered from the fact that at the present time more of them are in common use in Great Britain and America than those of any other writer of the Congregational body, Watts and Doddridge alone excepted. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] In addition to the hymns named above and others which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following, including two already named (4,16), are also in common use:— i. From Dr. Collyer's Hymns, &c, 1812. 1. When in the hours of lonely woe. Lent. ii. From The Star in the East, &c, 1824. 2. Be merciful, O God of grace. Ps. lxvii. 3. For ever will I bless the Lord. Ps. xxxiv. 4. How honoured, how dear. Ps. lxxxiv. 5. Now with angels round the throne. Doxology. 6. O Thou God, Who hearest prayer. Lent. Dated Sept. 1820. Usually abbreviated. iii. From The Congregational Hymn Book, 1836. 7. Blessed be God, He is not strict. Longsuffering of God. 8. Followers of Christ of every name. Communion of Saints. 9. Grant me, heavenly Lord, to feel. Zeal in Missions desired. 10. Grant, 0 Saviour, to our prayers. Collect 5th S. after Trinity. 11. Head of the Church, our risen Lord. Church Meetings. 12. Holy, holy, holy Lord, in the highest heaven, &c. Praise to the Father. 13. Jehovah's praise sublime. Praise. 14. Leave us not comfortless. Holy Communion. 15. Lord, for Thv Name's sake! such the plea. In National Danger. 16. O be joyful in the Lord. Ps. c. 17. 0 breathe upon this languid frame. Baptism of Holy Spirit desired. 18. 0 give thanks to Him Who made. Thanksgiving for Daily Mercies. 19. 0 God, Protector of the lowly. New Year. 20. 0 God, to whom the happy dead. Burial. 21. 0 God, Who didst an equal mate. Holy Matrimony. 22. 0 God, Who didst Thy will unfold. Holy Scriptures. 23. 0 God, Who dost Thy sovereign might. Prayer Meetings. 24. 0 how shall feeble flesh and blood. Salvation through Christ. 25. 0 how should those be clean who bear. Purity desired for God's Ministers. 26. 0 say not, think not in thy heart. Pressing Onward. 27. 0 Thou divine High Priest. Holy Communion. 28. 0 Thou Who givest all their food. Harvest. 29. 0 Thou Whose covenant is sure. Holy Baptism. 30. Praise on Thee, in Zion-gates. Sunday. 31. Praise the God of all creation. Doxology 32. See the ransomed millions stand. Praise to Christ. 33. The heavens declare His glory. Ps. xix. 34. Thou art the Everlasting Word. Praise to Christ. 35. Thy hands have made and fashioned me. Thanks for Daily Mercies. 36. To all Thy faithful people, Lord. For Pardon. 37. To His own world He came. Ascension. 38. To our God loud praises give. Ps. cxxxvi. 39. Upon a world of guilt and night. Purification of B.V.M. 40. Welcome, welcome, sinner, hear. Invitation to Christ. 41. Wheresoever two or three. Continued Presence of Christ desired. iv. From The Choir and the Oratory, 1837. 42. Baptised into our Saviour's death. Holy Baptism. 43. In the day of my [thy] distress. Ps. xx. 44. 0 comfort to the dreary. Christ the Comforter. v. From Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843. 45. I am Thy workmanship, 0 Lord. God the Maker and Guardian. 46. 0 Lord, hadst Thou been here! But when. The Resurrection of Lazarus. 47. 'Tis not that I did choose Thee. Chosen of God. This is altered in the Church Praise Book, N. Y., 1882, to “Lord, 'tis not that I did choose Thee," thereby changing the metre from 7.6 to 8.5. vi. From Hymns of Praise, Prayer, &c, 1856. 48. Comrades of the heavenly calling. The Christian race. When to these 48 hymns those annotated under their respective first lines are added, Conder’s hymns in common use number about 60 in all. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== Conder, Josiah, p. 256, i. Other hymns are:— 1. O love beyond the reach of thought. The love of God. 2. O Thou, our Head, enthroned on high. Missions. 3. Son of David, throned in light. Divine Enlightenment desired. 4. Thou Lamb of God for sinners slain. Christ the Head of the Church. From "Substantial Truth, 0 Christ, Thou art." These hymns are all from his Hymns of Praise, &c, 1856. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John Fawcett

1740 - 1817 Author of "Bless our Going out" in The Pilgrim Hymnal An orphan at the age of twelve, John Fawcett (b. Lidget Green, Yorkshire, England, 1740; d. Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, 1817) became apprenticed to a tailor and was largely self-educated. He was converted by the preaching of George Whitefield at the age of sixteen and began preaching soon thereafter. In 1765 Fawcett was called to a small, poor, Baptist country church in Wainsgate, Yorkshire. Seven years later he received a call from the large and influential Carter's Lane Church in London, England. Fawcett accepted the call and preached his farewell sermon. The day of departure came, and his family's belongings were loaded on carts, but the distraught congregation begged him to stay. In Singers and Songs of the Church (1869), Josiah Miller tells the story associated with this text: This favorite hymn is said to have been written in 1772, to commemorate the determination of its author to remain with his attached people at Wainsgate. The farewell sermon was preached, the wagons were loaded, when love and tears prevailed, and Dr. Fawcett sacrificed the attraction of a London pulpit to the affection of his poor but devoted flock. Fawcett continued to serve in Wainsgate and in the nearby village of Hebden Bridge for the remainder of his active ministry. Bert Polman =============== Fawcett, John, D.D., was born Jan. 6, 1739 or 1740, at Lidget Green, near Bradford, Yorks. Converted at the age of sixteen under the ministry of G. Whitefield, he at first joined the Methodists, but three years later united with the Baptist Church at Bradford. Having begun to preach he was, in 1765, ordained Baptist minister at Wainsgate, near Hebden Bridge, Yorks. In 1772 he was invited to London, to succeed the celebrated Dr. J. Gill, as pastor of Carter's Lane; the invitation had been formally accepted, the farewell sermon at Wainsgate had been preached and the wagons loaded with his goods for removal, when the love and tears of his attached people prevailed and he decided to remain. In 1777 a new chapel was built for him at Hebden Bridge, and about the same time he opened a school at Brearley Hall, his place of residence. In 1793 he was invited to become President of the Baptist Academy at Bristol, but declined. In 1811 he received from America the degree of D.D., and died in 1817, at the age of 78. Dr. Fawcett was the author of a number of prose works on Practical Religion, several of which attained a large circulation. His poetical publications are:— (1) Poetic Essays, 1767; (2) The Christian's Humble Plea, a Poem, in answer to Dr. Priestley against the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1772; (3) Three hymns, in the Gospel Magazine, 1777; (4) The Death of Eumenio, a Divine Poem, 1779; (5) Another poem, suggested by the decease of a friend, The Reign of Death, 1780; and (6) Hymns adapted to the circumstances of Public Worship and Private Devotion, Leeds, G. Wright & Son. 1782. They are 166 in number, and were mostly composed to be sung after sermons by the author. Whilst not attaining a high degree of excellence as poetry, they are "eminently spiritual and practical," and a number of them are found in all the Baptist and Congregational hymn-books that have appeared during the last 100 years. The best known of these are, “Infinite excellence is Thine;" "How precious is the Book divine;" "Thus far my God hath led me on;" "Religion is the chief concern;" "Blest be the tie that binds;" “I my Ebenezer raise;" and "Praise to Thee, Thou great Creator." These hymns, together with others by Fawcett, are annotated under their respective first lines. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] In addition the following hymns, also by Fawcett, but of less importance, are in common use: 1. Behold the sin-atoning Lamb. Passiontide. No. 60 of his Hymns, 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In several hymnals in Great Britain and America. 2. I my Ebenezer raise. Birthday. No. 102 of his Hymns, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. Usually given in an abbreviated form. 3. Infinite excellence is Thine. Jesus the Desire of Nations. No. 42 of his Hymns, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. In several hymn-books in Great Britain and America in an abridged form. 4. Jesus, the heavenly Lover, gave. Redemption in Christ. No. 10 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed, "The marriage between Christ and the Soul." In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, it reads, “Jesus, the heavenly Bridegroom, gave," and stanza v. is omitted. 5. Lord, hast Thou made me know Thy ways? Perseverance. No. 122 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 8 stanza of 4 lines. In the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, No. 451, stanzas iv.-vii. are omitted. 6. 0 God, my Helper, ever near. New Year. No. 108 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. The New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859-69 omits st. vi. 7. 0, my soul, what means this sadness? Sorrow turned to Joy. No. 111 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines, and based upon the words, "Why art Thou cast down, O my soul?" &c. It is in common use in America, and usually with the omission of stanza ii. as in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872. 8. Sinners, the voice of God regard. Invitation to Repentance. No. 63 of his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines on Isaiah lv. 7, "Let the wicked forsake his way," &c. It is in common use in America, but usually in an abbreviated form. 9. Thy presence, gracious God, afford. Before Sermon. No 165 in his Hymns, &c., in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, and a chorus of two lines. In Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymnbook, 1872, No. 126, the chorus is omitted. Fawcett has another hymn on the same subject (No. 79) and beginning, "Thy blessing, gracious God, afford," but this is not in common use. 10. Thy way, 0 God, is in the sea. Imperfect Knowledge of God. No. 66 in his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines on 1 Corinthians xiii. 9, "We know in part," &c. It is in several American collections, usually abbreviated, and sometimes as, "Thy way, O Lord, is in the sea." In this form it is in The Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858, &c. 11. With humble heart and tongue. Prayer for Guidance in Youth. No. 86 in his Hymns, &c., 1782, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines on Psalms cxix. 9. "Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way." It is No. 954 in the Baptist Psalms and Hymns, 1858-80. About 20 of Fawcett's hymns are thus still in common use. Two hymns which have been ascribed to him from time to time, but concerning which there are some doubts, are fully annotated under their respective first lines. These are," Humble souls that seek salvation," and "Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. J. Rambach

1693 - 1735 Person Name: John Jacob Rambach Author of "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" in Luther League Hymnal Rambach, Johann Jakob, D.D., son of Hans Jakob Rambach, cabinet maker at Halle on the Saale, was born at Halle, Feb. 24, 1693. In 1706 he left school and entered his father's workshop, but, in the autumn of 1707, he dislocated his ankle. During his illness he turned again to his schoolbooks; the desire for learning reawoke; and on his recovery, early in 1708, he entered the Latin school of the Orphanage at Halle (Glaucha). On Oct. 27, 1712, he matriculated at the University of Halle as a student of medicine, but soon turned his attention to theology. He became specially interested in the study of the Old Testament under J. H. Michaelis. In May 1715 he became one of Michaelis's assistants in preparing his edition of the Hebrew Bible, for which he wrote the commentary on Ruth, Esther, Nehemiah, &c. His health began to suffer in the spring of 1719, and he gladly accepted the invitation of Count von Heukel to stay at Polzig, near Ronneburg, where he spent several months. By August he had quite recovered, and went to pay a visit to Jena, where a number of the students asked him to lecture to them. For this purpose he settled at Jena in Oct., 1719, and lived in the house of Professor Buddeus (J. F. Budde). He graduated M.A. in March 1720. In 1723 he was appointed adjunct of the Theological Faculty at Halle, as also inspector of the Orphanage; in 1726 extraordinary professor of theology; and in 1727, after A. H. Francke's death, ordinary professor as well as preacher at the Schulkirche. Here he was very popular, both as preacher and professor, but the jealousy of his colleagues induced him to accept an offer from the Landgrave Ernst Ludwig of Hesse, who, in 1731, invited him to Giessen as superintendent and first professor of theology (before leaving Halle he graduated D.D., June 28, 1731), and in Aug., 1732, appointed him also director of the Paedagogium at Giessen. In 1734 he was, for various reasons, greatly inclined to accept the offer of the first professorship of theology in the newly-founded University of Göttingen, but eventually, at the earnest request of the Landgrave, remained in Giessen, where he died of fever, April 19, 1735 (Die Familie Rambach. By Dr. T. Hansen, Gotha, 1875: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xxvii. 