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Showing 1 - 50 of 616Results Per Page: 102050
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By and By We'll See the King

Appears in 3,448 hymnals First Line: All hail the pow'r of Jesus's name! Used With Tune: [All hail the pow'r of Jesus's name!]
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By Grace I'm Saved

Author: John Newton Appears in 1,438 hymnals First Line: Amazing grace! how sweet the sound Used With Tune: [Amazing grace! how sweet the sound]
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"By Galilee"

Author: Mary A. Lathbury Appears in 733 hymnals First Line: Break thou the bread of life Lyrics: 1 Break thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, As thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea; Beyond the sacred page I seek thee, Lord; My spirit pants for thee, O living Word! 2 Bless thou the truth, dear Lord, To me to me As thou didst bless the bread By Galilee; Then shall all bondage cease, All fetters fall; And I shall find my peace, My All-in-All! Topics: Close of Service; Close of Worship; Evening; Hearing the Word; Close of Worship; Evening; Hearing the Word Used With Tune: BREAD OF LIFE

By His Spirit (A Worship Sequence)

Appears in 643 hymnals First Line: If Christ is in you
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By cool Siloam's shady rill

Author: Bishop R. Heber Meter: Appears in 607 hymnals Lyrics: 1 By cool Siloam's shady rill How fair the lily grows! How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon's dewy rose! 2 Lo! such the child, whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. 3 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away. 4 And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man's maturer age Will shake the soul with sorrow's power, And stormy passion's rage. 5 Dependent on Thy bounteous breath, We seek Thy grace alone In childhood, manhood, age, and death, To keep us still Thine own. Amen. Topics: For Children Used With Tune: [By cool Siloam's shady rill]

Bye-low-bye, baby bye

Appears in 550 hymnals First Line: Away in a [the] Manger

Byzantine Alleluia

Appears in 477 hymnals First Line: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Topics: Service Music Used With Tune: [Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]

By thy grand redemption

Author: Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-79) Appears in 451 hymnals First Line: Who is on the Lord's side Lyrics: 1 Who is on the Lord’s side? Who will serve the King? Who will be his helpers Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world’s side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord’s side? Who for him will go? Refrain: By thy grand redemption, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord’s side; Saviour, we are thine. 2 Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army, Raise the warrior psalm; But for love that claimeth Lives for whom he died; He whom Jesus nameth Must be on his side. 3 Jesus, thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with thine own Life-blood For thy diadem. With thy blessing filling Each who comes to thee, Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free. 4 Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe, But the King’s own army None can overthrow. Round his standard ranging, Victory is secure, For his truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure. Refrain: Master, thou will keep us, By thy grace divine, Always on the Lord’s side, Saviour, always thine. Topics: The salvation soldier Calling

By the river on the other side

Author: James Mongtomery Appears in 377 hymnals First Line: Who are these [those] in bright [fair] array
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By and By

Appears in 368 hymnals First Line: We speak of the realms of the blest Refrain First Line: In the sweet by and by Lyrics: 1 We speak of the realms of the blest, That region so bright and so fair, And oft are its glories confessed-- But what must it be to be there? Chorus: In the sweet by and by, We shall rest on that beautiful shore. 2 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care, From trials without and within,-- But what must it be to be there! [Chorus] 3 We speak of its service of love, The robes which the glorified wear, The church of the first-born above-- But what must it be to be there! [Chorus] 4 O Father! 'mid sorrow and woe, For heaven our spirits prepare, And shortly we also shall know, And feel what it is to be there. [Chorus]

By faith I cling to thee

Author: Charlotte Elliott Appears in 310 hymnals First Line: O holy Savior Friend unseen, since on thine arm
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By Faith

Appears in 300 hymnals First Line: 'Tis by the faith of joys to come
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By prayer let me wrestle

Appears in 256 hymnals First Line: Begone unbelief, My Saviour is near
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By Faith Alone

