Tune Results

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Showing 1 - 50 of 696
Tune TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
EVENTIDE»Particular Times of Worship Evening; New Heaven and a New Earth Death and Eternal Life; Assurance; Calmness and Serenity; Comfort; Eternal Life; Evening Prayer; Funerals and Memorial Services; Grief; Jesus Christ Cross; Jesus Christ Presence
RHOSYMEDRE»Church Year Advent; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Friends; God as Refuge; God as Rock; God's Friendship; God's Justice; God's Nearness; God's Presence; Lament General; Prayer; Trust; Worship
NICAEA»Church Year Trinity Sunday; Daily Prayer Morning; Darkness; God's Holiness; God's Might; Elements of Worship Opening of Worship: Called And Gathered
SCOTT»Call to Worship; Jesus Our Love for Him; Missions and Evangelism; Prayer
FINLANDIA»Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Social Holiness; Particular Times of Worship Special Days; Nation; Peace, World; Prayer
SPANISH HYMN»The Grace of Jesus Christ In Praise of Christ; Children's Choir Selections; Christian Year Easter; Eternal Life; Funerals and Memorial Services; Jesus Christ; Morning Prayer; Music and Singing; Opening Hymns; Service Music Greeting/Call to Worship
BUNESSAN»The Glory of the Triune God Creation; Particular Times of Worship Morning; Adoration and Praise; Children's Choir Selections; Creation; Morning Prayer; Nature; Opening Hymns; Service Music Greeting/Call to Worship
GROSSER GOTT»Canticles, Metrical Paraphrase of; The Glory of the Triune God Praise and Thanksgiving; Adoration and Praise; Canticles, Metrical Paraphrase of; Christian Year Trinity Sunday; Jesus Christ Atonement; Judgment; Kingdom of God; Morning Prayer; Music and Singing; Opening Hymns; Service Music Greeting/Call to Worship; Service Music Doxology; Trinity
MORNING SONG»Christ's Gracious Life Birth and Baptism; Canticles, Metrical Paraphrase of; Christian Year Christmas; Christian Year Epiphany; Christ's Gracious Life Birth and Baptism; Particular Times of Worship Evening; Canticles, Metrical Paraphrase of; Christian Year Christmas; Christian Year Epiphany; Evening Prayer; Jesus Christ; Salvation
[Rock of Ages cleft for me]» Worship in General Prayer and Praise
ST. BRIDE»Prayer and Worship
HURSLEY» Prayer and Worship
LEAD ME, LORD»Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Prayer, Trust, Hope; Particular Times of Worship Closing of Worship; Hope; Service Music Prayer for Illumination; Service Music Invitation to Prayer; Service Music Prayer Responses
DIJON»Prayer and Invocation; Close of Worship; Opening of Service; Prayer; Close of Worship; Opening of Service; Prayer
RETREAT»The Church Worship - Praise and Prayer
[Before Jehovah's awful throne]»Prayer and Worship
HYMN TO JOY»God Praise and Thanksgiving; Adoration and Praise; Church Community in Christ; Creation; Ecology; Faith Journey; Funerals and Memorial Services; God Creator; God Image (Father); God Love; Good News, Gospel; Heaven(s)/Paradise; Life; Light; Love; Love for Others; Mercy; Morning; Morning Prayer; Music and Singing; Nature; Opening Hymns; Petition; Processionals (Opening of Worship); Repentance; Triumph; Trust; Worship; Epiphany Last/Transfig. Year A; Proper 18 Year A; Advent 3 Year B; Easter 5 Year B; Proper 21 Year B; Proper 24 Year B; Thanksgiving Year B; Advent 3 Year C; Easter 4 Year C; Trinity Sunday Year C
CHUQUISACA»Church Worship and Prayer
ELLERTON»Adoration; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Abiding in God's House; Christ Anointed; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Christians Growth of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Christians Pilgrims and Strangers; Church Beloved of Saints; Dedication of Church; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Abounding; Grace Growth in; Grace Restoring; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; House of God Described; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Perseverance; Pilgrim Spirit; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; The Righteous Blessedness of; Steadfastness; Trust in God Blessedness of; Walking with God; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship public; Zeal True; Zion Glory of
CALM»Afflictions From the Wicked; Aspirations For Heaven; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Character Vicious; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Death Comfort In; Decision; Enemies Many and Mighty; Etermal Life; Fidelity; God Our Guardian; God Our Guide; God Hearer of Prayer; God Righteousness of; Heart Searching of; Heaven; Nature Sinners Typified in; Patience; Perseverance; Prayer Complaint in; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies; Prayer Pleas in; Prayer Promise to; Prayer Sincerity in; Preservation; Prosperity Without God's Blessing; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward; Riches; The Righteous Contrasted with the Wicked; Sin Salvation from; Sincerity; Temptation; Trust in God Blessedness of; The Wicked Condemnation of; Worship Sincerity in