196; Blätter fur Hymnologie, 1883, pp. 113, 129, 145, 163, 186; 1884, p. 20; 1885, p. 13, &c.) Rambach was a voluminous author in various departments of practical theology, e.g. his Institutiones hermeneuticae sacrae, Jena, 1724, which passed through four editions in his lifetime; hisErbauliches Handbüchlein fur Kinder, 1734 (see below), which reached an eighth edition in 1736, and a 14th in 1766; his various volumes of sermons, &c. He justly earned his popularity by the thoroughness of his researches, and the clear and concise way in which he set forth the results of his investigations. It is however as a hymnwriter that his name is likely to be best known. While not entitled to rank with the best hymn-writers of the 16th and 17th centuries, he yet takes a high place among his contemporaries, and deserves to be remembered as much as almost any of the 18th cent, hymnwriters. His style is good and dignified; his thought is profound yet clearly expressed. While his hymns are often sufficiently didactic, they are generally scriptural and churchly in tone, and are characterised by lyric force, lively imagination, and earnest, sober piety. Of hymns, in the strict sense, he wrote over 180, a large number of which passed into the German hymn-books of the 18th cent. (e.g. the Hannover Gesang-Buch, 1740, and Lüneburg Gesang-Buch, 1767, contains 52 by him), and a good many are still found in modern hymn-books. Of these Dr. J. L. Pasig gives 165 in his edition of Rambach's Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1844, and the rest are printed by Hansen as above, while the first lines of the whole are given in the Blätter as above. Four are recasts (practically originals), made for the 11th edition, 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, to replace similar hymns in the ed. of 1705. The rest principally appeared in the following works by Rambach, viz.: (1) Geistliche Poesien, Halle. 1720 [British Museum] The first part contains 72 cantatas on the Gospels for Sundays and festivals; the second part includes 20 hymns, mostly written at Polzig in 1719. (2) Poetische Fest-Gedancken. Jena and Leipzig, 1723 [Royal Library, Berlin]. Included are 15 pieces which may be called hymns. The second edition of 1727 [Brit. Mus.] has 28 new hymns; and the 3rd ed., 1729 [Gottingen Library], has 22 more. (3) Erbauliches Handbuchlein für Kinder, Giessen, 1734 [Hamburg Library]. The 3rd part contains 8 new hymns. (4) Geistreiches Haus-Gesang-Buch, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1735 [Hamburg Library], with a preface dated April 10, 1735. This contains 112 hymns by Rambach, of which 58 are practically new, 11 of these, however, being recasts of his own earlier hymns. (5) Wander der bis zum Tode des Kreutzes erniedrigten Liebe, Giessen, 1750 [Berlin Library]. This includes 27 new hymns. Rambach's hymns …which have passed into English are:— i. Auf! Seele, schicke dich. Holy Communion. Written, by request for the eleventh edition, 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, as No. 229, in 16 stanzas of 6 lines in order to replace the hymn "Auf, Seele, sey gerüst." This hymn, by George Heine, was included in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 433. In the second ed., 1771, of the complete book formed by the fusion of pt. i., 1704, and its supplement of 1705 with pt. ii., 1714, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, both hymns are given, Heine's as No. 524, and Rambach's as No. 522, both marked as being No. 229 in pt. i., 1704. Rambach's hymn is in his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 369; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 471, &c. In Pasig's edition of his Geistliche Lieder, 1844, p. 112, entitled "Before the reception of Holy Communion." It has been translated as:— My soul prepare to meet. Omitting st. i., 11. 4-6 ; ii., 11. 4-6; vii., xiv., as No. 570 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1849, No. 966). In the edition of 1886, No. 979 begins with st. iv., "How should I, slaughtered Lamb"; and No. 1012 with st. xi., "Lord, of Thy wondrous love." ii. Mein Jesu, der du vor dem Scheiden. Holy Communion. Appeared in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 11th ed., 1719, as No. 238, in 9 st. of 6 1. It was written to replace the hymn "Mein Jesn, hier sind deine Brüder" (Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 363), in the first edition of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch. It is in his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 365; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1601; and in Pasig, 1844, p. 110, entitled, "On the treasures of Grace in Holy Communion." The translations are:— 1. Lord Jesus, Who before Thy passion. Omitting st. ix., this is No. 1181 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 963). 2. 0 Lord, Who on that last sad eve. A good translation omitting st. ix., by Miss Cox, contributed to Lyra Eucharistica, 1863, p. 15, and repeated in her Hymns from the German, 1864, p. 75. Included, omitting st. iii., in G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867. iii. 0 Lehrer, dem kein Andrer gleich. Christ our Prophet. In his Haus Gesang-Buch1735, No. 107, in 8 st. of 6 1., entitled, "On the prophetical office of Jesus Christ." Repeated in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 118, and in Pasig, 1844, p. 51. Translated as:— Surely none like Thee can teach. By Miss Fry, in 102 lines, in her Hymns of the Reformation,1845, p. 126. A recast in 3 st. of 8 1., beginning, "Saviour, none like Thee can teach," was included in J. Whittemore's Supplement to all Hymn Books, 1860, No. 263, and repeated in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book, 1863, No. 62. iv. Wie herrlich ists ein Schäflein Christi werden. Joy in Believing. In his Poetiche Fest-Gedancken, 2nd ed. 1727, p. 131, in 6 st. of 6 l., entitled, "The Blessedness of the Sheep of Christ. John x. 28, ‘I give my sheep eternal life.'" In his Haus Gesang-Buch 1735, No. 325; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 645; and Pasig, 1844, p. 139. Translated as:— How great the bliss to be a sheep of Jesus. A translation of st. i., ii., v., by C. J. Latrobe, as No. 293, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 385). Hymns not in English common use:— v. Allwissender, vollkommner Geist. The Omniscient One. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 12, in 6 stanzas; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863; and in Pasig, p. 8. Translated as, "Thou Spirit, perfect and allwise." By Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 11. vi. Frommes Lamm, von was für Hunden. Passiontide. In his Poetische Fest-Gedancken, 2nd ed., 1727, p. 49, in 8 st. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 151, it begins, "Frommes Lamm, durch dessen Wunden." Also in Pasig, p. 67. Translated as, "Great Thy sorrows, injur'd Jesus." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 297). vii. Gesetz und Evangelium, Law and Gospel. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 356, in 10 st.; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863; and Pasig, p. 105. Translated as, "The holy law and gospel, both." By Dr. II. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 27.) viii. Herr, du hast nach dem Fall. Before Work. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 565, in 4 st.; and Pasig, p. 150. In the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 206, it is altered (probably by J. S. Diterich), and begins "Du hast uns, Heir die Pflicht." This is translated as, “Lord, Thou hast bid us labour, bid us toil." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 230. ix. Hier bin ich Herr, du rufest mir. Christian Work. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 269, in 6 st.; the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 306; and Pasig, p. 119. The translations are (1) "Here am I, Lord, Thou callest me, Thou drawest me." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 209. (2) "Here am I, Lord, Thou callest me, Thou drawest and." By Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 4th series, 1862. x. Höchste Vollkommenheit, reineste Sonne. God's Majesty . Written for the 11th ed., 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, No. 170 (in 20 st.), to replace an anonymous hymn in the first edition, 1704, which began "Höchste Vollkommenheit, alles in Einem." In his Haus Gesang-Buch 1735, No. 8, Rambach reduced it to 12 st., and rewrote it to an easier metre, so as to begin "Höchstes Wesen, reinste Sonne." Both forms are in Pasig, pp. 3-6. Translated as "If Heav'ns and Earths there were innumerable," a tr. of st. iii., viii., xi., xv., xvii., xix., xx., as No. 672, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. xi. O grosser Geist, dess Wesen Alles füllet. The Omnipresent One. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1720, p. 330, in 9 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 13; the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 44 ; and Pasig, p. 7. Translated as, “Eternal God, Thy dwelling-place." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 73. xii. 0 grosser Geist! O Ursprung aller Dinge. God's Holiness. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1729, p. 327, in 9 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 19; and Pasig, p. 15. Translated as, "O mighty Spirit! Source whence all things sprung." By Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 153. xiii. Verklärte Majestät, anbetungs-würdigst Wesen. God's Majesty. Founded on 1 Tim. vi. 15, 16. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1720, p. 303, in 11 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 7; and Pasig, p. 2. The form translation is "Anbetungswürdger Gott," a recast (probablv by J. S. Diterich), which is No. l in the Berlin Gesang-Buch 1765, and No. 5 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as, "Dread Majesty above." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 8). xiv. Wirf, blöder Sinn, den Kummer hin. Christmas. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 129, in 6 st. (founded on Rom. viii. 31, 32). In Pasig, p. 6, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851, No. 60. Translated as, "Throw, soul, I say, thy fears away." By Miss Manington, 1864, p. 28. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907

James John Cummins

1795 - 1867 Person Name: James J. Cummins Author of "Jesu, Lord of Life and Glory" in The Cyber Hymnal Cummins, James John, son of a merchant in Cork, Ireland, was born in Cork, May 5, 1795. In 1834 he removed to London, and was for many years a Director of the Union Bank of Australia. He died at Wildecroft, Buckland, Surrey, Nov. 23, 1867. He devoted much time to the study of Hebrew and Theology. He prepared for the use of his children in their preparation for Confirmation, Seals of the Covenant Opened in the Sacraments. This work, including several hymns and poems, was published in 1839. The hymns and other poetical pieces were also published in 1839 as Poetical Meditations and Hymns by the Author of The Seals of the Covenant Opened. In 1849 this work was republished with additions as Hymns, Meditations, and other Poems. The title on the cover of this work is Lyra Evangelica, and by this title it is usually known. The hymns, "Jesus, Lord of life and glory," 1839, (A Litany); "Shall hymns of grateful love," 1839, (The New Song), and others are from this work. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Cummins, James John, p. 273, i. This author’s hymn, "Jesus, Lord of life and glory," is given in a few hymnals as, "Jesus, Lord, we kneel before Thee." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Thomas H. Gill

1819 - 1906 Author of "Jesus, holiest, tenderest, dearest" in Hymns of the Kingdom of God Gill, Thomas Hornblower, was born at Bristol Road, Birmingham, Feb. 10th, 1819. His parents belonged to English Presbyterian families which, like many others, had become Unitarian in their doctrine. He was educated at King Edward's Grammar School under Dr. Jeune, afterwards Bishop of Peterborough. He left the school in 1838, and would have proceeded to the University of Oxford, but was prevented by his hereditary Unitarianism (long since given up), which forbade subscription to the Articles of the Church of England then necessary for entrance to the University. This constrained him to lead the life of an isolated student, in which he gave himself chiefly to historical and theological subjects. Hence his life has been singularly devoid of outward incident; and its interest gathers about his hymns, and the seasons of overmastering thought and feeling which gave them birth. The only events that can be chronicled are the publications of his books (see below). It is in the singular combination of influences which has formed his character and determined his thinking that the real interest of his life consists. Here is to be found the true key to the understanding of his hymns. To his Puritan ancestry may be traced their deep religiousness; to his Unitarian training their ethical earnestness; and to his poetical temperament their freeness from conventionality. Delight in the divine songs of Watts was his earliest intellectual enjoyment; and in after years the contrast between their native force and fulness and their dwindled presentation in Unitarian hymnbooks began that estrangement from his hereditary faith which