Author: A. M. Toplady Appears in 240 hymnals First Line: If, through unruffled seas Lyrics: 1 If, through unruffled seas, Calmly to'ard heav'n we sail, With grateful hearts, O God, to thee, We'll own the fav'ring gale. With grateful hearts, O God, to thee, We'll own the fav'ring gale. 2 But should the surges rise, And rest delay to come, Blest be the sorrow, kind the storm, Which drives us nearer home. Blest be the sorrow, kind the storm, Which drives us nearer home. 3 Soon shall our doubts and fears All yield to thy control; Thy tender mercies shall illume The midnight of the soul. Thy tender mercies shall illume The midnight of the soul. 4 Teach us in ev'ry state, To make thy will our own, And when the joys of sense depart, To live by faith alone. And when the joys of sense depart, To live by faith alone. Topics: Christ Trust in Trouble; Christ Trust in Trouble; Christ Trust in Trouble; Christ Trust in Trouble; Christ Trust in Trouble; Living His Life Trust in Trouble; Living His Life Trust in Trouble; Living His Life Trust in Trouble; Living His Life Faith Used With Tune: SELVIN
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By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored

Author: George Rawson Meter: Appears in 188 hymnals Lyrics: 1 By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored, We keep the memory adored, And show the death of our dear Lord Until He come. 2 His body broken in our stead Is here in this memorial bread, And so our feeble love is fed Until He come. 3 His fearful drops of agony, His life-blood shed for us we see: The wine shall tell the mystery Until He come. 4 And thus that dark betrayal night With the last Advent we unite-- The shame, the glory, by this rite Until He come. 5 Until the trump of God be heard, Until the ancient graves be stirred, And, with the great commanding word, The Lord shall come. 6 O blessèd hope! with this elate Let not our hearts be desolate, But, strong in faith, in patience wait Until He come. Amen. Used With Tune: [By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored]
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By the Grace of God I'll Meet You

Appears in 151 hymnals First Line: O fathers will you meet me Lyrics: 1 O fathers will you meet me, O fathers will you meet me, O fathers will you meet me, On Canaan’s happy shore? By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, On Canaan’s happy shore? 2 O mothers will you meet me, O mothers will you meet me, O mothers will you meet me, On Canaan’s happy shore? By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, On Canaan’s happy shore? 3 O brothers will you meet me, O brothers will you meet me, O brothers will you meet me, On Canaan’s happy shore? By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, On Canaan’s happy shore? 4 O sisters will you meet me, O sisters will you meet me, O sisters will you meet me, On Canaan’s happy shore? By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, By the grace of God I’ll meet you, On Canaan’s happy shore? 5 O mourners will you meet me, O mourners will you meet me, O mourners will you meet me, On Canaan’s happy shore? There we’ll shout and give Him glory, There we’ll shout and give Him glory, There we’ll shout and give Him glory, For glory is His own. Used With Tune: [O fathers will you meet me]
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By and By

Author: T. P. M.; C. Wesley Appears in 142 hymnals First Line: All praise to our redeeming Lord Refrain First Line: By and by, by and by Used With Tune: [All praise to our redeeming Lord]

By the cross her station keeping

Author: Jacopone da Todi Appears in 134 hymnals

By Faith I View My Savior Dying

Author: Richard Jukes Appears in 128 hymnals Lyrics: 1 By faith I view my Savior dying, On the tree; on the tree; To every nation He is crying, Look to Me! Look to Me! He bids the guilty now draw near, Repent, believe, dismiss their fear; Hark! hark! what precious words I hear! Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! 2 Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me? Pity me? And did He snatch my soul from ruin? Can it be? Can it be? O yes! He did salvation bring: He is my prophet, priest and king; And now my happy soul can sing, Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! 3 Jesus my weary soul refreshes; Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! And every moment Christ is precious Unto me! Unto me! None can describe the bliss I prove, While through this wilderness I rove; All may enjoy the Savior’s love, Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! 4 Jesus, the mighty God, hath spoken Peace to me, peace to me; Now all my chains of sin are broken— I am free, I am free; Soon as I in His name believed, The Holy Spirit I received, And Christ from death my soul retrieved; Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! 5 This precious truth, ye sinners, hear it— Mercy’s free, mercy’s free! Ye ministers of God, declare it— Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! Visit the heathen’s dark abode, Proclaim to all the love of God, And spread the glorious news abroad— Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! 6 Long as I live I’ll still be crying, Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! And this shall be my theme when dying, Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! And when the vale of death I’ve passed, When lodged above the stormy blast, I’ll sing, while endless ages last, Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free! Used With Tune: DULCIANA