[May those who are wise]»Blessing; Church Year Easter; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Testimony; Fear; God as Deliverer; God's Sorrow; God's Sovereignty; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Gratitude; Life Stages Children; Love; Mercy; Poverty; Prayer; Return from Exile; Salvation; Ten Commandments 3rd Commandment (do not take the name of the Lord in vain); The Needy; Victory; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year B, Lent, 4th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6
[I look to the hills, to the faraway hills]»Assurance; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Comfort and Encouragement; Daily Prayer Evening Prayer; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Sending; Endurance; Evil; God as Refuge; God as Shepherd; God as Creator; God's Will; God's Armor; God's Love; God's Majesty; God's Nearness; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Presence; God's Protection; God's Strength; New Creation; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Funerals; Peace; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Family of God; Prayer; Songs of Zion; Year A, Lent, 2nd Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22; Settings Especially Appropriate for Children
[The trees of God are full of life]»Christ Providences of; Christ Worshiped; Evening Psalms; God Adored and Exalted; God Creator; God Glorious; Holy Spirit; Meditation; Morning Psalm; Nature A Revelation of God; Praise For Temporal Mercies; Praise For Works of Creation; Praise To God; Prayer Imprecations in; Providence of God Over His Creatures; Purposes of God; Royalty of Christ Providential; The Wicked Prayers for Punishment of
[How blest the man whose trespass]»Afflictions For sin; Afflictions Promises for; Afflictions Refuge in; Blessedness Of God's Chosen; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Believers; Christians Conflicts of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; God Hearer of Prayer; God Our Teacher; Gospel Invitations of ; Heart Claimed of God; Joy A Gift from God; Pardon; Penitence; Prayer Complaint in; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer Sincerity in; Repentance; Safety Assured; Salvation God's Gift; Sickness Sickness; Sin Confessed; Sin Conviction of; Sin Salvation from; Worship Only as God Appoints
[O Lord, do Thou bow down Thy ear]»Adoration; Afflictions Prayer in; Anger of God Slow; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Bible Spirit's Aid in Study; Christ Exaltation; Christ Glorying in; Christ The Savior; Christ Worshiped; Comfort in Trials; Deliverance from death; Faith Confession of; Faith Walking by; God Compassionate; God Father; God Glorious; God Hearer of Prayer; God Supremacy of; God Our Teacher; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Hell; Holiness; Idolatry; Mercy of God Great; Mercy of God Prayer for the; Miracles; Missions Encouragements; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Ultimate Subjection of; Pardon; Praise By All men; Praise For God's Power; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise To God; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer Pleas in; Salvation Prayers for; Truth; Worship Only as God Appoints
[Happy the people]»Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Trinity Sunday; Daily Prayer Night Prayer; Earth; Elements of Worship Sending; Endurance; God Trust in; God as Shield; God as Spirit; God as Creator; God's Seeing; God's Sovereignty; God's Word; God's Armor; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Name; God's Providence; Hope; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Joy; Justice; Love; Mercy; Musical Instruments; Patience; The Creation; Trust; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 5-11 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13
[Dona, dona, dona nobis pacem]»Biblical Names and Places David; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Church Year Advent; Church Year Lent; Church Year Pentecost; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Elements of Worship Gathering; Faith; Freedom; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God's Safety; God's Will; God's Forgiveness; God's Friendship; God's Glory; God's House; God's Judgments; God's Justice; God's law; God's Love; God's Presence; Grace; Gratitude; Healing; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Love; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Peace; People of God / Church Family of God; Prayer; Processions; Rejoicing; Rest; Songs of Zion; Temple; Temptation And Trial; The Incarnation; Unity and Fellowship; Unity of the Church; Worship; Year A, Advent, 1st Sunday
HYFRYDOL» Church Worship and Prayer