gradually became complete. These various influences mingled in his own hymns and have conspired to render him what Dr. Freeman Clarke calls him, "a more intellectual Charles Wesley." He belongs to the small company of really original hymnists. His hymns are marked by a remarkable absence of, and even opposition to, all antiquarian and sacerdotal ideas of Christianity, a keen discernment of the spirit rather than the mere letter of the Gospel; and profound thought on Scripture themes, so that some of his hymns are too subtle for use in the ordinary worship of the Church. Their style is characterized by a certain quaintness of expression reminding one of George Wither or John Mason, but modified by the influence of Watts's warmth of feeling. They have great sweetness of melody, purity of diction, and happy adaptation of metre and of style to the subject of each hymn. They are almost exclusively used by Nonconformists. Dale's English Hymnbook contains 39; the Baptist Hymnal, 19; Horder's Congregational Hymns, 11; Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 11; and the Congregational Church Hymnal, 14. The following are Mr. Gill's published works:— (1) The Fortunes of Faith, 1841; (2) The Anniversaries (Poems in commemoration of great Men and great Events), 1858; (3) The Papal Drama (an historical essay), 1866; (4) The Golden Chain of Praise Hymns by Thomas H. Gill, 1869; (5) Luther's Birthday (Hymns), 1883; (6) The Triumph of Christ (Memorials of Franklin Howard), 1883. Mr. Gill's hymns number nearly 200. Of these, over 80 are in common use in Great Britain and America. The most widely used of these:— "Everlasting, changing never"; "O mean may seem this house of clay"; "O wherefore, Lord, doth Thy dear praise"; “Our God, our God, Thou shinest here"; "The glory of the spring, how sweet"; and "Thou biddest, Lord, Thy sons be bold"; are annotated under their respective first lines, the rest are noted below. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] The 75 hymns which follow are all annotated from the author's manuscript notes, kindly supplied for use in this work:— 1. Ah tremblers, fainting and forlorn. Eternal Youth. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 149, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In 1873 Martineau gave stanzas iv.-ix. in his Hymns, &c, No. 256, as, "Young souls, so strong the race to run." These were repeated in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, as No. 862. 2. Alas the outer emptiness. Consecration of the Heart. Contributed to G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 121, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It was introduced to the American Unitarian collections through Hedge & Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, 1853, No. 619. 3. Alas these pilgrims faint and worn. Whitsuntide. Written in 1853, and first published in his Anniversaries, 1858, p. 73, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, then in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1862, the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 107, &c. 4. Alone with Thee, with Thee alone. Worship in Solitude. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain , &c, 1869, p. 26, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 5. And didst thou, Lord, our sorrows take? Passiontide. Written in 1849, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 45, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several English collections. 6. Behold the everlasting Son. Ascension. Written in 1862, and first printed in the Hagley Magazine, and then in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1862, and the Golden Chain, 1869, p. 47, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 7. Break, newborn year, on glad eyes break. New Year. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 144, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is one of the most popular of the author's hymns, and is found in many collections. 8. Bright Presence! may my soul have part. Witness of the Spirit. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 100, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines. It is repeated in The Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. 9. Bright Thy presence when it breaketh. Public Worship. Written in 1856, and first publised in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 27, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. In the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and in Dale's English Hymnbook it is in an abridged form. 10. Day divine! when sudden streaming. Whit-Sunday. Written on Whit-Sunday, 1850, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1859, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 97, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. In some American collections, as the Dutch Reformed Hymns of the Church, 1869, it is given as "Day divine, when in the temple." 11. Dear Lord and Master mine. Resignation. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 162, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in somewhat extensive use both in Great Britain and America. 12. Dear Lord, Thou art not sorry. Passiontide. Written in 1866, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 58, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. 13. Dear Lord, Thy light Thou dost not hide . Christian Labours . No. 125 in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 178, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines on the text, "Let your light so shine before men," &c, and was written in 1855. 14. Do we only give Thee heed . Jesus the Gladdener of Life. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, No. 145, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. In use in Great Britain and America. 15. Embrace your full Salvation. Heaven. Written in 1870, and first printed in The Congregationalist, 1873, in 9 stanzas of 8 lines. On including it in his English Hymnbook, 1874, Dr. Dale transposed some of the stanzas. 16. Farewell, delightful day. Sunday Evening . Written in 1867, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 19, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Church Praise Book, N. Y., 1882, st. i., viii., ix., are given with the alteration of the opening line as, "Holy, delightful day." Dr. Hatfield, in his Church Hymnbook, N. Y., 1872, has the same opening, but he omits stanzas iv.-vi. of the original. 17. Father, glorious with all splendour. Holy Trinity. This hymn of great merit was written in 1860, and published in the Golden Chain, &c, in 1869, No. 4, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In some American collections, including Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874, No. 17, stanzas iv., vi., vii., are given as "Father, Thine elect who lovest." 