By All Your Saints in Warfare

Author: Horatio Bolton Nelson, 1823-1913; Harlyn J. Kuschel, b. 1945; Gregory J. Wismar, b. 1946 Meter: Appears in 116 hymnals Lyrics: 1 By all Your saints in warfare, For all Your saints at rest, Your holy name, O Jesus, Forevermore be blest! For You have won the battle That they might wear the crown; And now they shine in glory Reflected from Your throne. 2 Insert the stanza appropriate to the day. 3 Then let us praise the Father And worship God the Son And sing to God the Spirit, Eternal Three in One, Till all the ransomed number Fall down before the throne, Ascribing pow'r and glory And praise to God alone. St. Mark, Evangelist: 15 For Mark, O Lord, we praise You, The weak by grace made strong, Whose labors and whose Gospel Enrich our triumph song. May we, in all our weakness, Reflect Your servant life And follow in Your footsteps, Enduring cross and strife. St. Philip and St. James, Apostles: 16 We praise You, Lord, for Philip, Blest guide to Greek and Jew, And for young James the faithful, Who heard and followed You. O grant us grace to know You, The way, the truth, the life, To wrestle with temptation, To triumph in the strife. St. Barnabas, Apostle: 17 For Barnabas we praise You, Who kept Your law of love And, leaving earthly treasures, Sought riches from above. O Christ, our Lord and Savior, Let gifts of grace descend, That Your true consolation May through the world extend. The Nativity of St. John the Baptist: 18 We praise You for the Baptist, Forerunner of the Word, Our true Elijah making A highway for the Lord. The last and greatest prophet, He saw the dawning ray Of light that grows in splendor Until the perfect day. St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles: 19 We praise You for Saint Peter; We praise You for Saint Paul; They taught both Jew and Gentile That Christ is all in all. To cross and sword they yielded And saw Your kingdom come; O God, these two apostles Reached life through martyrdom. St. Mary Magdalene: 20 All praise for Mary Magdalene, Whose wholeness was restored By You, her faithful master, Her Savior and her Lord. On Easter morning early A word from You sufficed; For she was first to see You, Her Lord, the risen Christ. St. James the Elder, Apostle: 21 O Lord, for James we praise You, Who fell to Herod's sword; He drank the cup of suff'ring And thus fulfilled Your word. Lord, curb our vain impatience For glory and for fame, Equip us for such suff'rings As glorify Your name. St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord: 22 We sing with joy of Mary, Whose heart with awe was stirred When, youthful and astonished, She heard the angel's word. Yet she her voice upraises To magnify God's name, As once for our salvation Your mother she became. St. Bartholomew, Apostle: 23 All praise for him whose candor Through all his doubt You saw When Philip at the fig tree Disclosed You in the law. Discern, beneath our surface, O Lord, what we can be, That by Your truth made guileless, Your glory we may see. The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist: 24 (protected by copyright) St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist: 25 Praise, Lord, for him whose Gospel Your human life declared, Who, worldly gain forsaking, Your path of suff'ring shared. From all unrighteous mammon, O raise our eyes anew That we in our vocation May rise and follow You. St. Luke, Evangelist: 26 For that belov'd physician All praise, whose Gospel shows The Healer of the nations, The one who shares our woes. Your wine and oil, O Savior, Upon our spirits pour, And with true balm of Gilead Anoint us evermore. St. James of Jerusalem: 27 (protected by copyright) St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles: 28 Praise, Lord, for Your apostles, Saint Simon and Saint Jude, One love, one hope impelled them To tread the way, renewed. May we with zeal as earnest The faith of Christ maintain, Be bound in love together, And life eternal gain. Topics: Feasts and Festivals; Church Triumphnt Scripture: Hebrews 13:7 Used With Tune: KING'S LYNN

