Text Is Public Domain |
| | The Lord's Prayer | Our Father in heaven | | | | English | | Father in heaven, hallowed be your ... | | Luke 11:2-4 | | | Meeting with God's People Prayer | | LANGDON |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 743 | 0 | 7567 | 27 |
| | Prayer Is the Soul's Supreme Desire | Prayer is the soul's supreme desire | | | | English | James Montgomery | | | Luke 11:1 | Hymns for Today's Church, 1982, rev. | | Prayer | | |  | | | 1 | | | 853 | 0 | 17075 | 18 |
| | Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God | Seek ye first the kingdom of god | | | | English | Karen Lafferty | Seek ye first the kingdom of God and ... | Irregular | Luke 11:9 | | | Choruses, Refrains; Invitation to Discipleship; Kingdom of God; Prayer; Scripture Hymns and Songs | | LAFFERTY | | | | | 1 | | 79 | 0 | 16423 | 15 |
| | "Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive" | "Forgive our sins as we forgive" | | | | English | Rosamond E. Herklots, 1905-87 | "Forgive our sins as we forgive," You ... | | Luke 11:4 | | | Society | | DETROIT | | | | | 1 | | 69 | 0 | 952073 | 12 |
| | Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright | Lord, teach us how to pray aright | | | | English | James Montgomery | Lord, teach us how to pray aright with ... | | Luke 11:1 | | | Faith and Aspiration; Jesus Christ Teachings | | GLENLUCE |   | 229552 | | | 1 | | 225 | 0 | 13363 | 10 |
| | Spirit of God, Who Dwells within My Heart | Spirit of God, who dwells within my heart | | | | English | George Croly | Spirit of God, who dwells within my ... | | Luke 11:13 | | | Love Our Love to God; Pentecost and Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit; Love Our Love to God; Pilgrimage & Conflct | | MORECAMBE |     | 222228 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 345 | 1 | 3359 | 7 |
| | O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand | O God of Bethel, by whose hand | | | | English | Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751; John Logan, 1748-1788 | | | Luke 11:1-13 | | | Aniversary of Parish/Church; Bread; Gathering of the Community; Jacob; Pilgrimage; Prayer; Trust | | SALZBURG |  | | | | 1 | | 382 | 0 | 1150051 | 6 |
| | Make Me a Channel of Your Peace | Make me a channel of your peace | O Master, grant that I may never seek | Prayer of St. Francis | | English | Sebastian Temple, 1928-1998 | Make me a channel of your peace. Where ... | Irregular | Luke 11:4 | | | | | PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS | | | | | 1 | | 40 | 0 | 962713 | 6 |
| | Virgin-born, We Bow before You | Virgin-born, we bow before you | | | | English | Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 | Virgin-born, we bow before you: Blessed ... | D | Luke 11:27 | | | Mary Mother of God; Christmas Season; Holy Family; Mary, Mother of God; Family Life; Song | | MON DIEU PRETE MOI L'OREILLE |  | | | | 1 | | 33 | 0 | 1294651 | 6 |
| | Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts | Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts | | Jesu, dulcedo cordium | Latin | English | Ray Palmer (1808-1887) | Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, thou ... | | Luke 11:9 | 12th century | | The Church Celebrates Holy Communion; Longing | | MARYTON |     | 221512 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 566 | 1 | 1005656 | 5 |
| | Renew Your Church, Her Ministries Restore | Renew the church, her ministries restore | | | | English | Kenneth L. Cober | Renew your church, her ministries ... | | Luke 11:1 | | | Church Ministry and Ministers; Church Nature; Christian Education; Race Relations; Social Concerns; Word of God | | ALL IS WELL | | | | | 1 | | 27 | 0 | 17489 | 5 |
| | If You Believe and I Believe | If you believe and I believe | | | | English | | you believe and I believe And we ... | | Luke 11:9-13 | Zimbabwean traditional | | Perseverance | | [If you believe and I believe] |   | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 22 | 0 | 32715 | 5 |
| | Sweet Hour of Prayer | Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer | | | | English | William W. Walford, 1772-1850 | Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of ... | D | Luke 11:12 | | | | | SWEET HOUR |     | 223107 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1321 | 1 | 961765 | 4 |
| | All good gifts around us | We plough the field and scatter | All good gifts around us | | | English | Matthias Claudius (1740-1815); Jane Montgomery Campbell (1817-1878) | We plough the fields and scatter the ... | D with refrain | Luke 11:3 | | | Our Response to God in times and seasons; Gratitude; Harvest; Offering of gifts; Providence; Summer; Winter | | WIR PFLÜGEN |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 459 | 0 | 998124 | 4 |
| | The Spirit and the Bride | O thou that hearest prayer! | | | | English | John Burton | O thou that hearest prayer! Attend our ... | | Luke 11:13 | | | Church Institutions of; Church Revival of; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table | | WARSAW |   | | | | 1 | | 229 | 0 | 1053514 | 4 |
| | Blessed Jesus, at Your Word | Blessed Jesus, at Your word | | | | English | Tobias Clausnitzer; Catherine Winkworth | Blessèd Jesus, at Your word We are ... | | Luke 11:28 | | | Jesus Christ Praise; Morning and Opening Hymns | | LIEBSTER JESU |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 147 | 0 | 9301 | 4 |
| | 'Thy kingdom come!'– on bended knee | 'Thy kingdom come!'– on bended knee | | | | English | Frederick Lucian Hosmer (1840-1929) | 'Thy kingdom come!'--on bended knee the ... | | Luke 11:2 | | | Life in Christ Christ Risen - Coming Again; Christian Year Advent; Justice and Peace; Kingdom of God | | IRISH |     | 221505 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 103 | 1 | 1002534 | 4 |
| | Trust and Obey | When we walk with the Lord | Trust and obey—For there's no other way | | | English | John H. Sammis, 1846-1919 | When we walk with the Lord In the ... | 6.6.9 D with refrain | Luke 11:28 | | | Bible--Word of God; Fellowship with God; Christian Pilgrimage; Testimony, Witness and Evangelism | | TRUST AND OBEY |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 458 | 0 | 973964 | 3 |
| | Spirit divine, attend our prayers | Spirit divine, attend our prayers | | | | English | Andrew Reed (1787-1862) | Spirit divine, attend our prayers, and ... | | Luke 11:13 | | | The Holy Spirit The Coming of the Spirit; Our Response to God in the worship of God's house; Christian Year Pentecost; Church Worship; Holy Spirit name and images for | | MARTYRS |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 395 | 0 | 1004418 | 3 |
| | Christ the Lord Is Risen Again | Christ the Lord is ris'n again | Alleluia! | | | English | M. Weisse; Catherine Winkworth | Alleluia! Alleluia! 1 Christ the Lord ... | with alleluia | Luke 11:21 | Christus ist erstanden | | | | CHRISTUS IST ERSTANDEN |   | | | | 1 | | 260 | 0 | 13601 | 3 |