18. Father, hast Thou not on me. Eternal Love . A Trinitarian hymn on eternal love, composed in 1867, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 139, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In 1869, stanzas v.-vii. were given in the Supplement to the New Congregational Hymn Book, as "Mighty Quickener, Spirit blest." 19. Full many a smile, full many a song. Joy in God the Father. Written in 1854, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 8, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, No. 21, st. ii., which applied personally to the author alone, was omitted. 20. How can I, Lord, abide with Thee? Prayer. “Produced in 1856. Struck with the didactic character of Cowper's and Montgomery's hymns, ‘What various hindrances we meet,’ and ‘Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,’ I greatly wished to set forth the soul's view of prayer, simply, naturally, poetically, and achieved this hymn with much aspiration and satisfaction." Printed in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 119, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "Pray without ceasing." 21. How, Lord, shall vows of ours be sweet? Public Worship. The author's earliest hymn. It was written in 1845, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 114, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 2. It is in several American hymnbooks. 22. Is earth too fair, is youth too bright? Consecration of Youth to God. Written in 1848, and first pub. in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 102, in 13 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "The Hymn of Youth." 23. Is not my spirit filled with Thine. God glorious in His works. "Written in the summer of 1846 among the hills and streams of Derbyshire," and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 15, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "God glorious in His works." 24. Let bolder hearts the strife require. Prayer against Temptation. No. 218 in Martineau's Hymns of Praise and Prayer, 1873. It was written in 1851, and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 25. Lift thy song among the nations. National Hymn. Written in 1853, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. When repeated in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 62, an additional stanza (iii.) was given, and it was entitled "England's Hymn." It is a spirited hymn and worthy of greater circulation than it now has. The 1869 text is given in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, No. 1239. 26. Lord, am I precious in Thy sight. Grieve not the Holy Spirit. Composed in 1850, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853. In 1869 it was included in the Golden Chain , &c, No. 70, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common in America. A cento is also in the Supplement to the New Congregational, 1869, No. 1095. It is composed of stanzas iii., v., vi. much altered, and not improved, and begins, "O Holy Spirit, dost thou mourn?" 27. Lord, comes this bidding strange to us ? Invitation to Rejoice. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 144, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. 28. Lord, dost Thou ne'er Thy servants bless? Free Grace. Written in 1855, on the words of Oliver Cromwell as used by him in a letter to his "beloved cousin Mrs. St. John," dated "Ely, 13th October, 1638. "Truly no poor creature hath more cause to put him self forth in the cause of his God than I. I have had plentiful wages beforehand; and I am sure I shall never earn the least mite." (Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, &c, Letter ii.) The hymn was first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 29. Lord, from Thee, what grace and glory. National Hymn. This cento in Vince's Collection, 1870, No. 450, is from the poem, on St. George's Day, written in 1853, and published in the author'sAnniversaries, 1858, p. 47. 30. Lord, from these trembling souls of ours. Praise. Composed in 1859, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 3, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 31. Lord God, by Whom all change is wrought. God Eternal. Written in 1869, the keynote being the words of St. Augustine, "Immutabilis mutans omnia," and first printed in the Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. In 1874 it was included in Dale's English Hymn Book; and, in 4 stanzas, in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879. 32. Lord God of old, who wentest. Public Worship. Composed in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 30, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. 33. Lord, if our dwelling place thou art Communion of Saints. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 150, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. The hymn, "Death has no bidding to divide," in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, begins with stanzas ii., and omits stanzas i., iv. of this hymn. 34. Lord, in this awful fight with sin. Victory through Christ. Written in 1857, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c., 1869, No. 128, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. 35. Lord, in Thy people Thou dost dwell. Unity of Christ and His people. Written in 1864, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. 36. Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place. National Hymn. "Begun among the Waldenses, 1864," and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 59, in 8 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled, "The hymn of the Waldenses," and supplemented with the note, "This hymn as a whole belongs to the Waldenses only, among whom it was begun, but all the people of God have an interest in the first two and the last verses." Acting upon this suggestion of the author, these stanzas were given in the Supplement to the New Congregational, 1869, as No. 1025. 37. Lord, Thou wouldst have us like to Thee. Holiness desired. Written in 1846, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 120, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several American collections. 38. Lord, Thy gracious voice hath spoken. Christ our Caesar. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. 39. Lord, when I all things would possess. Humility. Written in 1850, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 111, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 304, stanzas ii., iv., vii. are omitted. This hymn is also in common use in America. 40. Lord, when we come at Thy dear call. The Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier. No. 72 in his Golden Chain, 1869, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, was written in 1856, and is given in the Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. 