By and By (Blackall)

Author: Christopher Ruby Blackall, 1830-1924 Appears in 107 hymnals First Line: The prize is set before us Refrain First Line: By and by we shall meet Him Lyrics: 1. The prize is set before us, To win, His words implore us, The eye of God is o’er us From on high (from on high); His loving tones are calling While sin is dark, appalling, ’Tis Jesus gently calling, He is nigh (He is nigh). Refrain By and by we shall meet Him, By and by we shall greet Him, And with Jesus reign in glory, By and by (by and by); By and by we shall meet Him, By and by we shall greet Him, And with Jesus reign in glory, By and by. 2. We’ll follow where He leadeth, We’ll pasture where He feedeth, We’ll yield to Him who pleadeth From on high (from on high); Then naught from Him shall sever, Our hope shall brighten ever, And faith shall fail us never, He is nigh (He is nigh). [Refrain] 3. Our home is bright above us, No trials dark to move us, But Jesus dear to love us There on high (there on high); We’ll give him best endeavor, And praise His name forever; His precious words can never, Never die (never die). [Refrain] Used With Tune: [The prize is set before us]

By and By

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 103 hymnals First Line: Our bondage it will end, By and by, by and by
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By and By

Author: Rev. John Atkinson, D.D. Appears in 99 hymnals First Line: We shall meet beyond the river Used With Tune: [We shall meet beyond the river]
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By the gracious saving call

Author: Rev. Thomas B. Pollock Meter: Appears in 98 hymnals Lyrics: Part II: 9 By the gracious saving call, spoken tenderly to all Who have shared in Adam's fall, We beseech Thee, hear us. 10 By the nature Jesus wore, By the stripes and death He bore, By His life for evermore, We beseech Thee, hear us. 11 By the love that longs to bless, Pitying our sore distress, Leading us to holiness, We beseech Thee, hear us. 12 By the love so calm and strong, Patient still to suffer wrong And our day of grace prolong, We beseech Thee, hear us. 13 By the love that speaks within, Calling us to flee from sin, And the joy of goodness win, We beseech Thee, hear us. 14 By the love that bids Thee spare, By the heaven Thou dost prepare, By Thy promises to prayer, We beseech Thee, hear us. Amen. Topics: Litany of Penitence; Parochial Missions; Penitence Used With Tune: [By the gracious saving call]

By and by, when the morning comes

Appears in 95 hymnals First Line: We are often tossed and driv'n on the restless sea of time Used With Tune: BY AND BY
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By thy mercy, O deliver us

Author: J. J. Cummins Appears in 94 hymnals First Line: Jesus, Lord of life and glory Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Lord of life and glory, Bend from heav'n Thy gracious ear; While our waiting souls adore Thee, Friend of helpless sinners, hear: By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord. 2 From the depths of nature's blindness, From the hardening power of sin, From all malice and unkindness, From the pride that lurks within, By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord. 3 When temptation sorely presses, In the day of Satan's power, In our times of deep distresses, In each dark and trying hour, By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord. 4 When the world around is smiling, In the time of wealth and ease, Earthly joys our hearts beguiling, In the day of health and peace, By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord. 5 In the weary hours of sickness, In the times of grief and pain, When we feel our mortal weakness, When all human help is vain. By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord. 6 In the solemn hour of dying, In the awful judgment day, May our souls, on Thee relying, Find Thee still our hope and stay: By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord. Topics: General Used With Tune: ST. RAPHAEL

By Whom Was David Taught?

Author: William Cowper Meter: Appears in 82 hymnals First Line: By whom was David taught Lyrics: 1. By whom was David taught To aim the deadly blow, When he Goliath fought, And laid the Gittite low? Nor sword nor spear the stripling took, But chose a pebble from the brook. 2. ’Twas Israel’s God and King Who sent him to the fight; Who gave him strength to fling, And skill to aim aright. Ye feeble saints, your strength endures, Because young David’s God is yours. 3. Who ordered Gideon forth, To storm th’invaders’ camp With arms of little worth, A pitcher and a lamp? The trumpets made His coming known And all the host was overthrown. 4. Oh! I have seen the day, When with a single word, God helping me to say, My trust is in the Lord, My soul hath quelled a thousand foes Fearless of all that could oppose. 5. But unbelief, self will, Self righteousness, and pride, How often do they steal My weapon from my side! Yet David’s Lord, and Gideon’s Friend, Will help His servant to the end. Used With Tune: CHRIST CHURCH Text Sources: Olney Hymns, (London: W. Oliver, 1779), number 17
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By-and-by, by-and-by