[Our Father, who art in heaven]»Prayer and Worship
DRESDEN»Prayer and Worship
ARLINGTON»Prayer and Worship
EXCELSIOR (BETHANY)»The Church at Worship Funeral; Biblical Characters Jacob; Biblical Narrative; Biblical Places Bethel; Comfort/Consolation; Commitment; Eternal Life; Faith; Funerals and Memorial Services; Grief; Pilgrimage and Conflict; Prayer; Reconciliation; Security; Suffering; Sun; Supplication; Venture; Wandering from God; Proper 7 Year A; Proper 11 Year A; Proper 19 Year B; Proper 20 Year B
['Tis the blessed hour of prayer]»Prayer and Worship
[In the secret of His presence how my soul delights to hide]» Prayer and Worship
HYMN»Prayer and Invocation; Close of Worship; Opening of Service; Prayer; Close of Worship; Opening of Service; Prayer
I AM THINE»Commitment; Grace; Hope; Inner Peace; Joy; Love for Jesus Christ; Love of God for Us; Obedience; Petition, Prayer; Service; Worship and Adoration
HENDON»Prayer and Worship
ST. AGNES»Prayer and Worship
REDHEAD, 47» Prayer and Worship
KYRIE» Resources for Worship Prayers of Petition
MINSTER»The Church Worship - Praise and Prayer
DONA NOBIS PACEM»Justifying Grace Assurance; Particular Times of Worship Evening; Assurance; Calmness and Serenity; Evening Prayer; Peace, World; Rounds; Service Music Prayer Responses; Service Music Sending Forth
[O come let us sing unto the Lord]»Canticles; The Glory of the Triune God Praise and Thanksgiving; Particular Times of Worship Opening of Worship; Adoration and Praise; Canticles; Morning Prayer; Music and Singing; Opening Hymns; Service Music Greeting/Call to Worship; Service Music Doxology
[Lord, have mercy, have mercy upon us]»Biblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Broken-hearted; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Offering; Endurance; Forgiveness; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Spirit; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Protection; Grace; Guilt; Humility; Joy; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 5th petition (forgive us our sins as we forgive…); Mercy; Offering of Sacrifice; Renewal; Servants of God; Sorrow; Suffering; Ten Commandments 7th Commandmnet (do not commit adultery); The Fall; Year A, B, C, Lent, Ash Wednesday; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17; Texts in Languages Other than English Xhosa
WOODLANDS»Canticles, Metrical Paraphrase of; The Glory of the Triune God Providence; Christ's Gracious Life Promised Coming; Particular Times of Worship Evening; Adoration and Praise; Canticles, Metrical Paraphrase of; Christian Year Advent; Evening Prayer; Freedom and Liberation; Jesus Christ; Joy
GENEVAN 134/OLD HUNDREDTH»Responses To Prayer; Elements of Worship Opening of Worship: Called And Gathered; Elements of Worship Charge and Blessing
ST. CLEMENT»Particular Times of Worship Evening; Adoration and Praise; Church Ecumenism; Evening Prayer; Gratitude; Kingdom of God
[The glory of the Lord shall be revealed]»Canticles; The Glory of the Triune God Providence; Christ's Gracious Life Promised Coming; Particular Times of Worship Evening; Adoration and Praise; Canticles; Christian Year Advent; Commitment; Evening Prayer; Freedom and Liberation; Jesus Christ; Prayer
WELCOME»Body of Christ; Brothers; Builder; Church; City of God; Dancing; Dreams; Earth and Environment; Ecumenism; Feast; Grace; Griefs; Hands; Healing; Heaven; Hope; Invitation; Jerusalem; Joy; Kneeling; Least; Light; Loneliness; World Peace; Places; Plant; Power and Might; Prayer; Presence (God); Seeds; Service to Others; Sharing; Table; Times; Togetherness; Unity; Voices; Welcome; Worship; Body of Christ; Brothers; Builder; Christian Year and Observances Pentecost; Church; City of God; Dancing; Dreams; Earth and Environment; Ecumenism; Feast; Grace; Griefs; Hands; Healing; Heaven; Hope; Invitation; Jerusalem; Joy; Kneeling; Least; Light; Loneliness; World Peace; Places; Plant; Power and Might; Prayer; Presence (God); Seeds; Service to Others; Sharing; Table; Times; Togetherness; Unity; Voices; Welcome; Worship
RHUDDLAN»The Church in the World Commitment: Peace and Justice; Church Anniversaries; Church Mission; Church Triumphant; Commitment; Confession; Conflict and Struggle; Courage; Discipleship and Service; Empowerment; Freedom; Funerals and Memorial Services; God Glory; God Goodness; God Power/Might; God Wisdom; Grace; Justice; Opening Hymns; Peace (World); Processionals (Opening of Worship); Recessionals; Service Music Prayer Responses; Sin; Social Concerns; Trials; Warfare (Spiritual); Weddings; Wisdom; Youth; Epiphany 4 Year A; Lent 3 Year A; Easter 5 Year A; Proper 15 Year A; Proper 28 Year A; Reign of Christ Year A; Lent 2 Year B; Lent 3 Year B; Proper 6 Year B; Proper 7 Year B; Reign of Christ Year B; Easter 6 Year C; Easter 6 Year C; Proper 10 Year C; Proper 15 Year C; Proper 22 Year C


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