41. May we not, Father, meetly mourn? Burial. No. 151 in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 9 st. of 4 lines, was written in 1855. 42. Methought my soul had learned to love. Resignation. "Composed in 1852 and first printed in Golden Chain, 1869. It came from the very depths of my own heart, was inspired by a suppressed trouble which turned out one of the greatest blessings of my life." In the Golden Chain, &c, No. 114, it is given in 7 st. of 4 lines, and is headed, "Not my will but Thine be done." 43. My God, I do not flee from Thee. Joy. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c., 1869, No. 10, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. The New Congregational, 1369, No. 1119, begins with stanza ii., "Father, Redeemer, Quickener mine," and also omits stanza iv. 44. My God, my Majesty divine. Child of God. Written in 1845, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 116, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and again, after revision, in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 135. The original text is in common use in America. 45. Not, Lord, Thine ancient works alone. Public Worship. Written in 1874, and first printed in The Congregational, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, and entitled, "The Living God." In Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, st. iii. is omitted. 46. Not yet I love my Lord. Lent. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 86, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several collections, including Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 199. 47. Not yet, ye people of His grace. Here and Hereafter. A hymn on the "The Vision Beatific," No. 165, in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. It was written in 1866, and is in American common use. 48. 0 height that doth all height excel. Written in 1853, and "was born of the words of Augustine in the outset of the Confessions, ‘Secretissime et Praesentissime,' and was the first of several hymns inspired by his wonderful antitheses about God." It was first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 13, in 9 stanzasof 4 lines. It is in English and American common use. 49. 0 Holy Ghost, Who down dost come. Whitsuntide. "Written at Malvern on Whitsunday, 1863; a day of singular spiritual enjoyment, and outward loveliness." It was first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 74, in 1 stanza of 4 lines, and headed, "A Breathing after the Holy Spirit," and is in several collections. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 251, it begins with st. ii., "Spirit of Truth, Who makest bright," st. i. and vi. being omitted. 50. 0 not alone in saddest plight. Divine Guidance desired. Composed in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 120, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 51. 0 not to fill the mouth of fame. A Servant of Christ. "Composed in 1849, and printed first in a small collection of poems entitled, I think, “The Violet." In 1853 it was given in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns; and in 1869, in the Golden Chain, &c, No. 121, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. Its use is mainly confined to America. 52. 0 not upon our waiting eyes. Divine Love. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 29, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. 53. 0 saints of old, not yours alone. Seeking God. Written in 1848, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again, after revision, in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 126, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. The American hymnbooks have usually the original text, but in Dale's English Hymn Book , 1875, and Holder's Congregational Hymn Book1884, the text is abridged from the Golden Chain. 54. 0 smitten soul that cares and conflicts wring. Heaven desired. Written in 1854, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869. No. 75, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 55. 0 Spirit, sweet and pure. Constant Presence of the Holy Spirit desired. Written in 1868, and given in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, as No. 127, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. 56. 0 time, ne'er resteth thy swift wing. Worth of Time. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 98, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 57. 0 wherefore hath my spirit leave? Spiritual Changes. "Composed with great ardour and stir of soul in 1847, and first printed in the Golden Chain, 1869," No. 85, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 58. O'er fulness of grace, blest Britain rejoice. National Hymn. Composed in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 61, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled, "The Thanksgiving Song of Protestant Britain”; to which was added the words of Milton: "Let us all go, every true Protestant Briton, throughout the three kingdoms, and render thanks to God the Father of Light, and to His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 59. Saviour, needs the world no longer! Christ All in All. "Written in 1847... it was inspired partly by my contemplation of Shelley's hapless, Christless life." It was first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 35, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, and headed, "Lord, to whom shall we go." Its use is limited, and far less than its merits deserve. 60. Saviour, Who from death didst take. The Resurrection of Christ, a cause of Confidence. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 96, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines. 61. Sweet Spirit, would Thy breath divine. The Holy Ghost, the Purifier, desired. Written in 1856, and given as No. 71 in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 62. The happy fields, the heavenly host. Heaven. Written in 1848, first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 157, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 63. Thy happy ones a strain begin. Joy in God. Written in 1846, and published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 118, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 146, the text is slightly changed. The text in common use in Great Britain and America is from the original. 64. Too dearly, Lord, hast Thou redeemed. Lent. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 97, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 65. Unto thy rest return. Lent. Written in 1866, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 92, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. 