Author: Rev. R. Turnbull Appears in 79 hymnals First Line: There is a place of sacred rest

By Thy Birth and by Thy Tears

Author: Robert Grant; Thomas Cotterill Meter: Appears in 73 hymnals Lyrics: 1. By Thy birth and by Thy tears, By Thy human griefs and fears, By Thy conflict in the hour Of the subtle tempter’s power; Savior, look with pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die. 2. By the tenderness that wept O’er the grave where Lazarus slept; By the bitter tears that flowed Over Salem’ s lost abode, Savior, look with pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die. 3. By Thy lonely hour of prayer, By Thy fearful conflict there, By Thy cross and dying cries, By the one great sacrifice; Savior, look with pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die. 4. By Thy triumph o’er the grave, By Thy power the lost to save, By Thy high, majestic throne, By the empire all Thine own; Savior, look with pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die. Used With Tune: REDHEAD Text Sources: Christian Observer, 1815 (original title: "Savior, When in Dust to Thee")
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By God's Hand

Appears in 72 hymnals First Line: Slowly, by Thy hand unfurl'd Used With Tune: [Slowly, by Thy hand unfurl'd]
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By Faith in Christ I Walk with God

Author: John Henry Newman Appears in 67 hymnals Refrain First Line: With Him sweet converse I maintain Lyrics: 1 By faith in Christ I walk with God, With Heav’n my journey’s end in view; Supported by His staff and rod, My road is safe and pleasant too. Chorus: With Him sweet converse I maintain, Great as He is I dare be free; I tell Him all my grief and pain, And He reveals His love to me. 2 Tho’ snares and dangers throng my path, And earth and hell my course withstand, I triumph over all by faith, Guarded by His almighty hand. [Chorus] 3 The wilderness affords no food, But God for my support prepares, Provides me ev’ry needful good, And frees my soul from wants and cares. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [By faith in Christ I walk with God]
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By nature all men are sinners

Appears in 62 hymnals First Line: Fools, in their hearts, believe and say Lyrics: 1 Fools, in their hearts, believe and say, "That all religion’s vain, "There is no God that reigns on high, "Or minds th’ affairs of men." 2 From thoughts so dreadful and profane Corrupt discourse proceeds, And in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. 3 The Lord from his celestial throne Look'd down on things below, To find the man that sought his grace, Or did his justice know. 4 By nature all are gone astray, Their practice all the same; There’s none that fears his Maker’s hand, There’s none that loves his name. 5 Their tongues are us'd to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease; How swift to mischief are their feet! Nor know the paths of peace. 6 Such seeds of sin (that bitter root) In ev'ry heart are found; Nor can they bear diviner fruit, 'Till grace refine the ground. Scripture: Psalm 14
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By and By

Author: W. T. D. Appears in 53 hymnals First Line: Over Jordan we shall meet Lyrics: 1 Over Jordan we shall meet, By and by, by and by, In a fellowship so sweet, By and by, by and by; We shall gather on the shore, With our kindred gone before, And the Savior's name adore, By and by, by and by. 2 All our sorrows shall be past, By and by, by and by; We shall reach our home at last, By and by, by and by; With the ransomed we shall stand There, a holy, happy band, Crowned with glory in that land, By and by, by and by. 3 There we'll join the ransomed throng, By and by, by and by, Chanting love's redeeming song, By and by, by and by; There we'll meet before the throne, There we'll lay our trophies down, And receive a shining crown, By and by, by and by. Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:14 Used With Tune: [Over Jordan we shall meet]
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By and By When the Morning Comes

Appears in 52 hymnals First Line: Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand Lyrics: Chorus: By and by when the morning comes All the saints of God are gathering home, We will tell the story how we overcome, We will understand it better by and by. 1 Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed promised land, But he'll guide us with His eye, And we'll follow till we die, we will understand it better by and by. [Chorus] 2 We are often destitute of the things that life demands, Want of shelter and of food thirsty hills and barren land, But we're trusting in the Lord, And according to His word we will understand it better by and by. [Chorus] 3 Temptations, hidden snares often take us unawares, And our hearts are made to bleed for each thoughtless word or deed, And we wonder why the test, When we try to do our best, but we'll understand it better by and by. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand]

By a young lady on her death bed

Appears in 49 hymnals First Line: 'Tis low down in that [the] beautiful valley
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By His Stripes We are Healed

Author: James Martineau Appears in 44 hymnals First Line: A voice upon the midnight air Topics: The Lord Jesus Christ Passion and Death Used With Tune: CRUX CRUDELIS
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By and by

Author: Edna L. Park Appears in 43 hymnals First Line: We shall reach the summer land Used With Tune: SOME SWEET DAY

By one man came death

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Appears in 42 hymnals First Line: Adam our father and our head Transgressed
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By Grace, through Faith

Appears in 40 hymnals First Line: We have no outward righteousness Used With Tune: HEBRON
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By Grace we are saved

Meter: Appears in 37 hymnals First Line: Self rightous souls on works rely Lyrics: 1 Self righteous souls on works rely, And boast their mortal dignity; But if I lisp a song of praise, Grace is the note my soul shall raise. 2 'Twas grace that quicken'd me when dead, And grace my soul to Jesus led; Grace brings me pardon for my sin-- 'Tis grace subdues my lusts within. 3 'Tis grace that sweetens ev'ry cross, 'Tis grace supports in ev'ry loss; In Jesus' grace my soul is strong:-- Grace is my hope and Christ my song. 4 'Tis grace defends when danger's near; And 'tis by grace I persevere; 'Tis grace constrains my soul to love-- Free grace is all they sing above. 5 Thus 'tis alone of grace I boast, And 'tis in grace alone I trust; For all that's past, grace is my theme, For what's to come, 'tis still the same. 6 Thro' endless years, of grace I'll sing, Adore and bless my heavenly King; I'll cast my crown before his throne, And shout free grace to him alone. Topics: Christ Salvation Through Him

By Various Maxims, Forms And rules

Author: John Newton Meter: Appears in 36 hymnals Lyrics: 1 By various maxims, forms and rules, That pass for wisdom in the schools, I strove my passion to restrain; But all my efforts proved in vain. 2 But since the Savior I have known My rules are all reduced to one: To keep my Lord, by faith, in view; This strength supplies, and motives too. 3 I see Him lead a suffering life, So patient midst reproach and strife; And from His pattern courage take To bear, and suffer, for His sake. 4 Upon the cross I see Him bleed, And by the fight from guilt am freed; This sight destroys the life of sin, And quickens heav’nly life within. 5 To look to Jesus as He rose Confirms my faith, disarms my foes; I Satan shame and overcome, By pointing to my Savior’s tomb. 6 Exalted on His glorious throne, I see Him make my cause His own; Then all my anxious cares subside, For Jesus lives, and will provide. 7 I see Him look with pity down, And hold in view the conqueror’s crown; If pressed with griefs and cares before, My soul revives, and asks no more. 8 By faith I see the hour at hand When in His presence I shall stand; Then it will be my endless bliss, To see Him where, and as He is. Used With Tune: ALSTONE Text Sources: Olney Hymns (London, W. Oliver, 1779), Book 1