66. We come unto our fathers'God. God our Abode. "The birthday of this hymn, November 22nd, 1868 (St. Cecilia's Day), was almost the most delightful day of my life. Its production employed the whole day and was a prolonged rapture.....It was produced while the Golden Chain was being printed, just in time to be a link therein, and was the latest, as ‘How, Lord, shall vows of ours be sweet?' was the earliest song included therein." In the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, it is No. 129, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines, and is entitled, "The People of God." 67. We triumph in the glorious grace. Citizens of Heaven. Written in 1855, and first published in his Anniversaries, 1858, and again in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 153, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. 68. What sweetness on Thine earth doth dwell. Nature revealing God. [Summer.] Written in 1850, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 69. When shall I, Lord, a journey take. Lent. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 80, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 70. Whence this naming joy that maketh! The Prodigal's Return. "Written in 1853 just before the hymn beginning 'Thrice blessed soul, who still hath made,' with the text 'Son, thou art ever with me' (Golden Chain, No. 134), which is its completement; and first printed in the Golden Chain," 1869, No. 81, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. 71. Would the Spirit more completely? The Gifts of the Spirit. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 67. in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. 72. Ye children of the Father. Spiritual Worship. Written in 1867, and first published in his Golden Chain. &c, 1869, No. 23, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. 73. Ye of the Father loved. Praise. Written in 1862, and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 5, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines. 74. Ye people of the Lord, draw near. Holy Communion. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 127, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 75. Ye souls, the Father's very own. Holy Diligence. Composed in 1867, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 142, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. These hymns are usually abridged in the hymnbooks, the length of most of them being against their use in their full form. Although they are gradually growing in popular esteem, the extent of their use is much more limited than their merits deserve. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Gill, T. H. , pp. 421-3. Additional hymns to those annotated are in common use:—(l) "O dreadful glory that doth make," a cento from No. 48, p. 423, ii.; (2) "O mystery of Love Divine " (The Love of Christ); (3) " Ye souls for whom the Saviour died" (Electing Love). These are all from his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ======================== Gill, T. H. , pp. 421, i.; 1565, ii. &c. During the past ten years Mr. Gill's hymns have been widely used, especially in America, the result being that the following have to be added to the long lists already annotated as above:— 1. Ah! wherefore fall my tears so fast? [The World Overcome.] Published in his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869, p. 167. The hymn, "O Thou for Whom the strife was strong," in the American Hymns for Church and Home, 1895, is composed of sts. iii.-vii. of this hymn. 2. Dear Lord, Thou bringest back the morn. [Morning.] From his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869, p. 145. 3. I would not give the world my heart. This, in the Amer.Baptist Sursum Corda, 1898, No. 379, is a cento from "With sin I would not make abode," p. 1288, ii. 4. Not only when ascends the song. This in the Amer. Hymns of the Ages, 1904, No. 80, is a cento from “0 Saints of old, not yours alone," p. 423, i. 53. 5. Walk with the Lord! along the road. Composed of sts. v., vii.-ix., of "Ah ! tremblers, fainting and for¬lorn," p. 421, ii. 1. Included in the American Unitarian Hymns for Church and Home, 1895. 6. We would not dare their bliss to mourn. This in the Amer.Unit. Hymns for Church and Home, 1895 is composed of sts. v.-viii. of "May we not, Father, meetly mourn?" p. 422, ii. 41. 7. Wherefore faint and fearful ever. [ God is for us.] Published in the 2nd edition of his Golden Chain of Praise, 1894, No. xiii., in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, and dated 1880. In Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1904, in 5 stanzas. The cento "He Who suns and worlds upholdeth," is composed of stanzas ii., iii., and vii. of the original hymn. Mr. Gill died in 1906. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

John R. MacDuff

1818 - 1895 Person Name: John R. Macduff Author of "From Thy Habitation Holy" in The Cyber Hymnal Macduff, John Ross, D.D., second son of Alexander Macduff, of Bonhard, near Perth, was born at Bonhard, May 23, 1818. After studying at the University of Edinburgh, he became in 1842 parish minister of Kettins, Forfarshire, in 1849 of St. Madoes, Perthshire, and in 1855 of Sandyford, Glasgow. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Glasgow in 1862, and about the same time also from the University of New York. He retired from pastoral work in 1871, lived at Chislehurst, Kent and died in 1887. He has published many practical and devotional works which have attained a wide circulation. In 1857 he was appointed by the General Assembly a member of their Hymnal Committee. His 31 hymns appeared in his Altar Stones, 1853, and were also included with his later poems in his The Gates of Praise, 1876. Of these hymns the following are in common use:— 1. Christ Is coming! Let creation. Second Advent. 2. Eternal Rock! To Thee I flee. (1853.) Christ the Rock. 3. Everlasting arms of love. (1853.) Support in Christ. 4. From Thy habitation holy. Whitsuntide. 5. Hasten, Lord, that morn of glory. Second Advent. 6. Jesus wept! Those tears are over. (1853.) The raising of Lazarus. 7. O do not, blessed Lord, depart. Christ's presence desired. 8. Where shall I look for holy calm. (1853.) Passiontide. 9. Why should I murmur or repine? Resignation. Of these hymns those dated 1853 are parts only of Dr. Macduff’s originals. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============== Macduff, J. R., p. 708, i. Another hymn from his Gates of Praise, 1876, is "Blessed feast! most gracious token" (Holy Communion). He died April 30, 1895. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ==============


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