By Faith We Find the Place Above

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 32 hymnals Lyrics: 1. By faith we find the place above, The Rock that rent in twain; Beneath the shade of divine love, And in the clefts remain. 2. Jesus, to Thy dear wounds we flee, We sink into Thy side; Assured that all who trust in Thee Shall evermore abide. 3. Then let the thundering trumpet sound, The latest lightning glare, The mountains melt, the solid ground Dissolve as liquid air. 4. The huge celestial bodies roll, Amidst that general fire, And shrivel as a parchment scroll, And all in smoke expire! 5. Yet still the Lord, the Savior reigns, When nature is destroyed, And no created thing remains Throughout the flaming void. 6. Sublime upon His azure throne, He speaks the almighty word; His fiat is obeyed! ’tis done; And Paradise restored. 7. So be it! let this system end, This ruinous earth and skies, The new Jerusalem descend, The new creation rise! 8. Thy power omnipotent assume, Thy brightest majesty! And when Thou dost in glory come, My Lord, remember me! 9. These verses are part of a larger hymn. Here are the remaining verses, shown in Wesley’s hymnal before the ones above. 10. Woe to the men on earth who dwell, Nor dread the Almighty’s frown, When God doth all His wrath reveal, And shower his judgments down! 11. Sinners, expect those heaviest showers, To meet your God prepare; For, lo! the seventh angel pours His phial in the air. 12. Lo! from their seats the mountains leap, The mountains are not found; Transported far into the deep, And in the ocean drowned. 13. Who then shall live, and face the throne, And face the Judge severe? When heaven and earth are fled and gone, O where shall I appear? 14. Now, only now, against that hour We may a place provide; Beyond the grave, beyond the power Of hell, our spirits hide. 15. Firm in the all destroying shock, May view the final scene; For, lo! the everlasting Rock Is cleft to take us in. Used With Tune: ABIDING GRACE Text Sources: Hymns Occasioned by the Earthquake, March 8, 1750, second edition, 1756
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By and by we'll go home to meet them

Appears in 31 hymnals First Line: Where, O where are the Hebrew children

By the Poor Widow's Oil and Meal

Author: John Newton Meter: Appears in 30 hymnals Lyrics: 1. By the poor widow’s oil and meal Elijah was sustained; Though small the stock it lasted well, For God the store maintained. 2. It seemed as if from day to day, They were to eat and die; But still, though in a secret way, He sent a fresh supply. 3. Thus to His poor He still will give Just for the present hour; But for tomorrow they must live Upon His word and power. 4. No barn or storehouse they possess On which they can depend; Yet have no cause to fear distress, For Jesus is their Friend. 5. Then let not doubts your mind assail, Remember, God has said, The cruse and barrel shall not fail; My people shall be fed. 6. And thus though faint it often seems, He keeps their grace alive; Supplied by His refreshing streams, Their dying hopes revive. 7. Though in ourselves we have no stock, The Lord is nigh to save; His door flies open when we knock, And ’tis but ask and have. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Olney Hymns (London: W. Oliver, 1779), number 36
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By His Stripes We Are Healed

Author: T. H. Appears in 29 hymnals First Line: O the wondrous pow'r of a Savior's love Refrain First Line: By His stripes we are heal'd Lyrics: 1 O the wondrous pow’r of a Savior’s love To the sinful and sick reveal’d! Ev’ry ling’ring pain Jesus can remove Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.” Refrain: By His stripes we are heal’d, By His stripes we are heal’d; On His guiltless head All our sins were laid, By His stripes we are heal’d. 2 There in Pilate’s hall see the guiltless One; How the hearts of His foes were steel’d! How they pierc’d with thorn God’s beloved Son! Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.” [Refrain] 3 His atoning blood still avails today; For the kingdom be sav’d and seal’d; In the open’d fount wash your stains away, Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.” [Refrain] 4 Turn away from sin, let the Christ come in, Bow the heart in contrition, yield To His mighty pow’r this accepted hour, Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.” [Refrain] Used With Tune: [O the wondrous pow'r of a Savior's love]
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By the blood that flowed from Thee

Appears in 29 hymnals Used With Tune: TITCHFIELD

By the Babylonian Rivers

Author: Edward Bash Appears in 25 hymnals First Line: By the Babylonian rivers Topics: Faith and Prayer Scripture: Psalm 137 Used With Tune: [By the Babylonian rivers]
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By Thee Delivered

Appears in 25 hymnals First Line: O Lord, by Thee delivered Scripture: Psalm 30 Used With Tune: [O Lord, by Thee delivered]


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